Trastevere District

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Lee Minhyuk 1 week ago
@Leo Montague Minhyuk saw how badly his enemy was injured, guessing it was pretty painful that he wondered if to call a doctor for him after all, it didn’t look like he was about to die but for sure he needed so much rest and he wasn’t a doctor. Being in a gang he knew how to take care of all of his wounds but still he was quite worried. It took Leo some time to understand he was with one of his greatest enemies,not looking happy to find out he was alone with him. Of course the younger guy looked so confused but just then he knew that the other guy was recognizing him very well even when they hadn't met in person before. Still his hands were pretty gentle while cleaning up the pretty face of Leo very carefully not to hurt him more than needed.

“Apparently, I do take care of you.” His voice was still very calm, after all, even if Leo would want to attack him now he was pretty hopeless, and he of course wasn’t about to hurt the pretty boy, after saving and taking him to his apartment, if he wanted him to die he wouldn’t save him in the first place. Leo seemed so stubborn as he didn’t lay back and try to rest and calm his body, it made sense that he didn’t trust him but still the older one didn't have any bad intentions. His eyes stared at the other and he shook his head and laughed a bit.

“Damn, Leo, I just saved your life, I didn’t plan to do it- I just saw you so lifeless and I didn’t like it, ok?” He said and shook his head, his hands kept cleaning his wounds, seeing the suspicious look in those dark eyes only made him smile.
“Honestly? I have no idea why I bother, I think I just don’t like seeing such a pretty face so broken?I’m such a charming prince, aren’t I?” He laughed and rolled his eyes, as for sure he wasn’t any prince at all. And this wasn’t a lovely fairytale.

His hands finished cleaning his upper body, glad that he looked quite better now. He started to wrap some bandages around his wounds gently, looking at his face again calmly. “Should I throw you out back to the street or do you realize I want to help you?” he raised an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms now while looking at the weak boy in front of him.
Leo Montague 1 week ago
@Lee Minhyuk leo groaned softly as he stirred, the pain radiating from every inch of his body reminding him of how bad things had gotten. he wasn’t used to being this weak, much less needing help from anyone—especially not from an enemy. his vision was blurry at first, but as his surroundings slowly came into focus, the familiar face of minhyuk hovered over him.

minhyuk. oh my —

for a second, confusion clouded his mind, but he quickly pieced it together. he should’ve been grateful, but that wasn’t in leo’s nature. instead, his instincts told him to remain on guard. he clenched his jaw, even as minhyuk gently cleaned his wounds. it didn’t make sense—why was minhyuk helping him? leo tried to move, his muscles protesting against the effort, but he couldn’t do much more than sit up halfway.

“so… you’re taking care of me now?” leo’s voice was rough, laced with a mixture of skepticism and exhaustion. he looked down at minhyuk’s hand on his chest, feeling the dull throb of pain as he cleaned the deeper wound. when minhyuk told him to lie back down, leo hesitated, his pride prickling at the thought of being this vulnerable in front of anyone, let alone someone who had every reason to leave him for dead. but t he was too weak to argue, so he reluctantly leaned back, glaring slightly, more out of frustration with himself than anything else.

“you think you’ll get anything from this?” leo's voice came out in a low growl, though the sharpness was undermined by the strain in his tone. he winced as Minhyuk mentioned stitching the wound, though he didn’t show any fear. the pain was just another reminder of the life he led.

as minhyuk's hand worked, cleaning the blood and assessing the damage, leo noticed the calmness in his voice. It threw him off—there was no malice, no tension. just calm. leo’s dark eyes flickered to minhyuk’s face, catching the brief look of concentration, maybe even something softer, as if minhyuk actually cared about his well-being. leo clenched his fists, frustrated with himself for feeling anything other than suspicion. "why bother?" he muttered, his voice quieter this time, the weight of exhaustion creeping back in. he hated how weak he sounded, but right now, he had no choice but to trust minhyuk's hands, even if every fiber of his being screamed at him not to.
Lee Minhyuk 2 weeks ago
@Leo Montague Minhyuk knew he did a risky and crazy thing while saving one of his great enemies, well at least he was his family’s enemy. But to see him so weak and almost lifeless it wasn’t a pretty view, even when the older guy wasn’t sure why he cared about him. Putting him on his soft bed, he was going to the other room to get his first aid bag, for sure having many bandages and everything needed.

As a member of a gang can’t just go to the hospital, even when they had private doctors, sometimes he had to take care of his own injuries, and now he of course couldn’t call any doctor without his gang members finding who he just saved. so he decided to take care of Leo the best he could. It took him some time to take everything he needed, wet towels also to take care of his wounds. but when he heard his voice he just took everything and went to the other room.

“Yes, I went to bring this.” Minhyuk said and pointed at everything he just took with him, seeing how weak his enemy was, shaking his head. “Why the heck are you sitting? Lay down.” He ordered him and took a wet towel, not even sure if Leo knew who he was. Sitting beside him he started to clean up his wounds, looking at his face and wondered if he was going to get attacked but him, even when Leo was too weak to attack anyone.

