― apartment



a p a r t m e n t


「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 21 hours ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk didn’t forget about those scars. How could he? He still remembered that one frat party in the private university where you were willing to show those scars to him yet no one else. And you ed so hard at that time too with the not wanting to in public. At that time, he still treated you as just that: just another one of his victims. A human to feed on. Just a slightly special one because you were gaining his trust pretty quickly. Still, to say he knew the whole story would be a lie- especially when he had the your life is yours policy with you. He didn’t ask if he had no reason or right to know. Now maybe he has a little of that right- no a ton of it. Funny how so much has changed since then and you’re more into some kinks than a normal victim would be.* feel them yeah…but aight *smirks softly before plunging once again* can’t wait baby…

Cause you a human and I’m not? So eventually you hon get tired baby *snickers wiping the residue of off his lips* I forgot how good downing straight up tastes… *he kisses your exhausted hips, rubbing the sides of his own bruised lips.*

Ooh feisty *he bit his lips at the spank. Then he winked back at you when you laughed at how fast he zoomed on the freeway as we settled in the car.* you know it baby. Just think about that after we leave this place… *he adds with a huskier toned voice*

*he shrugged at your whistle* whatever. You look too hot they ain’t gonna just kick you out. Yet even he a brow amused at your suggestions* sounds like you hoping for me to do the latter huh? In that case… *he grabs your waist and dips you while kissing you with tongue so right in front of his salad until your face was flushed from breathing as you moaned a few times. Then he pulled away with a smirking tilt of his head* better? *eventually one of the waiters sat the two down before he asks you* any wine my pretty man prefers? *jokes yet half a joke as he pulls the napkin folding into a triangle then his lap.*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 22 hours ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *The facts that showed you them was the ultimate sign of trust. Those was his pastz past that still haunts him in his dreams sometimes and everyday, but it got significantly easier to deal with since he have. Sleeping next to you helps because even if he wakes up he can just work his way back into your arms and calm down. Your presence was calming and he feels safe.* You already saw them all probably. Or more like feel them. But yes, I will tell you and show you anything you want.

Look at yourself and tell me how can I even myself when you are ... you, yeah? *He whispered, resting his chin against your thigh, comind down from his high. You him dry, feeding yourself and he took a moment to calm down again. , the were really like rabbits, but it was also a way they could really show their love language. By drowning in each other bodies till rhey are both well spend and unable to move. *

Don't tempt me, its already ing hard. *He growls, and spande your when you walked away, with a wink. After slipping into the car seat he sinks into the seat with pleasant sighs.* Comfy... *He put the seatbelt on and decided to enjoy the ride, with a hand on your thighs, laughing at the speed and maiing noises when you drifted on turns. * As fast as your , make sense. You like it rough and fast. *He looks at you, squeezing your thighs.*Jungkook couldnt tell if you were indeed driving slower, without number he could only notice that you were indeed going very fast. But with your way better sense it made sense. *

*When you arived he whistles, getting out of the car.* I am truly underdressed. *He says yet didn't lose any confidence. He was glowing with it, and when you said to the boy what you said, he observes him turning red and he smiles, leaning against you.* You better *He leans against you.* Shall we? Or do you want to tease the poor guy even more and kiss me here?
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 22 hours ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk blinked at the scars tracing. He’s sure if it was V Hyung he’d make you regret showing those scars, possibly by being a ing weirdo and trying to hurt you. But he only gently rubbed at the raised skin* okay baby… *and with that he pressed his lips to the scars* show me your war scars when we both ready *he smirks looking into your eyes.*

*unfortunately, distractions are that. Distractions. And Jeongguk was you so good that he groaned against your eager abused mouth. His spine shivered when you were him so good. Then when your thighs were so close to , he swallowed all of your until his eyes flashed red. He smirked more as his incubus side. God was potent. He growled you even harder until all your drops of were gone. He snickered when you complained exhausted* sounds like you gotta do way more ing better at being a er than you are hm kook Hyung? *teases*

*yet even he sighs when you actually do stop coaxing him to you* okay baby… hop in the car before I second guess you and make you bend all over it *he smirked winking at you.*

*he turns on the radio to vibe as he steers off the driveway and zooms onto the road. Jeongguk drove fast which made sense because of his less worry on dying as an incubus. But with you on the car, he did drive slightly slower so it was still fast to you but slow to him. Then we made it*

*we made it to the venue and he opened the door for you, revealing a restaurant for the rich class* you wanted a real date where you could show me off like a boyfriend soo *winks* let me take you out baby mama *throws his keys to the valet and a couple bills* take good care of it. I want it in pristine condition cause I wanna my boyfriend in it
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 23 hours ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook shakes his head, leading your hand towards his scars.* No hating but severly traumatised by it. There was always pain there. Not much pleasure. *He sighs* You saw small parts, its not getting any better. *Gently he cupped your face, kissing you softly. * I can show you, in the dreams if you want, but not today. Today should be good things only. I dont want to get into this rabbit hole and relive the trauma when I want to celebrate you and us. Deal?

*How could he not let you enjoy his body when it also felt so good. The way you react to his touch and looks. He was so in love and so very needy but somehow he couldnt force himself to be ashamed of that. He let you abuse his kouth however you want, holding onto your waist. He you the best he could, chooking on you in more harsh movements, but when you changed the position ... excitment filled him and the whole experience was just something else. Even if you tried to make it quick, Jungkook enjoyed every second. He squeezed your thighs and you as well as shaking when you did the same to him. Your muffles his own moans, but he couldn't hold back his hips from snapping every now and then. When finished he lies there for a moment breathless and dizzy, rubbing your and thighs slowly untill he could function again.* ... baby... one more and you will have to carry me out.

