Wangxian II

wangxian II
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian At Wei Wuxian's question, Lan Wangji had to pause and think. He couldn't give the time that he wanted to: immediately, since he knew preparations had to be taken into consideration, and he still had to finish with his current duties before he could start looking into his next assignment. "In two months," he eventually answered, hoping that its simultaneous ambiguity and clarity would be satisfying for Wei Wuxian. Pulling up a lotus pod, he offered it to the younger male to keep him busy while Lan Wangji lost himself to his thoughts on the way back.

The first step towards marrying Wei Wuxian was getting approval from the right people to hold the wedding ceremony. Lan Wangji needed his Uncle's permission, yes, but even more importantly, he needed his elder brother's. Lan Xichen had been in solitary confinement for over a year now, and still showed no signs of wanting to return to the outside world. Lan Wangji had to intrude though, and he found himself at the steps of his brother's room, calling out with a formal bow, his hands clasped together and outreached in a respectful manner, "Elder brother," he called firmly, "Wangji requests to have conference with you."
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Jiang Cheng's reluctant agreement came with the compromise that Yunmeng Jiang would be involved with the ceremony. It surprised Wei Wuxian enough that he made a noise of exclamation when Jiang Cheng demanded it in his rough and brooding way, which in turn earned him a scowl. Still, Wei Wuxian left in a considerably lighter mood, feeling less and less afraid of what would happen in his own wedding. Perhaps that just meant a lot of pressure came from Jiang Cheng, so what was new? On their way back, Wei Wuxian lounged at the stern of the boat, peeling lotus seeds to toss in the air and try to catch with his mouth. "Lan Zhan, when will we get married?"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian A rush of satisfaction washed over Lan Wangji when he heard his lover cry out in ecstasy, making a mess of himself. Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's robes from his hands, but instead of bringing the material to his crotch, he laid it back down behind him. There was no need for that. Carefully pulling Wei Wuxian up and off him, he placed the younger on the bed and retrieved a small handkerchief from his robe. He had often used this to wipe Wei Wuxian's lips when the other stained his lips from eating food in the street stalls. Putting it to good use, Lan Wangji made sure to clean the younger up before he proceeded to clean himself, only settling back against Wei Wuxian once he was satisfied and they were both dressed properly again. All that was left to do now was to await Jiang Wanyin's decision on Lan Wangji's marriage proposal.

Though Jiang Cheng was extremely reluctant to offer an answer, he eventually did, and it was the correct one. Three days later, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian could finally return to the Cloud Recesses and prepare for the first public marriage ceremony in the Gusu Lan Sect after a few long decades of hiatus. Before they returned though, Lan Wangji remembered to buy some lotus pods to eat with Wei Wuxian by the pond side, and he remembered to buy some of the special Yunmeng chilis that Wei Wuxian would appreciate in the milder foods hailing from Gusu. Once he had purchased the essentials, they began their way back by boat, for the first time arranging to see Jiang Cheng again after bidding him farewell.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian's moans became more and more drawn out, never mind that they were in Lotus Cove now and people did indeed mind the noise. When Lan Wangji came without a warning, though, it shocked Wei Wuxian away from his own . He froze, rigid, as Lan Wangji tugged at his leaking length, drawing another pitched noise out of him involuntarily. He felt himself release, ribbons of white spurting over Lan Wangji's hand. And although Wei Wuxian was not beneath eating , he would never get used to seeing it on Lan Wangji. "Here," he whimpered through his release, pulling his robe over to offer to Lan Wangji. "Lan Zhan, wipe it off."
