Skate Park

Welcome to the Skate Park. Fun during the day, shady at night.

✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook’s smirk barely faltered as he watched San leave. “Curious, huh? Well, curiosity can be a double-edged sword,” he called out with a hint of frostiness in his tone. “If you end up in a tight spot, just remember, I’m not exactly the knight in shining armor you’re counting on.” He shrugged nonchalantly, adding, “Stranded in the cold and rain? Sounds like a bit of a dramatic flair, but if you do end up needing help, don’t expect any sympathy from me.” With a final glance at the disappearing figure, Dongwook turned away, his expression hardening slightly. “Good luck out there, San. If our paths cross again, it’ll be on my terms.”
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook He snickers.
"I wouldn't call it considering your offer. Just....a curious fella? Yes, lets go with that."
He silently watches Dongwook input his information into San's phone. He is actually surprised that Dongwook actually did, he was certain that he wouldn't to upkeep his 'mysterious' aura.
Reaching out to take the phone back, he shoves it back into his hoodies pocket with a brief grin.
"I'll keep that in for getting home. Don't you worry, Sir Dongwook. I'll be sure to get lost and have you come find me someway and somehow. Maybe stranded in the cold, raining and getting sick. Who knows~" cheeky, San is being cheeky. He turns away with a wave, emitting a low laugh to himself while he walks away from the encounter. Though part of him was wondering what Dongwook meant by offering him opportunities....why San? Or perhaps Dongwook is lying.
That damn...cigarette breath, he finished his thoughts. Before he is now turning the corner of the street light and no longer present.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening as he took in San’s playful tone. He accepted the phone with a smooth motion, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and interest. “Ah, so you’re considering my offer after all? Glad to hear it.” He glanced at the contact list briefly before meeting San’s gaze again. “Well, if this spark you’re talking about decides to give me a ring, I’ll be ready. And don’t worry—if it’s ramen you’re after, I’m sure we can find a way to make that work.” Dongwook’s voice took on a teasing edge. “Just remember, if you ever need to cash in on that offer, you might find yourself tangled in more than just ramen. But hey, that’s the thrill of the game, isn’t it? He handed the phone back to San with a grin, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed demeanor. “Good luck getting home, and don’t be a stranger if you decide you want to explore those ‘opportunities’ after all.”
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Bringing his arms to cross over his chest while he faces Dongwook, noticing the smirk that never waivered from the males features.
"You sure do enjoy smirking. I guess that means you either find me really charming or just enjoy teasing me....but maybe I'll think about your offer?" He reaches into his hoodie pocket to pull out a cellular device, unlocking his phone and going to the contact lists. He holds it out to Dongwook with his head cutely tilting to the side as he speaks.
"This person with a spark, might hit you up for more filthy money to use for ramen."
San's words are playful, the tone different than his usual demeanor. An obvious shift from his normal standoffish personality, seeming more relaxed now.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook’s smile didn’t waver, but his eyes glinted with a sharp edge. “Oh, I see,” he said with a mocking tone, leaning back in his chair. “So you’re playing the tough guy now, threatening to hunt me down if things go south? Brave words for someone who’s clearly intrigued but trying to hide it.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “But don’t worry, San. I’m not here to force anyone into anything. If you’re truly on top, then you won’t need any help from someone like me. Just remember, the world is full of risks and opportunities, and sometimes the ones who play it safe end up missing out on the best chances. Dongwook’s smirk widened as he added, “But do keep that fire; it suits you. And as for getting home? Well, I’m sure you’ll manage. Just hope you don’t end up regretting passing on a chance to make some real waves.”
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Oho? He is actively trying to recruit San. Guess Dongwook didn't research San enough that or....he knows who San truly is and trying to convince him otherwise.
Nevertheless, San decided to play dumb but also uninterested.
His eyes scanning Dongwook up and down briefly while he pushes the cup of ramen away from him, with a long drawn out hum.
"No offense. But if anyone comes after me because I let your filthy money buy me ramen. I'm hunting you down-" his words paused as he leaned forward this time just enough to barely have his nose touch Dongwooks, his glare now matching the elders.
"I'll personally kick your . Yeah?" He stated, his lips curving upward into a cheeky smile as he leans back into his seat.
