Pigneto District

You can roleplay here if you don't want to request a specific public room.

Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena Minhyuk could tell the pretty boy liked the new position, loving how those bright beautiful eyes were scanning his body up, flexing his muscles a bit to give him even a better view of his body. Finally Sena looked calmed down, after knowing he was hurting him the taller was pretty mad at himself. But To see his eyes closing like that and diving into the pleasure was a really good thing. For some weird reason that boy trusted him even when he shouldn’t do this, figuring he was dangerous and still he let him touch his body with closed eyes. Smirking to himself when he felt Sena’s getting hard between his fingers, pumping his hard shaft in a quick rhythm, giving attention to his veins and looking for his sensitive spots, his other hand plates with his sensitive s. Loving to see his precum he just lowered his head, smiling at him before his tongue was the tip of his , tasting him he groaned a bit. “Damn, you taste pretty sweet…” He his lips before his fingers ran over his length slowly, giving him a light squeeze before pumping his hard on even faster.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Song Kang What ensued was a measured exploration of each other's bodies. Sena noted the man's rough hands and the strength that lay behind each simple touch, each movement. Not aggressive, not overbearing, but firm. The solid grip on his waist made his heart flutter, and those fingers curling into his hair... How Sena wished he would tighten his grip just a little. The stripper melted into the man's touch, but he didn't resign control over the kiss. When his lips were coaxed apart - an easy feat - he met Kang with the same starved fervor. This was good. This is almost what he had envisioned, what he'd dreamed about... Sena laughed into the kiss, a quiet, muffled laugh elicited by how ridiculous it was that he had had a dream about a guy he'd just met. He still hoped his baby, his bike, would be okay, but what a fortuitous thing it was that the accident had happened.

His hands had slid down to grip onto Kang's hips, fingers curving over the man's shapely . He loved a guy with a good . His head tilted up, eyes half-lidded as the mechanic went to work on his jaw and neck.

-You've got no idea what you've started-

Sena tensed. Instinct told him that these were not empty words. Ah but the way the mechanic's hands curved around his body, the way his lips explored him was so promising... Teeth grazed over his earlobe and Sena groaned in content. He was enjoying this thoroughly but unwilling to become a passive party. His left hand slid onto the forearm that was holding his waist, his right hand... slid up under the man's top, his arm hooked around the other's torso so his palm was pressed to the other's shoulderblade. Maybe Sena would relax and enjoy the guy's ministrations just a liiittle longer after all. He pressed a small kiss to the other's neck, followed by a teasing bite. Ah, wasn't he forgetting something? Something that had made his internal alarm bells ring?

"Let's move inside?"

Sena pried his upper body off of the other's, leaning back just enough so he could look Kang in the face. "Pretty sure if we keep going here, someone is going to call the cops." The pink-haired male grinned. "Can't be stripping you in full view of the public can we~"
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "Oh-" The moment Sena had expressed his wish, the other had jumped into action. Sena rolled to the side so he was on his back and Minhyuk was in front of him, well, between his spread legs. ...Looking up at him from this angle wasn't bad either. His light eyes hungrily scanned over the man's firm, solid torso, the defined muscles that formed a strong body. Pearly whites sunk into his slightly swollen lips. The other was quick to get started and Sena let himself relax into the sheets and soak in what Minhyuk did to him. Despite asking to be watched, he had no intention of putting on a show for the other. He even closed his own eyes to fully appreciate the touch of Minhyuk's hands. Soon, blood had rushed into his loins, his rock hard in the man's hand. Sena breathed out shakily, in sync with the flutter of his chest. Pierced s stood at attention and eventually, a clear fluid started to ooze from the tip of his .
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena Minhyuk was still upset that he hurt Sena’s thin body, even when he asked him to do just that. It was easy to be carried away with someone like him. The beautiful boy seemed lost in his thoughts when he was a little quiet, it made him wonder if has thinking about his apology, but it seemed like Sena had nothing to say about it, maybe he didn’t care about him not being prince charming after all. It was pretty obvious he was dangerous and the beautiful guy knew it and still let him in his apartment. The taller one was glad to see the younger boy reacting when he was touching his suddenly. Sure he wasn’t good with s but he was pretty good with his hands. His eyes were scanning him in the new position he smirked, it was a great view. He was sitting between his legs. “I would love to watch you.” His voice was sincere as his hand caught his shaft now, touching all over his length slowly, pressing a bit against his vines while also playing with his balls. Starting to pump his faster between his fingers, letting him feel warmness all around his length, from the tip to his balls.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "-Oh" To Sena's surprise, he felt fingers gently hold his face and the man's lips once again brushing against his ear whispering sweet things. Beautiful... prince charming...? The term prince charming was not something Sena had ever expected to hear in his apartment, let alone in his bed. The strangest part of it all, was that the guy seemed to be genuinely apologising for not being a prince charming. If he was sorry that he wasn't a prince charming, did that make Sena the princess? And if so, which princess? Aurora? Snow white? Fiona? So many questions. Sena squirmed, pressing into the other as the man's hands ran down his body. His eyes widened, lips pulling into a smirk which he quickly bit down when the man pressed his hand between Sena's legs. He hummed, soft and low, and let his eyes flutter shut for just a few seconds. Then - "Wait." Sena twisted away until he had pulled out of the older man's arms and was lying on his back. He pulled his legs apart with his hands, fully exposing himself. "Sit between my legs while you do it... and watch me."
Kim Sunoo 1 month ago
@Yang Jungwon Never in his life did Sunoo imagine he'd experience someone wanting to do something bad to him, let alone stalk him and follow him but here he is on the sidewalk, wide eyed, heart racing, and his legs almost turning into jelly upon hearing that resonating sound of someone getting hit and the loud groan that echoed along the alley that he decided to go through last minute as a shortcut to the apartment complex, still thinking that he'll be safe within this area since there's a lot of people but alas, that's not the case.

