♡ jungkook.



do not post unless invited.

— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 8 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. Jeongguk refused to dignify Seokjin with an answer, his displeasure at the whole situation growing, burning with shameful embarrassment. He hated this development with a fiery passion, one that made him want to throw across the room and yell about how unfair it was- but what he hated the most was how much he liked it. Being small compared to Seokjin, specifically.

His lips thinned into a straight line, just looking out the corner of his eye at Seokjin as the older man mocked him; the only indication of his secret conundrum was the pale red blotches staining his cheeks. His thighs twitched at the soft kiss to his sad excuse of an , Jeongguk swallowing back a whimper.

"I will end you," he hissed, looking up at Seokjin, his ears ramrod straight, his wobbly voice betraying his true feelings on the issue, "If you don't to-mmm!" Jeongguk mewled as thick lips wrapped around his , back arching into the wet warmth that brought out a rather violent full-body shiver. Jeongguk struggled to curl in on himself as he was subjected to a full-body attack(in the most loving way) of mass tentacles and torturous teasing to his most sensitive body part.

"Keep doing that, please." Jeongguk whimpered, toes digging into his sheets as his fingers flexed, desperate to tangle themselves in Seokjin's hair and keep him there- worshipping his s like they deserved. , his tongue was divine as it laved over his swollen bud; skin crawling with pleasure, precum beading at the tip of his cocklet, swiped clean by the appendage slowly pumping his tiny length. His attempts of ing into the tight grip around his was laughable as best, his hips held firm against the bed, and Jeongguks head swum from the onslaught of touching; his head falling back, ears flopping into his hair, eyes closing as his mouth opened, torn between whimpering and as pleasure rocked through him.

An unfamiliar sensation against his lips had Jeongguk freezing, frightened, his frame going taut as his eyelids flew open, breath hitching as he entirely expected to see black and white robes, a pot belly in front of him, papers half-shuffled on a wooden desk, but when he saw his bedroom ceiling and Seokjin hovering above him, rather than that place- the tension slipped from Jeongguks body immediately, sagging back into iron-grip around his legs and arms. It's okay, he tried to say with a subtle nod, this is okay, this was good, actually. His tongue curled around the slippery length prodding past his lips, and, oh, what was that?

Jeongguk's brow furrowed, tangy sweetness coating his tongue like honey, yet slid down his throat like water when he swallowed. It tingled on his lips, numbing his tongue and still, delicious, intoxicating; he couldn't get enough of it- Jeongguk panted wetly, ling more of the sweet mystery liquid that dripped from the gently ing tentacle. The niggling he'd felt earlier was now a full-blown ache to be filled and stuffed; he needed to be claimed, wanted to feel Seokjin all around him, on him, /in/ him, wanted his so bad- Jeongguk's eye flashed open(when had they closed?), frantically searching for Seokjin, lips clamping down as a particularly devious twist and soothing flick to his s had his spine arching and still nothing-

He whined- loud- in the back of his throat, hips barely grinding against the tentacle between his cheeks, held hard and fast, and unable to satisfy his mounting arousal.
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 9 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. Seokjin was still dying in a fit of giggles by the time Jeongguk sat up with his bunny ears mirroring his stance. The comical sight had another round of laughter bubbling out of Jin's throat and took him to a level of happiness he rarely reached; he rolled over and clutched his sides as his laughter grew more silent as it was replaced by his 'windshield laugh.' This whole situation had him in stitches.

While humiliation wasn't one of Seokjin's kinks and he wasn't trying to make Jeongguk feel bad, the way his had shrunk in half was too much to keep a straight face through.

The smack to his shoulder got some air returning to his lungs as he tried pulling himself together. Though he'd taken a moment on his back to relish in the hilarious moment, his tentacles didn't allow Jeongguk to squirm into hiding. Their lackadaisical motions firmed up into purposeful grips at the younger's wrists and ankles. The wrists were held steadfast against his hips to prevent any sense of shying away.

Finally, Seokjin managed to regulate his breathing. With one elbow propped against the bed, he leaned his cheek against his hand and beaming a cheeky smile at Jeongguk's side. "You know, I really don't think it's just small by comparison. I think it might just be..." Jin smoothed his palm up Jeongguk's thigh and brushed a teasing finger over his few inches, "Shrunken. Or should I say fun-sized?" Jin was having way too much fun with this revelation. "I wonder how many of yours would make up one of mine." He mused, absolutely knowing this type of talk would drive anyone mad given the circumstances. Still, he didn't want to play too much. He didn't forget his pitiful mood from mere minutes ago and how accepting Jeongguk had been.

Leaning down, a delicate kiss was placed on his tip. Jeongguk had taken care of him and he would be rewarded.

Jin didn't bother shooing his tentacles away from the bunny's limbs and instead let them explore as they wished while he trailed open mouthed kisses up Jeongguk's abdomen. It was hard not to get distracted along the way to Guk's lips, but was it really that bad if he worshiped his body a little? The s were especially hard to ignore; a simple brush against one had him and down on the soft bud. His tentacles, however, they did as they pleased. Some stay laid in their current positions, but others slid past his limbs to explore new pastures. One peacefully wrapped its way up his right leg, another taking the change to paint over the Seokjin was neglecting. Slowly, it brushed back and forth. At the same time, two other tentacles fluttered over his hips before one focused on what seemed to be Jin's greatest interest at the moment, Jeongguk's little cocklet. The tentacles were all sluggish in pace and this one was no different. Yet it slithered past his hip and pushed its way between Jeongguk's waist and the mattress until Jin felt the furry sensation of his bunny's tail against that tentacle. It was an odd sensation, though it didn't last long as it continued down past his tail and between his cheeks. At this point, Jin almost stopped out of mild concern, however it kept going. The tentacle kept moving forward until it came from up between Jeongguk's legs and began coiling around his . The roundabout trip would leave all sorts of new sensations on Jeongguk's body, and hopefully they'd be welcomed as the tentacle began to pump around his length. The feedback from so many different touches was beginning to get Jin hard, but it was the movement of one tentacle in particular that really got him going.

This tentacle left its post from Jeongguk's wrist and slithered past his collarbone, up his neck, and slowly, it brushed over his lips... An experimental press against them preceded the tip pushing between the pink tiers and into the unfamiliar abyss. It was gentle and without too much force, and Jin propped himself up again, this time watching both the tentacle and Jeongguk's reaction. He knew things involving his mouth like this wasn't a favored direction of his, nor was head. Even the tentacle was hesitant, as it must have picked up on Jin's ample mental warnings to slow down. All his tentacles were on their own missions either to explore Jeongguk or tune into Jin's desires, so he had to be the one to calm them all long enough to catch Jeongguk's reaction. This was unfamiliar territory.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 9 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] my turn to die rip sorry. If Jinnie's insulting him, feel free to include Gukkie getting hard over it(cause he will lmfao) trgww

"Why are you- What do you mean?"

Jeongguk had failed to notice Seokjin's distraction, too busy nuzzling into the crook of his neck until he felt the older shake with laughter. "Hm?" What had Seokjin acting like this? His ears stood to attention, propping himself up by his elbows, following Seokjin's gaze down.

Jeongguk's eyes popped open, in a sharp breath, eyes glued between his legs.

What the . Jeongguk's jaw dropped, and suddenly, he burned, embarrassment coursing through his veins, realising what he was staring at and what had Seokjin bent over with laughter. Or rather, what he /wasn't/ staring at, Jeongguk should say.

