@jake /In the faint reflection of Jake’s computer screen, you’d see Yeonjuns lips twitch into a small smile, his head swivels slightly; just enough for his cheek to brush against yours, his eyes flickering down to your pretty, pink lips. He wonders if he should be worried about how attracted he is to you just from your need talk. … he’ll roll with it.
/He hums softly, nodding and looking back at the screen. He starts up a new game and although he does come out of it a little worse for wear- he doesn’t die. Which is basically the greatest achievement he could get considering how rubbish he is at games.
/Yeonjun throws his arms up, leaning back into you so that he can hug you from behind.
Ugh, I’m gonna throw this in Soobin’s face, he’s not gonna know what hit him-
/His fingers scratch at your head, kissing your cheek.
You’re so smart, my darling, I’m gonna be as good as Faker
@yeonjun /chuckling, he stood up and stood behind Yeonjun, placing his hands over the elder's, gently guiding his movements
Ashe is what they call an ADC, short for attack damage carry. She's a glass canon of sorts- she can do lots of physical damage, but the enemy can basically just breath on her and she'll die, so you need to keep your distance...baby.
/the final word was uttered basically directly into the elder's ear with clear emphasis placed upon it. leaning in, he placed his chin on Yeonjun's shoulder and pointed to the screen
The minions, unfortunately, don't really change much at all until much later in the game after you destroy an inhibitor. For now, you need to just focus on clearing minion waves, occasionally poking the enemy Garen, and collecting gold.
@jake What!? That’s stupid!
/It was, in fact, not stupid- but Yeonjun was absolutely a sore loser when it came to games. But he recovered quick, determined to play it right; if he couldn’t win against the easiest possible enemy, a CPU bot.. well, that was just embarrassing. Brute forcing his way back to the beginning of the tutorial, Yeonjun started playing again, brow furrowed as he tried to play properly.
You should, uh, you should keep calling me baby.. I like it
/He mentioned, a little offhand, sounding a little distracted given he was actually doing somewhat decent and wanted to keep it that; but a single glance at his pink cheeks, and the way his eyes slid over to meet yours would tell a different story.
How do I get better minions? Like, um, when I play for real..?
@yeonjun Oh I certainly will.
/he teased, returning to the game, watching carefully as Ashe's impending doom was clearly approaching. biting back a soft chuckle, he turned his head towards Yeonjun, watching as the other played the game, admiring his side profile
Baby, you need keep an eye on your own health bar too. Since your minions died, the enemy minions started attacking you since you were the last thing for them to hit.
@jake Use that knowledge wisely
/He gives you a side eye, ‘winking’ (blinking, but with style) before facing the game again. Yeonjun follows your fingers and nods, the sound of receiving gold perking him up.
So basically I want to him up? I can do that, I’m great at it
/Using his now immense knowledge the game- clicking and waiting patiently for the minions to die so he can get his money- he works his way through the minions; not doing anything in regards to watching his own health bar. So if wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that he would die- except it does. To him.
Oh what!? How did I die!? Jjjaakkeee-!
@yeonjun Ohp- noted.
/grinning, Jake leaned over to lightly nudge Yeonjun's thigh playfully
Right- yes, of course. We must focus on the task at hand. So, it's really up to you, but you need to keep an eye on that guy.
/Jake reaches over and points to an enemy champion named Garen.
That's Garen. He's your main enemy in this lane. He's another champion, like you. His goal here is to kill you and keep you from getting money and experience to level up. On a similar token, your goal is to prevent him from getting gold and experience. For now, you can keep attacking the minions; if you "last hit" them--which is just dealing a killing blow to them, you'll receive gold.
@jake Don’t worry, he likes it-
/Yeonjun doesn’t elaborate, eyes glued to the screen as he nods along to what you’re saying.
Hush you, you’ll make me melt n’ get all sappy and we’re supposed to be turning me into a pro e-sports player
/He follows your instructions with a small hum, making a small ‘o’ sound when Ashe does exactly what you’ve described.
So.. do I have to keep clicking or moving around? Or do I just wait for that guy-
/He points to the minion, whose health steadily decreases.
To die before going to the next one?
@yeonjun Don't chastise him too much, cutie. I understand he gets busy too sometimes.
/releasing the controls to Yeonjun, Jake leaned back and pondered what part of the game to explain first
There's no such things as too many compliments, especially when they're aimed at you. Oh- this is Ashe. She is what you can call a Marksman. Basically, most of her damage comes from something called an auto-attack--which is just you basic attack in game. If you right-click to move closer, and then right click again on that minion there, you'll start attacking it.
@jake I’m gonna have a word with Jjongie.. leaving my poor sweet puppy to play by himself..
/He huffs, leaning forward to take control of the keyboard and mouse.
You’re complimenting me too much- you’ll make me blush, Jake-ah, and that’s just too much~
/As Yeonjun teases(and his cheeks are already a rosy pink- he’s a er for compliments, and folds very easily), he fiddles around with the buttons to figure out to move, occasionally looking over at you to make sure he’s doing it right(even though he’s barely started playing the actual game).
So who is this?
/He asks, pointing at the character. He already feels utterly lost, looking at the map. It’s not entirely unfamiliar, having seen snippets from when Beomgyu and Soobin played but even those disjointed recollections weren’t enough for him to build up context.
And how do I play her?
@yeonjun That's a beautiful way to be.
/Jake starts up a game with bots in order to show Yeonjun the basics, clicking on the character Ashe as the playable champion for this game
That's a fair point- and uh...not too much honestly. It's rare if we play together to be honest, but that's okay. I don't mind.
@jake Others being happy makes me happy, so whatever you want- I want it as well
/He leans back in his chair, threading his fingers over his stomach and taking his thumbs against; happy as a clam to watch you set everything up.
Besides, this is your relaxation time, it wouldn’t be very relaxing if we did something you didn’t wanna do..
/Yeonjun snorts lightly.
Do the others play with you a lot or..?
@yeonjun Ooo Valorant is a fun choice. Maybe we can explore that a different time then.
/shifting in his seat, Jake turns on his pc and opens of League of Legends
I find that quite endearing actually--you wanting to play something that I like...and League does happen to be my favorite game of all time.
@jake I play Valorant when I have the time
/Yeonjun sits down in the other, wheeling it closer to both you and your desk, so he can prop his head up with his hand; crossing one leg over the other. His eyes flicker from you to the monitor, humming a little.
I’m pretty good at it.. but I’m like an old person with other games, takes me a while to get used to it.. I wanna try league though, I want to play something you like
@yeonjun It's okay--in retrospect, League is probably the hardest game to introduce to someone. Let's start with this question-- what games have you played/are interested in?
/he plops down into one of the chairs and pats the seat of the other, gesturing you to join him
@jake Baby, you’ll have to teach me from the very beginning cause.. I’ve never played before-
/He looks a little sheepish, scratching his neck.
Beommie and Soobie are the ones who play League- I don’t think I’m gonna be a very good teammate
@yeonjun /he looks around his room at the different game consoles, ultimately landing on his pc
Um- honestly I didn't think this far ahead. The only game that comes to mind is League of Legends-