Feiyu x Yunxi


abo — feiyun x yunxi


est. jul 06 2024

A guy runs away from home to escape his crazy parents only to realize his landlord is even worse.

☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 hour ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi had never been so terrified in his life. Feiyu's hand was like a handcuff over his wrist, and the more strength Yunxi put into pulling away, the tighter Feiyu seemed to clamp down. "I don't," he said. He intended to say so in a firm, resolute way, but it came out in a frail whisper that was almost carried away by the wind. "I— I'm sorry." He didn't even know why he was apologizing, but he stammered it out anyway, hoping Feiyu would come to his senses and realize there were so many people out there he could pick on. Why Yunxi? What had he done in his past life to deserve this? "Please let go."
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 20 hours ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Feiyu didn't take the outright rejection too gracefully. He swung his legs back over the ledge when Yunxi got off of his first, reaching out to grab the smaller's wrist before he could flee again. "What's wrong with you? Why don't you want a mate?" he asked, a small sense of reality settling in now that Yunxi had not been interested all this time and it wasn't just that the omega was a prude who was saving himself. "I can be good to you, you know? I hosted that buffet party for you, to show you how well I can take care of you." He was rather disappointed that this omega was so unconventional that he couldn't even appreciate Feiyu's effort. "Come on, I feel something special when I see you. Don't you even feel anything?"
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 day ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi would have preferred being murdered in an abandoned building to Feiyu cornering him with that kind of question. He considered jumping to escape, since death was supposedly preferable. Self-preservation instincts had him shuffling an inch away instead. "I... Feiyu, I..." It was the first time Yunxi had actually said his name, he thought, and it was being used in such a difficult moment. Yunxi had never been one for confrontation, but if he didn't nip it in the bud here, Feiyu was only going to think he still had a chance and keep bothering Yunxi. Already, in that moment, his scent was overwhelming. "I never wanted a mate. I don't want you to think you might have a chance... You don't. And you're my landlord." Gathering all his strength, Yunxi lowered himself back onto the ground of the rooftop. "So let's keep it professional between us, okay?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 day ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi "You're right. We can admire the view even if we don't really understand it," Feiyu said, thankful for the perfect opportunity Yunxi had just given him to voice his true thoughts, "You know, I still don't really know you all that well. But I think you're pretty too." Gosh, he had never been so sappy when courting an omega. Clearly Yunxi was the one for him if he could make Feiyu's normal confidence waver for even a moment, "I want to get to know you better. Let's go out. Date me." he eventually confessed, cutting right to the chase when he saw the confusion in Yunxi's eyes. There was nothing better than an upright confession for omegas anyways.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 2 days ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Feiyu brought him up to specifically tell him that? Yunxi shrugged. To him, the stars looked like glitter spread across a black board. There was no pattern in particular, and no matter how hard someone tried to point it out to him, he wouldn't be able to see it. He hoped Feiyu didn't bring him up here in hopes of having someone explain constellations to him. "No idea," he said, his feet stiff as blocks of wood where they hung over the ground far below. He didn't have the guts to swing them like Feiyu did. "I think it's pretty, though. You don't need to know what they mean to appreciate it."
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 2 days ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi "Eo, me too," Feiyu said, feeling comforted to hear Yunxi's soft voice so close to him. They didn't have any other motive of being next to each other right now, which made him feel a lot more relaxed. After making his intentions towards the older clear for so long, it was time to reap the seeds that he'd sewn. "I haven't seen you around much lately. I just wanted to tell you..." he started, though he wondered if it'd make Yunxi too uncomfortable to just jump into a conversation about their relationship early on in the conversation, "That...I have no idea what any of those stars mean. Do you?" he quickly sidetracked.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 3 days ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi threw a side-glance toward Feiyu. Talk? Since when did they become friendly enough to just meet up and talk? Perhaps Feiyu wanted to share some of his burdens (Yunxi could tell he had no friends by now), but he didn't know how to broach the subject. "Things are fine," Yunxi said, his voice clipped in his surprise. He never had much going on for him, especially not since he graduated from school, and so when he was faced with the question all of a sudden, there was nothing he could think of to say. "I— I just go to work and..." Now he sounded like a complete loser. "What about you?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 3 days ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Their eyes slowly got used to the darkness in the sky. This building was somewhat isolated from the other ones around them, making it easier to block out the city lights that would normally obscure their view of the stars. Feiyu felt the cool air filling his lungs, giving him a sense of relief. This type of open-ness in the dark was always pleasant, just as long as he knew that once he looked down, he'd see lights again. Yunxi seemed to have stopped his resisting when he realized they were truly just stargazing. "Hm...oh, just wanted to catch up," Feiyu murmured noncommittally at Yunxi's first question, "How are things going for you? I haven't seen you around much."
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 4 days ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu At least Feiyu was perceptive enough to notice Yunxi really disliked rabble. He took a single step closer to the ledge, then another, and then one more, before he precariously climbed up onto the ledge. He sat with his legs folded at first, but somehow, that seemed less grounding than dangling his legs over the edge. Slowly, he extended his legs, looking up rather than focusing down, where he could end up with one shove from Feiyu despite his promise. A minute passed in silence, and slowly, stars began to flicker into Yunxi's vision. One by one, they filled the night sky, glittering like a blanket of jewels. Yunxi took a breath of the cold night air. "What do you want to talk about?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 4 days ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Feiyu was by no means an astronomer or constellation expert. In fact, he knew next to zilch about what he was gazing up at in the sky most nights that he came here. Before, it would be much more frequent that he'd come to lay underneath the stars and do nothing but let time pass by. Now, it was more of a pass-time that he'd afford himself once in a while. Trusting that Yunxi wouldn't run off, Feiyu settled in his favorite spot, then patted the empty spot next to him, "You can sit here," he welcomed the older, "It's much broader than it looks, and I won't let you fall." Sitting over the ledge had become a habit for him now, so he didn't think too much about it. "It seems like you don't like commotion much. I still want to have a chance to talk to you, so hopefully this is a better place."
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 5 days ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi hesitated outside of the building Feiyu dragged him to. It was exactly the type of plate people go to have their organs forcefully removed, but as annoying as Feiyu was, he wasn't the type to harvest organs—not that he needed to. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more worried he started to get for the younger, despite the big and strong alpha he was. He followed, trying to hide the fact that he was mostly sedentary, but his heavy breathing probably gave him away. While his eyes adjusted, all Yunxi could see was a blanket of black above them. He had no idea Feiyu liked this sort of stuff. Feiyu was sat precariously over the edge of the building, his legs dangling eight stories off the ground. "Be careful," Yunxi said, not quite daring to approach the ledge.
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 5 days ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Yunxi was such a high-strung omega. It was almost as though he had never been touched by an alpha before, so his natural reaction was to repel any attention from one. Feiyu sighed and grabbed Yunxi's wrist again, dragging him along. "You'll see," he said, his voice softer than his grip. They walked about two blocks until they reached an empty building. "Come with me," Feiyu said, "I want to watch the night sky with you." They took the stairs, since the elevator in that building didn't seem to be functioning. It was a rather long trek up, but the top floor was a beautiful rooftop with a clear and unobstructed view of the sky above them.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 6 days ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu "Who's that musty omega?"

