➴ boutique。



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hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. I'm keeping it simple for the first one, don't worry~
You would never make me wear this-
*holds out a form fitting black lace dress that ends mid thigh, smiling brightly at you*
I imagined like a dark make up look for it too. Black eye liner, dark red lips, but a cute lil pink blush.
Look though, it kind matches your biker aesthetic for me~
*chuckles softly and takes what you're handing me. Looks over it curiously, not minding the outfit at all*
Alright hurry and change.
*disappears into the fitting room to change into the outfit you picked for me, lips pursing as I look at myself in the mirror*
Not bad
*comes out and waits for you*
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. //squints the moment you say that I am going to kill you, throwing a suspicious glance at the clothes in your arms, trying to figure out what exactly would warrant such a reaction//
uh...let's just exchange one at a time? to make it more fun and exciting, you know?
//nods towards the changing cubicles, motioning for you to follow me//
i swear, if you picked anything weird, i might really have to kill you. either that or i'll make you wear it instead
//chuckles, liking the second option better actually//
oh, lucky. there's two cubicles next to each other!
//heads towards one of them, carefully placing the heaps of clothes i had picked out for you inside, already trying to decide which one to make you wear first//
here, let's go with biker boyfriend aesthetics first. i think it'll look good on you
//grins as i hand over a black leather jacket, ripped black jeans as well as a simple white tshirt//
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. *has an arm full of clothing, hurrying back to meet you with a big grin on my face*
You're gonna kill me-
*chuckles to myself, having picked out a couple wild outfits*
Should we exchange one at a time?
Or just trade and come out each time?
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. pfft. I could wear a plastic bag and still look fabulous!
//nods eagerly when you agree to my suggestion, making sure to give you one quick hug before I bounce off, heading for the men's clothing section//
hmmm....let's see...his usual choice of fashion is already pretty good....
//musing to myself, i browse through the different racks of clothes, time passing quickly as i pick out a few items that i was sure would look good on you. and just like that, 30 minutes have already passed and i quickly head back to our meeting point, a wide grin on my lips as i wait for your return, a stack of clothes in my arms//
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. *brow raises as your eyes light up, immediately regretting my decision but ultimately caves in again*
I won't take it back~
*Chuckles softly as you gesture to the women's clothing, looking over them*
Alright, sounds like a plan.
I promise I won't pick out something completely embarrassing and horrible for you.
We'll save that for another day.
*grins cheekily at you before wandering off into the women's section, casually browsing the clothing options. Immediately sees some things that you'd love but I decide to pick out some things I'd like to see you try instead, just to switch it up*
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. //squints at you, not sharing the same sentiment of my parents inviting you being cute, before letting out a dramatic sigh, clearly just joking//
you know, sometimes i think you're only friends with me because you want to get closer to my parents. maybe it's time to look for a new best friend
//turns to you the moment you say you let me pick an outfit for you, eyes growing wider as i simply stare at you for a few seconds in disbelief before a wide smile overtakes my features, whole body bouncing on the spot//
no takesies backsies!
//thinking for a moment, i then let go of your hand, motioning towards all the women's clothing area//
then, i'll let you pick out something for me as well. something you think i might like, or something you want me to wear. anything works. and i'll do the same. meet me here again in 30 minutes?
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. I'll be happy to tag along, as long as you ask first~
Or better yet make them call and invite me themselves.
You know how cute that would be?
*Chuckles a little at the thought. Lets you pull me along in whichever way you so decide, happy to be out. when you hold my hand, it's not surprising. we've done this kind shopping trip before, I know the routine*
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get something new.
I'll let you pick it out.
*Offers, knowing full well you've always wanted to dress me up though I never usually let you. But you always had a sparkle in your eye when you asked so this time, I was going to cave in*
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. see? they adore you. no way they wouldn't be happy to have you around, even on family vacation. especially since they know i'd call you everyday anyway. so why not just take you with us? gotta keep an eye on my dad though. seems like he's trying to steal you away from me
//puffs my cheeks, pretending to be pouting, though actually i'm quite glad how accepting of our friendship my family has been//
yes, sir. i'll stick to you like glue!