His , his poor, lovely that sat at a previously respectable smidgen above the average of 5.7 inches, reduced to a pathetic... Jeongguk didn't even know, three and a half inches? Maybe four? Even without trying, Jeongguk knew he could cover it entirely with his hand; the difference with Seokin's would be even more significant- Jeongguk didn't know what to do.

He was, indeed, baby carrot-sized.

Jeongguk's palm smacked against Seokjin's shoulder, shoving at the older man as his lips opened and closed, looking like a fish, struggling for words(rare). "Yah, do you wanna die or something!?" Jeongguk eventually forced out, strangled and breathless. His attempts at closing his legs or twisting away to hide his shame were thwarted by tentacles(which, Jeongguk decided, after all but one second of deliberation, that he hated vehemently) creeping around his thighs and forcing them open; the same happening to his hand when he tried to cover his s.

There was no hiding it. Jeongguk was spread out and on display for Seokjin's view. , this was humiliating.

"It's not my fault you have a giant now," He whined, hands clumsily grabbing at Seokjin's head to get him to look away from his... Cocklet. No shame in having a smaller , Jeongguk always thought, but that was for /other/ men, not him, his cheeks burning bright red. "Daddy, come on, anything would look small compared to that thing you're carrying."
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 9 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. He could see his Jeonggukkie deflating in the mirror already. One of them had to be the responsible one, and that had to be Jin today. Six tentacles and a decked out alien , certainly, Jeongguk’s body wouldn’t be used to such a thing. Plus, he was painfully aware that his bunny didn’t like getting anything in his mouth. Seokjin already had a thing for oral… Add on six tentacles itching to have their way with the younger and where would that land them? Anyone would call Seokjin stupid for flashing Jeongguk his strict side and shying away from the opportunity to absolutely destroy him in bed, and yet here he was, bringing up his trepidation.

Having Jeongguk’s hands on him wasn’t helping either. His body let out an embarrassing twitch that had Jin averting his gaze from the reflective surface exposing his true desires. Unfortunately for them, Seokjin cared a great deal about the man behind him. It was clear as day with how apprehensive he’d become despite his tentacles aimlessly wrapping around every bit of Jeongguk’s limbs. Of course he wanted him. There was no question about it. Hurting him, physically or mentally, however, it wasn’t on the table. The possibility was high and that stressed the older. Tension was setting into his brows, eyes shut, and-

Before his fears could amplify into an all-out storm, a confident declaration halted his line of thought. How could Jeongguk be so sure his tentacles wouldn’t hurt him? It’s not like he knew them.

But he knew Seokjin.

Someone who cared for Jeongguk this much wouldn’t let anything hurt him. They both knew that deep down. They shared an unspoken bond until now. A whole year together… Neither man verbalized it until now, but when Jeongguk’s lips touched his and the sweet sentiment of trusting him came out, Seokjin was pretty sure his heart skipped a handful of beats on the spot. His gaze didn’t shift from the younger and, for a moment, he felt butterfly wings sending tingles down his skin.

Though he turned to properly respond to the other, to tell him he trusted him too and knew he wouldn’t hurt his love, he was met with a silly, blush inducing proclamation. A rush of red burned at his ears and he couldn’t help but bashfully laugh at the request to be stuffed. As silly as it was, Jeongguk knew how to brighten up Jin’s mood.

It took a second for Seokjin to gather himself and two more to gather Jeongguk’s waist in his arms. He planted an excited kiss on his cheek as his tentacles moved on their own to support Jeongguk’s weight when Jin lifted him up. Lifting him with the extra power of these tentacles was just too easy and it was a real turn-on for Seokjin since it was a step further than manhandling. “Alright, alright. I’ll do as you wish.”

Returning to the bedroom, Jin was quick to drop his bunny on the bed and climb up to hover over him and reach for his- Jin’s head immediately snapped down when his hand seemingly missed Jeongguk’s length only to clamp down a few milliseconds later. There was a notable pause before he connected the dots on something very, very amusing. A booming laugh burst out first before tapering into a fit of giggles. While he had been blessed with a larger length that would only grow even bigger when aroused, his poor Jeonggukkie’s had seemingly shrunk.

Jin wasn’t one to degrade his partners, however…

“How fitting for a bunny. It’s carrot-sized.” Now he knew that was an exaggeration, but he couldn’t help himself when the giggles were still in his system.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 9 months ago
@✻ ⋰ taehyung k. [] MY TURN TO SAY SORRY TT~TT ok rpr being stupid, i can't post the whole reply so i'm going to post from the bottom up(just read normally until you get to the 'first' reply. also i'm sorry, i had to do some very mild godmodding; i didn't control Tae's actions or anything, but i had to imply that he understood what Koo was telling him, i'm sorry about that too ;;

Yes, yes, yes- He can take it, he wants to take it; it didn't matter how Taehyung gave it to him, Jungkook wanted it all. His lips close around dry fingers, saliva gathering at the corners of his lips as he nods, choking out a pathetic "Yes-" as his legs spread wider, wanting Taehyung to him raw. Jungkook couldn't breathe when he finally, finally felt the blunt head of Taehyungs press into him; a guttural moan ripped from his chest as he burned, chest arching and hands tearing at the sheets beneath them.

He couldn't distinguish what was pain and what was pleasure- his entire body alight with fire as he sank onto Taehyungs . Jungkook didn't participate in pain-oriented scenes often but , did he just love the splitting burn of a being put into his unprepared . "hurts- Tae, please, hurts so much, 'm so ," Jungkook whimpered, tears leaking "Please me, wanna feel you wreck me."

Taehyung clearly had the same idea as no sooner had the words left his lips, Jungkook's was being grabbed and he felt the wet slide of ing in his hole. His hands fumbled to cup Taehyungs cheeks as the mans face hovered above his, blissed out and stupidly handsome. He tilted his head up, wanting to feel Taehyungs lips against his, until the worst thing happened. Jungkook's head went quiet, a ringing in his ears as he froze under Taehyung.

Why, why, why!?
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 9 months ago
@✻ ⋰ taehyung k. Jungkook felt his heart stop, and he saw red. "Argh, stop!" Jungkook exclaimed, snarling as he rolled the of them over and shoved his hand over Taehyungs mouth, pushing the olders mans head back into the mattress. He hid his face in the crook of Taehyungs neck, body heaving as he struggled to breathe through the anger and mental anguish of old memories resurfacing.

"Sweetheart, I have one rule: if you're having with me," Jungkook bit out, when he felt like he could talk without exploding at the entirely innocent man underneath him. His cheeks were flushed an angry red as he sat up, looking down at Taehyung with cold eyes.

"There is," Jungkook's hand tightened around Taehyung's jaw, potentially bordering on painful now, leaning down til their noses brushed. His eyes, previously burning with fury, softened ever so slightly around the edges as he hissed, "Only one name you should be calling."

"Got it?" Jungkook waited for understanding to appear in Taehyung's eyes, practically purring when it did, before he felt safe enough to bring his hand away from Taehyungs mouth. Jungkook's lips were warm, smooth like butter(heh), as he pressed an apologetic kiss to Tae's lips, "Otherwise, you don't get to finish inside me. In fact, you probably won't be at all." He tutted, swiping his thumb gently across his obsession's fat lower lip.

"And that'd be a shame, wouldn't it?"

