ㅤᴅᴏᴏʀ ⋮ D14

apt d14.
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Three-bedroom apartment belonging to Ten Leechaiyakul and Lucas Wong.  


❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ten was half paying attention to what Lucas was saying, mostly focusing on the puppy as she wandered about. It seemed that she still wasn’t used to his presence since she didn’t linger too long around him before rushing away again to explore more of the apartment. He ended up looking at Lucas in surprise, chuckling in intrigue. “You actually remembered that? I didn’t think you took it seriously.” Not that he minded having a puppy though, it would be a fun addition to the apartment. He walked over to sit opposite of Lucas, close enough that their knees were bumping. He had an urge to pet the puppy, but wasn’t sure if he should. “She’s a girl, right?” He asked for confirmation, humming thoughtfully. “Maybe... Lucy? Do you think that’ll be too plain for her?”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 "Well," Lucas was over by his bag now, it was overstuffed because of what he was yanking out which was a a fuzzy dog bed, "The opportunity came up and I didnt tell you about it cuz i didn't wanna get your hopes up when my coworker's dog had puppies." His hands worked to reshape the bed while the puppy wandered around loosely sniffing things then going back to Ten, then sniffing farther. Seems she was a bit scared too. "But now the puppies are ready to take home, and you said you wanted a dog so... you're lucky." Sitting on the floor he crosses his legs, a dip forming then which the pup felt was suddenly her spot and ran and jumped into Lucas's lap. He laughed lighting up and squishing her face with his hands which excited her and had her playful jumping around and being defensive with little barks. "So what do you think, what you gonna name her Ten?"
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 “Full?” Ten raises a brow in confusion and closed the door, locking it — can’t forget that crucial part. It was only then he noticed Lucas supporting something at his stomach and squinted, looking at it in confusion. “What are you-?” He watched as the other ped his jacket and upon noticing the puppy’s tail popping out, a shocked gasp left him. “No way!” Ten looked noticeably more excited now as Lucas brought the puppy out and set her to the ground, instinctively squatting down so he was closer to the puppy’s level and holding out a hand for the puppy to sniff, a smile tugging at his lips. “You actually got us a puppy? When? Where-?” He was out fo his words to describe how he was feeling, disbelieved but also awed.
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 "My hands were full, cut me some slack." Lucas wobbled through the door like a pregnant lady and dropped his bag on the floor. It didnt have his tablet in there so it was safe. "Lock the door. I brought you a surprise," He grinned smugly, tugging on the zipper down on his track jacket slowly, the tail of a squirming puppy popping out. "Oops wrong side," Readjusting the dog in his jacket as her finished ping he present her the proper way to Ten. "Tadaaaa~ what do you think? I brought you a strong independent woman to look after you when I'm gone?" Lucas set her on the ground and she circled back around his legs wary of Ten before rushing over to sniff him.
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 With everything that was going on, Ten had to close the parlour early these days, usually evening so everyone could return before night. This caused him to usually be left at the apartment to anxiously wait for Lucas’ return, either passing the time with worries or unhelpful sleeps. Reading the newest text, Ten raised a brow and huffed in disbelief. “Did he forget his keys again? At this time.” Shaking his head, he went and answered the door, making sure to look through the peephole just in case before opening the door finally. “What’s the use of giving you a key if you need me to open the door?” Ten complained as he stepped aside for Lucas to enter, not noticing the wriggling.
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Lucas hopped off the truck with with his bag on one shoulder and his arms hugged to his chest. His coworkers heard there were things going on around his apartment building and heard that his friend was taken so they wanted to make sure Lucas himself got safe and they watched him until he got into the building. Usually Lucas jogged home for health reasons but he didn't want to disgruntle the surprise for Ten so took careful steps around the corner after texting to Ten with a grin. He used voice to text option since nobody was on the floor with him, his other hand supporting his wiggling stomach. "open the door for me loser" He laughed, causing his stomach to whimper. "Sorry," He glanced down to his stomach, "lemme just erase that last part." Then he pressed send and stepped quicker towards the door, knocking to let Ten know it was him and not a stranger. "Come on Ten you know my voice open up."
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 "Lemon is good for you anyway" Lucas too the glass after slipping his arms in his jacket and took a sip, a long sip downing a majority of the glass and handing it back to Ten, trading it for his water bottle. Hm, Ten had filled it up for him... how thoughtful. Lucas's brows met in the middle, eyes passing over Ten's frame, rolling when he finished his sentence. "Okay mom i hear you dang." He tucked his trackbag under his arm, tilting his head to the side, eyes falling to the smaller as he tried to inch away to the door. "Of course I want you to come. It starts at 12 i run at 1 and 1:30 then i can go home by 2 even tho the meet lasts til 3" Dropping his neck in confusion, Lucas shook his head, "What you gonna be busy doing tomorrow ? "
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 “What’s with that uncertain tone? It’s not like I put lemon in it or anything,” mused Ten with a click of his tongue. “I’m not plotting anything against you 24/7, don’t be so uptight!” He held up the glass of water. “Drink this before going. Here’s your water bottle,” added Ten as he handed Lucas his filled bottle. “No appointments today, decided to give myself a day off. Perks of being your own boss,” commented Ten offhandedly. “Remember to have lunch, and be careful out on your track.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, raising a brow at the question. “Is that an invitation?” He teased, chuckling. “If you want me to, not as if I’m busy tomorrow. What time?”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Lucas had half a mind to sleep in the shower, the thought of Ten having to come in and see him though... he thought better of it. He was already being a mess this morning and Lucas couldn't be late or they would put him on probation for track. The ing worse to word hard at practice and not get to run. Not today. He finished washing his hair and hopped on racing to the room to find clothes and grabbing his trackbag. Dropping his towel over his head as he got dressed and hopped down the steps where Ten was waiting for him with a glass of water. He looked around for Johnny, or cameras incased Ten was plotting something and trying to slip it onto snapchat. "Thank you?" He replied uncertainly. "Do you not have work?" He was putting on his jacket because it had been getting colder lately and walking to the door to put his shoes on. "Also, are you coming to my track meet tomorrow ?" His hands rubbed at his hair to try and force it to dry faster, it was already 11: 03.
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ten extended a hand to Lucas, noticing him wobbling and worrying he might just fall over, only to watch dumbly as he zoomed for the bathroom. He quickly followed after Lucas, stopping right before colliding into him, quirking a brow in amusement as he took the bowl and refraining a grin from forming at the moustache stain. He watched Lucas enter the bathroom before turning on his heel and leaving too.