Lets bend the rupes then. *Jungkook grins, suddenly 10 years younger as some of his young, ruthless self came out. He should definitely compliment you more often. Your reaction mad ehis heart swell.* You should dress up for me more often, I will peel it all of with a great pleasure. *He fondle with the material, the pulled on the tie.* Irresistible, I will have to put warning 'do not touch, taken'or someone will try to steal you from me. *He leans closer.* As if they stand the chance. *The cocky grin was all you needed to know that he indee want even more of that but he did not acted on it. Instead he kisses you again shortly and pulled back.* You know I do, but I also wanted to make you excited for later. You can me in the car on our way back, and I will make sure you will dream of it during our birthday date. *He wrapped his arms around your neck hugging you closely.* But all teases and jokes aside, I really want to spend time with you. Thank you for doing this.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 1 day ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk smirked at your reactions to his movements but then he blinked at that* you…hated……? *that confused him while internally making him concerned* looks like my brainwashed you… *he laughs dryly thinking about his own experiences before his eyes lower* funny, you know a lot of about me but I barely know nothing about your past…ha…

*eventually, even after he extricated himself, it was your fault and doing that pulled him towards your body. Ultimately he had fallen for it and wanted to unwrap it like his own little birthday gift. And you ended up following suit. He tried to snicker a moan off* whaddayah mean…h? This daddy wanted to baby boy off hm? *after to your eventual bobbing as he ed deep into your mouth with fingers clenched in your hair, before you swallowed, he made you pull off him as he pushed your pants off then pushed you onto the couch on your back* hold onto something cause this’ll be super ing quick…h *then he flipped around kissing your toes as we laid side by side but opposite sides, your head next to his feet and his head next to yours. Then he pushed his into your mouth as he handled yours into his mouth. We were both each other off

[] lol clearly not up to me but you

*he hums shrugging as you ask* I really ing don’t mind. It’s hot and y and on brand for me to bend fancy boring rules like that. *still, even he wasn’t expecting the sudden lean on his black car before smirking with flushed cheeks. Damn you could compliment him for days and he wouldn’t be tired of the nuance you had. Especially as he preferred to be y and flashy in red even in a boring formal function. He’d show up wearing red in a black and white theme party too if he could* maybe… *kisses back* but you the first person who meant it the way only you ing do… *yet his voice growls when you brought up being inside you* sounds like you haven’t had enough of my … *mutters after his sensitive neck. He snickers breathily* what, you itching for car that badly baby daddy…?
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 1 day ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Every move draws another sweet sound from his lips. Jungkook whines your name out softly focusing on your words. * Trust me... I once was sure I was done having for life. *He gasped.* But then I met you, and you made me feel safe and helped me enjoy myself and be myself. So I can explore it with you... because I trust you and... *Another loud moan escapes him when you push yourself deeper.* I love you...*Jungkook confessed, kissing your lips before again. * I can be your ty, needy all day long.
*It was hard for Jungkook to pull away too. His body and mind are a tune and equally as needy. He would stay in bed the whole day, and cuddle with you. Yet it was a special day and he wanted it to be special for you. For everything was the right time and now it was time to celebrate. *

*Jungkook was glowing under your gaze. You appreciated every corner of his body, and he suddenly felt very glad for choosing the outfit he did. You were already undressing him without actually doing it and when you pulled him even closer he laughed lowly.* , looks like I might need to change again. *You muffled the rest with your eager mouth, and fire his core once again. With just a few movements he was already under your hands. Your own reaction did something to him, and his eyes narrowed dangerously and he slid down, kneeling in front of you.* Or I will my birthday boy off, so we could make it in time? *He says as he already started to your pants, pulling you out and kissing slowly down your length, on delicate skin.*

~♡~ [up to you]

Oh? I didn't know that, should I change the baby? Or you don't mind bringing my more side out. *Instead of getting into your car right away, he rests against it, pulling you closer and playing with the collar of your fancy shirt.*  Have anyone ever told you how good you look in red? *Hums, leaning closer to place a kiss on your neck.* Might be my second best right after and balls deep in me.  *Oh yeah, that ty side was up to no good.* 
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 days ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *he snickered softly kissing your neck as he’d plunge into you* with the way you talk about the , sounds like I turned you into a maniac for my too *then his voice lowered, thumbing your waist* I /know/ it’ll be way ing better than last year’s cause now I love my ing equally unhinged baby daddy… *kisses your lips, swirling a tongue until eventually the only sounds we were making were the slapping of thighs and our own moans and groans. It was terribly difficult to pull himself off of your body. On another date he wouldn’t have but the thought of not making your day more than just stuck to him. As well as your inexperience dating that you barely got any made him want to at least /try/ to keep his hands off you for this time.*

*after our slow ing which he enjoyed each time your eyes and lips looked at him with those needy eyes, he then left you alone. Not for him but for your safety. So when you came out sporting such a y outfit, he could already feel his tent forming as he gulps laughing dryly thinking about the situation logic. And yes, god did he remind himself not to slide a hand down those pants that were begging to be touched. He didn’t even correct you that actually this’d be more a formal thing rather than informal and to try wearing something cleaner like him. And not to mention because damn how could he not pass up the offer for a wild and y looking kook Hyung? He just had to get used to his kook Hyung looking different than usual. As for jealousy, he might not be weirdly possessive about it like V Hyung was but he did have his own way of reacting or being jealous or possessive.*

*he posed dorky and when you walk around and spank his , he snickers biting his lip at the words before wiggling his brows* not as hot as the man you be baby… *his eyes glide down your body predatorily. Yet no matter how hard he had tried to restrain himself, you closed that distance so easily when you pulled at the chain around his neck and his own eyes softened with that signature smirk he had, letting you tug him over you. And he kissed you back, being thrown out of pace and his restraint. You should’ve been more careful. After the first breathless kiss he growled back grabbing your waist as he kissed, sliding his tongue and flipping it until you were by his kisses as his thumbs already push up your cropped shirt to feel more of your toned skin under his hands. If you truly wanted, you should stop him from going further*

[] I’ll leave it up to your choice

*whether the two did go further again or not, eventually, getting themselves together, Jeongguk led jungkook out* well the dress code’s a lot more ing fancy but eh I don’t mind us breaking a few rules. *smirks* Right on brand for me *he leads you to a black sleek car* after you baby
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 4 days ago

@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ https://i.imgur.com/wfJksRc.jpeg
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 4 days ago

@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook did not shy away from vocally showing you just how much he enjoyed every caressing touch or spank. Every little one brings him closer and more needier for more.* I am down for you, babe... I hope our dream will be way better than last year. *He rasped out, fingers curling in your hair.* Oh? Plans? What it is? *His eyes shine with excitement when he melts into your kisses, fully resting on you, into your lips. When you turned them, he easily slipped into position, wrapping his place around you, pumping your slowly. * I will do my best, but are you sure about that? We may not be able to leave the house. *Jungkook teased and found your lips again, moving closer and changing the position enough so you could easily slip inside and him slowly. * Good, because there will be a lot to clean...

