― office


o f f i c e 


the office of professor jeon.


「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 week ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ That's another one too. I mean, I meet some that also fit into it. *He chuckles softly* There is nothing crazy about me loving you. Or ty. You are great Gukkie. *Blinks and shakes his head.* I don't know if thats a popular thing. Just some of my coworkers do. I started therapy right after graduation. Mainly working on trauma from my childhood. Now I just visit every few months. I am just a human and it does help me in some way. *Jungkook gently smiles, shaking his head.* Trust that's more than anyone every did. I don't need you to save me. Just be yourself and do all the things you are already doing, baby. *Jungkook melted in your arms, feeling content, calm and warm. It was all he needed. All he really wanted, as he closed his eyes and pressed his face into your neck. He was okay. He was okay like this. * I won't I promise. It was stupid. I am sorry. *He looked at you gently, thumbing your cheek.* I will think about how great my Jeongguk is and that he would kick my if I even try.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human Haven’t heard that saying but yeah I know another one. It’s the psychologist majors that are the craziest one *he snorts dryly* legit already have two of em in my life and then there’s you. Not crazy like psychopathic killer like young boss but still crazy for putting yourself in a ty relationship with me *then he becomes quiet* but that’s ing news to me that a therapist goes to therapy too *snorts dryly* talk about a lucrative business… *yet he holds you closer as you talk* no. Don’t. I can’t save you, that was my original hobi Hyung’s job for everyone so I ain’t gonna sit here and act like i got all the answers…but *grabs you closer* all I can do is this *holds you by the waist and soothes up your back. Even the slight height difference was more obvious with your fragile yet more broader frame than his. You felt way more delicate to Jeongguk today. Not just baby daddy but just a man afraid of life* don’t do it. Next time don’t even ing think about doing drastic like that. Only then imma forgive you. Capiche?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 week ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook very much burried himself in your arms for a moment breathing you in and out. Calming, this was calming.* It is my profession I choose it for a reason. I knew what I sign for and usually I handle my loses better. This hits harder. She was young, and we were so close. Just two more sessions. Thats why its so awful. *He sighs, nodding.* It was an extreme reaction. I know it was thing to say. I should just ask you to help instead. Every once in a while a meet with therapist too. To clean my head. Ever since I meet you I didnt, because you are the best in cleaning my head, but I will schedule one soon. *He laughs dryly.* You don't know the saying, only those broken choose psychology, I went step higher and chosen psychiatry. I wouldn't consider myself sad person but I do get hits from time to time, and that was the last thing I expected. It different when you see someone declining and you know that every session could be the last, but tlits different when someone is doing great. Made massive progress, and you know soon will be able to say goodbye and have better life. I did not expected that. I didn't even cried. I just... spend hours in shock before it even came to me. *He hugged you closely still hiding his face.* I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Jeongguk. I am so so sorry.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk at first looked at you with an unamused expression, crossing his arms over his chest in a ‘let’s see what bull you tell me next’ kind of way. Yet after looking at the files and hearing your difficulty explaining the situation, his eyes gradually grew softer. He quickly jumped up to gently hug you as he smoothed your shoulders* sorry…that’s ty to go through. But ain’t that the profession you signed up for? *Yet something still didn’t make sense to him.* so because you couldn’t save her, you wanted to not exist at all? *laughs dryly in concern* don’t you think that’s a little ing extreme? I mean, as a psychology major arent you supposed to know how to therapy yourself better and ? Otherwise no use having a sad person help other sad s as “professionals” right?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 week ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ To explain *He says calmly, not giving you a chance to reply he turns around and pulled a thick patient files. He placed it on the desk right in front of you. Now after some time, you know thing or two. That Jungkook has his files sorted out, in current and closed cases as well as failed one. These belonged to the last group and looked vaguely familiar, meaning Jungkook spend quite sometime over them. Many notes stuck to almost every page. This was years of work. Years of progress years of someone else life and effort Jungkook put into it. * It's Sol, Kim Solhyeon. One of my very first patient and one of my favorite as well. Hard case, years of abuse physicaland mental. I thought I made it, I thought that we finally reach the point when we could part ways. She was supposed to be moving away and start anew. Till her ex showed up, and messed her up. *He swallowed, looking at the picture of the girl.* She is dead, Jeongguk, and I never felt so hopeless and angry. *He run fingers through his hair.* I try not to take this work back home, to not drown myself but also because home is our safe space, but also our time, time for just you and me. But she is dead Jeongguk and I kept thinking what I could do differently to prevent this. Keep blaming myself. For sake I spend so much time studying this case, so much effort, trails and errors and for what? She was finally doing better and now she is gone. *He bit his lips his eyes filled with emotions, grief, anger all of it.* I never wanted to abandon you. I love you I truly do. *He smiles weakly.* But when I found out about her death I felt so utterly defeated and hopeless. Why do I try. For what? Those patients, I treat them with care and respect. I care for them and I truly want them to get better. Many left my office feeling lighter and that's the best reward I could get. *His shaky fingers gently closed the files back again as he could no longer look at the girl face, it was haunting him, mocking him from the picture.* But this, crushes my spirit. Every lost do. *Jungkook straightened up, looking at you.* That's the true. Thats why I was so hopeless, angry and so defeated and simply useless. I failed her and I didn't know where to go, how to get this feeling out, how to handle it. So I went there, but I never intended to leave you. Never. Ever. Jeongguk you are all I have. I love you so much. I am sorry, I should have told but I didnt even know how...
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 week ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk was quick to run for it that by the time you reached out to touch his wrist, he already disappeared. Now alone, he stutters in his walking when you use his name, suddenly feeling bound to answer to it. He has no choice but to agree no matter what so he reluctantly appears in the office room yet tries to stay his distance. Without young boss around, things could get ual just because it was us two. We always ed when we were alone, sometimes even ignoring our initial problem. Still, his voice was cold* what do you want…
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *maybe it was the week and a half of no or maybe it was the position we’re in so exposed up above but it made his moans more needier, his s pounding you into the cold window more and more faster. Still, something was missing. Yes, this was hitting all of his points. All of his kinks and yet…you were more than that. You were the only one who could give him more than that after all that work he did. His nose traveled towards your mouth before locking his lips with yours, rolling his hips inside of you and staying for a while inside you, letting his s linger in yours as he pinched your s before he smiles and turns you back around*

