➴ park。



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han jisung. 11 hours ago
@lee minho. Jisung gave a sheepish laugh at the others sound of annoyance, before nodding his head in agreement. “It’s nice to meet you too.” He said in agreement with a soft chuckle. Minho had been hard person to read since Jisung had ran into him but had seemed nice nonetheless. “Yeah, I am.” He answered the question glad he didn’t have to walk in silence or try to navigate the conversation. “It’s my last year though so hopefully not for too much longer.” He stated before taking a glance in the others direction. “What do you do?”
lee minho. 23 hours ago
@han jisung. Minho clicked his tongue in feigned annoyance at yet another apology, but he couldn't pretend to be annoyed for too long, breathing out through his nose and making a noise that was akin to something of a silent laugh. "Minho," he responded when asked, holding out his fist for the other to bump against his. "It's nice to meet you, Jisung. An odd way for sure, but still nice I guess." To accompany his teasing, MInho offered a gentle smile, hoping that showed to Jisung that Minho meant no harm. He's been told before that his sarcasm sounded anything /but/ sarcastic sometimes, and it's often that it's gotten him in trouble. "Do you go to one of the school's around here? I'm not here often but every time I am, I see a lot of university students."
han jisung. 1 day ago
@lee minho. Jisung had kept an awkward pace in leading the steps, torn between wanting to be in pace with the stranger or walk a few steps ahead. He stumbled lightly over his own feet when he heard the other speak again before catching himself and acting as if it hadn't happened when he turned to look at the stranger, taking a moment to observe him when he didn't have to make the awkward eye contact that he was never able to hold for anyone. He tried to not taking the others words into consideration, constantly apologizing wouldn't fix the issue anyhow. "Right, sorry." He looked down at the ground for a few moments before realizing his mistake. About to apologize again before he asked for his name. "Oh! I'm Jisung." He said looking back up trying to give a polite smile to the other, almost having forgotten about proper introductions. "Yours?" He asked in return
lee minho. 1 day ago
@han jisung. "Right," Minho nodded, waiting for the other to lead the way before chirping down at the dog, lips curling up into a softer smile. For such a scary size, it surely was a cute pet. He could already hear his cats meowing at him later for smelling even the slightest bit like another animal. The thought made his smile widen slightly. It was now the second time that Minho placed himself between the dog and the shorter boy, attention back on searching for the dog's owner, but hand remaining tight around the leash so that he didn't get away again. Or worse; get another burst of energy and chase his initial victim once more.

"You're fine. Like I said, I'd rather have stepped in than see you end up hurt. We're all good," Minho had shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, only glancing at the boy once before he decided he wouldn't anymore (he looked so guilty it was beginning to rub off on Minho, even though he hadn't done anything). "And anyways if you're so sorry, do me a favor and stop apologizing about it, yeah? You had a normal reaction." A few beats of silence had passed and another unplanned glance. "What's your name?"
han jisung. 2 days ago
@lee minho. One last heavy breath to get himself fully recovered from the sudden exercise, he nodded his head rapidly for a quick second before he blinked at the follow up question his nods changing to shakes. “No no, I can go with you.” He said assuringly, his eyes darted back down to the dog and back up to the stranger. “You just keep him over there.” He stated, nudging his head to the side. A motion to gesture the other to follow him to where he had been running from, that’s to hope that his memory serves him correctly.

His feet had started moving slowly beneath him before he realized it. “You wouldn’t be stuck with the dog if it wasn’t for me, and…” his hands began to nervously rub the side of his jeans. “Sorry about the ice cream, too.” He wanted to apologize for all of it. Though he was grateful for the stranger to have been there to finally get the dog to stop chasing him and meeting face to face with the ground.
lee minho. 3 days ago
@han jisung. Now, Minho really felt like an . He wasn't as good at hiding his amusement as he thought he was, the way the stranger felt the need to, yet again, defend himself being proof of that. At least he seemed to look more at ease than he was acting before. Seemed to be beginning to breathe normally, so that was a good sign in Minho's book. "Right," he hummed, following the other's finger in hopes of catching said owner, but once again not seeing much. Minho almost began to say that the dog had probably chased the shorter for longer than he had realized. He wasn't really sure what might be considered inconsiderate of him to say, so he decided to press his lips shut.

By this point the dog had finished Minho's snack, peeking happily between the two of them as if he hadn't nearly given one of them a heart attack. "Would it make you feel better if we walked to find them together? That way the owner can apologize to you, too." Minho blinked another time— slowly, then rapidly another two times. "Or would you prefer I went to find them myself?"
han jisung. 3 days ago
@lee minho. Jisung's wide eyes observed the situation, rationalizing his brain to calm down, but his mind kept tricking him. Jisung knew that the others smile on his face wasn't menaing, or ridiculing him, but he couldn't help but to feel the other was judging him for being scared of /just/ a dog. A big dog, but still nothing was harmful about the dog thus far. It just perhaps had too much energy and Jisung just happened to be the target, for whatever reason. The others words seemed to allow his brain to finally let go of the anxieties as he nodded. "Thanks." he mumbled.