*Later when he was able to stand again and clean himself, he took a quick shower and then stood wrapped in a towel in front of his walk-in wardrobe, contemplating. He knows that no matter what he wears he will look good but he wants more. He bit his lips, wondering just how 'spicy' he wants to get for you. He wanted to turn heads around on the street just to look at him a second longer. Make you possessive when you notice it. He wanted to be pretty, hot, and also a bit ty and with that in mind, he picked his outfit. A cropped, tight shirt that not only defines his waist but also shows his toned stomach. He added black jeans that sit low enough on his hips and a jacket to just throw over it. After a moment he also decided on the loose, slim tie, something you could pull or even wrap around his wrist if you wanted. He left his hair loose, to curl around his face. Some makeup to define his eyes and he was ready. Looking fantastic. *

*Hearing your voice he turns around grinning brightly and he whistles.* , baby... *He bit his lower lip, smiling so brightly, moving closer and walking around you to make sure he caught every detail, and spanking your with appreciation.* I want to kneel in front of you and make some mess. You are so ing hot. *Looking at the gesture, his cheek flushed. /Mine./ Suddenly he was in front of you. One finger slipped under the necklace chain to lightly tug on it pulling you closer. Junkook kissed you hard and deep, successfully taking away your breath, his own head spinning from the emotions. * For the ty stars and us.

「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 4 days ago

@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [] The dorky pose expression: https://i.imgur.com/sQr5L9D.gif
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 4 days ago

@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [] The outfit: https://i.imgur.com/2AlgjyA.jpeg
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 4 days ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *jeongguk’s hands and had a mind of its own despite him lazily hearing what you’re saying. Which only brought a soft smirk to his face at that thought.* damn that sounds so ing hot. I’m down *smacks your once and squeezes, kissing your skin, grinding against you* but before that since it’s still the morning, I got my own plans I wanna do with you *kisses you more but doesn’t like how you’re sitting bending back away from his lips. He grabbed you by the waist until you fell gently on your stomach onto him. He smacked your again as he rolled us until we were laying side by side front spooning. Lifting your leg and massaging your thighs he gives you his to slowly so he could put it in you* all I’m asking is for you to look the most damn iest pretty man ever. Not too hard hm? *smirks biting your gently* Don’t worry, I’m planning to clean up a little too. *he starts ing in your hands groaning and smacks your again*

[up to you if you want to continue or time skip ]

*once we stopped lazily ing like two rabbits and started to get ready, he purposely walked off to the other room. He knew if he saw you dressing up he’d dress you back down and that was a no go for tonight-at least not until he does his part for your birthday. He had to behave a little more at least until we’d go again with his incubus never satisfied nature. Eventually he meets you in a clean outfit of his own choice, spinning once on his heels like a b-boy and acting all cool but dorky to show himself off* ey whatcha think of the fit? *he grins posing dorky and acting all full of himself. Then he smirks softly* and… *tugs his chain from his neck. The same star one you gave and he pressed a kiss to it with a wink to you* for the ty stars
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 days ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Wakey wakey ~ *Jungkook let you take your time waking up, amusment with child like behaviour as he continues to abuse your neck with kisses and bites, your soft moans only ecouraging him.* Hi *He whispers smiling at your words and kissing you lightly, shivering at your deep and low morning voice.* When pulled he strangle your hips, laying you and softly with appreciation.* Mmm its always a yes baby... ah.. but I... hmm... I wanted to... I can't focus like that. *He cups your face making you stop and look at him. * I wanted to be pound down in dream world. Feel you so deep in my soul baby... and... mhm... *He made soft gasping noise when you grind against him.* I want to repeat a party from last year, yeah? I can properly enjoy it now and my ty, needy self is quite excited. Maybe dance strip in front of everyone as a gift to my baby boy? Letting you me infront of them? How does it sound like? *He asks, slipping his fingers into your hair and combing them.* Unless you want to slow me back to sleep before? Which I won't lie, sounds ing great too. *He kisses you, on your lips and slightly lifting himself on hi elbows to grind a bit harder, thursting his hips.* Anything for my baby boy...
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 6 days ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human B I R TH D A Y

*Jeongguk was /exhausted/. Not only was he pushed to the edge because of all his work. But when he had to confront his Hyung, his safe haven with jungkook disappeared not being anywhere to see. He and his deep sleeper till noon self was pretty much dead in bed. Even when you were moving the flower on his cheek then massaging his skin. He truly looked like a corpse when his actusl soul was sleeping in his dream world. He only started to shift with life reluctantly with soft moans at the .* where day we are…*eventually he returned to waking up hearing the words. He smirks softly with a lidded expression before sniffling his nose* mm happy birthday to you too kookie… *he smirks kissing your lips back with an husky morning voice* slept like I was dead. Any plans for today? *he pulls you down to hold you close to him before pushing up your shirt as he hugged you down to him* if not, what do you say we start with worshiping this ing y and all mine body? *he mutters sleepily as he grinds his hips against you lazily, trailing his lips to each of your s while leading you to grind lazily against him* god you’re so ing y… *he mutters the friction good as he moans into your body*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 6 days ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ B I R TH D A Y

*Was Jungkook a morning person? Oh hell no! He was not. He would much better prefer to press himself closer into Jeongguk's body. Soak in his warmth, drown in his scent. No, Jungkook wasn't a morning person, he was rooting in bed with his boy. But he made an exception today and dragged his body out of bed. *

*Barely awake he picked up his two bouquets and headed back home. After yesterday's emotional madness, you deserve to sleep longer. So he lets you as he packs your present, a limited edition of your favorite comics, and a new hoodie. Finally, it was time andJungkook set it on the bed, next to you. Giggling softly he throws some rose petals from the second bouquet all over the bed and then starts to tickle you with a rose in his hand. * Jeonggukie... *He calls softly, moving the flower over your cheek.* Baby wake up... *His hand slipped under the covers, massaging your stomach and chest.* Happy Birthday Gukkie. *He whispers, pressing kisses to your jaw and under your ear, on the skin under it. When you finally opened your eyes you were greeted by a big bouquet of forget-me-not flowers on the nightstand, and rose petals stuck to your nose. Jungkook besides you smiles kissing your lips.* Good morning baby, did you slept well?
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 2 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [ nope! No need since that’s more his internal referencing : ) but I’ll let you know if it ever comes up. For now I think we’re fine ]

