jane x jaehyun j

Spend the next 5 days getting to know each other!
This room is strictly for Lisa Manoban and Jung Jaehyun. We hope you enjoy your time together!
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa really lucked out by catching your attention. i feel all special rn. get to go on a date with the girl who caught my eye and it's making me even more excited.

i briefly modeled for a friend, yeah. just one of my other 801 jobs, and i honestly did it because i owed said friend a favor. have you ever modeled before though? you're beautiful, so i can definitely see it.
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa you're very welcome, love! <3

that makes sense though. do you get homesick a lot though? i know you visit them every month or so, but i imagine seeing them and having to leave them only makes you miss them even more sometimes. my family is kind of scattered and very busy usually, so i don't see them all that often, but when i do, we have a LOT of fun to make up for the time apart and the time we're going to spend away.

my concern and attraction suddenly rising ngl. :marge_hiding:
on a serious note, i do agree, but also pleasantly surprised by your knowledge of flowers. i don't usually pay attention to flower meanings unless i'm gifting them to someone, and they don't normally like the same ones i do. guess being knowledgeable about flowers comes with the wedding planner gig, though, right? you're also the first sunflower hater i've met btw. it's kind of refreshing.

no need to be so humble though!! i have a feeling you're better than you're letting on and maybe just maybe you'll be able to teach me something cool. :D
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun absolutely cute enough to get you on that date with me.

also in that first pic, where are you? because you literally look like a model. What did you use to model as well?
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun You’re the sweetest, thank you <3

as for moving my family? nah. they love thailand and that’s where they wanna be and I respect that. i make it an effort to see them every other month pf every other two months. So i don’t miss me /too/ much. how often do you get together with your family? I take it often?
Good! I’m glad you live life without regrets, sometimes being mopey and sad about life makes experiences worse.

HAHAHAHAHAHAA poisonous but not deadly u3u
peonies and magnolias? I love that! Magnolias are a symbol of endurance and perseverance, i think it fits you quite nicely. anddddd I personally find sunflowers to be ugly. they make for an aesthetic background if you have nice sky with it but sunflowers on their own? Mmmm shakhahahah.

PAINTING PRO MY ASSSSSS LMAOOOOO. I’m mediocre at best, i just like having a hobby but yes lets paint together sometime! It would be fun
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa also

are they cute enough to get me on that date with you?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa no need to apologize! i figured you were busy, i just had a question... or two, rather. wishing you all the best with your next wedding project too! praying you don't get a bride/groomzilla!

i'll be sure to tell them that!! your parents seem to have done a great job too! didn't know you before, so it might be weird to say this, but you seem like you shaped up to be a lovely and loving young woman based on vibes.

you ever think about moving your family out here? idk if that's even a possibility, but i'd like to think you guys could make something like that happen if you ever wanted to. as for having no regrets... i don't know, i try not to do things i'll regret in the first place and i feel like even if i do, it's just a learning lesson, y'know? it's hard for me to really regret anything because i have a mindset that everything happens as it should.

hibiscus flowers... iirc those were one of the "pretty but poisonous" flowers. gonna note that down. and i get what you mean! i think pink, white, and purple flowers together give off that soft, lighthearted feel. i can't narrow down a favorite flower of my own, but i really like peonies and magnolias. i also find myself drawn to hydrangeas. sunflowers are cool and all, but who doesn't like sunflowers these days?
when can i paint with you then? i wanna learn from the painting pro herself!
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun also

you have v cute dimples
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun Aaaahhhh hi!!!!
Sorry I’ve been away, i am starting on my next wedding project soon so I’m aligning all my ducks in a row.
I like to venture out of my comfort zone because how else are we going to grow yk?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay okay I won’t out your kink to the whole world I guesssss. But on a real, I think your grandparents did pretty okay based off what I can tell!

as for thailand i miss it lots because i miss my family but i had to move. I couldn’t be the girl from the small village in the countryside all my life. I have no regrets and I hope you won’t either. It seems like you haven’t found your passion yet and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re young, remember? You got time.

My favorite flower is hibiscus flowers. they’re so pretty and native to Thailand. i really like pink and white flowers together, it just gives a lighthearted aesthetic? Idk if that makes sense. do you have a favorite flower? And if you say sunflower i will slander you.
and I like all styles of painting especially splash painting hahahaha, it’s so fun.
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa random question, but do you have a go-to flower arrangement? or just flowers you personally like together?
random question pt 2, but you said you paint, right? what kind of painting? finger painting? body paint? just regular old painting?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa oh no, not about my life. i'm the kind of guy who has to try things out at least once to satiate my curiosity. of course, i still have my limits, but life is no fun (at least to me) if you stay in your comfort zone. what about you?

