→ Animal ℛehab


animal rehab

who's that boy

that own this

it's the man

koseki yuta

Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta (No worries >< I’m sowwie for not replying sooner as well! ;-;)

As Skyler’s tongue tickled his skin, Taehyung couldn’t help but to let out a small giggle before petting the dog as he nuzzled his head onto his leg. After showing his ankle, he would pull down his pant leg down to hide it once again before keeping his eyes on Skyler, nodding lightly before glancing up at the male. He would see how he clench his hands in his lap, making Taehyung slowly reach over to rub his shoulder gently and reassuringly. “It's alright....and I have, but even if I was terrified back then and became nervous around dogs, I feel more horrible for the dog that was there at the time and what it must of went through, maybe be...mistreated...I don't blame them at all....but it also hurts knowing that something bad had happened to them." He would mumble softly before looking down at Skyler, smiling weakly as his other hand continued to pet him.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Taehyung didn't get a chance to look over at Yuta, to see him smiling warmly, since he had waited for Skyler to do his trick. Once he did respond to Taehyung's second time at the command, Taehyung couldn't help but to grin widely, giving his signature boxer smile towards Skyler, feeling very proud of him for being able to achieve it for his treat. With his hand that held the treat, he would open his palm, revealing the treat to the dog, letting him take it to enjoy. He would giggle softly before praising Skyler. "What a good doggy you are, Skyler~..." Looking over at Yuta this time, he saw his warm smile, making him smile back warmly as he shook his head a bit before looking back at the dog, placing his paw down so he can rest his hand on his lap. "Thank you, Yuta~....and yeah, I've never done this before....mainly because of a fear that I have..." Before he continued his words, he would glance down at his ankle, humming softly. "....it involves the accident that I brought up." Slowly reaching his ankle, he would pull up his skinny pants, revealing what looked like part of his was missing a chunk of of his ankle, but you could see the bite mark scars around the skin, it was different color from his skin color, as well as being red. "I think you can tell but I was bitten by homeless dog, and it was a pretty big dog....I was young at the time and playing on my own with my parents watching from the side....and it came out of no where....I think it thought I was on it's territory at the park." He would say softly before pulling back his hand as he leaned his back against the couch.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Taehyung couldn't help himself but to laugh softly as Yuta mentioned to have a little faith in him, catching his wink as he did. "I do~....Even though we just met and all, you seem like a warm person, who cares very dearly for the animals here, and I'm positive that you do an amazing job at finding the right homes for them." He would say to the other before listening to his next words, nodding in agreement that the animals deserve the best.Taehyung didn't realize that Yuta had been observing him as he kept his eyes on Skyler, blinking as he heard Yuta's words. He understood what he meant, letting go of his bottom lip as he did his best to relax so show a bit more authority with the trick. That was something with Taehyung, he was someone who tended to be a gentle soul, that many people took for granted or used as an advantage to themselves. It was just a part of him and he couldn't help himself with it. But in this situation, like how he read in the books at the library, he needed to show authority with the tricks, as well as being more confident than he usually is. "Alrighty!...Skyler, shake." Taehyung would say, straightening out his hand a bit more, his voice showing a bit more confident than before, without hesitatingly pausing, his gentleness still there but not as much compared to before, waiting to see what would happen.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Hearing him chuckle made Taehyung giggle at his words, nodding in understanding. "I see what you mean~.." Looking over at Yuta as he pulled out another treat, seeing how Skyler do his trick, making him smile widely as he hummed happily, mumbling a small, "woah~...." to himself. Giving his attention back to the other, he would smile warmly, knowing that one day Skyler will indeed find a loving home for him to fully enjoy, with a loving family. "I bet Skyler will find the perfect home one day, and I'm sure whoever will, will give him the love and affection he deserve." Taehyung would blink at first, slowly reaching into the bag to grab a treat before giggling once more, finding it amusing how Skyler looked confused at Yuta as he spelled it out. "I'll try....but I don't think I'll be good~.." He would let Yuta know honestly, as he bite his lower lip, reaching out his free hand, palm up, towards the dog, before calling out to him softly. "Skyler.....shake~..."
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Taehyung was oblivious that Yuta had heard him and would bring up his warm smile as he nodded at his words about trying new things and exploring. But soon he would giggle as he nodded happily, as if Yuta had seen right through him, figuring out that he enjoyed books. “I do! I had no idea you would figure that out so quickly~....usually I would have to let people know but you managed to be on point with it.” He would explain honestly before blinking as he watched Skyler, letting his lips form an ‘o’ shape as he looked over under Yuta’s arm, seeing the treat, making him giggle to himself at the adorable sight, but would frown, knowing how badly Skyler was treated before. “Ohh~ I understand~....and he definitely needs that love and support that he deserves.” As Yuta continued to explain, Taehyung listened attentively while watching Skyler with warm eyes, enjoying the sight of the happiness that he’s in.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Unaware that Yuta had made it back while he was rubbing his ankle as he petted Skyler, Taehyung would smile warmly at the dog, wanting to reassure him that he was alright. “Hey~....I’m alright~...sometimes the muscle inside gets sore from how weak it is....but I’m fine~....let’s wait for Yu-“ Taehyung would cut himself off as he was whispering to Skyler, looking up at the person he was going to mention, widening his eyes a bit as he pulled back his hand from his ankle, placing it back on his lap. He would bite his inner cheek nervously, wondering if he saw and heard what he was saying to Skyler before reaching up to carefully take a hold of the mug. “Thank you, Yuta~...” Taehyung would say with a soft smile before blowing gently on his tea, taking a small sip, letting it warm up his body. Looking up at Yuta, he smiled warmly and nodded his head, lowering his cup a bit as he answered. “It is. You’ll usually catch me there or at some cafe shop if I’m not working. But I love trying new things and exploring too.”
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH ( Lool that’s okay too! We all get tired here and then. But thank you!! Try to take more naps and get some rest, and stay warm too ^^ )

