¤ All's Fair in Love and War


⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan This one was a tough nut to crack, but no matter. The longer they struggled, the more fun they were to play with. Yibo chuckled as he gave a few more s, then pulling out and pulling out a napkin from his coat pocket to wipe off the stickiness coating his . His release was there, so pulling out was not ideal, but Yibo didn't want Zhan to think that he was done using the older's body. "We'll continue this later," he said, pulling up his pants and making a flicking motion with his finger for the gorilla men to bring Zhan back to the laboratory. "Like hell they will." Yibo concluded flatly, "Get used to your new life, puppy." and turned to head back first, his men dragging Zhan in tow behind him.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan grunted softly when his face was jerked up without a warning, his breaths ragged as he struggled to regain control of himself. At Yibo's request, he said nothing, turning his head away the best he could so he wouldn't have to look at the other man anymore. His body sagged, weightless, from the terrible pain inflicted. Zhan's voice was hoarse when he said, without inflection, "You'll get what's coming. All of you. When I don't return, they'll know."
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan It was a shame really, that Yibo had been isolated deep in the middle of the woods - he wasn't getting the social contact that he needed on a regular basis except what could be deemed as a one sided conversation with the gorilla men, most of them simply answering him gruffly when instructed to follow orders. Zhan was considered his reward for holding out so long. It didn't matter that he was a man half a decade older than Yibo who was resisting him vehemently right. All it mattered was that Yibo /owned/ the older in this moment, dominated him and ravished him. His s were full of pent up vigor, erratic and rushed as he chased after his impending release. By now, Yibo was grunting in tune to Zhan's pathetic screams, the younger enjoying the pained sounds more than he though. His nails, though not as sharp as he liked, dragged down the middle of Zhan's chest, creating red and white streaks, "Feels good, doesn't it? Say thank you, puppy." Yibo grinned, grabbing Zhan's face between his hand, commanding seriously.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo When Zhan's back arched upwards, the skin of his belly stretched taught in the cold air. A choked sob tore out of his throat. He jerked violently when a hand cupped his cheek, his neck cricking painfully when he moved too fast. He seemed to forget he was crying every other second, but then he would take a breath of the crisp, cold air, and realize his throat had swollen closed from his screams and cries. He wanted to fight Yibo, fight the terrible feeling off of him, but the other man's unforgiving s rendered him immobile. Zhan's pleas reduced to whimpers as his body wore out easily from struggling. He rested limp in his captors' tight grips, his chest seizing with each freezing breath he took. Yibo's voice sounded far, distant, nightmarish. Zhan wondered if he was dead. He wondered how much longer until he was.
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan It would take some sort of miracle for Zhan to not be in stinging pain everywhere from his chest downwards now, since Yibo had dispensed his attention equally. By now, even his palms were tinted red from each stinging slap he landed on Zhan's surprisingly unmarked body. Yibo laughed, a rather ugly cackle, as his fingers lightly danced over the he had so cruelly teased just moments ago. He wanted to give Zhan a variety of sensations, but never the feeling of satisfaction. That was the price of working for the government, at least in Yibo's cryptic mind. With the hand that was not toying with Zhan's perky nub, Yibo reached up, cupping the male's crying cheek and running the pad of this thumb under his eyes, crushing the tears and smearing the water further on Zhan's skin instead of drying it away, "Relax, puppy." he mocked in honey-like voice, taking note of where Zhan's gaze was locked, "Are you enjoying this? Probably the highlight of your career, isn't it?" he asked and then pulled his length all the way out, giving the older male a grand total of zero seconds to adjust before he rammed himself back inside, wanting to draw more noises from his victim.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo A cry bubbled up to Zhan's throat, and his back arched in a painfully unnatural way as Yibo rammed against him. His toes and fingers curled, desperate for a grip on anything as if he could divert the pain away. There was something thick and viscous running down his skin, pooling below his lower back and gathering weight to drip down into the disturbed snow beneath them. "Stop," Zhan choked out again when Yibo asked (probably rhetorically) for clarification. Easily, Zhan had throw his dignity aside to plead for mercy. If Yibo had tortured him the usual way, cutting him or piercing his body with a knife instead, Zhan would have endured. He could have endured. At another hard , Zhan let out a strangled, guttural cry, a wounded animal in his own right. His chest stung at Yibo's rough grab at his perking, cold . The tear that rolled down the side of his face left a cool track in its wake. Zhan sobbed, lifting his head and catching sight of Yibo's length pumping in and out of him. He couldn't tear his gaze away, entranced at the grotesque sight.
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan "Wrong again," Yibo laughed mercilessly, thinking this was the first time he had come across a government dog who was just so /bad/ with his words, "It's actually /you/. It was kind of fun, to think that this was the type of people getting sent outside the border into unknown territory. These were the types of susceptible men who fell prey to the empty promises of the Chairman. They were throwing their lives away for a cause that would never come to light. But Yibo was not the type that would let these troublemakers die in glory. He wanted to let them know they made the wrong decisions in life, and the more they regretted, the better.