In the kitchen, he made quick work to wash the bowl and dry it, returning it in the cabinet. Then, he rinsed Lucas’ bottle and filled it with water, so the other didn’t have to do it. He left a glass of water on the dining table before taking off to his room again, making the bed (while complaining under his breath) and stowing away the breakfast table.

By the time everything was done, he was sitting at the dining table and waiting for Lucas, announcing once he spotted the other coming out from his room. “Here’s your glass of water.”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 He stare blankly at Ten after the kiss, eyes lagging after his every step before settling again. For some reason Lucas mentally blamed Ten for it not being Saturday already. Class started around 12 so he had about an hour to bull around. He picked up the bowl that was placed in front of him and drank the soup from the bowl like a smoothie. "I dont need anything, just water." He pushed the fluffy blankets from around him and continued drinking the soup, "I have practice today and I drank like 2 days ago," Standing from the bed, he wobbled, slightly disoriented from waking up to fast; yet still he darted for the bathroom to start the shower, "I'm trying to flush my system." Before heading out of the door he snatched a towel and stood, towering a little over Ten with this bowl of soup in hand. "Thanks for the breakfast Ten," Then he downed the rest of the soup, a little orange mustache catching on his upper up as he handed the bowl back to Ten and left for the bathroom.
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ten was almost thrown off by the motion, but quickly caught himself as he lifted his hips long enough for Lucas to settle again before sitting back down, back on the latter. He didn’t comment at the frustrated question, though a grin still formed on his features as he watched the other finally got up. He watched Lucas blinked, then beamed at the next question, nodding his head enthusiastically. “Yup! Much better!” He quickly leaned in to place a playful peck on his forehead before quickly jumping off the bed, bringing the breakfast table over and on it the bowl of pumpkin soup. “Now eat before it gets cold! What do you want to drink?”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Lucas rolled over beneath him, and snatched the blanket down just enough to peek out and see what Ten was doing, the motion moving him from stirring awake barely, to jolting awake instantly. His brows came together when he laid eyes on Ten and he flopped back with a groan, screaming into the bundle of blanket, "Why are you SO ANNOYING!" It was probably best to get up now, before Ten got too comfortable on his lap and started something else... Sitting up he leaned back on his palms and glanced up to Ten, blinking painfully slow, eyes gently raking over his face finding all pieces and connecting them into a face in his tired mind. He raised a brow, "Okay I'm up now, you happy?"
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ah, it seemed like Lucas had fallen back asleep. “Hey, no going back to sleep. You need to get up!” It didn’t seem that he would be doing that anytime soon though, which was sad. His brows furrowed and lips pursed, before he got onto the bed again and sat on top of Lucas. Even with the other curled up, he still rested himself on the other’s side with knees digging into the mattress on either side. “Get up now! Have your breakfast!” Just to be that bit more of a little , he bounced on Lucas to hopefully wake him up (even if he knew it’ll annoy the Hell out of him).
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Groans of protest escaped from under those head rubs. No aggressive touches before noon. That should be a rule. He should talk to Johnny and Ten about it later. His thoughts trailed off because once it was silent in his room again, he dozed right back off. Sometimes he had to choose between food and sleep, and he was already sleep so that just had to do. The shake on his shoulder didnt even rouse him, soundly he fell right back into his sleep pattern. the soup.
