Trevi District

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Leo Montague 2 days ago
@James Su leo didn't hesitate. he closed the distance between them, capturing the kiss with gentle returns at first before it's turned into hungry, demanding and filled with his needs and frustration that had been festering between them for far too long. he pressed his body against james, feeling the heat between them. his hands roamed down james's sides, fingers digging into his waist as he pulled him closer.
leo's tongue traced the seam of james's lips , seeking for entrance. a low grown escape leo's throat as he delved deeper, exploring every inch of james's mouth.

without waiting james's permission, leo's lips descended on james's neck, trailing hot kisses along his sensitive skin, until he found the spot just below his ear that always made him melt. leo's teeth grazed the spot before he on it, intent on leaving a mark, a claim that no one else could ignore.

"james.. I don't think I can let you go again. I need you." his hand slipped lower, fingers brushing the waistband of James's pants. "tell me you still want me the same." he just needs james's assurance and comforts words by james to keep his emotions stable.

he waited as his breathe mingling with james's skin. his lips hovering over his neck again, leo knew he was on precipice of something dangerous. especially when james's family will try their best to separate them again. but if james gave him the signal, if he showed him that he wanted this as badly, there would be no turning back. Leo will makes sure James knew how much he was desired and needed in every possible way.
James Su 2 weeks ago
@Leo Montague Before James could even open the door to escape the tense atmosphere, Leo's hand clamped onto his wrist, pulling him back with surprising strength. James stumbled, his phone slipping from his grasp and sliding across the tiled floor, to who knows where. In the next moment his back collided with the cubicle wall, and he looked at Leo in a daze, his mind still reeling from the suddenness of the action.

"What-" James started to protest, but his words were cut short as Leo's lips pressed against his own. A wave of shock washed over him, but before he could react, he found himself curling his hand into Leo's shirt, as if clinging to him for dear life. The familiar scent filled his senses, and a pang of longing pierced his heart. He had missed this man, missed the touch of his hands, the warmth of his embrace even if this kiss was far from being gentle.

When Leo pulled away, James's cheeks were flushed, and his breath came out in small gasps. He wanted to say something, to tell Leo how perfect he was to him, how much he had missed him, how much he loved him. But fear held him back. He was terrified of rejection, of being laughed at and pushed away of this just being part of a joke. The tears that welled up in his eyes threatened to spill over, but he blinked them back, determined to maintain his composure.

James flinched as Leo's hand punched the cubicle door, but it wasn't fear that made him react. He was worried that Leo might have hurt himself. He wanted to check his hand, but he was being pulled closer again by Leo. James parted his lips to say that he loved him too, but no words came out. He wanted to confess his feelings, to tell Leo how unhappy he had been without him, but his voice failed him. Instead James reached out and placed his hand on Leo's cheek. In a moment of impulsiveness, he leaned in and kissed Leo.

If Leo pushed him away and laughed at him revealing the joke, James could do some damage control later. He could pick up the pieces of his shattered heart and try to move on. He had done it once before; he could do it again.
Leo Montague 3 weeks ago
@James Su Leo scoffed at James's casual remarks about that certain guy named ethan. the simmering anger and jealousy that had been bottled up inside him for so long suddenly exploded that even he couldn't control. before James could even leave the toilet, Leo yanked his wrist back roughly and dragged him into one of the cubicles, slamming the door behind. with almost desperate movement, Leo locked the door, spinning james around and ponning him against the tiles of the cubicle wall.

his chest was mixed of a frustration, longing and hurt when his eyes met james. his hands trembled as he grabbed james's jaw , his touch rough but familiar, almost as if he was scared to let go. without a word, leo closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to james's soft tiers in a kiss that was urgent , full with a raw need that had been suppressed inside him ever since they had parted ways. it wasn't gentle or soft — it's more like emotions too intense to be expressed through words alone.

he pulled away briefly, his forehead resting against james's as he muttered brokenly, "why am I not enough for you and your family? do you even ing know how hard it was for me to move on?" tears welled up his eyes as he quickly turned his head to the side, fighting the overwhelming wave of emotions right now. his free hand clenched into a fist and before he could stop himself, he slammed it against the cubicle door. the pain shot up his arm, but Leo barely flinched. he was too engrossed by everything else — his heartache.

", you know I love you so much but why?" his voice raising as the anger took over again, louder this time. his hands fisted into james's collar, pulling him closer — this proximity only reminding him of how much he had missed every part of this — james's scents, the warmth of his body, the soft features that haunted leo for so long.

he watched over james's face, memorising every details he had been yearning for ,but all the jealousy and hurt came flooding back as his grip tightened. "are you that happy now?? is he giving you everything you wanted ? teach him all the things that you used to teach me ?"

Leo's eyes searched James's looking for some sign that maybe, just maybe he wasn't the only one suffering. his grip on James's collar loosened but he didn't step back. he couldn't. even after everything, he still wants james more than anything else in the world and that realisation hurt more than the pain in his bruised fist.
James Su 1 month ago
@Leo Montague James stared at his reflection, a mask of composure slipping as he ran a hand through his hair. The cool water cascading over his face offered a brief refreshing feeling but then he saw Leo standing a few feet away in the reflection of the mirror. For a brief second his movements halted and his heart skipped a beat. If it were in the past he would jump in Leos arms and whine about the silly ideas of his parents, Ki- no the other made clear with his absence that James place wasn't in Leos embrace anymore.