Grinning once more, he began to repeat the same slapping motions against Zhan's inner thighs, turning the pale skin an angry shade of red, one that was comparable to his bleeding entrance. "What did you say?" Yibo teased, leaning in when he heard the other asking to stop, "I don't think I heard you properly." he hummed and gave a particularly hard , groaning from the force of the impact from his end as well. "It's a pity you don't understand human language." Yibo lamented mockingly, "If you had told me what I wanted to hear from the beginning, you wouldn't be subject to this right now, would you?" he asked, lifting Zhan's tattered shirt up and grabbing harshly on the older's s, giving them a hard twist.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan teeth clenched together so hard he thought they would break. Yibo was laughing, saying something that sounded like he was mocking him, but Zhan couldn't hear anything besides the crunch of snow beneath the men's feet as they shuffled to hold him in place. He released a breath, white puffing up in the crisp air with each exhale. A resounding slap rang through the air when Yibo's hand raked across Zhan's cool cheeks, his head jerking from the force. Zhan bit on his tongue to stop the whimper that built up in his throat, hard enough until he tasted blood filling his mouth.

Of all the things that could be happening to him, he thought, his head falling back and hanging nearly upside down, his eyes rolling up towards the orange sky of the setting sun. There were so many things training had prepared him for. Being locked underground, beaten, tortured, but not like /this/. Zhan couldn't help but to cry out again when Yibo's rough movements impaled him over and over without mercy. Each time Zhan tried to grit his teeth and growl something insulting for the man to hear, he was cut off by his own pained moans. " you," he barely managed, his throat dry and seizing from all his hitched breaths. "Ah! Ah- stop-"
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan Yibo scoffed when he heard the loud, tortured scream that ripped from Zhan's throat at the penetration. "Oh come on," he groaned as he felt the tight muscles wrap around his , squeezing tightly and unforgivingly, "What's a little bit of pain for a trooper like you?" he asked, a very cold grin on his face following as he watched the male's face contort and twist up in the most agonized expressions. Yibo could feel Zhan's body shaking, and that was saying a lot considering how tightly the gorilla men were subduing him. As a scientist, an engineer, and innovator, Yibo was quite busy most of the time, finding solace in his projects more than he did human interaction. And so when an opportunity presented itself so cleanly in front of him, what little was left of his conscious and morality (there was little to begin with) disappeared, and he took great pleasure in abusing the tight entrance. Within moments, Yibo had began to move his hips, pushing himself through the dry orifice at an unforgiving pace with uncontrolled strength.

His eyes met with Zhan's, and the younger male smirked, reaching a hand up to give a few teasing smacks at his victim's cheek, each one increasing in pressure and finally leaving bright red fingerprint marks on Zhan's face, "Praying that your dear Chairman will come save you now, Xiao Zhan-ah?" Yibo taunted, laughing as he shook his head, making sure to lean forward as he emphasized, "He won't even know you're gone." then he chuckled, "So I can do anything I want to you." Another laugh, "And no one would ever know!"
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan could've sworn he stopped breathing when Yibo's pants are off. His mind drew a blank as to /why/ this man needed to whip his at this moment. It dawned on him, horror settling and filling his chest, holding his breath from exhale when he realized just what Yibo wanted to do when the tip of his length touched Zhan's cool skin.