what can i say, heart been broke so many times i'm used to it i guess. and stop calling me cute dnsjngj got me giggling behind my screen or whateva.
maybe it is, maybe it isn't. depends on where it may land me. ;-]
but yeah, my grandparents are the absolute BEST!!!! so i'm kinda glad my parents weren't as involved as they were. and hey hey quiet down, don't be so mf LOUD LMAO. cannot confirm nor deny whether or not that is the case, but if it was dON'T LOOK AT ME!!!

ah, so wedding planning was the only thing you were really into then? glad it got you out of thailand in that case, but do you ever miss it? do you visit?
*801 jobs, but that's a good question. i wanna say i like helping out at the gym because i like boxing a lot, but i think i just like helping people in general. that's how i ended up with all my jobs tbh. i don't have my life figured out enough to really know what i'm passionate about though. wanted to be an astronaut at one point, then i wanted to be an athlete, then i wanted to be in a bad, and now i just feel kinda lost, i guess.
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun Would you say about how you live your life? like stay within the comfort zone of what you know and thats all ?

you’re stronger than I am but i have faith. you seem to be really understanding and you’re really cute , literally. I hope you find what you’re looking for because you deserve to happy like everyone else.
also is this you saying you alr have a crush on me sir? >:)
RAISE BY GRANDPARENTS! Even better. Thats so cute , no wonder you’re such a soft boy. well from what I’ve seen anyways. so they mommy and daddy issues sprouted a breed kink- got it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If i hadn’t chose this career path I probably would’ve been in an office chair back in Thailand. Bor-ing! Rather die than live a mundane life.
what about you? you work like 800 jobs no? Which is your favorite and are you passionate about any of them?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa same here! i'm not as confident in trying things that are out-there though, so i stick to what i know. even if the "out-there" looks are comfortable.

damn, not you inflating my ego like this. :debby_ryan: you really know how to charm a guy, huh? fjfkerkfke nah, for real, i really hope cupid is just teasing. i'm at a point where i'm kind of... losing hope? i'm heartbreak king or whatever, but even i have a limit.
yeah, see, i knew i was getting older sis vibes for a reason. you kind of remind me of a friend i had that would beat me up for picking on their cousin. i mean that in a good way too because i ended up having a LONG crush on them.
i'm also an only child though and i get the mamas boy thing a lot, but i was mostly raised by my grandparents. my parents, though they love me and they try, i don't think they were cut out for parenthood. it's fine now, but the mommy and daddy issues were real growing up, LOL. honestly makes me scared to be a parent myself, but my desire to be like nick cannon and wild out is stronger. :zany:

almost forgot about this too, but have you ever considered a career change? i'm not trying to suggest anything, but i do wonder where you would be if you weren't a wedding planner.
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun just because of that I have to go out of my way just to prove you wrong- jkjk i will wear anything as long as it’s comfy yk?

yes! take my compliment because its true. You’re adorable and even more so now that I know you’re a valentines baby. maybe cupid is teasing your love life and saving you for someone special?
I actually don’t have any siblings but i did grow up with many baby cousins which were practically my siblings lolol
what about you? I feel you’re an only child who has attachment to one of the parents but I’m gonna assume your madre. A mamas boy fits you.
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa hard to imagine you not looking cute. seriously. i feel like you're one of those type of people that looks good in anything, and one of those people who is comfortable in their skin, i guess. noted though!

stop dsnjdnjg i'm not cute, i just... actually, i have no refusal. happily taking that compliment! :D boss me around all you want too. i won't always let you have your way, but i lowkey like when people tell me what to do. and i'm 25! born on valentine's day too. saw on your profile that you were born in march so we're not that far off from each other. do you have any siblings? if yes, younger or older? so far, i'm getting older sis vibes from you.
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
@✿ j. jaehyun well one thing to know about me above all else, is that I never do anything I don’t wish to. so if i want to look cute for in any situation, I’d do it on my own accord. no worries.

a submissive puppy? you’re so cute! well luckily for you I’m… a bit controlling shska. i get called bossy a lot lmao but - yeah i nothing to say bcs i can be. Wellll how old are you? Whens your bday?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa NFNSJDNJG listen, i'm just making sure!!!
but no, it doesn't deduct any points. just means i have to reframe my mindset. don't want you uncomfortable for my pleasure. i may be into a lot of things, but i'm not into that.

i'm ngl, i'm sure you'll end up winning most times. i'm competitive, but a er for attention and affection. people say i'm kind of like a puppy. all excitable and kinda needy.

I SAID WHAT I SAID!!! but also i don't actually have a thing for cougars, just slightly older women. they usually know more of what they want and have their priorities more in order i guess? and i think i'm only a little older than you, but rest assured! i'm a more of a sub so i don't like controlling as much. <3 ndjsnjf jk but also not really.
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
i don’t have asthma thank you very much , I’m just very … lazy. does that deduct points off my match card?
I’m not very athletic and I’m clumsy asf tbh but if you wanna see me fighting for my life while looking cute, i guesssss I’ll make an exception… one day! if we can get past the first date.

