pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *smiles at your hold on his waist, he keeps himself close to you. he got very comfortable fast with you laying beside him*
I.. I like you too. You're lucky? I'm lucky..
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang `he laughed and moved himself to lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
I like you in general silly~ I feel very lucky that our paths crossed once more... so lucky.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *follows you to the pair house and when they got in and you picked him up, he gasped and then chuckled softly when he was tossed on the bed. He continues his soft laughter when you laid on him, his hands gently rubbed at your back*
You're welcome? I'm glad you like me this- this tiny..
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang `he held your hand while opening the door, moving to the side to let you in first before trailing behind you and closing the door. Once their shoes were off hyunbin did not hesitate to swoop you up in his arms and practically zoomed to the bed to gently throw you on and he himself gently laid on you sideways.
Thank you for being this tiny...
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *he looks around the room with the kitten's setup then back to you, nodding shortly understanding*
That's good you didn't fail then. I don't think I'm strong enough to left you up
*softly chuckles, he watches you disappeared into the bathroom. while you're in there, he makes sure his work belongings are prepared for tomorrow morning to make his life a bit easier for him. once satisfied, he crawled under the covers to get comfortble. it was like sleeping at a hotel. at least the bed is comfortable. he turns to you when the door is open and you emerage from the bathroom*
*takes notices of your glasses and smiles little when he is sits up on the bed*
Okay okay with.. with whatever you ch-choose. You can sleep here with me. I'm okay with it.
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang I'll be okay, it was only four shots don't worry.
`he says while now standing up to get his cats things set up while you left to get changed. The set up was fairly easy, minus both of them swarming around him. He did drop a few things here and there but was successful in getting them settled. Once you came out he was sitting on the bed waiting silently with his stuff in his arms. He laughed and shook his head.
I only dropped a few things, but I myself didn't drop.
`he then made his way to the bathroom to get ready. His routine took a good bit due to having to maintain his skin complex, but thankfully he was used to it and was done in a timely manner. He left the bathroom wearing sweats and a white t-shirt. He put his clothes in a bag and sat next to you once more. This time he had glasses on.
So, do you want to take the bed and I can make a small area on the floor? Or are you comfortable with me sleeping in the same bed? I rather ask this now considering we just rekindle our friendship and such.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *yeosang stands up when collecting his clothing and his nightly hygene belongings, hugging it to his chest. he watches you as you sat up with little concern in his eyes*
Are you going to be okay?
*he walks towards the small bathroom and closes the door. he take his time getting ready for bed and soon comes out with the night clothes on and places the dirty clothes into a sepreate bag*
You can go now. Did you fall while I was in there?
*he sits back down onto the bed, watching you move about the tiny place*
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang Oh, of course you can, I need to do the same actually.
`he slowly sat up as to not cause himself to be dizzy.
I'll get ready after you, I'll just clean a bit and make sure my babies are good. By that time let's hope I don't fall.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *looks down to you as you laid down, he stays sitting up then pulls his luggage to him to prepare night clothes. simple tank and shorts to sleep in*
Do you mind if I go change and get ready for bed then? I'm not going to sleep this early of course. I- I think I want to get rid of my day clothes fi-finally.
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang I don't... they go to my moms and spend time with their grandmas~
`he says then laughs before laying down on the bed.
I can have fun with and without alcohol... please don't worry, you're not ruining anything.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H That sounds like a fun idea. Do you bring your kiddos with you when you travel or do you have a sitter for them?
*folds his hands into his lap and watch you put down the glass*
Okay.. I just.. I didn't want to stop your fun
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang Mm, maybe we could travel together! That would be fun, don't you think? We can figure out a time for us, how about it? And maybe you could show me those tennis and volleyball moves some time as well?
`he says happily, pouring another shot and immediately downing it then put his glass beside yours.
Don't worry, I'll stop, I don't want to get too carried away... wouldn't want you to think I'm some alcoholic or something.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H I'm happy for you to travel the world. That does sound exciting. I also want to do some traveling. Maybe in the near fu-future when I have time.
*rubs at his nape a little*
I do some.. sports. Not a whole lot but, some. Those two being my favorites.
*watches you down the shot, he shakes his head a bit already feeling the effects of the soju swimming through his body*
D-don't stop me from, from your drinking, Hyun- Hyunbin.
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang Kids just don't know any better sometimes... it's really the parents that influence us when we're young. Our brains develop and during that time and years we watch our parents the most and basically copy them in the real world. I'm just glad that both of us had loving parents and were raised to not bully others.
`he watched as you down the third shot and tilted his head a bit, his third shot still in his glass.
It's definitely exciting! I travel the world and what not, meet a lot of people even. It's nice and yet tiring too, and a little lonely from time to time. But still fun. Volleyball and tennis though? He was an athlete back in the day, how cute.
`he downed his third shot and stated at you for a bit before speaking once more.
