┋apt 121

apt 121
A 4 Bedroom apartment made for our omega's here at One Star Heights! We hope you get along with your roommates, and if you have issues please go to the reception desk or pm your landlord! Occupants + Room rules below: 

⠀⨯ Dong Sicheng (1st - 5th)
⠀⨯ Zhang Hao (5th - 10th) 
⠀⨯ Park Seonghwa (26th - 29th)
⠀⨯ Jeong Yunho (12th - 15th)

Room Rules: 
 ⠀⨯ Don't post in here if you are not a resident, or not invited by a resident. 
⠀⨯ Open interactions (not tagged) are welcome for anyone to come into that is welcome in th room, please be open to interact with others in this event. 
⠀⨯ Rated M for your convenience.
⠀⨯ Be respectful of your roommates cycles, and try to keep the compnay at a minimum during them.
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 week ago
@ᵃ adam chng. “Well, I really appreciate it. It’ll help me go through my heat way faster and make me feel connected to you... like I am not alone.” he whispered as he didn’t let go of the cobra snake plushie. He kept glancing between the two with soft eyes. Although he was in heat, he somehow felt soft and affectionate.

As he saw Adam’s action, the sloth hybrid reached up to shake his pinky finger with his own one, gently hooking them together. “I am sure it will. It’s okay if we can our time. That’s true! We’ll be back soon together~”
ᵃ adam chng. 1 week ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. The alpha's lips parted at the request; there was no reason to object, it was simple and wouldn't take much of the man's time. But once the omega knew it had already been done, Adam struck a soft, gentlemanly smile, his dark orbs lingering over the sweet man as he basked in a cuddle session with the snake plushie. "Its yours Sicheng, you can do whatever you wish with it, its your plushie."

Adam extended out his pinky finger between the two of them, "I did talk about dates with you in the past, and I promise you that this will be something that will blossom between us. I promise~" He wiggled his finger, chuckling a little bit. "I know...I will miss you too, but I am sure the days will pass by and before you know we will be back together."
ᵒ dong sicheng. 2 weeks ago
@ᵃ adam chng. Sicheng could feel the warmth coming from Adam as the other rested his hand against his, even if the sloth was in one in heat and with warm blood. The sloth hybrid’s lips curled into a smile as he held the plushie close, hugging it and peeking up at Adam. “Would you like to maybe scent it for me? Please?” he asked, only to hear Adam’s words as he had already done so. He gasped and he held it closer to his nose, indeed smelling the other hybrid’s scent. “Woah, that’s lovely! It does smell like you. I love it. Is it okay if... I cuddle it and sleep with it close to me?” he asked. “And I completely understand, Adam. We can spend special time together and maybe go on cute dates some other days?” he suggested with a shy smile. “I will miss you though~”
ᵃ adam chng. 2 weeks ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. With his free, inked hand, he overlaid cascading warmth and security over Sicheng's hand that rested upon his chest. "Anything for you~" Their hands naturally departed from one another as their attention shifted to the gift hidden under crumbled tissue papers. A smile lingered as he observed the omega working away to catch a glimpse of the snake plushie, praying that this gift of his wouldn't be banal, and, most importantly, that Sicheng would actually use the present instead of it being tucked away in the depths of a closet.

"Adam junior...heh, aren't you precious." His eyes formed corner wrinkles as his pearly whites glimmered between his outstretched brims. A hint of warmth blossoms in his cheeks at the cute gesture of the plushie peck, and he is content with receiving one himself. "There is a secret pouch inside the snake, so he'll smell like me; you can also warm it up so the plushie can feel warm, which is funny since it's a snake..."

The alpha leaned forward and brushed Sicheng's fringe out of the way to kiss his forehead, "Text me when your heat is finished... I know I helped you last time, but I...want to focus on our bonding before we....jump back into cycle things....Though I would help you in a heartbeat, I need to prove that I like you....for your heart and soul."
ᵒ dong sicheng. 2 weeks ago
@ᵃ adam chng. Sicheng understood how hard it was to ask the alpha to be here for him even for just a few brief moments during the omega’s heat. He was grateful for his quick presence and for the items that Adam would leave behind for him. It would help him to get through the next painful few days by himself.

There was now a new feeling inside of him as he approached Adam, noticing the way that the hybrid had reacted to his hug and how he seemed to be cautious. Perhaps he also wanted things to happen after they were official for it to be more meaningful. It would give them time to explore their feelings together and grow even closer until it happened. With that, a warm hand came to meet the cobra’s chest to give it a soft pat. “Thank you for dropping by. This means a lot to me~“

In return to Adam’s smile, the sloth copied the action, his gaze softening as he peeked in the other’s eyes. He then took the items and carefully held them close. “Oh! A gift?” he questioned as he peeked inside of the bag, feeling curious. He began opening it and gasped as he saw the cute snake plushie inside. “It’s a meanie you! I love it. I shall call him... mm... Adam junior~” he teased and gave the plushie a soft peck. He then leaned over to repeat the motion, leaving a light peck on Adam’s cheek, his own cheeks red.
ᵃ adam chng. 2 weeks ago

@ᵒ dong sicheng. Adam bowed his head, a silent thanks as he stepped inside the foyer, greeted by the radiance of someone he was fawning over each passing day with the heaviness of their pheromones freely being unleashed at their fullest capacity. He held his breath, preparing for his next inhale that would leave his body shuddering and his mind cloudy with lust.

