ㅤᴅᴏᴏʀ ⋮ B11

apt b11.
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One-bedroom apartment belonging to Soojin Seo


❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
@❛ soojin s。 As an obvious bout of bashfulness flushes over her features, he can't help but smile into the soft alabaster of her skin, lips mapping out the dips and curves, the swell of her body. His touch is gentle, charting the waters until he reaches the peak of her , lips gently pecking the bud, just to gauge her reaction. A hand sneaks upward to cup the mound right next to his head, to give it a squeeze as he draws in the one he had been giving attention just moments previous. Gentle les, little flicks of his tongue against it, swirling it with his muscle -- it's all he does until he finds his fingers itching to move downward. Lips follow suit, down the slope of her abdomen to where the waistband of her pants lay stretched across her hips. "I'd spend all day kissing you all over if you let me. Can I see all of you though, princess? Will you let me?"
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
i was just anxious. i didn't know if you thought it would be too-
her sentence is rudely interrupted with a yawn, a tell-tale sign of her growing drowsiness. at this point, it's hard for her to keep her eyes open, lids droopy after today's activities.
soon. but i wish i did ask earlier. that way i don't have to ask you to come over all the time.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
i know you.
he responds simply, fluffing up the pillow before laying back down and allowing their weight to push back against the mattress. his arms naturally curl around her smaller frame, hand stroking down the length of her back.
you should've let me knows sooner, princess. you're so cute, worrying like that.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
Yes, how did you know?
She lowers herself onto the mattress by anchoring one knee onto the cushion at a time, crawling across the queen-sized bed and into his arms, her own curling around his middle while she comfortably lays her cheek on his chest.
I’ve been thinking about it for the past month...maybe two months, actually.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
were you scared for a while? cause you were meaning to ask?
tugging her back to the bed, he pulls back the blanket and sets open a spot for the two of them to lay. his arms open up for her to tuck herself into his chest as she usually does.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
I wouldn’t have known what to expect.
She mumbles with a sheepish yet relieved chuckle as she wipes away her own tears with the back of her hand.
You are my first actual boyfriend, and I’ve never lived with anyone other than my parents. You’re...I guess a first for a lot of things.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
yeah, we've been dating for a while now and i practically live here anyway.
he murmurs as he uses his thumbs to wipe away at the forming tears in her eyes, an endeared smile tugging at his lips as he leans down, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead.
silly. did you think i'd say no?
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
You think so?
She was not exactly the emotional person by any means, and yet here she is, standing before him with tears welling in her eyes. She raises both hands to loosely curl around his wrists.
Really? You’ll move in with me?
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
some people do. it's okay, it's when i get bored.
he shakes his head at her inquiry, bringing his hands up to press his palms against the fullness of her cheeks, pushing them together.
no, i think it's about time we do.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
I never thought you acted like an idiot, though.
Her face is distraught for a brief moment, only to immediately shift to one of pure elation at the last bit of words that leave his lips.
Really? You don’t think it’s too soon?
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
of course i know, babe. i act like an idiot but i'm not stupid .... all the time.
meeting her eyes, he's sure she can see the way they look to hers with pure, unfiltered joy.
yeah, let's move in together.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
Wait—you know what I’m asking you, right?
She lightly proes at his wrists so he could loosen his hold and she has freedom to turn and meet eyes eyes.
Like...you know.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
save money.
he repeats, understanding all to clearly what she means by that. with a laugh, he noses at her neck and reaches around her to lace his fingers together against her stomach.
that sounds like a good idea. i like that.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
Before she could even turn, she finds his arms around her petite frame, which elicits a laugh from the girl. As she folds her garments atop her lifted knee, she lets out a hum.
So I was thinking...maybe we could save money?
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
( i
i didnt even notice )
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
[] the pov change
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
he pulls off his jeans from each leg, folding it tightly to lay on the table before he reaches around your body to pull his sweat pants on. he does so hurriedly, wanting to bring you into his arms again.
you look good like that.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
sliding the door of her closet to one side, she reaches inside for an oversized shirt, swiftly pulling at her shirt over her head before allowing it to fall to the ground.
So...you spend most of your time in my apartment, right?
With her back facing him, she unhooks her bra and slips it off, then pops on said oversized shirt before taking off her shorts.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
raises a brow curiously, following in after her as he pulls at the hem of his shirt to tug it over his head.
what is it, princess?
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
so, i was thinking—and this may sound stupid, but it's been on my mind for a while.
she mumbles shyly, turning to meet his eyes as soon as she steps foot into her bedroom.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
he sets her down carefully, shutting the door behind him as he stretches his arms out in the air with a low groan.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
a long while. she lets out a yawn, this time covering . she pats at his shoulder to let her down, wanting nothing more than to change and get ready for bed.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
pushing open the door to her apartment, he slips off her shoes and reaches over to take hers off as well, aligning them against the wall carefully. if it's what you want, i will. it's been a while, hasn't it?
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jungkook j。 Albeit willfully granting the male permission, the sensation of his deft digits unclasping the maiden’s bra incites a rosy flush that surfaces from her snowy complexion. It is a shameful display of the uneasiness that accelerates in her heart—a given, considering that he is the first person to see her unclothed and vulnerable. It’s apparent that she’s anxious, she doesn’t try to hide that, however the male’s struggle to pull her garments off results in a small chuckle; a necessary stumble that put her at ease at once. When he finally undresses her, however, she’s bashful once again, but doesn’t make an attempt to cover herself after the compliment he voices breathlessly. Her lips curl upward, flattered, however her smile disappears as he grants her delicate kisses once again, her carmine tiers parting to release a pleasured sigh as her eyes flutter to a close.
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
scoops up soojin and plants her on his chest
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
goes into fetal position
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
scurries in and dives at soojin
❛ jungkook j。 4 years ago
@❛ soojin s。 Perhaps it'd make more sense if he'd taken her shirt off first and tried to remove her intimate wear, but as he tugs the bra hooks away from one another, he find it difficult to yank the fabric aside so it slips out of her shirt. Frustration evident on his face, he tugs her shirt up all the way and pulls it over her head. Finally, he guides her arms out of the straps and tosses the almost offensive clothing elsewhere, only to shift his gaze back to his bare girlfriend. The breath in his chest is knocked completely clear from his lungs and he freezes, too in awe of the sight. "You're .. so beautiful, baby." The words are soft, almost like the brush of the wind in the summer, just barely there. But he snaps out of his senses and finally, he dives down to resume kissing her down her collarbones, pausing when he reaches her chest. But he gathers the courage to kiss over her s, strong arm sliding under her waist to arch her closer into his mouth.
❛ soojin s。 [A] 4 years ago
how is that impossible? she frowns, lifting a finger to lightly tug on his lower lip
❛ lalisa m。 [A] 4 years ago


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fluffmeister 3 years ago
kang yuchan please
saorsa 3 years ago
this is a few days late(didn't even realise the front page had changed yet) but happy feature! you guys have a gorgeous rp! :D
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 3 years ago
happy feature
molani 3 years ago
congrats on the featured!!! u w u
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
Congratulations on the feature, babes.
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 3 years ago
blxckheart 7 minutes ago Reply All
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
healys 3 years ago
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
sprezzatura 3 years ago
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
yxgurt [A] 3 years ago
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
hissra 3 years ago
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
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