-staring into your eyes for a moment before heaving a sigh. gently nudging you to sit up so I can get up-
you're a danger for my kitty down there... but yes, let's go.
-offering you my hand to hold so you can lean on me if needed-
and i wouldn't be surprised... he really is too damn tall..
-manages to snag your bottom lip between my teeth, nibbling briefly and then releasing you-
The counters are tall because the entire group is too damn tall- I think soob is literally still growing. you brought up soup and it made me kind of hungry.. so now?
-fluttering my lashes innocently before smiling. leaning down to steal a kiss from your lips in this awkward angle but i don't care-
I never claimed to be the most responsible so it isn't a surprise, hm? and i don't think you're super short but counters are tall. shall we? or wanna rest a little longer like this?
-gives you an incredulous look, sighing again and cracking a smile-
of course you are.. well, in that case i won’t worry as much. i’m going to pretend that didn’t make me feel super short, and move on. you will be with me if i fall~
-looks away for a moment before looking down again, smiling sheepishly-
honestly... I'm already getting sick so.. and being with you makes me happy so please? and you would have to jump a bit to get on the counter, won't that make you dizzy?
-barely manages to croak out a coo as you smile-
i can just sit on the counter, i’ll clean it off afterwards. there is still a chance you don’t catch my sickness still, that chance drops if im clinging onto you
-eyes crinkling into little crescents as my fingers gently trace your features-
you can. we can bring a chair so you can sit while waiting. unless you wanna be clinging on me?
it’s common, but manages to surprise me all the time
-nudges my cheek against your thighs, cupping your cheek a moment later-
can i at least hover in the kitchen while you make the soup? i’ll wear a mask.
-whines as a pout shapes on my lips for a moment before turning my head to press soft kisses to your palm-
you talk like it's actually a surprise and not common knowledge. wanna cook some soup for you... maybe draw you a bath.. and play with your hair like this as you rest
-sighs and stops trying to talk you out of it, twisting my hand to pinch your cheek gently-
how is it you’re more stubborn than i am? alright.. fine. what is it you want to do to pamper me?
-looking down with a fond smile before brushing your hair back-
lil bit but is okay. just wish everyone is okay and enjoying their time as best as they can.. but right now my kitty needs pampering
i feel a little better, yeah
-stares up at you, fringe sticking to my forehead-
has my noona been left to fend for himself a little bit?
they must be wrapping up their schedules before the break
that doesn't sound good.. but hopefully you feel a little better after?
-frowns before shifting closer as I nudge your head to rest on my lap-
I'm always missing you a lot. hyuka been simping over you but everyone seems more busy these days
i woke up a little bit ago, felt like there was water in my lungs or something so i did a breathing treatment
-sighs at your stubbornness, covering another cough-
at least update me on everyone? nobody is missing me too much?
always but just wanna be there when you need me
-sits beside you, running my fingers through your locks-
get some rest, please? and you aren't allowed to die
is all I manage to let out as I try to return the kisses. eyes fluttering close as I tilt my head to capture his tiers in a slow, sweet kiss
I love you too, kitty. so so much. sleep now, babe. I'll guard your dreams