*ೃ༄ bonfire

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a bonfire is held every weekend along with the autumn ball。
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 4 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ he can't help but to admire the way you put passion into your words, watching the way you talk about them. it was such a cheesy thought, but he wanted to be closer to you, get to know you better, and learn the little things. he couldn't help the way his eyes watched the way your lips moved along with your words.
I get that. It's good to have your work and then the other things to learn and be passionate about, everyone's got their hobbies.
he smiles lightly, a soft hum emitting from him
it's like me, i have my career and tbz you know, but esp since we been here at camp, i been trying to get into other things, and practicing soccer a bit myself. i think it's nice to have many interests.
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 4 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ He pauses in his rampant blabbering, his eyes roaming across your handsome features as you relate to him. There was something about how gentle you seemed compared to when he’d seen you around your group or even the couple of interactions shared prior to camp. It was filling him with a warmth unrelated to the bonfire crackling in front of him.
I love to dance.. truly, I do. What I get to do in Piwon is great but I also have this craving to learn more than what I have for my career, you know?
Intak chuckles quietly, breaking away his gaze to look at the fire instead, his slender fingers continuing to trace random patterns against the back of your hand.
✿┆ x. minghao。ˢⁿᵒʷ ˡᵉᵒᵖᵃʳᵈ 4 days ago
@❁┆ y. jeongin。ᵃʳᶜᵗᶦᶜ ᶠᵒˣ He finally shows up to the discussed meet up as he holds two travel size tumblrs in each hand. His attire, simple. A black hoodie, black sweats, tennis shoes and a brown Nike's beanie on his head with his reading glasses worn.
He approaches you with a friendly grin upon his features while he holds out a tumblr cup in your direction as an offering.
"I figured you would enjoy hot chocolate. So I got it for you, while I have a green tea. Its a lovely night tonight though. Seems to be quiet...."
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 5 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ He bit back the smile that curled at the corner of his lips, listening intently to you go on about the dance you were learning, his eyes widening, impressed about the dedication
Oh! I’ve seen videos of that!
He said a bit excitedly, recalling what he seen of the dances, and even remembering the isac completion he nodded his head
It’s good that you’re enjoying it
His tone settled back down, though the interest and excitement was still there, as he turned his eyes to gaze at you momentarily
You seem really passionate about it
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 5 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ it’s called the viennese waltz- it’s a rotary type of ballroom dance where you are always spinning.. it’s really haunting and beautiful, and when done well it’s like a ghost bride and groom floating around the room.
he was babbling out of similar excitement, having noticed the energy in your questions. it gave him the freedom to express his interests in full, eyes glimmering as he gushed on.
i’ve been into ballroom ever since the isac competition, it’s been a blast since.
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 5 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ he nods lightly, his eyes following yours, unable to look away from them, the fire reflecting off of them nicely, before looking down at where their hands would be in view if not for the blanket, listening as he slightly leans more towards you.
Oh, that sounds productive at least
He nods again letting out a soft hum, he curiously tilts his head
A new dance style? What kind? I wanna see, someday… if you’re willing to show
His words start to slow down towards the end as he tried to hide the small excitement in you exploring something new
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 5 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ ah, that sounds pretty fun.
his eyes never waiver from your face, shifting from your eyes to your cheeks, drifting down slightly before catching himself and peering back at you with a soft nod. pushing his other hand under the blanket, he traces his fingertips against the back of your hand as he replies to you.
it started off boring, had practice today, messed around with some beats, made dinner and then set this up. i’m picking up this new dance style i’m working on, which is cool.
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 5 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ He allowed you to make yourself comfortable before fully settling himself leaning a bit to the side, crossing one leg over the other, the warmth of your hand against his, stilling his mind for a moment. he rubbed his thumb gently across the back of your hand, nodding his head lightly before following the turn of attention to give you his.
I just attended a few schedules and had dinner with some friends, it’s been a pretty chill other wise.
he said softly to match the calm atmosphere.
how about you though? anything interesting happen?
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 5 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ The blanket was easily big enough to cover his lap as well, his ankles crossing once he was comfortable. He can’t really hide the happiness in his heart as your fingers slide up against his palm, taking your hand in his and keeping it beneath the blanket to stay warm.
Yeah, there was a card game happening or something? So they kept it fed. Figured it would be cool to enjoy the last of it.
He tilts his head towards you, giving his full attention.
Did you do anything today?
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 5 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ He happily accepts the blanket that’s draped over him, watching fondly as you add the wood to the fire, and offering some of the blanket to you when you scoot the chair closer, his hand instantly reaching out for yours as he nods his head in agreement, the night atmosphere mixed with the warm crackling of the fire was pretty nice, and an even nicer surprise to spend his night than he expected.
