→ ℙark




who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

that's my bone

Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo and you're absolutely right about that. though, you are the exception, sunny. you may be many things, but you're not terrible.
he frowned, troubled by the way you viewed yourself, wishing desperately that he could make you see yourself as he did. his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by your sudden actions, catching him off guard in the most pleasant way. he melted into you instantly, his body leaning limply against yours and arms circling your neck. his lips melded perfectly with your own plump ones as he reciprocated the kiss with equal passion, hoping to convey his acceptance of your whispered apologies and the depth of his affection for you.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo you already do, when you said you’d be patient and would wait for me. he replies almost instantly, adding. just don’t doubt me or my feelings for you, no matter what, and that’s enough for me. he listens intently to your experience, letting a few moments of silence pass before he finally speaks.
you know, i can’t stress this enough but it might be true that you have terrible taste in men.
it’s sort of a diss to himself, but he lowers his feet to the ground to put a break to the swinging, swiftly turning over so he could pull you in and connect his lips with yours in a slow kiss. he whispers endless apologies over you, for the worry he’s caused you, for the times he hurt you, and for all the terrible experiences you had to go through before him. hands slid down your sides until they’re circled around your small waist, keeping you where he wants you and just simply kissing you under the night skies where it’s just the two of them and nothing else.
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo I appreciate the time we spend together as well, even if it’s not as much as we’d like. makes me happy. I want you to feel cherished too, sunny. how can I do that?
he murmured, peeking over your shoulder to plant a tender kiss on your cheek before he started pushing you. each time you swung back to him, he repeated the gesture, his smile widening, basking in the moment as if he were the one soaring through the air.
honestly, yes, I was very afraid of that and the fact that I'd let you. it mattered—I dumped those s after a few dates. I didn’t actually like them... I only went out with them because I craved attention and because they were hot. but they were all awful, with disgusting intentions and ty personalities.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo at the reflected question, he responds with a small shrug after some serious thinking.
it’s going to sound a little ironic but i’m into quality time. i know our schedules clash a lot and we probably spend only one third of an entire week together, but i genuinely enjoy your company and the little moments we share from time to time…
he glances at you even when he’s forced to sit on the swing, his long legs having to bend more than what’s comfortable but he doesn’t complain when he’s pushed into the air, feet off the ground and simply relishing in the way the serene night breeze caresses his face, taking his embarrassment with it.
…did it never occur to you that i could be after the same thing as your previous relationships? or does it not matter to you if you liked them enough?
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo mm, maybe? of course, quality time is important too. and I really enjoy physical touch, but you're already unable to keep your hands off me. so basically, a bit of everything I guess— I'm not sure, sunny woo. I've only been with people who use me for their own satisfaction, so believe it or not, this is new to me as well. what about you? what's your love language?
he bursts out in laughter, finding your awkward stance endearing.
c'mere, I'll push you, silly.
he says, getting up swiftly. grabbing your wrists, he pulls you over to the swing he had just vacated. once you're settled and holding onto the chains securely, he moves behind you. his hands rest lightly on your back, and with a gentle push, he sets you in motion.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo the distrust even if unintentional stings a bit but he only smiles at you and their connected hands, letting you drag him around like the excited kid that you are and he's grown fond of.
so your primary love languages would be a bit of both words of affirmation and acts of service…
once you let go and plop yourself on a swing he's left standing there like a sim for a moment, showing how clueless he is in the unfamiliar setting.
did you... want me to push you?
he's embarrassed even asking, the situation so new to him it's exposing his lack of experience in such relationships. if he’s the first to ask you how you want to be spoiled then you’re the first he’s actually gone to dates that didn’t solely result in something ual.
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo pfft~ you're just saying that—
as soon as you stood up, he pulled you along as he had already planned where to take you; another one of his favorite spots.
you know, no one has ever asked me that... I dunno. I just like feeling genuinely cared for. thoughtful gestures and words, affection, showing support and interest— i guess. but you already make me feel quite cherished.
arriving at the nearest playground, he quickly guides you towards the swings, only releasing your hand to settle into one of them, a playful grin spreading across his face.
let's play~
he chirps, his eyes sparkling with childlike enthusiasm.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo maybe it's the tranquility of the night punctuated by the soft meowing of the kittens in the background, but he feels as if his heart might burst if you go on about how being with him makes you happy. sealing the bag of treats he brought along with them, he takes your hand without hesitation, fills the gaps between your fingers and pulls himself up to meet you under a streetlight.
of course. i can walk forever if it's with you. feeding and pampering the kittens has got me thinking though. how can i spoil you, too? what would make you feel loved and cherished?
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo the sight of your smile sends a flutter of butterflies through him, prompting a hearty laugh at your bashful demeanor. he finds you both endearing and amusing, and your confession makes him avert his gaze, his eyes falling back onto the kitten before them.
I would say the same about you, but instead of grounded, you make me feel over the moon.