Jungkook all but cooed, sitting back, his hands resting on Taehyungs thighs and feet rooting themselves onto the bed; from his lovers' angle, he'd see the most perfect view of Jungkook's swallowing up his , Jungkook's own bouncing against his stomach with every movement. His head lolled to the side, eyes glittering as he bit his lip, rolling his hips once, twice, clenching tightly on every upwards drag.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 9 months ago
@✻ ⋰ taehyung k. "Cause I want you to finish in me, Taehyung. You got a this ing big," A particularly sinful roll has the inside dragging so wonderfully against his walls, the tip barely brushing against his prostate, Jungkook failing to suppress his moan, head tipping forward as his lids flutter. "So ing good to sit on," He whimpered, eyes glossy as he rode Taehyung's , thighs butterflying with each bounce. His thighs trembled with the strength it took to hold himself up like this- but it was all worth it for the obscene slapping noises happening between his legs and the ever-tightening string of heat in his balls getting tighter the closer he rode to his .

"Filling my tight little like this? Deserves to me full of , don't you think?"

His trembling hand brushed back the sweaty locks of hair sticking to his forehead, skirting his profile- very much in the fashion Taehyung did earlier- til he reached his s, rolling the sensitive bud between to fingers, twitching against his belly, precum oozing from the tip.

"You wanna do that, Tae? Treat me like the I am 'til I'm dripping everywhere?"
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 9 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. Jeongguk wilted the moment Seokjin said his name in /that/ tone, shoulders slumping and ears dipping; he knew that voice. It was the 'Not now, Gukkie, I'm busy' or the 'No, that's work property, Jeongguk, you can't take it'(ok, sue him, it was a very expensive-looking camera) voice.

He hated that voice. Was this where he'd get told that Jin wasn't interested in playing? Jeongguk sighed, hiding the lower half of his face in Jin's shoulder.

His nose twitched, Seokjins scent had shifted into something muskier, spicier- less like wildflowers and leaning more towards cinnamon or cardamom- and Jeongguk leaned into it, eyes closing as he inhaled deeply, warmth sliding down his spine and deep into his bones, his knees would have buckled had he not tightened his grip around Jin's waist nor had the steady weight of four, no five, tentacles twisting their way around him. His face and the subtle twitch of his under Jeongguks hands... Was this what arousal on Jin smelt like? His tail quivered, ears perking up in excitement- only to be crushed by the words coming from his daddy next.

Seokjins concerns were valid, Jeongguk could acknowledge that on some level, but- they were silly. He didn't say that out loud, would never; Jeongguk swallowed, not addressing Seokjin's concern, meeting his lover's gaze in the mirror.

Jeongguk did feel a flicker of fear again, but not because he thought Jin and his new bodily parts would hurt him, no, not at all. It was entirely the opposite.

It'd been a long time since Jeongguk had felt comfortable like this. Almost a year into their partnership, Seokjin had wormed his way enough into Jeongguks good graces that somehow, somewhere along the way, Jeongguk had allowed himself to remove a smidgen of his protective walls. Was he caught off guard by it? Surprisingly, no. Jeongguk knew, on some level, that Seokjin felt safe, and he probably had for a while now. After all, only the previous day, he'd been verging on an anxious meltdown(which he now suspected had something to do with the ears) that'd gone away the second Seokjin was in his nest.

(Nest? Jeongguk would come back to that later)

Was he reading too much into Seokjin's warnings? Taking them a little more seriously than the other man intended them to be? Absolutely. But even as he stood there, chewing his lip, Jeongguk couldn't think of anything else other than:

"They won't hurt me,"

Jeongguk couldn't recall the last time he'd sounded too convicted, his hands rubbing soothing lines up and down Seokjin's torso, "And you won't either." Delicate fingers directed Seokjin to look at him, Jeongguk arching up on his toes and lips puckering to press a warm, brief kiss to his lips.

"I trust you."

Seokjin would never know how hard it was for Jeongguk to confess that.

(But also- it was the simplest thing in the world.)

"Do you need me to give you proper verbal consent or something? Cause I will." He flashed a cheeky grin, bringing back some of that playful mirth to what was turning into a sober moment.

"Seokjin, you absolute specimen of a man and my hunk of a daddy, will you /please/," He stresses, cheek looking oh so squishable and plump pressed against Jin's shoulder like this, "put your ginormous and a stupid amount of tentacles inside my body. Like right now. Please."
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. Amused, Jin sent Jeongguk a knowing look before resuming his impromptu tentacle training. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.” What care he held for the bunny was far too immense to ignore, but a distraction was easier to manage. As Seokjin focused on willing his tentacles, a few carelessly encompassed Jeongguk’s thighs. Why couldn’t he get them all to listen… The designer was a loss on the answer, though he didn’t mind what they were up to as long as Jeongguk was comfortable. In fact, when Jeongguk alerted him to their grasp earlier, Jin figured he didn’t liked that they were solidly wrapped around him. However, after seeing his reaction once the seemingly comforting appendages returned to his side, he could tell the younger didn’t hate them, to think liked their presence.

While Jin honed his energy on the tentacles following his wishes, he simply ignored the two that weren’t. Until a caress ran down the length of them. The ticklish sensation sent shivers down to his core where they connected. A watchful eye on Jeongguk made him wonder once more. Did Guk like these new additions to his body? It sure seemed like it from how he played with one awfully close to his face. Seokjin felt like a sick man for imagining naughtier things based on the proximity to his bunny’s lips. The older clearly had some sort of oral fixation that wasn’t being fulfilled. It usually wasn’t an issue, but it was a little hard to maintain his focus with how Jeongguk played with the stray tentacles.

After spending so much of his mental energy on lifting mundane items, Seokjin shut his eyes in a temporary rest. It was taking a lot out of him to bend the tentacles to follow his will… Yet they seemed fully gung-ho when it came to circling Jeongguk or himself. Maybe he should just let them be… or maybe, their minds were connected in a way that they wished to do as Jin pleased on a subconscious level. And what Jin usually wanted was Jeongguk. No wonder they were so casually tethered to him.

Once the dots were connected and the apple of his eye was holding him snuggly from behind, Jin finally relaxed. Just having Jeongguk against him melted away the bubble of exhaustion centered around his eyes. A minute movement of his hips and a hauntingly sensitive touch at his base reenergized him instantly. As much as he yearned to touch the younger, he had to be realistic.

“Kookie,” he starts off in a tone that spelled out he was about to be the bearer of bad news, “Are you sure? You know I can’t control them super well yet… I don’t know how they’ll be with you. And even if I could control them, is this, uh, alright?” Because Jin was pretty sure Jeongguk would end up getting at least one of tentacles in his mouth and his . “I can’t promise I’m fully in control of them.” In other words, if things got dicey, Jin wasn’t sure he could pull them away. If his bunny was willing to take that risk, Jin wouldn’t stop him. He didn’t know how much of a choice they really had with how his tentacles were already swirling around Jeongguk’s wrists and center. Be it Jin’s subconscious, the tentacles desires, or both, it was clear from their never-ending grasp and his hazy gaze that Jin was on board.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] I'm sorry, this is another short and very disjointed-between-each-para reply- it was a really long day, but I wanted to get smth out ;n; I didn't want to keep you waiting another day. Just a heads up, I think I'm gonna be slow/giving short replies until Saturday! This is........... not a good week for me, i have to say. Lots of exhaustion :/

"Damn, Daddy, you make being stuck in my bedroom sound like a bad thing," Jeongguk's face was thoroughly unimpressed, arms folding across his chest. He elbowed Seokjin softly, tongue poking against his cheek.

Jeongguk watched Seokjin attempt control(though not without the pout that had him feeling put out when he lost the comforting hold around his waist) with bated bread. When Seokjin successfully picked up the toothpaste, Jeongguk was elated for him.