maybe another day… *he pulls his leaking out of you before kissing you towards your couch to lay across it while kissing your lips again and again. Then he massages your waist giggling breathily while he kisses your lips and grinds his hips against your half self until his arms were on both sides of your head to close you in to look at him before slowly to fill you again. He hugs you in his arms as he ed and kissed you while rolling his hips again* god youse always making me fall more and more in love with you… *his eyes softly smirked to your own, thumbing your hair away from your face* I missed you so ing much…kook
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook was needy. The four hour if not more hours spending sitting in that plug, constantly rubbing against the spot. It was the sweetest torture, hidden by a professional smile and dirty thoughts, and all about a very particular demon. So now that he could let them all go. The desire and passion was mixed with that overlooked need to be filled and ed. You could almost feel it under your fingers, warming his skin, as he started to beg for your with a cracking, desperate voice.*

*He couldn't let you forever, pressing his against you to get you inside him. A hiss escaped him when you pressed him against the cold window, the temperature difference made his whole arms covered with goosebumps. * Yours... all yooo ah... ursss! *His voice cracked when you in, and he press back against you, moving almost frantically, wanting to be pounded down. He was open, visible to anyone. Every person or students need to just look up, and they could see him. Professor Jeon pressed against the glass, with a foggy circle around his lips, and his squished against the window. Without any traffic or outside noise, they would be able to hear his loud moans, words, and your names as repeats it with almost every . His palms pressed flat.* Jeongguk! Jeongguk...!
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human Mm mee too *he growls harder at your neediness * your wish is my command, baby *he pulls out the plug and starts to prod your hole with his head as he lifted your leg on the lower window ledge* this time you’re gonna make em see it all. All of this is mine, All ing mine… *and his was quickly swallowed by you, swallowing you around his *
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ No, don't. I will get used to it. *Shakes his head, biting his lip, pushing against your hands, gasping quietly. Your teasing was awfully pleasant.* I missed your touch… I missed you, my baby boy… *He closed his eyes, moving his hips a bit faster as if that would help, especially when your touch once again made the fire inside stronger.* Please me, me hard. your needy . *He said in a surprisingly strong voice, even if the state he was quite opposite.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [] sorry I meant window not wall