Yunxi flushed a bright pink when he heard one of the women loudly ask her daughter. Musty? She was older than him! He ducked his head, stiff as a wooden block as Feiyu dragged him out the door. He hated attention, but attention seemed to follow wherever Feiyu was. He dug his heels in as he was pulled along, but Feiyu was stronger than he looked. When they finally left the vicinity of the apartment building, Yunxi managed to wrench his arm out of Feiyu's grasp. "Where are we going?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi "She'll give me as many as I want, I'm her landlord after all," Feiyu reassured Yunxi. His omega was probaby thinking that it would be too much money for Feiyu to spend on another ticket. If he couldn't get another ticket for free, then he'd happily buy another just for Yunxi. If it came to it, he'd buy out the theater just for them that night. He ignored the older's side comment about the lady's daughter, stepping back as Yunxi rose from his seat. "Not so fast," Feiyu said, gripping onto Yunxi's elbow. "Come with me, I have to show you something." He didn't let Yunxi out of his hold this time, not even when more women swarmed to him with their own personal conversation topics. Feiyu flashed them each a smile and promised that he would drop by to speak with them at a later time before leading Yunxi out the doors. "Let's take a walk," he said.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi was halfway through his small meal before Feiyu somehow accosted him again. He barely looked up when Feiyu sat with him, focused on finishing his plate. "How many tickets did she give you?" he asked, hoping Feiyu would realize he was the only one who was invited. Yunxi was interested, of course, but it wasn't like he couldn't afford it on his own, without Feiyu badgering him while he was trying to enjoy the show. "That aunt hopes you'll go to watch her daughter, not bring someone else with you." Scraping his plate clean, Yunxi gathered it to discard, leaving Feiyu little time to catch up as he headed for the refreshments table to pick up a bottle of water. "Thank you for the meal. I'll get going now."
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi At first, Feiyu thought it was great that the other residents were vying for his attention in front of Yunxi. That would show the omega that Feiyu was a hotshot that could be taken away at any minute, so he had better seize the opportunity sooner than later. However, as Yunxi ambled off to a side without any interest in said residents, Feiyu felt disheartened by the conversations. He didn't commit to any one thought, simply giving "mm"s and "eo"s out to whatever was being thrown his way. Pocketing whatever scraps of paper that were handed to him, Feiyu sidestepped the crowd and herded the ladies back in the direction of the buffet table before searching for Yunxi once more.