During the long pause, Taehyung wasn’t too sure if it was good or bad. Maybe he’s trying to figure out his words? Or maybe because he wasn’t used to someone like Taehyung, wanting him to possibly leave? His overthinking began to swarm throughout his mind before he saw Yuta smile, making him let out a breath he had no idea he was holding in. “Thank you, Yuta~....and I don’t mind at all. I’m over it now since it happened to me when I was a kid....but because of it, it makes me feel a bit....weaker....but I do my best to prove that I’m okay to others.” He would say at first, letting himself blabber for a moment, not realizing that Yuta had stepped closer to him, before he flinched slightly, feeling his hand on top of his head, letting him ruffle it as his cheeks turned a faded pink, not really used to the touching but not minding at all. Glancing up at the other, he would look back down at Skyler, wanting his hair to cover his face as he lightly nodded at his words, humming softly before looking up as he heard the door. Taehyung’s eyes would soften at Skyler’s behavior, slowly moving himself down to sit on the floor, his back to the couch as he extended his legs out. Before speaking to Skyler, he would reach over to his scarred ankle, rubbing it gently, leaning back to look over at Skyler. “Shhhh~....it’s okiee~.....Yuta will be back.....I won’t hurt you remember?....I just want to be your friend, that’s all.”
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH (no worries~ ^^ I'm not in a rush or anything! classes started for me this week and work has gotten hectic for me too ;-; I just pop by whenever I can ^^)

