ㅤᴅᴏᴏʀ ⋮ C12

apt c12.
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Two-bedroom apartment belonging to Jaehyun Jung


❛ chaeyoung p。 3 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 "Three months, so she's really young." Chaeyoung croons as her fingers curl against the curve of the kitten's ear, scratching at the base carefully so as to not hurt her. Jaehyun disappears behind the wall but it only takes a few moments for him to return, a pair of clothes in his hands. She takes the clothes with a grateful hum, giving the kitten one last pat to the head before stepping into the bathroom to change. The shirt sits too baggy on her frame and she's sure the sweatpants will fail to even stay on her hips, so she decides against wearing them. Folding the extra clothes neatly, she hugs them to her chest and steps back out, settling back on the couch next to the man. Of course, it's a bit risqué to be sitting without pants on, but with his shirt she feels secure. Tucking the clothes away, she scoots to tuck herself into his side. "Thanks for the clothes."
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 3 years ago
@❛ chaeyoung p。 Letting the jacket fall off his broad shoulders, he threw the clothing recklessly on the couch before his dearest one landed there. There was a new thing he learned about the girl out of her actions: she was a perfectionist. Of course, he adored to explore these little things, details he wrote imaginably in his head to remember. "She's around three months. I mean, that's what they told me when I adopted her from the shelter". Soon his lips pressed together, making a smile expand all over his profile. Although the kitty was cute, the girl next to the animal was any less cute and once again Jaehyun hoped he's not daydreaming. "I'll bring you some clothes to feel comfortable", and he got lost behind the wall to find a huge black cotton shirt and a pair of sweatpants, even if he wasn't sure she'd want to wear something that'll probably keep slipping down. When the young man returned, he stopped behind the couch, placing the clothes somewhere next to her.
❛ chaeyoung p。 3 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 The familiar beep of the door as it clicks open rings in her ears and Chaeyoung finds herself stepping in all too naturally. The entire time they've known each other, the years they've been friends, she can practically count the number of times that she's been to his home, and yet it feels so .. good. Pressing her sneakers together to slip them off, she arranges them neatly against the wall and tucks her hair behind her ear as she waits for him to enter. There's quiet padding against the hardwood floors, and to her surprise comes a little sphinx kitten who mewls at them almost like a greeting. She can't help the coo that slips past her tiers, crouching down to give the kitten a light pat and rub to her head. As she steps further into the home, her eyes scan over the furniture, the relatively bare walls, until she finds herself resting on the couch with the kitten now sitting beside her. "She's so tiny, Jae. How old is she?"
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 3 years ago
@❛ chaeyoung p。 Words of mutual love she confessed before were playing in his head like his favorite song, not that it could compare to the beloved one's melodic voice. The young man was making his way towards the door of his apartment, with her hand trapped in his own as he made her chase his shadow; he dared to glue their hands together, somehow afraid that she'd change her mind and run away faster than horses in the wild. His aparment was the very last one down the corridor. The pads of his fingertip pressed the code against the sensor, unlocking the door. There was no way he could sense that his sentiments would be reciprocated one day, but the day has come, face wearing a smile of pure delight now that his mind was busy thinking about it while opening the iron surface of the door to invite her in. "Come in, make yourself cozy. My home, is your home".
❛ ariana g。 4 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 the surprise of the door opening so quickly was quickly plastered upon ariana's widening eyes, only for them to etch into gentle crescents due to the smile now etched upon her face. it mirrors his own, her eyes running over his (what seemed to be) disheveled locks and dimpled cheeks. it looks good on him, both his messy sea of strands and the way his cheeks cave in, and she can't but to playfully curtsy with a chuckle following suit. "present." the female hums, only to step in post his invitation. the cologne dancing along his collarbones entice her as she does so, but she manages to disguise the attraction to it as she overlooks the apartment with a smile.