"See!? I told you!" Jeongguk bounced on the balls of his feet, his hands lightly smacking Seokjin's shoulder, lips stretched into a wide, toothy smile. It felt so good to be right(again). He knew Seokjin would eventually get why these tentacles were so cool and just learn to enjoy the experience while it lasted, however long that may be. "So cool!"
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. "Can you do it again? With other stuff?"

A select few tentacles, not following in Seokjin's exercises in control, twisted around his thighs. Did they have their own minds, Jeongguk wondered, or maybe they just fed off of whatever Seokjin desired, consciously or not (ok- sue him for being narcissistic enough to believe Seokjin wanted to touch him constantly; he knew for a fact it was true).

Jeongguk, much like before, didn't hesitate to run his fingers across the smooth lengths and fiddle, bringing a more friendly- weird descriptor, but it was the best choice- closer to his face and playing with it. The tentacle slipping through his fingers wriggled incessantly, tickling him, drawing a peel of giggles from Jeongguk's lips.

Should he be worried about how much he liked these things?

Because he really, really did. Jeongguk's ministrations slowed as he, too, got lost in what he was doing, thinking about what kind of things he could make Seokjin pick up or what to do with them that required slightly finer motor skills.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] it's doing the thing again rip

Or a very willing, consenting partner.

"So, um... When you've finished figuring out how to use those," Jeongguk started, arms winding around Seokjin's torso as he slipped behind him, his palms flat as they explored the smooth planes of Seokjin's body before settling just below his tentacles. His eyes meet Seokjin's in the mirror- wickedly suggestive, just like the smile tugging on his lips- and hold them as his fingers slip ever so slightly down, barely brushing against the base of Jin's delightfully alien .

"Do you think I could play with them too?"
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. The garbled awe that left Seokjin's throat when Jeongguk's ears drooped accompanied furrowed brows and a sweet brush back of the furry set, though they flopped back forward in no time. Comforting the bunny was his main goal, but part of him just found him adorable and wanted to coo over every little thing he did. Jin always thought he was more of a cat lover, but it turns out bunnies were cute, too. Swiping away the last of Jeongguk's tears, he pressed a storm of kisses to his cheeks to appease any upset still stirring beneath.

"It's okay. I wasn't the kindest this morning either." Both men had been on edge and were snapping left and right. Jin was freaking out and Guk was unknowingly feeling the effects of his transformation as well. He didn't know if rabbits were sensitive emotionally, but they were sensitive to a lot of other things like noise and smell, so maybe that's why things turned out this way. Regardless, Jin didn't mind putting up with the teary bunny because it was Jeongguk. His bunny, so to say.

"What's so wrong with cute?" The mumbled question was cut short between an unexpected smooch and the sensation of hands back on his tentacles. Ah, when had they wrapped around Guk's waist? "Oh, sorry. I'll try to get them off." While Jin physically tried to tug one back at first to no avail, he ended up staring the wandering pups down. It took a few seconds of focus and imagining the tentacles moving away, and even then only four did so, but he was able to control them long enough to have them unravel.

The small victory had him perking up. "Hey, look. I can make them move, kind of." His positive tone preceded a sunny grin. They'd just have to let the other two be. They seemed a bit more stubborn in nature. "So, I guess we're spending the day here." Jin had no idea the VL doors were all under lockdown, he just didn't wish to go outside in this state. They still didn't really know what was going on, and who knew if these were permanent additions to his body. Honestly, he just wanted to retain his privacy and learn how to control these new limbs of his.

"Do you think I can use these to lift things?" Jin had a curious gleam in his eye as they focused more on the tentacles playfully swirling around his sides. "I mean, I lifted you with them, but like," his gaze shifted to tube of toothpaste on the bathroom counter. Jin was lost in his own little world as all his tentacles finally loosened from Jeongguk and returned to his side. It was another moment until one seamlessly floated towards the counter to coil around said toothpaste tube. Again, Jin was all smiles as the tentacle bent in his direction to drop the item in his hand. "Wow, so cool," they really were cool and Jin was finally seeing the good in this predicament.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. He appreciated what Seokjin was trying to do, and it worked, Jeongguk being significantly less teary by the time gentle hands were wiping away the few remaining strays, leaning into the older man's slithery embrace.

Watching Seokjin flounder, Jeongguk's lips twitching as he tried not to smile, was also painfully adorable. Jeongguk didn't know the first thing about rabbits either(except for, well, you know what they say) so he couldn't judge too harshly.

Jeongguk nodded mutely, ears dropping dejectedly over his face. He grimaced, holding them up with his hand.

"'m sorry for snapping this morning. And for this(he gestures to his face), I think my feelings are a little, uh... they're a lot right now." Jeongguk sniffled, utterly embarrassed and feeling like he had a massive egg on his face for his overreaction. In the grand scheme of things, Jeongguk knew that getting rabbit ears wasn't the worst outcome, and yes, he was fascinated and adored Seokjin's tentacles, he wasn't stupid; Jeongguk probably would've flipped out as well to begin with. They were certainly more 'out there' than animal ears.

It was still a lot cooler, though.

All he got was big feelings and big ears. Lame.

"Couldn't even be y, had to be cute..." Jeongguk sighed, planting a fat smooch on Seokjin's lips as he did so, hands wandering down to caress the tentacles wound around his hips. "If you like it, though, then it's ok with me." He admitted.
✻ ⋰ taehyung k. 10 months ago

taebyung's left arm was burning and trembling as he held himself up, hovering above jungkooks quivering state with no intention to move. the pain was worth the sight of his face contorting into continuous expressions of pleasure, and how his skin tightened above heavenly sculpted muscles - what a show, he thought to himself, and he continued to yearn for more. he wanted to hear him call his name and beg for more - "please, please, please," he wished to hear, the words blubbering from a pair of red, swollen tiers. what he had doing must have been working, because that word indeed fluidly slipped through the lips that taehyung would randomly dote his own upon with a peck, le or short nibble.

"don't hide yourself, I want to see that pretty face."

he's harsh and gentle, intentional, as he removes his finger completely from the warmth of jungkooks body. he raises that same hand to curl it around the arm now covering his eyes and face to nudge it away. there’s a part of him that questioned the reason behind the shielding of his face, but he was so tied up with his own lust that he failed to raise the question his fingers run down the side of his face and around his chin, tips sinking between his lips and pressing into his mouth "you want me to you? you think you can take this, jungkook?"

his hips press down upon jungkook’s in correspondence with his words, hardened flesh pressed against each other's whilst his lips, once again, graze against his cheek and down to his sharpened jawline. he tilts his head to the side to collect the jeweled ear lobe between his teeth, fingers busying themselves with coating his shaft in lubricant, guiding the head to jungkook’s entrance before slowly pushing in. he'd only prepped with one finger, but his patience was quickly diminishing. taehyung is silent as he's welcomed with tightened walls, so tight that his breath catches within his throat, only to emit a coaxed groan. his head falls against his shoulder and he pants whilst exercising his own patience, wanting to give the other a moment to adjust to him.

finally releasing the sheets and allowing his upper body to lean against the other's, both of his hands occupy themselves with grabbing the supple flesh of his as he began to gyrate his hips at a building pace with accompanying moans. "jungkook," he moaned, knocking his forehead against his temple. "god --jesus, - you're so ing…. tight."
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. The moment Jeongguk turned and lunged for the counter, Jin placed his hands on the frantic bunny’s waist and safety made sure his feet made it onto the ground. That was the reaction he was originally expecting. Considering it mirrored his own initially, he watched Jeongguk toy with his new ears with all the understanding in the world.

