▶ park ◀



in character — literacy

p  a  r  k

park but everything is a little bit crooked, as if the world itself couldn't really decide which universe's appearance it should take on. especially since it's connected to multiple universes.


「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he snickered when you cursed frustrated at his readings from his moan. He was slightly impressed you held on though.* haha where’d you get that confidence? *he teased before smirking* but I ain’t surprised with that y appeal you got. The last time I sat in on one of your lectures barely any of the girls /wasnt/ wishing about you in bed. *he tried to recover from the compliments but laughs forcefully* yeah…damn you show me up, guess you been learning huh? *yet he knew better than anyone when you were listing for him. It’s just ironic to see you’re even thinking about other positions to be bent over in. He had always thought he was the more one.*

*he hummed into your mouth, eager to touch and taste. What he always found ironic was that he didn’t have to use his incubus powers for his touch to make your drive shoot up. Usually, he had to for his victims so they would stop thinking and worrying and just whoever he had been tempting them to , which could be him or others as long as it was something wrong but something wrong they secretly wanted to do.* depends…if I’m your slave, would you make sure to me every day? *grins against your kisses* because then I’d be so ing down…

Nah not dessert. Baby, *his eyes trail down your body* a full course meal *which was correct. Nothing but some sort of would’ve helped and your body was clearly his favorite for many reasons including emotionally.*

*it was. It was a good scene despite only being temporarily cheered up from his mood. There wasn’t much that could make him forget that pain. That feeling of having to start back over after finally having someone he finally did care for.*

*when you kissed the inside of the hand cupping your cheek and willfully laid down, he watched you with a smirk. The stars and residual fireworks shone in your eyes as well. And for a while since this ty day of remembering began, he felt at peace. And when you started to explain what ty stars was, he smiled despite the memories gradually flooding back. He nodded at your own response* yeah…ty memories…but hey *he smiled to you* looks like you’re used to it by now. You didn’t revert to your trauma response when you were around my boys either huh? *he smirked* guess you trust me enough now…I’m so damn relieved… *he caressed your long hair, curling it around his finger* hell yeah still a ing weirdo *kisses your forehead* but my weirdass weirdo *he flicked at your piercing* when you think with that weirdass brain of yours, god you’re ing adorable yet y. I always wanted to this piercing each time you flicked it with your tongue when you’re thinking

*then the wave of memories were brought back when you asked him that question that made him return to that time and the exact emotions he had at that time. His eyes grew darker in thought* No, no course I didn’t think I’d fall… *he laughs dryly starting to remember that hurt like it was only yesterday. How helpless he felt inside despite trying to act as cocky and bastard-like as he could, trying to act like he wasn’t fazed at all. Just working and trying his best. Until he broke down by the lake. Unknowingly, a tear randomly dropped from his eyes, him able to be that in tune with his emotions at just that memory. He inhaled to speak.* but at that moment, I did know that you would be the one to heal my heart *he smiles cupping your cheek* and damn did you show me up, weirdo or not… *he smiles kissing you just as romantically as the setting you made here with the picnic setup.*

*his hands trailed gently to your waist before your upper lip. Then lowering down to your lower lip. A gentle makeout session as he tilted his head to deepen our kisses, closing his eyes. Almost as if he was showing his gratitude with his actions than his words.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Damn it! *Jungkook curses, pulling you for one more kiss. Damn you, you knew how to rile him up.* No worries, I prefer our ty stars as well, because they are ours. *He reassured you, lifting your chin when you started to mumbling. His thumb gently rubbed your jaw. He knows. * Hey, I am the coolest one. Probably the hottest as well. *Jungkook winks when he noticed your flushed face. It was his favorite thing. Those reactions, shyness hidden under cocky behavior. * Trying my best, glad you like it. *Secretly? It wasn't a secret, Jungkook loved getting dicked down by you in every way.*

*There is doubt that he would after very long talk, when you would make sure he knew you would be safe and nothing will happen to you. Yet, it doesn't mean he wouldn't have a small heart attack is something happened to you. Screw the bike, but you. You needed to come back in one piece. *

*Jungkook definitely moaned softly when you grabbed his , his pants tightening. How hard it was to control his drive when you touched him, held him like that? Nearly impossible., but Jungkook was a man on the mission, so he pushed through it. * Yes, want to be my slave?