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ten hoped the shudder that raked his body wasn’t obvious, hyper aware of Lucas’ lips brushing his nape. Acting unfazed, he rolled off the bed, gracefully planting his feet on the floor before standing up. Sparing Lucas a glance, he swiftly ruffled the former’s hair before leaving for the kitchen. He didn’t take long to fill up a bowl with pumpkin soup and find a breakfast table, soon returning to the bedroom. He placed the items to one side before shaking Lucas’ shoulder. “Here’s your breakfast.”
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ heesu k。 “What can I say? I can be quite the night owl! And not a quiet one to that,” remarked Ten as he laughed heartily at Heesu’s joke, opening the door wider and stepping to the side, gesturing inward. “Come in, come in! Welcome to my den!” He waited until Heesu entered before closing the door and walking back inside, leading the way to the kitchen where the dining table was laid out with the night’s dinner. “I just finished cooking them so everything is still warm or hot!”

“What ice cream did you end up buying?” Ten asked as he took a cover to place over the tacos on the kitchen counter — the ones he made for his roommates. He proceeded to bring out two shot glasses from the cabinet, bringing them to the table before gesturing the the empty chairs. “Go on! Feel free to take a seat. Make yourself feel at home!”

Returning to the cabinets, he brought out two plates before closing the door, pulling open a drawer to retrieve two spoons too. Once he had everything he needed, he came back to the dining table and handed a spoon and a plate to Heesu, sitting down in one of the empty chairs. “Here’s your soup,” added Ten as he carefully carried the bowl of onion soup to Heesu, making sure the bread didn’t drop along the way. “Which apartment do you live, Heesu?” Ten asked curiously once everything was settled, picking up his bread to munch on.
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 How can one fall back asleep when one was never really awake? That was the third thought in Lucas' groggy mind, the first being 'this guy is too loud' and the second, well, we dont talk about the second. Lucas searched his mind for the will to move from his position, he could fall asleep just like this right now and wouldn't wake even if an asteroid hit the building but slowly he unhooked his hands from Ten's waist, huffily sleepily in a long exasperated sigh, lips brushing the nape of Ten's neck. "Ok now bring me breakfast."
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 A surprised squeak left Ten when he was tugged and snuggled against, sighing in feigned exasperation. Still, he allowed Lucas to hug him, reaching back to pat the latter’s head as he mused, “Just don’t fall back asleep and end up missing even more classes. You know what they say: Better late than never!” He hummed thoughtfully. “Well, that depends if you’ll let me go to bring the breakfast to you.”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Still hiding beneath the cover Lucas sighed, reaching an arm out from beneath and pulling Ten under with him, snuggling up to him voice doused in drowsiness, muffled against the back of his neck. "I still got time to sleep." He hummed nodding. Lucas was the most nonverbal during his transition from sleeping to waking. He yawned tighten his arms around Ten in case he tried to do something ridiculous again. "Can I have breakfast in bed instead..."
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Ten could feel the pure exhaustion coming from Lucas, and as much as he wanted to take pity on the poor boy, he had a task to accomplish. “Nope,” chirruped Ten, popping the p. “It’s definitely not Saturday.” He checked his watch and sure enough, it showed plainly that it was Friday. Poor kid. “As for the time,” mused Ten with a much-too-long pause. “It is already going to be ten o’clock.”