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Only when he was sure that Wei Wuxian wasn't trying to hide any feelings through subtle gestures or words did Lan Wangji proceed to rut upwards into the younger male's entrance again. As if it had never been interrupted, the churning, itching feeling in his stomach expanded and took over his lower body, eventually making it feel numb and continuing to work its way upwards. Without a warning, Lan Wangji eventually released thick ropes of release inside his lover, and his lips trembled as he groaned, pressing his face into Wei Wuxian's bared chest as he tried to collect himself from the ic heaven he had been into. Wanting the younger to experience the same, Lan Wangji habitually reached for Wei Wuxian's length that was dawdling between their bodies, tugging at the sensitive tip to get the younger squealing again.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian had expected Lan Wangji to maybe even speed up in retaliation, but when the older stopped completely, it threw Wei Wuxian in for a loop. He stared back at the older with a sort of expression similar to a rabbit being spotted by prey, his hips shifting subconsciously even after Lan Wangji stopped. Who else in this world could fluster Wei Wuxian so easily but Lan Wangji? He stammered something incomprehensible, not able to hold Lan Wangji's intense gaze for long. "It doesn't hurt anymore," he rushed out, turning away, mortified that he would become embarrassed so quickly. "You can keep going!"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji knew fully well how dramatic the younger could be, but it was his reflexes that acted instead of his conscious thought when Wei Wuxian called out in pain one too many times. Even if he knew that the younger was simply teasing with him, he wouldn't give the benefit of the day to the situation, and immediately stopped in his tracks. He held tightly around Wei Wuxian's waist, forgetting about his own release and trying to placate a fussy Wei Wuxian. He didn't know what to say, even though he had been in this situation enough times, simply staring the younger in his eyes straight on, a look full of sincerity directed at Wei Wuxian, and ready to do what the younger asked to please him.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji 'How dare Lan Wangji say all of that!!' Wei Wuxian thought, feeling incredibly aroused with the man, the most boring man in the world, saying such a plain thing to him. How come as boring and plain Lan Wangji was, Wei Wuxian had so much fun with him? Filled with an overwhelming love for Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian promised himself to not complain any more about marrying the older. "My stomach hurts," he complained, arching his back so he could press said stomach against Lan Wangji's body. "Lan Zhan, all you- ow! All your fault!"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Wei Wuxian was asking a pointless question once more. If Lan Wangji was capable of giving the younger a baby, then he would've done so a long time ago. With that common knowledge between the two of them established already, the older didn't bother to waste time answering his lover's question, instead giving a small nip on Wei Wuxian's to shock the younger. He continued to rock his hips upwards, hoping to draw out more moans from Wei Wuxian, and to chase after his own release. Once he felt that one had been given its proper share of attention, Lan Wangji switched to the other one, ready to do the same thing. He only briefly paused to tell the younger, "I am serious about you," to answer all the questions posed to him earlier in one go.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji No matter how many times Wei Wuxian felt this, it was impossible to get used to it. He wanted to hug the older, but Lan Wangji was more focused suddenly on ling on Wei Wuxian's chest. It wasn't even the most wild thing that Lan Wangji had done, but Wei Wuxian gasped, "Lan Zhan, you--!" His arms s over the top of Lan Wangji's shoulders and around his neck to keep him close, whimpering when he was stimulated from several fronts. "Lan Zhan, you're so- ah-" Wei Wuxian moaned softly, breathless. "What are you going so serious about this for? Are you trying to give me a baby?" he teased, watching carefully for the reddening of Lan Wangji's ears which he loved so much.
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian When Wei Wuxian's gaze fell on the door, Lan Wangji also followed on reflex, on the lookout for anyone who might be a peeping tom, or who had business with them during this untimely situation. Seeing that no one was there, whether it be actual people or just shadows of objects outside, Lan Wangji relaxed, and he focused on the most plesant yet taxing task at hand. His big hands landed on Wei Wuxian's thin waist, the pads of his thumbs rubbing at Wei Wuxian's pelvic bone as a silent sign of encouragement for the younger to continue his ministrations. When met with Wei Wuxian's exaggerations, Lan Wangji didn't bat an eye, simply answering "En," and ing upwards so Wei Wuxian could feel what it was like to have Lan Wangji 'all the way up there'. Lan Wangji leaned in, his lips perfectly aligned with the crest of Wei Wuxian's . His tongue, having warmed up with the exercise early, precisely over a pink, supple , trying to arouse it.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Eagerly, Wei Wuxian sat himself atop of Lan Wangji, his head tipping back when he moaned. Bringing himself up and down easily since Lan Wangji always kept him loose enough to fit comfortably but tight enough for Wei Wuxian to clench around the older just like how Lan Wangji liked. He glanced toward the door, another moan slipping past his mouth when he forced his hips down. "Nng," he sniffled, gripping over the tops of Lan Wangji's shoulders for support. "Lan Zhan, am I getting all of you? I can't see- Hn- It hurts so much, I can feel it in my stomach. Ow! My chest!! It's going all the way up there!"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Even though Lan Wangji swore he knew every trick up Wei Wuxian's sleeve, he still let himself fall for each hoax every time. As the smaller male so enduringly called him, Lan Wangji's breath hitched, and he indeed didn't have the intention of making them stop yet. Peering outside the window again to see if he could tell how much time had passed based on the sun's positioning, Lan Wangji turned back to Wei Wuxian with a serious expression. Now that Wei Wuxian got his chance to lead, and the Second Lan had been the utmost patient in this ordeal, there was no more time for that. Lifting Wei Wuxian's buttocks up, Lan Wangji positioned his length right underneath, adding pressure against Wei Wuxian's hips to make him sit down on the once again hardened length awaiting him.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
"Why?" Wei Wuxian cried, eyes zeroing in onto the few droplets of dotting Lan Wangji's thigh. He sat up when he was grabbed, turning so he could face Lan Wangji and snake his arms around the older's neck. "It's not enough. Lan Zhan, you didn't even do me properly yet." With that provocative statement made, Wei Wuxian grinned proudly for himself for coming up with that. "Lan Er Gege, you won't make me stop now, would you?"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Hearing Wei Wuxian's yelp made Lan Wangji tense up, and he shot up immediately to see if he had done anything that hurt his lover. He should've given a warning, and as he was in the midst of his self-blaming, he heard Wei Wuxian tell him not to move. Lan Wangji didn't answer, but he stayed still obediently, his eyes still on alert on Wei Wuxian's lithe body to see if he would need anything. That sinful tongue really made it harder to concentrate by the minute though, as Lan Wangji was still hypersensitive after his release. "Wei Ying...that's enough," he said gently after a while, reaching out to grab Wei Wuxian's waist and sit him upright.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian squeaked when he felt Lan Wangji come unexpectedly into his mouth. He swallowed the best he could, but when he prematurely brought his mouth off, white spurted all over his face. He yelped, and when he did, what little he managed to catch dribbled out of his mouth and back over Lan Wangji's skin. "Oh no," he announced. "Lan Zhan, I missed it all. Stay still." With that cheeky comment, Wei Wuxian got to work, dipping his head to lap at Lan Wangji's release off his skin, his tongue flat as it pressed against his lover.