*After a heated face exhausting his energy and sweat, Jeongguk was slowly calming down by your cool hands on his face. Eventually, his breathing too tapered as he talked while you listened patiently. And when it was finally your turn to respond, those words from his hobi Hyung repeated in his head too. Yes he ed up but “Mistakes happen.” Mistake. He’s…a mistake…? Hoseok had indirectly said that, causing him to break down. His choice to speak the way he did was a mistake. Something he needed to correct. When in reality, he is him /because/ of those combined experiences. Hurting or not. He is Jeongguk because of those combined experiences. Only Jeongguk would insult his friend to help him. Only Jeongguk would push others away to protect them from hurting. One was a mistake that could help, aka the insult, and the other was a mistake that could hurt, aka the pushing his love away. Both of him though were him. So if one was considered a mistake versus the other, in turn it still meant he was a mistake because both “mistakes” were him. This is why it hurt so much to stay in that spot when hoseok had told him those words. The only reason he had returned while he was about to call his demon lord boss in his original world to remove his body so others wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore, was solely out of his duty to our contract. Regardless of where he was at emotionally, he was loyal to the agreement we made. And when you called him back, he came. Sad internally but he came to fulfill his side of the agreement- which was simply to come when you called him by his name. And yes that did interrupt his drastic action but only acted as a bandaid rather than a complete resolution to it. Afterall, we had ed until both of us had no energy. But it only kept him here until he would gain strength enough to leave or you some more. No actual talking but just . Like his previous relationship when they were only okay in bed but not with talking.*

*but you talked to him as he was recovering first. His breath and skin lingered as you did and tilted his chin. And for the most part you never told him what he did was a mistake. Did that mean…? His once growing sad eyes when you reminded him started to look into yours, doe-eyed. Then his face flushed at those words…he had to snort under his breath. Wouldn’t ever expected you to call his soul beautiful. And about to shut it down, he parted his lips to smirk it off. That’s until he blinked face to face with your gaze. You looked at him…like he still mattered. Gentle but matter of fact and firm. Different than hoseok’s soft clouds that called him a mistake for doing what he always did. You were holding his own flighty sharp fire from engulfing you.*

*Having no words to speak, he felt breathless and winded a second time. This time not from any physically intensive activity like … he smirks thumbing your cheeks* pfft *he tried to act before his eyes fell and he just pulled you close in a hug. Nestling his chin in your shoulder as he warmly embraced you. The fact that you’d let him hurt you again and still be in that pathetic situation really touched him yet scared him. What if next time he’s worse? What if next time you’ll actually leave him if he hurts you again? Guess that’ll be his true end to go back to living in others’ dreams and being forgotten like he’s meant to be* incubus… *he corrects in your ear quietly* and at least from what I know I ain’t a girl and you been taking my every day by now… *he nuzzled in your body, finding it cooler than his hot one* and no promises it won’t happen again. But *grab-hugs your shoulders* think I’ll love you even more the next time if you do it like this too…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 2 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ [So I didn't really know how to comment on the beginning, so I focused on the most important parts instead. Please tell me if you want me to address something!

*Jungkook listens intently, puzzle pieces in his head slowly sorting themselves out, giving him facts and solution. He listens, and when you struggle, when your voice shakes from emotion, he waits, rubbing circles into your skin, pressing soft kisses to your skin. Let you squeeze him in his arms, and when you were done, he allowed you a few more seconds to let this all settle.*

You have a right to be damaged and scared, and broken. Us, together. It's a big step, and I never expected it to be easy. You are torn. You want this. It feels great. But you don't know how to have it. You panic because you made a mistake. You run. You have abandoned issues. You are running. It's even more scary now because someone is chasing you. Yet, it's not all your fault. I can't expect you to act differently when you were conditioned to act like this. By your ex, by your boss, by people. *Shaky fingers rubbed your chin before he lifted your head up to look into your eyes. * You have an impulsive, lonely soul but so beautiful and full of passion. *He held your gaze.*

If hunger was an adequate depiction of love, I would gladly starve at your altar. *His lips pressed a kiss to your hand.* No, there is nothing easy about that. Nothing too small or too big. You do love me Jeongguk, despite all the running, and I do love you. We are not perfect, but I don't expect us to be. I want you for you.

The whole world can call me pathetic for loving a demon, a succubus, but it will mean nothing. I own them nothing. *He shakes his head.* I love Jeongguk first. Then a demon, Then a succubus. You can't just make me hate you, baby. *Jungkook kisses you gently. A sweet, gentle caress to soothe the heat and refill you with the warm feeling of his presence.* I understand and forgive all the harsh words, Jeonggukie. Thank you, for letting me catch you again. I will continue to do so because you will always be worth fighting for.
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *if nothing else, our bodies were honest with each other, yearning, giving, taking and eventually ing it all out. His last relationship only really lasted so long just /because/ of . But did Jeongguk want that? Minimally yes. But ideally not really. He always wanted someone who’d talk to him when the going got tough. He also maybe secretly yearned for someone to truly fight to be with him- especially with his track record of hopping off as soon as things got tough. That was the contract between us too. For him to not run off as soon as one problem hit. And, even when he was still emotional and slapped your hand away, when you reminded him of the contract, he rolled his eyes but abided by it loyally. But even those actions weren’t done because of the reason you suspected.*

*you didn’t want him to feel guilty for getting off to others when you couldn’t. But still, as much as it was his job to gain pleasure in any type of , it doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t mind it on good days unlike you who only had him. Even when he was a human he knew the difference between thoroughly ually gratified and meh. He decided right then and there himself that he’d reallly need to find that for you. Yeah it’s y but maybe even when he wasn’t around, he hoped your ual pleasure couldn’t reach that meh level. That at least you’d feel good without him so you wouldn’t need him just to feel good either. So no, Jeongguk knew that feeling of being unsatisfied too well to not feel guilty that you missed him that much when all pent up. He /was/ guilty whether you accepted it or not.*

*the good part of overdoing it with his human body was that eventually the energy left it quicker. He can’t necessarily get up now with how much he already exerted his already less energy-filled body. Because of him having so much energy, it took almost a day before even he was gasping for breath. Give it some sleep, and he’d be re-energized to go again or even just escape like usual. For now his body was too exhausted to do so.*

*so he didn’t run away when you started to talk. He couldn’t. When he felt those circular traces to his skin and heard the question, he bit his lower lip. He could tell by your emotions. You seemed scared and sad. He cursed himself in his head as the same emotions he had during that time before this resurfaced; the reason he had left only for you to call him by his name. See?! You up, Jeongguk! You ing did it again…! You don’t deserve love and … he bit his lower lip and answered honestly. You deserved to know how he really is and can be, too. It’s up to you if you prefer a better relationship. He can’t blame you for wanting that. He wasn’t ever meant for anything stable because he s it all up.*

yeah…h *he breathes beginning* yeah I… think that…pathetic. But…I don’t…*breathes* mind….. just yeah, you’re pathetic… a y professor that’s clinging…to a demon incubus who won’t even make it exclusive…no matter the reason? So you’re always technically not taken? Yeah…that’s so ing pathetic of you *he hugs you in his arms* but I’m thankful for it. *starting to breathe again* If it wasn’t for that ty concept I’d still be alone. Drinking myself into a stupor, everytime my ex crossed my mind. And randomly he still ing does. Always will ‘cause at least we were good when all we did was ing. It became over complicated for him when we started dating. He didn’t wanna put himself in that pathetic position. The same one you did. Yeah…pathetic. But thankful. No one’d usually do that; they’d even maybe demand me to cut it off with anyone else. Or just keep me as a side hoe until they get someone more exclusive and “better.” The smarter move my ex did.