Upon hearing that groan and yet another solid sound of someone getting hit, Sunoo got startled and gasped at the sight that's unfolding in front of him. "W-Wait. . . wait. . . y-you might kill him. . ." The younger male stuttered. He's aware of the violence in this area and the surrounding cities as well, actually, around the whole country but he didn't expect for him to experience it and here he is, watching a fairly young man, with what seems to be a solid steel rolling pin, hitting his patron, one of his oldest ones as far as Sunoo remembers.

He was about to step in and stop the younger man but was too late as the latter seemed to be in a frenzy hitting him and he heard that distinct sound of bones breaking upon landing a hit on his knees. The whole thing had shaken him up that all of the paper bag on his left arm had already slid to the ground, soiling some of them. He walked closer to the younger man as he tried to stop him.

"S-Stop, please. . ." Sunoo was scared, really scared. He's never been in a situation like this and the only thing he knew to do was to run and that's he did. Without thinking twice. "L-Let's go. . . someone might see us here." He picked up everything, unsure of how he managed it but he did. Adrenaline is now rushing through his body coupled with the fear in his system, he managed to grip onto the man's hand and ran as fast as he could, his right hand busy dialing the police, explaining to them that they need to send medical help and he's been beaten up and he's just a by stander.

With that out of the way, Sunoo didn't even look back, which is starting to make him feel bad and guilty, tears brimming his eyes as he continued to run with this unknown man. Not even caring if everyone's staring at them. He just did what he could and realized they're back in his apartment loft. He then hurried inside, still holding the man's hand and just dropped behind the door once he closed it behind them, paper bags and his own purse all around him, his body shaking and his ears only hearing this ringing sound.
Yang Jungwon 1 month ago
@Kim Sunoo - Could be triggering: fighting, weapons, knives, blood.

(changed the setting so I could beat his and it not be triggering lmfao. But now we're not in the cafe anymore anyways lol)

Jungwon's face screwed up in confusion. Was the older man going to mug the younger one? He was holding a lot of bags. He didn't even know how the man had enough strength to hold that much stuff, I mean, it would be like judging his own self based on looks so he internally shrugged. The older man began picking up the pace once more and Jungwon chuckled. It worked out in his favor, he was already in a bad enough mood today. Someone had lost one of his large orders, and not even the main bakery one. It had him swearing for a solid fifteen minutes attempting not to throw anything in his rage. So this would be the perfect opportunity to release his frustration.

Right as the older man was about to grab at the younger one, Jungwon spotted a knife in the man's hand and he couldn't help but grin, satisfaction settling in his bones as he reached back into his knapsack for his metal rolling-pin, it was a gift he received after he reached a million dollars in sales from the drug trade. They were proud of his skills, and wanted to reward him for his work, so it was with that in hand that he reached forward and swung at the man's ribs. If he had of wanted it to end quickly, he immediately would have gone for the head, but he wanted to drag it out. The older man released a loud grunt of pain, immediately turning around, as well as the younger man but at this point Jungwon was gone, a haze of red taking him over as he began to beat the older man with the rolling pin. The man attempted to stab him with the knife but Jungwon kept evading, laughter filling the air as the man fell to the ground once Jungwon bashed the man's knee with the solid steel.