he wrinkles his nose at his own words, a self-conscious gesture, before slowly standing up as the crouching position starts to become uncomfortable.
now that the kitties have been spoiled, do you wanna walk a bit more?
he asks, extending his hand to you with a warm, inviting smile.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo at the gentle press of your lips to his, his heart skips a beat, and he breaks into one of those smiles he couldn't contain, gums and all, just the way you like it.
that's cheating...
he chides bashfully, turning his attention back to the kittens because he feels like he could melt under the heat of your fond gazing, tips of his ears catching fire.
i feel the same when i'm around you. your presence is soothing, and watching you, whether you're being playful or calm, feels like a mindfulness exercise for me too. and of course, i find you incredibly cute.
he confesses, spoiling taro with belly rubs when the feline flips onto its side, exposing its most vulnerable spot to them.
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo mhm! I just find their presence so soothing. watching their behavior, from playful antics to serene moments, can be such a pleasantly distracting experience, like a mindfulness exercise. and of course, they're really freaking cute.
he adds with his eyes fixed on the purring kitten until he feels your touch. the instant your hand brushes against his skin, he turns his head to look at you. his expression softens into a soft smile at your sweet gesture, a fond little giggle escaping his lips.
no~ you're my favorite, kitkat.
he coos affectionately, delicate fingers tickling under your chin before leaning in to peck you softly on the lips.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo a genuine smile creeps up his face at the sound of taro’s purr, retracting his hand to let you be the sole provider of attention as he scatters another serving of treats.
i can tell why you spend most of your time here. in a way, it’s relaxing and healing, just watching and feeding these kittens…
he gently your cheek, giving you the same affection you give the felines, his next words tinging with a hint of jealousy.
is taro your favorite?
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo his attention drifts from the kittens he was feeding, drawn to your interaction with a particularly affectionate cat. with a soft smile, he swiftly pulls out his phone, capturing the moment in a photo, humming with satisfaction as he does.
i just do. I've been feeding them for quite a while now. they're like my own kitties... I love them. that little guy you're petting is taro.
joining in the gentle petting of taro, he expertly scratches under the cat's chin, knowing it's his favorite spot. taro purrs loudly in response, leaning into their touch, creating a serene and tender moment shared between the three.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo you’re never a bother. i like when you call or text me, even if it’s for the silliest things.
he mutters softly for himself to hear as he lets his words fade with the night breeze. he’s so entranced watching how your eyes almost glow in the dark, that he doesn’t realize he’s just staring… he snaps out of it at your question, turning away from your boyish glance to look at the kittens that respond eagerly to your caresses before they nommed away at their treats. tentatively, he reaches out to let one sniff his hand, rubbing its head with his knuckle after as he nods in agreement.
really cute. there are so many, how do you even remember all their names?
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo I wasn't sure... I wanted to, but I didn't want to bother you. It felt silly. but now I know I can, so I will.
his eyes sparkled almost as brightly as the starry sky above them, and his smile stretched from ear to ear as he lavished attention and treats on each of the kitties. he even spoke to them as if they could understand, apologizing for coming so late and telling them how cute they are.
aren't they precious, kitkat? I even gave each of them names
he chimed enthusiastically, glancing over at you.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo his brows raise in both concern and surprise to your last visit here. why didn’t you tell me? you could have called or texted me if you felt endangered… i’ll try to come with you from now on, even if not physically, i can keep you company on call…
finally arriving at your favorite spot, the sight of the litter warms his heart. without resistance, he joins you at the tug. crouched next to you, he opens the bag of treats before handing it over, silently watching your features and how they light up with every contact with the kitties.
Son Dongpyo 2 months ago
@Kim Sunwoo it's really pretty, isn't it? i love night strolls, but I'm also scared to go out alone at night. last time, I ran back home screaming because I thought someone was following me..
swings their interlocked hands lightly as they walk, leading you to the spot where the cats usually hang out. sure enough, the felines are there, greeting them with eager meows and head bumps against their legs, knowing they'd be provided with food and affection. coos softly, crouching down to pet their little heads and tugging you down with him.
Kim Sunwoo SH 2 months ago
@Son Dongpyo under the moonlit sky towards the park, his hold on your hand is firm as he walks in step with you, a bag of cat food in his other hand.
it’s nice out here, should have done this sooner.
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin couldn't help but laugh softly at the other's word play. The nickname seems adorable somehow - Jaemin had blurt it out of his own conscious, didn't expect Shi Zan would be using it for the small furball on his lap. He turned slightly to glance at him upon hearing the latter. The drowsiness dripping from his voice certainly caught his attention. Surely enough, he looked sleepy and Jaemin was sure if he didn't start talking before, the other would've fallen asleep long ago. "Just take a nap, rest your eyes for a while. I'm sure what happened today had taken a toll on you," he replied with an assuring smile, convincing the other that he wouldn't mind. "I'll wake you up once we get there, no worries."
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin raised his eyebrows at the other's words. He did not expect the man - or Shi Zan, as he told him - to see him as a hero, considering he did nothing much other than being a clumsy helping hand. "Well, what a way to call a stranger who randomly met you in an odd situation as a hero," he chuckled. "How are you so sure that I'm taking you to the hospital and not kidnapping you instead?" Jaemin turned to the other with menacing eyes, a smirk on his lips.