Hearing Yuta's words made him feel happy that he was able to come by instead of staying at the library or at a cafe shop. Taehyung loved trying new things even though he doesn't show it as much to others, he was someone you'd have to get to know for him to open up. But there were times where he would feel comfortable around someone, and he wouldn't mind being less shy around them. "Great~....I can't wait to make more visits in the future then." Taehyung would say with a happy smile, his nerves slowly fading away as he continued to pet Skyler gently. However, as his eyes were on the dog, he felt himself freeze a bit from Yuta's words before he cut himself off but would blink, shaking his head slightly to get himself out of his frozen state to look up at the other. The story was something that he never really told anyone. Taehyung kept it to himself and family, doing his best in the public eye to stand on his foot like anyone else. But from his first pairing, he knew he needed to be more opened with others so everyone can have a better understanding of him. It made him bite his bottom lip nervously before letting his eyes focus on Skyler again. "O-Oh!....Tea sounds nice~....and because I said it....I don't mind if you ask me what I meant.....I...I want to be more opened with others because of my first pairing from the show that's been going around. So I don't mind~....I'm starting to enjoy being here and its starting to feel like a safe place for me." Taehyung would say in a soft voice, before moving his eyes up to the other, smiling at him reassuringly.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Seeing how Skyler's tail was wagging from the praise that he had given him, Taehyung would continue to smile warmly down at the dog before moving his eyes to Yuta, to show that he had been paying attention. "Ah, it's also nice to meet you too, Yuta-ssi~...and only if that would be alright. My coworkers have been trying to get me out of the library since I rarely, almost never, take some time off to myself. Maybe if it's alright, if I can come and spend some time with them. I personally don't think I'm ready to own one on my own yet, since I've never owned a pet before and it would be nice to spend some time with the different animals." He would tell the other. But would blink, as he looked down at Skyler as he felt one of his paws being placed lightly on his leg, feeling him push his head into Taehyung's hand. It did catch his attention, but it made him feel like he shouldn't be scared, feeling how light Skyler was being with him. So Taehyung would keep his eyes on Skyler, petting his head gently as he smiled warmly, mumbling as if talking to just Skyler, "Did you want my attention~?....If I'm allowed to visit, you'll always have my attention, okiee~?...I was scared of you because of an accident that I was put in....but you make me feel better, Skyler~...."
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Smiling warmly at Skyler, not minding that he hesitated at first, Taehyung continued to let him gently, glancing up at Yuta as he heard his voice before keeping his eyes on Skyler. Blinking a bit, surprised that Skyler hadn’t bit his hand, he continued to smile warmly, moving his hand slowly up to pet the top of Skyler’s head, mumbling softly to praise him. “You are such a good boy~....thank you for letting me be able to pet you~...” he would praise, letting out a small giggle as he watched Skyler, continuing to pet him before looking up at Yuta. “I don’t think I got to properly introduce myself, I’m Taehyung~....but you can just call me Tae. Thank you for letting me come in to spend time with the animals.” He would say before looking back down at Skyler, feeling a bit more comfortable as he slowly let his guard down.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH As Taehyung watched Skyler, seeing how he was so focused on sniffing his fingers and seeing how Skyler would jump back in surprise from bopping his little nose onto his finger, made Taehyung continue to giggle, using his free hand to cover his lips as he smiled widely at the small action. Thinking how adorable and precious Skylar was, letting him take his time sniffing his scent. Glancing towards Yuta, he noticed the small, encouraging nod before slowly and cautiously reaching out to scratch behind Skyler's ear gently. He was hesitant at first, thinking that he would be bit again but had a feeling that Skylar wouldn't do so after being very cute with his nose bop to Taehyung's finger.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Giggling softly at how Skyler perked up by just the sound of his name, Taehyung would use the hand that he waved with, slowly and gently placing it down for the dog to sniff him, with his palm up. He didn’t touch him yet, but knew that Skyler wanted to get used to the smell of himself, letting Skyler choose whether or not he would be comfortable around him. Taehyung wasn’t normally this shy or nervous in the outside world, but he wasn’t one to be socialized or have many friends for that matter. He also had his fun side and loved exploring new places, even if he didn’t show it. It was like he was in his own shell, and those that wanted to be close to him would have to pull him out somehow. He felt a bit scared of animals if he had to be honest with himself. Ever since that accident with the homeless dog that him and his parents weren’t aware of, he would be cautious if other animals would bite him too. He didn’t mind biting, like little playful bites, just scared of being hurt by the deep bites, like the one on his ankle. He would look down at Skyler, giving him a small warm smile, wanting him to be comfortable and patiently waited to let Skyler make his choice of wanting to be close to himself. What he didn’t notice was that Yuta had kept watch of the two, Taehyung would assume that his focus was on Skyler but was oblivious to know that.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Taehyung would listen to the male’s words, nodding as he understood, since he was aware that each animal, it didn’t matter which breed but he knew that they all had different personalities, just like with people. You never know until you get to know them. Watching him disappear, he let out a small sigh, he would bend over, to rub his right ankle that had the old, deep bite mark scar, feeling it tense up a bit but was glad that he was sitting now. He felt very hesitant and felt not that confident on himself choosing a dog, but remembered how they had different personalities. He would lean back on the chair before Yuta had come back with a somewhat small dog in his arms, it made him feel warm at how adorable the sight was. As the male sat down on the floor with the dog, Taehyung remained in his seat as he wrapped his arms around himself, leaning over a bit, because he didn’t want to scare the dog away, that was why he stayed in his position. He would smile warmly at Skyler, pulling back his hand to wave lightly, mumbling to him softly. “Hi S-Skyler~...you are just the c-cutest dog I’ve seen~...”