Xiao Zhan has been shot before, but he didn't think the pain of a bullet tearing through sinew and muscle could hurt less than what had just happened. His body tensed in response to the intrusion. At first, there was only a slight burn, but it blossomed rapidly into a pain that felt as though he were being torn open from the inside. A yell ripped out of his throat before he could stop it. He pressed his lips shut immediately, his teeth digging into the insides of his cheeks in a poor attempt to redirect and distract himself from the pain shooting through his lower half. Combined with the cold air, Zhan couldn't stop shaking, his legs twitching against his will.
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan "Wonderful, you just continue to be quiet now." Yibo grinned, holding up a piece of what used to be Zhan's briefs, dangling the loose piece of cloth in front of the other's face, "Or else I'll have to put this to good use." he hinted. Then, dropping it over Zhan's abdomen, Yibo turned to insert the knife back into the holdings of its owner's belt. He grinned, making deliberate eye contact with the immobilized male, making sure the loud zip of his pants being undone could be heard by all. "Since you can't give me information, then you might as well give me some stress relief." Yibo hummed nonchalantly, releasing his own member and giving it a few pumps to erect it.

The gorilla men were not looking at Yibo, knowing where the boundaries lay. But, they had the common sense to bend their knees, lowering Zhan's body just to the perfect level that Yibo could easily mount him. Yibo grinned devilishly, making his intentions very clear as he gave a hard smack against the inside of Zhan's thigh without any warning, "Since you're the Chairman's dog, I won't mind treating you like one then." Yibo grinned, eyes glued to Zhan's face as he then forcefully shoved his all the way inside the man's in one motion, stretching and stuffing the other with his sizeable length.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan's heart thudded painfully in his chest as he was hefted up without a warning. He felt terrible for thinking so, but in the moment he couldn't help but think Jiacheng and Zifan had the easy way out. Eyeing the knife that materialized in Yibo's hand, Zhan knew (anyone would, really) that being gutted open could possibly be one of the worst ways to go. He struggled with the desperation of a trapped animal, as if he were in the last fight for his life (which he may as well be, seeing the malicious gleam in Yibo's eyes as he neared Zhan). It was to no avail, however. There was only one man restraining his upper body, but his arms were so thick that Zhan could do no more than twist his torso rather pathetically. His knee jerked up to kick at one of his assailants, but a quick shock from the taser stilled Zhan long enough for the two to grab one of his legs each and hold them still.

Zhan became still when the blade levelled near his crotch. 'No', he thought, vowing that if Yibo stabbed him down there, he would return as a vengeful ghost and haunt the man for life. He tried to bring his knees together, but the men held fast. Zhan winced when the knife touched the front of his pants, but to his surprise felt nothing but the cold mountain air touching his exposed skin. His surprise made itself known in a startled gasp. "What are you- this is pointless," Zhan tried to say without the tremor in his voice (it came out anyway). "Do what you want, I'm not telling a /thing/."
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan "Oh?" Yibo asked, a sudden amusement in his face as he straightened himself, "I don't think ing myself is a thing. But ing /you/ on the other hand, that's very doable." he grinned, two fingers making a beckoning motion upwards for the gorilla men to pick Zhan up. "Actually, you just gave me a very good idea." Yibo laughed, great amusement on his face, "Hold him up for me, boys." he ordered.

Meaty hands grabbed at Zhan's body, one gorilla man hooking under Zhan's armpits and pulling him back to lock his arms, the other two on either side, taking hold of Zhan's leg and pulling them apart. This was not the first time their superior had asked them to do something of this nature. They were completely unphased. Yibo grinned, taking note of the look of panic on his victim's face, "What's wrong? Suddenly wanting to talk?" he asked, taking the pocket knife and lining it up to the material of Zhan's thick, military-styled pants, "If you ever decide to talk at any point, then maybe I'll let you off." Yibo hummed, "Just maybe." And then he began to cut through the fabric of Zhan's clothing, bearing the male for everyone to see.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan swallowed when the tip of the blade touched the underside of his chin. He let it guide his bruising face up, wondering what would happen if he just closed the tiny distance between him and Yibo and bit the other's nose clean off. It didn't seem like there was any chance of escape for him now anymore, anyway. A stinging sensation began to spread across the skin under his jaw - he'd been nicked. Zhan didn't flinch, his mouth set into a hard and determined line as he stared back at Yibo. He was cut deep enough that he could feel blood trickling along his neck. staining the collar of his top.

"And then you can tell me what you're here for, who sent you, and why they want it."