//chuckles, just happily following you along through the whole store. even when at the checkout, i remain right by your side, smiling at the cashier on our way out. looking around, i try to recall the layout of the shops here, already tugging you towards one of the fancier boutiques, eyes lighting up when the display window with mannequins dressed in the newest summer collection come into view//
let's go here first!
//now that we're in the boutique though, i need a little more free room to browse through the different racks of clothes, opting to grab hold of your hand instead of linking arms, making it a little easier to hold pieces of clothing up and against my frame//
do you want to look for something for you as well?
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. I would hope they like it. I mean, the last time I was around your parents, your mom wouldn't stop cooing at me and petting my hair and your dad kept talking about taking me out for a sports game.
*Chuckles softly*
No getting lost in the store please
*almost immediately finds the tubes of paint I wanted and the paint brushes, taking them to the front and paying for them. Thanks the cashier and takes the bag, sliding it on my free arm before stepping out of the store with you*
Alright, lead the way~
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. //purses my lips, knowing that technically you're right and i should probably ask them first, but still//
oh come on. we've been best friends for more than half of our lives now. they've basically seen us grow up together. you're already family, whether they like it or not
//this time i unbuckle the seatbelt on my own, taking a quick glance at the overhead mirror to fix my bangs before i step out of your car. immediately links arms with you, though it's really more just me hanging on your arm with our height difference//
yes, yes. art supplies first. i promise i won't wander off and look at other stuff
//says it rather halfheartedly, though since we've linked arms, i am less inclined to stray, choosing to stay by your side instead, quietly, yet with a happy smile, watching you as you pick up different brushes and paint tubes. though i really don't know much about painting and arts aside from funny little doodles and the most basic of basics, it's something you enjoy, so seeing you happy makes me happy too//
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. *steals a brief glance at you when you mention me tagging along on your family vacation*
Why don't you confirm with them if they'd love to have me around first, then ask me.
I'd hate to intrude on family time. I know how important it is.
*Pulls into the parking garage, turning the car off then coming around to open your door for you*
Alright princess, lets go~
*Offers you my arm, giving you a big smile*
Remember, we're getting art supplies first and then we're going wherever you want.
*starts leading you in, first heading to the art supply shop, simply needing new paints and a couple brushes*
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. yes, of course. that was the reason. totally not your male ego thinking that you're superman
//quips playfully, a teasing smile on my lips. sitting back a little, i watch with a satisfied grin as you help me with the seatbelt, already getting comfortable in my role as passenger princess.//
nothing specific, really. just looking for some new clothes. maybe get some new dresses, bikinis. my parents want to go on a family vacation sometime this summer.
//turns to look at you, watching your side profile as you drive//
you should come, too. I'm sure they would love to have you around
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. Look, I was already in it...I had it all sorted and organized for optimal performance.
Your dad's assistant would have ruined it.
*eyes narrow playfully when your curtsy but then lets out a soft chuckle. Reaches in without a second thought to buckle your seatbelt for you before hurrying to the driver side. Starts driving towards the shops*
Anything in particular youre after?
Or are we just popping into shops and looking?
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. //although by now i should be used to the princess treatment i get from you, suddenly being lifted from the ground still catches me by surprise. letting out a rather unladylike squeak, i tightly hold onto you, whining//
you could have at least given me a warning
//once sure that i was securely in your arms though, my grip loosens and i look around with a grin, ignoring the glances we get from passersby as we head out to your car//
i told you we could just ask one of my dad's assistants to drop by and help you out. but you were too stubborn, insisting that you could handle it
//cranes my neck to press a kiss against your cheek before you set me down, a playful glint in my eyes as i do a little curtsy//
thank you. you're a gentleman through and through
//climbs into the car, humming softly as i stretch my legs, my pursed neatly set on my lap. and although i would usually insist on doing everything on my own, you're one of the few exceptions, letting you spoil me to your heart's content//
can you help me with the seat belt, jin?