It lasted for a few seconds before he burst into laughter at the look on the other's face. "Just kidding. I'm Jaemin," he finally spoke with a playful grin, eyes back to focus on the road ahead. 
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan As he passed his phone to the other, Jaemin silently hoped the restaurant would be understanding, these delivery guys worked hard enough as it was. Unfortunately, it didn't seems to go well - judging from the loud voice he heard booming through from the other line. Jaemin watched him with a flicker of amusement crossing his features, especially at the delivery man's sheepish grin. Despite the accident and the manager's scolding, the latter seemed to possess an unshakeable optimism. As he ended the call and returned his phone, Jaemin couldn't help himself from blurting out, "It's not even your fault, accidents happen." He shrugged, taking a turn around the corner. "It might go better once you explain in person tomorrow. If they don't get it, just slap him or something. That will knock some sense on him." Jaemin joked with a small chuckle.

He wasn't sure why he was offering some comfort, but something about the man made him want to help. Perhaps it was the quiet strength, or the way the cat seemed to find solace in him. "At least someone here seems happy about the whole ordeal." Jaemin raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the white furball on the other's lap, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I guess you're made a new friend there." Tonight was definitely turning out differently than expected, but for some reason, Jaemin wasn't opposed to it.
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin can't help himself from smiling as he glance at the man sitting on his passenger seat. It was a rare sight to see him driving this late at night with someone - mostly due to his habit of using public transport instead of his own car, and since he's not used to going out with his friends either. Stopping due to the traffic, he turned to the man to see him hesitating. His gaze fell to the cracked phone. A flickered of sympathy tugged on his heartstring as he remembered the man's scooter in the back alley. The accident must affect his work as the deliveryman too, somehow.

"Ahh... sure, a moment," reaching for his bag, Jaemin rummaged through it for a while, looking for the device. Once his hand finally got it, he handed it to the man with a smile, "Here you go." He just hoped the man wouldn't be held responsible for something that's not even his fault.
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin kept his hold firm around the man, helping him up to his feet and allowing the other to lean on him for support. "Let me help you walk, then. My car is around the corner." Luckily enough, Jaemin had brought his car to work today - despite usually taking subway thinking it's more convenient. Somehow, today he had to pick up stock by himself, so he had make sure to park closer to the restaurant. The man's words caught his attention for a moment as he spare him a glance. Jaemin couldn't hold back his laughter, taking in the sight of the man's state - a smeared dirt on his face, coming out from an accident with injuries and the cat in his embrace, yet somehow the latter was able to still grin happily.

"I'm sorry," he chuckled, "it's cute. But you should've seen yourself," Jaemin commented playfully, just as they reached his car. He opened the door for the man and gently help him settled in. "Now Mr. Avenger, you should worry about yourself first, and then we can take care of the little buddy here, okay?" he opened a bottle of water from the backseat and offer it to the man with a teasing grin. Then with another glance, he start the engine and begin to drive them to the hospital.
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin blinked at the man's words. Did he just ask him to check on the cat instead? Of course, Jaemin was panic when he saw the cat too, but he doesn't think this man should be worried - when he pretty much look like he couldn't stand right now. Although Jaemin didn't comment on it as he nodded and walk towards the alley in the corner, following suit where he had last seen the cat. As soon as he turn around, he could see a glimpe of white behind the discarded boxes. "Hey buddy, you alright?" Jaemin squatted, calling for it. The cat looked at him in fear before lowering its guard when he begin to pet it. "Did you get hurt?" Jaemin smiled when the cat leaned into his touch, meowing. "Let me see." He picked the cat up in his arms, looking closely at the leg. When he was sure the cat is fine, Jaemin quickly get back to where he left the delivery man.