“Come now, get up!” Ten announced as he slapped where he thought Lucas’ should be before rolling off of the other and onto the bed instead, nudging him with a foot. “I made breakfast! What do you think about pumpkin soup?”
❛ yukhei w。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 Lucas squinted his eyes in the general direction of Ten and pulls the blanket up and over his head. Mental note, lock the door before going to sleep, everytime. At this point he was debating if this arrangement was too good to be true and contemplating his next move. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, the only thing he was sure of, is that he didnt want to be awake right now.

"What time is it," A sleepy voice croaked from beneath the blanket. Lord willing, Lucas wasn't gonna open his eyes until it was absolutely necessary. It was track season and his body was exhausted. "I thought it was Saturday..."
❛ heesu k。 4 years ago
@❛ ten l。 As Heesu was walking up the stairs, he began wondering whether he hasn't lost his mind. After all, who in the right mind would agree to eat tacos and onion soup with a complete stranger, who happened to mistake someone's number with his? This whole situation reeked of something shady, and the male was absolutely sure that if he was the main character of a movie or a book, he'd probably be dead in a matter of minutes. However, there was something about the fact that the so-called "Ten" religiously blasted ABBA, which made Heesu believe he would still be able to live another day.

As he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, he thought that this might be the last chance for him to run, if this Ten guy would actually be a hitman-like looking guy. But... once a rather short, petite figure appeared before his eyes, Heesu was absolutely sure that his worries were groundless. "Exactly," the musician smiled brightly, while simultaneously trying to not grin like a maniac. He lifted up both of his hands, one armed with a bottle of alcohol, while the other held a bag filled with various kinds of ice cream - being his usual indecisive self, he couldn't choose between all the options the other male gave him so... he just got all of them. "I can't believe I've finally met the guy whom I owe countless sleepless nights. And not the good type of sleepless nights at that!" he joked, laughing.
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ heesu k。 ((Before I forget :’D))

Ten placed some tacos on a plate before bringing it to the dining table, leaving a few on the kitchen counter for his roommates — he prepared about three to five for each person to enjoy, including his guest. A pot of onion soup rested on the stove, the fire turned off not too long ago and hence keeping the soup warm still. The oven went off with a ‘ding’, signalling the bread on cheese to be done, and Ten quickly went over to pull out the tray. He carefully placed it to the side before filling up two bowls with the soup, balancing a bread each on the rim. He carefully carried the two bowls to the dining table too, placing them alongside with the tacos.

The doorbell rang then and he perked up, advancing to the entrance and looking through the peephole. Noticing the bottle of gin and a plastic bag carrying something, he unlocked the door and opened. Smiling widely in greeting, Ten bid, “Hello! I’m guessing you are Heesu?”
❛ ten l。 4 years ago
@❛ yukhei w。 Lucas is a good kid, Ten knows.

Hardworking, ambitious, caring. Left the family and became independent so they didn’t need to support his college funding, took up odd jobs in hopes of earning money to pay for tuition fees. It’s one of the reasons why Ten even offered a room in his apartment to Lucas, covering for the water and electricity bills and telling the student to just focus on his studies.

Though sometimes, Lucas could be too diligent, which can lead to him being too tired — like right now, sleeping in bed, way past waking time, and lectures probably starting long ago.

Ten wasn’t the least bit sorry to slam the door open, march to the window and fling the curtains apart, before promptly dropping onto a still sleeping Lucas just to wake him up.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty, or else you’re skipping a whole day of college!” Ten announced and for good measures, pulled out his phone to open YouTube and start playing Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’.


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fluffmeister 3 years ago
kang yuchan please
saorsa 3 years ago
this is a few days late(didn't even realise the front page had changed yet) but happy feature! you guys have a gorgeous rp! :D
bcf9628f3d55c10d23de 3 years ago
happy feature
molani 3 years ago
congrats on the featured!!! u w u
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
Congratulations on the feature, babes.
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 3 years ago
blxckheart 7 minutes ago Reply All
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
healys 3 years ago
sprezzatura [A] 4 hours ago Reply All
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
sprezzatura 3 years ago
yxgurt [A] 7 minutes ago Reply All
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
yxgurt [A] 3 years ago
hissra [A] 1 minute ago Reply All
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
hissra 3 years ago
-baekby 6 minutes ago Reply All
congrats on the feature!! much deserved ♡
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