࿔*:・ lake!

definitely time to swim!
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❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 1 day ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook’s normally dark eyes are lit up by the sun’s light glittering off the lake. The usual dark chocolate color being replaced with a creamy coffee hue. It’s as if he’s in a trance watching the water gently fold over itself as the wind skims its invisible fingers along the surface.
“That’s true, without thoroughly searching one may look past it, but if gone missing, one could very well stumble upon it.” Jaewook’s voice is silky, a calm sensation falling over him. “You’ve got quite the eye for scenic views. Would you be against this snake invading this mouse path once in a while?” Finally, he’s able to look back at Seongmin. His expression gentle and eyes hopeful as he awaits the answer.
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 3 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ What Yugyeom had told him on behalf of Wooseok, regarding Jaewook was understandable at best— however, the mouse just didn’t see him that way. He was reserved, sure.. but hard to get along with? Not in the slightest. The male was a gentleman so far, polite and respectful of his boundaries and their differences without it seeming demeaning or offensive in any way. He didn’t seem cold or calculating either.. not everyone was as bubbly personality-wise as he could be, he was fully aware of that fact.
“It’s private enough to enjoy it alone, and public enough to feel safe if something were to happen.” His lips were upturned into a petite smile as he gazes out at the lake. “Maybe a week ago? Two or three days before my cycle.. I was just exploring the trails and I noticed the pathway.”
❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 3 days ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook would be lying if he said he didn’t pick up on Seongmin sneakily trying to sniff him. However, he couldn’t blame the latter for being curious. Jaewook also happened to be curious about Seongmin’s but would ask another time. Seongmin had only just returned from quarantine.
He follows behind the mouse once more. Eyes taking in the pleasing scenery before them.
“You know, I was expecting this little place to be more enclosed, but this is just as lovely. How quickly did you find this place when arriving?” Jaewook asks without turning to look at Seongmin, still wrapped up in admiring the scenery.
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 4 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ Maybe it was a bit rude of him to do so, but he couldn't successfully stave his curiosity when the other passed in front of him. His little nose twitches imperceptivity as he sniffs the other's scent-- to defend himself, he would have inevitably done so either way.. but when the opportunity presents itself, he is the type to take it. His eyebrows furrow at the complexity of what he ended up with, eyes wide as the branch is held open from him as well.
"Ooh, thank you kindly!" Seongmin crosses in front of the male and continues through the path with ease, trying to configure what exactly the scent profile he had picked up was. The path begins to clear up before opening into a somewhat large field. The front of the field bore witness to the lake, a simple walking distance away, one could literally stroll into the water if they wished to. "Here we are."
❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 4 days ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook inhales a deep breath the closer they get to the water, the air swirling in his lungs. The cool mist that floats off the lake with the help of the wind coats the nearby ground and trees.
“You know, that is a clever name...mouse path.” Jaewook compliments, thanking Seongmin for holding up the branch as he crouches down and carefully walks through. In return, he takes the branch from the other side and holds it out of the way for the latter. “Your nicety must be paid~”
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 4 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ Jaewook seemed kind, and he felt safe enough walking in the dark with him at his side. He giggled faintly at the commentary about the path, already fairly close to their destination. The presence of the water was beginning to change the way the fauna smelled, his small nose twitching in delight.
“It’s what we would call a mouse path! Small and unnoticeable, the perfect way to escape.” The dormouse pushes aside one branch that had begun to rot, holding it politely out of the way for the other.
❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 4 days ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook follows somewhat behind the latter, especially when taking smaller paths. Listening all the while.
“I’m glad you agree.” He says, now walking alongside Seongmin again. Almost not noticing the touch to his elbow with how light it was, he stops and turns back slightly. “Oh, if you aren’t looking for it you’ll miss it!” He chuckles.
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 4 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ The second section they needed to walk through was coming up, the mouse maneuvering them smoothly through a smaller trail than the main path. “I do agree, yes. You’re absolutely on the nose with that, we do what people won’t.” Reaches out to very lightly touch your elbow as we almost pass the next turn, smiling gently at you.
❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 4 days ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook does have a hint of a smile present. “I kind of had a feeling you’d be adventurous. However, I don’t feel that it’s a bad thing. Whether it’s on your own, or with a few friends. If we didn’t have curious people then we wouldn’t have discovered most of what the planet earth has to offer us, wouldn’t you agree?” He questions, actually happy to be on an adventure with someone who liked to use their head. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows with Seongmin. He knew how to be a real person.
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 4 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ It wasn’t quite cold out yet, but Seongmin tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket all the same. His smaller sized digits would end up frozen in most weather, especially these upcoming fall nights. He nods as he responds to you, smiling faintly. “I do, I’m an adventurous kind of person. Too curious for my own good.. but I like them more enjoyable with people.”
❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ 4 days ago
@❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ Jaewook follows alongside Seongmin. Not noticing the adjusted speed since he’d never walked alongside Seongmin before. His large hands are contently tucked in his coat, occasionally taking in the various views around them.
“I typically like to stay home, but with the right person, I find them enjoyable. Do you?” He asks in return.
❁┆ a. seongmin。 ᵈᵒʳᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ 4 days ago
@❀┆ l. jaewook。ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵐᵃᵐᵇᵃ Seongmin does, in fact, lead the way out of the gazebo where the campfire was held. He did his best to take longer steps, fully aware that there was no possible way he could nonchalantly use your pace.. but wanting to do a happy medium at least. The walk wouldn't take long, just crossing through the hiking trail entrance, taking a few unpathed turns and ending up in the clearing.
Do you like going on adventures, Jaewook-ssi?
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
Your warm smile offers me a sense of comfort. It helps reassure me that things are going to be alright. That I shouldn’t worry so much. I note the way your eyes flicker over my face, seemingly taking in my features and imperfections that make me perfectly human.
It’s when you shift closer that my breath hitches for the fourth or fifth time. I lost count. Eyes falling to your lips as yours had to mine. My own brims parting vaguely when I feel your hand take ahold of my chin. Head tilting slightly in the opposite direction, eyes slowly fluttering closed. The sensation of your lips molding against my own in such a sweet and respectful manner has my heart thumping like a drum. My clammy hands are lightly clumps of green grass. You pull away before I’m ready and my eyelids open slowly, softly panting as I had worked myself up so much. The close proximity of your face brings a pink hue to my cheeks.
Sangmin.. can I ask you a question?
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ Finally when you turn towards me and I’m met with you dark earthy orbs I flash a warm smile, just from the expression of your face I can tell how nerve wrecking you may have been feeling, I don’t move quite yet, instead I just stay there silently, my eyes scanning over the features of your visage; making note of the little beauty marks here and there on your face. After a few more seconds passes I finally inch my face closer towards you, eyes that had locked with yours look down at your lips and I pause so I can use my free hand to gently grasp your chin, closing off that remaining space that separated our lips from meeting. my head it slightly tilted to the side, allowing the soft couplets to slot for a lingering soft kiss, its a fleeting but chaste lip lock and when I pull away I keep the close proximity of our faces, observing for your reaction for a few seconds before dropping my hand at your chin back to my lap.
It’s a good thing I didn’t forget, to give you that kiss you asked for
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ A part of me wants the warm rays of the sun to stay, for the time in this moment to stop. I want to experience this evening slowly. To feel absolutely everything. Unfortunately, the best things about memories is that they’re fleeting. That this wouldn’t last, but we could enjoy every single second of it.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear you softly call to me. My head turning in your direction only to notice you changed your position. You’re closer than you were previously, my heart skips a beat. My stomach feels like it’s floating.
Yes, Sangmin…
The tone of my voice mimics the tenderness of yours.
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ it really hits me that we’re away from the crowded campfire when all I can hear is nature and the sounds of you settling down next to me, it had been awhile since I’ve been somewhere so serene and it’d been awhile since I was away from that crowded area, though i was an introvert there was fulfillment and joy in talking with those I started to grow close with; Yugyeom included. Turns my head to observe you, happy to see you enjoying the sights just as much as I was, that’s when I remember the sole reason we came here, just the two of us. I reach one of my arms to press my palm into the grassy area behind you so I can lean over towards you, but not close, just enough so that when i speak out and you answer our gazes would meet.
Hey, Yugyeom…
I say softly, while I wait to catch your attention and in that time I take note in your side profile, shifting my body slightly in your direction as well.
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ I’m pleased to see your smile widening after my agreement to stick by you to watch the moon stars. The extra squeeze and caressing of your thumb against the back of my hand has the breath caught in my throat for a mere moment.
I’m glad.
I sigh out those two words. I begin following alongside you again, more confident in my steps as I know the route we’ll be taking. Upon arriving to chosen area, I note you surveying it and it causes me to do the same. It appeared clear. When the sensation of your hand leaves mine I can feel my brows raising slightly, almost concerned but I try not to let it show. My person on standby as you get settled on the ground, only shifting to sit beside you once you’ve patted the grass covered earth. Another silent invitation, I’m taking it without any questions. My right leg tucked beneath my left, similar to a meditation pose. Those dark eyes of mine gazing out toward the water and watching as a few fish break free of the water only to plop back into it. Splash. I enjoy the sounds the water makes, filling in our silence.
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ hearing your response had my smile growing wider, giving your hand a gentle squeeze to showcase my content; my thumb lightly brushing against the back of your palm for a few second. my attention is broken when your gaze turns elsewhere, looking to where you point and nods my head gently.