"So, to explain this, the man was about to stab you." Jungwon said in a monotone voice, fingers stained red as he continued staring down at the old man who was stilling grunting and groaning in pain, his arms wrapped tightly around the wound. "So, I'm not going to apologize, just wanted to let you know. Also, be more careful, look around when you walk. You're gonna get mugged if you don't."
Song Kang 1 month ago
@Sena Kang's initial smirk deepened into a full grin as Sena's cheeky challenge echoed in his ears. The mechanic's heart pounded, each beat infused with a thrill he hadn't felt in a long time. His eyes bore into Sena's with an intensity that spoke of hunger and unspoken promises.
As their lips met, Kang's roughened hands, calloused from years of work, found their way to Sena's sides, pulling him even closer. The wet fabric of Sena's shirt clung to both of them, heightening the sensation of their bodies pressed together. Kang's lips moved with a practiced confidence, his tongue teasing Sena's mouth open, deepening the kiss with an urgency that matched the heat simmering between them.
Kang's hand, still resting on Sena's nape, flexed slightly, his fingers threading into the damp strands of Sena's pink hair. He tilted his head to better angle their kiss, savoring the taste and the feel of Sena's lips against his own.
Breaking the kiss only for a moment, Kang's breath was hot against Sena's lips as he whispered, "I've got more than words for you."
His free hand slid down Sena's back, tracing the curve of his spine before gripping his waist firmly. Kang's touch was firm yet explorative, as if mapping every inch of Sena's body through the soaked fabric. He leaned in again, this time his lips trailing down Sena's jawline, leaving a path of soft, heated kisses that trailed until he reached the man’s ear.
"You've got no idea what you've started," Kang murmured, his voice a low growl. The mechanic's breath hitched as he felt Sena's soft breaths and the warmth of his skin so close.
Kang's teeth grazed Sena's earlobe, echoing the earlier nip Sena had given him, before he gently on it, eliciting a shiver. Kang's movements were deliberate, every action measured to both tease and claim, his body language promising that he was ready to back up his words with actions that would leave Sena breathless.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Song Kang "Magnetism-" Sena laughed at the cheesy words, but they still pulled his lips up into a grin. What a lovely excuse to spy on a sleeping person... magnetism. It turns out the mechanic was quite poetic. Unexpected, and Sena wasn't sure how to reply to the flowery words. He was good at socialising, but he had never been much of a.. a crafter(?) of words. Or was it a smith of words? Either way. He did not have the eloquence to speak of being captivated or intrigued, but he sure as knew the mechanic was hot. The way his voice had dropped, the way he stepped closer, dark eyes staring down at him. A breath caught in Sena's throat and he bit down on his lip as the man leaned in. 'What else is floating in my pretty head? You'll find out soon enough', he thought to himself, his gaze flickering down to the man's crotch then back up to his face. He lowered his foot back down and watched the hand reaching for him, resting on his arm to his surprise. Sena quirked a brow and smirked as the mechanic whispered his invitation into his ear. With Kang's head tilted and at his ear, Sena had perfect access. He dipped forward just enough to nip at his earlobe. "You sure talk a lot. Let's see if you as good as you chat." With a cheeky laugh, he pushed himself up off the chair, in doing so forcing the mechanic to take a step back. Sena already had a hand around the man's nape and used it to stabilise himself and draw himself closer to the other until their lips locked. His wet shirt pressed against Kang's, his soft lips catching the mechanic's in his own.
Song Kang 1 month ago
@Sena "Well, someone seems confident," Kang replied, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint. "You make it hard not to watch, you know. It's like you have this magnetism that pulls me in, even when you're doing something as simple as sleeping."

He took a step closer, his voice lowering just a notch. "You think I didn’t notice the way you move, the way your expressions changed? It’s captivating. And now, seeing you like this, it's... intriguing."

Kang let his gaze linger on Sena's face, then slowly drift down his body. "You're quite the tease, you know that?" He smirked, leaning in slightly. "But maybe that's part of your charm. Makes me wonder what else you’re hiding. What else is floating in that pretty head of yours?”