Now that he got a closer look without the veil darkness of the morning and his groggy eyes, he could distinguish them as a slightly different color than his hair. Jin didn’t say anything, he simply waited and let Jeongguk process what had become of him. It was a little amusing to see Guk pull his rabbit ears over his eyes, only for them to snap back up and curl at the ends. They were so perky, sensitive too, by the look of it. They weren’t the only thing that was sensitive.

His arms were soon cradling a teary-eyed Jeon Jeongguk, sobbing about how his transformation wasn’t cool. Jeongguk had a bold personality, but his emotions seemed amplified far beyond the usual given the unexpected, sniffly tears. Regardless of if this sensitive flare up was part of his bunification or just his reaction to such a jarring change, Jin accepted him with a tighter hug and a warm response to match.

“It’s okay… You look cute like this.” Hell, twenty minutes ago Seokjin thought Jeongguk was the lucky one, and he would have still claimed that had the younger not been crying over his lack of ‘cool’ additions. “This is cool too,” he started off, distracting Jeongguk with a gentle, rhythmic pat on his back as he was unsure of how exactly to convince him of that. “I’m sure you have some cool abilities that you didn’t have before, right?” Quick, think of what capabilities rabbits had- All that came to mind was that rabbits loved to , but that wasn’t really something he could lead with.

“Ah,” he pulled back a little, “Rabbits are so fast. Maybe you can run faster now, and jump high? They, um, have really strong legs. And I bet your hearing is better now.” God, why did he know virtually nothing about rabbits?? Jin was floundering under the pressure. Knowing he couldn’t quite reason with him without an arsenal of cool rabbit facts, he thumbed away the smaller’s tears, pat the top of Jeongguk’s head, and gave his ears a little scritch. “I know it’s not as dramatic of a change, but you look really ing cute.” That was the best Seokjin could do and he could only pray Jeongguk didn’t think he was patronizing him. He meant it and it was clear he wasn't lying based on how his tentacles silently wrapped around the other's waist as well as whatever else they could touch. They wanted to comfort him, just as Jin did.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. Jeongguk did not like this. Not one bit.

He eyed Seokjin suspiciously, leaning slightly back as if the older man would jump and yell 'just kidding!; at him. Given how the older man was looking at him, Jeongguk was really starting to hope he would. To his dismay, that didn't happen- instead, he was plucked("Oop!") from the ground, hands flying to link together behind Seokjin's neck out of habit, though with how sturdy Seokjin's arms and tentacles were holding, Jeongguk probably could've let himself fall back, knowing that he'd be caught instantly.

(He kind of wanted to test the theory.)

Jeongguk was almost convinced that he'd look in the mirror and see nothing but himself, looking like a total idiot because he'd let his hopes get up for something impossible or something so minor he hadn't even noticed it until now. Seokjin, however handsome and wonderful he was, had a knowing glimmer in his velvety pink eyes that made Jeongguk very, very nervous(and ticked him off on a surface level). "Ugh, fine," Jeongguk groaned, tapping his hands against Seokjin's back. He'd like to get this over with. He heaved a sigh, glaring at Seokjin before he turned to look at the mirror.


"What the..." Jeongguk breathed, lurching out from Seokjin's hold, his hands scrambling to grip the sides of his sink as he heaved himself towards the mirror(theory confirmed, a little voice chimed), lips parting as his breathing sped up. Those weren't minor.

He turned his head this way and that, as if that would make them disappear. Curious fingers pinched at fur-covered appendages, jumping slightly as sharp pain radiated from where he'd squeezed a little too hard. Okay, a little sensitive, noted. It wasn't like when Seokjin touched him; this just felt like he was patting his arm or his leg. They were almost the same colour as his hair, disgustingly soft, and very, very bendy as he pulled them over to his eyes- Yep, those were definitely rabbit ears.

Jeongguk didn't even need to turn around to know he had a tail.

He let go, the ears springing back into place, save for the tips that curled inwards, his mood going foul when the horrible truth sunk in.

"I'm a ing bunny."

Jeongguk was devastated.

Vampires, faeries, -alien Seokjin, all this cool and he got... Bunny. The cherry on top was his eyes burning, and he found himself blinking back jealous, frustrated tears, chewing on his lower lip because Jeongguk knew the second he stopped, he'd probably burst into tears. Was being an emotional wreck part of the gig? Did him being part rabbit mean any mild emotion was ramped up to 100? It certainly explained his behaviour yesterday- and this morning, which just made him feel even worse, remembering how he'd snapped at Seokjin- and yep, there he went, expression crumpling, and Jeongguk threw himself into Seokjin, tucking himself into whatever available space there was until his face was hidden; and Seokjin didn't have to see him cry.

"This is so unfair!" Jeongguk wailed, sniffling against the older man's shoulder, a few stray tears leaking from his eyes. "Why couldn't I be something cool like you!?"
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. “You know your is cute.” Jin spoke without thinking. He figured Jeongguk was just being sarcastic as usual, so he continued stroking the younger’s ears. The way he crooned beneath his fingertips was adorable and it was clear as day how much he enjoyed it, so why stop? On top of that, Jeongguk asked for more pets so politely. Who was he to disappoint his bunny?

However, the bold claim that nothing had happened to Jeongguk had his supposed magical hand pausing. First came a chuckle, as if the other was joking, and then an astounded, semi-serious, “What?” Surely, he knew about the… Well, maybe not. The bunny ears were on top of his head and the tail on the back. Plus, Jeongguk had been wrapped up in his nonsense all morning, he barely had a minute to himself.

Sympathetic brows debuted as did a knowing smile. “C’mhere, hold on tight.” Tugging the bunny against his chest, he used one palm to smooth down both of Jeongguk’s floppy ears before carefully lifting him up. It was surprisingly easy despite their position on the floor, thanks to his tentacles. Each one wrapped around Jeongguk in some way and lifted him as Seokjin went through the motions. There was even a second where they lifted him with a little too much force -much like when you expected something to be much heavier than it really was- but this simple action made him realize something. While Seokjin clearly didn’t know how to use these things, they were somehow in tune with him. They followed through with what he wanted to do, in this case lifting Jeongguk, and they seemed rather obedient? Had they followed his movements or were their actions linked to his mind? He wondered… but there were more pressing matters at hand.

With Jeongguk’s legs locked around his waist, arms neatly positioned under his bum, and a plethora of tentacles keeping the other stable in his grip, Seokjin bobbed his head towards the bathroom mirror. “Look.”
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. "You calling my cute?"

The bathroom no longer smelt like decay, which, with the gorgeous way Seokjin's eyes and appendages lightened into soft pinks, told Jeongguk that the wildflower scent had been coming from him all along. Of course, he'd smell so delicious as well; that was just so typical of Seokjin, he thought, internally rolling his eyes. Cool new tentacles, lovely eyes, and a scent that Jeongguk felt he could get drunk on.

Jeongguk visibly preened under Seokjin's compliments, his eyes fluttering closed as he melted into his hands, pressing against his fingers for more pets. "I'm amazing, I know." He groaned, his lower lip drawn between his teeth, a shiver running through his body. He his dry lips, whining when Seokjin stopped whatever magic he was working with his fingers, flustered at how he was. "What transformation? Nothing's happened to me."

The disappointment in his voice was clear as day, ears drooping that he hadn't woken up any different. Okay- maybe his emotions were less... aggressive, compared to his usual self, but that wasn't exactly a 'transformation.', unlike what Seokjin was inferring.

