ㅤᴅᴏᴏʀ ⋮ C11

apt c11.
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Two-bedroom apartment belonging to Diamonté Harper


❛ seora k。 3 years ago
@❛ diamonté h。 The younger of the two had spent far too many nights with multiple pillows over her head and 80's rock blaring in her ears. She was happy for the couples or one night stands or whatever but she needed her sleep too. She'd spoken to her best friend next door about the noise before and he'd promised to keep it down. It didn't happen, but it was a nice thought. The thought of bothering her other neighbor had crossed her mind and then she figured it would only end with the same result. And so she was at a loss for sleep on a regular basis. "True but at least you're far enough down the hall that /you're/ not the one depriving me of sleep." Her hand lowers to brush against the nape of her neck. "I'd do it back just to spite them all. Then again, I don't have the kind of game everyone else seems to have." She leaned over the car to hear the other's statement, considering her own answer for a moment as she got inside as well. "I think the food and just the idea of being outside a lab for 5 minutes. It's refreshing." She finally decided, closing the door and leaning back in her seat. "I'm ready to gain like 10 pounds from all of this."
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 3 years ago
@❛ seora k。 The brunette, on the other hand, didn't mind being late, so long as the occasion wasn't dire. So long as it didn't involve making her late for an important meeting that would cost her, her job, she didn't mind. All that mattered to her now was the fact that she could finally eat food she normally wouldn't at home, while wearing clothes that would otherwise collect dust in her closet. A soft chuckle evokes from roseate tiers at the comment the latter makes about neighbors, knowing full well the ails of living in an apartment with same-aged people. "Oh I get what you mean. But that would make me a hypocrite, because I might just be one of those people." She shows no shame in admitting such—she was never the type to be shy of such a topic. Once she approaches her car, she waits for the familiar sound of an unlocking door (she didn't have to manually press a button, as her car could sense if her keys were nearby), she opens to the driver's side, climbing inside to immediately press the engine start button. "Honestly? The food. That's literally it. How about you?"
❛ seora k。 3 years ago
@❛ diamonté h。 (imma cry i thought i made it longer ;;)
❛ seora k。 3 years ago
@❛ diamonté h。 If there was anything she didn't like doing, it was being late. That also went for making others late. Seora took the other female's laughter as some kind of agreement, taking a step back to let the taller of the two through and then heading back down the hall. "I got as much as I could manage. It makes it difficult when your neighbors on either side have a tendency to be...loud with their nighttime partners." She explained, fingers tucking loose tresses behind her pierced ears. "I managed to squeeze a few hours in so hopefully it's enough." Shoulders lift in a nonchalant shrug as she meets the eyes of the other girl. "What are you most excited for, Dia? I'm curious."
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 3 years ago
@❛ seora k。 The female took a second to admire her company's outfit, a casual yet classically stylish ensemble in comparison to her own rather showy two-piece. Her knitted top is a three-toned bralette that allowed enough breathability for today's activities, while her matching high-waisted shorts offered the same functionality. She glances down at her own shoes, white sneakers over crew-length socks—again, a more functional choice in comparison to the high-heeled boots of the same color that she originally wanted to wear. She takes note of the rosy lips that decorate the latter's rather stunning visage as her own bashfulness eclipses her otherwise confident demeanor. She makes a mental note to make today as awkward as she has already made it, with the diffident laugh that leaves her lips instead of a normal "yes, let's go". Stepping out of her apartment, she locks the door behind her before leading her out of the corridor and to the parking lot, keys swinging around her finger. "It's okay. Have you gotten enough rest last night, though?"
❛ seora k。 3 years ago
@❛ diamonté h。 (It's fine! I'm sorry I'm so late today)

Seora brushed her manicured fingers over her high-waisted shorts in a sorry attempt at ironing them as she waited for Dia to answer the door. Her usual ensemble of jeans, a t-shirt, and a lab coat were traded out for something more...summery? Navy shorts hugged her noticeable curves, her button-down blouse doing well to hide her top half and keep her from overheating in the ever worsening weather. Two-toned tresses were tied into a messy ponytail-bun hybrid upon the crown of her head and multi-colored jewelry adorned her tattooed wrists. Her movements ceased and her face lit up at the sight of the other female, eyes swiftly taking in her well put together appearance. "Hey! You look great, girl. I think you've got me beat." She teased, hands finding their place on her waist. "Shall we? I wouldn't want us to miss out on the fun because I ran us late." Rosy lips formed a sheepish smile as she stepped back, gesturing for taller girl to walk first. "I didn't think work was going to throw me around so much this weekend."