His tone turned softer, almost a whisper, as he added, "Show me more. Because I think I'm starting to enjoy this game." Kang’s hand slowly running up the man’s arm and stopped just at the crease of his elbow. “ I want to see how far that confidence goes." He leaned in even closer, his breath hot against Sena's ear. "Besides, it was hard to focus on fixing your bike… when I've been thinking about all the things I could do to you... in my office. Care to join me?"
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena “I’m sorry…” The tall mumbled, he kept disappointing the beautiful boy and really didn’t mean to that. Sena's face was really cute when he was embarrassed but still Minhyuk didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, trying to think what he could do to give him pleasure. Of course the boy was afraid to ask him questions or even to speak, even when he didn’t know who he was, Sena seemed to feel he was dangerous. Very dangerous guy, he knew his personality was a lot to take. Believing no one could really handle him, he was holding things only to himself, embarrassing and harsh things, to open up was impossible for him. Both of them were a bit quiet, he already knew a lot about him after doing a background check. Blinking at his question, not sure about being hungry but he disappointed him too much. He just took Sena between his arms. “You are really beautiful, you know that?” He whispered into his ear, holding his chin. “I'm sorry, beautiful, I'm really not a prince charming… I'm also not that hungry but will sit with you if you are hungry.” His voice was quite sincere, his fingers d his body slowly, looking at his again he sent his hand there, stroking his tip slowly while staring into his bright eyes. “Would my hands be enough?” He whispered into his ear.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk It wasn't hard to catch onto the other's reluctance. Sena bit down on the inside of his cheek, suddenly embarrassed because the other was just... staring. He twisted his hips to hide that part of himself. "No, never mind." He was a bit disappointed, but it was alright. So far, the man had been perfectly accommodating after all. And Sena wouldn't push him to do things he didn't enjoy doing. Hm. Should he try to chat after all? But he didn't know what he could ask this person who had hinted that he had blood on his hands, and was probably involved with gangs. This man who did a background check on people before he slept with them... What kind of questions were allowed? What would be unintentionally asking for too much information? Sena's usual repertoire of asking what their job was and where they lived was not possible in this situation. With a sense of dread, Sena realised that cuddling had been sweet at first but ultimately made things awkward between them. Well, in situations like this the answer was always food. "Are you hungry?", Sena asked, tilting his head up to look at the man. "I have some ramen."
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena Minhyuk was just holding the gentle boy between his arms, already feeling like he broke him. Hearing him out when he told him to relax, he didn’t mean to act awkward but it really wasn’t his thing. His kisses were soft, another thing he wasn’t used to. That boy kind of confused him as he didn’t expect him to show him affection at all. He really didn’t know what to say as it seemed Sena really didn’t want to know more about him, it made sense. Who would want to hear more about an assassin with blood on his hands? This is why he never had a relationship. His eyes were staring at him when Sena asked him about a . Sure he felt sorry about hurting his little beautiful body but he was quite confused and not sure if he was into that right now. “I did… this is what you want me to do?” He mumbled, looking at his for a few seconds. It wasn’t really his thing to s actually. Minhyuk used to be the one that guys so he was just staring for a few seconds.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "I'll tell you in a moment.", Sena hummed softly. Unlike the other who seemed awkward and unfamiliar with just lying in bed in each other's arms, Sena was very comfortable. He fit perfectly in the older's embrace, strong arms securely holding him. Hearing his sudden appreciate comment, Sena laughed and rewarded him a few more quick pecks on the cheek. As the seconds ticked by he could tell that the other wasn't sure what to do. "Just relax." Sena smiled at other and reached up to caress his cheek gently. Unfortunately Sena couldn't guide the man properly regarding how to run a cuddle session, because usually as he lay in bed with someone he and them would chat. About work, about life, about dreams and passions. But Sena was not sure this was that kind of encounter. After all... the guy had seen him once, dug into his life and then suddenly appeared. Sena had no idea if he would see him again. "So...~ I was thinking... you haven't cuddled before, but... have you given someone a before?", he asked carefully with a hint of cheek.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Song Kang Sena watched him carefully, every shift in his expression, every twitch of his body. The way he stared at his brief display had the stripped rushing with a profound sense of accomplishment. All previous doubts were thrown out the window. Yes, this is it. Come on, Kang. Come on. Sena silently egged him on and gently bit down on the tip of the spoon. He watched Kang rise to his feet, his own heartrate quickening in anticipation. Yes. Yes! It's happening. Sena looked up at him from his chair, eyes wide and innocent then narrowed and glinting with mischief. Kang was soaking him in.

"It *is* good.", he retorted with a small smile, a shiver rushing down his spine at the sudden depth to the mechanic's voice. He stepped even closer and Sena tilted his head up more to keep meeting his gaze. . Technically, they were just looking at each other. They weren't even touching. And yet...

His body felt hot. He wasn't flushed but a fire had lit up inside him. A quiet fire that warmed his whole body, no burned it. It egged him on. 'Do it.' Sena shifted in his seat, pressed his shoulders back and cleared his throat. "You think so?", he hummed casually and looked down at the yoghurt in his hand, stirring it with the spoon as if deep in thought. He took another spoonful and put it in his mouth, lips wrapped around the metal as he looked back up at the other. He lingered for a moment, and then put both the yoghurt and the spoon aside. With a smirk, he leaned against the backrest. His torso lengthening in the new position hard s poked through the wet fabric clinging to his chest.