Realizing how late it is, San stands up with a stretch of his arms, fixing the hood of his hoodie with a relieved sigh.
"Also- I'm already on top ~ but I suppose this is where we depart. Now I need to figure out how to get back home from here."
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook leaned back with a playful smirk, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, San," he said with a teasing tone, "You’ve got it all wrong. I’m not suggesting you’re some fragile flower needing saving. But you must admit, you’re in a bit deeper than you planned, sitting here with me." He let out a soft chuckle, leaning closer again. "And you’re right—I do have people after me. But I’m not offering help out of pity. I’m offering it because you’ve shown a bit of guts, and that’s something I respect. So, why not take advantage of that risk you’re already in? You might find that stepping into this mess might just lead to some unexpected opportunities." Dongwook’s expression grew more serious, but the playful edge remained. "So, if you’re up for it, let’s just say I have a knack for navigating tricky situations. And if you’re willing to roll with the punches, I can make sure you don’t just survive this mess but come out on top."
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Observing the older male lean closer has San furrow his brows in thought.
Though he is curious, what Dongwook was going to say.
Dongwook managed to keep San lingering, sitting longer than most have. By now, San would have left without a care but somehow he stuck around to continue listening.
The tone shifting in Dongwook's voice had him quirk a brow, wondering what he meant by 'I'm willing to help'.
San wasn't stupid so he questioned.
"Not sure what you are talking about or what you mean. Definitely do not know...why or how you'll help. But wait a minute- do I look like someone who needs help?" He stated slightly offended, pupils widening followed by a scoff.
"I'm not sure what you mean by 'step', I'm already taking a risk sitting here with you big man. You probably have people after you, now they'll come after me. A precious little flower-"
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook raised an eyebrow at San's comment, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Noted," he replied, his voice low and slightly amused. He took a slow breath, savoring the moment before leaning a bit closer, the softened expression on his face never wavering. "What's my answer?" he echoed, his tone serious now. Dongwook's gaze didn't waver as he continued, "I think your goal is ambitious, and I respect that. But ambition alone won't get you there. You'll need to be smart, strategic, and sometimes ruthless." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "If you're willing to do whatever it takes, I'm willing to help you. But know this, San: the path you're choosing isn't easy. It will change you, and not always for the better." Dongwook leaned back, his eyes still locked onto San's. "So, what's it going to be? Are you ready to take that step?"
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Something about Dongwook both angered yet didn't bother San at the same time.
He didn't understand it. Not one bit-
Hearing that Dongwook partied previously earned a muffled chuckle from San as he took a break from scarfing down his food.
Ensuring to wipe his lips with the sleeves of his hoodie since they forgot to grab napkins, while his lips pursed out slightly.
His gaze finally meeting Dongwook's softened expression.
" You know. You'd be ten times hotter if your breath didn't smell like filtered tobacco."
The confirmation that Dongwook actually heard San's goal had him suddenly feel vulnerable, his fingers messing with the chopsticks while he refused to meet Dongwooks gaze.
"Whats your...answer?"
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook chuckled, taking a long drag from his cigarette before flicking the ashes into the ashtray. He watched San with a mix of amusement and curiosity. There was something oddly endearing about the younger man's straightforwardness and the way he ate with such fervor. "I've had my fair share of parties," Dongwook admitted, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "But now, I prefer quieter places. Less noise, more control." He took another drag, letting the smoke curl around him before exhaling. "And as for smoking, well, it's a bad habit I picked up. Helps me think. But I guess I never really thought about how it affects others." He studied San for a moment, noting the way his demeanor changed when he mentioned his goal. Dongwook's gaze softened slightly. "A safe place for those in need, huh? That's a noble goal. Not many people would think about others like that. Most are too busy thinking about themselves."
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook San placed his palm over the cover of his ramen, to keep it hot while listening to Dongwook speak.
His wandering eyes now averting their attention back to the male as they spoke.
Why was he so relaxed? Is the repetitive question, that San had kept asking himself.
I mean, they are total strangers after all.
"I don't party. It was just a thought but it sounds like you have partied before?" He returns the question, his head tilting briefly to the side before he opens the covering of his ramen. Taking his chopsticks to swirl some ramen in between the wooden utensils as he leans into the slurp the noodles silently, chewing then swallowing.