*then he continued..* but I wanted you to want to leave me. Hate me. So I made it sound like a bad thing. Cause technically, to everyone else? It is. Pathetic

And I am too *nods* so ing pathetic for not being able to fall for anyone but better versions of myself. I wasn’t always like that… *his eyes fell down* I wanted to make you hate me, make you want no to do with me…cause I can’t stand it if I ended up ing it up like I ed up my relationship with hobi Hyung…*his eyes buried into your hair, hiding his anguished expression* I’m not meant for a relationship, I only hurt others. I everyone up who gets close to me like that…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook wasn't aware of that test. He answered honestly, not hiding his feelings. He was your and that didn't change. He wasn't ashamed of that, even if your previous words sting. He is not going to hide behind lies and pretend. that was not Jungkook. *

It's... hard. Not the same. Even if I force it I am just more frustrated. *There was no reason to feel guilty. First of all, your body was made for and needed in any form to sustain you. He did not. It was a pleasure and need but also a way to show just how much he wanted and needed you. It was an act of love. Was he mad at you for being able to enjoy yourself with others? Never. It was part of you and your life which he accepted. It was a package deal. Of course, he was jealous, especially when you were flirting in front of him. But he would never make you guilty when you were working. * Baby... oh ... *He moaned, rocking with a shared force of your .* Don't... hah.. say that.

*Of course he was into that. He was into you, and being manhandled by you was a new level of hot. Maybe it was his face when he needed to learn how to enjoy it. But you were drugging him, forcing yourself, and harming him in any way. you still cared for his comfort. it was infinitely better being pressed down by you than any other person from his past. He loved it, but most importantly, he loved your lack of control, when you just gave in. In passion, desire, and raw need to fill him and take him. *

*Jungkook was well spent, tired and sticky, sore in places he couldn't even name. He needed a long bath, but it wasn't an urgent need. Now laying on your chest, evening his breath and listening to yours, he started to think. Wondering how to start this probably difficult talk and not make you leave again. The echo of your words made his heart seize with pain, and he frowned, taking a shaky breath. He presses a kiss to your skin, hand rubbing slow, lazy circles into your skin. *

Do you... *He started and then stopped, carefully thinking about what exactly he wanted to ask. He did not dare to look at your face and meet your eyes. He wouldn't be able to ask anything this way. He swallowed and began again, pressing his cheek into your skin.* Do you think all of that? Am I... just pathetic ? *Jungkook finally asked, hating himself for how weak and vulnerable he sounded. Pathetic indeed. His heart was beating fast, waiting for an answer. Part of him did not want to ruin this peaceful moment, but another knew that if he didn't talk about you probably won't as well and it would end up. it will slowly strip him from his confidence, and highlight any insecurity. Even now, he remembers how you slapped his hands away, ignoring the signal. How that little gesture hurt more than words and now he was wondering if previous ones carried any meaning, and that was just the beginning of an entire mountain of the things he was questioning. Doubting. He was hopeful still. You wouldn't contract someone pathetic, would you? It wasn't a game. Your words, everything. It wasn't a game. *
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [] lol don’t worry, I was trying to make him exhausted enough to talk. Especially since we still haven’t gotten to the main talk : ) this will be relatively shorter ]

*in the beginning, Jeongguk wasn’t planning to do more than scare you by threatening the triggering word against you to see if you’d falter. Push him away. But instead, no. You pulled him close, even challenged him. You were never planning to run away and his own heart became fuller despite the sadness that still lingered that was only temporarily melted away due to the two burning in this ual pleasure.*

*he was caught off guard by the statement about his * cant……*he started to feel light guilt eating at him because he could. De definitely did in a few of his non-NPC victims before coming here. But emotionally, he was starving for you and for making /your/ body writhe in pleasure against him. But he did .* deal… I’ll *slams* *slams* you *slams* again and *slams* again! *he said in a softer voice lingering a bit of guilt* if we last that long… *and at least for now, that was the end of his doubting. It’ll come back when his mind wasn’t crazy to love on you*

*your expressions, your movements, the way even his breaths caught in his throat at how great you take him while screaming his name desperately. God you knew. This was only something ing his lover could give him- no matter how much he has to do his own scene acting to get the right vibe for his victims. No matter what he had to say to get them in the mood. Nothing beat this passionate needy connection. And yes, some were very good at reacting in bed too.*

*he smirks softly at the way your body trembles for him and whines when he denied your then flipped you around to continue by slamming into your muffled body. He could tell you were enjoying the manhandling too because you were loud even against the couch. , it was hot. And even more hot when he flipped you back around and saw your lips were drooling. You loved being dicked down like that too. He thought you would. But getting close to their first , he wanted to see that y face*

*your face and voice were all melding together as he breathily pants. It was cute how much you enjoyed his too when your voice became incoherent as his mind was melting to your crying in pleasure. All he wanted to do was keep kissing and slamming into you. Then his own twitched, his stomach knotting as you continued to push against him. His tongue started to salivate as he watched your biting red lips. Faster, harder, pounding. And eventually he groans emptying inside you for the first time.*

*The first time he helped you . The next times was a mix of jerking you to or him . But each time you reached out to hug him, his beastly red eyes dimmed as he reached out before they glowed again as he continued. By the end our thighs wet and sticky, his human body struggles before laying next to you as his chest rises and falls quickly. Rather than on top of you, he grabs you to lay closer on top of him so you wouldn’t fall off the couch, kissing and your sweaty neck as he sniffs at your body. His own body was trembling from exhaustion as he kissed you lazily. Eventually, his chest rising and falling slowed down as he now focused on wiping your face. He thumbed at your crying cheeks with a soft breath. His mind felt more numb as he tried to speak*…good…you…h good…