"I noticed you watching me as I slept. Did you like what you saw?", he asked nonchalantly as he wiped a small dot of yoghurt off the corner of his lips and then it off with a quick flick of his tongue. A hunger entered his eyes. Sena's voice was dark and inviting as he stretched out one leg and ran his foot up the inner side of the mechanic's calf. "...Do you... want to see more? I happen to be quite enjoyable too."
[post deleted by owner]
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena “I- you can say it and make me expect it like that.” The taller guy said unhappy, their kiss was quite sweet as he really wanted to show him how sorry he was. “Really.” Minhyuk said honestly, to hold and cuddle someone was something couples were doing, he never was in any relationship. His strong arms still held him even when it was a bit out of his character to hold someone like that. Minhyuk had the feeling Sena would really hate to know his mean side,still he was pretty soft with him and he knew it. The pretty boy was so tiny now without his boots.
He blinked from the soft touch, no one was ruffling his hair like that. “I- I hope you are not ruined… such a shame with a y like yours.” He said sincerely, his arms kept him close but he wasn’t sure what to do next, he couldn’t just leave him after hurting him but he never was in bed with someone like that without having . His eyes just looked at his body, he really had a very nice body.
Song Kang 1 month ago
@Sena Kang's hands moved deftly over the motorcycle's engine, but his mind was elsewhere. He had noticed Sena's open pants and the dazed look on his face. That predatory stare had slipped out unintentionally, revealing the desire simmering just beneath his composed exterior. He tried to focus on his work, but the tension in the air was almost palpable.
When Sena walked into the break room, Kang let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He turned his attention back to the bike, trying to clear his mind. But as Sena returned, Kang could feel his presence even before he looked up.
"She's coming along nicely," Kang replied, his voice steady, though his heart pounded in his chest. He watched as Sena sat down and started eating yoghurt, the simple act somehow becoming incredibly provocative. The way Sena's lips wrapped around the spoon, his tongue darting out to it clean, made Kang's pulse quicken.
Kang swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure. He wanted to close the distance between them, to reach out and touch Sena, but he held back.
Instead, he straightened up, wiping his hands on a rag, and gave Sena a slow, deliberate once-over, his eyes lingering on the translucent fabric clinging to Sena's body.
"Yoghurt looks good," Kang said, his voice dropping an octave, laden with unspoken promise. He took a step closer, the toolbox now forgotten. "But I think you're enjoying it a bit too much."His gaze locked onto Sena's, the intensity of his stare unmistakable. The challenge was clear: he wanted to see how far Sena was willing to go.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "You'll see", he chuckled, eyesmiling at the other and continued to leisurely draw on the man's skin. Hyuk held him as requested and when their lips met, Sena closed his eyes, letting himself sink into the short but sweet kiss. "Really?" Considering how considerate and caring the man was, he was quite shocked to hear that he had never cuddled after before. What kind of people did he usually sleep with -? Maybe... maybe his reputation didn't encourage people to try cuddling him. Shame, because with those broad shoulders he had a very huggable figure. It was their loss.
"Ruin my pretty-" Sena snorted and laughed quietly. The other ruffled his hair and Sena smirked in amusement. "Mhm it's okay." Sena shifted so he could peck his lips again. "I'm not quite ruined yet~", he teased, "just... taking a little break." And he would use lube if he did feel like he could continue.
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena Sena was just adorable while blushing. It was so surprising, the other day when he saw him looking at him he didn’t see any shyness, it was so unexpected but really he liked his cute side.

His arms still held him in a protective way, nodding a bit, he wasn’t just involved with gangs, he was second to the leader of a mafia. He wondered what the fragile boy inside his arms would do if he knew the amount of guys he killed in his life. He looked so gentle to him, thinking he might hate him and would run away if he knew who he really was. Minhyuks wasn’t a good guy, at all.

The taller guy didn’t know how to make him feel better, even when wanting to take all his pain away. His eyes looked at him with curiosity as he couldn’t see his next move, Sena was really unique in his eyes. “Now I’m so curious!” He said and chuckled, his gentle touch woke up his soft side. No one ever asked him to cuddle and hug him, who would ask such a thing from a professional assassin? Just like The pretty boy between his arms asked, he kissed his lips slowly while holding him close to him, wrapping his strong arms around his fragile thin body. Smirking to himself while noticing him blushing like that. “I never cuddled my partners before, but you are pretty cute and I really didn’t mean to ruin your pretty body.” He whispered into his ear and chuckles, ruffling his hair softly as he let him feel his warmness for awhile,
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "Ah-", Sena gasped at the pinch and wrinkled his nose playfully and cuddled into his warm embrace. The man's words made him chuckle and grin, the tips of his ears reddening.

Unsure what else to say to reassure him, he just held onto Hyuk as he hugged him tightly, his head resting on the other's shoulder. Sena laughed softly and smiled. "You're right, I don't. Don't tell me okay? I don't want anything to do with gangs, so if you're involved just... don't tell me."

Sena paused for a moment, lips pursed in thought. He felt a bit embarrassed to tell him, that he did not have a bathtub. "That's alright", he said, denying the offer, "but I can think of something else that would be very relaxing." Now he was grinning again, a playful glint in his eyes. "But not yet." Once again, he started drawing shapes on the other, this time on his chest. "I just want to cuddle for a bit. Just hold me, okay? - Kisses are appreciated too." Sena felt embarrassed asking all this of a perfect stranger. He was okay requesting to be choked, but requesting affection was far more difficult. Still, well, he seemed very concerned and Sena enjoyed the soft as much as the hard, as shy as it made him feel.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Song Kang What was that look? Had he seen it wrong? He had definitely noticed his pants were open. "Okay...", he said softly, still a bit dazed. Their conversation was simple, normal, friendly, but the air in the room was so thick Sena could slice it with a knife. He hadn't seen it wrong, that dark predatory stare. The way he stared not just at him, but into him. His breath caught in his throat, cheeks flushing. The mechanic walked closer, deeper into the room. What if he just reached out now? What if he grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer? He was sure the mechanic would not resist. He watched him set down the toolbox and turn to look at him. For just a second, they were in a silent stand-off. One inviting move from Sena, and that greedy stare would turn to action.

