➴ texting。



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shim hyewon. 23 hours ago
@lee chaeyoung. [ text to: chaerub :angel: ]

- :o
- i'm already gettin prepped. I've been waiting for a good girls weekend!!
maria yemelyanova. ⁿᵒᵛᵃ 23 hours ago
@lee minho. [text to: that one chef guy シ]

- yeah that's what i was thinking, or just doing it for myself at least and being pleased by how far i can go on my own y'know?
- cooing so hard rn?! momma's baby boy? :pleading: heh - how cute you are.
- but anyways, classes have indeed started and i've been swamped up to my throat with work - but it's really fun and good? makes me quite happy.
- haha the assignments are horrendous indeed, what if i wanted you to help me? :pensive: would you not? shame :/
- but either way, thanks for asking yeah? :] and good for you! i should give you a reward for keeping level-headed when wbk you're hot headed indeed lmfao
- not blowing off anyone heads are you mister lee? :o
- pft. it's nice to be missed :fist: mmh thursday- depending on the time? would after six p.m work for you? i have a study group session for a joint assessment :eyeroll:
- these fools genuinely aren't pulling their weight and it's getting so annoying :/
lee minho. 1 day ago
@maria yemelyanova. ⁿᵒᵛᵃ [ text to: maria (nova) (?) ]

— yeah, I get it 1000%. you wanna show them that you're old enough to do things on your own. my mom can be like that sometimes, but I know it's coming from a place of love
( typing... )
— right, that's so good to hear! have your classes started yet? how are you liking them? sometimes I wish I could experience college life but the thought of homework really pisses me off :skull:
— business is good as usual! really ing tiring and stressful but I'm trying to be level headed. you know how I get, lol.
— I miss you too, silly :P I'm thinking not this weekend, but sometime next week I can squeeze in some time for us to get drinks if you want?? Could take you to my favorite bar, say, thursday?
maria yemelyanova. ⁿᵒᵛᵃ 1 day ago
@lee minho. [text to: that one chef guy シ]

- pft i need you lmfao so yeah i would appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to help me around ;;
- it's very confusing and a bit... stressful, i won't lie. my parents are here too but i also would love to be independent away from them a bit too - as you know of this already.
- typing...
- i am continuing school indeed :D journalism - if you recalled?
- how's your business going though? also - would you have time anytime soon to meet up and catch up?
- i miss seeing your ugly [not] face :P
lee minho. 1 day ago
@maria yemelyanova. ⁿᵒᵛᵃ [ text to: maria (nova) (?) ]

( typing... )
— omg. it's been forever.
— I'm so happy to hear from you! congratulations on finally moving. I know that was probably really stressful for you
— it can be difficult to settle in sometimes, especially surrounded by the wrong people. so i would for sure love to catch up and show you around, if you would be so inclined as to give me the time haha
— did you decide on continuing school like we talked about last time?
maria yemelyanova. ⁿᵒᵛᵃ 1 day ago
@lee minho. [text to: that one chef guy シ]

- hello. uh i know this is random :sweat: hoping you still got my number?
- typing....
- it's maria or nova. uh idk what you'd remember me by
- but good news?! i'm in korea, finally :D
- and thought it would be great if we can catch up? been here a week now.
- typing....
- needed some time to settle in - the city is a bit scary :pensive:
- so idk much places, but i would try to meet you where it's easy enough for you.
- looking forward to seeing you minho :heart:
kim minjeong. 1 day ago
@yu jimin. The crisp click of the closure of her helmet resounded shortly trailed by the slide of her shield, swinging her leg over the seat before relaxing into the requisite forward position, she kicked the stand and pushed off with another loud roar echoing through the open space of the garage but simply inching forward in favor of responding to her best friend.

