→ ℱorest



who's that boy

that's looking

back at me


Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon Mentally cursing himself for seemingly hitting yet amother old wound of the other, Jihoon watched Sehyoon to decipher his feelings through his body language and facial expressions. The older one still seemed to be a bit awkward about it but if he said he is fine, Jihoon wouldn't want to prod further especially since they are in a public space, so he said, looking directly at the other: "I feel really sorry about that but I am glad you feel better now. I know we don't know each other that well yet but if you ever need someone, I'm just a call away, okay?"
Jihoon was a little startled hearing the other talk about his choice of words and his cheeks got slightly redder which wasn't the fault of the chilly breeze flowing through the forest. He kind of worded it on purpose like that but didn't expect to get called out on it or what reaction he actually wanted if he was honest with himself. "Um...yeah I guess we are but I promise I am taking training seriously so there would be no funny business there", he replied and laughed a little awkwardly, putting his hands further into his pockets. Feeling the other grab his arm didn't make him feel less overwhelmed, although it was more positive, but he tried to think more of the break itself. He did go all out at the supermarket, not knowing what Sehyoon would like so when they arrived at the lake, he looked around until he spotted a bench. He pointed at it and grabbed the other's hand this time and led him there.
"This seems like a good spot, we have a great view of the lake and if we're lucky, we can even watch or feed some ducks", he hummed and put down his backpack and opening it, revealing a variety of snacks. "I didn't really know what you'd like so I brought some sandwiches, fruit, cookies and stuff like that. Basically all I could quickly find while shopping", he explained and nodded as took out a can of Coke Zero first and sat down properly on the bench.
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon "Mhm thats a big win for me to show off my success without them in my life" He says with a small chuckle and looked around the scenery just a bit more before his eyes go back to the other and shakes my own head as he shifted the straps on his back pack "Well I was actually married, but he left awhile ago" Sehyoon says while ruffling his hair, he comes with a lot of baggage and he started to worry if he was going to make the Jihoon feel awkward "Ah but it was awhile ago where I dont worry to much anymore about it" He adds trying to make himself seem less sad.
"Awe, im glad ill get some special treatment with you, but the way we are wording it seems a bit funny" He laughs as he realized the wording sounds a bit like something else. He looked around and saw the sign the Jihoon pointed out, he nodded his head "oh taking a rest would be nice, plus I get to see the snacks you got for us~" He says softly and gently grabbed the others arm to head to area
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon Feeling the other's shift in mood, Jihoon just nods and listens attentively, not wanting to dig deeper into old wounds especially since he could somewhat to a lesser degree relate to him. "But now you're successful all on your own, that must feel good", he said and tried so smile reassuringly, hoping that it would lift the atmosphere a little. As he kept listening to the other speak about his favourite season, he kept kicking a pebble in front of him while walking, thinking about how he is always cooped up inside just without someone to cuddle. Feeling curious about the last comment, he asked while keeping his eyes focused on the pebble: "Oh, so you don't currently have someone in your life? I kinda expected you to be with someone, to be honest"
Jihoon was relieved seeing that they can joke around easily. It was a good decision to invite Sehyoon out for a walk.
"Oh don't worry, just spending time together is good enough of a payment for me and because it's you, I won't go too hard on you, I wouldn't want you missing work because I was too rough on you", he replied with a soft laugh. As he looked at another land marker, he noticed that there might be a good picnic spot near so he added, with a smile, looking at the other: "If we go right, it seems we'll end up at a lake. We could eat our snacks there if you want?"
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon Hesitant to answer the others question he just sign and shook his head "My parents wanted me to be the perfect child so unless it was to save face we never did anything" He says in a soft tone while rubbing the back of his neck, he could remember all the times he was locked into his room to study "Oh but I can never forget their faces when the agency scouted me and I left them" He says attempting to lighten the mood with another memory of his family, He soon smiled at the mention to listening about Jihoon's favorite time of the years "I actually like winter best, its pretty and I have an excuse to stay home.... and if I have someone again then spend the day cuddling" he chuckled looking forward to winter to hit full on. He blushed slightly when the other commented on his stumble and the small comment he made before just shaking his head and started to comment before giving a soft laugh when Jihoon brought up the gym "I am sure I can pay, but maybe go a little easy on me since its been awhile"
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon Jihoon nodded at the question. The gym was basically his second home by now since he spent all of his free time there.