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 3 years ago
@❛ seora k。 "I think that looks okay," Diamonté mumbled under her breath as her eyes carefully inspect the figure in the mirror. Before her stands a woman clad in pink, a color she rarely wears, as indicated by the diffident expression on her otherwise self-assured visage. Which, by the way, is wearing a lot more bronzer and eyeshadow than usual. Her hair, normally tied up in a low bun for her job(s), cascades around her shoulders in ebony ringlets, half of it pulled back in a cute little bun on the crown of her head. It's clear that she put in a lot of effort for today's look, despite the fact that the occasion didn't really call for it. Regardless, she wanted to look presentable for once, especially since this is the first time in a long time that she will be hanging out with someone at a festival—particularly a girl she barely knows. And she had been the one to ask for her company with the hopes of making a new friend. Hopefully this goes well. She rushes to the door upon hearing the knock, grabbing her already-prepared cross-body bag on the way before unlocking and opening for the Seora with a wide smile. "Hey!"

[] um i'm sorry i didn't mean for it to get that long feel free to shorten ;;
❛ seora k。 3 years ago
@❛ diamonté h。 "C11. C11." Seora muttered to herself as she strolled through the C building, shoes scuffing the floor below when she finally found it, then lifting a hand to knock upon the apartment door. No matter how many times she did things like this, she could never get used to going out with new people. She didn't have anything against them. She was just used to being on her own and that was it. Once her life had been filled with textbooks, labs, and exams. Now it was filled with new friendships, complicated situations, and more crazy memories than she could care to count.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
His reintroduction brings forth a jocund chuckle to entertain his jest, the gesture rather unnecessary (given their circumstances) but an endearing one nonetheless. Though she didn't need vocal confirmation from him, she didn't realize how much she appreciated such a confession, as her heart fluttered in elation. It's touching to see him become so open with emotions. It's a complete juxtaposition from his hesitation just minutes before. Her dainty hand eagerly takes his larger, calloused one to secure their new arrangement. "Pleasure to meet you, Lee Hoseok. I'm Diamonté Qiava Valentin Harper, and I like you a lot too."
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
At her response, the male softens the tension in his shoulders, having found relief in her acceptance. Well— he was aware that between the two of them, he’d be the less likely to agree to such terms. And yet he proposed the idea of allowing things, such as their feelings, take hold on the foundation in their relationship. He knew he was horrid at commitment, considering his past experiences with prior lovers, but that didn’t stop him from popping the question. Raising his hand up to meet hers, he parts his lips to introduce himself once more. “In that case then, my name is Lee Hoseok. And I like you, a lot.”
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
The woman herself was unsure if she wanted to dive into a relationship headfirst, especially with someone who has yet to acquire any knowledge of her dual life. As a person who threw away the prospect of a relationship the moment she signed her life to secrecy, an instance like this proved to be daunting. Though she spoke with an open heart, the label frightened her. She wanted him, but wasn’t sure if she was prepared for the commitment that this would entail should she agree. But he promised something else; something that would allow them to ease themselves into things without fully pledging their hearts to one another. “I’d like that,” she responds with a small smile tugging on the corners of her lips. “I really would.”
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
Despite his resistance, she continued to pursue him. It was puzzling, to be frank. But something about that characteristic invigorated his adoration for the woman even more. He was an absolute er for girls like that; it was no wonder he liked her so much. “I‘m not ready for a relationship, and I’m sure you’re aware of that. But...” he heaves a deep breath, attempting to clarify his stance. He knew he possessed traits she may or may not have been fond of— and yet he still wanted her. Maybe he’d hide his habits for now. She wouldn’t have to know. Not yet at least, right? “...I want you. I wanna start seeing you— properly, before we make any decisions. If you find that you change your mind later on, then we can stop. Is that okay?”
