▸ ❛ park

viridian park.
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The name is fitting for its appearance, as this park stands out from the rest of the town. Though it does have lavenders growing in certain areas, this park is made vibrant with greenery, from the healthy trees, to the perfectly cut grass. In the center, there is a small lake where ducks swim.


❛ mino s。 4 years ago
@❛ momo h。 Jaebum slowly chewed on his tiers, haltingly attaining confidence upon watching her reaction. His steps were adamant and unambiguous towards her, getting closer to the female's figure. The feature that caught his attention the most was her petulant crimson lips, how he wished he could have a taste again. Unwittingly his lips while his arms wrap around the female's torso. "I missed you so... much... Momo." Jaebum's eyes shifted to met her docile orbs, leaning bravely in to plant a tender smooch on her brims.
❛ momo h。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jaebum i。 Not like she minded when here hair was violated in every direction by the wind currents, but this meeting was extremely important. Besides the fact that she missed him, regarding her denial, the girl hoped to look as feminine as possible. This trick that makes a lady look weak, indirectly demanding protection. With the corner of her rounded eyes, she observed the masculine frame appearing into the distance. Her arm lifted, waving as a greeting sign with a hesitant note. "Hello", she swiftly replied, shades of crimson swiftly flourishing in the apple of her cheeks. "I missed your presence". No matter how much she hated to admit it, it was the pure truth she couldn't hide anymore. Could she dare to hug him or not, was it appropriate or not. These questions were flying all over her exhausted brain.
❛ mino s。 4 years ago
@❛ momo h。 It was like a dream come true, he was about to see her again, to feel her again. His expression was blank, staring at his own reflection on the mirror. Jaebum wanted to look as good as possible, it was like their first time hanging out, one on one. His whole body was trembling, and only got worse when he arrived at the park. She. She was there. Standing alone, dazzlingly, mesmerizing, That's Momo for Jaebum. He restlessly bit his lower tier, unsure of how to act around her. The feeling of missing me was bigger than any other thought he could have. Was it possible for her to look more beautiful, delicate, a whole lady. Jaebum couldn't hide his shy smile keeping his orbs on her. "Hello. It's been a while." His hands were holding one another, holding back the desire to have her on his arms.
❛ momo h。 [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jaebum i。 Bringing the clock on her wrist towards her face, her head tilted to the side. She probably arrived earlier only because she was the type to hate being late. Her perfectionism could not allow her being late when she haven;t seen him in a while now. Her fingertips ran through her now bleached locks, fixing the hair as the wind kept on creating chaos. "I wonder if he's on his way already".
❛ sujeong r。 4 years ago
@❛ sam k。 Usually not someone to let stress get to her, Sujeong was feeling rather bogged down being anywhere in the apartment complex, so she often left to go on a run to clear her head and just get her away. It’s what she was doing now with her earbuds blasting away some music she was barely listening to, attention grabbed by a man sitting in the park that was usually empty due to the recent happenings. She slowed her jog to a walk until she was stopped in front of him to catch her breath, removing one earbud. “Then why are you out and about?” She asked a bit flippantly, expression guarded as she stretched out her back, “I don’t really fear what’s going on. I’ve been here a few days.”
❛ jieun l。 4 years ago
@❛ yein j。 Finally being able to take her time to bathe in the sunlit greenery of the park incited an explicable sense of calmness over Jieun. A sense of nostalgia washes over her mind with the same ardor the wind greets blades of verdigris each time it passes. Tucking an aureate-tinted strand away from her features and behind her ear, contentment escapes coral-glossed brims and weaves into the wind's greetings. Countryside strolls surrounded by nature seemed a lifetime ago now that concrete lined every path. An everyday exercise taken for granted had become such a luxury occurrence she no longer had the privilege to encounter more than once in blue moon.

Her bitter-sweet trance was pulverised first into staggered stupor, then into puzzlement as a thin sheet attaches itself to her face, fastened by the strong gust at her direction. Startled fingers rush to peel it away as a melody of laughter calls for her attention. As her sight adjusts to focus on the cream paper entwined within her grasp, recognition distracts from dialogue. "Orchis mascula." Stretching the likeness of the flower for a more intentional observation, her lips stretch to form an admiring simper, which she directs at the puppy-eyed stranger before her. "This is beautiful, did you draw this?"


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fluffmeister 3 years ago
kang yuchan please
saorsa 3 years ago
this is a few days late(didn't even realise the front page had changed yet) but happy feature! you guys have a gorgeous rp! :D
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 3 years ago
happy feature
molani 3 years ago
congrats on the featured!!! u w u
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
Congratulations on the feature, babes.
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 3 years ago
blxckheart 7 minutes ago Reply All
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
healys 3 years ago
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
sprezzatura 3 years ago
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
yxgurt [A] 3 years ago
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
hissra 3 years ago
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
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