⟼ 328

sunghoon & yangyang


an open world room, plot as you please.

p. sunghoon .ᐟ 4 days ago
@l. yangyang .ᐟ a pair of stygian pools traverse over the adjacent ecru walls of the establishment and, then towards the glass-fronted counter boasting a marvelous selection of baked goods. the sunbeams that ambled through the window felt warm against his brumal flesh since his companion had chosen the table situated closest to the large windows and the counter.

his observant gaze befalls upon the antenna which noticeably perked his interest, several probing questions brewed within his throat and surge inside his mouth—

albeit, he swallowed them. sunghoon's conventionally polite disposition wouldn't allow him to ask.

"I heard..." the imugi began, the forefinger of his right hand hooked onto the triangular knot of his black tie, loosening the grip around his neck and undoing the first button of his shirt. a low relieved sigh escaped as he continued after clearing his throat. " sunflowers were good choice for first meetings, according to my colleagues. I hope they are to your taste."

his irises glance down at the bouquet and up at male's face, certainly existing for almost over two centuries, sunghoon doesn't want to sound arrogant but he'd become somewhat adept at studying people around him and right now, yangyang seemed nervous. but, so was he.

"you have such a wise outlook on life, yangyang. that's very refreshing to hear." he remarked as his arms fell parallel against the cool tabletop, manicured fingernails unintentionally scrapping at the peeling mahogany paint on the edge. "and very punctual too."

several moments passed as he listened to his companion speak, a good humored chortle spilled past the seam of his parted lips. he falls back onto the chair, primrose spine pressed against the metal backing, long legs overlapped and swung lightly.

"the pleasure is all mine, yangyang. please, don't be. I appreciate the gesture. let's order something now, yes? everything looks so delicious." his cadence of voice was calm and unhurried, not too loud but audible, something he'd picked up from work. "it's says self-service." he pointed out, gesturing towards the board plastered stating the same behind the counter. "let me place the order for you as well. what would you like, hmm?"
y. mako .ᐟ [A] 5 days ago
@p. sunghoon .ᐟ Out of nervous habit, his head tilted and he moved his fingertips over the fuzzy outline of his antenna, wondering if signing up for the program really was the smartest decision — he wasn't all too good with people. Upon hearing his voice, both antenna perked up and he straightened, putting on a polite smile, reminding himself to never show too much teeth; he didn't need to scare anyone with his canines.

'Oh-' he was a little hesitant in accepting the offering, though it did warm him, his favorite thing in the world was receiving flowers, 'I would say that's me but..' He chuckled weakly, awkwardly, not fully knowing what to do with himself. 'Not at all, just a habit of showing up early.'

He waved a hand in a dismissal manner. 'can't change how the world works, you got here when it wanted you to. it's a pleasure to meet you as well, nice to put a face to the name.' yangyang fell quiet for a moment, bicolored eyes flickering and taking in the features of his newly acquainted 'soulmate' — he was pleasantly surprised.

'sorry, i.. was going to order something but i was a little worried my guess wouldn't be even close to correct,' he muded, gaze shifting to the counter of the Cafe before back to the latter. 'would you like something?'
p. sunghoon .ᐟ 1 week ago

@y. taeyang .ᐟ the expanse of cerulean sky had some splotches of wispy cloud, the daylight star had been relentlessly shining since inception of dawn, however it lacked the heat of the summer sun. beneath the industrialized metropolis was bustling with excitement. a serpentine path of tarmac ran through the city, connecting the several vital locations similar to a network of veins. two pedestrian pavements ran horizontally aligned on either side of this interconnecting road.

today was supposed to be a slow day. he pondered, glancing down while pushing the sleeve of his blazer back to check the time on his wristwatch. for the past twenty-five minutes, he'd been detained at the backseat of this vibrant orange cab. the traffic was moving at a turtle-pace and park sunghoon,
who is usually composed was growing increasingly impatient.

