〈 cafeteria




he Cafeteria. The place where harmless patients come to eat. Tall windows are on the walls of the cafeteria with circular and rectangular tables scattered about. Patients are fed Breakfast at 8am. Lunch at 1pm. And Dinner at 6pm. With several snack times in between periods. The cafeteria is open 24/7 however, with one cook and guard always in there for those patients who get hungry randomly.


[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Jongdae nodded with a smile. "Okay lets go then~ my room is on the second floor, dorm two." As soon as he knew the elder comprehended his words, he turned and happily hopped/skipped to his room. He glanced back every now and then to make sure that he didn't lose Tao in the random crowds in the asylum.
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Jongdae took their bowls and headed to the counter that blocked everyone from the kitchen. Placing the bowls down on top of the others, he walked back to Zitao with a smile. "Lets go. Should we head back to your room or mine?" He signed and mouthed again. He could tell that the elder was excited. He felt the same. He liked to spend time with the taller and he was happy that he was able to hang out with the cannibal a little longer.
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Jongdae smiled and nodded. "Of course~" he signed and mouthed again. "But I will teach you when we're done eating." He moved slowly. Because it seemed the elder took a while to read his lips, he moved a little slower for the elder to catch on.
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Following behind Zitao, he grabbed a small plate of fruits. Picking out most of the fresh cut up pieces, he smiled and grabbed a fork before heading to the table Tao had chosen. Starting to eat his snack, he looked up and smiled back at the tall elder with the same genuine smile. Usually he wouldn't eat as much, for being lonely took a toll on your taste buds making everything seem bland. But today, however, since it's one of those rare times where he actually had company, the food he ate was not so horrible and depressing as it always had seemed. "What do you want to do after this?" He asked, signing slowly, while mouthing words. "That is, if you want to do something?" He continued, slowly, trying to let Zitao process his motions and silent speaking.
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Jongdae shrugged and wrote, "I guess I'll just get their fruit salad. I'm not really hungry either."
With a soft smile, he walked with Zitao out of the hallway and towards the cafeteria. Entering, he was greeted by a lot of the lunchladies/men when they got in line. With a steady and tense smile, he waved back and walked towards the snack bar line.
[f] godfrey gao [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Godfrey always had his alone moment where all he wanted is some serene place to eat. He wasn't lucky. He stole a glance towards the latter. It would be rude to ignore the younger. Sighing, he looked at the male. "What did you want?" he raised an eyebrow, as he tapped his fingers on the table.
[f] goo hara [sh] 10 years ago
@[w] im seulong From the way Hara saw it, eating away from the rest of the population had its pros and cons. She enjoyed the silence and peace it provided but it also meant that when she needed help, there was no one nearby to offer any. Hara pursed her lips and glowered at the elevator as though it was the elevator's fault she now had no way of ascending back to her floor. Where were the guards when she needed them?

No sooner than the thought crossed her mind, the clunking of heavy boots on the white tiles reached her ears and she turned, relieved that she didn't have to wait for long. She eyed the security positioned at the corner of the corridor and supposed she had that to thank. Hara nodded at the guard's stiff introduction and held up her bunny for him to hold before she raised her arms towards him, ready to be carried. It was something she used to be embarrassed about but since coming to the hospital, she lost track of the number of times she required assistance because of her handicap and she paid the discomfort no heed as long as there was nobody about.
[w] kris wu 10 years ago
@[f] won jongjin His eyes pierced up at the other as he reached over, grasping the plastic spork - one because forks were dangerous now - as he stabbed the plain, unidentified and hopefully editable item. Eating it, he made a face, before putting the spork back, "Disgusting, how can you all eat this ." He voiced, wiping his lips with the back of his hands as he gulped the glop of food down and swallowed thickly.

Well he was going to steal from the male, but the food is wretched - so never mind!