*A playful chuckle escapes his throat.* What can I say, I am your romantic baby daddy. *There was not even a bit of embarrassment hidden in his tone. None. He was yours, and you knew exactly how he could be if he set his mind on something. * I didn't, that's a dessert, babe... *Cocky tone, and dangerous glint in his eyes told you as much. Oh, he planned to do way more than this, but that have to wait after the show. After all, he wanted to show you this.*

*The light... it was something else, yet Jungkook focused on you. The way your eyes shine, as you smile. The little giggles? It made his heart swell, and his chest warm. He wouldn't be able to describe this feeling even if he was trying. It was way too complicate to explain. Yet, even if it won't exactly cheer you up, it was a new memory. Happy memory, he hoped.*

*When you push him down, he smiles, his body so inviting and warm under your hands. His own arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. He slowly pushes your shirt up, feeling your back, leaning into your hand, and kissing the inside of it.*

You were crying by yourself at the lake that night, and I held you. You called me a weirdo, but I didn't let you go. I guess you got my heart using those insults.*He chuckles.* I was soft baby man. *He recalled the nickname.* And you looked so beautiful under the stars. Crying, but so stunning, and I knew I wanted you for myself. It didn't change even when you triggered my dark memories because you held me so tightly. *The smile on his lips so soft.* I told you how I used to count constellations to calm myself down. How I spend hours watching the stars. I am still doing it, just switched them for ones in your eyes. *That comment made him grin softly.* Woah, I am a weirdo, am I?

ty stars are our beginning. It pushed us closer. Did you think it will turn into this? That we will survive? *He kissed you.* That you will love me?
[post deleted by owner]
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he smirks slightly curious. He was barely doing anything but just reacting to your own actions. And yet you were clearly struggling. Curious if you’d actually break down before your plan, he snickers before playfully more showingly* oh youre a y thang *he snorts at your reasoning* dude I know some slang so I knew about the spicy thing, just I prefer my ty stars… *mumbles quietly* because it’s ours…but yeah right, the cooler professors are cool while still acting like their own age. Otherwise it’s just cringe *teases. Then his face flushed* damn laying it on thick with the compliments huh? *yet he smirked when somehow you pushed through each of his actually intrigued comments. yeah, on a motorbike, though he never did it before, he knew it would be hot. Especially if secretly, that’s exactly what you wanted*

*he wondered if you’d eventually let him pop a wheelie on your bike or maybe stand on it. He’s sure he could because he had nothing to lose in the human work. His real fragility layed in dreams as the dream plan of existence was still where his most sensitive and fragile self lied. So you didn’t really need to worry about him in the human world when it came to injury. Meaning he could be burned alive in a fire and quickly heal, as gruesome as that idea was.*

*when he eventually got down from the bike, pulling off his helmet completely, all he saw was forest before you grabbed and kissed him. Melting, he grabbed your and kissed you back eagerly too. He snorted when you pulled away and he could comment on the scenery* what? You planning to kidnap me…?

*yet as you led him, his joking expression was replaced by amazement as he looked at the night sky* what in the kdrama… *he laughs stunned at the picnic setup, being pulled to sit next to you. He noticed the apples and milk though he smirked. Yeah it was his one of his favorites when he was alive and yet it still tasted slightly better than all the other foods. And yet was it ever a way to help him? No.* looks like you missed the most important dish when preparing huh… *he smirks down your body. Not to mention you literally interpreted his quite about ty stars. But he didn’t correct you because yeah, this could be his version of ty stars too.*

*when you count down, he followed along before smirking amused that you had no reason to count down and yet you did. But even he had to blink at the fireworks. Not the normal ones he was used to but something only he could see from the multiverse. Different worlds and lines colliding to form almost like an aurora borealis* damn now the aurora borealis looks like a knock off *he snickered muttering to himself as he continues to grin at lights around, giggling lightly when it got close.*