Was he still dreaming? "Alright, thank you.", he replied simply, eyeing the man who had turned his back to him. His fingers itched to reach out. To press his hand to that broad back and run his palm up the man's spine. Perhaps it was because of the dream, but he... wanted him. He wanted to feel him, taste him. Sena over his dry lips, his chest fluttering. 'Get a grip, you're just frustrated.', Sena chastised himself mentally. Get a grip. He might even be completely misreading the mechanic. Maybe Sena's dream had him projecting things onto the man. .

Kang turned to look at him again and it was like the world slowed down again. It was just the two of them and there was a perfectly usable couch right behind Sena. Sena was already topless, Kang's clothes would be easy to strip off. '. Stop it.' Sena smiled unsurely at the other and nodded.

The mechanic walked out and Sena dropped back onto the couch with a groan, hands pressed to his face. "k.", groaned softly and then ran his hands back through his hair. He leaned back and squinted at the ceiling. 'Did I imagine that? Or was it real?' No, more importantly, did he want it to be real. Sena in his lower lip in thought. ...Yes, he did. He had to make sure it had been real. No, he had to check.

Sena went to the break room first, which was where he found a bathroom. He wiped down his upper body, washed his face and washed his sweat-soaked T shirt too. After ringing it as dry as he could, he immediately put it on. It would dry quickly in this heat, and more importantly, he liked the way it turned translucent, clinging to his body. Then, he searched the break room for suitable food. He ate some biscuits for energy and then took a yoghurt out of the fridge. Perfect.

With mischief in mind, he and his newly acquired yoghurt walked out to where the mechanic was working on his bike. "How is she?", Sena asked as he approached and then took a seat opposite of Kang. He took a small spoonful of it and ate it. Hm. It was quite nice, but he wasn't here to actually eat the yoghurt. Staring at the man, he on the spoon and then slowly pulled it through his plump tiers. "Oh, I missed some~", he hummed. His lips parted to reveal a small, sharp tongue. Sena was still looking at Kang as he over the spoon's curve.
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena "Maybe later..." His voice whispered into his ear with a low voice, pinching his pierced playfully. It was hard not to stare at him, Sena was so beautiful in his eyes and now the boots were off also, all and fragile between his arms.

“Nothing, ah? You like my so much.” His voice back, whispering into his ear again, his touch was warm around his large . Feeling him twitching at how his nails joined his teasing, making him react. He was frowning when hearing him out even when he already knew the answer, letting off his as he didn’t seem to feel better from his touch. Even the beautiful guy told him not to feel bad; he indeed felt pretty bad. “I know you asked me to keep going but I could have… think for myself.” He sighed a bit, holding his fragile body closer to him, having an uneasy feeling, his partners didn’t complain usually, but also Sena was really thin and fragile so it made some sense. The words he said next made him gasp and shake his head. “Oh my god, sweeter- you totally ruined my reputation… but again you have no idea about my reputation, right?” He chuckled a bit and d his cheeks gently. “Um- would a bath help? I can fill you a tub.” Minhyuk whispered, thinking what could ease up his pain as he really hated hurting him. He could be really sadistic but only to his enemies, not beautiful guys he was in bed with. well, unless they asked to be tied up and for his aggressive side- he would give it to them but not force himself. Right now he wasn’t sure how to feel as he tried to give Sena only pleasure but ended up making him feel pain.
Song Kang 1 month ago
@Sena Kang stood silently for a moment, taking in the sight of Sena's disheveled appearance. His eyes lingered on the open pants and the exposed black underwear, a flicker of desire sparking within him. He had always found Sena attractive, but seeing him like this— vulnerable, flustered, and half-dressed
-stirred something deeper. A fleeting image of Sena sprawled out on the couch, completely at his mercy, flashed through his mind.
"No need to apologize," Kang said quietly, his voice steady and low despite the heated thoughts racing through his head. "You needed the rest." He walked further into the room, placing a small toolbox on the nearby table. His movements were deliberate, controlled, masking the growing desire within him. He fought to keep his expression neutral, not wanting to betray the raw, carnal thoughts that threatened to surface.
"You seemed pretty deep in sleep.
Didn't want to disturb you." Kang glanced at Sena briefly, his eyes darkening with barely concealed hunger. He could almost feel the warmth of Sena's body, the way his skin might feel under his fingertips. Turning away quickly, he busied himself with adjusting the tools in the box, his back to Sena, trying to regain his composure.
"If you're hungry, there's some food in the break room . Help yourself," he added, his tone casual, almost dismissive, though his mind was anything but. He imagined Sena in the kitchen, his shirt riding up just enough to reveal a strip of skin, his hips swaying slightly as he moved. The image made Kang's heart race, and he forced himself to focus on the task at hand.
Kang paused, then turned back to Sena, his gaze steady and intense.
"Take your time. I'll be working on the bike if you need anything." His eyes lingered a moment longer on Sena's face, taking in the embarrassment and confusion there, before he gave a small nod and exited the room. As he walked away, his thoughts remained on Sena, the desire simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over.
Back in the garage, Kang picked up his tools with a shaky hand, his mind replaying the image of Sena's exposed skin, the way his lips parted slightly as he slept. He had never been this distracted before, and it took all his willpower to push the thoughts aside and focus on the bike, though the tension between them lingered, heavy and unresolved.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk "Oh? Disappointing.", Sena joked, resting against Minhyuk as comfortably as he could. The warmth of the other's body felt nice. He smirked when the other soaked in the view of his rear, his trickling out of him and down his thigh.

