→ ℒake



who's that boy

that's looking

back at me


Heechul 3 months ago
@Lee Jooheon /lean into the hand that's run on his head/
You want to fatten me and now trying to make me be outside hm?
Though, I don't mind going in if the water is shallow, so I can see you swim too
Good things, if it was up to me I probably have to stop somewhere to get stuff-
/laughs softly/
Okay, then I will wait to see you too
Lee Jooheon [A] 3 months ago
@Heechul Ah insee, hmm well I guess you can float the entire time on the floaty thing or sit your feet in the water
*runs my fingers through your hair*
If not just relax on the shore and sunbathe
*laughs softly and shakes my head the idea was spontaneous but I figured we still needed certain things
*leans over pecking yiur lips*
I'll never turn down seeing you
Heechul 3 months ago
@Lee Jooheon I meant... mobility wise in water now isn't good for me /pat his left leg/ kind of a broken one-
/smiles and poke at your dimple/
You said it's spontaneous but you brought everything we needed-
/squint at you playfully/
Just say you wanna see me , I'll strip willingly
Lee Jooheon [A] 3 months ago
@Heechul Ah you don't know how to swim? Hmm I guess it's a food think I brought one of those floaty bead things for sunbathing, and there are shallow spot to weighed in I'll also protect you from drowning
*laughs softly and thinks*
I did bring some swim trunks and towels along with us but it disnt look like anyone's around so we can also swim if we wanted too
Heechul 3 months ago
@Lee Jooheon /scratching at the bridge of his nose/
I... don't know how to swim-...
/scratch at his cheeks after/
And... we... didn't bring towel...wait... swim trunk-...
Lee Jooheon [A] 3 months ago
@Heechul *chuckles and let's your hand go as I nod watching you for a moment*
I really went spontaneous, it's been hot and I wanted to take you on a picnic so it's a win win to swim while having a picnic after.
Heechul 3 months ago
@Lee Jooheon /looks at you then at his hand which was given another kiss/
I'm... not sure what to feel?
It's... new... very spontaneous... you really went for spontaneous...
Lee Jooheon [A] 3 months ago
@Heechul Mhm a surprise date with you
*smiles and looks at you as I park the car and kisses your hand again*
Arnt you happy?
Heechul 3 months ago
@Lee Jooheon A surprise?
/tilt head as he was pulled to the car, blinking confused as he got in the passenger side, buckled up before his hand was held by you and a kiss was given/
I... a ... surprised date?
Lee Jooheon [A] 3 months ago
@Heechul Hyung I have a surprise for you
*says with a small hum, packing a few things that will be needed and then pulls you to the car with me as I open the passenger door for you to get inside and then closes it when you step in the car, I run to the other side and takes your hand as I give it a gentle kiss and drives for a while taking you to the lake smiling wide as I look around a bit and parking*
I wanted to drag you out for a cute picnic date for us since ive been pretty busy
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /looks at the message then looks around to see you coming to me. I big smile spreads across my lips
Hi Johnny!
/runs up to you and takes your hand to guide you to the spot
Do you need up with anything? I have food and snacks for us and I got a few blankets in case we get cold.
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan [sms to hannie]
I'm here now!

/smiles as i drive my truck to the lake and parks
/walks around with a huge backpack and finds you
hey, Hannie!
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /excited, I quickly pack up some finger food like fruits, sandwiches and pastries along with a couple blankets before meeting you back to the lake. I found a good for the both of us and set up my belongings/

[sms to prince]
I'm here and waiting for you ♡
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /feels how empty my stomach ws then nods with a soft laughter
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Smart thinking.
/gets up to take your hand
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan Sure but.. maybe we go back to the suburbs and find something to eat?
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /stretches out my limps for a bit to loosen up before glancing over to you
Do you want to go and continue our small adventure? Where should we go next?
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan /blinks at you before laughing
At least it is tiny… thats harmless
/nudges back and hums
Next weekend? Yes! For sure i am!
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny Yeah, you're welcome. I mean what I say by my words, Johnny. Although, now that you mention it, I do see just a tiny bit of awkwardness~
/lightly teases, nudging at your shoulder
Would you be free.. hmm.. next weekend?
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan By that then i dont think i am awkward now. I really appreciate you on that, Jeonghan.
I’ll never forget that.
/hums as i pat your shoulder gently
Yeah i eat anything that’s good. Confidently good.
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny What do I think of you? First impression? Well, you're a charmer at most and comfortable to be around. I don't really warm up to people so quickly so that's saying something.
/rolls my eyes amused at your wink and I shake my head a little, chuckling to myself
You did say that, indeed. Noted. I will be only the good foods.
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan Oh remember i said, i eat anything.
/winks playfully before laughing
Not long. A few months. My pairs didnt show up…
Hmm i see, i understand you. I could be the same case.
/hums and then nods
Well, some said im an awkward giant… which i think i am. What do you think of me?
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny Then we can set up a camping trip together whenever we're both free of course. Do you eat meat at all? I love grilling pork belly and steak when I'm camping. A few other types or meats as well. I'll be vegges of course too.
/smiles at how excited you got for the idea of camping with me
Oh? How long have you been on the show, Johnny? Myself I've never really had a sucessful dating partner either. Work always consumed me so it just never worked out. Mm... Always in the friendzone, Johnny?
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan Camping sounds perfect! Like really! I would love to join in!
/responds excitedly, slightly moving closer to you and hums
Just my future… personally. I never had a boyfriend or anythign romantic ever since.
Like,… i dont know if i’m truly romantic or something.
It’s different when you’re loved and gave love as a friend..
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny I'm great at camping if you ever want to camp with me sometime. This spot seems perfect to pitch a tent. Do you like camping at all? I think that would be fun. Mostly, I do it alone.
/places my hands in my light jacket pockets
Ah.. I know a lot about overthinking.. What do you usually think about?
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan You would be a perfect companion to be in nature, i think.
But of course, only if you like to be accompanied
Well… i can say that i was raised in a pleasant house…
But i easily get troubled with overthinking
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny A garden does sound nice to lose yourself in.
/hums at the thought for a minute for taking a deep breathe in then out
Anywhere that is with nature really. I like the simplist things.
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan /glances back and sits closer
Well.. it has always been my parents' garden.
But i wouldnt mind coming here.
How about you?
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /settles down next to you watching the water
Isn't it? Mm.. I wouldn't mind getting lost here time to time.
/glances over to you
Do you have a happy place, Johnny?
Johnny 5 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghan Oh?
/looks around worried that we might get lost, but puts a smile on my face as we arrive at the lake
This is beautiful..
/nods and slowly sits down on a makeshift bench while watching the view
Yoon Jeonghan 5 months ago
@Johnny /takes out my phone for the gps as we walk through the city through the woods and too the lake all the while still holding your hand along the way.
I think this is it
/takes in how the lake is beautiful and everything seems peaceful. I sigh pleased as I let go of your hand
Come, let's go sit somewhere


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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