Very nice. Am surprised this thing is still going
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 5 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ He of course, waits for the other to sit down before draping the blanket over his lap and crossing over to grab two more pieces of firewood. Adding them to the fire only took a few moments, the wolf nudging his chair closer to the other’s before sitting down beside him with a proud smile.
What do you think? It’s pretty nice eh?
• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ [A] 5 days ago
@❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ He follows behind you, taking your lead mostly as it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark, the fire the only other thing helping him guide his way, curious to where you were taking the two, he looked at the chairs a small smile growing on his face, unable to find this anything but cute.
For me?
He asked, his voice a little chirpier than intended, moving to take a seat in the chair offered.
Thank you~
❀┆ h. intak。ʸᵘᵏᵒⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠ 5 days ago
@• ✿┆ k. sunwoo。ᵛᵃˡᵃᶦˢ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏⁿᵉᶜᵏ the light from the bonfire was still flickering strong despite it dying out, those who had been hanging around on logs and folding camping chairs long gone as the night settles in and creates a hushed chill.
careful, it's kind of dark..
leads you through a safe little patch of grass to two chairs I had set up prior to snatching you, picking up the heavy blanket draped over one and gesturing to the seat.
for you!
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ *he eyed the audacity of you pouring you some more wine but not pouring HIM some more. At this point throw the whole man away. With a small side eye he poured himself more wine, sliding closer to you because now the sun was going down. They had been out here all afternoon and now that night was coming it was getting chillier. So he scooted even closer to you til their legs touched since he didn't really acknowledge personal space for otter reason then pulled the semi charred hot dog back from the flames, pursing his lips to blow on it* You need my lore? I don't know what I'm supposed to share. Parents are alpha omega pair. Pretty much harmonious one is like a needy baby and the other is like... a clingy sweetheart. Then I have 2 siblings. I'm the middle child. *he tried to take a bite of the hotdog but it was still too hot so he just sipped more wine after the test bite* Also Im from Sydney, haha, if you couldn't tell. My family are all otters, no mixing yet. Idk about my siblings tastes. Is that enough lore for you?
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ /he rolled his eyes at your comment before grabbing the blanket he brought with him as he sits beside you and dropping it at your shoulders and his/ only spoiled and moody child. /he snickers as he pours for himself another cup. Sipping it this time, enjoying the warmth of the bonfire/ how about you, lix? Do share about your life before I throw all mine in the ground.
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ *he slowly smiled, joking* You forgot to add the Lee Felix. I don't want you just taking out any Felix this my shopping spree. tf. *he giggled behind his cup finishing it then grabbing a hot dog and skewering it as well, returning to this spot and lazily holding it over the fire, glancing over his shoulder and nodding his head over this direction, eyes directing you towards the space beside me* Come sit by me.... and bring the wine. Do you have any siblings or its just you? You act like an only child. Spoiled and moody
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ /he takes out his phone and open the chat between you and him and press the record icon/ I, Na Jaemin would take you. Felix into a shopping haul with my own damn money. /he promises and remove his finger shaking his phone in the air. Hoping his wallet would survive this promise/ there, happy? /his shoulders dropped in relief when he saw the wine, not realising his need of alcohol in his system as he reaches out to pour one cup for himself as well. Taking a sip and moan out of the relief of its taste/ I will take 'headass' as a compliment. /he snorts before thinking a bit about the next part of his conversation. Not sure of how much he should share/ oh it. Ring the family therapy session. /he half joked before drinking his whole cup/ my parents were competitive as . With everything even with a simple task. They are madly in love though. But divorced otherwise. Their dynamic works in a holic relationship, not family wise.
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ I don't like that, be deliberate with me. *he was smacking on a marshmallow, the gooey center pulling away from the toasted exterior* I'm a deliberate man. If you say shopping 'some day' how do I Know you'll keep your word. How do I know you wont burst into baby mode again and start trying to take me shopping with my own damn money. *he held up a hand to stop him* Don't piss me off. *going to the bag he pulled out a bottle of wine, the hard part was already handled so he just popped the cork and poured some into the cup he brought along, sitting on the ground near the fire because he was very cold lately, and since he'd already been thrown to the ground he was already dirty then listened to your story sipping, with interest in his eyes* Oh shoot new Jaemin lore dropping? Both alphas.. is that why you're a headass now. *points with a finger that was holding my cup* Makes sense. Do you think they stifled your second gender into beta because they had too much energy already in the household ? Both my parents were just the regular alpha omega pair.
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ How about this? A promise to go shopping for a gift some day? /he promises as he felt guilty for not bringing anything even though he was the one that suggested meeting by the bonfire. He curses his heat under his breath, his thoughts gets fussy by the day since it was approaching/ I don't really nest like omegas nor hibernate as alphas. Im the gray space in between. I need to just be at 'peace'. Which never happens. I tend to lose my temper during my heat. /he admits as he watches the bonfire waves in front of him. Not sure why he would admit his temper problems but he felt comfortable enough. His train of thoughs was cut by your comment which made him laugh/ I think you take after your mom side alot. The stickiness. /he jokes as he lean back on his hands and streching his legs forward/ watch out of me. /he says absent mindedly, dreading that his heat is soon/ did i tell you that both my parents are alphas? Yet I surprisingly became a beta boy. /he says as he try to change the subject a bit, without sounding dramatic about his heat/