*eventually, he has calmed down enough for us to talk in the more lazily kissing not yet sleepy part of our time. This would be a good time to bring up the he put you through, address it and maybe he’d also speak about it too*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ [ not sure if i will be able to match the length lol]

, you got me… *The expression on his face was cocky, and confident as he sent you a kiss.* I love being your ty . *Jungkook leans in, kissing back as he jerks you slowly, matching your own rhythm. Your reaction, husky panting. Hot. So very hot. It unleashed something warm and aggressive in his stomach, and it took an effort not to act on it. They had time, he didn't need to rush anything. He runs his hand down your side while you look at him with those eyes, mouth slightly open. He his bottom lip into his mouth and bit it lightly, as he dropped his gaze from yours and very deliberately took in your appearance. Starting from your thighs, leisurely working his way up. You could definitely feel it, almost burning on your skin. His hunger, appreciation, longing, desire. Jungkook /wanted/ you.*

*The edge of his mouth curled just a little as you kissed him. He dragged his finger down your jawline to finally cradle your jaw. Then he surges forward, tilting his head and intensified the kiss. Your raspy, husky tone sent heat curling down his spine. He gasped softly at the touch of your fingers, arching closer to you. Yes, he wanted to say. Yes baby, touch me, take me, me. Don't make me wait. Yet, he keeps it down, just staring into your eyes, his body showing what he needs and wants way better than words. He knew you didn't really need to check anything. The gesture not lost on him. You cared, and that made his heart grow. * No, I didn't. Can't really come without you. It's not the same, but add that to my Christmas present list right under ing me senseless the whole night.

*A loud 'oh' escaped his mouth when you in, toes curling from the sudden sensation of being filled up. He trembled, pulling you closer to ground himself better, gasping for air. Word lost on him, as he rocked with you, moving to feel you deeper and when you hit the spot just right. Jungkook and lungful of air, when a strong wave of pleasure took over his body. His teeth sicking into his bottom lips, as he trembled in your strong arms. One of his hand, resting on your knee, holding it as you slip in and out. He was drowning but also flying, his body bending to your will, hips jerking to meet yours. * Jeongguk! Ah.. Jeongguk! *He calls you, half , half gasping. Then the string of curses, when you abuse his hole and prostate, just far too good for him to give a damn. He was so close, so close, ready to chase it, when you stopped him, pulling him back to the couch, to your warm body.* Fuuu.... ck... *He gasped, his held back, and he whined softly in protest. *

*They died down as you turned him around, and he hides his face, sticking his up for you. He knew what will give them both the most pleasure. Loud, needy moans fill the room as you left your loving bites on his cheeks. His hand curling into a fist on the edge of the couch, hips twitching as he rubs himself against the couch. Then you spread him apart, filling him again, and he sinks into the soft mattress with a soft groan. He linked his fingers with yours, his hold strong.* I do... I doo * Jungkook whines out, pressing himself against you, his hole squeezing you just as hard, each time you in.*

I love you too... so much... *Jungkook answered back, a bit winded, a bit raspy, but it was a strong and honest answer. By the time you turned him around again, his face was red from lack of air and the pressure he was pushed into a mattress. You wiped off the drool, and he gasped softly, kissing you back.* Please... please Gukkie... * He begs softly, trembling in your hold. He was on the edge, so close, so sensitive. His heart racing.*

Yes... yes! *Jungkook agreed, loudly when you entered him again. Roughly, and hard, and he whines for more. Your bruising hold on his waist. Your weight and grunts above him. He didn't need much to come, and he did so violently. Arching in your hold, fingers curling on your shoulders. Your constant s made it last even longer, and he for a moment he couldn't see anything. Just feeling you all around him, inside him. Your warm load fills him nicely. He said something incoherent, growing slack in for a moment before he came back. He blinks softly, now aware that he cried from pleasure. His lips stinging from share force he was biting on them. Jungkook turned his head, pressing a kiss to your head, as his hand cradled your head closer, and then you were inside him again, and he twitched at the sensation. *

*His own body attune with yours, maybe a bit slower but reacting strongly. You ed him over and over again, and he cried each time you forced his body to dry , every time reaching out to you to hug you. By the end of it, he was sore in so many places, covered in smeared and sweat. Hair sticking to his neck and face. He pulls you closer, kissing your cheeks, letting you rest on his body, wrapping his shaky legs around you, slowly, lazily rubbing your shoulders and back, letting you listen to his slowly calming down heart.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human [] feel free to shorten, sorry went long lol ]

Would you? *he challenged* or your y enjoying being pressed down and dominated by a man too much to help strip? Mm… *his voice groaned hazily when you jerked him after smirking at the slap of his , slightly amused at your antics* love it…so ing much. Looking so good when you pump me eagerly into your needy little hole *and he kisses your lips as he honestly started to your jerking hand with his own short needy husky panting* Hyung…..h

*even the way you kissed him, his breaths mingled with yours, tilting his head and deepening him tasting you. His tongue flicked. As your own lips softened into his touch, his fluidly moved against yours* mmm but god does it make me feel great when you show it *his lips trailing back to your lip corner and down as he groaned at the jerks* your words always match em..mgh y *he smirks lifting a brow back as you pull him into your body. He didn’t need to check if you were stretched enough even as a demon. But since it’s been a while since we last did it like this, he still did check because that’s how much he cared about your comfort still. He your hole and smirks at the way it clenched* looks like even this part of you is so ing honest about you needing some . Did..h you yourself thinking of me when I was busy? God id love to seen you crying for me… maybe I should give you a that’s my shape *he snickers softly before suddenly a slam into your hole*

Except you did baby- er I thought you did *his twitched inside you as your body shuddered to his s. The way you arched on his hips and begged for him to continue, as you almost reached your high, he only slammed harder against you with rougher pants. He groaned ing your prostate harder and harder then purposely missing it. But no, even if he had slept with other non-npcs, he couldn’t be done with you that quickly* baby… *he rolled his hips deeply before lifting himself up to stop. Then out of nowhere, he started to pile drive you, bruising your prostate again and again. As you grabbed the couch mattress to hold yourself in place, one of his hands grabbed your hand, pinning it down against your thigh. He laced our fingers then kissed your neck as his other arm wrestled your body around your shoulders. That way the next slams onto you were deeper and faster. As you uttered a stream of curses, his husky voice responded to them breathily while your body was being drilled fast enough to jerk you and him each time* you’re so tight baby… *and after a few more deep but faster roll of his hips, he grabbed your member and squeezed it to stop you from just yet.*

