The Prince and the Pupper


♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan watched Yibo's face carefully to gauge his reaction. "You love it?" Zhan repeated, breathless from exhilaration. "You really do?" He laughed, then threw his arms around Yibo in a tight hug. The younger's warm scent filled him when he buried his face into Yibo's neck. He withdrew only to press a wet kiss against Yibo's lips, his cheeks flushed pink and eyes shining as he gazed happily down at Yibo. "I love you," Zhan repeated the foreign words, his breaths uneven. His tail whipped violently behind him as his hands cupped Yibo's face, grinning impossibly wide. "I love you, Yibo."

He was happy. He had his forever home with the man he loved. He loved Yibo. Zhan's ears flicked at his admission. He loved the man sitting before him, Lego box in his lap, looking just as happy as his puppy. Zhan laughed and swooped down to take Yibo by his mouth again, kissing him deeply. "Thank you," he murmured simply, though he did not voice the thoughts that followed that. It was hard to explain, to put into words, but Yibo had been the one to show him a completely different life. Zhan thought he was free before, but he was truly in utopia now.

With that thought lingering, Zhan sat beside Yibo, pulling at the box of Legos in Yibo's lap. "You promised me we would play Legos together one day," Zhan reminded his boyfriend, flashing him a grin. "Let's get started on the legs. The reviews online said the pieces are small, so it'll take a long time. We might as well get started now."
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Yibo was ready for an influx of kisses, and to start another round of lovemaking. His eyelids had fluttered shut when he felt smooth lips against his forehead. It was so Yibo groaned involuntarily when he was suddenly pushed away, opening his eyes to see Zhan scurrying away from him in a hurry. He was tempted to get up and give chase, but held himself in place when he realized Zhan was not making a bolt for the door, but rather his backpack. Stupefied, Yibo watched as the older male hurriedly undid the zippers, pulling out a box. It wasn't until that moment where Yibo's glances shifted from Zhan to the object he was pulling out.

If he was the type to cry, tears would be streaming down Yibo's face out of gratitude in that moment. But he was now, and instead, the most widest, toothiest grin appeared on his face as he held the Lego set in one hand and pulled Zhan down to kiss with his other. "I love it. It's perfect." he murmured against the older's lips. "So this is why you've been wanting to work so adamantly." He pulled away to get a better look at the box of Legos. It was unlike any other Lego set he'd ever owned before. It was a corgi model. Not as cute as his real-life Corgi, but definitely reminiscent. Yibo laughed again out of pure happiness, running his hand along the smooth expanse of the box, "I love this. And I love you." Yibo said, his eyes glued to his boyfriend's charming face the entire time. It was not often for him to say those three words, but he found that as more time passed by with Zhan, the more comfortable and natural they became to him.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan curled his long legs obediently on Yibo's lap and watched as the younger revealed a much smaller box. If Yibo was going to propose to him (though the puppy wasn't sure if that was legal), Zhan was going to pretend it was going much too fast for him. He was, however, ready to spend the rest of his life with Yibo despite having just met the younger less than a year ago. Taking the box from Yibo, Zhan pried at the lid gently, his heart's beating picking up tenfold at the glittering jewel nestled in the box. Well, it wasn't a jewel like an engagement ring, but it was big enough to obviously catch eyes on the street. There was an enormous desire for Zhan to pin it to his new collar.

"I love it," Zhan said in a small voice, the loudest he could trust himself to speak in. Deft fingers plucked the brooch out of its case, turning it over to examine it from every angle. "Thank you, my prince." Settling it back carefully into its nest of tissue, Zhan closed the box securely before pressing his mouth to Yibo's forehead. He was just beginning to trail his kisses back down to Yibo's lips until he remembered- his own gift! Pushing Yibo off him haphazardly, Zhan slid off the bed and darted for his backpack he'd left at the door. His return was much more careful, and by the time he'd rejoined Yibo on the bed, his face was flush with a fresh shyness. He ped the bag as if it held something explosive, and slid out his unwrapped gift, laying it over the bed to present to Yibo. It was an enormous Lego set, something Zhan hoped Yibo would let him work on with the latter together. Zhan recalled the jealousy he felt when Kane wanted to build Legos, and he pushed his offering a little closer to Yibo. "It's not as expensive or good as yours," Zhan admitted, his cheeks darkening further. "I've only been working for a little. I hope you like it."

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♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Yibo was more than happy to have Zhan sprawled over him, his hands naturally finding purchase at the older's hips and giving the flesh a nice comforting squeeze. He kissed back, letting Zhan lead and do whatever it was that he wanted, since he was obviously quite excited to begin with. Yibo's eyes were half-lidded, more invested in the sensations than he was the image right now. However, when the movements came to a halt, he opened his eyes in slight confusion, a slight frown on his lips. "What's wrong, Zhan-ge?" he asked, then looking down to see where the older's hands were on him.

Zhan's fingers had made their way to the outline of the box in Yibo's coat pocket. The expression on the older's face was asking him what it was, since Yibo was notoriously known to only have his keys and wallet shoved into the far depths of his pocket when he went out. The frown shifted, curling upwards instead as the younger sat up, pulling the puppy onto his lap and craddling him in his arms. "Oh, this?" Yibo asked, rummaging in his pocket and pulling out the box, "It's something for you too...I wasn't sure when to give it to you though." Yibo said, taking out the smooth, satin colored box and holding it out to Zhan.

He sat up a little more, eyes glued to Zhan's face as the older opened the box. Inside there was a brooch, one of white silver that matched the same sparkling element shining off of Zhan's collar at the moment. The brooch itself was simple, Yibo not liking complex designs to begin with. It was a little crown, like one that kings or emperors in the past would wear. Yibo smiled as he waited for Zhan to see what it was before explaining, "It's a little token." he hummed, leaning in and pressing his cheek to Zhan's shoulder, "I know I was a prince back at the Mansion, but all along you've been the royalty in my life that I never thought I'd be lucky enough to deserve."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Glad that Yibo was so quick to give in, Zhan stood from the table, downing the rest of the wine in Yibo's glass. He took Yibo's waiting hand, hefting his bag back over his shoulder. Their steps to their suite were rushed, as neither of them could contain their excitement at what was to come. Zhan was sure the both of them had similar ideas to what was coming next.