San ate like a man who hasn't eaten in days.

But the stench of cigarette was quick to have him quirk a brow, pausing his eating.
"Why does everyone lately seem to smoke....? You like having people smell your nasty breath?" He questioned; mainly out of curiosity and no sass involved.
As he was about to continue his yummy endeavors, the following question has him freezing in place.
His eyes softening as he stares down at the soupy noodles whilst responding in a gentle tone.
"Open up a safe place for those in need, regardless of age." He returns to eating the delicious meal before him.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook watched San for a moment before following him outside, taking a seat across from him. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady on San. "You know," Dongwook began, his tone casual yet with an underlying intensity, "partying isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's just another distraction, another way to forget things for a while." He paused, observing San as he stirred his ramen. "But I get it. Everyone needs a break from their reality sometimes. Even if it's just a cup of ramen." Dongwook reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up. He took a slow drag, letting the smoke curl around him. "You're right about the money. It's filthy. But it's the world we live in, isn't it? You use what you have to get by." He leaned forward slightly, the smoke from his cigarette drifting between them. "Tell me, San. What would you do if you had everything you ever wanted? No worries about food, money, anything. What then?"
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Feeling the presencr of Dongwook stepping closer to San's frame has San shift a bit in his footing.
He shoved his hands back into the pocket of his hoodie, refusing to show his full face as he kept his hood over his head.
He merely shrugged at Dongwook's words.
"Food is a luxury...not everyone gets free food." He replies while soon side glancing to Dongwook as he could feel his warm breath near his face.
The close proximity having San in a nervous breath before he exhales when Dongwook parts away.
"Guess I'll pretend I don't know anything about your filthy money since its being used to buy me ramen in this moment...." with that said, he reaches out to take the cup of ramen that is now warm since the cashier put the hot water for us and chopsticks. He made his way outside, not waiting for Dongwook to take a seat casually at the outside table. Bringing his chopsticks to stir around the ramen as he stares off at the street.
"Wonder what its like to be partying...." He commented mainly to himself.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook raised an eyebrow at San's comment about dirty money but didn't react immediately. Instead, he followed San to the cash register, watching him with a mix of curiosity and amusement. As San pointed back at him, Dongwook stepped up beside him, his own items in hand. He glanced at the cashier, then back at San, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Just the ramen?" Dongwook asked, his tone light but with an edge of sarcasm. "You're too modest, San. You could have picked something more expensive, you know." He handed his items to the cashier, then looked at San with a knowing look. "But I respect that. Not everyone knows how to appreciate the small things." He gave a nod to the cashier. "Add it all together." As the cashier started ringing up the items, Dongwook leaned in closer to San, lowering his voice. "And about that dirty money... just remember, it's only dirty if you get caught." He gave San a playful wink before straightening up and paying for their items.
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Oh? He thought to himself, he wasn't expecting Dongwook to admit that he enjoyed chatting with San, least to say he didn't expect anyone to admit such a thing regardless. It caught him by surprise in that moment.
For a split second, San's tough expression softened but was quick to return as he cautiously followed behind Dongwook inside the store.
He stood next to the older male, reaching out to accept the ramen as he briefly chuckles.
"So you do have dirty money...noted..." he whispered mainly for the two of them to hear. The commentary about picking whatever he wants, has San glance down at the ramen in his hand. Holding it up briefly to Dongwook.
"I'm okay with just this." He stated simply, he was never someone that asked for more after all. He was happy with what he could get. Without waiting, San had already began to head towards the cash register. His lips curving into a polite grin, one that he only showed on occasion.
"Uhm...I'm just getting this and add it to whatever that guy is getting too." He uses his thumb to point behind him in the direction of Dongwook. The hot air in the store contrasting with the cold he was just in, that has a reddish tint hue cross San's cheekbones.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook couldn't help but laugh at San's candid remarks, the sound deep and warm. The younger man's playful skepticism was both amusing and endearing, a refreshing change from the usual guardedness he encountered. "Ah, you caught me," Dongwook said with a mock sigh, his eyes still twinkling with amusement. "I suppose I do enjoy our conversations a bit too much. Maybe the universe has a sense of humor." He watched San's internal debate with a mix of patience and curiosity, noting the way his expression shifted from wary to interested at the mention of ramen. Dongwook's smile widened when San finally agreed. "Dirty money, huh?" Dongwook teased, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I can't argue with you there. But I promise, no strings attached. Just two cups of ramen and some company for the night." He pushed open the door to the convenience store, the warm air inside a welcome contrast to the cool night. As they stepped in, Dongwook made a beeline for the ramen aisle, grabbing a couple of cups and some additional snacks."Pick whatever you like," he said, handing one of the cups to San
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook "You are showing that look again....I can see the twinkle of playful enjoyment upon your features yknow?" San speaks out about Dongwook's obvious amused look.