finally, with only five minutes away from the prearranged time and perhaps only a corner turn away, sunghoon announced he'd cover rest of the journey on foot (much to the driver's relief). he slipped the cab fare and a couple of extra bills as a generous tip before climbing out of the vehicle bidding a quick "goodbye" and closed the door shut.

upon exiting, he was quick to straighten out his clothes askew with the flattened palm of his hand, tightened the strap of his backpack sliding down his shoulders. his other hand was occupied with carrying a bouquet of sunflower, white carnations and gypsophilia, undertaking his colleagues suggestion prior to concluding their afternoon meeting.

certainly, he'd regretted asking them for suggestions as the dull office environment buzzed with excitement and of course, the onslaught of curious questions that would be left unanswered as he scurried out of the door with a charming smile.

his mind was brought back to present, with the chiming of a small brass bell over head as he pushed the door open to the quintessential rustic café with huge glass wall upfront, wooden accented rounded metal tables and chairs.

the aroma of roasted coffee beans and freshly baked bread was undeniably, his stomach whined his agreed as his regained appetite. but first, he needed to find his companion, his soulmate.

almost instinctively, his left hand moved to touch the right side of his ribcage where the pads of his fingers could faintly make outline the scar of an old wound.

"taeyang?" his smooth voice uttered, after some moment of initial hesitance, a lazy grin tugging on the corners of his ripe mouth. the bouquet was offered thereafter muttering a quiet, "for you." while drawing out the chair on the opposite side and sat down. his backpack removed from his shoulders and kept on the floor beside the foot of his chair.

"did I make you wait for long? " he asked, opening the buttons of his blazer, leaning forward with both elbows perched on the table top. "the traffic was pretty bad, today. I am sorry. regardless it's such a pleasure to meet you, I am sunghoon as you already know." he added casually, the smile on his lips unfaltered and entirely focused on the male before him. he would use index finger to push back the glasses, sliding down the bridge of his nose, at times.

[]his attire: https://64.media.tumblr.com/c1db5bf6f850c1e6227a1359e03e0604/82bd1665cf218bf6-3d/s1280x1920/80f37385216ced4f5e51eabb2e448c7aada6827b.png
y. mako .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@p. sunghoon .ᐟ He was exhausted, to say the least, as he managed to step out of his townhouse and onto the steps. The previous night hadn't been kind to him but he would have to deal with it, stretching his shoulder blades as he reached to pull black and white hair into a bun, just to keep his hair from his eyes on his walk. It was the day he met his soulmate, or one of them from what he understood, but he already felt the guilt building in his gut; he hated the idea of being linked to someone over something so cruel. With a deep breath, Taeyang sighed it out and brushed off his worries, starting on his walk — he was hoping whoever he was about to meet wasn't going to automatically be angry with him, not like he chose their marks.

The walk to the café was easy and he was early, as always, his worry about disappointing someone had his feet moving a little quicker than usual. He was thankful the surroundings were familiar, putting off ordering anything until his partner arrived - he found that to be rude. The drow took a seat, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he waited, thoughts and heart racing just a bit.


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schnuggldiwuppdich 4 days ago
Nature07 5 days ago
May I reserve Honda Hitomi?
LoveMeDown 5 days ago
Can we reserve non-Korean characters? Like, if I wanted to roleplay as "Tems"?
orbitinsomnia 5 days ago
May I know how many character can we reserve?
tendojigoku 6 days ago
May I reserve kwon eunbi please?
shaboom 1 week ago
may i reserve choi soobin please
babyfangz 1 week ago
:raises hand:
Hi! I don't know what to be, but i'd really like to join this rp under one condition: do you welcome internationals?
cer_berus 1 week ago
can I reserve park sunghoon (enhypen), please?
bvbbles 1 week ago
Uhm, I'd like to apply but I have one tiny problem.
preciosa 1 week ago
hello i had reserved an yujin >< may i change my reservation imsosorryfhdsufsf
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