A soft touch brushed against the back of his neck, and Zhan shivered, turning to look at Yibo. His cheeks flushed pink at the younger's confession. "Stop being so in public," he admonished with a mutter before they entered their suite. It was lavish, if there could only be one word to describe it, but Zhan could not focus on how expensive everything looked for once. Instead, his attention was all Yibo.

Zhan let the straps of his backpack fall down past his shoulders, leaving it on the floor as he surged towards Yibo, letting the younger pull him close. They met in a messy clash of lips and teeth and tongue. Zhan wanted to convey his gratitude through the way he knew best. His hands wrapped around Yibo's sides, refusing to let him part for even a moment. Zhan's tongue ran along Yibo's lips, coating them with his saliva and ling on them with relish. The puppy's pushing and shoving brought them over the bed, and Zhan pressed at Yibo hard enough to sprawl them over it. As his hands roamed, though, he pressed against the outline of something hard and box-like against Yibo's jacket. Zhan paused their ministrations, breaking their kiss to look down at Yibo quizzically.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Judging by how the older downed the glass of wine in front of him, Yibo dared to guess that Zhan was feeling giddy tonight. His hand was at the pocket of his blazer, clutching at it and wondering if the timing was right yet. It probably was nothing in comparison to the collar that Yibo had given Zhan now, since the younger finally recognized the sentiment behind owning one. When Zhan asked to go to their room, Yibo was quick to agree, taking his hand away from the outline of the box in his coat and standing up, offering an arm to Zhan, "Your wish, is my command." he grinned.

They made their way past the main deck, walking along the railings so that if they were to peer down, they would be greeted with the sight of the sparking sea water. There was a light breeze in the air, bringing along a welcomed chill that Yibo took delight to walk in. The guest cabins were under the main deck, and he stopped in front of the elevator that would bring them down. While waiting for the elevator to come to them, Yibo turned to steal another glance at his boyfriend. He smiled and unknowingly reached a hand out, brushing his fingertips along the nape of Zhan's neck that wasn't covered by the black leather collar, "You know, I like the sight of your neck when its exposed...but I really like the sight of this too." he said, admiring his boyfriend for the beauty that he was.

They made their way down to their room after taking the elevator to the bottom 5th floor. Yibo had purposefully rented them a King size bed, expecting to make the most of their night here. It wasn't that they couldn't do any of the things he had in mind back home, but maybe he wouldn't mind being a little more messy here. He grinned as he shut the door behind them, easily pulling Zhan against him again, "So Zhan-ge, we're in our room. What are we doing next?" he asked, raising his brows suggestively. Just because they had gone the whole day back home earlier, and Zhan had been visibly sore from earlier, there was nothing stopping Yibo from testing his luck.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan's ears flicked at Yibo's teasing, and his sulk deepened as he chewed up the rest of his meal. The bone looked delicious, but Zhan did not want to embarrass Yibo by gnawing the sinew off of it until it was shining clean. He was glad, however, as Yibo's words filled his fragile heart with hope again. Yibo wanted him forever, too. Yibo, thoughtful, lovely Yibo, booked a night on the stupidly expensive-looking ship and bought him a leather collar with buckles and ringlets of white gold. Yibo was so stupid, Zhan realized, and he loved that man.

"I want to stay," Zhan insisted, eating the rest of his meal quickly so they could return to their room. He would be a fool to say no when his boyfriend had obviously put so much effort into bringing him happiness that night. Zhan was so eager, in fact, that he knocked back a glass of wine in a single gulp, grinning broadly at the turn of events. Yibo wanted him. Yibo wanted to keep him forever. His mind filled with a plethora of thoughts. Maybe they could put his new collar and the bed to use. Or they could just lie together and kiss all night. Or Zhan could give Yibo the gift he'd bought with the first pay check he'd ever earned. "Can we go to our room now?"
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Yibo's expectation to hear that collars were the newest fad, or that they looked particularly well-matched with Zhan's hand selected outfits was thrown way over his head when he heard the real reasoning for why the older wanted one.

"I've been using the same one my mom's breeder sold with me since I was born. I thought... if I forced you to get me one, then we can be together... forever."

Between the two of them, Yibo always assumed that he'd be the one who'd have to admit that first. He'd love nothing more than to spend forever with Zhan, and there was always the underlying belief that he had to constantly prove himself. The older's words trailed off towards the end, but Yibo had a feeling that despite the trickery it seemed like Zhan was up to, his boyfriend was simply that innocent. Yibo's eyes shifted, glancing at the collar once more. It sat snug around Zhan's neck, indication that the pet had an owner - more importantly, a home. Yibo took another sip of wine to clear his throat, smiling as he added with a cheerful tone, "You should have told me this sooner, Zhan-ge!" He was trying to tease, trying to let Zhan understand that his feelings were reciprocated, 'I would've bought you one on the spot if I knew how much it meant to you. And then that way you'd be bound to me forever, with no way of escape!"

He was a little taken aback, wondering if he should go home with Zhan just because the older asked. Obviously, the cruise package came with a room that they could check into anytime from now until noon tomorrow, but if Zhan wasn't in the mood, Yibo wasn't planning to oblige him to it. "Well...if you want to, we can." Yibo said, smiling, "I did book us a room here, but tonight's date is all on you. Wherever you choose, I'll go with you."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan sat very still as Yibo fastened the collar around his neck, tilting his head back so Yibo could have more access to his neck. Once the buckle slid into place, Zhan dropped his head and buried his face in Yibo's stomach, his soft cries muffled by the material of Yibo's shirt. He only let Yibo go once he managed to stifle them, ignoring the stares or suspicious glances they received from the other diners.

"I still want to woo you each and every day."

"Okay," Zhan said to that, his eyes trembling in their sockets as he tried to figure out how to answer Yibo's question. Asking Zhan why he wanted a collar was the same as asking why water was wet, the puppy thought as he dried his tears with the heel of his palm. He though about his answer for a long while, his teeth digging into his lower lip as he tried to formulate his answer into actual words. "I'm a pet," Zhan began cautiously, his shoulders slumping forward. He would just wing it - speak from his heart. "All my life I've just wanted, like every other pet, to be owned. A collar means you find your forever home. I've..." Zhan inhaled, then exhaled shakily. "None of my owners gave me a collar before. I've been using the same one my mom's breeder sold with me since I was born. I thought... if I forced you to get me one, then we can be together... forever."