"Nothing ~", Sena hummed in a sing song tone and continued to run his delicate fingers over the man's flaccid . Twisting his hand he gently ran his nails along it too, drawing shapes onto its side and grazing them over the sensitive head. Feeling the other's hand squeeze his , even gently, made him wince. "--A little", he admitted after a pause. Gosh he had a nice voice. "Don't feel bad, okay?", he added, by now knowing it would upset the other. "I'm the one who asked you to keep going." With a faint grimace he shimmied up higher on the bed, and returned his hand to hug the man's waist. Sena didn't usually cuddle one-night stands, which is what he assumed this was, but he had overestimated himself and he needed some tenderness right now. "Hyuk you're much sweeter than your first impression suggested.", he said with a smile.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Song Kang Unbeknownst to the mechanic, Sena was a very light sleeper, a souvenir from an unpleasant life. The sound of the handle turning, the door opening was enough to pull him out of his slumber. But, for some reason, he chose not to open his eyes. He didn't move, breathing steadily. Why was he pretending to sleep... He could feel the mechanic's eyes on him, burning into him. How he wished he could see the look in the other's eyes. And so he waited and let the man watch... admire. He hoped he was admiring. Sena's heart was beating fast in his chest but his body stayed perfectly relaxed. Not even his lashes quivered. If there was one thing that might have given him away, it was that his s hardened slightly.

And then the door closed. Sena opened his eyes and sat up, his heart still racing. "", he whispered and ran a hand through his hair. Looking down at himself, he laughed softly but quickly covered his mouth with his hand. Something about that had been exciting. What was the mechanic, no, Kang doing now? Was he back working with the bike? Sena crept to the door and peaked through the keyhole. Yes, he was working on his bike again. Like nothing had happened. "..." Quietly, he moved back to the couch and lay down. He tried to sleep again, but his adrenaline was spiking. "..." Sena shifted on his back and ed his pants. He slid a hand in and bit down on his lip. "...", he whispered and quickly withdrew his hand and rolled to the side, curling up. "What's wrong with you, Sena. What the . What the .", he muttered under his breath. "...Just sleep." Or so he told himself, but it took him at least 15 minutes to calm his speeding heart and the fatigue from earlier returned.