Jisung's gaze went back to the cup of ice cream that now belonged to the dog, and Jisung couldn't help but to feel worse. "He just started chasing me out of nowhere." He meeked out a bit quieter than he intended still feeling slightly embarrassed about the whole situation. Having seemly calmed down for the majority of the part, especially now seeing the other hold the dogs leash. He nodded at the others repeated question. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry again." He apologized rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He was okay for the most part he just only had to get the jitters out of his skin. "Just a bit startled was all." He then pointed in the direction the dog had started chasing him in. "I'm not sure who he belongs to but I think his owner is up that way."
lee minho. 3 days ago
@han jisung. Minho was more than welcome to release the shorter from his grasp, trying his best as to not allow the amusement to become too evident. Embarrassment to one's self was universally disliked. , why couldn't he stop smiling? He was certainly a horrible human being. Minho bit his lip and quickly turned his gaze towards his now soiled treat. "All good. Rather this than seeing you seriously ending up hurt."

While the dog was still distracted, he quickly grabbed ahold of its leash, assuming that it's owner wasn't paying when he decided to start running. "It is," Minho patiently agreed, "don't see too many dogs this big around here." His cup was gently dropped for the dog to better enjoy, now glancing around to see if any owner looked particularly panicked. After coming to the realization that the stranger never answered his question, Minho's attention was once again set on him. "Are you okay?" He calmly repeated, now offering a gentle smile.
han jisung. 3 days ago
@lee minho. Jisung wasn’t sure what the next course of events were, before everything went black. Of course, the male had just closed his eyes before his inevitable fall to the ground, though when it didn’t come. Jisung blinked his eyes open. Panic still surging through his body. There was another human standing in between him and the beast that had been chasing him down.

Maybe beast was too strong of a word, but tell that to his pounding heart, and heaving chest. Patting his chest lightly still clinging on to the stranger, before the others words had brought him back to reality. Blinking a few times before shaking himself off the other bowing in apology, eyes still nervously looking at the dog that had been enjoying the ice cream the other had.

“Sorr’ abo’ that!” Jisung words barreled out of his mouth faster than he can think, not sure the other could understand him or not. His hands were still shaking from the adrenaline coursing through his veins, as he pointed limply at the seemingly friendly dog. “That’s a pretty big dog.” His face heated up from embarrassment as he couldn’t even bring himself to answer the strangers initial questions.
lee minho. 3 days ago
@han jisung. While it was extremely rare for Minho to find time for himself and not for his restaurant, there were days where his executive chefs (affectionately, he's sure) kicked him out of the kitchen, stating that it was unhealthy for him to work so much and assuring him that they would be fine without him for a day. So here he was, in the park having his first, leisurely stroll for the first time in a long time and eating his first cup of vanilla ice cream since the season had started. Even as he was trying his hardest to lighten up, his mind had been elsewhere for a few hours. It was true; Minho didn't know how to /not/ work himself to death. And while, realistically, he knew his staff would be fine without him, there were things that needed to be done that he felt would be best if he did them and not somebody else.

He had just been thinking that it would be fine if he finished his current cup of ice cream and returned back to his office when the sound of running caught him by surprise. Minho, without so much as a second thought helped hold up the stranger, placing his body in between him and whatever he had been running from. A... dog? He took a second to assess the animal that had been clearly chasing him for quite a bit, brown eyes blinking rapidly in amusement. Minho hardly thought the dog seemed alarming at all, but decided to keep that to himself for now, unable to stifle a laugh when the cheerful pet began to lap at the ice cream in his other hand. Minho's attention went back to the shorter, seemingly petrified male that was still in his grasp. Minho's sure he would be just as scared, too. Just maybe not in this life. "Are you okay? You hurt anywhere?"
han jisung. 3 days ago
It was dumb, and stupid. Jisung had decided to take a visit to the park on his day of to enjoy some of his leisure time. The summer sun had been warming the days up nicely and it had been perfect time to spend outside. Of course, when Jisung had made his plans he hadn't expected the day to treat him as unfairly (or at least in his opinion) as it had did.

It all started when he ordered his regular iced americano at the cafe this morning, immediately had slipped out of his hands and all over the business floor, and everything had just went down hill from there. So when Jisung had found himself running across the greenery of the park heart beating at what felt like a million beats per second, he shouldn't have counted himself as surprised. A giant, dog, almost half Jisung's size had been chasing him for a good minute, and though the dog hadn't looked menacing, Jisung's flight or fight had still decided to take action... by fleeing.

Tripping over his own feet, Jisung had reached for the closest thing to him, another body that had came out as just a blur to him in his descent to the ground, hands scrambling for purchase wherever he could as he meeked out a high pitched "help!"


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lostinparadise 10 minutes ago
hello, may i reserve choi san please?
RoseThornArchive 27 minutes ago
pls reserve Lee Felix for me
weishen 1 hour ago
hi! can i reserve wendy son / son seungwan + red velvet please?
tsugumi 3 hours ago
please reserve jung sungchan for me.
jeonha 18 hours ago
may i reserve lee dohyun and ahn hyoseop please
vronvron 20 hours ago
hiiii may i please reserve yang jungwon from enhypen please?
scammer 21 hours ago
hello! may i have komatsu nana added? :3
ubebread 22 hours ago
hi!! may i please reserve kim hyeyoon again? c:
rainypm [A] 1 day ago
: ̗̀➛ expired reservations cleared! comment name + group to reserve!
snowrose 2 days ago
hii can i please have kim youngkyun ( hwi young) from SF9 reserved please.
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