*yet when you ask him if it’s spicy enough in your definition meaning special, he smirks* funny. You set all these ty picnic meal sheets and foods and all yet you forgot the most important one *he grabbed your waist and pushed you down in the middle of the picnic cloth as he cupped your cheek before grinning down at your body.* you…

*and with that, his eyes glowed red as he laid you on your back* do you remember? *his fingers thumb your cheek* the real meaning of ty stars…? *he asked with a soft adoring voice*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Moan like that one more time and I will lose all the control *His low tone and closed eyes told as much. Especially with the way he took a few long breaths. He was struggling.* Mhm, weird why? A cool professor needs to know cool stuff. Spicy stuff meant bedroom stuff but apparently, that changed now. *Chuckles* Embrace my generation? I rather embrace you. *The more you grow suggestive the more Jungkook was struggling. The only option was to move, and ride and that is what he picked. Because he prepared things for you and he wanted to do it. *

*Jungkook wasn't a reckless driver. He was careful and focused, rarely driving fast. He has moments like now when he lets you feel the air but he was twice as focused, making sure to keep you safe. * No worries, my soul is still in one piece, baby *The closer to the destination the more he slows down before he turns into a small, local road leading through the forest. Just a few minutes later he stopped and let you slip off. When he pulled your helmet off his face was flushed, and happy, and he leaned to kiss you again, pulling you closer and not letting you go for a long minute.* Ready? *He asks quietly, taking your hand and leading you through the forest to rather a big opening. The view over the city was spectacular, especially with all the illuminating lights. * That is some pretty stars I think. *He leads you toward a big comfy camping mat spread on the grass with a few blankets and a pillow. Around it he pushes garden lights into the ground, letting it light up the spot. On the basket, there was milk with apples waiting for you as well as a few of your favorite Jungkook snacks and drinks. * Suprise, but it is not all. *Jungkook whispered, pulling you down, so you could sit next to him.* But we got it, on time. *He looked down at his clock and started to count down quietly. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sounds of explosions going off. All around the city, the fireworks illuminate the space. In the beginning, it looked like any other in normal human worlds but then when they reached the sky something changed. As if the bubble over the multiverse made it spread and twist with time. The whole sky was filled with color, mixing and in just a few seconds it spread all over the place. Jungkook giggled when the sky right above them lit up with white sparkles that slowly fell on them and disappeared. He observes as they light up your face and eyes, the color starts to change to blue and purple then red and orange, which is truly beautiful. Yet Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of you, observing those dark eyes, while the sky fills itself with other colors and shapes. * Is it spicy enough?
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *Jeongguk was just being playful so his eyes ended up widing before snickering to your kisses, accidentally * kook hyung if you get distracted with those dirty desires, I won’t have a choice either… *growls lightly against your lips when you pulled away* but pfft you? Learning from your students? What you wanna be “hip” like your generation? *jokes* not just embrace your generation? *he smirked when you got all suggestive, his voice growing huskier and more like himself* now we’re talking, funny I don’t know how I could you on a bike but you better shut up and drive before I make that reality happen sooner than later…

*when you drove faster, he was grinning from ear to ear but started to worry for your safety. If you crashed, you’d die. But he could jump down and catch you before you would* yeah! *he grins, gripping your waist for a different reason protectively. He was fine with falling because his human body couldn’t die that easily in these human injury kind of ways. But he was thankful you drove slower for your own safety, being careful not to distract you* be careful. I don’t want my lover to die before I can collect his soul *but the irony didn’t miss him. Ride or die- though he always considered shawty his ride or die because they were friends before more*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Your flushed face was doing something to his heart, and he played with his piercing, trying to hold back. Especially when you bit his nose. He lost, kissing you again. you were irresistible.* oh, its a saying my students taught me. Instead of saying yoi are making something special they like to say they make it spicy. So it's more cool and less sappy. I will make our stars more special. *Jungkook explained gentler, touching your chin.* I think I mentioned it once or twice, but we got quickly distracted after. If you are lucky I will let you bend me over it, and hard. Backpack privileges. *He wink, putting that image into your head shamelessly.* I didn't Gukkie, I still want to keep that precious head safe.