[ text to: SlimJim :devil: :wing: ]

• only sometimes :covering mouth:
• if you heard the jokes these ahjusshi were making you would not be saying that :skull:
• i rest my case :hands up: istg your pretty privilege knows no limits, teach me seonsaengnim :distressed:
• i bet you could pretty your way out a murder charge too :tongue:
• ne ne ne eommaaa :baby:
• i’ll see you in 5 now :blowing kiss:

Cackling like a little high schooler as she pushed all the worrisome buttons she knew would trigger her beauteous friend, how could she not when she left such a perfect opening for sole reason? Impossible, Minjeong wouldn’t dare to miss such an opportune moment. Pushing out of the opened door, she appreciatively revved the engine ere speeding off down the street that merged off into the main street, lingering in the depths of her mind were Jimin’s words, although rebellious in nature she was far from stupid, she would be careful if not for her own sake, at least to give the ravenette peace of mind.
yu jimin. 1 day ago
@kim minjeong. The sun reflected from the peach tinted gloss adorned along her lips, parted ever so slightly was a habit whenever she wore a concentrated expression. Reading each text Minjeong sent earned breaths of mirth to fill the empty alleyway. Knowing it would be in vain to attempt declining the trip to her, despite how lenient Minjeong’s workplace was to her. Jimin still nagged her for being so careless about her employment.

[ text to: G.I.Jeo :salute: :bandage_heart: ]

– i know you love itt dont deny it ^-^
– ooooooooooo …
– ya! Be more responsible mijeong .. you dont have to leave i was gonna bring some home regardless…
– :unamusedx4:
– ok good answer it would be too hot id accidentally throw it out the window before i got there! :freezing:
– aaaaish… the roads arent clear at this time… drive safe speedsss im not in a rush!! :forward_fist:

Dropping her hands into her lap, her mind habitually lingered on the blondes safety and wellbeing. It wouldn’t change the outcome, she was aware and ultimately she knew what she signed up before befriending the troubled girl. But still it bothered her at time just how reckless she could be. The backdoor creaking open pull jimin out of her deep rumination. One of her co-workers announced they we’re currently overstaffed and they were sending jimin home for the day. Lucky her, she thought while pocketing her phone once more. Heading back inside to clock out and wait out front for her best-friend to arrive.
kim minjeong. 2 days ago
@yu jimin. All it took was a brief glimpse at the mess of typos to invoke a boisterous laugh from the blonde, the timing almost seemed as if one of those stale jokes actually warranted more than a roll of her eyes, she would allow them to think so, it was more fun that way. Pushing off the stool she was half seated on, head down while her fingers tapped away a response that took half the time of her best friend's.

[ text to: SlimJim :devil: :wing: ]

• you’re so cute i hate it :gags:
• no dummy, i’m sneaking out so i’ll come to you just didn’t want you leaving before i could :kissing:
• please, how many times have your looks saved you? i’ll wait :hand:
• you’re saved this time! ㅎㅎㅎ
• i’ll actually see you in 7 i’m taking the ninja :relieved:

“Going for a test drive!” She yelled predominantly to the loud chatter of her coworkers in a poor attempt to cover her , but she knew that they knew she really meant she’s heading out and not coming back, none of them truly cared as this was typical of Minjeong. Snatching the keys and her helmet, she strutted over to the matte black beast of a bike, grinning inwardly at the roar of the engine coming to life.
yu jimin. 2 days ago
@kim minjeong. Buzz buzz buzz, the redundant vibration sound became a nuisance as she shuffled through the tiny space with her arms full to deliver her 10th table of the days order. Her boss was busy in the office at the time so that meant Jimin had a small window to respond at least until the restaurant had slowed down. Texting fast was never one of jimin’s strong suits, despite her tremendous coordination the size of her fingers made it harder to navigate the phone screen accurately with speed which always led to a mess of typos whenever she rushed to respond text.

[ text to: G.I.Jeo :salute: :bandage_heart: ]

– bysy
T Y P I N G . . .
– vusy

There weren’t many people the repetitive text messages could be so she knew it could wait until she hit her next fifteen. With one glance at the time clock hung on the wall, that time was now.