Hey… h *breathes with a soft snicker* all thanks to the power of our contract. But if you really so ing scared, I could time myself for one minute then enter? *snickers teasing as he s the plug in and out. Yet at your gasps, his eyes soften* god I missed this. I missed hearing those moans from your y body. *he growls and. Twists harder on your s before and your earlobe* please what?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Another gasp left his lips when you pushed against him, moving the plug deeper.* I know… um, but it's still surprising how quiet and fast it is. Just blink of an eye and you are there. *Your voice and sounds you were making right into his ear. Arousing, making shiver with need as he whimpered.* My thoughts... and um... *He bit his lips, not sure if he should tell you about the surprised, yet before he could decide, your wandering hands already took care of it.* Gukkie! ! *He cursed when you pulled the plug out, folding, and chasing after it, suddenly feeling so empty, and needy, and hot, and just everything all at once. When you pressed him against the wall, he rested his cheek on the cool wall, grunting. His hips moving with your hand, swallowing the plug with ease.* Please... please... baby
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human Not the best ninja… *moans pushing back against your * it’s all thanks to the contract baby… *at your extra sensitive body, he growls as his face heats up more* god is it just me or you even hotter right now? The gap in time make you needy for me too? *his hand pushed down your pants over your , massaging it before his eyes slightly widened at the feeling different. He looks down and sees the cold black plug.* … *curses before pulling the plug out frantically then pressing you against the wall roughly* I was planning to ease into it but now… *he s the plug in and out of your * all I wanna do is your ty hole so hard right now, kook Hyung…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Chuckles, closing his eyes, head falling back on your shoulder.* Just a bit, I am not sure if I ever will, you are the best ninja. I like it. *You drew out a soft and a bit needy moan, when you pinched his , the temperature of his skin raising. He was sensitive, way more than usual. Sitting with a nice, big plug deep inside can do things to the person, and he was… responsive.* I missed you, * He repeats.* Both. *He rolled his hips against you.* So ing much, Gukkie.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *smirks wider pleased at the nickname but amused by the surprise of his appearance* what, still not used to it? *he bit his lip when you relax on him and move his hand up. He moves it up your stomach to your chest before pinching your s* I could get used to that y nickname… *but ends up * doubt you did. But entertain me, you missed me or my more? *asks as he pushed your down slightly*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *For a second, he stiffened, surprised by the sudden appearance. It lasted for just a moment before he relaxed, letting the blind string go, his head tilting so you could have more room, with a soft moan.* hello Gukkie... *He found your free hand, placing it on his stomach, pressing himself flush against your chest, cheeks, pressed against your crotch, rubbing on.* I missed you...
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he wasn’t sure if he was actually being called to or not since agsin, all he needed to be was pulled in and then he’d just go for it. But at the text, he suddenly appeared behind you, hand on your arm that was pulling down the blinds to stop you from closing them* let ‘em see … *his voice whispered before kissing up your side of the neck to your now healed tattoo* hey baby…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *When the last patient leaves, he finally relaxed, adjusting his shoulder with a small groan. The pressure and stiffness from constant straight position started to affect him, so did the plug he was sitting on for the last few hours. He leans back, shooting you a text 'invitation still stands, I am waiting for you baby boy, come'. *