*Jungkook smirks when he senses your thrilled reaction. He drove a bit faster, using the fact that at this late ay night they wasnt much traffic. From time to time, his hand gently carresed yours. * Having fun? *He made his way away from the city center, going towards the mountain, to of the highest spot in the city. Now he drove a bit slower, careful on the turns, making sure you won't fall. When he felt your moving, pushing the helmet back his hand squeezed yours and held, to keep you in.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *his face flushed at the random compliment as he mumbled* Touche… *the he recovers and bites your nose lightly in retaliation* them why’d you call them spicy stars huh? You already forgot? *he snorts* never heard of that but guess I’ve never dated any bikers. Had no idea you even had a motor bike. Guess I never followed you outside of your work and apartment… Damn surprise surprise…but huh, it fits you. You always look so ing y in black… *mumbles as he thinks about it* kinda get it now… *as you put the helmet on him, he snickers* guess you forgot Im a demon and can’t ever die like this huh…? *smirks* but I like being doted on.

*eventually he sits on the bike, widening his eyes at the thrilling feeling and how fast it zoomed.* Damn this could make the right person fall even harder.. *he muttered under his breath as he looked around, hugging your waist, still kind of out of it because of his high self. The pain of remembering the other could only be dimmed down by alcohol or drugs. But he took off his helmet slightly just to feel the wind in his hair. If he really wanted to spook you, he’d stand on the motorcycle and try balancing. He kind of wanted to try it out. He remembered how easy it was without a body too. He could literally be floating anywhere and watch you. Good times. Now he had a body it was only a matter of time he tried other things like gravity again given his agreement with V made it so he wouldn’t be able to lose his body here*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Oh how much he wanted to stay here one more moment and enjoy your teasing kisses, but not yet. He needed to focus.* Trust me, I do remember, I see them every day in your eyes. *The sappy comment make him laugh slightly and he lightly kissed your cheek.* Today is my turn, I always wanted to turn you into my backpack. Which is bikers way of calling their significant important people. Its a special nickname reserved for special people. You are mine. *Jungkook explained, wrapping your hands around his waist. * I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to you, something I could prevent. You can call me however you want, but I am not playing with your safety, baby boy. If you are driving with me, you gotta wear protective gear. You are too important to lose. *Jungkook voice changed. It was more serious, confident and strong. It was meant to remind you just how important you are.* Suprise suprise, I won't tell, bit its not far away. *He turned the bike in and drive off, smiling as he could feel your body pressed against his.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *Jeongguk blinked when he was led outside before he grinned, tickling your waist and kissing you back, biting your lip lightly* it’s ty stars ing remember that *he used attitude before blinking at the bike* no fair…I’m supposed to sweep you off your feet *he pouts, still slightly high from the blunt so still just letting you put the helmet on him, snorting* backpack? Never heard that before… *but now he’s wondering why is it that you take such good care of him. He jokingly tilted his head* what? You turning up the baby mama/daddy meted even more? *gets on the bike and hums* where we goin?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook pulled you out, swinging your hand slightly as he guided you towards his motorbike. Before you could say something, he pulled you closer, cupping your face and kissing you. Slowly tasting your lips, and taking his sweet time before broke it. He pressed his forehead against yours, gazing into your lips with a smile, before moves back. Carefully a helmet was slipped on your head, and secured on your neck, next he helped you put on his jacket.* Firstly, I need to make sure my precious backpack is safe and sound. *He used motor community slang with such a pleasure, his face lighted up the moment it left his mouth. Still smiling, he put his own helmet on and hoped on a bike, inviting you to join him with a gesture. * Gonna take you out on a real ride, huh? *His cocky little comment was slightly distorted by the speaker hidden inside.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 5 months ago