Taking a deep breath James towel dried his hands calmly before turining around. His hip resting against the dark marble of the counter. He put on a fake grin before answering 'casually' with a question of his own "Well, you should know best how fast I'm moving on right Kitty?" The words tumbled out, a desperate attempt at bravado. His arms crossed defensively, a physical barrier mirroring the emotional one he was erecting.

"Ethan, My parents chose well, right? He's handsome, maybe a bit tame, but I can teach him what I like. You should know what I mean." The words were a dagger, aimed with calculated precision. But as soon as they left his lips, a wave of regret washed over him. He had always been petty but this felt low, James never thought he would talk to the man whom he had loved in this way. He couldn't meet Leo’s gaze, guilt gnawed at James, a toxic mix of anger and vulnerability. But why the guilt? When it was Leo who hurt him first.

"If you'll excuse me, they are waiting for me." His voice was a mere whisper, a stark contrast to the bravado he had just displayed. With a final, lingering glance at Leo, he turned and walked to the door.
Leo Montague 1 month ago
@James Su leo was busy attending his meetings with one of his clients that he didn't take a good look around him, before his gaze somehow caught sight of someone he didn't expect to see. honestly, the sight of the male got his breath hitched for no reason, and the way his heart still skips a beat for the man doesn't make any sense at all. he noticed there's another man next to him — they seem pretty close to each other, but judging from his ex's expressionless face, leo knows something isn't going too well, and somehow the thought of it makes him smile a little.

finishing his meetings, he excused himself to the toilet, only to realize that the man — james — was already one step ahead inside. he cleared his throat when the man splashed his face with water. "oh look who's here, never knew you were this fast to move on, jammy," he said sarcastically. "i bet your family hates me so much that they find a replacement right away, huh? ah. is he still the same guy you cheated on me with?" asked leo in a provoking manner, a small smirk gracing the corner of his mouth.

well — leo doesn't even want to remember how they broke up in the first place. it pains him a lot, but of course, when he meets james again, he wants to provoke him further. just so he knows how bad it is and how painful it is when it happened. james was his almost everything. leo thinks that james holds this significant power to melt his cold, icy heart that he couldn't find in anyone else and couldn't ask for more.

things were going smoothly for them until that one particular day when he received a photo of james with another man, both in bed. he was so pissed off that he didn't even take the time to listen to james's explanation because it was totally useless at that time. again, leo was too hard-headed and stubborn. he always thinks he's on the right side, so he chooses to cut all contact with james and his family until today.
James Su 1 month ago
@Leo Montague James swirled the deep red wine in his glass, boredom clinging to him. Across the table, Ethan droned on about international trade policies, his voice a steady buzz that James couldn't quite tune out. Glancing around the fancy hotel dining room, James felt like he was trapped in a scene from a bad reality show. His mom, decked out in a sparkly blue cocktail dress that looked like it cost more than his motorbike, kept shooting him these sweet smiles and making comments about "young love" and "what a charming couple they made." James cringed internally. Ethan, with his neatly styled hair, glasses that looked like they belonged on a grandpa and an old fashioned suit James himself wouldn't be found dead in, was about as exciting as watching paint dry. Give him a guy with messy hair and a mischievous smirk and leather jacket over Mr. boring any day.

The conversation took a turn for the worse, or maybe just more obvious, when Ethan started showing off pictures on his phone. First, a picture of a giant chalet nestled in the Swiss Alps, then a ridiculously sleek sports car he probably doesn't know how to drive, and finally, a watch that looked just ugly. James felt an itch crawl under his skin. These displays of wealth weren't impressing him, just solidifying his growing annoyance.

"Uh, excuse me I need the restroom," James mumbled, pushing back his chair with a little more force than necessary. A chorus of "Sure, James" and "Take your time, honey" followed him as he practically bolted out of the room.

The cool air of the hallway felt like a slap of relief after the stuffy atmosphere of the dinner. James walked with long strides, his blonde hair catching the dim hallway lights. He wasn't just bored, he was suffocating. His parents, bless their hearts, were trying to set him up with Ethan, some "perfect guy" who was the son of the newest businesspartner of his father. But Ethan held zero appeal for James. In fact, he felt a sliver of pity for the dude. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect life – perfect boring.

Reaching the bathroom at the end of the hall, James pushed open the door and leaned over the marble sink his hands resting left and right on the counter. The silence was a golden gift. Splashing cold water on his face, James needed a plan. He needed an escape. Maybe a fire alarm? Nah, too cliché. Maybe he could "accidentally" spill his drink all over Ethan?... or a sudden stomach ache?


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bvbbles 1 week ago
Hey there, is Kang Baekho free to be applied for?
cer_berus 1 month ago
much love and appreciation, blossom.♡
hibernate 1 month ago
:^] is Lee Jongsuk available?
KPOPAuntie 1 month ago
Hi~ May I please request for NCT's Ten as an intern in the police force? :)
suns3t 1 month ago
hi, I came upon this rp, may I join? I see there are two requests for park seonghwa?
Alastar 1 month ago
Can I have Bang Chan from Stray Kidz please :’)
Angelx19 1 month ago
Lee Taeyong please
Shysun 1 month ago
Yang Jungwon please <3
creamsoda 1 month ago
my muse is back
may I request lee taemin, if I am able to come back?
BBVIPBaby 1 month ago
yoon keeho please
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