➇ rework



pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Joshua 2 months ago
@Zhao Lei Well my sister and close friends call me Shua because "it sounds cuter" but other people just call me Josh. I don't have anything I prefer though!
/smiles, happy to hear such a compliment even though you just met/
thank you, I can just give that back. you seem nice so far as well
/waves it off with my hand and shakes my head, smiling gently/
don't worry...I was really just worried there was something bothering you. if everything is alright, then she can come in although /he looks outside, seeing her running around happily, chasing something and digging around, already thinking of how much of a mess she'll be to clean/ she seems to be very happy outside so she might stay there for a bit longer!
/laughs softly, handing over that cupcake to you before eating one himself/
well, if you want? maybe we can cook for each other or together?
Zhao Lei 2 months ago
@Joshua ah- okay, okay- well.. is there one you prefer over another then-? i'd rather call you something you're comfortable with..
,,his head tilts slightly, unable to help a slight smile that forms on his face as he nods a couple times
i trust that- you seem.. really nice so far
,,he says softly, swallowing a bit before looking over to the door again, and then back to you once more
no, i.. like big dogs.. i just- don't.. want to come off ah- i don't know- how to explain it..? but.. i didn't mean to make you think or.. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at speaking aloud-
,,sighs slightly, before following you to the kitchen with a small smile and nodding slowly after a moment
if.. it's okay, thank you- i should make you something as well-
Joshua 2 months ago
@Zhao Lei Oh yeah, you said my name correct but if it's easier, Josh or Shua are also fine with me.
/listens to you, his mouth formed in an "o"-shape, feeling like there might be more behind just not showing up/
well, I'm glad I am one of the few exception you showed your face to then, I'll make sure you won't regret it!
/shakes my head at your apprehension, giving you a warm smile to try and make you feel more comfortable/
No, I don't feel uncomfortable, don't worry! I was just worried she might make you a bit scared or something since big dogs are scary and you looked so serious at me like maybe there was something you wanted to say but didn't but if there is nothing, that's also more than fine of course!!
/laughs a bit awkwardly before walking over to the counter, getting you a cupcake/
so do you fancy one?
Zhao Lei 2 months ago
@Joshua ,,he nods slightly, clearing his throat slightly as a way of trying to make even just himself feel more relaxed, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable
Oh- i appreciate it, i.. hope i've said your name correctly as well- um.. i've technically been on the show for a while..? But ah.. haven't um.. either i dont meet my pair or.. one time i left the show in the middle of.. that was the only one i met i think-? Other than you-
,,sighs and shakes his head before his lips form an "o" shape and eyes go a bit wide, head shaking quickly
No ! I- i mean yes- everything's fine, i- i didn't make.. you uncomfortable, did i-? You didn't have to send the pup out or-
Joshua 2 months ago
@Zhao Lei /Joshua keeps his smile, watching how you behave curiously although not in a negative way/
Good, I would want to say your name right of course if we are paired together! Have you been on the show for a while or did you also just join?
/a bit confused by the seriousness in your gaze, he furrows my brows together and gives his dog a signal with his hand to go outside/
Is everything okay? If you want, you can go sit down, I made some cupcakes for you while I waited. but if not, I can also just put them in the fridge, no problem of course!
Zhao Lei 2 months ago
@Joshua ,,blinks a few times quickly, his head tilting to the side as he processes your words, his brows furrowing slightly in a small amount of confusion
I don't get it..
,,he mumbles more to himself than anyone else before clearing his throat slightly and standing a little straighter, nodding his head a couple times
Yes, that's me you.. said it fine- it's nice to meet you, Joshua..
,,looks back to the dog, expression softening just slightly before he looks to you once more, a more serious one quickly coming back
Mhm, it's- fine.. dogs are cute-
Joshua 2 months ago
@Zhao Lei /As he just finished decorating the baked goods, Joshua hears the door opening, looking at who came in before meeting the stranger's eyes./
Well, not a boy anymore but thanks~
/he laughs softly, his eyes almost shaped like a crescent moon as he walks over to the other/
I'm Joshua, you must be my pair, Zhao Lei, right? I hope I pronounced it correctly?
/looks over at his dog currently lazing on the couch before looking back at you/
And this is Jen, I hope it's not a problem I brought her but I promise, she is a sweet girl
Zhao Lei 2 months ago
@Joshua ,,a small sigh leaves his lips as he approaches the pair house, looking at the entrance for a while and debating on if he should enter or just run; the thought leaves fairly quickly as he pushes the door open and steps inside, only for his eyes to go a little wide at the sight of the large dog, head lifting and eyes darting around until they land on you, brows furrowing slightly as his words seem to slip without him thinking, even knowing he's never spoken to you before and you may not know who he is at all
Pretty boy-?
Joshua 2 months ago
@Zhao Lei /comes in the pair house with his Samoyed dog, her already frollicking outside while he unpacks his things, kind of feeling bad for bringing such a huge dog to this tiny house but he didn't know how big it was beforehand. after he was done unpacking, he put out some dog bowls filled with food and water outside in case his dog got hungry and starts to bake up something for his pair/


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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