*he softly laughs against your kisses as he hugs your waist before smirking* yeah, everyone kept saying that . That I’m the luckiest guy ever…lucky for being popular, smart, attractive…I can’t help it I was born like this *half teases with a smirk* without actually seeing what’s behind all that luck is just a guy that wanted to genuinely be in love, genuinely be loved… *he caressed your cheek* like right now. If the multiverse loses its visitors. If the world ends tomorrow. If I lose my body, if I return back to just being your dream…I’d be so ing okay because I have you now, baby daddy *he snickers at your words about his ex* might wanna be careful with those kinda sentences, baby. He was legit a hidden serial killer for a while. *teases* don’t want your y body to be ed over by him *yet at the kisses, he searches for them before you found his lips instead. He kisses your lips as he holds you close. Rather than , he was just making out with you. He found a tree for you to lean on and then just continues making out with you. A few while later, he pulled away softly yet not leaving the breathing space between us* wanna do some ty stars tonight? *smirks softly as he thumbed your waist* saw a crepe place over there? *points to the center of the park* or we could even go to the marble garden *he snickers* unless of course, you wanted to find public place to and not get caught? *teases though right now, we already had a lot of constantly that whole week, he was fine with all and had no big preference for any of those options. Just wanting to be with you and make you the happiest unofficial lover*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
*He took a step closer, pressing his whole body against you with low, quiet growl.* yeah? You are mine. *He eyes dark but so full of love. He thumbed your trembling power lip, wrapping his other arm around you, pulling you even closer. * There is nothing to thank me Jeonggukie *He carresed your hair so gently.* How could I leave someone who I love so dearly and who painted my life in colors I have never seen? Never Gukkie. *The last two words were whispered but the tone wasn't shy or unsure. It was meant for you ears only, * We are both messed up pretty badly but I am glad we found each other. I am glad I can call you mine. *He gave you that goofy smile when you laughed so lightly and when you stopped his wrist he just leans, capturing your lips without any warning with a soft giggle.* Yet here you are being my lucky one. *Hands cupped your face, gently removing hair from your forehead, drawing the curve of your eyebrow and lightly rubbing the corner of your eye.* Oh, he would have to crush my heart and kill me to stop me but even then I would crawl back from hell to haunt them down. You will never be unloved again. You wont be alone and abandoned. As long as I am here. I love you Jeongguk there is nnothing simple about it but it is also so very simple. I will fight baby, even if you tell me to stop. *He place a kiss on your forehead moving down, leaving a path behind. Nose, cheeks, corner of your mouth, before he found your lips, kissing them with passion and love. *
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
You’re so ing y when you’re jelly *smirks kissing back before his eyes melt and his lips tremble hugging you hard against him* thank you…for not leaving me when everyone else did… *smiled shyly with a rub of his nape* cause I was either falling for you or trusting you. I rarely trust anyone, baby. Especially after all the I went through here. You earned that apology *he smiles as you twirl before giggling husky at the tickles* no hahaha Hyung stop *he grabs your hands, twisting them around your waist and hugging you to him* I won’t either… I always felt so ing unlucky until I met you. *kisses your lips* I love you… *shakes head* even if they come back, don’t let go of me. Cause you stole my heart
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
From what I could see its not here first time flirting with you *He growled lowly* So she should know that you are not pulling your punches out. So yeah, it. *Chuckles leaning into your lips, capturing you for a moment to kiss those lips.* in the end of the day you have me. You are mine. So them es, really. * You know that you actually did apologised to me? Letting that pride go. It was the most important sign that you want me just as much. You would do that for anyone. Whenever I doubt myself I remember that and its enough to smack that voice iut of my head. For you. Demon, beastz lover, baby boy, frat boy, y hot babe, my soft and gentle and my rough and hard. *His eyes glow as he twirl letting the wind mess up his hair.* ty, sappy stars. Special deliver. *He ticked your side before he nods, remembering the moment. * The moment when we meet each other. When I told you such a ridiculous to make you so confused so you ciuld stop crying. *Chuckles.* It worked. I never regreted stopping that night to talk to you. I never will. Your shwaty is missing a lot, unlucky. But even if they come back one day, I will fight for you Jeongguk. I won't just let you go that easy.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