"No, I rather go out for lunch somewhere." He said, drumming his fingertips as he wondered if the nearest café would still be open within the next hour. Well he did hope it was, "Eat your food."
[w] im seulong [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] goo hara The sound of heavy boots meeting squeaky clean tile, echoed through the empty hallway as Head Guard Im Seulong made his way to the cafeteria. Adorned with the standard uniform for Asylum guards, he had on black pants, and a grey short sleeved button down. Not the most attractive get up in the world, but its not like he cared either. He had just finished subduing a patient not too long ago before he received another call from one of the Cafeteria staff. Apparently, the only working elevator in this God forsaken place had broken, leaving a wheelchair bound girl no way to get to her room upstairs. So, he was asked to carry her up there. That was all the information given to the guard, so he wasn't quite sure what to expect. All he knew, was that he was a little too exhausted to deal with another person putting up a fight. Quietly saying a prayer in his head, the guard pushed up the double doors of the mess hall. Silently wishing that this girl wouldn't give him a hard time. It didn't take long for the guard to spot the disabled girl, and upon finding her he quietly made his way over. He stopped about two feet away from her, protocol stated three was appropriate but that was the least of his concerns right now. "My name is Seulong. I'm the guard that has been asked to you to your room", he said, his voice sounding a bit too rigid even for his own tastes.
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[w] Kris Jongjin pouted lightly as he was told that he needed to go and get his food already and then come back. He got up from the chair and grumbled slightly to himself as he took long strides to get his tray of food, frowning slightly at the mess they called food here. It was mostly bland and it even looked bland. There was nothing appealing about it.

He walked back to the table the doctor was sitting by, still scrunching his nose a bit. He had totally lost his appetite. He wasn't really picky in a lot of things but he was a picky eater.

"I'm black..." he said and took a seat, putting the tray down in front of himself before picking up the utensils. "Aren't you going to eat doc?" he asked and looked up at the other.
[w] kris wu 10 years ago
@[f] won jongjin He chuckled as he looked at the other, a bit of amusement was read in his dark brown orbs as he leaned close to the male as he breathed out in a steady tone. "We have a deal." He pulled back as he brushed off the invisible lint from the laboratory coat that mainly all the workers ( counselors, therapists, scientists, etc. ) as he felt his name tag shift as he shifted forward. "Now since we have a deal, I'm hungry, so do me a favor and go get your tray of food." He spoke, as he tapped his forefinger on the glass of the leather band wrist watch on his left wrist.

Twenty minutes left, great.

"Hurry up and go, I am hungry." He voiced, rushing the patient to go get the food, knowing damn well he'd be eating off the others tray. "And come back here, I am not done speaking with you either." He hummed, as he once again relaxed in the plastic chair, as he stretched his long legs out under the table and stifled a yawn. Damn, did he need a nap; not having much sleep thanks to one of his troublesome patients.
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] kim sunggyu Sungjong figured if there's a way for him to get out of here it would be to eat the food in front of him .. so he started eating quickly forcing thw food down his throat .. he groaned when he remembered how the cook put extra food for him cuz he looked "too skinny" .. he closed his eyes tightly as he ate

"Just a few more bites" he mumbled and took a deep breath feeling as if his stomach is going to explode from all the food

He took one more bite and widened his eyes as he felt it get stuck in his throat .. he hit his chest and started coughing .. trying to cough lowly so he wont get attention ..
[f] kim sunggyu 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong Was he the same? Sunggyu noticed how the boy actually stood up the moment he sat down, and honestly, he felt guilty. Not that he would want to trigger someone here, but the problem is that there weren't many spaces there—had there been more, he wouldn't took that place.

Because similarly, he was uneasy with the boy's presence. But this time he was the one invading.

Sadly though, he couldn't say anything, so he just sighed inaudibly as he began eating. This was one of the times when he just feel frustrated at how his voice wouldn't come out... then again he wasn't sure he wanted it back.