Are you not drinking anymore? You can sip it if you want?
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *listens to you intently as you listened to him. he takes two sips to empty the shot that was poured. he takes the soju bottle to pour himself another shot*
I'm sorry to hear you were that much picked on for having two mothers. Kids can be so cruel. Even the parents too. I was grateful to have two people that really love me as their own child other than be abandon by someone who didn't want me.
*downs the next shot and stands up to place the glass on the desk next to the bed before sitting back down next to you*
But your life sounds exciting after you became a model, right? I can't imagine being one and being an actor too. I think I- I would for.. forget my lines easily. I also used to play some sports like tennis and volleyball. It was really fun.
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang `hyunbin listened and was surprised to hear about the speech therapy. Clearly it must have been a struggle growing up. A bit opposite of hyunbin.
Um, well... when I was younger I did get bullied a bit for having two moms. Thankfully as a kid it was easy for me to stand up for myself, I even go into a few fights when I was younger. But then my parents put me in a fairly expensive high school, they worked a lot of overtime for those years. During high school I did fencing for sports and basketball. Fencing was a bit more serious... then my senior year I was actually the class president. That same time I also was being recruited as a model and although I never thought that would happen to me I took it and ran with it. Now I'm a model and I then decided to do little acting gigs and now I act as well.
`he decided to take the shot that was poured for him before continuing.
Things sort of landed in my lap... but most of my life it was my mom's that really paved my future.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *gives you his glass to refill and takes it in his hand but doesn't down it this time, just keeping it in his hand for now*
I honestly can't remember most of my childhood. But it was a real... struggle through school. The bits and pieces that I- I do know. My parents put me through speech therapy. Helped a little but when I was picked on or teased about it.. I- I couldn't help keep the stutter away.
*shakes his head*
Surprisingly I wasn't teased that- that often about m-my two fathers. High school I just kept to myself. Sure I had.. a few friends but mainly I- I was focused on stud-studying.
*sighs as he stutters more. a bit upset at himself that he couldn't control it right now so he speaks more slow*
I was first learning Korean sign language. In sign language, you don't need to speak. It helped me gain confidence with other hearing impaired persons. Then I contiued to studying English. One of my fathers is from America so he helped alot with it. I picked up American sign language when I had an exchange student come over and he taught me American sign language and I taught him Korean sign langauge. I don't know.. I like helping others. So that's.. that's why I choose to be a translator. How about you?
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang To new beginnings, little prince.
`he smiled in return and once their glasses pulled away from each other he took his shot. He couldn't help but to his lips afterwards, enjoying every taste.
Not only was I not expecting to run into you this soon, I wasn't expecting to be paired up with you. Though, just like you I'm grateful and very happy it's you. This really does give us time to catch up.
`he began to gently circle the rim of his glass without thinking, something to sort of play with when he felt a bit anxious.
How was your childhood growing up? Besides possibly being made fun of for having two dad's. Did people leave you alone? Did you get popular later on in your school years? What about sports? Oh, and have you always wanted to be a translator? Or did that just sort of fell into your lap?
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H *smiles at your words, watching you get up from the bed to go to the kitchen and come back to him with the two bottles and glasses*
Thank you
*moves his hand that had the shot glass in it to you to fill it up*
I'll drink with you. May- maybe a few shots won't hurt..
*waits until you pour the two and toasts you with a small tap to your glass against his*
New beginnings?
*keeps the gentle smile before downing the shot, shuddering when the after taste of the soju hit*
Should we catch up then now that we are together again? I wasn't expecting to run into you so soon. N-Not that I'm not grateful and happy you are here with me of- of course.
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang Ah, I'm very much not a light weight... but i will have to apologize in advance. I tend to get a bit playful and might even try to lay on you... I'm a huge er for cute things and those ideem to be cute.
`he sat up and then stood up to go into the kitchen to see if there were any sort of alcohol. Thankfully there were a couple of bottles of soju. He grabbed the one fairly big bottle and two small glasses for them. He then sat down next to the other.
If you don't want any, then that's okay. I don't mind drinking alone and being in your presence.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H You want the person to scare you on the street?
*chuckles softly, watching you move about the place*
Ah.. That's important. I don't know how to care for cats but if I watch you, I could possibly learn.
*looks down to you now that you're laying down next him as he stays sitting up*
*hums a little as hands in his lap had his thumbles twiddling around each other*
I'm a little light weight when it comes to drinking. But I will in.. in -indugle with you if you want to drink too.
*it's true. yeosang could only have maybe two or three drinks depending on the alcohol content then he would stop when he felt the slightest buzz and lay down. drinking does help break the ice though. even yeosang couldn't deny that*
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang Ah, you're too cute... I hope the person is able to find me, you know the way I found you.