*Then he kissed your lips before wrapping an arm around your leg he was pinning to pull it up and kiss your thigh* sorry I wanna and feel you more *he grabbed your waist to flip you over to lay on the couch, spanking your and giving love bites on it* on your stomach baby *he mutters then kisses down your shoulder blades to your before spreading your cheeks. Then he groans as his leaking head fills your hole slowly again. He grunted at the tight walls expanding for him. Supported himself with two hands on your sides, he pinned your hands on the couch, lacing his fingers with them. Before he began he turned to the side of your head so he could kiss you, mumbling* god you’re the iest…h *then without warning, he drilled deep, slamming into your ricocheting cheeks as you were ed deep into the friction of the couch. Each slam grew faster as his fingers tightened lacing you in* baby…daddy…h…love that…? Love my big …? *he spanked your once and squeezed it before that hand returned back to tangle in your fingers. Despite your voice muffled, he could feel your body close to *

*he flipped you around to see your in pleasure face, wiping any liquid from it as he kissed you* I love you… *he groaned as he entered you the third time this session. He grabbed your body closer to him until your head was no longer resting on the arm rest but the couch mattress before he gripped your waist and slammed into you* with me kook hyung h…! *he kissed your s and on them as he ed and jerked your body to pleasure. This is what happens when you weren’t riding him first. When he was controlling, his force is similar to the beast’s, manhandling your body every which way. Just now because it’s you, his voice and tone which he was making you moan was softer. He slipped a tongue into your mouth to swirl ours around before gripping and pumping your to each of his s*

*he groaned as his ’s head twitched inside you then spurted his load. He rode his out inside you as his tongue continued to swirl against yours before kissing you he emptied everything onto you as he panted and rested his head on your shoulder. Even now he’s still ing you but slower. He kisses your shoulder* can’t get enough of you…h *he spread your legs again to pin it down and ed again, suddenly hard again *

*he continued to you in all sorts of positions on the couch. Maybe it was the familiarity of the feeling of ing his victims on his own apartment couch or maybe it was you being so ing hard to get enough of. Or maybe it was a combination. But by the end of each round, jeongguk’s eyes glowed more red. Unable to stop himself. He growled as his body slick with sweat and melted against yours again. His once gelled up hair had pretty much all fell across his face. Ravenous. And god did you look great each time until your own hair was wet*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ Oh, I would, but as you can see, I am a bit trapped under my y baby. *He spanked your with appreciation with a silly, playful grin. His eyes never leaving you, watching every movement, enjoying a show. * Yes *Jungkook murmured, already feeding his hungry hands, running them down your body. * You like it? *A soft-spoken question, as he touches your length, observing your reaction to it. Gazing into your dark, desired filled eyes.*

*Kissing you often feel like drowning. The world around turning quiet, even his thoughts silent but head filled with you, all focus on your soft mouth moving over his. The way you taste. The temper of the kiss changing from slow to hurried and passionate. Your fingers dancing over his skin, teasing all the sensitive spots. Addictive. All of it. * Why? Didn't I tell many times I am staying? *Answer, you drink from his lips, claiming them again. *

*Your hands spread him apart and he compelled. A gesture so familiar as your fingers dig into the soft flesh of his thighs. He twisted his ankles behind you, squeezing you gently inside with a small, knowing smirk. Daring you to do it, then gasping when your fingers slip inside. He squeezed them, encouraging you.* I told you once. I am not them. You need to stop comparing me. I am your Jungkook. Yours baby. *Fingers moved over the tattoo on his neck, as a reminder, before his lips parted in a silent moan. Your hard knocked the air out of his lungs, and his fingers dug into the biceps. His small whimper, he adjusted his hips, letting slip even deeper.* Oh , Guk! *He tried to catch his breath.* That's what I meant... um ing yours.

*When you moved, a string of soft curses left his lips, as he squeezed you hard, a burning sensation making his thighs tremble slightly. He reached up, thumbing your neck, before he gripped your shoulder, the other holding the side of the couch mattress to hold himself in place. You knew what you were doing with those deep, slow yet hard s, drawing loud, shameless noises. He rolls his hips with you, meeting you in the middles.* Baby.... oh... right there, yes! Guk! Come on, yes! ! !
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human Why don’t you strip me baby? *he whispered, grinding harder against your hand as you jerked him for him. Then he too pushes down both his pants and boxers until his sprung out, smirking softly at the way you still kiss whatever skin you could get a hold of. He pulled the rest of the material off his legs before crawling back to hover over you on the couch* better…? *yet he bites his lip, as you start to pump him and squeeze his balls again* no you are. Didn’t run away don’t get it…h * his lips meeting you again as you confirm you wanted to be filled up rather than on his . Maybe another time but for now he wanted you this way* actually baby… *he began as he spread your legs, letting your head rest on the couch armrest* I didn’t even plan to you either today… *he positions his own legs, kneeing closer to your as he himself* was thinking you’d leave like them so I just- didn’t. But *he inserted a few fingers in you to check if you’re ready for him.* I’d be lying if I turned down your y . And *nods to his * , you can get me so ing hard for you I need to feel you even in my ty pathetic time… *and with that confession, he ed hard against you as he entered* so tight *he ed harder, his hands grabbing at the sides of the furniture as he groaned at your squeezing his long jerks, rolling his hips deep into you. Slow but deep and filling this time first as your body jerked through each pound while your neck* kook Hyung…h *he moaned against your body*
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook grunts softly under you. He does love this, your weight on him, holding you and pulling you even closer. He gasped softly, pressing a kiss under your ear, before his teeth caught on the earlobe, nipping on it. * Undress baby... completely. I want you . Feel your skin. *His hand gently pulled on your pants, wanting them off immediately. He needed to feel your strong thighs squeezing his body, muscles dancing under his hands. When did remove it, he lifted himself on his elbows, his gaze moving over your body, tongue wetting his lower lips. The hunger and desire in his eyes almost overwhelming as he reaches out to touch you when you move closer. He dragged his hand over the back of your thighs, then the sides before they rested on your hips, lips pressing open mouth kisses to your abdomen moving up, as you settled down back to your previous position. Jungkook grunts, claiming your lips in a passionate, needy kiss. Fingers massaged your balls before he once again started to stimulate your . Slowly, taking his time with each , circling the tip before they moved down.* Perfect. My Jeongguk. *He growls lowly, against your lips.* Go on, fill me up. Take my body, I know you love it. Love your . When I cry from the pleasure. When I beg. *Jungkook whispers, one arm wrapped around your shoulder as he makes some short, cut noises when you abuse his s. His own twitching, hard against his stomach.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *wanting to get closer, Jeongguk moaned against your neck, his reluctance easily melting to the tune of your own eager noises. You knew how to make him wanted, he hummed with his husky voice back in response before groaning as your hands traveled inside his opened pants. At the closer pull, his weight was completely over you bc as he started to grind onto your hands and lower to your couch, taking the opportunity to nip at the skin of your neck* baby daddy…*he nods avidly into your eyes as you him like usual* I’d those pretty lips of yours any day, make you make that ing y red crying face. But , today I want to see you moan my name as I pound your ty *he ducked down after nipping your neck to nip your exposed s, massaging your own muscular pectorals then them* sorry I think I need to feel you today, hear you scream, see your sweat glisten against me…I want your perfect little ty hole to wrap around and me in while you get pounded in
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Jungkook nodded softly and smiled, feeling a bit lighter after hearing the breathless sorry. His fingers turn into a hand against your warm cheek, guiding you closer as he kisses you, arching his body to be closer. No more words were needed, as he let his gestures do the rest. His hungry eyes, moving over yours, tasting your sweet poison, and letting you drink his own. Takes away the soft pleading noise when you press him down. You guided his hand down and his fingers brushed over your abdomen, feeling the muscles. He ed your pants, pulling the belt off and slipping inside and cupping your hardening length with a thrilled noise. Jungkook worked slowly, from the base up, finger pressing all the right points as he pumped you. His other hand slipped on your him under the hem of your loose jeans to squeeze the flesh of your cheek and then moved up, to your lower back and waist, pulling you closer.* Do you want to choke me with your , baby boy? *He asked against your ear, tilting his head so you could abuse his neck, making him moan. *

