➴ airport。



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cha eunwoo. 3 days ago
@cho miyeon. 24°c, sunny, cloudy, winds 10km/hr. it wasn't perfect flying conditions, but it wasn't bad either. if it didn't change, it would be fine, but if it did, his flight in a few hours to bali might get delayed. knowing his usual luck with work, eunwoo predicted the latter. it looked like it was going to be another day of living in the airport. the past week had been rough; he hadn't slept in his own bed for more than 5 days now. it was summer, but not exactly summer weather. the temperatures fluctuated varied and greatly on a daily basis. it was also fairly damp; rainy days and rising hot air was perfect combination for severe thunderstorms. this also delayed airplane checks, taking them twice as long. flights also were lengthened, due to turbulence and cloudy skies.

putting his phone away, he looked up and let out a soft sigh of exasperation. he was probably going to have to end up napping in the sky lounge, eunwoo could feel it in his gut. while the sky lounge's lounge chairs and sofas were still comfortable, it still wasn't his bed, nor home sweet home. having time to kill, eunwoo got up from the bench, heading to the nearest starbucks. it was time for some coffee and a snack.

as usual, the line to the ubiquitous coffee franchise was long and busy. for once, eunwoo didn't mind it, as he wasn't in any rush. walking up to the line, he stood in it, awaiting his turn for his order. the pilot looked above at the menu boards, unsure of what food item to get. he rarely got anything to eat from starbucks, as much of the food was awful, but he knew he needed to at least eat something now. most likely, he wasn't going to have time later. he was still deciding, when his backside felt oddly prickly... eunwoo could literally feel a pair of eyes—someone was firing invisible lasers with their vision. not wanting to directly confront whomever was behind him, eunwoo craned his neck slowly, as if he were pretending to survey the entire general vicinity. from his peripheral vision, he saw who had been looking at him; a female, with long, dark blonde hair, fawn-like eyes, and small face. without warning, he then glanced at her, forcing her to be caught—their eyes locking. she let out a small gasp, making it more than obvious that she indeed had been the one to stare intensely. eunwoo faced front, smiling widely to himself, trying not to laugh. it was comedic, like something out of a cheesy, poorly written k-drama.


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lostinparadise 36 minutes ago
hello, may i reserve choi san please?
RoseThornArchive 53 minutes ago
pls reserve Lee Felix for me
weishen 1 hour ago
hi! can i reserve wendy son / son seungwan + red velvet please?
tsugumi 3 hours ago
please reserve jung sungchan for me.
jeonha 18 hours ago
may i reserve lee dohyun and ahn hyoseop please
vronvron 20 hours ago
hiiii may i please reserve yang jungwon from enhypen please?
scammer 22 hours ago
hello! may i have komatsu nana added? :3
ubebread 23 hours ago
hi!! may i please reserve kim hyeyoon again? c:
rainypm [A] 1 day ago
: ̗̀➛ expired reservations cleared! comment name + group to reserve!
snowrose 2 days ago
hii can i please have kim youngkyun ( hwi young) from SF9 reserved please.
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