It was hard to not notice, he only did it every time he spoke with San.
"Maybe the universe is telling us that we either need to meet or find more reasons to avoid each other. Hm? Which could it be-"
His words lingered in a pause, as the mentioning of food has San's stomach grumble once more. He brings one of his hands to rest over his clothed stomach, side eyeing the store before returning his gaze to Dongwook. His brows furrowed in thought, debating if he should accept.
"I don't know....your money might be dirty money and get me into trouble. Or you feeding me comes with a price? I highly doubt a man like yourself will do this for free....and I hate giving people stuff. So...but! Ramen you say...?" The automatic switch to delight that San expresses at the sound of ramen, peaks an interest. He brings a finger to his lips and taps it slowly before shrugging.
"Sure, I shall accept two cups of ramen."
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he looked at San. The younger man's remark brought a genuine smile to his face, dispelling any lingering shadows from his earlier thoughts. "Wouldn't need a tracker," Dongwook said, shaking his head. "You have a knack for showing up when I least expect it. It's almost like fate, don't you think?" He took a step closer, the cool night air visible in his breath as well. Despite the jesting tone, there was an undercurrent of sincerity in his voice. He glanced back at the store and then to San, noting the younger man's slightly disheveled appearance and the telltale signs of a long day. "You look like you could use a break," Dongwook observed, his tone softening. "Come on, let's get something to eat. My treat." He gestured towards the convenience store, his invitation genuine. "It's not much, but a hot cup of ramen and some snacks can do wonders on a cold night like this."
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook The brief glance at Dongwook as he was minding his own business had San thinking that Dongwook looked peaceful for once, at least compared to the last few times they ran into each other. He fully convinced himself that Dongwook always held a drained, sorrowful expression despite his smirks, and teasing words.
Before he even set foot into the store, San paused in his place at the sound of the familiar deep, charming voice called out for his name.
Taking in a breath, before exhaling. The cool air obvious in showing his breath as he slowly his heels to now face Dongwook who was only just a smidge taller than San.
His caramel colored irises now facing the older male whose visage represented an amused expression.
"Dongwook...are you really surprised at this point? Might as well put a tracker on me or something."
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook stretched his legs out in front of him, savoring the cool night air as he sipped his can of beer. The convenience store's neon lights cast a soft glow around him, creating a tranquil atmosphere. He was lost in thought, enjoying the rare moment of peace, when a familiar figure caught his eye. San, with his black hoodie pulled up and damp hair peeking out, was lingering at the entrance of the store. Dongwook recognized him immediately, despite San's attempt to turn away and avoid being seen. A smirk tugged at the corner of Dongwook's lips. He casually set his beer can down and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He wasn’t going to let San slip away so easily. "San," he called out, his voice carrying a friendly, almost amused tone. "Fancy running into you here."
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Finding himself lingering along the streets once more, wearing his usual nightly attire of a black hoodie, grey sweats and black tennis shoes. The hoodie over his head to cover his damped dark locks from the cool air.
His right hand flickering the lighter on/off as he strolls along quietly, walking down the street that would eventually lead the way towards his living area.
Taking notice of a nearby convenience store, San's stomach gurgled at the thought of eating food.
"Hm..." he paused in his footing, contemplating whether to stop inside and grab a late night snack or continue his journey.
As he stared quietly at the store's bright sign, he caught sight of movement. Someone standing up and it averted his attention to a familiar face.