"It looks fine, probably need to check on the legs, though. I saw it walk with a limp," he said as soon as he get to the man, leaning down once again after placing the cat down. This time he checked on the man's injury instead. "You, on the other hand... really need help right now." He spoke firmly, looking into the other's eyes. "Come on, I'll send you to the hospital, and then we can get the cat checked at a vet later. Can you stand?" Jaemin gently leaned over, assisting the man to slowly stand.
Jaemin 3 months ago
@Shi Zhan Jaemin has just finished his shift, his bag slung nonchalantly across his shoulder, instinctively veered towards the back exit. Apparently his coworker had left him with a mess in the kitchen and being the responsible employee he is, he clean it up instead and ended up being the last one to leave that night.

Tossing the hefty bag into the dumpster with a resigned sigh, the metallic clang swallowed by a sudden a loud crash echoed through the alley. Rounding the corner, Jaemin's breath hitched. There, sprawled on the grimy pavement, lay a delivery man, his scooter mangled against a nearby wall. A gasp escaped Jaemin's lips as he spotted a flash of white fur limping into the labyrinthine alleyways - the small white cat, the catalyst of the accident.

Adrenaline surged through Jaemin. In a blur of movement, he knelt beside the injured man. "Hey! Are you alright?" his voice boomed in the sudden silence, a stark contrast to the earlier symphony of the city. "We need to get you to a hospital," Jaemin declared, his voice firm despite the tremor of concern. He looked at the man, his gaze unwavering. "I'll take you. Can you put any weight on your leg?"
Choi Yeonjun 8 months ago
@Song Kang But you can also expect me to be by your side no matter what still so I'll be your fallback as well! You won't get rid of me that quickly now~ but I do feel quite safe with you actually /chuckles but still tries to reassure you as well/

Yeah, I was definitely in that phase still at that point in time. But I still stand by it that I say that I am glad things didn't go the way I intended to that day not because I doubt your skills but I don't know... the way it is now just feels better and if...when we get to that point I wanted to that day now, I think it will be more special /looks at you, lowkey, knowing myself it sounds super sobby but it's just how I see things now after reflecting about everything for a while trying to change myself/

I am but I also have been doing it for years now so I better be or I might be doing something wrong, haha. Like the horse or water sports? I have never heard of someone who does either, that's interesting either way! How did you get to those?
Choi Yeonjun 8 months ago
@Song Kang Sounds like a good plan, that's basically what I've been doing the whole time with you I guess /smiles appreciatingly at the offer but shakes my head/ Ah, we can't do that with this game, we'll have to pay with points if we don't want to do the dare but I got enough so...in case something is too extreme for both of us and anyone feels uncomfortable, we can still pay.

It's nice that you think I still got rizz but I believe it was better before the show, I mean... /bites my lip, now kind of thinking back but trying not to well too long in the memories as it wasn't as much of a good time after all/ I wasn't quite the hoe for nothing! /holds a little tighter onto your hand and nods, laughing softly at the penguin image/ I guess, we both are pretty tall, I'm surprised to have found someone taller than me! I don't play any ball sports if that's what you're asking! More like yoga, pilates and I tried pole fitness for a while, what about you? I bet people always wanted you for basketball
Choi Yeonjun 8 months ago
@Song Kang I think it's just that most people are busy and it's a bit too spicy to play with just friends or I might have played with someone already /shrugs a little/ but the tasks aren't impossible, just like telling your fantasies and more physical stuff

I am~ I know how to make people blush although maybe my rizz has sunken now since the show, haha~ /squeezes your hand gently, enjoying the feeling and warmth/ it sure is, gotta keep close like little penguins then~ /looks up at you smiling/
Choi Yeonjun 8 months ago
@Song Kang Yeah, the event that is going on right now! I actually quite like it so far! True and it seems that nobody plays it anyways at the moment...would be sad if it went to waste... mhm well I'm also free at the weekend so sounds perfect~ /hums as I keep walking, feeling nervous but excited at the thought/

Now I am more inclined to get you blushing but I think I'll see your blushing face sooner or later~ /chuckles and stays close to you as well, brushing my hand experimentally against yours/
Choi Yeonjun 8 months ago
@Song Kang I haven't looked at the real dice game yet but the valentine one is a bit spicy at least but well, we'll see how it will go, hm? When would you like to play it?

But I bet you'd look cute while blushing actually, so I don't mind making you blush~ /grins/ but going to the park is a good idea, it's probably relaxing for the both of us

() was that the right park or did you wanna use walls?


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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