*Fingers fiddle with a personal data folder as he thinks about it, before he closes it, putting it away. He stood up, stretching himself up, softly when the plug shifted inside him. He bit his lips, hands shaking as he closes down the blinds.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 7 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *is pulled and groans shuddering lightly despite his eyes glowing as he responded but with a beast reverberation* so ing much. But as you pulled him to the couch, he stopped you.* no don’t- *growls harder, trying not to rip off your clothes as his tongue salivated* you’re busy, sleeping and . I’m gonna someone *breathes deeper* else this time. Don’t worry *kisses your lips* I’m not gonna bother you this time I’m so ducking needy *snickers dryly to himself then turns on his heel to go find another victim he could really let his beast self go*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 7 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Pulls you into his office, now a very familiar, pressing kisses to the base of your neck.* Did my baby miss me? *He asked in a husky low tone, dragging you toward the couch.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 8 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *everyone would know if someone was there and yet , that sounded too perfect to skip. So Jeongguk was so ing pleased when, even after all the needy moans and movements to his in you, you moaned out his name. Especially as his s only continued banging you against your desk.* good… good teacher, don’t cover them up… *his breathy voice continues. As you lay drooling too, he pushed your sticking hair off your face, down your glistening in sweat neck* not gonna…even if you beg for it… h *he breathes along his ing before it turned into grunting before sighing as filled you.* … *he groans, kissing and your shoulders with his also equally exhausted human body. Then when you felt yourself blacking out, he mumbles* n…ot yet… *he pulls out of you, making gum drip down your thighs before turning you around. He kisses you lazily despite how jelly we’re feeling. Then he waddled you over to the couch in his arms. There he nuzzled in your neck, kissing up and down it before laying on you* sorry baby daddy…I-I didn’t mean to make you like that… *yet he continues to kiss your nap sleepy body*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 8 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *The desk shook from the share force of your . Things that weren't pushed off the first time, finally rolled off, but Jungkook couldn't care less. His voice gradually turned more harsh as you draw shameless noises out of him. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping on skin, your grunts, and groans, and his moans and gasps. Everyone down the hallway would know if someone was there, but that didn't particularly interest Jungkook either. All he cared for was you and your .*