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Feeling the pat on his shoulder from the other male, it made Taehyung look up but smile softly as he listened to the him explain, nodding away as he listened to every word, giving Yuta his full attention. His lips would form an 'o' shape before he nodded. Even though he was told to not worry, Taehyung continued to have his worry about how the animals would react to him and all. Taehyung made sure to follow Yuta to the next room, his eyes traveled everywhere as he took in everything, letting out a small, quiet "wow~..." as he did. Nodding at the male's words, he slowly made his way over to the cushions that were placed against the wall for people to sit. Taehyung would look up at the other as he sat up straight, and as much as it would be amazing to see a ferret or a bird in person, he didn't think he was ready for unique animals like them, thinking he would be too nervous so he stuck with a dog as his first choice. "Will it be alright t-to see a dog?.....I would love to see the birds and ferrets...but I don't know how they'll like me....a-and I don't think I would be ready."
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Seeing Yuta's soft expression made Taehyung feel a bit at ease, his nerves were still there but let out a small breath, to help him look a bit more relaxed. He would smile softly at the male's words, glad that he was somewhat of a help to Yuta and to the animals here. His main goal here was to just spend some quality time with the animals and just to gain some experience on what it would be like to be around them. He didn't think much of it, besides Yuta being a pretty handsome man, but other than that, there wasn't any other focus that he could think of. Stepping aside as he heard Yuta's words, he would look back, watching him lock and place the sign up. It made him curious at first but he figured that it was because he was the only employee here present, since Taehyung hadn't seen anyone else around. That was something he had to do with the library as well. Even if it was just a library, he had to make sure to lock it so no one, including the homeless, could barge in and make the library as if it was their own place. The same would also go for preventing robberies since there would be times customers wouldn't return items and there were fines given. Taehyung would waive fines if they brought it back or at least bought a book replacement, it didn't have to be the same book, just as long as they took time to replace it. Otherwise the customers would have to pay for their fine to help replace it. Looking up at the other, Taehyung nodded and followed him slowly as he looked around, with a curious mind. He would see Yuta washing his hands with soap, then drying them, knowing immediately that was to keep the animals healthy and clean, he would nod with a small smile, pulling up his coat sleeves before washing his hands with soap then drying them. "All done~....but do we n-need to sanitize our hands....j-just in case?" He would ask, wanting to be sure he was doing everything correctly.
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH Once inside the animal rehab, Taehyung’s eyes wondered around, taking in everything that the area had to offer. It was his first time here and he was feeling nervous, anxious, and worried. He felt those feelings since he had never owned a pet before and hadn’t really had the chance to interact with any animals ever since he was little. He did have an experience that left a small bite scar, and the scar would be located on his ankle. He was very young and was out playing in the park, until an unowned dog came running from its hiding spot that neither him or his parents noticed at the time, running straight to Taehyung before giving him a harsh bite to his ankle. Since he was a little boy at the time, it managed to bite pretty deeply, leaving him a bite scar there, but it would also affect him a bit from not being able to stand on that specific foot for a long period of time. He did feel very hesitant, unsure if any of the pets here would even like him, but he did his best to research about animals so hopefully this would be enough for him to get the courage to be close to them while being here. Blinking, he looked up to see a very handsome male as he made his way to approach Taehyung. Since this was his first time here, his nerves got the best of him as he looked down at his shoes, mumbling his words but loud enough for the other to hear as he stuttered a bit. “Ummm~....hi~ I haven’t been h-here before and was wondering if it would be a-alright to meet some of y-your friends here? I know I’m not ready to own any pet of my own yet....but I did my research and have been reading a lot of b-books about them. So would it be a-alright if I stayed here a bit to spend some time with them?...”
Taehyung 3 years ago
@Koseki Yuta SH After getting off work, especially after his coworkers told him that they’ll be alright since he rarely took days off, Taehyung headed onto the streets, wondering what to do with his free time. He worked as a librarian but because there were many people in the library, his coworkers would push him to take some time off since he would always be around, even covering for anyone when they would want time off. As he was walking, he thought about maybe visiting an Animal Shelter or an Animal Rehab. He had always wanted a pet of his own since it did get pretty lonely living on his own, however, he was very hesitant, since he never owned a pet, he was scared of not doing a good enough job to raise a pet of his own. While he was walking, he was having a little argument in his own thoughts about whether to go visit an Animal Shelter/Rehab or to pass, and go home to read more about pets. As if he received a sign, he stumbled upon a small Animal Rehab. “Maybe I’ll just look.....no harm in that....” He would mumble to himself as he reached for the door, opening it before walking in as the bell rung, notifying whoever was inside that someone had just walked in. The moment he stepped inside, he smiled softly to himself as he was glad it was warm inside, rubbing together his cold hands to keep warm from the cold weather outside.


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density 3 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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