[post deleted by owner]
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ Yeah look at you missing out cuz you wanna be bringing me NOT a gift, HMPH. *grumbling idly in front of the fire, he slowly twirled the stick, while listening to you. Honestly there usually was a preheat energy that people had and though your scent wasnt as potent, the energy was on you.* A few days is soon, are you going into hibernation like the others do *he stood up, gently blowing on his marshmallow to cool it, perfectly brown on all sides, like he's done this many of times before, walking back to sit beside you, laughing at you just eating the marshmallowing knowingly you're not a fan* And, is there something I should watch out for while you're in heats? Because you're definitely not getting away from me
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ /his ears twitches at the drop of your voice. Taking a breath in to take a moment before he speaks to keep himself grounded/ that...totally went over my head. It would have been a good tent visit. /he says lowly before clearing his throat and turning his face to the bonfire trying to snap out of it/ my heat in couple of days. My senses are all over the place to be honest. /he says as he reach out mindlessly to grap anything only to take a bite out of the marshmallow which made his face scrunches up/ yum..
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ *he smiles when you smile, thinking you're taking the s'more to eat more but laughs when you feed it to him, bouncing closer to take the bite, feet tip tapping like its the best thing he ever tasted*
I feel like you saying "a tad" is a severeeeee understatement. Its giving tired housewife *he goes to take another bite of the s'more, scrunching up his nose and surveying your body up and down, turning to pierce another marshmallow and dropping his voice to a more husky toned whisper* ....If you really brought me yourself then you would have been in a tent when I arrived.... *he glanced up to your hair and groans, crouching at the side of the fire* When is your heat starting ?
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ /he couldnt help but to chuckle at your imitation of chewing. He lean and carefully take a taste bite. Chewing slowly, not sure he likes it or not/ well, i gotta say. Your mom's side have potential. /he snorts, taking the s'mores out of your hand and pressing it on your lips/ well, I can be a tad needy when I'm in the mood. Also my heat is near so my moods are getting all over the place. /he pretend to think as he looks at you/ I brought you myself, isnt that enough? Like me and all my glory. /he takes a step back and dramatically brushes back his hair/
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ * carefully he watched his marshmallow roast, some of its integrity burning faster because of your bite, eyes on faintly watching you from his peripheral vision* when I said you can call me daddy, I didn’t know you were about to be a baby brat this immediately…. *he crouched by the bag pulling out some graham cracker and a bar of chocolate and sandwiching them around the marshmallow, pulling it off the stick, sprinkling a little salt over it and bouncing over to stand close to you, holding up the s’more to your lips* take a bite. *he watched your mouth, making a chomping motion to encourage you and smiling* I WAS eager to see you. Is this the type of guy you are, those “I wanna be in your skinnnnn” ones? Look at you what did you bring for me?
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ That sound like a solid plan. Do read my mind. /he looks at you dramatically, widing his eyes as if he's opening a portal to his own thoughts but quickly start blinking once his eyes start watering/
That explains...alot. marshmallow genes are messing up your brain cells. /he joked as he takes a bite from the pointed marshmallow wand/ not bad, still aint a favourite yet. /he says as he takes the hotdog and stick it on the wand to burn it with the fire. Not sure that's its the right way but does it anyways/ what took you so long btw. You should have been eager to see me. /he huffs, still not over it/
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
@✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ So you just want me to read your mind is that it? *he held his skewered marshmallow over the fire gentle so that no flames touched it, just the heat.*
First you hating on honey NOW you hating on marshmallows. You know they taste better a little burnt and smokey. *he scrunched up his nose, giving meanest stank face known to man, turning back to glare to you in annoyance and finding you already looking at me, face dropping when I notice youre playing*
You know I'm actually part marshmallow on my mom's side *he poked his cheek to demonstrate the bounciness, pointing at you sternly with a half toasted marshmallow wand* If you think you're cute you're not hahaha... *he rolled his eyes playfully turning back to the fire* You can roast the hot dogs, but you haven't tried my s'mores I think it nicer with just a little bit of salt... will you try it ?
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
@❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ i have a problem with communication. /he says with his mouth is full, as he eyes you stabbing the poor marshmallow, noting to himself to remove any sharp objects away from you in the future/
will i shock you if i said that i'm not a big fan of marshmallows as well?
/he turns curious for your reaction, but smiles instead at the bonfire light reflecting on your face/
if i wanted to eat some, maybe your cheeks would do. /he snorts, biting down on his snacks/
❁┆ l. felix。ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ 2 weeks ago
*purses my lips, eyes surveying the switch of your mood, walking by you with a haughty scoff and a roll of my eyes because of the delayed compliment*
If I knew you were so hungry maybe I would have came a little faster, you ain't even say that. Grumpy Gills.