*They will talk, later, after they burn their feelings away buried in each other arms. Then Jungkook will ask for answers.*
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human Yeah…h. Always. Sorry baby….*his answer was rushed and breathy but direct enough as those fingers made him shiver and the soft but fire lifting of his chin. He couldn’t hold back, not when you were doing him in so good. You knew how to make him feel special in and outside of the . He can’t stay sad or mad at us when you were sweeping him back into your arms again. It’s already hard for him to hold grudges when in front of the person he loves. Maybe that’ll affect in the future as well. So yes, they’ll burn it out but maybe- hopefully they do talk about it or this might happen again due to not talking about the important stuff. Up to you in the end. Because now he’s like an in awe human being worshipping your y body. But also your y presence unable to see any problems. Just yearning to fall deep into you*

Don’t think you need to worry… *his lips harder at your neck, adjusting your body so he could press you against the couch, straddling your legs. He guided your hands to touch his pants and the belt on it if you wanted to start that comment today all while kissing and your skin* kook Hyung…
「jeon jungkook」∴ human 3 months ago
@「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ *Maybe that's why you couldn't really resist Jungkook. Sometimes it was easier to use gestures and body language to show you just how precious you are. The kisses pressed into your cheeks and head. Him playing with your fingers, or your hair. Or just resting his head on your shoulder as he reads and you play. *

*Yes, this wasn't a usual day. Jungkook was painfully aware of it, but he also knew that sometimes you needed to burn first before you could actually speak. To feel him and his body, listen to the melody of his moans, feel as he reaches for you. See just how much he wanted you and you wanted him. Then melt into Jungkook arms all sweaty and feel just how much you are loved. Kisses trails into his skin. Listen to his erratic heartbeat that slowly calm down. His gently trembling fingers combing your hair, and his kisses on your face. *

me up? Hate you? *Jungkook asked in a soft voice.* As if I could do that. The complexity of my feelings are not something you can mess up with just a few words. Even if they hurt. *The fingertips of his fingers run down your back, slowly, making you shiver.* I am into you. I want to feel you everywhere, not to be beat down. That part is over for today. *Jungkook lifted your chin up to look into those dark eyes. * Can you love me now Guk? Love my body? Press me down, me good, but do this that special way reserved for me? I am your human, you naughty , your Kook hyung. *He reminds you gently with a quiet moan when your lips moved slowly on his neck. * Then I have to make sure you won't escape...
「 jeongguk 」∶ human ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 months ago
@「jeon jungkook」∴ human *typical. Others might say but it’s in these gestures he could feel cared for. Especially as someone who knew how to blend emotionally with ual pleasure without getting too emotional. It always takes his breath away. Awes him.*

*it’s true. On a good day, that’s normal for you to use your alluring charm and melt into his arms as he melted into you as well. But this wasn’t a normal day. Jeongguk quite literally was planning to not be around you. He walked off on you. Everything right before wouldve usually been indicative to /not/ be kissing each other right now. To not be romantic. His voice grew husky but admits* then it wouldn’t be actual . I was planning to you up *his fingers thumbed at your hips* make you never forgive me. Hate me too *his voice trails* but if you into , I know a few tricks up my sleeve. If you don’t mind a rougher version, I got a belt *yet when you admit about making him love you more, he snickers* , and I thought I was the demon… *his voice growled at the kisses to his neck as he helped remove his shirt then his hand pushed your pants down while his other one on your waist pushed you to the wall* you’re the one who entrapped me…

*but was this right? To not talk and go directly into ? Only time will tell. All he does know is that, at least with his ex, was the only thing they were in tune with. Otherwise, if they ever talked, it would lead into an argument all the time.*


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blurblue 3 weeks ago
please add cha eunwoo as lee dongmin, human please! thank youu.
hobibuu 4 weeks ago
Add Seokjin as Jin as fairy prince, supernatural pretty please <3
Lucifers_Indulgence 4 weeks ago
May I request Jung Wooyoung au dragon hybrid? Not sure if I requested right or if he has to be in supernatural sorry ;;
moonites 2 months ago
jeon jungkook as an alpha wolf, please!
DNABleached 2 months ago
Kim taehyung in nonau as human please ♡
-bbina 2 months ago
Julie han in nonau as human pls ♡
chinna_ 2 months ago
Hwang hyunjin in abo au beta wolf pls ^^
RoseThornArchive 2 months ago
I might around and find out
cthuwu 2 months ago
Could I possibly get Fukutomi Tsuki as a supernatural fae
gothdaisy 3 months ago
Hi! Can I get Minghao / human / nonau?
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