"Take a shot at it yourself, wise guy," Zhan said after a beat of silence. "And why don't you go yourself while you're at it?"
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan "Shame. I would like to say I don't know about loyalty. There's a reason why my men and I are called traitors to the government" Yibo replied nonchalantly, words followed by a shrug for emphasis. He chuckled, pacing around with a pocket knife that he had picked out from one of the gorilla men's suits, twirling it in his fingers as he would a pencil, "So I guess today I'll learn a little more about it from you." he grinned, then pointing the blade out as he slide it underneath Zhan's chin, their faces menacingly close as he hummed, "And just another thing. If you know anything about patience, you'll know the time I spend on things of value to me are never a waste." he grinned, digging the knife against Zhan's skin just slightly so there was a little knick in the victim's skin, a few droplets of dark red blood tainting the white snow. Pulling back, Yibo sighed softly, almost as if was a waste to taint that otherwise flawless skin, "So I'll give you a moment to sit on that thought." Yibo grinned, "And then you can tell me what you're here for, who sent you, and why they want it."
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan grunted when he was forced up, his knees skidding in the snow when he was forced to kneel on them. His arm was beginning to numb from being bent back at such an awkward angle for so long, which was always a bad sign. There was no escaping his captors if he couldn't even swing his arms in proper punches. "If you know anything about loyalty," Zhan growled, his body trembling from the cold and the aftershock of the taser. "You'll know I won't say a thing. You're wasting your time."
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan Yibo should have seen the spit coming for him at some point or another, but it was still not a pleasant or welcome experience. Wiping his cheek with the back of his wrist, he held up a hand to stop the gorilla man who was ready to punch Zhan up the head for being so disrespectful. Yet another amused grin took over Yibo's face and he chuckled softly, dropping the hand as he addressed his men, "We'll get him to talk." Yibo assured them. He was a patient man. How else would he have been the only one to be able to develop the groundbreaking biochemical nuclear weapons that everyone, the government especially, was fearful of yet trying to get their hands on? Sighing softly, he tsked, "It's a shame that you sided wrongly with the Chairman." His eyes leered up and down Zhan's face, "But just give me some time and I'm sure you'll change your mind." he said, standing and taking a few paces back, flicking his fingers for the men to lift Zhan up, forcing him onto his knees.
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan swallowed hard, his grin freezing and faltering as confusion filled his mind coming down from its adrenaline high. What did the other mean by that? Zhan had expected them to dispose of him once it was clear not he nor any of the men sent (should they be unlucky enough to be captured) were going to talk. Zhan’s eyes crossed to focus on his metal tags that dangled in front of his face, then thrown far. If he died now, it would take much longer for his family to be notified. Zhan clenched his teeth, turning his face to pull it out of Yibo’s grasp again. The hold on his cheek held fast this time, so when Yibo knelt before him, their eyes level, Zhan spat in the other’s face, his jaw set in defiance.
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan What a personality. Yibo had to say he was amused at the least. Laughing as he gripped the other's chin harder, he turned Zhan's head towards him, the obvious disregard for a limit how the human body should be twisted and turned when in such a vulnerable position passing over his head in the moment. "I would say we speak the same language, Zhanzhan." Yibo teased as he dangled the dog tag in front of the older's eyes, "But where you're a pet dog that only knows how to beg and bite when commanded to do so by your master, I'm a dog with a little more free will." Yibo chuckled and then made a deliberate movement of clutching the object in his hand. He stood and turned to his right, chucking the silvery tag far off into the distance where he was told the two other infiltrators had been easily wiped out just earlier. When Zhan struggled, Yibo's men only subdued him further, not even using a quarter of their strength to subdue this little runt. "Oh I forgot to mention. I'm also the alpha dog around here." Yibo mused. He crouched again, giving Zhan's cheeks a few harsh taps, taunting, "And what's a collared dog like yourself to do when your master forsakes you like this?" he asked, almost a playful gleam behind his eyes, "You find a new Master."
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan pressed his lips together at the question in a clear indication that he wasn't going to speak, jerking his chin out of Wang Yibo's grasp. There was a sense of pride that accompanied taking charge to lead an operation into this notorious facility, and even in the face of death, Zhan did not tremble. There was a fire in his eyes that did not die down even when an intrusive hand patted along his jacket, pulling out the dog tag Zhan kept in an inner pocket. It only bore his name, but Zhan shifted uncomfortably when Yibo said his name like that. Still, his expression remained closed off, his mouth set in a determined way. Wang Yibo was impressive, holding so much power for a small person, but Zhan was not scared. "What was that?" he finally decided to say, a corner of his lips curling up despite the bruise former over it, the purpled skin pulling when he grinned. "I don't speak dog. You're Huang Ziteng's /dog/, right? Why do you think I'm here?"
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Xiao Zhan "Won't say a word?" Yibo repeated, eyeing the pinned down male with intrigue. He took slow, deliberate steps up to the captured man, then crouching down at eye-level and tilting his head coyly, a little smile on his face as he addressed the other, "And why won't you say a word?" Yibo asked. When he got no reply, in fact, no eye contact, Yibo reached out, grabbing the other's dirt-stained chin with clean hands, tilting it back so their eyes would meet, "Don't you know I'm the one who spared your life?" he asked, ever so calmly.