That looks like a good place, nice eye there Yugyeom.
thankfully the path towards where you pointed to was clear, being the one to lead us once again. when we get there i overlook the area to make sure there wasn't anything weird, the grass also looked nice and dry. thankfully the night time dew hasn't set. i let go of your hand so i can take a seat first, my legs laid out in front of me while i pat the spot next to me.
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ I allow myself to be guided closer to you, our arms nearly brushing against one another. When you turn to look at me, smiling all the while, I can’t help but bask in the content emotion you seem to be experiencing here with me. I try to let the question you ask linger in the fall air, liking that you asked me to stay with you even if just until the moon and stars peek out to say hello.
Without a second thought, I will…
Spheres of life peer into yours, admiring their shape and hue. I lift my hand, only then breaking the connection between our eyes to look over and point toward a seemingly clear patch of grass.
Should we sit over there?
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ i'm giving your hand a small tug to reel you to my side a bit more in response to the silent asked question, nodding once more in agreement with your words and i also take a small inhale of the fresh air before turning my head to look over at you, meeting your gaze with a soft smile.
If you're able to. Mind staying out with me to watch the moon rise and the stars shine?
my head tilts slightly to make sure the eye contact doesn't break as i await your answer.
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ Maneuvers down the rocky path with you, observing for the best spots to step down. I misjudge and end up sliding a little more than I wanted, but thankfully not to the point of falling down. Your hands offering the steady support I needed to prevent doing so.
Once we conquered the rocky path, I take in a small breath and sigh out of relief. Releases your hand when you pull it away, giving the one I’m still holding a gentle squeeze. Silently asking if we can keep them this way.
I look ahead of us, the greenery of the trees almost looking black against the pastel pink, orange and purple sky. The sun twinkling a small goodbye while kissing the horizon line.
It’s really pretty…
My voice is nothing above a whisper, enchanted with the piece of nature in front of us. Somehow, I break free from its trance and look back at you with an anticipating smile.
I bet they look even prettier.. are we gonna have a full moon tonight?
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ my lips pull into a warm smile, nodding my head in response to the verbal gratitude, once you take hold of my offered hand i carefully guide you down the rocky path, once safe i let go though i keep our original held hands conjoined. we reach the grassy area of the lake, it's an open area that's hugged by trees, and the sky had already started getting painted with amber and pink.
see i told you, pretty isn't it? and just you wait until the stars come out.
✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ Silently follows beside you, my lips pressed into a thin line as my heart thumps somewhat faster in my chest. Thankful for each moment you take to make sure I don’t trip, or step in a stray hole. My dark eyes flash up to yours after you’ve stopped and turned around. I reach for your other hand without breaking eye contact, grasping onto it firmly.
Thank you…
❀┆ m. sangmin。ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ 6 days ago
@✿┆ k. yugyeom。ʳᵉᵈ ᵖᵃⁿᵈᵃ with my hand still in yours i'm a step ahead leading us down the path, making sure to we're taking the safest pass and each time we reach an area that requires an extra hand i stop, turning around as i held out my other hand, meeting your gaze.
watch your step, here, i got you.
✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ *swims and gets closer to you with a soft smile*
I'm okay, yeah. Swimming and water always calms me down~ How are you Binbun?
❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
@✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ hyung..
sighs and looks around before sitting on a cropping of grass near the water edge.
are you alright?
✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ it's not that cold, I'm swimming...
*looks at you gently as he keeps swimming and humming a bit*
❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
@✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ hey, what are you doing out here in the cold?
frowns slightly while staying at the edge of the water, looking at it in distaste.
you’ll get sick.
✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ 1 week ago
@❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ *swims towards you and looks at you softly*
Oh? Hi Binbun...
❀┆ c. soobin。ᶠˡᵉᵐᶦˢʰ ᵍᶦᵃⁿᵗ 1 week ago
@✿┆ j. jungkook。ⁿᵉᵗʰᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʷᵃʳᶠ Jungkook?
calls out after having seen you jump into the lake while on my daily walk.


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finalcopies 1 day ago
nam joohyuk, 30, actor, red-tailed hawk
Manboobs 2 days ago
osaki shotaro, 23, riize, otter.
thank you <3 !!
cappuccino [A] 5 days ago
— please comment full name, stage name, age group, + hybrid type !
salome 5 days ago
cha eunwoo, 27, astro/actor, octopus.
please and thank you!
puppup 5 days ago
hong doeui, 25, nomad, hyena
por favor
comets 6 days ago
kim mingyu, 27, seventeen, grizzly bear
please & thank you!
[comment deleted by owner]
RoseThornArchive 1 week ago
Can I also have meng rui, 27 , model, alpha, red wolf
_tokito 1 week ago
choi chanhee, new, 26, tbz
RoseThornArchive 1 week ago
jackson wang, 25, soloist/got7, boelen python

please and thank you
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