`he was very flattered by your words, yet he couldn't take them completely to heart as he did tend to be a picky person when it came to relationships. biggest aspect of a person is that they aren't a gold-digger. For once he would like to encounter that. He looked down at you for a bit before silently leaving to grab his bag filled with his cats items.
They have been fed actually... I should set their litter box up though. That's in the suitcase... we don't have to set it up now though, they're laying around.
`he too then followed you to sit down, possibly closer than he anticipated. He laid down and thought for a bit before speaking.
We can drink? Talk more about why you would want to fly with the birds... maybe you and I could be in the sky together... drink and just talk seems fairly nice.
Yeosang 2 months ago
@Hyunbin H Is that why you're here, Hyunbin? To find and float on cloud nine? I really hope that you find it too..
Anyone would be lucky to be with you. I think you're a real catch, if I'm being honest..
*helps in cleaning up the small table and steps close to you, he leans against the countertop while you continued to wash the dishes*
Does your girls need to be fed too?
*eyes moved to both kitties. he thought he could help set up their stuff, whatever you brought for them*
While you like floating on or with clouds.. I'm wanting to fly with the birds.
*softly he chuckles. he walks away to sit upon their shared bed*
What would you like to do now?
Hyunbin 2 months ago
@Yeosang `he wasn't planning on shutting up about you being smart. You deserve praise just like anyone else, but hyunbin enjoyed the shyness you tended to get after a compliment. He didn't comment much on the store part as they would talk more about it when tomorrow comes. The question caused him to look up from the sink to stare at you in thought. He then looked back down and continued to clean.
Mm... the phrase of cloud nine is used normally towards love and such, but the true meaning of being on cloud nine is happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my life. You can say I have immense happiness in my life and it's very true. But... something is missing. Therefore I'm not on cloud nine. I want to be, but I'm not there yet. I'm also a person who enjoys flowing through life like the clouds flow through the sky.
`he stopped cleaning to look up with a smile.
Then again... love could be the true meaning of happiness, therefore cloud nine is the simple feeling of love.
`he grabbed a towel to wipe his hands and sigh as he looked around the kitchen making sure everything was clean.
Yeosang 3 months ago
@Hyunbin H *has a small tint of pink dusting his cheeks and he glances down to his empty plate a little shy because of your words*
I'm.. not that much of of a g- genius. But.. Thank.. thank you
*purses his lips a little, placing the chopsticks across his plate, now taking a few sips of his water*
I think that would be fun. Yeah. We can go to the store together to get the stuff tomorrow also.
*watches you take his plate to wash*
Thank you.. Do you dream of being on a cloud, Hyunbin?
Hyunbin 3 months ago
@Yeosang That's amazing... a little prince is very much a genius.
`he mumbled feeling even more impressed knowing his long lost friend clearly did more than translating a book or small events.
We can do both on different days, how about that? Maybe cookies tomorrow and cupcakes a couple of days after, does that sound good?
`at this point he wiped his hands on the towel and stood up to grab their empty plates to take into the kitchen and wash.
I mean, it is better than falling... but why not be on a cloud instead?
Yeosang 3 months ago
@Hyunbin H Yeah. I work in courts and hospitals mostly.
*nods a few times and continues to eat. sometimes he took sips of his water*
Oh really? I don't know how to bake but maybe I can learn from you this week? How about we cam bake.. cookies? Cupcakes? I think that'll be fun act-activity to do
*smiles at your laughter, happy I can make you laugh*
Mm... I was giving examples. It's better than falling, don't you think?
Hyunbin 3 months ago
@Yeosang To court... you're a translator in court too? Hospital sure, but court? That's very impressive.
`he praised a bit, enjoying the small talk as they ate. He picked his chopsticks back up to eat more. Once he swallowed his food he hummed.
My mom also taught me how to cook and the other one actually taught me how to bake... and garden. We should cook together at some point though.
`he laughed at your words and tilt his head in question.
Why flying?
Yeosang 3 months ago
@Hyunbin H I would like one, yes. Showing up to court or a hospital covered in fur wouldn't be ideal..
*he gives a soft chuckle then he glances to the pinky being held up. he puts the twin pair sticks down before hooking his pink with yours like before when they've first met*
Pinky promise
*keeps the small smile and goes back to eating*
Thank you. My dad showed me how to cook growing up so I learned from him.. This isn't a dream
*gives a small chuckle again*
if it were, I would want to be flying or floating.
Hyunbin 3 months ago
@Yeosang `he was chewing his food enjoying every bite. The one thing hyunbin loved the most in life was food, but a home cooked meal was the cherry on top.
I have about three of them in my luggage! you can have one? I normally have one for myself, work, and the third is just the extra. These little ladies shed a lot.
`he took another bite and nodded his in response before putting his chopsticks down to hold out his pinky.
I can't promise about me not showing up, since I'm clearly here... but I'll take your promise with a pinky promise?
`he smiled while wiggling his pinky playfully.
By the way... I didn't know you could cook, it's really good. If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up!


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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