Sleep once again took him, but this time he dreamed. Of the mechanic. It was a strange mesh crossover between two different flicks he had watched recently, or maybe the pizza was just a manifestation of his hunger. Either way, he had a very eventful nap, and very restful, until the door opened once again. This time Sena shot up with a start into a seated position, blinking in confusion. He had a bit of drool on his lips, one leg already off the couch so he'd be ready to jump up. Sena was visibly disoriented and his pants were still open... letting the colour of his black underwear show through. He stared at Kang, a half-awake gaze shifting into one of surprise, then embarrassment when he jumped up and realised he'd forgotten to button his pants. Hastily he buttoned them and then wiped away the drool. "S sorry I really knocked out. You should have woken me. No- I mean, thank you. I- uhm-" Why was Sena so flustered? He'd just been dreaming of Kang ing him over the hood of a car.
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena To see him smiling was very calming, Sena really had a beautiful smile, their kiss now was very soft, also his touch was so tender now. So different from what they just did some second ago. The way he was kissing his cheeks were so cute, he was a strong and dangerous gang member, people didn’t kiss his cheeks after, or at a matter of fact, at all. But this gentleness and sweetness was softing his heart a bit. His words after he told him he wasn’t disappointed made him laugh softly, of course they should wait. He wasn’t going to him and cause any more pain to his fragile body. “I didn’t plan to jump on you for a third round.” He said gently as his fingers d his body gently, still worrying as he wasn’t gentle with him at all before. His mouth opened when hearing him speaking about his . “Holy-” he whispered, clearly it was easy to see his own all over his beautiful . Blinking as Sena stared at his lower part like he had some plans in his pretty head. And he really did cause the next thing Minhyuk felt was his hand playing with his large limp . “What are you doing?” He said and chuckled before from his really warm hand, it felt good and he didn’t stop him, letting Sena do as he pleases with his . The taller guy was pretty worried about him. His hands slide over the pink haired guy’s cheeks, massaging him there slowly. “Do you feel any pain?” His voice whispered into his ear.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk Sena smiled, secretly relieved, when Hyuk peeled himself off the wall and joined him. Strong arms pulled him in and he settled in between them. "Oh Hyuk.." Sena smiled softly and wrapped his arms around the other, tenderly, gently kissing him back. He felt the others grip on him tighten and Sena reached up to brush his fingers through the other's hair. He kissed the other cheek twice. "I'm not disappointed. Don't worry, okay?" He cupped the other's cheek with his hand and turned his face so he could look at him. "But I think we'll wait a bit before round three.", he chuckled, embarrassed that he had to 'tap out'. Sena wasn't going to tell Hyuk, but his hips really hurt. He felt like his hole had been ed raw, and he was pretty sure that any more stimulation to his prostate would make him cry again. Sena felt something and bit down on his lip, nuzzling into the other. "...I can feel your leaking out of me.", he said with a happy, ed laugh. He wrapped his hand around the others waist and then looked down at the man's crotch. "..." It really was big. Sena had felt like his organs were being rearranged when he'd rammed into him. Sena reached down with one hand and wrapped his hand around the other's girth. Smiling at him, he kissed Minhyuk's cheek again and slowly started stroking, using residue of the guy's as lube. He wasn't really trying to make him hard again, he was just... playing.
Lee Minhyuk 1 month ago
@Sena Minhyuk really loved being inside of him but right now Sena looked so fragile, breathless and still so beautiful, he couldn’t stop looking at him. This boy was so unique, glad to see slowly he was getting better after he gave him some space. His voice was so soft while calling him to join him in bad for cuddles, it was too cute.. His moan was full of pain and it made him stand there for a second, he didn’t talk about it ever, but his biological father touched his body while abusing him, he killed him before he was doing something even more terrible. He was an assassin now and could be really mean to his enemies, but he didn’t want to be like his father, he always wanted to give only pleasure and not pain to his partners. When hearing him again he shook his bad thoughts and went to his bed, taking the boy between his arms, hugging him close to his body while his fingers were stroking his perfect round cheeks. “I’m really sorry, doll… I didn’t mean to disappoint you like that. And hurt you-” He really felt like he did a trouble job at giving him the pleasure he meant to give him. His lips touched his for a sweeter kiss than before. It was just a very sensitive subject he couldn’t even speak about. Even his mother didn’t know, damn he felt like smoking a cigarette right now but his arms just held Sena closer to his body.
Sena [A] 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk When he burst inside him, Sena's body clenched around him hard, locking him in as if to milk him of every drop. His legs were shaking, his hips aching as he gasped for air. The dizzyness was still there, clouding everything, but he could feel that it would lessen once he got some oxygen into his lungs. "Hhng" Sena bit down on his lower lip when Minhyuk drew his shaft out of Sena's raw hole. It was good that the other kept holding him, because he would not have been able to stand. Still panting he lay in the other's arms. He slid a hand up to caress the man's nape as if to say he was alright while he tried to catch his breath. Sena had thought he was stronger too. That second round had been incomparable to the first. Once on the soft bed, Sena already felt much better. His stretched thin nerves had begun to settle and he almost breathe normally again. But why was Hyuk standing so far away? Sena smiled at the man's words and reached a hand out for him. "Come join me, Hyuk. I want to cuddle for a bit." With a pained moan he pushed himself to sit up and unlaced his boots, dropping them off the side of the bed. Was the guy disappointed? Had he lost interest after seeing that Sena 'wasnt as strong as he'd thought'? Was he going to leave? Sena bit down on the inside of his cheek. "Come join me.", he repeated softly, his voice a bit raspy from overuse.


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bvbbles 1 week ago
Hey there, is Kang Baekho free to be applied for?
cer_berus 1 month ago
much love and appreciation, blossom.♡
hibernate 1 month ago
:^] is Lee Jongsuk available?
KPOPAuntie 1 month ago
Hi~ May I please request for NCT's Ten as an intern in the police force? :)
suns3t 1 month ago
hi, I came upon this rp, may I join? I see there are two requests for park seonghwa?
Alastar 1 month ago
Can I have Bang Chan from Stray Kidz please :’)
Angelx19 1 month ago
Lee Taeyong please
Shysun 1 month ago
Yang Jungwon please <3
creamsoda 1 month ago
my muse is back
may I request lee taemin, if I am able to come back?
BBVIPBaby 1 month ago
yoon keeho please
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