The waiter's timing was impeccable when his dish was brought over. It excused Zhan from needing to say any more or to further explain himself. He ate quietly, the weight of his collar feeling even heavier than it did just moments before. Now he had admitted it, and Yibo was free to throw him away as he pleased for Zhan's deceit. His gift for Yibo felt silly, now. "Are we going to go home after?" he asked quietly halfway through their meal, swallowing a bite of soft meat.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Seeing Zhan's eyes light up, and the subtle flinching movement of the older's shoulders also momentarily stole Yibo's breath away. He released an relieved sigh that he didn't know he had been holding when Zhan's eyes began to water. It was a rare sight, to see the older crying, and this time Yibo had a feeling he wasn't going to be screamed at as the result. He would have thought that after a month and a half without a collar, Zhan's neck would feel much less burdened and the puppy would enjoy his freedom now. But seeing the genuine appreciation on the other's face melted Yibo's heart all over again. He stood, taking the collar and beginning to undo the buckles on it, "Sure, baby." he said, wrapping the leather material around Zhan's neck snugly, then clasping the buckle back in place. He pulled Zhan's face against his abdomen, hugging the older male gently, "I'm glad you like it."

Taking his seat again, Yibo noted that Zhan looked elegant, and the collar did nothing to take away from his balanced proportions and good style. In fact, it only served to accentuate everything. Yibo smiled as he leaned back and admired his gushing boyfriend, nodding his head as he complimented, "You're too y like that." He then asked, with a little bit more of a serious expression, "But, Zhan-ge, humor me. Why did you want a collar so badly?"

Dinner was served in that time, and Yibo thanked the waiter who placed a hearty plate in front of him. The portions were sizeable, especially the piece of lobstertail that decorated the center of the plate, its bright orange-red color stealing attention away from everything else. Zhan's dish was served too, and Yibo smiled as he motioned for the older to eat, "It's been a while since I've taken you on a fancy date." he said, a little apologetically, "But I want to take you out on more. I promise I won't slack just because you're living with me. I still want to woo you each and every day."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan's disappointment that there would be no rabbit served tonight was quickly replaced by excitement to try something new. All the menu items had Korean written in subtext, but Zhan had no interest in reading every single ingredient it listed. He skimmed over the menu quickly, only eyeing the main ingredient of the dish, before setting it back down in a signal that he had decided. Zhan peeked up at Yibo through thick lashes with a suspicious glance, then back down on the menu once more. Wine came around, and Zhan watched Yibo drink, too. He was pretty sure drinking and driving were a no-go, but Zhan liked a man who lived dangerously, so he shrugged and took a sip out of his own glass. "Veal, please," Zhan said simply when the waiter turned to him for his order, not bothering with the long and superfluous name of the dish.

A quiet settled over them all of a sudden, and Zhan watched Yibo fidget before turning his attention back to his phone. It seemed like the younger was nervous about something, and Zhan felt as though he were imposing or something while Yibo was in his thought space.


"Hm?" Zhan answered quietly, blinking in the low light as he returned his glance to his boyfriend. There was a box that appeared in front of Yibo, and Zhan eyed it warily, his tail slowing its swish into a more hesitant one as he looked at the box dubiously. He listened to Yibo spill his heart out in his shaky way, reaching out to take the box from Yibo as it was slid across the table. He tried to recall just what exactly had he always been trying to hint for the younger, but his mind was blank as he undid the ribbon around the box. In large and obvious print, 'GUCCI' was emblazoned across the front. Zhan's finger's trembled ever so slightly as he touched the edge of the lid with his fingertips - it was only noticeable if one was extremely up close.

It took a moment for Zhan to realize what was nestled between the delicate tissue that filled most of the space in the box. His lips pressed together into a wobbly line as he lifted out the collar. It was thick (to the perfect degree) and black and heavy in his hands with the weight of expensive leather and the symbol of ownership. The buckles were a shining white gold. When Zhan ran his thumb over the face of the collar, he felt the indent of the brand stamped into the material. It was obvious Yibo had spent a pretty penny on this, and Zhan began to cry as he unfolded the leather in his hands. He had already thrown away his old collar and leash during the move and had begged Yibo incessantly for a new one. Yibo never said yes explicitly, and Zhan always cursed the younger how stupid he was to buy him without offering a collar, which held more meaning to a hybrid than a regular human would think. "Will you put this on for me?" Zhan choked out through his tears, careful not to let any of it stain his new collar.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan "Well, I can't guarantee there will be rabbit on the menu." Yibo chuckled, picking up the menu book and opening it before holding it over to Zhan, "Usually on cruise dinners, people like to eat lobster, pidgeon, quail, veal, or steak." he said, wanting Zhan to choose since there was a variety that Yibo was once again, not very familiar with himself. He had looked at the Menu a few days back when he was confirming his plans, thinking to choose the easiest thing to pronounce on there since any European foreign languages were to be the bane of his existence. He tried to jog from his memory some of the items he remembered reading and translating to help his boyfriend, "There's lobster tail in lemon sauce or something like that...and filet mignon steak with mashed potatos? There's also some kind of seafood pasta." he said, shaking his head a little sheepishly at the end, "Whatever you want tonight, Zhan-ge. How about you choose for me too..."

Two glasses of wine were served in front of them, Yibo having requested that earlier. He wasn't planning to drive back tonight anyways, so a little bit of indulgence wouldn't hurt. So the waiter came by, and Yibo gladly handed over the menu after haphazardly deciding on something with lobster in its name, since that was one of the more basic words that he knew. Luckily, the waiter was able to confirm his order in Korean, and Yibo learned that he hard ordered a Surf and Turf set, of grilled lobster and a cut of fillet mignon steak. He waited for Zhan to order too, then smiled as he leaned forward and clasped his hands over the table. The hardest part of their dinner date was over.

Should he give the gift now? Should he give it later? Yibo figured he'd do it now, while they were still waiting and there was more time for him to be romantic, hopefully whatever bile that his cheesy words built up in Zhan's throat could be washed down by wine and some good food. "Zhan-ge." Yibo grinned, reaching for the bag that he had set at the side of his feet. "I have something for you." he stated, taking hold of the bigger box. He held it in his hands, showing Zhan but not handing it over yet. "I-" Yibo began, suddenly realizing that this was cheesy, maybe even a little too cheesy for him.