"Ah ...." he mumbled under his breath, the sound of his lighter flicking on, came to a stop. He quickly turned his head away in hopes that Dongwook does not see him while taking steps towards the entrance of the store.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook needed a break from the stress of his operations, so he decided to take a quiet moment for himself. That evening, he made his way to a convenience store he often frequented. The neon lights of the store cast a familiar glow, providing a strange sense of comfort. Inside, he walked down the aisles, grabbing a can of his favorite beer from the fridge. After paying at the counter, he stepped outside, feeling the cool night air against his skin. He found a small seating area just outside the store, a perfect spot for some solitude. Sitting down, Dongwook cracked open the beer, the sound oddly satisfying. He took a long sip, enjoying the cold, crisp taste as he looked out at the quiet street. The bustling noise of the city was distant, allowing him a rare moment of peace. His mind wandered as he sat there, thinking about the day’s events and the constant pressure of his double life. The beer helped to ease the tension, and for a few minutes, he allowed himself to relax and simply enjoy the moment. As he sat there, Dongwook couldn't help but notice the small details around him—the flickering streetlights, the occasional passerby, and the hum of distant traffic. It was a stark contrast to the high-stakes environment he usually found himself in. Finishing his beer, Dongwook leaned back and took a deep breath, feeling a bit more grounded. He knew this moment of respite wouldn't last long, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. When he finally stood up to leave, he felt a bit more prepared to face whatever challenges awaited him next.
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook After the brief encounter, San stayed on high alert but at the same time, he didn't really care. The male he encountered seemed harmless and obviously just a spy for someone who was out to get San. Lovely, he thought. Not only was he simply trying to enjoy a little peace in his life but guess that would be on hold in the mean time.

(Next Day)
San had rece more to the spot that he considered his 'sacred' area. The skatepark, he once again walked around the park slowly in a circle while flickering the same white and gold lighter that had a family crescent engraved on it on and off. A habit of San that he had yet to break out of...but as he walked, he took a moment to glance up at the night sky with his hoodie slightly pulling back to reveal his side profile.
"Hm. Wonder if he is lingering too..." he refers to possibly running into that cocky male Dongwook again. He didn't understand why in the back of his mind, he was so curious about Dongwook. But something about the older males...playful arrogant antics peaked an interest in San.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San Dongwook was in high spirits as he relaxed in the back of his car, enjoying the smooth drive home after a successful meeting. His mood shifted dramatically when he received a message from Jihoon: San caught me observing him. The frustration was palpable as Dongwook’s smile faded. He stared at the message, his mind racing with the implications of Jihoon's mistake. By the time he arrived home, his mood had soured considerably. The next day, Dongwook called Jihoon into his office, his frustration barely contained. As Jihoon entered, Dongwook wasted no time. “Jihoon, I’m extremely disappointed,” Dongwook began, his tone cold and authoritative. “I trusted you to carry out this task discreetly, yet you managed to get caught. How could you let this happen?” Jihoon shifted uncomfortably, clearly nervous. “I’m really sorry, Dongwook. It was an oversight. I didn’t think he would notice.” Dongwook’s frustration grew. “An oversight? You were directly observed by our target. This kind of mistake is unacceptable. If San starts suspecting that he’s being followed, it could blow our entire operation. We need to be cautious, or all our efforts will be for nothing.”
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Its late at night, he had just stepped out of the gym that he attended which is open 24 hours, thank goodness for that.
San stretched his arms out when he finally walked outside where the nightly cool breeze rubbed against his exposed skin.
"Hm feels nice..." he commented to himself; though from the corner of his eye he caught someone lingering. San actually noticed something was off for awhile, catching a good glimpse of the male in hiding he put two and two together. He is being watched. /again/ he thought.
With a sigh he walked in the opposite direction, playing it cool until he lost the male for a brief moment.
"Peek a boo" he said playfully, his hand firmly settled on the stalkers shoulder, while San is quick to put him in a headlock with one arm as he squirmed while he spoke in a low threatening manner.
"Tell your boss to stop being a pathetic man and do his own dirty work, yeah? Next time, I won't let you live. Mark my words."
Like perfect timing, his nightly phone call began to ring so San released the stranger to choke on the ground for a bit as San answered his phone.
"I'm not in jail, and reporting safe sir gang bodyguard. Now stop calling me. Its getting annoying." He finished his words, to hang up and then glance down at the male following him.
"Please don't piss me off. I've been holding back very well lately, now scram."