His hand cleaned his arms slowly and gently. “They hit you pretty badly, you should rest a lot and let me take care of your wounds.” His voice was pretty calm while still cleaning him up, lifting his shirt a bit up he also cleaned his stomach and chest. It looks pretty bad but he was sure Leo would live, touching the area over his chest near his wound. “I think I need to sew this one.” He looked at his face now, cleaning him with another towel, while sitting this close he had to admit Leo was pretty good looking, his body too. Minhyuk shook his head from those weird thoughts.
Leo Montague 2 weeks ago
@Lee Minhyuk leo was too tired to argue, too exhausted to even comprehend what had just happened. he could only mutter a faint thanks to the person he could barely see, his vision blurry and unfocused. his body felt like it had been run over by a truck, battered with bruises and deep wounds from the brutal fight earlier. every breath hurt, his muscles screamed in pain, and yet, he knew he had narrowly escaped death — all thanks to this mysterious saviour. whoever this person was, leo had them to thank for being alive, even if just barely.

he wasn’t sure where he was being taken. the only thing clear in his mind was the weight of his own exhaustion. the man — his saviour, or perhaps a stranger who had simply stumbled upon him — moved and guiding leo somewhere inside what seemed to be an apartment. as long as this man wasn’t an enemy ready to finish him off, that was all that mattered. with a resigned sigh, leo let the darkness pull him under, surrendering to the sleep that came far too easily.

when he awoke, the first thing leo noticed was the persistent ache in his body. it radiated through every limb, a dull reminder of the earlier fight. slowly, painfully, he blinked his eyes open, trying to gather his bearings. his vision, still poor, only made things harder. bit by bit, leo forced himself to move. his hand reached for his head, fingers pressing into his temples to ease the throbbing pain. with great effort, he carefully pushed himself into a sitting position, his muscles protesting with every slight shift.

he had no idea whose place this was or why they had helped him, but whoever it was, leo owed them his gratitude. "is anyone here?" called him out. he wants to meet who's this saviour of his.
[post deleted by owner]
Lee Minhyuk 4 weeks ago
@Leo Montague It was a late hour at night when Minhyuk was wandering around, after finishing his missions so late. Taking a walk in the empty street felt like the right decision, smoking his cigarette to calm himself down. He was on his way to his temporary apartment, he used to rent those for a long mission he had to stay away from the Jung mansion. His eyes saw some guy beaten up on the floor, he looked almost beaten up to dead. Usually he probably ignores this but to hear those laughs when he was so helpless made his fight mood awake. He went there, kicking some of the laughing guys and making him fall on the floor too.Minhyuk was pretty good with hitting, using sensitive points in their bodies, punching and kicking them up easily without getting hurt at all. It took just a few minutes before those guys were limping on the floor. “Didn’t you do enough? Six people on one- Come on, this is not a fair fight. run away before I kill you. Ugly s..” His voice was deep when he looked at them with a little smirk, making them run away while limping, after all the boy on the floor couldn’t really protect himself anymore.

He leaned down, seeing the boy wasn’t any damsel in distress, he looked pretty strong, his eyes widened when he realized who it was. Leo Montague, one of the biggest enemies of his own gang, hestating for a minute. The handsome guy looked so helpless and for some weird reason he didn’t want to leave him there. Picking him between his arms. “Damn, you are heavy, Leo.” His voice whispered, they never met in person but he wondered if Leo knew his face as well. Carrying the wounded boy with him to his rented apartment, not even sure what the hell he was doing, hoping he wouldn’t regret not leaving him there to die from his wounds.
Leo Montague 1 month ago
@Lee Minhyuk ( tw — blood )

leo should have known that he shouldn't be alone today but of course, he didn't really want to trouble his people to follow him for this matters since he's pretty confident in dealing with the other gangs. little did he knows, it's actually a bait from another enemies who wants to take revenge because leo used to murder their family in cruel ways. that's why he's been getting all of this wounded and bruises all over his body. he hates it when he gets weak over this matters but he couldn't help it. even though he's trying to dodge all of these attacks, he just couldn't because there's too many of them. he thinks he could already sees the sky — perhaps he was dead already.

he writhe in pain and groans as he's trying to lift his body up but to his failure, he fall back on the ground which earns the small laughter by his enemies. leo opened his eyes and grit his teeth, he will makes sure to avenge for himself. he will makes sure this people will receive the same amount of injuries that he got, even worse, he'll makes sure them to pay back whatever they did to him right now.
Woo Dohwan 1 month ago
(open to anyone)
[warning: blo*d]

dohwan groaned and ran around the streets, trying to find a good place to hide. he held the side of his stomach where he had previously been shot by another gang member. finding a building behind which he could hide, the man let himself slide down the wall and grunted, lifting his hand to see the red liquid. he’d have to find a safe place soon because he was losing too much blood and getting dizzy. “that lil’ er...” he uttered under his breath, eyes scanning the area cautiously. he then ripped off a piece of his tie to wrap it around the bullet-hole/cut as he hoped it would hold for a bit.


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bvbbles 1 week ago
Hey there, is Kang Baekho free to be applied for?
cer_berus 1 month ago
much love and appreciation, blossom.♡
hibernate 1 month ago
:^] is Lee Jongsuk available?
KPOPAuntie 1 month ago
Hi~ May I please request for NCT's Ten as an intern in the police force? :)
suns3t 1 month ago
hi, I came upon this rp, may I join? I see there are two requests for park seonghwa?
Alastar 1 month ago
Can I have Bang Chan from Stray Kidz please :’)
Angelx19 1 month ago
Lee Taeyong please
Shysun 1 month ago
Yang Jungwon please <3
creamsoda 1 month ago
my muse is back
may I request lee taemin, if I am able to come back?
BBVIPBaby 1 month ago
yoon keeho please
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