He took a deep breath, looked straight at Zhan's pretty brown eyes and tried again, "You're the most eccentric puppy, person, being I've ever met. And I'm lucky to have you by my side now. I know you've been giving me hints about getting one of these for a while, so I just wanted to let you know I got your hints. I was listening." He handed the box over at this time, continuing, "Though I still can't say for sure what it is about this gift itself that makes you like it so much...but I hope you like the one I chose for you. I love you." There were no puns, no jokes, no pickup lines. It was simply a raw confession.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan was all too happy to let Yibo take pictures of him for his Instagram. He posed daintily as they walked along the railing on the top deck, pretending to admire the scenery as he modelled. Once his solo photos were finished, Zhan wanted to take selfies. He asked in a very loud and demanding way, not giving Yibo time to object as he pressed his shoulder against the other's and held his arm out to take photos of them from just about every angle he could find.

He hadn't been posting on social media lately as Zhan had been trying to adjust to his new life and work. But now that they were official, like /really/ official, Zhan wanted to show off his boyfriend with an official post that confirmed all the speculations from his followers. He wanted to reply 'yes' to each comment or DM that asked him if he was dating the handsome man who appeared on his IG story sometimes. He wanted to write a sappy love letter that he would never show Yibo himself but use it as a ridiculously long caption for his post.

The puppy let Yibo lead him into the dining room, his head bowed and eyes glued to his phone screen as he tried to pick the best photo of the hundreds that had been taken. He didn't look up again until he was seated across from Yibo, a carefully set table separating them. Zhan switched his phone off, carefully sliding his bag's straps off his shoulders and resting it against the back of his seat. "What's for dinner?" Zhan asked distractedly, his tail picking up speed at the prospect of giving Yibo his present. "I hope there's rabbit."
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Zhan's illuminated eyes were enough for Yibo to feel that the planning and money he invested into this date was worth it. The kiss was a bonus, and Yibo smiled in great accomplishment as he replied, "I love you too, baby." he grinned, holding his hand out in offering to Zhan. "Let's board, the sunset will be prettiest out on the main deck." Yibo had his phone pulled out, the two virtual tickets spanned across his screen as he revealed it to the cabin crew, who scanned them both in succession and welcomed them abroad.

This was a cruiseship like any other, that would set off across the oceans to the otherside of the world while carrying any amount upward of 500 people. However, the packaged that Yibo had prepared for tonight was not an overseas one - since he still had to work - but rather a fancy one-night package that would allow them to explore the amenities of a cruiseliner, all while docked at the harbor. "Let's see...would you like to take a walk around the ship first?" Yibo asked, checking the time on his phone, "Then it'll be perfect timing, since our dinner reservation is in half an hour." he grinned.

Hand in hand, he toured Zhan around the ship that he hardly knew himself. Yibo naturally took over the older's phone when they got to the head of the ship, turning on the camera and holding it in place for Zhan to position himself as he wanted to. Yibo was still not very in tune with Zhan's social media inclinations, but it did not prevent him from being the /Instagram boyfriend/ that he had accepted a while back. After all, he couldn't let Zhan find someone to fill that role for him when Yibo was perfectly capable to do it himself. They made small talk, Yibo taking this opportunity to whisper his sweet nothings to Zhan while they enjoyed the vast expanse of the main deck with relatively little company. A few other couples joined them, but all minded to their own business. Time slipped by, the sun setting with it and Yibo made sure to let Zhan watch the entire scenic view before giving his boyfriend's hand a squeeze, "Come on, let's go inside. You must be very hungry by now, Zhan-ge."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Thankfully, Yibo was dressed similarly to Zhan and did not comment when Zhan hefted his backpack straps over his shoulders. It was a bit of a hassle to carry it around, Zhan realized on the ride to the mysterious date destination. In hindsight, he should've left it at home and given it to Yibo then since he would have to carry the cumbersome thing /back/ home, but there was something special about giving gifts over dates. His grievances towards the package he was carrying, however, vanished quickly at the grandiose display over the river.

Zhan’s phone buzzed at the prospect of all the photos the puppy was about to take of their date. His eyes widened to drink in the sight before him. The lights on the cruise ship glittered in the night like jewels, drawing Zhan forward step by step without waiting for Yibo. The sun had set enough that the lights from the city and the ship reflected brilliantly over the dark water, creating a picturesque scene Zhan never wanted to leave. It was the fairytale date of his dreams already, and he let Yibo know by turning to kiss his boyfriend sweetly.

Reminiscent of the time Yibo took him to a hotel, Zhan wondered if they would get to stay on this one for the night. He would love for nothing more than to be railed from behind while overlooking such a beautiful city line, he thought as they made their way to the cruise ship. It was even more enormous up close, and Zhan's heart swelled at the gesture Yibo did for him. He knew the younger was by no means well off, and a cruise dinner could not have been that cheap. "I'm surprised," Zhan declared, bending to kiss Yibo on the cheek again. "I love you."
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan It was now that Yibo appreciated Zhan's routine 20-25 minute showers, usually nothing more and never any less. He feigned an action of getting up to follow, deliberately slowing his actions so Zhan could shut the door on him. In moments, Yibo heard the water running and the little buzzing of the vent working hard to clear the accumulating steam in the showers. Assured that he had time, Yibo then headed to his desk, pulling out a two small items, each neatly wrapped in their own special packaging.

In one hand, there was a box, square shaped and flat, but conspicuous for its size. Yibo had to keep this tucked under his stacks of binders so as to not draw attention to it. It had been something he bought for Zhan long ago, but only waited until today to gift to the younger. It had come to Yibo's attention that Zhan's desire for a collar of his own was genuine, and not something the older said just for the sake of it. Zhan had noted at different points throughout their dates that the pets they saw always had a collar of their own, fitted snug around their necks and marking ownership. Though Yibo had made himself clear that he would never do anything to degrade his boyfriend, it seemed a collar for Zhan held a meaning of its own, though Yibo couldn't be exactly sure what it meant. Still, he clearly remembered the older saying, "Maybe you should get me one." which Yibo had brushed off until he heard it at least five more times. So, he had carefully put the box in a bag, sealing it so Zhan wouldn't know what was inside, though he could guess all he wanted. In his other hand, Yibo held a smaller box. This was was simple in design and inconspicuous to the eye. This one, he slipped into his coat pocket for later.