Even if they weren't getting any information now, one thing was very clear to Yibo. This was a man of the government. What a loyal dog. "Hold him down." he ordered his men and then began feeling alongside the captee's clothing. Finding a little pocket just at the abdomen level, Yibo reached in, finding exactly what he was looking for. "This is why the government is quite foolish." he hummed in amusement to himself. It was the tag that all soldiers and government agents had, which enabled them to be recognized even if they died. Holding the shining silver tag out in front of him, Yibo read the name under the light of the setting sun, "Xiao Zhan." Looking down at the male, he then narrowed his eyes, "What are you doing here, Xiao Zhan?"
⚔️Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@⚔️Wang Yibo Zhan did not get very far, he realized when he was struck in the back with twin clips of a taser. He fell forward, sprawling into the cold hardened ground face first. Through his hazed vision and ringing that started immediately in his ears, he could hear Jiacheng and Zifan yelling ahead of him, somewhere near the electric fence border, debating on whether to leave Zhan or not. There was a spray of bullets then silence, save for Zhan's heavy breathing as his body convulsed from the wires sending a strong current through him. The moment the taser retracted, Zhan pushed himself up onto his feet again, stumbling forward blindly before he was slammed into the ground again.

"Kill him," one of the men said gruffly.

"Don't you think Boss would want to see?"

"See what? There's been plenty of these rats coming in lately. You want to risk him escaping?"

"Boss said to keep one if we can. He's not going anywhere, look at him."

It was true. Zhan, dazed from the taser's stun, was lolling his head forward in an attempt to recover himself quickly whilst his fate was being discussed. There was a tight grip on his left upper arm, so Zhan jerked his right elbow backwards in an attempt to break free. His elbow slammed into his captor's face, meeting cartilage with an ugly /crack/, and shouts filled the air before he was beat painfully across his cheekbone and the taser's clips found his shoulder. He jerked uncontrollably at the sensation, his teeth clenching together hard before he bit his tongue off.

Zhan wasn't sure how long he knelt in the thin layer of frost and snow on the ground, his knees surely reddening and skinning from the pressure. Two large men stood on either sides of him, one restraining each of his arms, their knees pressed into his shoulder blades to bend his arms back at a high angle. He struggled, but to no avail. They asked him who sent him. Zhan only bared his teeth in a growl. He would sooner die, he told them, which only earned him a knee to his face.

"Boss," the gorilla not holding Zhan said. "Here he is. Won't say a word."

Zhan tilted his head up to gauge the newcomer, feeling a trickle of warm blood roll down the side of his head, down his jaw, and stain the white ground beneath him. The man was younger, smaller, but obviously the one with authority. It was no other than Wang Yibo, the very man running the facility on the mountain Zhan was sent to infiltrate.
⚔️Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
"Sir. We've caught one."

Wang Yibo, donned in a white lab coat and his safety goggles, looked up from his experiment, illegible characters labeling the various vials in front of him. Setting down the little pen and notebook in hand, he turned to one of his men, at least three times his size, who delivered this information. A grin took over the previously concentrated expressions that he had earlier, and he removed the goggles. "Oh good, let's go have a look, shall we?" he asked in amusement.

The soldier held an arm out, showing Yibo the direction to the site of capture. It had been a while since the government caught news of the plans Yibo's organization had been crafting up, but it had also been a while since anyone had been sent. Previously, Yibo's group of trained guerrilla army had taken down three teams of infiltrators, none of which survived. But now, since the young man was curious about who was being sent their way and what he was dealing with in particular, he had ordered them not kill at least one.

The capture had been rather deep in the woods, Yibo realized, as they trekked farther and farther away from his secret laboratory. But soon, in a little clearing, he caught sight of three other men, equally big as the one following him from behind. And in their arms, was a male. He wasn't in their arms, that was too nicely put. More like, he had been pinned to the ground, visible bruises already marking his face. "Oh?" Yibo smiled, "Looks like you've caught one. Good job."


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unevenstars 7 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 2 years ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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