"Did you not go out a lot as a kid?", he asked carefully, not knowing if there were bad memories attached to the other's childhood, "I mean that's not necessarily bad or something!"
Looking around as the other mentioned the trees, he hummed and nodded again. Leaves in autumn were really pretty, thinking about all the times as a kid, he used to play with them. "That's true, autumn is probably my favourite season tied with spring. In both seasons nature is especially beautiful, not just the plants but also the animals. I love listening to birds singing but I might be biased as a musician"
Always having a sharp eye on his conversation partner, Jihoon got startled by Sehyoon stumbling and already prepared himself mentally to catch him in case he'd fall for real on their walk but sighed out in relief nonetheless. "Be careful of the roots, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself! Although I could probably lift and catch you", he laughed softly and added with a grin, leaning into the joke, "I'll look forward to train with you then. My fee for personal training is quite high though and I won't go easy on you~"
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon Sehyoon looks at the other in time to see his confused expression but only shook his head listening to Jihoon talk, he homed a bit and ran his fingers through his own hair before speaking " ah I meant in general on going out, but you go to the gym often huh?" He asked before thinking if he had any fond memories with his family before he left "well I'm glad you had memories with your grandparents and going out" he adds as he looks around a bit at the trees "I love the leaves colors this time of year" Sehyoon mumbled softly with a gentle hum before stumbling on a root but stood straight like nothing happened and hoped the other didn't notice " i look forward to learning, maybe we can go to the gym sometimes together, it'd be nice to have my own personal trainer" he said jokingly with a smjle on the personal trainer part
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon Jihoon looked questioningly at the other, not entirely sure what he meant with his question: "Do you mean going in the forest?", he smiled a little sadly and straightened his backpack, "Actually, I don't usually leave my apartment aside from going to the gym but that's a 5 minute walk so, it's not something I normally do but I remember going with my grandparents often."
His gaze went back again at the scenery before them, seeing some mushrooms that reminded him of all the times he spent collecting them as a child. It was really nice being out there with someone else again and it wasn't as awkward as he feared. Hearing the other accepting his suggestion made Jihoon smile a little again. This was something he was good at, he could impress Sehyoon with his knowledge about working out, so he nodded and replied: "I'll help you then! I know exactly which exercises feel good after a long work day"
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon Looking st the surrounding area Sehyoon enjoyed the scenery, he kept an eye on the markers foe the trail they were taking. Sehyoon smiles softly as the other understood his small joke "do you try to do stuff like this often Jihoon?" He asked out of curiosity wondering if this was a normal thing he tries to do or attempt to do. Sehyoon looked down at some of the flowers still in bloom as he listened to jihoon "ah I actually used to be in oretty good shape but after sitting at the desk I got a bit lazy" he admits with a small laugh but thought it wouldn't hurt to learn the stretches "but I'm definitely interested in some of the exercises that you know of"
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon Jihoon watched the other stretch for a little, immediately thinking of all the different exercises that could help the other reduce the strain on his body from sitting so much daily. He nodded back at the other and began walking along the path straight ahead of them, not really knowing where it would lead them but there were a few signs put up so they shouldn't get lost. A little infected by Sehyoon's laughter, he also chuckled and replied: "Oh yeah, I feel that, I was also just sitting around all day."
He then looked at the other from the side while walking and added since he couldn't hold back his excitement for exercising: "I noticed your body seemed a little stiff. If you want, I can recommend you some exercises"
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon Sehyoon smiled as he put the papers away and moved to stand next to Jihoon and stretched a bit, he didn't realize how stiff his body had gotten from sitting in the car for a moment "well I'm glad you got here safe and sound" he nodded his head at the others question and moved to grab a bag with some water in it and nodded his head " yup ready to go, it's nice being out of the office after so long" he says with a small laugh.