Wiping her sweaty palms against her apron, fishing her phone out and making her way through the backdoor for some fresh air and privacy. A chortle at the contact name the text messages spam belong to. Of course it was minjeong.
– you want me to get in a taxi with three hot bowls are am I expected to sacrifice mine??? :eyes::eyes:
– ill get a low rating then ill have to walk to workk ㅋㅋㅋ
– i get off in 20 so dont block me againn :crying::pensive:
kim minjeong. 2 days ago
@yu jimin. [ text to: SlimJim :devil: :wing: ]

• please tell me you're still at the shop :distressed:
• i'm on 0.3% i'll actually die if i don't get a nice hot bowl
∘°∘ t y p i n g . . . ∘°∘
• actually i might need two bowls...
• either way i'm bailing before i have to suffer through another wave of the cringey af jokes going around any longer, i better see your y face soon or i'm blocking you for a week, see you in 10 :blowing kiss:
lee chaeyoung. 3 days ago
@shim hyewon. [ text to: ୨୧ tinkerbelle ]

— but I enjoy my late night mental workout :<
— LMFAO, okay fine fineee. I GUESS that would be smart,,..
— you're right (again), I should be relaxing with you. especially because we should be celebrating all our hard work!!!
— are you free this friday coming up?? how does a girls WEEKEND sound?
shim hyewon. 3 days ago
@lee chaeyoung. [ text to: chaerub :angel: ]

- we’re going to hire a bookkeeper one of these days but for now NO MORE LATE NIGHT CRUNCHING
-you should be late night munching with me instead and watching movies >:((((
- we haven’t had a proper girls night in forever
- blue screen time diet starts tomorrow u n u
kim donghyuk. 4 days ago
@im yeojin. [ text to : loml ❤️]

-okay! ill do what i can to get that for you, baby.
- oh?
- ah ;; they need to let you have some time off actually :c
- ofc, theres nothing you can do about it, do you need me to bring you buy anything during your shift?
lee chaeyoung. 4 days ago
@shim hyewon. [ text to: ୨୧ tinkerbelle ]

— I couldn't help it ㅠㅠ
— That'll be the last time I do it!! At least for the next month, because I think I crunched too far ahead and now I'm sick lmao
— ????? No way??? We both know I'd die due to the lack of blue-screen time.
shim hyewon. 4 days ago
@lee chaeyoung. [ text to: chaerub :angel: ]

- oh you didn't :sigh: :sigh: sigh:
- I told you not to worry so much about that loan. We've been doing more than good lately and we'd figure it out together even if we weren't
- I'm gonna start making you give me your devices til the next workday atp
im yeojin. 4 days ago
@kim donghyuk. [ text to: hyukkie love ❤︎︎❤︎︎ ]
-kimbap.. maybe but anything is fine i love your cooking too :D
-oh…i need to take a rain check again D:
- babe it surprised me too, but i was called to stay longer :<
- i hope that’s okay…?
lee chaeyoung. 4 days ago
@shim hyewon. [ text to: ୨୧ tinkerbelle ]

— good morningggg love!
( typing... )
— okay, i know i said i'd stop crunching numbers so late into the next day, but we've been making such good profits!! i almost can't believe it, but then i think about how hard the both of us have been working our asses off.
— and i was so worried about us paying off that loan!! ╥﹏╥
kim donghyuk. 1 week ago
@im yeojin. [ text to : loml ❤️ ]

- okok sounds perfect then!
- is there anything you want specifically, or do you want me to surprise you? sksk
- i might go shopping for the ingredients after schedules today.
im yeojin. 1 week ago
@kim donghyuk. [ text to: hyukkie love ❤︎︎❤︎︎ ]
- i should be free towards the evening time, babyy
- though yes, that sounds so sweet o:
kim donghyuk. 1 week ago
@im yeojin. [ text to : loml ❤️ ]

- are you free for lunch today? or dinner?
- you can come over and I can make us something?


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lostinparadise 28 minutes ago
hello, may i reserve choi san please?
RoseThornArchive 44 minutes ago
pls reserve Lee Felix for me
weishen 1 hour ago
hi! can i reserve wendy son / son seungwan + red velvet please?
tsugumi 3 hours ago
please reserve jung sungchan for me.
jeonha 18 hours ago
may i reserve lee dohyun and ahn hyoseop please
vronvron 20 hours ago
hiiii may i please reserve yang jungwon from enhypen please?
scammer 21 hours ago
hello! may i have komatsu nana added? :3
ubebread 23 hours ago
hi!! may i please reserve kim hyeyoon again? c:
rainypm [A] 1 day ago
: ̗̀➛ expired reservations cleared! comment name + group to reserve!
snowrose 2 days ago
hii can i please have kim youngkyun ( hwi young) from SF9 reserved please.
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