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San As the clock approached midnight, Dongwook made his way to the meeting location—a high-end restaurant known for its discreet clientele. He entered through a side door, bypassing the main dining area, and was led to a private room in the back. Seated at the table was Mr. Park, a well-connected businessman who had hired Dongwook to launder a substantial sum of money. "Gentlemen," Dongwook greeted them, his voice calm and authoritative. "I trust everything is ready?" Mr. Park nodded, sliding a thick folder across the table. "Everything is in place. The funds will be transferred through a series of shell companies, eventually ending up in a legitimate business account. From there, they can be withdrawn without raising any suspicions." Dongwook took the folder and skimmed through the documents, satisfied with what he saw. "Excellent. Let's proceed." As they went over the final details, Dongwook's phone buzzed with a message from Jihoon: Nothing unusual with Kyuhyun so far. Will keep you updated.
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Unlike most of the members in a gang, San appeared more normal on the outside and less suspicious.
Mainly because he always did what he wanted to do, and was only sent off on tasks when it involved scaring someone, or attacking.
But on his day to day, he spent every day attending underground late night fights, a place where he could blow off some steam. Normally if he got really hurt, he gets cared for at a nearby hospital by a doctor who has taken care of him since his youth.
San wen through his day, doing what most people do otherwise, once in awhile he went down sketchy alleys, into underground clubs or private entrances but then he also attended foster homes, played with kids before heading over to his part time job that he picked up for extra cash, working at the animal shelter.
If anyone witnessed this behavior, they would notice a softer San. So he worked hard at keeping his personal stuff to himself, not even his own members knew about what he did in his spare time.
Lastly he would always end his days, reporting back to his leader via phone call before heading home for the day. He stayed at a casino that his father owns, against his own will.
✪ Lee Dongwook 1 month ago
@Choi San The next morning, Dongwook sat at his desk, a thoughtful expression on his face. He couldn't shake the curiosity that had been gnawing at him since his encounter with San. There was something about the younger man's behavior that seemed off, and Dongwook needed to know more. He called in one of his trusted subordinates, a sharp and discreet individual named Jihoon. "I need you to follow someone for me," Dongwook said, his voice firm. "His name is San. I want to know where he goes, who he meets, and what he's up to. Be discreet. I don't want him to know he's being watched."Jihoon nodded, understanding the gravity of the task. "Understood, boss. I'll keep a low profile and report back with anything significant." As Jihoon left the room, Dongwook leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with possibilities. San's actions had been unusual, and Dongwook had a gut feeling that there was more to the story. Whatever it was, he intended to find out. He needed to know if San posed a threat to his operations or if there was another reason behind his strange behavior. Later that day, Jihoon began his surveillance, blending into the background as he tailed San through the city. San seemed unaware of the shadow following him, moving through his day with a sense of purpose. Jihoon watched as San interacted with various people, noting every detail that could be of interest to Dongwook. By the end of the day, Jihoon had gathered a wealth of information and returned to report to Dongwook. As he stood before his boss, Jihoon recounted everything he had observed, ready to provide any insight that could shed light on San's true motives.
Choi San 1 month ago
@✪ Lee Dongwook Hearing Dongwook speak differently than before had San curious about the older male for a split second.
He seemed much nicer..than their previous encounter. But why? He didn't bother to ask, Dongwook seemed to be in a rush and San is tired. He merely shrugged as the male departed, turning on his heels to also head in the operation direction, raising his hoodie over his head to cover most of his face to avoid further running into people that he knew.
And then...they both went their separate ways.


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bvbbles 1 week ago
Hey there, is Kang Baekho free to be applied for?
cer_berus 1 month ago
much love and appreciation, blossom.♡
hibernate 1 month ago
:^] is Lee Jongsuk available?
KPOPAuntie 1 month ago
Hi~ May I please request for NCT's Ten as an intern in the police force? :)
suns3t 1 month ago
hi, I came upon this rp, may I join? I see there are two requests for park seonghwa?
Alastar 1 month ago
Can I have Bang Chan from Stray Kidz please :’)
Angelx19 1 month ago
Lee Taeyong please
Shysun 1 month ago
Yang Jungwon please <3
creamsoda 1 month ago
my muse is back
may I request lee taemin, if I am able to come back?
BBVIPBaby 1 month ago
yoon keeho please
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