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon As he saw Sehyoon getting startled by his introduction, Jihoon felt a little guilty for not introducing his appearance sooner. He put his hands into the pockets of his jeans and looked at the documents currently in the other's car.
"Yeah, I didn't want to leave you waiting, so I hurried but don't worry, I still drove safely", Jihoon answered and looked at the other. He really hoped that he didn't hold Sehyoon back from work just for a walk in the forest, he knew how stressful work can be, even though his amount of work could never compare to that of a CEO, so he asked with a tight smile: "Are you ready to head out? I hope I didn't disturb you from doing important work"
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon He waited for a moment before sighing snd decided to get out of the car to start stretching a bit before the walk. As he started to stretch he heard the ringtone of his phone, Sehyoon read the message and sent a quick "that's ok, drive safe" response. Sehyoon sat back in his car for a bit longer to go over a few documents getting absorbed into his small amount of work he jumped a bit when hearing the familiar voice. "Ah hi, sorry you got here fast" he says with a small chuckle
Lee Jihoon 10 months ago
@Kim Sehyoon On his way to the forest, Jihoon picked up some snacks from a nearby supermarket, cursing internally at the way too long line at the register. While waiting for his turn he checked his phone to see a message from Sehyoon.
"On my way, currently at the supermarket!!", he replied, impatiently tapping his foot. Once he got out of the supermarket, he drove as fast as he was allowed to the meeting spot and parked right beside the car he assumed to be Sehyoon's since it was the only other car there. After exiting, he took out his belongings and went to the other's car, put up his hand to wave it awkwardly and greeted him with a "Hi".
Kim Sehyoon [A] 10 months ago
@Lee Jihoon Sehoon made it to the forest a bit early and looked around as he tapped his steering wheel before taking his phone out texting the other "Hi im here a bit early" He says softly with a small smile from excitement for the hike
Haechan 1 year ago
@Xu Kai Haechan arrived with a huge camper's backpack and waved excitedly at Kai who was pacing by his car. He ran happily with the sound of tins and cans bouncing in his backpack and threw thr huge tent case to him

I knew it. You sound excited Kai. We can make your car as the makeshift tent. Is that okay?
Jimin 2 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong *i walk out with a cooler bag with the ice cream and takes the helmet you reach over. I can tell you probably wont feel like talking just yet so i let us sit in silence. I nod at your instructions and wrap both my arms tightly around you waist, leaning on your back*
*I giggle as we sway, loving the way the wind blows past us as you speed through the streets. I take your hand and take off the helmet to pass it back to you, a wide smile on my face*
That was amazing actually, so muh fun~ And hey that's all good, if you dont eat my ice cream, then who will~
*i nudge you with my elbow as i grab the cooler bag from where it was sitting behind me*
Shall we go chat, hm?

(it's all good~ you missed Jiho >.> he's a grouchy pants heheh)
Kwon Jiyong H 2 years ago
@Jimin *I send you a text when I'm outside your place. Once we meet I put a helmet on your head before we drive off, I'm quiet but I tell you to keep your legs tucked in. My motorbike is an old model, close to the ground, so we sway with the wind. I firmly place your hand around my waist, making sure you're safe. After we arrive I slip my helmet off your head and help you climb off my bike*
What did you think? Did you like the ride?
*sets my helmet on the back of the bike and readjusts my leather jacket*
Oh, thanks for agreeing to hang out too.

(please let me know if this is okay ^^)
Kevin Woo 4 years ago
*goes here to take a walk, not getting far before I finding myself sitting on a log with tears streaming down my cheeks and my head in my hands*
God I am such a ing idiot
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong *presses his lips together hard as he looks at you, his hands cupping your face, his eyes looking all over your face, specially into your eyes* yeah..*whispers quietly with a short nod, before glancing away from you momentarily and then back at you* I know. *adds quietly*
*stays quiet as I listened to you, a part of me believed, or wanted to believe in your words, but the majority of me couldn’t really believe in those words. Swallows hard, as my eyes lock on yours when our foreheads are pressed tightly together. His eyes welling up with tears at the words you had just mentioned. Those words that were always hard to hear, and even harder, impossible to say*
W-what?..you...to me...*closes his eyes tightly, feeling the welled up tears roll down his rosy cheeks*
...Ji...you’re an..ugh...you always say stuff when I look terrible or ain’t in a good state.