"Hey," he called out to the older, "I'm getting invited to an Orchestra thing or whatever...want to come with me?" he asked, trying to make good of the opportunity that was given to him. It seemed that Yunxi wasn't interested in joining the gossip and the competition, so Feiyu reassured him quickly, "Though I don't really care for music. If you like it though, I'd like to take you."
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu To those women, Yunxi was good as invisible. He slipped past them with ease as they all rushed to crowd Feiyu, pushing and clamouring for his attention. The group of women ranged from early twenties to a woman Yunxi was sure was in her seventies, /at least/. That was the charm of a rich alpha who happened to be your landlord, Yunxi supposed. He settled in a quiet corner to eat, watching Feiyu with amusement out of the corner of his eyes.

"Feiyu-ge, you're so generous," one of the younger girls, Meilin simpered. She was clearly not the shy type with how provocatively she dressed, but she twisted side to side as she presented a small paper-wrapped box to Feiyu. "I bought cookies today, please have some."

"Fei-ge, do you have plans this weekend? You know, my daughter is performing with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra this weekend! She's very talented and very pretty. Did I mention she's an omega? Her doctor predicted she'll have her first heat within this year." The older woman who was speaking giggled and handed Feiyu a portfolio of her daughter's feats. "I've got a ticket for you in here—come by if you have time, alright?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi "It doesn't take much to satisfy me."

Feiyu barked out a laugh at Yunxi's self-awareness. What a dirty thing to say coming out of such an innocent pair of lips. Of course, Yunxi had already long ran away from that topic as they joined the party. The loud chatter of people around them was enough so that Feiyu could justifiably lean in close to hear what Yunxi was saying to him. He chuckled again and shook his head, "Oh nobody has ever complained about their maintenance requests through the portal before, this is totally up everybody's alley." Seeing how Yunxi was wincing in response to the noise though, Feiyu had a better idea. "Hey fix up your plate of food, then follow me." As he said that, he also started to fill up his own plate with some of the more expensive looking meat dishes, like the braised pork and spicy crab stew.