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ hoseok l。 Although his words would have normally deterred her from pursuing her hankering need for this man, it doesn't. In fact, it challenges her to push for more. Caution had been thrown in the wind days ago, following the events of that unfortunate (but seemingly necessary) encounter in the common room. She has nothing left to lose, not when she already told him how she felt dozens of times before. It was his turn to come to terms with the emotions that become him and make a decision. Whatever he chooses to do, of course, she will respect, but not without a fight. She adored him too much, no matter where her affection is rooted. There's no point in returning to their original arrangement—the way she saw it, they either end it here or revel in their budding love for one another. "You don't really know me for who I am, either. But we can learn." She pauses and heaves a sigh. "I've said my piece time and time again. I don't want to have to keep repeating that I want you if you don't feel the same way."

[] tagging because this is basically our new long thread lmfao.
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
Why he always did this to himself- he had no idea. He was never good with his words, but he seemed to be phenomenal at digging his own grave. "But you don't really know me for who I am, so are you sure about that?" He asked, fingers quick to pinch at the fabric within his pockets. He had clear reason for straying away from the idea of a relationship- plus, the foundation beneath them rested over their attraction for each other physically rather than emotionally. Though he was aware of the growing feelings he had for the woman, he still had reason to resist. Should he jump the bandwagon and pursue in seeing her as a romantic interest instead? Because he wasn't ready for a relationship yet, that option (aside from ignoring their feelings entirely) seemed best.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
The question he poses is one that has resonated in her mind more often than she'd like to admit. It's not a query she wanted to bring up, not necessarily out of her own demur, but out of fear that he'd answer incorrectly. And he did, just recently, but she has since passed it off as an answer that was forced out of him by an unlikely encounter. She doubted that Hoseok expected anyone to confront them about their exchange, much less as direct as Lalisa did back at the lounge. It's ironic how he is the one to bring it up this time around, but she supposes that it's time to fully address it. "I know what I want us to be," she quips while lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "You have to answer your own question, darling."
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
At her response, he releases a soft breath of distress. He wondered what those reasons could have been, because it didn’t seem as if they existed or mattered anymore. ”What are we then?” He directs his gaze to peer into her brown orbs, hands subconsciously slipping to hide within the hollow pockets of his jeans. Though it was bold of him to bring out such a question, he didn’t know where they stood anymore. Yes, he was afraid of giving into her. Yes, he had things he was hiding from her. But considering how present their feelings were, they’d fight over this again and again. “We told ourselves we wouldn’t do this, but it doesn’t seem like we’re listening anymore.”
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
"I had my reasons, yes." Her line of sight wanders elsewhere as she heaves out a sigh, shoulders deflating as she allows her hands to fall to her sides. The aforementioned "reasons" consisted of two things: her hidden occupation and past experiences. But those past experiences didn't denote a fear of the other person inflicting pain, but of her breaking her own heart, as this stipulation is well-connected with her first and primary reason. Why? Why wouldn't it be? Her job is her main priority, which means "love" can seldom fit in her life. Not when it meant exposing her identity. But how can she ignore the ache in her heart that grows stronger every single time she lays eyes upon this man? It's been years since she felt something like this—she would be an idiot to ignore her heart. Her brown orbs return to his. "Had. Not anymore."
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
“But when we had started, you had your reasons to agreeing right? To keeping our emotions out of the way?” He couldn’t help but be concerned, unsure of why she’d toss such values out the window. Truly, he used his boundaries as a line of protection to all the what ifs. What if he fell in love with her? And what if she left him when she realized his bad habits? What if he gave into her- and what if she were seeing other people, such as mark? The only reason why he doubted her wasnt because of her- but because of himself. He knew how it felt to see different people at the same time. He knew how easy it was to sugar coat the surface, so long as his feelings stayed out. But she was different- and for once, he felt something. That’s why he was cautious- and so concerned.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
His inability to speak thins out her patience, and she braces herself for yet another vague explanation. But it doesn’t come. Instead, he pours out a confession that she has never heard before, a peek into his heart. For the first time ever, he’s allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of her, even if it’s in small increments. “Hoseok,” she begins, her shoulders deflating as her gaze softens. “Don’t you think that our ‘boundaries’ are hurting us more than the dreaded ‘what ifs’?”