"no need to apologize, i like it." the tips of her fingers drum along the pool of her hoodie, turning upon her heels in order to look at him once more. her free arm elevates, tips of her fingers still loosely gripping upon the plastic bag. "i brought drinks. wasn't sure if you drank so i brought some cola just in case." simultaneously stepping towards the nearest table to set them down, the pads of her fingertips ride just above her ear as she tucks her hair behind it. "thanks for the invite, i definitely wasn't looking forward to spending the evening alone." grasping a can of beer for herself, her manicured nails sink beneath the metal to pop it open before extending it towards the male's taller figure. "care for some? maybe it'll assist with taking our minds off of.. everything going on."
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ ariana g。 there was nothing much he did at the end of a busy day but laying on his comfortable couch and looking for a good show to distract himself. although there were voices coming from the tv screen, his dark orbs were glued onto the white ceiling. his brain blank, filled with boredom and exhaustion. the long arms were thrown above his head, before leading one of them underneath the nape to replace the absent pillow. lately he's been feeling lonely, abandoned spiritually which only made him want to pause his life, inhale fresh oxygen and start writing a new chapter of his story. however, the girl he met yesterday trapped his interest; there was something about her that accelerated his breathe.

the fact that he didn't know when she was going to appear was thrilling, so the young man swiftly got up from the couch and made his way to the first mirror he observed. long digits running through the tangled strands, as an attempt to tame the chaos, the pads of his fingertips massaging into his sensitive scalp. not the most immaculate hairstyle he had before, but at least it was decent for now. his eyes fell on the petite dark bottle of cologne placed on the edge of the table, and he knew he had to splash the consistence all over his neck area. it was the favorite masculine odor of citrus and ocean waves, with a fresh drop of freedom lingering over his skin, his chest rose then fell ceaselessly. 

the knocking noise coming through the hallway piercing his eardrums, and he spun on his feet, voyaging towards the door of his domicile. how polite would it be if he hesitated and made his guess wait, so in countless seconds the wooden surface opened.

"You're here", the corners of his lips went upwards, in consequence producing his deep dimples so appear in the pallid cheeks. "Come in", he stepped to the side, offering her the opportunity to enter. "Sorry if it's a bit unorganized, i was just laying on the couch and chilling. Glad you decided to come!".
❛ ariana g。 4 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 there's quite an indescribable glow that is deemed present upon ariana's visage with each step taken within the halls. donned in a simple enlarged hoodie with shorts hidden beneath, the booties tied to her ankles made up for her lack of height (even if it was just a bit). the ends of her tendrils tickle just beneath her waist with each swing of her hips, the tips of her fingers thrumming to the quickening beat of her heart as she nears the apartment number given. the female found it quite invigorating to have made a new friend, for his aura was one she'd yet to meet here in casia. blame it on his sense of peculiarity or his good looks, for the female was quite intrigued and turning down an offer to get to know him didn't seem to be within her favor.

her own painted tiers purse to emit a whistle, brown orbs following the change in number from door to door until -- "c12." the mutter is just beneath her breath as her hand raises the device being held within it, looking over their texts to confirm that this was it. it was, to her satisfaction, and her head tilts to run over the plastic bag dangling from her inked finger before returning to the wooden door ahead. ariana wasn't normally known to be this bold - it seems that the accident from casia and the aftermath. . the complete change of her life was accompanied by a change of behavior. it wasn't as though she was aware of it, though. memories fog from the months spent in a timeframe of uncertainty, and perhaps it was best that it was so.

there wasn't any purpose in trying to remember events that'd taken place to which she fails to remember, for it would most likely do more damage than anything else.

running her palm up the door with a low hum, her hand fists and nudges upon the door three consecutive times before taking a single step back.
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ chungha k。 () forgot to tag you
check my apartment for the reply
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 4 years ago
The young man made terrible decisions immeasurably, even since he was born. There was nobody to blame but himself when they faced these harmful circumstances. the ultimate thing he wanted was to damage their trust bridge because right now it was slowly dissolving like a sandcastle in the waves of the ocean; washed away by distress and mourning. Jaehyun kept quiet even when her melodious voice escalated into a storm of rage, and he let her. It wasn't the best idea to protest or find excuses, she'd turn them against him. "Chungha", the masculine voice was nearly tranquil, with his lips pressed together in a thin line that went downwards on his visage.

"I didn't leave you", the muscles of his chest amortized the fists whenever they landed on the salient surface; he did nothing to prevent the myriad ache that it caused. Maybe the spiritual pain was overshadowing the physical one? her words were digging into his wounds harder than knives, slicing his essence until he went completely numb. "You are really selfish for saying this, you know?", sedate, Jaehyun had no energy to scream his anguish out and pour it on her shoulders. The corners of his mouth went up, drawing a ridiculed smile, with a lot of misery delivered. "Do you think it's only hard for you? Chungha I've been crying myself out for the past days. I couldn't let you see me like this, nor wanted to be in your eyes when I know exactly how much you detest the thought of having a child".