Before he finished though, a few loud shrieks came zipping in his direction. "Oh it's Fei-ge!" one of the tenant ladies called out, "We were looking for you all night! What a wonderful event this is! Whatever gave you such a good idea to have a party for your residents?"
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi glanced at Feiyu's open hand once before pretending he hadn't seen it at all, crossing his arms tightly across his chest before Feiyu just reached for him. "It doesn't take much to satisfy me." A beat of silence passed before Yunxi corrected himself, cheeks flushed pink, "I can't eat a lot." The last thing he wanted was Feiyu getting the wrong idea when Yunxi had spent the whole time discouraging him. The party was loud and disturbing, just as Yunxi predicted. Picking up a plate, Yunxi tried to shake Feiyu off, but the younger was determined to trail after him. "Aren't the building socials usually a barbecue?" Yunxi asked, filling his plate with a small serving of a variety of vegetables. He wanted to hint to Feiyu that he should never do this again. "I'm not sure the residents would be too happy to know their rent money was going toward this instead of maintenance. You know, the maintenance that is routinely ignored."
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Was it a bummer that Feiyu didn't get to enjoy another night of Yunxi's home cooking? A little, but at least his main motive had been achieved. He wouldn't have minded just going inside the omega's apartment to wait for him, but seeing that Yunxi was still traditional enough to push him out to wait, Feiyu took that as a win too. He'd much rather covet a prude than a anyways. Once Yunxi emerged from his flat, dressed modestly, Feiyu beamed and reached out to offer his hand, "It's perfect that you're hungry," he reminded the older, "I ordered buffet style catering, so you can eat until you're satisfied."
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi took his words back. There /was/ something worse than mingling with the building residents, and it was having Feiyu in his apartment for an indefinite amount of time, having the alpha hound him while he tried to live his small life in his smaller apartment. Getting Feiyu to leave would be infinitely harder than leaving the building party on his own. "Actually, I haven't put anything down to cook yet," Yunxi said, shifting to block Feiyu from slithering into the flat. "I suppose I can join the party for a bit. How about you wait out here while I get changed?" With that, and with all of his strength, he pushed Feiyu back out into the hallway. There was no escaping now that he had promised, and Feiyu would not let him hide away now, so Yunxi threw on a clean jumper and jeans before heading out the door. "Let's go." The sooner Yunxi got down there, the sooner he could come back up.
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi It had been a while since Feiyu had a taste of Yunxi's home cooking. Hearing that the omega was about to start up in the kitchen again, it even sounded more appealing than dragging him downstairs to the party. "Whatcha making?" Feiyu asked, leaning against the doorframe so there was no way for Yunxi to close the door entirely on him. "I want to eat your cooking then. I'm sure it'll be just as good, if not better, than all of the food I ordered for catering." He clicked his tongue and grinned at Yunxi, "Everyone is down there already, so we can just enjoy the quiet of this entire floor all by ourselves," he reminded the smaller, getting ready to push his way inside.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi was never going to hear the end of it if he admitted he did see those posters but actively chose to ignore them, so he said, "There's a building buffet party? I didn't see anything." He needed to make sure he answered in a way where Feiyu could not drag him downstairs. After all, there were definitely worse things out there than being accosted by Feiyu, and being in a room full of loud, chatty people was way up there. "That's too bad, because I just started making dinner. I hope everyone has a good time down there, though."
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi As much as Feiyu wanted to believe that his future mate was bound to be perfect in every ways, there wasn't anyone who could be truly perfect. Even if it was Yunxi, he had to be lacking somewhere. That evening, Feiyu learned that it was his weak hearing. After knocking at the doo for almost ten minutes, and even calling out to the older, Yunxi finally showed his face. That was enough to draw out another grin on Feiyu's lips. "Hi!" he greeted the omega, "Did you see the notices about the building buffet party tonight?" he asked, "I was waiting for you to come downstairs to join us."
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 1 week ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Yunxi smelled him before he saw him. That same overwhelming scent, invading his lungs and tugging on his stomach in a sickening way. He wanted to curl under his covers to hide from the knocking at his door, but he knew Feiyu wouldn't leave until his door was broken down. Yunxi let him knock for a while longer, hoping Feiyu would get a hint, but eventually he had no choice but to go to the door. He let the door fall open only slightly, keeping his foot pressed behind his side of the door in case Feiyu decided to push in. "Oh, it's you," Yunxi said, his gaze not quite meeting Feiyu's. Instead, it fell somewhere near his lips. "What is it?"
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 2 weeks ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Five thirty came and went, and soon it was six. There was still no sign of Yunxi showing up. Feiyu would've thought that on a Saturday evening, when the dull omega had nothing better to do, this was the best event to spice up his life. He absentmindedly made conversation with a few of the tenants who were swarming around the buffet table, but his eyes were always trained at the door. Another half an hour passed, and Feiyu knew he had to take things into his own hands. Knowing how Yunxi was, the omega probably hadn't seen the signs that were posed on the buildings. He probably also didn't read his portal messages, since Feiyu had told him that he didn't check that place often either. When he found the opportunity to excuse himself for a brief moment, Feiyu headed up the stairs and down the hall of the fifth floor and stopped in front of apartment 5C. The lights were on, judging from the lit crevices of the doorframe, so Feiyu knew that Yunxi was home. Without hesitation, he rapped his knuckles on the door, waiting for Yunxi to open.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 2 weeks ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu The posters for an apartment social were loud enough that Yunxi already knew the actual party itself was going to be even louder. He noted the time to make sure he wouldn't be caught outside during the time the party would be taking place. When the posters started appearing on his door alone and in the elevators, Yunxi had a gut feeling of who exactly was behind this. The music that floated up from the lobby on the day of the party told Yunxi he made the right choice, of course. He had made sure to do his errands early that day before holing himself up, and if that Chen Feiyu showed up at his door tonight, Yunxi was going to make him regret it.
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 2 weeks ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi Feiyu intended to stay, but seeing that Yunxi just wanted to get more work done, he eventually pulled himself upright. It was nice to spend an evening with his beautiful omega, but Yunxi clearly had to get down and dirty, and he probably wouldn't have wanted Feiyu to see that. "I'm going," he said, ambling over to the door, but not before he stopped in front of Yunxi and gave him a wink, followed by the click of his tongue, "Anytime you need me to uh, fix a maintenance issue, just call me on my cell phone. No need to go through the whole portal thing." With that, he retired back to his own apartment upstairs, feeling satisfied after enjoying a meal and some pretty company.