When Zhan was finished showering, Yibo had done a artful job of settling back in his previous position on the bed, staring nonchalantly at his phone and eyeing his beautiful boyfriend hungrily, eyes betraying his willingness to go another round if only Zhan weren't hungry yet. When Zhan shooed him into the shower, Yibo rubbed his thigh and flashed another smitten smile at the older male, "Okay, I'm going Zhan-ge. You should've let me join you..." Yibo murmured, entering the steamy bathroom and turning the water back on in time to continue the stream of hot water from Zhan's shower. He was quick to shampoo and soap himself in suds, the lack of his distraction of a boyfriend with him in the showering making the process more methodological. Once finishing, Yibo wrapped a towel around his waist and went back into the bedroom to change.

Twenty minutes later, Yibo was donned in a light pink dress shirt and black fitted pants. Throwing on the black blazer that he had set aside earlier, Yibo then grabbed the bag along with his keys, wallet, and phone, completely ready to take his boyfriend out on one of the fancier dates they'd go on since Zhan moved in with him.

He have given no indication of where they were going. It was early in the evening, so the sun was still up, leaving the range of possibilities open to Zhan. They headed off in the direction of the ocean. Their timing was rather uncanny though, for sunset was only starting when they arrived at the dock of a sizeable cruise ship. It was still docked, but the deck and cabins were brightly lit. Parking his motorcycle, Yibo grinned as he flashed a proud smile to Zhan, "Surprise." he said, holding out his hand, "Let's have a cruise date, Zhan-ge."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan yelped when a hand came in contact with his sore bottom, turning to shoot Yibo a nasty glare before scampering off to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him before Yibo could catch up and intrude. 'Dress nicely,' Zhan thought with a snort as he started up the shower, stepping under the hot stream of water to rinse the sticky fluids off his skin. It was vague enough to make Zhan frustrated with his guessing. Nice, as in formal and they were going to a 5-star restaurant? Or nice in the provocative way he'd dress sometimes so everyone on the street knew what they were missing?

The puppy settled for a modest, casual outfit that could play off as business-casual if someone squinted /really/ hard. He folded the sleeves of his plain dress shirt up before returning to Yibo in bed, giving the younger a hard kick in his thigh. "Hurry up," he snapped, eager to rush Yibo off into the bathroom so he could prepare his gift.

It was nothing special. Zhan had debated over it for a long time since he first saw it in a store window. He had gone in and begged (shamelessly) for the storeowner to keep it for him while he saved up money for the expensive toy. It was hard to sneak it back into the house since Yibo always picked him up, but Zhan managed to hide it in a larger backpack. The same backpack barely matched his outfit for today, but Zhan uprooted all his clothes from the drawer to pull out the box he hid at the bottom of it and slid it into his bag. It stood out, somewhat, but Yibo would not question if Zhan told him to shut up about it.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Yibo didn't see any point in having Zhan go to work, but as long as his boyfriend was happy, and there was no pressure for him to sell a certain quota of pretzels a day, Yibo said nothing further about the matter. He had insisted on dropping Zhan off every day though, ridiculing the idea of ever letting the older use public transportation when Yibo could do anything about it. Besides, arriving to work on a motorcycle meant arriving in style. And Zhan was all about style.

Maybe it was because they were living together now, but time seemed to go by faster for Yibo. One day blurred into the next, and sometimes he'd forget if he was in the middle of the work week or getting dressed for a weekend date. Regardless, having Zhan by his side when he woke up in the morning and before he fell asleep was enough to gratify Yibo. So, a month and a half came and went, in what seemed like a blink of an eye.

It was a rare occasion for them to stay at home, enjoying nothing more than each other's presence. But Yibo felt that it was a great way to spend that particular Saturday, loving how he could naturally wake to Zhan's sleeping face, and spend the rest of the day /sleeping/ with his boyfriend. Everything about Zhan, from his smile to his physique and down to every last word, Yibo could never tire himself of. His investment was only in the older male, and he got great returns from it, emotionally and physically.

After their nth round, it really didn't matter for Yibo had stopped keeping count long time ago and was positive that Zhan would love him even if he did develop erectile dysfunction early on in life, he held his boyfriend close to his chest, stroking his luscious hair and scratching him behind his ears. Yibo's eyes were closed, but he was listening, so when Zhan asked for them to go out for dinner, the younger laughed and opened his eyes, peering downwards. Zhan's figure curled up against his was enticing and grounds for Yibo to reject the request, since he loved seeing the older tucked up like this. But no, Yibo was still lacking when it came to refusing the older. How could he, with such perfection devoting himself so wholeheartedly to Yibo like so?

"Sure, let's shower first, hm?" he murmured as he carefully helped Zhan up, "Shower and then I'll take you to a special place for dinner." He grinned, watching as Zhan got up from bed, unable to resist the urge and therefore reached out to give his boyfriend's taut a little pat, "Dress nicely. I have a surprise for you."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo "And why are you thinking about paying bills?"

Zhan closed his eyes as Yibo's hands massaged behind his ears. However comforting the touch, though, Zhan could not let go of the thought that he'd be removed from the household if he even let slip to Yibo that he was essentially a very expensive decoration or personal e. It was like a monster that gnawed at his insides, unwilling to leave until Zhan started contributing to the house. He continued to plead his case by telling Yibo was he was bored until the younger conceded.

Work was easier than Zhan thought it would be. It was easier than , in fact. Since he was new Zhan stood next to a rather kind pretzel stand staff, a lady in her late forties and was very liberal with all the pretzels she fed Zhan. He wore a cute uniform and let children pet him if they managed to successful beg their parents for a pretzel. He did this five days a week, and the park was rather flexible with his employment so his hours could match Yibo's. With this arrangement, Zhan was able to spend time outside while Yibo was at work, and be home with his boyfriend for the rest of their hours.

The puppy fell into the routine easily, and before he knew it, it had been a month since he first began working. He refused to let Yibo see any of his money, keeping the cash tucked away between his copy of ' for Dummies' (a gift from Hongjoong). He texted the little fox about whether he should have any qualms about being paid in cash, and the pet brought up tax fraud, but Zhan shrugged it off. He was not ready to pay taxes yet.

