-ㅤgeneral ic

✦ In Character
Make sure you keep OOC and IC separate. Use brackets when and if talking OOC. If need be, use our safe phrase "code red" when you feel uncomfortable.
mignon. 18 hours ago
he smells him before he sees him. a notable presence hard to miss after years of seeking it out, of yearning for it in a crowd of spectators. a scent that has only grown stronger since his ... altered constitution. before he realizes it, mignon is pulled from the intimate moment with his lover, leaning back from their lone space to scan the room. and there, not far beyond him, is the face of his past. of a time still vivid in his mind.
doc ...
grayson. 1 day ago
@+ xiao. it's this... huge company, i guess. bru— anyway, it's nothing too special. am just a corporate guy.
his lips quirk at the other's invite.
of course i'd be down! do you go out exploring a lot? you seem well-versed in that stuff.
mignon. 1 day ago
@shikanoin heizou. his face scrunches at the ticklish brush as his lips part into a grin for the chuckle evoked along with it. he leans his forehead against his love's, eyes flittering between his gaze and the mouth that continues to tempt him.
“you think”? who says you can't be greedy? what if i want more just as much as you do and this is my way of getting it without needing to take them for myself? hmmmm?
+ xiao. [A] 1 day ago
@ grayson. this was definitely better off being forgotten.
a small shudder shakes his body but he's quick to dismiss any further thought.
what's waynecorp though? i'm not familiar, unfortunately.
shifts in his beanbag to face the other more.
perhaps i'll bring you on my next adventure... at least if you want to come. might be a nice change of pace.
grayson. 1 day ago
@+ xiao. raises an eyebrow.
huh. that sounds… fascinating? what kind of goop was it?
he notices the change in the other’s demeanour and dismisses his own curiosity with a shrug.
orrr maybe some things are better forgotten.
leans against the beanbag with his palms behind his head.
eh, i do some work here and there for waynecorp if you’ve heard of that place. nothing half as interesting as exploring if you ask me.
oh youngone. 1 day ago
slipping into the room as quietly as possible, eyes shifting towards the few people conversing with each other. too much. too many to deal with. decides to just bring a cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag from it then releasing with a soft sigh.
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
snack... table?
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
snack line !
arataki itto. [A] 1 day ago
[ ] issok. don't feel like you need to word snjdnajfg highkey lazy rn so we can just chill.
grayson. 1 day ago
+ kujou sara. [A] 21 minutes ago Reply
she stops for a moment to contemplate, then nods her head
Im hungry... did you see the snack line? i don't know where my mother put it...

snack line..? we had a snack line?
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
itto words are so hard
+ xiao. [A] 1 day ago
@ grayson. looks up at the room's ceiling for a moment in thought, trying to recall something that could be remotely an answer but coming up short.
not today, no. i think the only thing that could qualify is a strange goop that was attracted to my body heat, but i didn't study it for too long.
shivers a tad as he remembers coming across it, a small scowl shaping his lips.
what do you do for work though?
arataki itto. [A] 1 day ago
@+ kujou sara. he quickly checks their surroundings as she speaks and holds a finger to his lips.
careful, my love. there might be someone listening!
a laugh spills from his lips despite his warning and he takes another sip of his drink, this "sip" probably more akin to a chug but still leaving enough drink in his cup.
what did he do now though? should i try to get the oni king to talk to him? i'm sure he'll loosen him up with more liquor if i asked.
as he says that, his eyes briefly dart over to the direction his own father is in. as per usual, his father was buried in bottles and mugs of liquor and laughing boisterously. it wouldn't take much to get him over to the other king.
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
she stops for a moment to contemplate, then nods her head
Im hungry... did you see the snack line? i don't know where my mother put it...
grayson. 1 day ago
chuckles at her response.
are you good though, sara? need some help?
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
yes ::D
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
me !!!
grayson. 1 day ago
@+ xiao. exploring? that sounds fun. found anything interesting while you were at it?
he opens his eyes again, gaze shifting momentarily towards the nearby window, chuckling at the abysmal weather outside.
gosh, some weather we’re having out there. i don’t blame you.
as for me… i’ve been working, i guess. just another long day at work.
grayson. 1 day ago
yes you…?
+ xiao. [A] 1 day ago
@ grayson. also takes the moment to relax into his beanbag, fully leaning into it.
what have i been up to?
he repeats, mulling over the question.
...i've been busy exploring mostly. the weather wore me down quickly into it, but it was worth the struggle. you?
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
you're so ing cute i want to eat you
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
grayson.11:34:56 PMReply
oh hey there, sara— you alright? thought i heard something about you being drunk?

gasps. me?!
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
@arataki itto. yeah, m a little drunk~
she laughs at her own admission, a hand clutching at her abdomen once it fails to muffle her giggles from .
between the kisses she holds up three fingers, then points to her cup to signal that she, indeed, did have three drinks. perhaps that is where her honestly fizzes out, not really remembering if this was her third or fourth. at the fourth cup, she'd be beyond gone, so three was the safe bet.
the king is being ing annoying
is lose, and it runs without filters when intoxicated. Sure, she beholds both the King and Queen. They are the law, but god, is her mom and her dad, especially, a pain in the .
grayson. 1 day ago
@+ xiao. plops down the beanbag and lets out a satisfied exhale at how comfortable it is.
mmm… i could fall asleep here.
closes his eyes for a moment.
so what have you been up to today?
arataki itto. [A] 1 day ago
for the first time in a long time, he flushes a tad from the kisses to his knuckles, caught off guard by this action and blaming the liquor for his reaction.
i'm... sure you are, i trust you.
cups the side of her face and head and his thumb against her cheek.
i just want you to be happy and okay, my love.
+ xiao. [A] 1 day ago
@ grayson. that certainly seems to be the case.
motions for the other to join him in the beanbag beside his own.
come. relax with me since we have this moment to do so.
grayson. 1 day ago
oh hey there, sara— you alright? thought i heard something about you being drunk?
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
waves to dickie
+ kujou sara. [A] 1 day ago
takes his hand and peppers kisses along his large knuckles
I'm being safe, I promise. i don't wanna stop.
she smiles and hugs that same hand she kissed
I just wanna spend time with you, like this~
grayson. 1 day ago
@+ xiao. oh, tell me about it.
hums as he contemplates his answer.
same here, yeah. can never catch a break these days, huh?


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itoshirin 19 hours ago
cha hae in from solo levelling please! uwu
babygirlwonwoo 1 day ago
twiddles thumbs.
oh youngone from mignon, please!! :>
mikadzuki 2 days ago
i shouldn’t but haha heyyy……………
himbos [A] 4 days ago
(ㅤʜᴏʀɪᴢᴏɴㅤ)   ⸻   fixing things up at the moment! welcoming new members who want to chill!
ggallohr 3 months ago
i have decided- can i have mikhail dohaverio
aragorn 3 months ago
cole cassidy please!
ashflower 3 months ago
weeping 1 day ago Reply Replies All
tell me no
hyperstellar 3 months ago
tell me no
nihilist 3 months ago
gonna give this a gooo, raiden shogun for me please!
nubile 3 months ago
just a question.
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