➴ cafe。



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jeon soyeon. 5 hours ago
@choi chanhee. She peers over the other's phone, glancing at his profile and takes account over his following.
"Wow.. couple of thousand is nothing to sneeze at.."
She smiles softly at the kind gesture before shaking her head. "Nope! Film everything and anything! As long as it doesn't exploit the cafe in any way..." she narrows her eyes at him playfully as a warning before grabbing a nearby clean towel and starts wiping down the countertops and machinery nearby. "Oh! You have to try our best seller.. the Chocolate Avalanche!" She pauses for a moment to point to the three pastries on the top shelf of their display cabinet. "It's a puff pastry with a dense chocolate filling and chocolate chip bits on the inside. It's heavenly if it's warmed a bit."
choi chanhee. 15 hours ago
@jeon soyeon. Seeing how nervous the lady seemed to get at the question made Chanhee feel a tad bit bad as he didn't mean to scare her, offering a reassuring smile as he began to speak again. "Oh no need for tidying anything! It looks amazing in here and by the looks of it, the customers are happy and content. Plus, if you don't want your face shown, I won't film you out of respect." Chanhee nodded his head and pulled out his phone real quick, bringing up his Instagram page as more reassurance that this wasn't a scam of any kind. "Look here. I have a couple thousand followers and my content is mostly giving exposure to small businesses. I see it as a win-win situation as I promote your cafe and it gives me something to share about to my followers... Now that I'm here, what are menu items you're particularly proud of? I'll go ahead and buy them, if they're not already sold out."
jeon soyeon. 1 day ago
@jeon wonwoo. In the late afternoon, Soyeon expected a small wave of customers to stop by as classes ended. She prepared some coffee mixes in the back of the cafe before heaving them up in her arms and pushed the door out with her foot.

"Coming through! Watch yourself."

She s through the two employees in front of her before setting the pitchers on the countertop, The sounds of the cafe lifted her spirits, enough for her to continue on for the rest of the night. She pulled open the bottom fridge door and slid the pitchers in. "Stay.." She muttered to herself, pointing to the pitchers as if that would've made a difference. She then wiped her hands on her apron from sticky residue as she glanced over to her cashier who was already wide-eyed, worried, and looking at her. Soyeon mirrored her look before looking at the customer. She clenched her jaw to see the sight of her older brother standing just a mere feet away from her.
"Wonwoo..? I-- Why are you here.."
jeon wonwoo. 1 day ago
@jeon soyeon. wonwoo sighed after finishing his teaching classes. he checked his phone and somehow thought about his younger sister, soyeon. he could only watch her make the decision to leave their family's house and live on her own. he thought she deserved better than working in the cafe owned by their grandmother. it wasn't that wonwoo disliked it; it just didn't sit right with him when he knew the girl could do more, especially with her dreams.

he drove his car toward the cafe and made his way inside. the sound of the bell signaled his entrance, and the workers quickly greeted him with cheerful voices. well, wonwoo was a pretty good-looking guy, so it was no wonder some of the girls in the cafe were stealing glances at him, which he ignored until he reached the front counter.

"h-how may i help you today, sir?" asked the female worker, somehow blushing at the sight of him. wonwoo sighed at this kind of antic. "iced americano, seven shots of espresso. less ice. that's all." he took out his card and let the worker proceed with the payment. "is your owner here?" he asked. "i want to see her." the worker seemed hesitant, perhaps worried that her behavior was a little too much while serving him.
jeon soyeon. 1 day ago
@choi chanhee. "Yes! That will be 4.99 please." Soyeon handed over two chocolate muffins, setting them down on the tray for the last customer of the rush hour. The gentle rains from the outside always seem to usher more people into her little cafe. She beams as she waves the customer off before having her attention to the man in front of her, the question causing slight panic within her as she looks down at her dirty workspace then returns her gaze to the other. A hint of courage swells up inside of her, nodding her head in determination. She has never been filmed before but who was she to turn down such a great oppurtunity to get more customers? "I-.. I'm the owner! Yes! If you'd give me ten minutes to tidy up everything, you can film."
choi chanhee. 1 day ago
@jeon soyeon. As much as Chanhee would have loved staying home, he had to make the most of today since he would be busy in the next couple of days. His mission for today was to visit a cafe that has been causing a buzz recently on social platforms and he had to try it out himself, for the great opportunity of content. It was lightly raining outside which always seemed to revitalize his existence, even with others using umbrellas or a hoodie, Chanhee let the droplets touch him as he made his way to Asteria cafe. Once he entered, the smell of freshly baked goods combined with grinded coffee beans made themselves present and he couldn't help taking a good inhale before heading towards the counter. "Hello! May I speak with a manager? or better yet, the owner, if they're here today? I'd like to ask for permission on possibly filming?"


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pragmatic 8 hours ago
lee jihoon + seventeen please
rainypm [A] 1 day ago
: ̗̀➛ expired reservations cleared! comment name + group to reserve!
TheEmeraldPrince 1 day ago
Lucas Wong please
wonholic 1 day ago
jeon jungkook + bts plz
rascal 1 day ago
kim sihyeon + everglow please!
calhoun 1 day ago
song kang + actor, please. thank you!
fc477370b0c971d0066c 1 day ago
may i please have felix lee from stray kids added and reserved please?
angelcode 1 day ago
izone’s / actress kim minju, please!
neulbinz 2 days ago
can i have sung hanbin zb1 please!
geppetto 2 days ago
can i have koo junhoe ikon / actor please !
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