Exactly a month and a half in his new home, they celebrated by staying home all day (it was a Saturday, anyway) and making love from morning to evening. When the sun fully set and Zhan's stomach grumbled in protest, he poked at Yibo's bare stomach, resting close so his lips pressed against Yibo's . "I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?"
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Those around Yibo understood the passion he held for his job. There was no-one in the office who had never seen Yibo staying late to finesse the last bit of choreography or show up extra early to work on the new song remixes. However, starting from the weekend that Zhan moved home to live with Yibo, there seemed to be a 180 degree change in the dancer's character. It was not that he suddenly lost interest in dancing or that he began to slack off during practice, but it was hard to find Yibo at one's will if it was past his regularly scheduled practice hours. No one knew why, assuming that Yibo was just getting busy with some personal affairs. None would have guessed that it was because of a certain little pupper that the younger was staying until the very last minute at home preparing enough food for the day and opening all the door so Zhan could come and go as he pleased. And once 4pm hit, not even tracks of Yibo's footsteps could be found, for he was already out the door and heading home to see Zhan. It had never occurred to Yibo that having someone to come home to could cause such a drastic change in his lifestyle habits, but it was one that he welcomed.

So for the entire week, while Zhan was accustoming himself to the new environment, Yibo was still trying to adjust to the idea of coming home to the apartment with his boyfriend waiting for him. Friday proved to be a lucky treat for him, for as soon as he opened the door, he was met with Zhan's human figure once more and Yibo laughed as he wrapped both arms around the older male, accepting the excited greeting happily. That was the first night that Yibo ever brought someone else into his bedroom and made love to them there. He would never allow it for anyone else, but Zhan proved to be his one and only exception. Though older, Zhan seemed to be full of vigor that evening, and he wore Yibo out by breaking the previous record of five rounds, this time possibly seven or above. Yibo had knocked out that night, without dinner and without shower - but he wasn't complaining.

"What do you mean you got a job offer?!" Yibo demanded as he peered at the message on Zhan's screen. There was an obvious scowl on his face, obviously not directed at his boyfriend but more at the conditions that the amusement park had even dared to offer for his labor. "They're not even paying you in full salary!" he exclaimed, feeling grieved for the puppy, who was so ecstatic about receiving the offer, "And why are you thinking about paying bills? Yibo asked, pulling Zhan closed and running his hand through the older's hair, scratching behind his ears.

Over the past few days, Yibo tried to get the idea of working out of Zhan's head, but to no avail. Regardless of what Yibo did to try and sway Zhan out of this, the older eventually got what he wanted, and Yibo reluctantly agreed to let him hold the job for a while to see how it worked out. "But," he said sternly, "If you don't like it, or if anyone says anything rude to you, you quit that very moment, understand Zhan-ge?" he asked. Then he straightened himself up, adding, "And then you tell me what they said and I will deal with them." he said, tapping his cheek, "Kiss and promise me." he said, heart fluttering when he saw the ecstatic look on his boyfriend's face at his approval.
[post deleted by owner]
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Yibo's apartment was spacious to Zhan. Even the couch looked enormous when Zhan stood with trembling legs beside it, craning his neck in a ridiculous way to look all the way to the top of the seat. He barked once before backing away nervously. He knew it was completely irrational of him to think that the couch might transform into a terrifying monster with rows of razor sharp teeth to tear him to shreds with, but it was 100% the puppy brain. Zhan yipped and stumbled away to explore the other corners of the house.

It was a tiring affair with Zhan's short and stumpy legs that worked overtime to help him explore every inch of the flat. Each time he found something he liked, his tail wagged ferociously and he would yip for Yibo's attention. Each time he found something vaguely or potentially threatening, Zhan barked and whimpered and paced until he needed to lay down to regain his energy.

Each day, Zhan re-explored the apartment while Yibo was away at work. He wanted to be useful, somehow, so he thought that he should guard Yibo's house for him while he was away. But Zhan was no german shepherd or pit bull. He was small and short and needed naps more often than a newborn baby. He would get a job, he vowed to himself one day during his idle pseudo-naps.

When Zhan finally woke up in his human body late noon the following Friday, the first thing he did was draft up an email, pleading for a job, to every HR email he could find for any position in Seoul (even the ones he was obviously unqualified for). He explained his situation, attached a cute photo of himself, and sent them off one by one. When Yibo returned that night, Zhan jumped to tear his clothes off. They made love the entire evening, until Yibo was too tired to do anything. Zhan turned his bare back to the younger and continued to send out emails.

He would not go into details on how he got the job for Yibo when Zhan finally received an offer. The amusement park thought a hybrid staff selling pretzels would bring in extra sales from children wanting to pet him. Zhan showed Yibo the email. "Please," Zhan cried, his tail whipping about in an over-the-top fashion as it did when he was dramatic. "They'll pay me half salary and the rest in pretzels! Where am I going to find a better deal than that? Please, Yibo, I don't want to stay inside. I- I want to help pay b-bills," Zhan stuttered, terrified at the big words. Bills. Credit card statements. /Taxes/. But if he was going to live here as Yibo's boyfriend, not his dog, he needed a redeeming quality before Yibo realized Zhan spent more money than Yibo could make.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan For some unknown reason, Zhan was squirming in his hold, so Yibo slowed his steps. His boyfriend would probably miss this place, Yibo reasoned, so he shouldn't be in too much of a hassle to get them out. Yibo grinned when he passed by Yoona, indicating that Zhan was safe in his arms as she stood up to give them a wave. "Lucky you," Yoona had complimented on Yibo's way out, "That face of his is one of the cutest in the Mansion! Please, visit anytime!"

"Thank you!" Yibo grinned, the wheels of the suitcase obscuring his voice a bit, "I'm sure Zhan-ge will want to come back to see you and all his friends." he laughed before giving a nod of his head and making his way out the door. He looked down at Zhan, hefting the younger up just the slightest bit and cooing at him to comfort him. Yibo left the suitcase by his side and opened the passenger door, letting Zhan onto the seat first. He gave his boyfriend a little rub on the head, smiling as Yibo closed the door and went to put the suitcase in the back with the rest of them. Upon getting into the passenger seat, he noticed Zhan curled up into the same little ball that he'd often be in when falling asleep, and Yibo chuckled softly, reaching two fingers out and hooking them under Zhan's chin, giving a little scratch. "We'll come back and visit whenever you want, okay Zhan-ge?" he asked before starting up the engine of the car.