Actually, maybe he didn't.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Junya almost felt the need to jump up in joy and so a little dance, but he fortunately refrained from doing so. That would be so uncharacteristically of him. The tingle got stronger deep his his body, fire was pumping through his own veins. This ended up being a wonderful lunch afterall.

"Mm, then I haven't lost my touch then,"he said jokingly, giving the other a playful wink before standing up. "Good thing I'm always sneaky with the workers here..." He motioned for him to stay as he found his way to nonchalantly steal one of the knives from the kitchen. Some of cooks weren't playing attention anyway...for this they would need a real knife. Simply hiding the cutting utensil in his scrubs (something the nurses always forced on him) sp the guards wouldn't detect it. "So...my room right?"he said in a happy tone, practically skipping and signaling Zitao to follow.

(( you can post in dorm eleven, thats his room. as long as you tag junya it'll be fine. ouo ))
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao *we
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Junya just glanced at his own body parts, his fingers. He really didn't need all of them...as long as he still had enough of himself to keep going, he could part with some of himself. Just the thought of his own blood coming out, thinking of if he cut his finger. The blood...it would be beautiful. It sent a tingle right down his spine, his other side coming out to play. "Ah...nothing much really...see I'm kinda person that has a, uh, unquenchable thrist for a certain 'thrill'...when I'm drinking blood, a habit of mine from these idiots for locking me away all the time."

He leaned forward, his smirk still on his face. "Of course...you could always say no, but then...be both won't get what we want."
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[w] Kris Jongjin nodded his head quickly at the question. "Of course I can. Anything~" he repeated and locked eyes with the other, confident enough that he would be able to get it in time. After all he had his fair share of connections.

He blinked as the other mentioned that he wanted cigarettes... Cigarettes weren't cheap or very easy to get a hold of but he was pretty sure he could get them. "Alright then doc. I will make sure I bring them to you tomorrow at ten a.m. do we have a deal doctor?" he asked and looked straight into the other's eyes. If he was going to risk getting the cigarettes then he wanted some guarantees as well.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Junya nodded along with Zitao's words, feeling his urgent need for blood tingling in his throat. The thought of the workers finding out, it brought a small smile to his own lips. "Hmm...I don't think I would mind...,"he said with a click of his tongue.

"I have a great idea...a, hm, a little secret." It was his turn to smirk, twirling a bit if his hair with his finger. "How about I give you a piece of me...a finger or something or another and you give me what I want. Blood is just the first half of my needs..."
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Eyes narrowing with every word, Junya felt himself being pulled in. He was beyond intrigued, just the thought had excited him. Blood- human flesh...practically the same thing, right? He his lips (nervously? he didn't know...), blinking slowly before clearing his throat. He had a decision to make...a very intriguing decision.

"What...part of me really?"he said slowly, a different idea slowly forming in his own head.
[w] kris wu 10 years ago
@[f] won jongjin His eyebrow rose as the male leaned closer, as if in a more hush hush tone not wanting others to hear their little conversation as he found his eyebrows pinched together at the male speaking. "Oh you can offer me anything, huh?" He questioned, as he crossed his ankles under the table and pursed his lips for a moment while he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair in thought. Before his eyes locking on the other as he spoke, "Alright, to see if your telling the truth. I shall make you a deal then, pretty sure you can handle it, right? Something easy and simple." He hummed, drumming his fingertips on the oval shaped table.

Now what should the bargain deal be? - That is the question.