"Can you please keep touching me? That felt so good. I think you got magic hands, too, or something."
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. As much as Seokjin was still processing and coming to accept his new predicament, he watched the appendages intently as they whimsically curled around Jeongguk’s limbs. There didn’t seem to be any intention other than innocent curiosity on their part, so Jin merely sighed, crossed his arms, and resumed his pouty behavior with a metaphorical rain cloud storming above his head.

Despite his gloomy disposition, the positive bunny bouncing in front of him was quick to shift the situation into a more positive one. “I look more like a super villain,” he weakly protested with a mumbly pout set on his face. Though his view hadn’t changed much, quiet orbs watched over Jeongguk who didn’t seem to mind this new image one bit. He was so cheerful… In fact, he seemingly viewed this as a good thing. It was kind of amusing to see him play with the tentacles at hand. Seokjin could feel the sensation course through the newfound muscles and up his spine, as all nerve endings did.

His face remained neutral until one gave Jeongguk a little smack. Automatically, Seokjin choked back a bout of laughter, though his smile gave away his reaction. Jin didn’t even know where to begin testing if he could control these tentacles, so that wasn’t his doing, but man, he wishes it was. Oddly enough, he could tell the tentacles all had… personality? They had wants and likely needs. Some were more curious and pushed forward into their surroundings while others were more shy, remaining close to his body. Maybe they weren’t all that bad after all. The calmer his heart felt, the more he could feel. He could feel the weight of the tentacles when they lifted into the air, though his lower back was beginning to feel weightless as he grew more accustomed to his new limbs.

Lost in thought, Jin’s gaze hovered blankly over the little ones until Jeongguk scoot forward and threw his legs over his. Jin didn’t move at first, instead dumbly staring at the motivational speaker of a bunny in his lap. The shower of compliments had the older shying away as his head tilted downwards. Stupidly y and cool… Maybe this wasn’t the end of the world.

The request to look at Jeongguk was met soon and, even though he wasn’t fully on board yet, his heart felt a lot lighter. His shoulders relaxed in a deep exhale. Softer pastels resurfaced against the harsh charcoal hue of his tentacles, pretty jewel tones returning to his irises as the more pleasant aroma of gentle wildflowers exuded from his form once again. Jin couldn’t sniff out the difference, but his animal hybrid counterpart likely would.

Now that he was at peace again, Seokjin scooped the other into his lap properly with a set of strong arms around his waist and a kiss pressed to his jawline. “Thank you, Guk.” Jin didn’t explain his gratitude any further, but he was grateful for the younger’s presence. Instead, he showed his affection through a tender set of fingers in Jeongguk’s inky locks. “You’re such a trooper. You’re over here worrying about me when you’re going through your own transformation. I should be more like you, hm? So fearless,” he mused with a sweet of the bunny’s perky ears. With Jin’s sunnier disposition and his clear liking for Jeongguk, his tentacles seamlessly wrapped around whatever they could find of him; his wrist, his thigh, even his waist, though the one there halted when it bumped into a fluffy tail. Jin definitely felt that and hugged Jeongguk a little closer to sneak a peek at the tuft of fur attached to the small of his back. “Cute.”
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. "What're you talking about?"

The question was asked before Jeongguk could even think about stopping himself, he was in genuine awe the second Seokjin removed the blanket, his eyes wide, the corners of his parted lips curling upwards into an amazed smile.

Jeongguk had a million thoughts running through his mind right now- the most prominent being, how could Seokjin not like this? He marvelled at how the charcoal tentacle curled around his arm so tenderly, even though he could feel that it was pure muscle, probably capable of breaking his bones, which- admittedly- was a weird ing thought to have, but then he was thinking less gruesome, and more along the lines of holding multiple things at once and... man-handling. His cheeks coloured deep red, and Jeongguk forced those thoughts to the back of his mind; now wasn't exactly the best time to be thinking of how best to convince Seokjin that putting three or four of these things in his was a good idea.

(And that though-)

"Wow... You're kinda like the superheroes I read about in my comics!"

His fingers closed around a sturdy weight, a giggle bubbling on his lips as the grey tentacle wiggled in his hand; it was the strangest sensation, silky smooth and wet, but when he uncurled a finger, nothing covered his skin. "This is amazing, Seokjin," Jeongguk breathed, reaching out with his free hand to bring another one(or two) of the tentacles into his grip, bringing them close to his face so he could look at them closer. Mistake- because the second he did, one of them slapped itself against his eye, and there wasn't much else Jeongguk could do but let it slither down to his shoulder, which shook with laughter.

Was Seokjin controlling these? He couldn't be; the other man looked positively ashen, ready to crumble into dust as he sat there, refusing to look at Jeongguk(who, at this point, was starting to look like he was covered in eels), so Jeongguk struggled to believe he'd slap him in the face with a tentacle for the fun of it.

Could Seokjin feel the tentacles getting longer and shorter? Were they heavy? Could he feel with them? So many questions- yet Seokjin wouldn't know how to answer them. Seokjin... He didn't even like them; he hated himself because of them. Jeongguk's giddiness faded away, the bathroom going quiet as he continued to twirl the tentacles between his fingers.

Jeongguk sat there, thinking hard, before scooching closer, blanket bunching up underneath and between them, throwing his legs over Seokjins. "Kim Seokjin, you are not hideous. You're incredibly handsome, stupidly y, and now you're just like the superhero's in my comic books, which makes you so ing cool." Jeongguk said, encouraging the tentacles to either rest on his legs or wrap around his waist, and placing his hands on Seokjins shoulders.

"Can you please look at me properly? So you know I'm not lying to you?"
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. Seokjin was a mess. There were no protests when Jeongguk warned him he would open the door, but the glum man adjusted to turn away slightly when the bunny sat in front of him, as if that could shield him anymore from sight. All the changes his body was going through were visible yet some went over his head. The jewel-toned pazazz of his new irises morphed into a much darker charcoal grey, as did his tentacles beneath the blanket. Next was his scent, shifting from fresh wildflowers to a deathly stench. Be it subtle enough that Jin didn’t recognize it or simply deemed unimportant by his frantic mindset, the now-alien monster was all frowns. He just needed to be reasoned with, and that came in the form of a gentle, reassuring talk.

Other people were going through things too. Jin didn’t exactly understand that Jeongguk meant other people outside this room, but rather he assumed he was talking about himself. That’s right. Jin was being insensitive. Jeongguk was also going through something, even if Jin viewed it as ‘not as bad’ since getting a pair of fluffy ears didn’t match the intensity of his transformation. Then again, it could be a more than meets the eye situation. Knowing now that his… whatever this all was hadn’t been seen yet did give him some comfort. Their usual dynamic had shifted dramatically; Jeongguk was the one currently coaxing an emotional Seokjin down. The term “sweetheart” worked some magic on him as well as the constant reassurance that Jeongguk wasn’t going to judge him and needed to know more to help.

Even knowing that, Seokjin was still resistant to unveiling himself, but he didn’t have much choice in the matter when his tentacles started moving on their own under the blanket. The first that tried to slip out was quickly caught by Seokjin, a second also swiftly held to the covered ground. If only he had more than two hands. A third managed to slither out of his fluffy veil and bumped into Jeongguk’s knee, much like a blind pup. Seokjin was frozen as was the tentacle before it slowly explored the new person. Seokjin hadn’t given any of these tentacles much of an introduction to anything around them considering he was shielding them away from even his own sight this morning. Now that the cat was out of the bag, Seokjin sighed and lowered the blanket from his shoulders. The fabric fell to his waist and revealed the whole situation down below.