*closes my eyes to let you clear my hair, giggling when its moved out of place, keeping my eyes closed until you stop and then looking up to up to you, bashfully*
See now that wasn't so hard to say. I didn't bring grilling things cuz a bonfire is too good but you can start with the hot dogs if you want. Me personally, I would like some s'mores.
*rifles through the bag and pulls out a stick for you and for me, biting open the marshmallows and stabbing it like Michael Myers*
What you thinking ?
✿┆ n. jaemin。ᵐᵃʳᵍᵃʸ 2 weeks ago
/his eyes quickly lit up and his pouting lips quickly transformed into a huge smile as he see the amount of snacks tha you bought with you/

You look hella beautiful today, darling.

/he says half sarcastically as he extended his arm to pull out of the a bag of chips and loudly open it/

I get really cranky when im either hungry or waiting. You just set of a dynamite.

/he explains as he feels a bit of guilt, he ruffles your hair, removing the remaining dirt/

And perhaps, maybe, kind of miss your stupid face.


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finalcopies 1 day ago
nam joohyuk, 30, actor, red-tailed hawk
Manboobs 2 days ago
osaki shotaro, 23, riize, otter.
thank you <3 !!
cappuccino [A] 5 days ago
— please comment full name, stage name, age group, + hybrid type !
salome 5 days ago
cha eunwoo, 27, astro/actor, octopus.
please and thank you!
puppup 5 days ago
hong doeui, 25, nomad, hyena
por favor
comets 6 days ago
kim mingyu, 27, seventeen, grizzly bear
please & thank you!
[comment deleted by owner]
RoseThornArchive 1 week ago
Can I also have meng rui, 27 , model, alpha, red wolf
_tokito 1 week ago
choi chanhee, new, 26, tbz
RoseThornArchive 1 week ago
jackson wang, 25, soloist/got7, boelen python

please and thank you
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