Damn, how does Shakespare make those descision when he had wrote that play, it was him? He began arguing in his head, soon brushing the thoughts aside as he spoke up, "Cigarettes, bring two packs to my office as quick as you can. Also, I'd like to have an appointment with you as well, Jongjin. So I'll let you know, my office tomorrow at ten a.m. sharp, got it." He rose his eyebrow as he chuckled softly, he knew there couldn't be a way for the other to bring any outside items. That would not be good if the other was caught.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Junya was quick to freeze and give all his attention to the person in front of him. "And I'm listening...,"he mumbled nonchalantly, arching a brow and noticing the smirk on the other's. Deals with other patients usually meant something dark...something he may be willing to do.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao "Yah, I've already done so to other nurses,"he pouts chidlishly, propping his elbows on the table. "It gets boring chasing the same people again. Why can't someone be nice and just give me their blood freely?" He shrugged his shoulders, sighing.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao Junya tsked as a random person sat down on the other side of the table he was sitting at. Watching with narrowed eyes, he stuck his tongue out at the disgusting food that was on the tray. "I've been here for three years and they still feed me this...,"he motions at the whole tray,"this garbage!"

Huffing in annoyance, he tried whatever he could to get the sight of the food out of his head. "I don't need food to live, I'm a vampire! But nooo, they never give me what I want, what I need." He gripa the edge of the table. "Blood is my whole existence, but they would believe. No one believes."
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] huang zitao "I'm not eating it unless there's blood, why can't you guys get that through your tiny little brains!"

Junya honestly sometimes didn't know what to do at this asylum. Its been three years and they can't even get that one thing straight? He stared at the unappetizing burger in front of him. He hasn't ate any real food in three days. He doesn't need food to survive anyway, all he needed was blood.

He gritted his teeth, snapping his rather large canines at the nurse who tried to force the burger down his throat. They always tried every week, to bring him down to the cafeteria and see if they could force anything down his throat, thinking he wouldn't need blood anymore. They were stupid, all stupid. Finally the nurse gave up her fight, throwing the ruined burger back on the tray and stomping off.

Being the childish person he was, Junya just stuck his tongue out at the retreating nurse before going to play with the ruined food on his tray. They had thought that they would do the ketchup trick again, but he wasn't that stupid. Didn't taste like blood at all. He sighed as he swirled a burnt fry in the big blob of ketchup. It disgusted him to no end.
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] kim sunggyu Sungjong shook his head when he noticed he was staring "stop it you freak .. stop staring at people" he told himself as he pinched the inside of his thigh hard as a punishment

He looked back down at his food which made his hair fall on his face he poked his food with the fork with no interest at all

He got startled when he heard someone sit close to his table .. he felt fidgety and panicy he stood up to leave but one of the guards made him sit down to finish his food .. he tried to explain that he wasnt hungry but the guard was having none of his excuses .. so he sat back down playing with his fingers not wanting to even know who it is thay sat next to him
[f] kim sunggyu 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong There weren't many people in there to begin with, luckily, but Sunggyu's eyes caught another male's—he froze for a moment. What was this guy thinking, looking at him like that?

He /was/ nervous, but because of hunger, he pushed the door open and looked down as he walked in, trying to ignore the faint chatter his ears caught. The cook greeted him, fully knowing his weird mealtime pattern, and he gave the worker a thankful smile after he was given his actually meagre meal on a tray; he never ate much.

Now where to eat, Sunggyu thought, looking around—and he almost automatically looked at the boy's direction. To his own opinion, he looked like a girl indeed; he's pretty. But of course, he wasn't one who would say that out loud.

After all, he couldn't.

Spotting an empty table just near where the petite boy ate, he walked towards that direction, carefully carrying his tray of food. Hopefully, he could just finish his food quickly and go back to his dorm...
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] kim sunggyu Sungjong sat in the corner of the cafeteria avoiding the crowd.. staring down at his food instead of eatong it .. hr havent had a whole meal ever since he got here .. which made him lose weight which resulted im him looking even more like a girl and he hated it

Ever since he got here he hated himself more and more everyday .. he didnt have any friends here and he didnt want any because he have learned from what happened to him before

He looked up for the first time since he sat on the chair and saw everyone eating quietly and he noticed someone peeking their head from the door .. the male looked as scared as he was .. he was about to smile because he felt like there were others like him here .. but he didnt because it didnt make him any less of a freak in his opinion
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[w] Kris Jongjin pursed his lips slightly as he was being scolded by this so called Dr. Wu. He thought that the name sounded familiar but he couldn't really figure out from where. "Sorry doc" he said with a short nod of his head, not really feeling that much remorse for not paying enough attention to what he had said.