Seokjin stared with desolate orbs as his new appendages gladly explored everything around them; the cool tile floor, his crossed legs, and, slowly, Jeongguk. One slid over his ankle and whatever skin lay in its path while another gently wrapped around his wrist and made its way up his forearm. Seokjin sighed once again, this time exhausted from his chaotic, emotional high. Shutting his eyes, his head bumped the wall behind him with a soft thud and a depressive confession, “I’m hideous.” Again, Seokjin’s vice was vanity.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. Seokjin's hasty exit left Jeongguk flailing rather ungracefully over the side of the bed.

The good? Whatever that fuzzy stupor Jeongguk had found himself in was gone the second Seokjin rejected him. The bad? It ing hurt. Emotionally, yes, but also physically because his nose had struck the seam. "Seokjin!?" Jeongguk called, barely taking enough notice of the scream that came from his bathroom; he wanted nothing more than to run over and see if he was alright, but when another scream- this time coming from outside of his room- sounded, Jeongguk had a sinking feeling that whatever this was in here, it was also happening out there.

Why did it hurt so much, though? Ugh, Jeongguk groaned, holding his nose, and he fumbled for his phone. A quick scroll through the Pearl group chat confirmed that chaos was taking over at the Venus Lounge.

So why did it seem like he was the only one unaffected? It didn't make any sense- and was it selfish that he was feeling a little disappointed? After all, someone had woken up a literal vampire; that was cool as ! Jeongguk sighed, knowing that he had to put aside his feelings because right now- he had a very shaken, upset man holed away in his bathroom, and that was far more important than pouting over the fact he hadn't sprouted fangs or suddenly could control water at will(seriously, a client, of all people, actually got that. Again, what the !?). He placed his phone back on the bedside table and rolled off the bed, padding over to the bathroom, where he tapped the back of his knuckles against the door. No answer. Which Guk expected.

"Seokjin, babe," Jeongguk called, leaning against the door frame, loosely holding the door knob. "I'm gonna open the door, ok? I need to make sure you're alright." Jeongguk was already crouching when he pushed the door open, quietly sitting cross-legged in the bathroom and across from Seokjin, his heart crushed as he took in the sorry sight before him. That strange wildflower scent from before smelt like rot, and his nose wrinkled in distaste. Seriously, what was that? Jeongguk rubbed his nose, wincing as it fizzed like he'd swallowed a glass of soda in one gulp(why the was his nose so sensitive today?). His head shook, ears twitching towards Seokjin, and he wanted nothing more than to crawl over and comfort him.

He knew that probably wouldn't be well received at this point in time.

"I know stuff is going... A little crazy right now. You're not the only one going through, uh, changes." Jeongguk said carefully, ironic, considering he had no idea what was happening with(in) himself despite implying that he did. "If you're worried I saw something earlier, I didn't."

"But I can't help if I don't know what's happening with you." Jeongguk chanced shuffling forward, just enough that his toes brushed against the blanket. "Sweetheart, can you please tell me what's going on? I promise I'm not going to judge."

"It's ok if you don't want to, but I want to be here for you."
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. “Yah, Jeon Jeongguk.” In a complete 180 from his usually calm demeanor, Seokjin’s tone was frustrated and sharp to awaken but his image was so utterly shaky. Raised shoulders shivered; legs tensed beneath the sheets everyone one of those… those things slid over his skin. The man was in no way ‘okay’ after having seen what he just did under the thinly veiled protection of a bed sheet. The already spooked individual flinched when his brat suddenly kicked up a storm with a (metaphorically) resounding snap.

Though he was still nowhere near even scratching the surface of what was going on, he watched the other begin to whimper and rub at his eyes with balled fists. …Adorable. How the was he managing too look so cute in the wake of this horrendous situation?! The bunny ears definitely played a huge part. Jin couldn’t stop staring at them, even recoiling an inch back when he saw the warm blooded appendages twitch. Was he on drugs? Did he accidentally take something last night?? Hallucinogens had to be the cause because how did he go from playing pretend bunny to possessing real life rabbit ears?

It was right then and there that something stomach churning dawned upon him. His fashion piece, the one from yesterday. It was a fringe-like design, leather, belted, all that and now he’s been cursed with some disgusting set of—the sensation of them slithering over his legs had Seokjin clutching his stomach as if to physically prevent gags from coming up.

While Seokjin was still piecing things together -or was this just some horrible Halloween nightmare?- Jeongguk mumbled about his head hurting. Looks like he was nauseous too, and, well, bunny did look so good. Hesitantly, he pat the younger’s back until Jeongguk opened his eyes once more and looked well enough to carry on a conversation. And, my god, Seokjin thought as he watched Jeongguk once again brush his hair without hitting the ears shooting up from his head.

Before he could address them, Jeongguk’s line of questioning caught him off guard. Did he smell clean? He was quick to give his wrist a sniff. What was Jeongguk going on about? As he leaned in, Seokjin naturally shifted away, which probably didn’t help Jeongguk’s touchy feelings right now. Everything was just so confusing to him right now. Imagine what Jeongguk would saw if he saw- no, felt these, these tentacles currently writhing out of sight. The sheer image sent Seokjin back into the mental breakdown he was barely preventing by purposefully ignoring the issue spiraling in his head. The last straw was when Jeongguk shoved up all close and personal -Seokjin was a millisecond from lunging out of bed and hitting the floor running- when he asked about his eyes.

“What?” Jin spoke the word dumbly with a sense of dread filling his system.

Whatever semblance of seriousness Jin was putting on absolutely fell apart as he gathered the blanket on top of them around his waist and haphazardly bolted towards the bathroom. Had Jeongguk seem a flash of a stray tentacle? Perhaps. Seokjin had no idea what these things were, but the moment he slammed the bathroom door shut behind him, dropped the blanket, and the lights.

There was a pause of silence before a shrill scream left his body.

Six tentacles were in line with his hips, some emerging from near the small of his back from what frantic hands could feel. They were all either pastel pink or purple, and smooth rather than slimy. Rushing towards the mirror, he bonked his forehead against the glass as he gawked over the similarly colored, iridescent hue his irises. What… What happened to them last night?

Taking a much needed deep breath, Jin diverted his attention to something more important. The very different appendage currently resting where his used to. For one, the color was a darker purple. It’s overall silhouette was ridged and more bulbous at the base, a little thicker, too. You know what, that wasn’t that bad, the *moving* tentacles were what had him breathing funny. They seemed to move on their own, so that added into Seokjin’s meltdown. In reality, if he just calmed down enough, he could control them more. However, with the emotional whirlwind he was experiencing right now, the pitiful tentacled being slumped against the bathroom wall until his bum met the floor. He wrapped himself from head to toe in the blanket he’d snatched with a defeated outlook. Was Jin vain? Absolutely. These new additions to his body left him feeling so unconfident and, honestly, he felt ugly in his own eyes, to think anyone else’s.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] START

"Mmm, not now, Daddy... 'm still tired..."

Tired hands bat away the terrible, terrible things that threaten to wake Jeongguk from his delightfully cozy slumber. Seriously, Jeongguk couldn't tell you the last time he'd been this comfortable in bed. He would not let anyone, even Seokjin, drag him out of this delightful snooze nest he'd found himself in. It was so rare for Jeongguk to not toss and turn or be subjected to terrible nightmares that when he felt another shake to his body, Jeongguk snapped, sitting up and snarling at the man next to him; his leg kicking against the bed, frustration rolling off him in waves.

— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] top to bottom

Seokjin wouldn't have had time to answer as Jeongguk suddenly whimpered, curling into himself as he rubbed his eyes, fists curled into little balls. He must've sat up too quickly as his vision completely whited out, skull pounding like he'd taken a sledgehammer to the head over and over; "Ow... My head hurts." He rubbed his tender head, the hand just shy of touching the black rabbit ears that protruded the top of his head; aside from feeling like his head had been replaced with a bowling ball, Jeongguk didn't feel that anything different; maybe he was a little hungrier than usual, surprisingly ? This early in the morning was a bit new, but overall... Nothing out of the ordinary.

A wave of nausea had him placing his hand over his mouth; Jeongguk started to salivate as he refrained from throwing up.

What the ? Where had that come from?

Jeongguk was entirely unaware of the panic attack happening beside him, eyes scrunched closed as he sat through the rush of sickness until he thought it safe enough to relax(aka- he was no longer in danger of throwing up the second he opened his mouth); ears drooping miserably. He mumbled a quiet apology, hand brushing through his hair(again, missing the rabbit ears entirely) and breathed deeply. His eyes cracked open.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] read from top to bottom

What was that-

"Did you take a shower or somethin'?"

He asked, brow furrowing as he looked at Seokjin. Jeongguk couldn't quite place his finger on it- Something about Seokjin smelled... , it was absolutely divine. Had he taken one of Guk's unopened body washes? He couldn't have, Jeongguk didn't buy floral scents, and Seokjin was like a lush wildflower meadow- how he knew that Jeonggul had ing clue; he'd never seen a wildflower, much less a /meadow/ in his lifetime- it was clean, sweet and tasty(could flowers smell tasty?). His nose twitched, breathing in again, and Jeongguk leaned over, intent on figuring out what the hell was making Jin smell like this.

"You smell... Really ing good." Jeongguk's pupils were blown as he whispered, the edges of his vision starting to go a little fuzzy as he all but fell into Seokjin. Jeongguk just wanted to push the older man down and cover himself with the smell; it was so good-

Was he getting aroused by this? Yes, he was.
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. [] read from top to bottom

"Daddy," Jeongguk breathed, a whine in his throat, confusion making his head spin. Why wasn't he being held right now? Touched? He was so eager for Seokjin to take him- Why hadn't Seokjin taken him? He was right here!

Jeongguk whined, louder this time, vaguely aware of how he was throwing himself into Seokjin, frantic to get his scent all over his body, but still, Seokjin. Wasn't. Reciprocating. He was starting to feel the beginnings of hurt well up in him, threatening to turn into childish tears. Still, the more rational part of his brain knew that Seokjin wouldn't reject him for no reason. That was the only thread of logic that kept Jeongguk from breaking down entirely as he nosed his way up to Seokjin's lips, not quite kissing, but Jeongguk wanted- no, needed- to ask why he wasn't getting his brains ed out.


He squinted.

"Are you wearing contacts?"
✻ ⋰ seokjin k. 10 months ago
@— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. Seokjin could manage a straight face through the tough, ‘real’ conversations, but both flighty men were struggling. It was easy to indulge in their sugary relationship since it was all fun and games. The moment that teetered on the border of a serious bond spooked both in different ways. For Jin, it had been a long time since he devoted himself to a proper relationship. He was able to maintain relationships in the past, but only until they started getting in the way of his goals. Making time for another person and forging his own milestones was a big no for Seokjin. It was much easier to break up and set his eyes on more interesting sights. However, Jeongguk- Jeongguk made things a bit complicated, and Seokjin wasn’t ready to jump through mental hoops and battle the urge to spoil him over his career goals.

It was much easier ignoring blaring alarms in favor of shutting his eyes at each soft press of lips. One to the brow, another to his cheek, and, finally, his lips. “Mhm,” an equally as soft hum melted into another feathery kiss.

You’d think such a fluffy mood would have Jin dreaming the night away come nightfall. Instead, he tossed and turned, huffed, and found himself covered in a layer of sweat when a jolt awoke him. His back and stomach ached… and his eyes felt awfully dry and scratchy. Had he slept in an odd position? Or maybe not drank enough water the prior day? Whatever it was, the sleepy designer rolled out of bed and took shaky steps in the dark until he entered the bathroom. Without turning on the lights, he splashed some water into his eyes, wiped his face and relieved himself just in case that’s what had his stomach in knots.

The man returned to bed without thinking much further and looped an arm around his partner’s waist before snuggling up against his back. Wistful thinking led him to believe that spooning his bunny would calm his various aches and pains.

It wasn’t until the morning rays of sunshine flittered into the room that Seokjin stirred once more. While the sun was a contributing factor, it was really a tickle brushing at his nose that forced a sneeze out of him and for his eyes to peek open. At first, he just blinked… Since when was Jeongguk’s hair so… Huh? The older tiredly rubbed at the corner of his eyes that became more alert with each passing second. There was a set of rabbit ears in front of him. His hands automatically came up to press the ears down, splitting them down the middle only for the pads of his fingers to reach Jeongguk’s mop of waves. Jin was still in a state of mild shock as he tugged the ears up lightly to confirm they were indeed attached to the younger’s head.

“Um, Gukkie.“ Panic begun to seep into his system when something much worse hit. The sensation of a smooth, snake-like form slithered past his leg, another by his hip and-- Seokjin sat up immediately and threw the blanket off himself.

His face went white.

Covering his lower half once more, the wide-eyed man shook Jeongguk awake without hesitation this time. “Jeongguk,” he called out loudly, stomach once again in knots, though this time from nausea and alarm. Unbeknownst to him, his irises shimmered a pretty mixture of pastel pinks and purples, similar to the six… things currently sprouting from his hips. Again, he shook the literal bunny beside him. What the was going on?!
— ✾ ⋰ jungkook j. [A] 10 months ago
@✻ ⋰ seokjin k. Hint taken: too real, move on.

Or at least that was how Jeongguk was letting himself interpret this. It was a good thing to let himself be rolled over(figuratively and literally) cause although he believed Seokjin would never... Well, he didn't know what he thought, just that Jeongguk could feel himself wanting to pull away, the beginnings of anxiety stewing in the back of his mind, prickling heat itching under his skin. He was afraid that in his rare moment of vulnerability, it'd backfire on him like it always seemed to. He'd actually cringed back slightly in the split second that Seokjin had rolled over, but he'd relaxed when he realised he'd been gathered up into a warm embrace.

One arm wound itself across Seokjin's waist. The other gripped his shoulder from behind, a broad smile stretching across his lips as he laughed, "It'll be hard," He sighed, looking off in a randomly selected direction in his room, shoulders shrugging like he'd been asked the most difficult question to answer. After a few finger-tapping moments of being 'deep in thought', his eyes cut back to Seokjin's before turning to face him, "But I think I can do it."

Cue the applause, and the audience gasps for his service.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve to distract you... Like this," Jeongguk's voice was barely above a whisper when he craned his neck to kiss Seokjin's brow, "And this-"a kiss to the apple of his cheek, "And definitely this." His lips puckered, placing a warm peck on Seokjin's lips, a precursor to the deep, slow kiss he followed up with; his mouth soft and open, tongue barely pushing past Seokjin's lips, a small taste rather than a real feed.

"That work for you?"


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studentofmagic 9 months ago
is karina/winter available?
[comment deleted by owner]
Kaworu 10 months ago
do you need more male clients or male employees?
wisper 10 months ago
love this
realllllmino 10 months ago
offlimits 10 months ago
any specific fc wanted? :/
arcadya 10 months ago
hi can I have jeong bomi of girl crush added?
Oxycodone 10 months ago
uhm, can I ask something?
begone_thot 11 months ago
E u E
Do I even dare?
Purple_gummieball 11 months ago
The way I want to apply but I have many muse in my gucci clutch únù
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