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian When he felt the tingling sensation starting to churn his insides again, Lan Wangji knew that Wei Wuxian had returned to the task at hand. With that, he continued his ministrations too, wanting to get the most out of this experience where he could pleasure Wei Wuxian with his mouth. Since his tongue was preoccupied with and ing into Wei Wuxian's delectable entrance, Lan Wangji couldn't call the other's name as he wished. Instead, he said it in his head, full of conviction each time he did. It wasn't long before he was brought near his release, and with a little upwards as a signal, he released into Wei Wuxian's waiting mouth, a low moan coming from the back of his throat as he imagined the ropes of white that were painting the younger's throat right now.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Who knew a person so boring could be so funny? It didn't make any sense. He laughed until he was out of breath, clutching Lan Wangji's length loosely. "More of that," he demanded, his lips brushing against Lan Wangji's arousal as he talked, before he opened his mouth again, having kept Lan Wangji waiting long enough. His own length was beginning to leak, drizzling and smearing against Lan Wangji's chest. He bobbed his head diligently, taking Lan Wangji all the way to the back of his throat each time, his lips vibrating against skin when he moaned from the sensation of Lan Wangji's tongue working hard inside his hole.
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji considered his little joke a success when Wei Wuxian's sonorous laughter filled the room, making it seem like they were simply enjoying some animated chatter to the people who might happen to be listening outside. Though Lan Wangji's was cold and frigid now that Wei Wuxian had taken his mouth off it, it just didn't seem right for the younger to stop what he was doing and get back to work. Lan Wangji tilted his head slightly, just enough to meet Wei Wuxian's gaze. He flicked his head towards the younger male, almost indignantly as he called out the very familiar words, "Wei Ying." With that, Lan Wangji's eyes shifted back to the puckered entrance in front of him, a telltale sign to the younger of what his intentions were.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji The next sound that Wei Wuxian made upon hearing that was something between a shriek and a sob and a laugh. He began to laugh so hard that his frame was shaking atop Lan Wangji's, intimate activity forgotten. "No!" he cried, burying his face against Lan Wangji's inner thigh as he tried to cackle it out. Teasing Lan Wangji was much easier than Wei Wuxian used to think it was. "Call me-" Wei Wuxian sputtered, choking on his words when he needed to laugh again. "Lan Zhan! HAHAHAHA- call me what you always call me!"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Around others, Lan Wangji was never one to joke around. His stoic and cold expressions were a signature of his title as Hanguang Jun, and no one had ever dared to explore beyond that. That is, no one but Wei Wuxian. Hearing the younger's strange request, Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed, recognizing that the younger was trying to strike a deal between them. He called Wei Wuxian by his name often enough, did he not? In a decisive yet quiet voice, he murmured, "Wei Wuxian. Yiling Patriarch."