"I can't offer you anything? Oh but I can~" he suddenly said with more confidence as he leaned across the table a bit. "I can tell you what I meant with the deal. because you know I don't really have to say anything if I don't want to. it is not like you can make me speak. and if that is not good enough for you then tell me what you would rather have me give you"
[w] kris wu 10 years ago
@[f] won jongjin "Won Jongjin, eh?" He muttered under his breath as he brushed his dirty blonde hair back before sighing slightly as he looked at the male with a chuckle. "I said fresh meat to my eyes, not to being here. Listen carefully to my words, Jongjin." He chuckled a bit amused with the patient, for once in his life he was amused and not annoyed by someone from the asylum.

"You can call me, Doctor Wu. I prefer that, and everyone uses it so there." He hummed as he mirrored the others eyebrow, cocking his own up while he smirked at the male before he knew the innocent act was a façade.

"I think the solitary room is more suitable, besides not like you can offer me anything worthy. And you still haven't answered my question." He voiced his expression now more stern, "What do you mean by deal, explain."
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[w] Kris Jongjin cursed himself in his head for even being so stupid as to mention the 'deals' he had with the other patients here and even some of the employees. "Please sir, I can't go into solitary confinement. I just can't" he said and bit his bottom lip as the other mentioned different kinds of punishment. "I know I did wrong. I apologize. I was just upset. wouldn't you be?" he looked up at him and blinked innocently. It was pretty much just an act, but perhaps he could persuade the other to give him a lighter punishment or none at all.

He cursed again as the other still hadn't seemed to forgotten about the deals. "Fresh meat?" he then repeated, actually surprised to hear that at all. "No offense sir, but I have probably been here longer then you. you don't seem particularly old so I'm guessing you haven't done whatever it is you do for very long. I on the other hand have been here for years already. And then name is Jongjin. Won Jongjin. Do you mind telling me your name or should I just continue calling you sir?" he raised an eyebrow, not at all intimidated or anything by the other's gaze.


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darkfengxi 9 years ago
Sunggyu is leaving due to inactivity. This place has been nice <3
YouMayNotBeMyType2 10 years ago
Could you please add Uruha from The GazettE?
Btw, can I somehow help to make this place active? The idea's nice, but almost everyone is inactive...
Kookish 10 years ago
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 16
Orientation: Biual
Flawed, reason: Depressed, self-harmer, anorexic
Background: Jungkook didn't know why or how or when, but it all just started. The endless bullying, the beatings and the loneliness. He was just a bright child in elementary school, but behind that smile was too much pain to handle. High school should've been a change, the start of a new him, but it all didn't went as expected. For the first time in his life, people wanted to be his friends, but he didn't know how to act like one as he never had friends before. Now back to start; he was alone and hated. The only thing that kept him standing, his little brother, was now taken away and he's now left in this place, with a silver red-painting brush as his only friend.
Thewinterfairy 10 years ago
Sorry, but due to unfortunate circumstances, Sora will be leaving ; o ; It was fun rping with everyone while I was here.
caratland 10 years ago
Long overdue, but Hongbin will be leaving OTL
Kamikorosu 10 years ago
Leaving. I've lost motivation to RP OTL.
I had fun here though, if I happen to come back please accept me <3
shiroyasha 10 years ago
Sorry, Maki will have to leave.
polaroids_ 10 years ago
leaving. sorry. had a great time! ;;
Thewinterfairy 10 years ago
Can you please put Park Sora under a hiatus----
I just got a job recently and so things have been hectic------ ;oo; <3 thank you!~
Astrid 10 years ago
On a sale of one to ten, how active is this place?
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