They already noticed... the hickeys ng.. hh! *His legs shook, just like his hands, as he gripped the edges of the desk. He pushes back, not carrying how bruised his hips will be with constant hitting on the desk edge. * Don't ... mmm, don't yu... , hn... *He rested his forehead on the desk, gasping. ing in a low, harsh voice.* don't you ing dare... to stop. , oh , Jeongguk! *He blindly searched for your hand, and when he found, he squeezed it. By this point, he was drooling, skin glistering from sweat, hair sticking to his neck and forehead. He was a mess, and he came unexpectedly all over the desk, twitching in your arms, his hole clenching on you tightly.* Guk, nhhn... baby, mmmm... *He collapsed, blacking out for a few seconds.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 8 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he growls enjoying how your fingers tangled in his locks as he ed you good against the desk, not the bed. And all the more better was you pushed back in response to his s and let him taint your neck as he pounded into you.* A+ like your y *winks* I learn from the best…hhh *he snickers as you shut down his image* well..guess they gonna see you limp so good then… *and when he turned you around to bend over against the desk as he lifted your right leg to settle on the cool surface which helped with his angle ramming into your prostate. Ironic how before Jeongguk truly thought we wouldn’t be able to do anything only for us, once we’re alone, to like bunnies. And god, he thought he was the only one fiending for you too when you did nothing. But now you not only pushed back on him but the moans you gave Jeongguk were unapologetically needy and crying for more. When you asked him to go harder with such a ty aggressive slee of words, he could feel his lower stomach tighten. He was close to . He gripped your waist to position you easier before pounding into you with all the slapping skin sounds. More clean yet pin pointed fast squelching of his precum in you while being covered by the slapping of skins.* yeah , for me *he whispers husky into your ear, left hand spreading your cheek then squeezing it to make your pleasure to take him in more p
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 8 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Please... hnnn *Jungkook asked which sounded more like needy moan than everything else. Your touches from before did its job, frustrating him and pushing to the edge. Habitually his head already moved to the side to give you access with some pleading noise. That was one of his favorite things, the marks and kisses. * Mhhm? ! Ah! Yes. I love... it... your . *Jungkook chuckled weakly, gasping.* Straight ing A+ baby boy... just how you like it... *He slipped his fingers into your hair pulling you closer for a messy kiss, broken by every hard and noises he was making.* oh that wont work... they calls me walker....! I move so much during lectures... they all will see, the hard on...
*When you switched position he hold into edge of the bed, pressing his warm cheek to cool surface of the bed. He called your name when you in for the first time nailing straight into his prostate..* Baby! Gukkie, Guk... harder mhmm, oh yes, yes! *The noises he was making was lewd, needy, something between moan and raspy cry. His eyes fills with tears from the pleasure as he was getting exactly what he wanted. * I... love... you.. too. *He managed to say, moving to push himself on your , making it even more intense. *, oh baby...
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 8 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human baby daddy, I’ll do that and more…h *we both, we both were so riled up by the touches there that it was hard to stop or even more or less. So that’s why the anger in his ually self when he can’t do to you. He grips harder at your lifted hips before kissing your neck. His precum was already leaking inside of you as his moans continued, indicating he was already so hard and twitching before harder on your neck as each invited more liquidy sounds * baby…*whispers against your hips* like that? Like being my ty professor? *snickers breathily* give me a good grade…h or I’ll make sure you’re so blue balled during lectures you’d e quietly needy hidden *moans already ing you in* you take..*s* all my so…so good…! *slaps of our skin and your desk shaking was enough as you even needily started to yourself on him. Then he switched our positioning, lifting you to bend over. One left raised to settle on the desk as he ed* god I love you…*he pounds harder in the straight angle to your prostate.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 8 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *There may be a couch avaliable but he really wanted to put that desk to use. Being spread all over it by you? ing dreams coming true. *Spread then, bend them throw them over your shoulder, I don't care, just fill me up. *He moaned feeling your fingers inside, and sqeezed on them encouraging you some more. After such a tease in main room he didnt really want to waste more time anymore. He wanted to be dicked down. When you finally in, he parted his lips, grunting lowly, lifting his hips slightly to make it easier.* ... yeah . That's better. Just like that. *He rolled his hips impatiently, ing himself on you, biting his lips at the plesant burning, and wave of pleasure. *
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 8 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *nods slowly returning back to as as in that room,* …good *he moans as you and yours after you led him to your desk- which he was surprised why the desk until you pushed everything off as his hands held your waist before lifting you on it while kissing you harder* I will… spread your pretty legs, hot mama… *he bites your earlobe* sorry baby, you already got me good, cant wait… *mumbles as he feels inside your hole, checking how stretched it is. He inserted into you kissing and growling as he snaps his hips* like that,
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 8 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ I am not abandoning you. *He whispered in between kisses, pulling your head closer, biting your lips and on them.* Got it? *His hands traveled down your chest, pinching your as he kisses. He shake off his pants, stepping out of them and pullingbyou out of your too. He dragged your body to the desk he mentioned, kissing you deeply and hard. * I didn't, but I got it now. *His free hand pushed the things off the furniture carelessly, before he sits on it, wrapping his legs around you and locking you in his embrace. His hand joined yours, wrapping around both and pumping them steady.* You almost turned me into a mess in front of everyone. Take responsibility for that baby boy.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 8 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *because of his gauging from before, his mind and heart was still trying to calm down. He mutters against your lips* …you…stop doing this to my heart… *yet he kisses you nonstop, feeling your body as you quickly removed your shirt, letting you take his off too* rules…mm *he closes his eyes as you bite and at his earlobe* to keep me controlled…thought you got it when you literally had to pull me out before… *he’s still trying to recover from the scare of losing you. He grabs your waist* yeah…pull me out each time and make a mess outta me *breathes against your lips, pushing down your and his pants* your fault…your ing fault I’m always like this for you…h *already rushing to meet your pace, grabs his , teasing it in you*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 8 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *The moment he close the door behind you, your were pressed against them, as he hungrily kisses your lips, grinding against you. * To clear things up, I didn't know about the invite thing, but next time I will just pull you out. the formalities. *He stripped off of his own shirt off, and took care of yours as well before he attacks your earlobe, biting and it.* Giving me a hard on in front of everyone, you are naughty baby.


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blurblue 2 months ago
please add cha eunwoo as lee dongmin, human please! thank youu.
hobibuu 2 months ago
Add Seokjin as Jin as fairy prince, supernatural pretty please <3
Lucifers_Indulgence 2 months ago
May I request Jung Wooyoung au dragon hybrid? Not sure if I requested right or if he has to be in supernatural sorry ;;
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an alpha wolf, please!
DNABleached 3 months ago
Kim taehyung in nonau as human please ♡
sapphira 3 months ago
Julie han in nonau as human pls ♡
chinna_ 3 months ago
Hwang hyunjin in abo au beta wolf pls ^^
RoseThornArchive 4 months ago
I might around and find out
cthuwu 4 months ago
Could I possibly get Fukutomi Tsuki as a supernatural fae
gothdaisy 4 months ago
Hi! Can I get Minghao / human / nonau?
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