A week after his visit to Yunxi's flat got Feiyu thinking about how to properly impress the older. Yunxi didn't really seem to taken by the high-end rooftop restaurant, and he was clearly capable of cooking on his own. The only way for Feiyu to truly appeal to the omega was by showing how generous he could be. That was how he came to be the host of a social gathering for all the tenants in his building. With a wide variety of foods being catered, it was the perfect opportunity to find out what it was Yunxi liked. At five o'clock, residents started arriving, clearly amazed by the set up. Feiyu hospitably invited them to help themselves, though his eyes were always trained at the door, waiting for his guest of honor to arrive.
☭ Luo Yunxi [A] 2 weeks ago
@☭ Chen Feiyu Disappointed, but not surprised, that Feiyu decided to abandon his task before it was completed, Yunxi finished rinsing the sink and tossing the scraps in the trash. He almost expected Feiyu to leave after he was fed, but now Feiyu was sprawled over the couch like he actually lived here. Yunxi prayed–prayed /hard/ to any god he could think of, even if he wasn’t religious–that Feiyu wasn’t going to try and make this a regular occurrence. “I’m going to clean my apartment,” Yunxi blurted out, saying the first thing he thought of that might scare Feiyu into getting up and leaving. “So you better get out. The vacuum is… loud. And there’s manual labour involved.”
☭ Chen Feiyu [A] 2 weeks ago
@☭ Luo Yunxi "The nanny comes by once a day to take care of the penthouse," Feiyu answered matter-of-factly. He didn't need to worry about how much dish soap was being used, since it wasn't part of his daily routine anyways. He thought that it would end with the dishes, but who would've though that there was still /more/ to do after washing the dishes. "So tedious..." he grumbled, spraying the water around the edge of the sink. He wasn't too keen on picking up the trash in the strainer though, and stepped back with a frown, "I don't want to do that, you do it." he said, "It's your apartment." He removed the pink gloves and invited himself back into the living room, "Well, I'll say. That was a first for sure. What are you up to next?"


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unevenstars 7 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 2 years ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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