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian did not want to watch his noise. It was unfair that Lan Wangji would even ask that of him. He whimpered when he felt Lan Wangji's tongue breach his tight ring of muscles, dropping his head and resting his cheek against Lan Wangji's length. "Lan Zhan," he breathed out, his lips moving without energy against the older's skin. "You should say my name more." What an odd-sounding request, even to Wei Wuxian himself. No one called him that. Not even shijie or Uncle Jiang, just Lan Zhan. "Lan Zhan- Ah- Lan Zhan, you say it, then I'll watch my noise-"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Had it not been the middle of the day and in a place that was as unfamiliar to Lan Wangji as the Lotus Cove, the older male would have done even more dirtier things to get those moans out of Wei Wuxian's lips. Still slightly reserved about people hearing them, thus tarnishing his Wei Ying's name at home, Lan Wangji refrained from going too crazy. He gripped at Wei Wuxian's hips, giving small pinches when the smaller male got too loud. "Wei Ying, watch your noise," Lan Wangji chided softly, pulling away momentarily so that the other could calm down and catch his breath. He wasn't sure what exactly Wei Wuxian was squealing about either. Was Lan Wangji not just doing what was requested of him? He reattached himself to Wei Wuxian once more, finding pleasure in pressing his tongue inside the tiny orifice, exploring the walls that clenched around him so desperately.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian shivered upon contact. Lan Wangji's tongue was warm against his cool skin. He clung to Lan Wangji's legs a little tighter, his breaths breaking and hitching with every minuscule movement of Lan Wangji's tongue. It felt good, so good that he completely forgot about the member he had clutched in his hand, holding it loosely as he focused on the sensation of being down there. His moans became more high pitched as they went on, and he hugged Lan Wangji's legs with his free arm, hanging on for dear life. "Lan Zhan-" he squeaked. "What are you doing- How are you doing that!!"
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian This was one of the rare times in his life that Lan Wangji blanched when he was given instructions. He tilted his head slightly, as if silently confirming with Wei Wuxian what the other wanted him to do. It couldn't have been anything else right, with how the other was insinuating at one obvious place right in front of Lan Wangji's eyes. After another moment of processing, the older male gave a sure nod and gripped at Wei Wuxian's hips, pulling the younger closer to him. When the other's puckered entrance was right in front of him, Lan Wangji leaned in, pressing his nose against Wei Wuxian's tailbone and his tongue experimentally. When he found that Wei Wuxian's reactions were what he was looking for, he continued, more enthusiasm about him.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji Lan Wangji's confusion scared Wei Wuxian, because the latter had learned this out of a book, not from experience, of course. He on Lan Wangji's length with a bit of uncertainty, waiting for Lan Wangji to try something from behind. Feeling Lan Wangji's warm breath against his skin, Wei Wuxian rutted his hips backward into the older's face, trying to be gentle and encouraging. " me down there," he instructed after he pulled off Lan Wangji's . "You know... there." It was a vague explanation (and even that was an understatement) but Lan Wangji was perceptive, he would get it.
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji was getting more confused with the new position he was manipulated into. He laid on the bed rigidly, his arms slightly held out to see if he'd need to support Wei Wuxian somehow. The younger male was riding him like one would a steed, and Lan Wangji was ultimately presented with an alluring view of Wei Wuxian's thin waist that highlighted the voluptuousness of his buttocks. Without any further instructions, nor without much room for movement of his own, Lan Wangji grunted as all the attention went back to Wei Wuxian pleasuring him orally. Had he not done as good of a job as he tried to? Was the younger not getting any pleasure out of earlier? Lan Wangji opted to stare at the view in front of him, eventually wrapping an arm around Wei Wuxian and finding his attention-deprived length to tug at.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji "Sure," Wei Wuxian answered casually, exhausting nearly all his strength to push Lan Wangji off and try to rearrange them how he wanted in his fantasy. "Lan Zhan, you lie down here," he directed, pushing and pulling Lan Wangji to just put his head on the headrest. Once his partner was in place, Wei Wuxian was deft as he swung a leg over Lan Wangji's body, straddling his chest to offer his bottom to Lan Wangji's face. When he laid his body over Lan Wangji's, he could reach just far enough to take Lan Wangji's member into his mouth again.
Lan Wangji [A] 3 years ago
@Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji wasn't sure what Wei Wuxian wanted when he was stopped, but figuring that there was some improvement that he could make, he pulled his lips off his lover's , lifting his head to meet Wei Wuxian's gaze on the opposite end. "Wei Ying?" he asked expectantly, than cocking a brow at the strange request. What were they going to switch? Sitting upwards cluelessly, he started to lean in the direction that Wei Wuxian's head was, "You want to put your head on the other end?" he concluded, thinking that Wei Wuxian was just being sweet and trying to offer him the headrest or something.
Wei Wuxian [A] 3 years ago
@Lan Wangji This was hard. Wei Wuxian wanted to moan whilst he was being pleasured to show his appreciation, but Lan Wangji's thick member was muffling any small noises that he managed to make. And it was tempting to kiss Lan Wangji's hole, since it was right there in front of his face. And then it gave Wei Wuxian the idea, that he really wanted Lan Wangji to kiss him there. Carefully, he took his mouth off his lover's member, shaking Lan Wangji's thigh to get his attention. "Lan Zhan," he called out. "I want to switch with you."


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unevenstars 7 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 2 years ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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