*groans out sniffing, remembering when you asked me to be your boyfriend *
You’ll always smell better than a dumpster *chuckles*
*stops as you back hug me* I know...I know...and I’m trying...I’m working on trying to be able to express myself better..but it’s hard...it’s difficult to do, when I haven’t done it before..*sighs at the end *
Yeah...Always *whispers with a small tender smile on the corner of my lips at that special word*
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa *the look in your eyes is all he wants to see, the way they soften for him, the way your lips glisten softly and all he wants is to pull you into a deep kiss that would leave him breathless, but he also knows he needs to talk about this, that it’s important to keep the conversation going and not just make it physical all the time. It’s hard though, because the more he likes you, the more he wants to touch you, it’s proportionate to his feelings and you have the power to drive him crazy, more and more each day*
*he places your hands on his cheeks, desperate for the touch, and for you to look at him*
I’m doing my best not to be kicked out... *he whispers back, a silent promise, because he won’t be separated from you, he can’t let that happen* but if I’m silent, it might be because of that and not because I am not there...
*his forehead scrunches up in a frown at your words, heart clenching in his chest, how can you even think that?* You never bother me, Hwa. NEVER. I want to hear from you every day, every hour, every minute. If anything, it’s not enough. I need you to bother me more. *he presses his forehead to yours, forces you to look at him*
I love you.
*he eventually whispers, his heart in his throat*
I love you and there’s nothing you can do about that. It won’t go away by you texting me too much, it’ll just grow stronger.
*and there’s a blush in his cheeks at the rest of your words*
I’m glad I smell better than a dumpster. *he jokes, back hugging you before you can go very far*
I can read you pretty well, but I can’t read your mind... I need you to tell me what you want... if we communicate, then we’ll always be fine, Hwa... but we gotta make that effort.
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong *keeps quiet as I watch you. My eyes soften on yours as you hold my hands to yours*
*my teeth releases my bottom lip, leaving it wet and bright pink with teeth marks, and slightly open as your thumb follows along my lip. My eyes are on yours, awaiting whatever you have to say, or do after I speak, which just makes me more nervous to say the least*
*swallows hard as I listen to you, not able to talk so much less interrupt you. My eyes look into yours, though looks away every now and then following your touch, which just makes my eyes soften furthermore*
I-I don’t want that either..I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you were to leave especially if you were kicked out.
*speaks out at the end, my voice comes out rather low, the mere thought of not having you around is devastating*
*nods slowly before I speak* I know...I do..but I don’t want to bother you..
*laughs softly, though scrunches my nose as I make a face, while shaking it side to side* eww no, I don’t wanna smell the dumpster, I prefer smelling you.
*states as I feel my cheeks get hot from my words*
Then let’s take a seat..? *offers as I shuffle forward, so my body is barely a feet away, keeping my hands being held by you*
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa I know what you mean... *kisses your hands once again, taking in your scent before he looks back at you* it's definitely calmed down...
*he listens to what you have to say, and stares at the way you are biting on your lower lip, his hand eventually coming up to run his thumb over it, making you release it, because he just can't stand you hurting yourself, or maybe it's the need that pools in his stomach when you do it, either way, he's trying to be gracious for once and not jump you*
*but the way your eyes fill with tears makes his heart clench painfully in his chest, he thought this was going to be a romantic moment, he didn't think he was going to end up stirring such feelings. Yet, he prefers to have the real you right here. Nothing else. And no one else.*
I am scared too, Hwa... *he presses his face to your fingers* The more we are together, the more I know it's going to kill me if I lose you... *he confesses, looking up to meet your eyes, just hoping you can see that he shares that feeling, that this is uncharted territory* No one has ever been with me this long... they all ran after a few weeks...
