⟼ 313

yeonjun & jimin


an open world room, plot as you please.

y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ walks out the door and waves at you with a smile before walking off towards the direction of the bus stop to get myself home so I can do my daily editing of my videos. I hum a little as I walk feeling rather glad to meet you and making a note to visit you again sometime so I can see you again and talk to you more to get know you better so we can at least become a bit closer as soulmates.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ 'you think? thanks,' muses, tapping my free hand against the counter, clearly fascinated. 'the world is a funny place, indeed. ah.. alright, another time, then.'
nodding slowly, i offer a small wave as you go, clicking my tongue as i stand up to return to my stocking, making a mental note that even meeting my soulmate didn't seem to last very long.
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ smiles at you and chuckles a little thinking it is so fascinating to meet someone that I never knew but was feeling familiar with and I am happy nonetheless to finally meet my soulmate in person.
"Thank you yeonjun your name is beautiful name too and I guess things work out in a funny way
don't they? anyways, I need to get going before my subscribers wonder where I am when I was supposed
to upload a video for today it's nice to meet you though hope we can meet again sometime"
gives you one last smile and turns holding the bag with the crystal walking very carefully towards
the door so I don't break the fragile crystal or I will be very much dead.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ 'karina is a pretty name.' leaning my cheek against my palm, i watch the response with mild amusement, not having expected the counter to be connected to someone i already knew. 'pleasure to finally meet you then, soulmate.'
chuckling, i straighten up and shake my head. 'don't worry, i didn't think it was in a bad way - it's kind of funny, if im completely honest. never thought it would be someone who's so casually already part of my life.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ smiles and nods to you before taking back my card putting it back inside my wallet then I nod again when you tell me your name carefully picking up the bag with the crystal inside holding it securely so I won't drop it
"I am Jimin but most people call me Karina as someone told me it's easier to remember"
letting out a soft chuckle then I look at my wrist when you point to it tilting my head to look at your wrist seeing that we have the same thing my eyes go a little wide at the thought not really knowing that I would meet someone that would be my supposed soulmate.
"Woah, this is so weird and not in a bad way, no wonder I thought you were so familiar to me we are actually soulmates".
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ the movements are easy, trained and repeated over the years, swiping your card before carefully collecting the crystal to wrap it up. 'you're more than welcome.. and, yeonjun.' offering you a smile as i slip the two pieces into a bag, settling it on the counter and sliding your card back. 'you can call me yeonjun.'

folding my arms on the counter, my head tips, this time careful not to hit the display with an antler. 'so, is that about me or..?' pointing towards your wrist at the little counter, there's a playful grin on my features, 'seems we've got matching ones.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ listening again as you tell me about your experience going to the woods and I nod following you to the counter then I dig through my bag for my wallet and I take out a credit card putting it on the counter sliding it to you so you swipe my payment for the things I just purchased.

"Thank you, for the discount uh sorry how do I address you?"
looking at you thinking if this was a little weird to ask for your name when we kind of don't know each other but I feel a sense of familiarity between us somehow.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ rocking on my heels, i shift to step around you just to head back towards the counter, nodding. 'i do, it can be quite fun.. ive had a couple run-ins with poisonous things before, though..' trailing off, i shudder a little.
pursing my lips, i shift; 'i don't mean that in a bad way, by the way, i enjoy listening. i just don't have the attention span to really fully watch things?'
chuckling, i make my way to stand behind the counter again, crouching to collect a little fluorite moon shaped charm before straightening.
'twenty five,' answers, dropping the little charm into a small velvet bag with a bracelet chord, settling it on the counter, 'new customer discount.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ Gives you a slight bow and a smile then I look behind me when you gesture towards the candies you also sell in your shop seeing them in different colors and shapes makes me wonder what each candy tastes like and what effect they have when consuming them.
"Oh, you go to the woods to collect herbs and stuff that's pretty cool that you pick your own herbs
I have grown some herbs for like cooking and whatnot"
looks at you surprised again when you tell me you use my videos as a background noise but I take no offense to it as I sometimes do the same when I am cleaning or editing my videos.
"Well, thank you again how much is everything by the way?"
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ 'i do my best.' smiles toothily, taking pride in my ability to help in the shop, 'oh? well, I'll be more than happy to help - we've got plenty that can bring a more.. calm sense to a place. the candles are actually hand made,' gesturing behind you towards the back, i'm somewhat embarrassed to admit the fact, knowing most of the candles and threaded jewelry comes from my own sleepless nights. 'or, yaknow, if you ever need something.. more.' my hand waves, a soft green spark showing but only briefly.

'it's normal,' pointing out the lost part when i notice the look, 'when i go rummaging for herbs and whatnot. you'd think a shape shifter would have a better sense of direction, but.. no, not at all.'

thinking for a second, there's a click of my tongue. 'ah, that's what it is. i generally have your videos on for background noise, something to keep my senses mostly here when i'm busy. though, i don't know.. feels weird, like it's something else.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ smiles and carefully takes the soft pink tower from you feeling so amazed by how it shines and looks so alive, then I look to you with a slight nod as to thank you for the charm as a gift

"Thank you, you are a great help. I appreciate it I think I'll visit here more often to get some nice crystals like these to help the energy in my apartment."

blinking at you when you say you were lost in the woods for 3 days and I surprised at the fact that you made it out okay without hurting yourself or anything.