His embrace grew rampant, squeezing her frame against him without a drop of hesitation. Face hid in her bony shoulder, a poor attempt to mask his vulnerability. Even if he tried to talk about his feelings, his point of view simply didn't matter as he concluded out of her words. Jaehyun kept silent again. The pace of his heartbeat accelerating as if the boy ran miles again, with liquid sentiments filling up his eyes. Trying to hold back his sadness, he had his inner cheeks bitten until a metallic flavor overpowered his cavern. "I didn't leave you", he began again, his baritone trembling under the effect of melancholy "I was so miserable that I could feel my heart exploding. I know you didn't want the baby, but I did. How was I supposed to look into your face again and pretend that nothing happened? It was a bad move, I agree, but my love, I needed time to gain myself together before I can be the pylon you need". 

When he pulled away, he glimpsed into her dear orbs; there was no need for her to yell because a look was enough to kill him entirely. "I wanted this child, especially when it was you who gave me the best present a human can get". The dried lips found themselves glued to her forehead for a lone transient moment. "I will never forgive myself for leaving you alone, and I will hate myself forever for daring to want something more than the affection you give me".  
❛ chungha k。 4 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 All Chungha wanted to do was snatch her arm back away from him. She we seething inside, its like all her eyes could see was fiery red, all her body could feel was lava. Even when he touched her, it burned. It burned her eyes... it burned her heart, and her mind. It felt like her skin was prickling; little fires exploding across her skin. Chungha flinched back when he wiped the tear from her eye. She glanced up to him sharply, locking eyes. "You LEFT me!" At this moment she hated him almost more than she hated herself. "You KNEW what happened you were ing there and yet you wanna LEAVE me.... ALONE?" Her eyes narrowed, eyes all but knives, slicing him in half. Her heart wouldn't calm down, it was bouncing, lopsided off the walls of her chest. Her small frames was shaking so much she was almost vibrating in his arm.

And then she started swinging.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ING JUST LEFT ME ALONE!" She didnt hold back, tiny closed fists letting all of her pain lose, most of her punches landing on his chest and his arms as he tried to defend himself. "I KNOW I SAID TO GET OUT BUT YOU ACTUALLY LEFT YOU ING !" She was relentless, punching and screaming, little grunts from all the effort she was putting into this attack until she couldn't breathe anymore and heaved shakily, the air clogging through between breathing and sobbing. Then she collapsed in his arms. She broke down, legs giving out from under her, a weak fist dribbling down his chest. Her voice cracked and breathless, a rasp painted the start of her sentences. "You left me alone..." She cried, tears unstoppable over her flushed face, "I ing need you and you. weren't. there." Her breathing hitched, sobs raking over her shoulders. As much as she wanted him to not be around there wasn't anybody else she could go through this with... no mom, no dad, no siblings. Every ounce of family was always taken from her. Was this her curse? This was a big thing it made her delirious. Her cries were mumbled and unintelligible. Small whimpering sounds were seeping from the shell of a person Chungha thought was not her and would never be her ever again, yet here she was. Slinking into a cold pool of brokenness that took all the breath out of her. Yet she still had the nerve to try to raise another weak fist again as she leaned on Jaehyun.
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ chungha k。 When the low bass voice resonated in the kitchen, it was completely ignored by the girl. Coal orbs involuntarily chased her body pirouetting all over the small room. The man just couldn't deny that even with her scarlet eyes, with crystalline tears swinging in her lower eyelid, she was poetically beautiful. The chestnut hair was chaos and it was an unwritten fact that her nights were probably sleepless as well. These few days he spent outside he was staring at the ceiling in his sister's apartment, with all the blame on his shoulders. The food was placed rather violently on the wooden table, making him hold the oxygen back in his lungs as long as he could. Perhaps it was his past, the traumatic childhood that made him grow into a man that would take all the responsibility on his shoulder, promising himself that no matter what happens, his children will be always surrounded by love and affection. But he was in pain. His soul was cut open and bleeding desolation. 