I guess if we have more dates than we’ll be fighting over who’s gonna shower who with more affection and attention - not that I mind

I would sayyyyy I don’t really notice? But older guys tend to want to control me and younger guys don’t take me seriously, and I’m gonna be honest i don’t always usually go for men lol bcs of this reason hahaha
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
damn, why "absolutely not"? you got asthma? guess, i'll stick to the safest option and prepare you a nice breakfast on the beach, but no lie— kinda wanted to see you in cute workout clothes and lowkey race you.

i also love both, but i think i'm more used to giving attention and like receiving it more than giving it these days. i love being spoiled on the low. with time, attention, and affection. not sure about my love language, but i know that at least.

random again, but every time you say "now that i'm older" or "i'm mature" my cougar kink gets triggered LOL. do you usually like older guys though or would you say you're more into younger guys?
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
I love giving attention and receiving but I definitely like to do more than I like to receive. I think gift giving is apart of my love language as well as quality time.
Now that I’m older I’m a lot more attentive and perceptive. So i like to pay extra attention to those I care about. lover or not.

what about you?
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 14 minutes ago Reply
wait, this is gonna be random as hell, but would you be open to going for a morning jog or hike sometime? or just like... eating breakfast on the beach? i've been wanting someone to do that with and you seem cool so, yknow...

jogging? absolutely not. hiking or a picnic on the beach, i will definitely make arrangements for <3
i would love to !
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
✿ m. lalisa2:16:05 AMReply
i’d leave lol

because if someone truly cares for you they wouldn’t make you do something you weren’t ready to do and they certainly wouldn’t leave you over it if it something such as that

truer words have never been spoken.
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
✿ m. lalisa2:18:24 AMReply
but what if i have fun and don’t wanna break your heart ahsks then wtf we gonna do then??

yeah attention is dangerous and I’ve matured, i don’t like too much attention anymore just for the ones im intentionally seeking it from

if you don't want to break my heart, then i'd obv be happy, but like... if you're too cute, i'm afraid i'm gonna fall hard for you. also, would you say you like giving attention more these days then?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
wait, this is gonna be random as hell, but would you be open to going for a morning jog or hike sometime? or just like... eating breakfast on the beach? i've been wanting someone to do that with and you seem cool so, yknow...
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 1 minute ago Reply
right, right. you're breaking mine after our date too. don't forget! <3

attention can be such a dangerous thing though. i think that's why i ended up staying with the person who made me their side piece, ngl. i liked them and i liked the attention they gave me. never doing that again, though. that noise, fr.

but what if i have fun and don’t wanna break your heart ahsks then wtf we gonna do then??

yeah attention is dangerous and I’ve matured, i don’t like too much attention anymore just for the ones im intentionally seeking it from
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
i’d leave lol

because if someone truly cares for you they wouldn’t make you do something you weren’t ready to do and they certainly wouldn’t leave you over it if it something such as that
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
also, the ultimatum part got me to thinking... how do you feel about them? like if someone was like "marry me, or we're through" what would you do?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
right, right. you're breaking mine after our date too. don't forget! <3

attention can be such a dangerous thing though. i think that's why i ended up staying with the person who made me their side piece, ngl. i liked them and i liked the attention they gave me. never doing that again, though. that noise, fr.
✿ j. jane 2 years ago
I’m the heartbreaker remember? okno

uhmm basically it was a “choose him or me”
it wasn’t even supposed to go that far because everyone was messing around and then feelings happened- as always

It was really toxic and not fun, at least for me. Constantly arguing with both of them and them being petty. I didn’t know what i wanted but it was partially my fault for not calling things off sooner

I wont lie, i was less mature and i liked the attention of two guys who i also liked… until I didnt
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
actually, wait, you mentioned something about this earlier. what happened with the people who liked you and hated each other?
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 2 years ago
are you chronically heartbroken like me?


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pixels [A] 2 years ago
if you still want to join here, we'll add you, but we're all about to move dnsjanjfg.
Kaworu 2 years ago
the boyz' choi chanhee is ready to be yours truly
creamsoda 2 years ago
I'll give this a shoot
Kim Wonsik is ready to be yours truly ♡
LonerKei 2 years ago
Vixx’s Jung Taekwoon is ready to be yours truly!
-delicate 2 years ago
happy birthday! :D i'm here to be a man (living and breathing not included)
pixels [A] 2 years ago
we would love some new faces to join us. or some old ones too!!
[comment deleted by owner]
668ad0af1cb9d0671208 2 years ago
I was wondering and double checking if you guys are still accepting?
-delicate 2 years ago
hi sorry i was lurking around active rps and i just wanted to tell taeyeob that he has different options for wifi usb adapters since i also ordered a pc without wifi connectivity
anyways, here's a cheap ten dollar one that will do the job:
a cheap under twenty dollar one that, also, will do the job:
a solid $85 dollar one that will /do/ the job:
themis 2 years ago
wjsn’s kim jiyeon is ready to be yours truly! ♡
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