Yibo had never owned a pet before, and he had heard countless times that it was dangerous for pets to be up in the front seat, but Zhan was so well-behaved that when Yibo got to a red light, he stopped to look at his quiet boyfriend once more. Thinking Zhan was probably lonely from the thought of leaving his friends behind already, Yibo easily scooped the smaller up under his belly with the palm of his hand, bringing the puppy over his lap and letting him curl up there instead, in hopes that some human contact would help calm Zhan from his anxiety.

Yibo's apartment was dead in the center of the metropolitan city, so not only was parking a hassle, but essentially finding a toll-free spot was impossible. However, just in front of his apartment, there were two 15-minute parking slots that he hoped to take advantage of. Luckily, there was one open when they arrived from the long drive. Pulling into it, Yibo then gently ran a hand down Zhan's back before cupping the puppy's face, smiling as he said, "We're here Zhan-ge, ready to go home?"

Yibo would make a dash for the luggage later, he figured, so he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and took Zhan in his arms. "The elevators are probably dirty, so I'll carry you." Yibo noted as he cradled Zhan in his arm, pressing the 8th floor button when they got inside. He pointed at the flashing light, reminding the older, "Floor 8," Yibo grinned, then repeated the process when they were in front of his apartment door, "Apartment 817" he laughed and unlocked it, only then placing Zhan on the ground to see his new home, "Welcome home, Zhan-ge."
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo "Alright, but you can't have the entire cup."

'Screw you!' Zhan barked before stomping towards his water bowl. 'You can't tell me what to do!' He lapped at the warm milk with such indignation that flecks of the creamy white liquid speckled his whiskers and his face. He drained the bowl without a break, his tongue washing the metal clean before he sat back on his bottom to reassess the situation. He eyed the the other untouched cup sitting high above his reach, desperate for a way to get to them. Maybe if he bit Yibo hard enough, he thought as he chewed on the other half of the dough stick offered by the younger.

Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be enough time for Zhan to try and execute his poorly thought out plan. Yibo dragging his heavy suitcases out of the room proved to be a hazard for Zhan, seeing as how the suitcases were at least five times taller than he was. He weaved between Yibo's feet, trying to trip the younger to display his irritation at not being allowed the full drink. Finally, his shenanigans were put to a hard stop by Yibo hefting him up by his small midsection and tucking him beneath the former's arm. Zhan growled his annoyance, his small legs pawing in the air as though he were swimming as he was carried out. His eyes met Yoona's at the front desk, and he lifted a paw up in farewell, whimpering quietly in his distress. This was it. He was never coming back to stay here unless Yibo thought him a nuisance already and demanded a refund.

When Zhan was placed on the front seat, he curled up tightly to rest his chin over his paws. He was happy to move, with Yibo of all people, but there was something about moving on from what he had always known as comfort that scared him. His heart beat furiously against the seat of the car, and he whimpered for Yibo's attention, wanting to be held and comforted, reassured that it would be okay.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan What should have been a feral attack on the stick of fried dough turned out to be a very adorable snatch and scurry scene. Yibo laughed as Zhan took the entire thing in his mouth, turning and laboriously trying to bring it back to his bowl. His little was bouncing from behind, the result of his short little legs scurrying frantically on the floor. Taking the other piece in his mouth, Yibo stood from his spot and grinned, watching in great amusement as Zhan's little mouth tried to take in the entirety of the soft dough. Eventually, he pulled out his phone, unable to help himself from adding to his growing collection of pupzhan pictures.

Yibo was sipping on a cup of soymilk when Zhan scampered up to him. his cute face easily winning over Yibo's resolve to not let him eat too much lest it upset his stomach. Yibo laughed and reached down, gently scratching Zhan under his chin as he nodded, "Alright, but you can't have the entire cup." he said, undoing the lid on the styrofoam cup, bringing it over to Zhan's empty water bowl and filling it with some soymilk. Hearing the little whimpers and Zhan's gaze on the half stick of fried dough in Yibo's hand, the younger laughed again and broke off another portion, setting it in the puppy's bowl, "That's enough okay?" he laughed, finishing up the rest so there would be no room for protest.

While Zhan was still eating, Yibo washed his hands and began to survey the room. Everything would fit in the trunk it seemed, and Zhan could sit up front with him. Thank goodness he had a car, because Yibo didn't think putting Zhan in the storage compartment of his motorcycle would be the most ceremonious way of bringing his boyfriend to their new home. Yibo bent down, scratching behind Zhan's ears, "Finish your breakfast hm?Take your time, I'm going to start moving your belongings for you, okay baby?" he chuckled, "You wait here for me and I'll take you out during the last round." he assured before grabbing the two largest suitcases in front of him and starting out to the front of the Mansion. He had made about 4 trips, and the room was as good as empty now, save for the original pieces of furniture that were in it when Zhan moved in. Yibo collected the older's bowls, washing them before putting them into his bag. They'd need these, he thought, especially since Zhan was much too small to get up on the counter. Yibo wondered his boyfriend, in this miniature state, would even be able to climb a set of stairs by himself - what with those short (cute) legs. Upon double checking that everything had been taken, Yibo gripped the last suitcase in his hand and crouched down to offer his arm out, "Come on Zhan-ge," he clicked his tongue, "Let's get going." and easily hoisted the light puppy under his arms, securing Zhan against him.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo Zhan liked it when Yibo cooed at him, but today was an especially miserable occasion to transform that even Yibo's reassurances didn't help. He couldn't find it in himself to get up and greet the younger. Instead, he watched his boyfriend shuffle about the room and set up their breakfast, which admittedly smelled delicious. Zhan picked himself up, navigating between the large suitcases he’d left lying all over the room with his large eyes trained on the dough stick. His stomach rumbled in response, and in Zhan’s fit of frustration at it for betraying him he snatched the entire dough stick out of Yibo’s hand with an aggressive jerk of his head. The stick was about half the length of his body, and Zhan had to strain his neck to lift it up high enough so the end didn’t drag on the ground. It was difficult for him to bring his prize back to his empty food bowl, gently laying it down in there rather than on the ground. He had to place a paw over the stick to hold it in place as he gnawed a piece off, though, and he grimaced at the slick oils sinking into the fur of his limb.