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. *when I hear your voice, I smile and chuckle to myself*
Alright, I'll be here waiting
*hums quietly to myself until you're finally coming out. Arms wrap around your shoulders, squeezing you gently against me*
I've been ready ~
*teases gently, scooping you up into my arms and carrying you out to the car*
I learned my lesson the last time we went shopping. You bought so much stuff I struggled to carry it all.
*Chuckles softly and sets you down, opening the passenger door for you to get in*
song yuqi. 2 months ago
@hwang hyunjin. //glances over to the door when hearing a knocking sound, unconsciously holding my breath and stopping everything i do as i count along, brims soon curling into a soft smile at the seventh knock. slowly starting to run a brush through my hair again, i listen for your familiar voice. and there, without a doubt, it is. a chuckle slips past my lips, probably too quiet for you to hear before i clear my throat, raising my voice just a little//
be there in a minute! almost ready! just need to put on my shoes and i'm done!
//in the end it's closer to 3 minutes, all due to a rather frantic search of my keys, but eventually i emerge from within the apartment with a wide smile, arms thrown around your middle for a tight hug as the door falls shut//
hey, prince charming! ready to go?
hwang hyunjin. 2 months ago
@song yuqi. *knocks on your door, exactly seven times as per your rule, taking a step back as I wait patiently for you to answer. It's been exactly thirty minutes, the amount of time you requested, though I knew you'd take longer than that. I just hated to keep you waiting*
Come on now princess, the stores will be closed by the time you're done getting ready~
kim youngkyun. 2 months ago
@kim sihyeon. Addiction, one could call it that, or one can call it something that Youngkyun was drawn to when he went to go get his "usual package". What was in this usual package, it was anything but usual. It was filled with all the toys and fun trinkets that Kyun would be exposed to on the 6 o'clock news version with his friends if they found out. Luckily the shopkeeper here has become a good friend of his, Kim Sihyeon. Shiyeon is a nice lady, who allows Kyun to be himself in more ways than one, and he enjoys that about her, and sometimes he would visit just to hang out with the shopkeeper, really his friend. Yes, that is what Shiyeon is to Youngkyun, a friend.

He needs friends now more than ever, and as he approached the shop he brought her a little gift, it was just a little pastry from a local bakery that had just opened up, it was filled with strawberries and chocolate. A perfect comparison to the boutique that Sihyeon ran. He also decided to buy a Lily bouquet for his friend as well, something that he had been meaning to do for a while but was not able to. Putting his mask on he entered into the shop with the boutique and the pastry shop and bowed at the workers inside, "Can you please point me to the direction of the owner's office?" Not like he already knew where it was, but he did not want to come as a complete surprise to her, he wanted to give her some warning, "You can let her know that a friend is here to say hello!" He smiled lightly at the worker and waited while looking at some of the newer trinkets in the shop, but his eyes and mind directed him to the toys section as well.


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infinitevoid 2 months ago
hallo, can I reserve jeong eunji please? thank you admins :>
tsujikiri 2 months ago
Hello dears, could I reserve Kim Mingue please?
larkspur 2 months ago
hello, can i reserve actress gong seungyeon pls, thank you :D
grumps 2 months ago
hello, i'd like to reserve woo dohwan. thank you very much
ardere 2 months ago
can i reserve lee dabin (yeonwoo) please? thank you!
bowlofjajang 2 months ago
hello can i please reserve dreamcatcher's jiu?
chikan 2 months ago
hello do you need more males or females atm?
Chae_Dandelion 2 months ago
Hi, can I reserve Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) from Seventeen?
rainypm [A] 2 months ago
: ̗̀➛ now open! comment name + group to reserve!
Purple_gummieball 2 months ago
sohara hinata please?
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