"ya probably a weird fate thing, but I mean if you've seen me it's probably in videos if you watch them

as I am a youtuber"
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ offering a small nod, im careful to set the tower back before collecting the soft pink tower, holding it out to you. 'i get that, it's hard to have a collected work space when things get stressed and.. i don't know, like, claustrophobic, especially working from home.' wrinkling my nose up, i turn to lock the case back up, shrugging a bit. 'you're in luck, though. i can throw in one of the fluorite charms ive got as a little gift, might add an extra kick to getting rid of the stress.'

chuckling, i end up pursing my lips slightly in thought. 'me? ah.. i don't think we run in the same circles too much,' there's a pause before im waving a hand, 'i don't mean that in a rude way, i just.. feel like we don't frequent the same places.. if that makes sense? i mean.. i spent three days lost in the woods.' pulling the keys back up to my forearm, i offer a click of my tongue. 'must be a weird fate thing.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ listening as you explain to me what every crystal does and what they can do occasionally, still wondering if I actually know you or not, since I still feel like you are very familiar to me, like I seem to have met you before somewhere. I give you a smile, pointing to the rose quartz crystal which is probably what I am looking for

"uh maybe this rose quartz one? As I am always working a lot, I want to feel more calm, so I don't feel
so stressed out?" scratching my head a little wondering if I explained it correctly to you then blinking at
you when you say I look familiar

"you actually look very familiar too like have we met before?"
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ 'yeah?' shifting from my spot and straightening, i make my way around the counter to move closer, crossing my arms over my chest. 'there's a few, actually.. depending on what it is causing the distress. for example, rose quartz is considered calming in a general sense.. amethyst is for negativity, onyx is anxiety, fluorite for stress.. so on and forth, im going to end up rambling.' chuckling, i pull the bracelet with keys off my wrist to reach up and unlock the cabinet, carefully collecting an aventurine tower, holding it up for you, 'this is for emotional balance, usually considered for calming the atmosphere, as well.' looking at you curiously, my eyes flicker for a moment before humming. 'you look awfully familiar.'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ Walking around the shop still looking everywhere, feeling so curious about everything and I turn, hearing a voice greeting me looking at you I sense something familiar, my eyes slightly twitching trying to figure out if I know you or not. Then I give you a polite smile bowing a little to you "uh...those crystals you have in that case look interesting.
"Do you have any suggestions for ones that I can put around the house to make the vibes more calming?"
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ in my own world, i find myself tying together a thin rope for some of the flower bulbs, nearly flinching at the sound of the bell. stepping to glance around the small set up on the counter, i take a moment to study you, putting on a little smile. 'welcome in,' i chime softly, sliding the bulbs aside to cross my arms on the counter, 'are you looking for anything specific..?' it takes only a moment to realize you look familiar, ears twitching a little as my head tilts further, one of the sprouts from my antler tapping against the plastic display case as if im trying to confirm it for myself. 'huh..'
y. jimin .ᐟ 1 week ago
@c. yeonjun .ᐟ I am out and about filming some content for my channel, walking around holding my camera, telling everyone where I am headed to and the things around me when I see a shop in the distance and decide to take a look, so I walk up to the window, putting down my camera, taking a peek inside seeing all the crystals, bottles of what looks like potion, and some other interesting things that I have never seen before. Feeling curious, I open the door to the shop, making the bell above it ring a little, just looking around in curiosity at all the things displayed.
c. yeonjun .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@y. jimin .ᐟ [ will be longer as it goes c: ]

unlocking the doors to the shop and pressing one ear bud into his ear, yeonjun began setting up for the day, straightening shelves and lining up the fragile crystals, careful of his antlers when he'd turn here and there. he hummed along to his music, occasionally doing a little move before going back to his work, collecting the broom to make sure the floors were clean - he had always been rather meticulous of how his shop looked. he took pride in its appearance, making his way into the back to look through stock before settling at the counter, bottling herbs and watching to greet any customers.


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schnuggldiwuppdich 4 days ago
Nature07 5 days ago
May I reserve Honda Hitomi?
LoveMeDown 5 days ago
Can we reserve non-Korean characters? Like, if I wanted to roleplay as "Tems"?
orbitinsomnia 5 days ago
May I know how many character can we reserve?
tendojigoku 6 days ago
May I reserve kwon eunbi please?
shaboom 1 week ago
may i reserve choi soobin please
babyfangz 1 week ago
:raises hand:
Hi! I don't know what to be, but i'd really like to join this rp under one condition: do you welcome internationals?
cer_berus 1 week ago
can I reserve park sunghoon (enhypen), please?
bvbbles 1 week ago
Uhm, I'd like to apply but I have one tiny problem.
preciosa 1 week ago
hello i had reserved an yujin >< may i change my reservation imsosorryfhdsufsf
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