Once Zhan had finished the first, he returned to Yibo for a second one, his tongue lolling out of a cute smile as he pleaded silently. His stupid puppy stomach was going to suffer from all the oil later, but it was a small price to pay for the joy he got from eating breakfast that Yibo bought him. He pawed at Yibo’s ankle, pointing his snout to the cups of soymilk sitting high out of his reach. There was nothing to get worked up about, he reasoned with himself as he begged Yibo for more food. It’ll only be for a few days, and all his belongings (the ones that Zhan didn’t want Yibo to see) were all packed and ready. At the very least, Zhan could just make up for the lost week by jumping Yibo for the whole night when he turned back.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan There was no answer at the door. Yibo paused for a moment, hesitating in case Zhan was still asleep, which he thought highly unlikely. After another moment, he raised a loosely balled up hand to knock at the door, but it creaked open slowly before his knuckles made contact. "" Yibo asked, stepping into the room and peering around to find that there was no one in front of him.

No one, of course, until he looked down at the floor to find a very familiar figure that melted his heart on sight. "Oh baby..." Yibo gently cooed after letting out a hearty lap, setting the plastic bag down on a table top before crouching down and holding his arms out, "Come here, Zhan-ge." On the rare occasions that Zhan had transformed, in which this was probably the 3rd of 4th time Yibo had seen the older in this form, the younger could not help himself from gathering Zhan in his arms and cuddling him all day long - something Zhan did not seem to mind usually. But more importantly now, was the fact that Yibo noticed the suitcases that looked about 10 times bigger than the small pup and maybe even 20 times heavier. The fact that Zhan had chosen to settle right between all his suitcases made the younger male fear the worst, and that his puppy boyfriend would get crushed by his own belongings. "Oh look at you..." he laughed, noting the big puppy eyes that he could never resist, "Come here, baby, I bought breakfast for us."

He reached up to grab the bag he had left on the table, beginning to undo the little knot he had made with it. Well, the straws were useless now, and Yibo wondered if he should use Zhan's dog bowl to pour out the hot soymilk so the puppy could have easier access. But before they got to that, he pulled out two sticks of freshly fried dough, holding it out as an offering to his boyfriend who was refusing to budge, "Come on Zhan-ge, look at this-" Yibo tried to coax, still eyeing those big suitcases very warily.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo If Zhan had tear ducts, he would've burst out crying when he woke come Saturday morning to find himself in the body of an outrageously tiny puppy. He yipped his disbelief, examining his paws and craning back to look at his tail. He had turned, alright, and on moving day of all days. He thrashed indignantly on his bed for a moment, tearing at the sheets with his teeth in his anger. He couldn't talk! He couldn't scream his frustration! How was he going to say goodbye to his friends at the Mansion? He certainly did not do it in advance the night before, and now he would miss the chance. With a low whine, he settled his chin over his front paws, eyes impossibly wide as they stared at nothing. It was most disappointing that this meant he couldn't celebrate tonight by Yibo's , unless the younger didn't mind-


With a sigh, Zhan trudged down his bed's stairs, stomping as hard as he could with each step as he made his way to the door. At least he had already finished packing, he thought rather miserably as he yanked on the rope he had attached to the door knob for easy access. His sharp nose picked up the scent of food before he opened the door fully, his legs shuffling backwards clumsily to pull the door open. He was hungry after his transformation but he didn't have the heart to greet Yibo enthusiastically for it anymore. Choosing to lay pathetically on the floor amongst his luggage, Zhan glanced up at Yibo with the most pitiful eyes he could muster.
♕ Wang Yibo [A] 4 years ago
@♘ Xiao Zhan Yibo would have loved nothing more than to extend their date into Wednesday, and maybe not separate with his boyfriend until Friday night so then he could still ceremoniously leave and come back to the Mansion to pick Zhan up as his officially. However, work was waiting for Yibo and when their date ended, he had escorted the older back to his room, pressing a kiss on the older's cheek before apologizing that he couldn't stay to help pack since it was later than expected. But as consolation, he promised that he'd show up extra early on Saturday morning so they would have the rest of the day to celebrate.

Because Yibo was a very dutiful boyfriend, he delivered on his promise and was heading into the main entrance of the Mansion at 8am sharp on Saturday morning. To help move Zhan's belongings, Yibo had rented a car, garnering some attention from his coworkers when he left work early on Friday to go pick it up. He had been visibly excited about seeing Zhan too, so much that his fellow dancers at the company thought Yibo had struck gold with how much vigor he was spending to help choreograph their new dance. However, the young male did not give away his source of happiness. He didn't want anyone to know before they were fully settled, then he'd bring Zhan into the company so everyone could weep at their missed "what ifs".

As he entered the corridor of the Pet Wing with a plastic bag behind his bag that was steamy hot from the breakfast contents inside. Yibo had gone through great lengths to find Youtiao and soymilk in Korea, thinking that a Chinese styled breakfast would be a fun and new surprise for Zhan. He neared the familiar door, seeing his boyfriend's name on the door. Fixing his jacket and combing his fingers through his hair, Yibo gave a little knock at the door, "Zhan-ge!" he called, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.
♘ Xiao Zhan [A] 4 years ago
@♕ Wang Yibo But Zhan did want every outsider to hear what Yibo had to tell him. He wanted to show off and boast to just about anyone that he /belonged/ to Yibo now. When Yibo left him to grab some food, Zhan side-eyed the others having their picnic at the shore of the Han river, considering if he should start spreading the news and asking them to follow his Instagram so they could keep themselves updated with Zhan's new and better life.

Upon Yibo's return, Zhan promptly stuck himself close to the other again, opening his mouth to accept anything that came his way. It was much better tasting than the kibble he was fed (sometimes even as a human) at the Mansion, and Zhan's heart swelled again out of his love for the younger. "It's good," Zhan complimented each item, washing his tongue over his lips each time he finished one snack and moved on to another. He powered through the bag of food easily, feeding Yibo in a reciprocal action. "Thanks for today," Zhan said once they had finished, looping his arm around Yibo's again. "The view is so pretty. It makes me sad for some reason... but I'm really glad to move on. Want to go back and help me pack?"


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unevenstars 7 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 2 years ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 3 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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