"Chungha, we have to talk about it", Jaehyun's long fingers encircled around his woman's bony wrist, abruptly stopping her in the spot. His frame spun towards her while still holding the young lady firmly so she can't escape from the invisible cage he trapped her in. "It's not your fault", short and clear, his message had to be delivered as blaring as possible. Chest rising and falling whenever the air was entering his organism, and although his words were pronounced without a pause or incoherence, his heart was beating like an injured bird in his chest cavity. His hand reached out to wipe the spilling tears off her cheek, transferring the liquid to the pad of his thumb. "I had to know better than an unprotected act has consequences. I hate that I had to make you go thought this, and I hate that I broke the bridge of trust between us".

Lowering his upper body to close the height gap between them, the young man's forehead pressed against Chungha's. Eyelids felt heavy from the rampant sentiments that damaged his internal universe, he was shattering into a million pieces because he might lose the only person he adored. How foolish of him to think that a simple sorry can fix their relationship back. His heavy respiration fell on the apple of her roseate cheeks. "You have all the rights to destroy everything in this apartment, you can hit me, you can do anything to me, but don't hurt yourself. If you tell me to leave, I will".
❛ chungha k。 4 years ago
@❛ jaehyun j。 Too soon, she thought. Anytime would be too soon and thus, she didn't even turn around when he spoke to her. What even would she say? Every single time she looked at him, her mind was triggered. She swallowed the lump down in , Jaehyun wasn't about to see her cry again and the shake in her voice would betray her. Instead she focused on what she was doing, which was cleaning everything in the house. Currently she was scrubbing the tines of a fork as if she was sharpening the blade with sheer will. It was all she could do before she had to turn around and face Jaehyun. Her brows furrowed. She wasn't mad until came into the house, slamming doors, the peacefulness shattering in his wake. When she finally glanced over to him her eyes welled up. All that she had spent time thinking about what she wanted to say and like... it wasn't his fault they lost the baby was it? But the other side of her head was saying of course its his fault. He probably did it on purpose. Can she even trust him? Then again, she didnt even want a baby. So this was perfect right. They could just continue with them and no complications. But then her insecurities attacked her... making her doubt if her body was a failure and she was unfit to mother in the first place; her choices were taken away from her whether she wanted a baby and then whether she wanted to get rid of it and now she was feeling hopeless and scared and defensive and just like a failure. Chungha brought her hand up to her eyes, strengthening up her resolve and basically swatting the tears away before they even started. With a glare and quick steps she headed to the fridge and all but tossed a plastic wrapped plate of grilled chicken, broccoli and rice on the counter beside him. She knew he couldn't cook something actually filling for himself but maybe she just cooked out of habit. Either way, she stomped past him heading to the laundry, "I don't want to talk about it Jaehyun." Her voice was crackly and dry. She hadn't used it all day and she didn't plan to anymore.
❛ jaehyun j。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ chungha k。 as he entered the domicile that was shared with his beloved one, the door slammed loudly from the angry action. the young man exhaled warm oxygen, the floor creaking under his weight when he made his way towards the kitchen. it's been a few days since he last came home. in fact, he returned to this cursed place because his home was actually the girl he loved, she was the only shelter he ever needed. a roof can save you from rain, but her arms can save you from pain and sorrow. you know a person is your everything when they make you feel a million colors; from all of them chungha was the warmest.

jaehyun noticed her petite body struggling at the kitchen counter. the silence grew louder the more he stated at her back. divine creature, he loved to the bones; frail and small; his eyes were becoming red as if he was stuck in a dust storm. her name was still printer on his lips, and yet he hesitated to call out for her. a part of him wanted to comfort his woman 'i love you, it's fine', but all he really said was: "Are you really going to stay silent like that?". His voice had to stay as calm as possible, considerate towards his woman so they don't face another ocean of tears.


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fluffmeister 3 years ago
kang yuchan please
saorsa 3 years ago
this is a few days late(didn't even realise the front page had changed yet) but happy feature! you guys have a gorgeous rp! :D
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 3 years ago
happy feature
molani 3 years ago
congrats on the featured!!! u w u
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
Congratulations on the feature, babes.
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 3 years ago
blxckheart 7 minutes ago Reply All
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
healys 3 years ago
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
sprezzatura 3 years ago
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
yxgurt [A] 3 years ago
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
hissra 3 years ago
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
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