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
He averts his gaze up to meet hers, the lack of hesitation in her tone rather convincing to say the least. “I just...” he parts his lips to speak, unsure. He never wanted to be too open to her. If anything- he vowed that he wouldn’t, the moment their relationship began. But his heart got the best of him, and for once he was honest. “I just don’t want to hurt over you if I lose us. So I’m sorry if it seems like my walls are up. I’m just... trying to pretend I don’t...” He halts midway, aware that he’s saying too much.
[post deleted by owner]
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
“Because you and I what, Hoseok?” Her eyes probe into his in search for a valid answer, clearly unimpressed with the one he gives her vocally. Whatever reservations he has is bull by now, especially after the night they shared not too long ago. “I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t seeing anyone else before, and I’m not lying now. Even if I am, which I’m not, I made it clear that I only wanted one person. And it’s certainly not Mark.”
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
There it was again- the need to directly talk about their feelings and why they felt the way they felt. He never wanted to explain himself to her, because he knew such a topic would lead to them...- gah. truly, he just didn’t want to face reality. “Because you and I-“ he stutters, unsure of how to respond. ”We’re not.. I told you it was okay to do whatever you want. I dont know why I reacted like that.”
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
“Why weren’t you right to?” Her brows furrow with clear exasperation towards whatever he’s insinuating, finding herself completely clueless at this point. She completely ignores his question, imploring him to elaborate upon his previous statement as she leans against her doorframe, arms folded across her chest as she waits for a clear answer.
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
“Acting that way. It wasn’t right to.” He says, gaze eventually lowering to fix on the ground. He wasn’t wrong. She wasn’t his and he clearly had issues committing so... it wasn’t right of him to respond like that. “Will you be alright sleeping alone tonight?” He didn’t feel as if it’d be proper to push himself onto her, especially since he was unaware of how she felt about him now. If anything, he’d leave her alone till... well, she assured him that it was okay to try again.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
For? It was a genuine question. He had nothing to apologize for. She was the one with the secrets. She was the one who chose to lie. All he did was react, and rightfully so. The only thing she wishes, however, was that he didn’t automatically conclude with unfaithfulness. She would never do that, not to him, not when she had just told him that she wasn’t seeing anyone else. And yet her stupid slip up in the lounge today might just be her undoing.
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
He felt like a drag, to be quite honest. He was never one to feel so low but— tonight was a night. For once his insecurities peered through for a woman he wasn’t with yet, and he was ashamed he let himself down. Stopping at her door, he lifted his gaze to watch her go in, having leaned forward to rest his shoulder against the frame. “I’m sorry,” he softly said.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
She spares occasional glances at the male who, to no surprise for her, is carefully deliberating over the false information she’s given him. It pains her to lie to him, the last thing she wanted him to think was that she was anything but faithful. Not that it mattered to him, she was still unsure where their “relationship” lies. So she doesn’t say anything to steer him from he already believes, instead silently taking out her keys and slipping it into the magnetic keyhole, waiting for the green light to go off before she’d pull it out and open the door.
❛ hoseok l。 4 years ago
Though he was bothered by the idea that she may or may not have been faithless, he fought himself yet again. So what if she were seeing other people? The lines in their relationship were still valid, so he had no right to feel the way he felt. But still, the idea turned his stomach upside down.
❛ diamonté h。 [A] 4 years ago
The walk back to her abode is quiet. Awkward. She’s far too tired to explain, but even if she wasn’t, what would she tell him? It wouldn’t be right to tell him the full truth right away—not when she didn’t know how he would react. But then again, he didn’t take her little fib very lightly either.


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fluffmeister 3 years ago
kang yuchan please
saorsa 3 years ago
this is a few days late(didn't even realise the front page had changed yet) but happy feature! you guys have a gorgeous rp! :D
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 3 years ago
happy feature
molani 3 years ago
congrats on the featured!!! u w u
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
Congratulations on the feature, babes.
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 3 years ago
blxckheart 7 minutes ago Reply All
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
healys 3 years ago
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
sprezzatura 3 years ago
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
yxgurt [A] 3 years ago
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
hissra 3 years ago
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
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