And you're right, I'm not showing my face as much as before, I started work again, and... well, I've pissed some people off here, I'm trying to behave so I don't get kicked from this place, I can't bear the idea of being forced to leave... *moves closer, nuzzling your nose* But I'm always here for you, you just need to tell me what you want and I will make it happen, Hwa... I promise.
*shakes my head* we don't have to continue walking... I just want to talk to you, Hwa, just being with you and talking makes me happy, we could be in a dumpster and I wouldn't care...
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong Not really...I mean like some days have been feeling slow..? I dunno how to explain it...but it's not bad..its been balance we could say. *chuckles quietly*
*my arm let's go of your waist as you you stop as well. My eyes casted to yours as you speak. Bites my bottom lip hard at your words. Watches as you bring my hands to yours lips, my teeth pressing down harder on my lip as I stay quiet for a longer moment*
What? *cant help but frown at the first question* of course you do...I wouldnt be with you if I werent happy Jiyong.
*can feel my eyes get glossy with tears, but wields them away as i clear my throat, to speak*
Jiyong..i...gosh..I like you so much that it scares me how attach I'm getting to you. I'm afraid that one day itll be over..i know...i know you said that youd stay but i cant help but still be scared.. and..I just feel like we have not spend much time as before..but maybe that's just me...im sorry...I guess im over thinking....I'm getting too into my own head *chuckles out, though it comes out strained. Takes a deep breath as I shake my head to compose myself* let's..um..lets continue the walk yeah? I wanna see a little more.
*says softly as I smile softly*
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa Too slow? Did you think we’re moving too slow? *asks with a curled eyebrow, looking back towards you*
*shakes my head as you stop to look at him* you gave me a lovely letter... but never said the words to me...
I don’t know... I guess I’d like to hear it... but it’s not a need... *he takes your hands in his, brings them to his lips, so close to you so he can still share the blanket with you*
Do I make you happy, Hwa? *he asks, eyes intent in yours* sometimes you feel distant and I worry... what is truly on your mind?
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong *laughs softly when you pull me to you instead after the pinch*
Yeah, things moved too fast...then too slow,.*says quietly as if in thought*
*my head rests against your shoulder as we walk. Stops walking as I blink at your words. My mind trying to quickly think if what you said was true, had I not. My brows furrow together in concentration*
Really? I thought I did *says quietly. A small smile appears on my lips at your next words*
Yup, definitely would not be here with you. ...did you want me to say That?
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa *chuckles at the pinch, pulling you closer to my side as not much of a retaliation but what he needs right now*
Mmhmm... it feels like we’ve been running all the time, it’s good to take a bit of time just for the two of us...
*watches you carefully* you know, Hwa, you never even told me you like me... *he says softly, no accusation or anything, just stating a fact* you said other things though... so I think they count the same...
* his lips* and you probably would have changed pair by now if you didn’t, right?
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong *puffs my cheeks at your words, pinches your side gently at the response I get from you*
Tsk. No I dont. This is good.
*says softly as I lean towards you. My eyes continue to look around the place*
Hmm, after all this time...this is our first date...isnt it?..wow
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa *smiles fondly when you snuggle closer, his arm wrapping around your shoulders under the blanket, to seal the cocoon you and he are making*
We’re here to show you this... *motions at the beautiful forest and the lights*
And to be together... *teases you softly* do you need more reasons than that?
Seonghwa 4 years ago
@Kwon Jiyong Really?..well, thank yo uh for bringing me. I wouldve kicked myself for missing this.
*laughs softly as I grab the ending of the other blanket as I shuffle closer to you, snuggling against you, wrapping an arm around the back of your waist, so I keep close*
Just saying, that's all. *laughs out softly*
I dunjo..could be mood swings for all we know. *muses out with a shrug*
More every day? That's a lot. *teases*
So, why did we come here?
Kwon Jiyong 4 years ago
@Lee Seonghwa It’s just for the holiday season, so I thought I had to bring you here.
*opens the blanket and wraps it around the both of us*
It’s cold... snuggle close...
*chuckles at your words*
Why do you keep bringing that up? Do I look like I’m ready to kill you?
Because on the contrary, I feel like I need you more every day.


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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