Nah that . I don’t wanna change anymore after all the changes I already went through sooo *kicks can* nah, just pull me out *smirks* my prideful front won’t be able to apologize for hurting all of them anyways…but- *smirks pecking your cheek* that’s why at the end of the day, you got my heart *smiles squeezing your hand* cause you love the unapologetic real me annnd *pecking your other cheek* the fake front from my ty past I still gotta put up in that chat place *twirls you by the hand* so ty stars right? *smiles wiggling brows before his eyes weaken* parks remind me of the worst point in my life in your world and the best. That time *sighs* crying over my shawty
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
*He rubs cirles into your skin, walking slowly as his eyes scan the sky, glancing ay you from time to time. He was listening, carefully. * i dont think you should change your habits just for one person. Its just a front you need to mantain but if you are really worried just avoid calling her that. *He presses a kiss to the side of your head.* You can call me your twice as often if that helps. Because for me you are simply damn perfect.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he squeezes your hand and sighs still thinking about what happened* It’s a habit from way before. I used to call anyone who rejected me a . Oh and cheaters. But you’re definitely a y in the positive way
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *He pulls you out, taking your hand in his, squeezing it three time before he leads you towards the park.* Let's go for a walk? Wanna admire ty stars with me, Gukkie?
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he hums just admiring you before you catch him off guard. He smirks tilting his head into your eyes* very…*yet for once he doesn’t do anything except kiss you chastely, playing with your long hair as it scoops down your face. Different than his medium length short dark brown hair that couldn’t be tangled with as easily*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Go ahead and make a fun of it, Jungkook will still do it because he wanted to. Because it was an intimate way to be close to you, a way to stop your overworking brain for a moment. Just like right now. Sharing a confession, pulling you closer, feeling your touch, seeing the way you watch him, moving his hair away and seeking every detail you couldn't find before. He smiles softly, playing with his lip piercing a bit nervously under your gaze. * Like what you see, hmm?
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *if he wanted to, he’d make fun of the forehead thing we got. But for now, he just enjoys it with a light smile. Closing his eyes as he holds you close to him. He inhales and exhales, nuzzling his nose down into your shoulder until you kiss him and his eyes flutter open. He grins a bunny grin with twinkling crinkled eyes and his signature smirk that was way more warmer as he pushed your long hair off your face then behind your ear to get a good look at your cute features. Pretty innocent puppy eyes. An elegant nose. Kissable lips. Compared to his sharp puppy eyes, strong nose and thin smirk lips, you gave a more wild yet strangely hopeful disposition to his wild but more spikey playful one.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook eyes shines with emotions as he look at you. There was this ghost of a smile as he leans closer chasing your lips before your words stop him. There was this pleasant shiver running down his spine, and he moved back just to cup the side of your face.* I love you too. *He looked deep into your eyes, leaning to rest his forehead on yours.* I love you. *He presses a soft kiss to the corner of your lips.* I really do
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *smirks humming as you trip over yourself. He holds you by the waist before you can fall with lips almost touching before grinning as you keep gripping him yet didn’t kiss back, just admiring you. Snickering, he barely breathed, pulling away with warmer eyes* always, baby daddy… *whispers before biting your earlobe* I love you…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook pulled you out, sometimes almost tripping over his own legs, giggling. As he pulled you out he tilted his head back looking at the sky. Smiling. This is going to be a good ride. He looked at you, grabbing the front of your shirt to pull you in and kiss you hard, taking your breath away.* Ready baby?


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blurblue 3 weeks ago
please add cha eunwoo as lee dongmin, human please! thank youu.
hobibuu 4 weeks ago
Add Seokjin as Jin as fairy prince, supernatural pretty please <3
Lucifers_Indulgence 4 weeks ago
May I request Jung Wooyoung au dragon hybrid? Not sure if I requested right or if he has to be in supernatural sorry ;;
moonites 2 months ago
jeon jungkook as an alpha wolf, please!
DNABleached 2 months ago
Kim taehyung in nonau as human please ♡
-bbina 2 months ago
Julie han in nonau as human pls ♡
chinna_ 2 months ago
Hwang hyunjin in abo au beta wolf pls ^^
RoseThornArchive 2 months ago
I might around and find out
cthuwu 2 months ago
Could I possibly get Fukutomi Tsuki as a supernatural fae
gothdaisy 3 months ago
Hi! Can I get Minghao / human / nonau?
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