The alpha returned the hug, and managed a languid smile, though things were getting under his skin. This would be different from the other times, he didn't have the idea of waiting for a lost lover, anchoring him down. However, the alpha felt there was something new at the harbor, getting in the way of him stepping onto land, he didn't want Sicheng to think he was using his body and the spring of the heat for his own gains and pleasure.

Adam wanted to cherish a cycle with Sicheng, to do so, he pictured the two having plenty of dates and even becoming official under the belt before taking it all way during their cycles. "Hello beautiful, I have brought the things you requested and a small little gift." The corners of his eyes wrinkled temporarily as he shared a broader smile, stretching his hand out that held the bags of goods. "You can open it while I am here, briefly...." He trailed off, a pain riddling the residence of his chest cavity at the idea of leaving Sicheng alone this time; there would be no way if he stayed, that they wouldn't do anything together. Harder not to do more either....

ᵒ dong sicheng. 2 weeks ago
@ᵃ adam chng. As Sicheng heard the knock on the door, he made his way over, opening it a bit to see who it is. As he noticed Adam, his lips curled into a smile, opening the door fully to let the other in. “Adam~” he greeted him in with a warm hug, his skin hotter than usual and his sweet autumn like scent filling the room.
ᵃ adam chng. 2 weeks ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. Adam arrives at Sicheng's shared apartment with a blanket and a sweater that smells like him; he also brought some vitamin drinks and a little surprise gift hidden in a paper tote bag. He knocks at the door, running his hand over the front of his t-shirt to smooth it out*
ᵒ dong sicheng. 3 weeks ago
@ᵃ adam chng. As he felt just how warm the water was against the dipped fingers, his lips curled into a satisfied smile. He was pleased and he knew that he would get to relax and clean well. “Thank you for your help and for preparing this lovely bath for me~” he let out in a soft tone, noticing Adam’s reaction and the way his hand had gestured to the water.

Sicheng carefully climbed in the bath, allowing his feet and the bottom of his legs to get wet and warm, only to sit down a few seconds later. The sloth omega glanced up at Adam, closing his eyes after a moment. “It is safe to look. I’m all in. The water is perfect~” he mumbled and let his arms rest to the side against he tub.
ᵃ adam chng. 3 weeks ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. Keeping his back turned for an extended period, fearful of glancing at the man in his birthday suit, despite already seeing Sicheng in another vulnerable state, he felt intrusive if he allowed eyes to waver as they pleased. His two fingers dipped into the rising water level, swirling and watching how easily the liquid could be manipulated, only to hear the anticipating words.

"ah..." He took a sharp inhale as if it was his last, and straightened up awkwardly, and even more so when he finally turned to face the omega, his gaze staying above Sicheng's head. He tried to act nonchalant with a laidback smile on display. His imagination and the help of his peripheral vision were enough to start painting lewd images to fill in the blurriness of the alpha. Adam cleared his throat aggressively, pushing down a stuck pebble and motioned the other to get inside with his hand.

"I'll wash you up, well part of you..." It would be best if the lower half were reserved only for Sicheng; it would be crossing the line of what the alpha felt comfortable or safe doing.
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. Sicheng appreciated Adam’s help, a shy smile remaining on his face as he moved his arms and legs up for him. As he was placed on the ground, he let him pants fall down and stepped out of them, soon removing his underwear as his cheeks darkened in colour, feeling quite warm as it was his first time being completely near the alpha.

“Thank you~” he whispered in reply to the other hybrid. “I’m ready.” he added with a nod and shyly approached Adam’s side. He stood beside him now and leaned over, curious about the water temperature. The omega bent down next to him to feel the water, his perky little cheeks showing.
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. Wherever he saw fit, he offered his hands to help in the removal of the omega's clothing, taking the discarded item only to neatly fold them, setting them off to other side of the counter. He unbuckled the male's bottoms, always difficult to remove the lower half of clothing in a sitting position, so Adam picked the sloth hybrid off the counter to the ground. Holding him up in case the other became too frail to stand alone.

"I'll get the water running." He chimed in leaving the last article of clothing for Sicheng to deal with, he turned the faucet to the max, water rushing out the opening to fill the tub with hot spring temperature water. He kept his broad back facing the omega, knowing by now he must be and wasn't ready to take a peek, not until his racing heart could settle back to a normal pace. "mm, are you ready?"
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. With all that Sicheng was feeling himself, he was unaware of how that gesture had affected the alpha. He shared a smile with him for a moment and nodded at Adam’s words in agreement, still feeling heat in his belly, as he enjoyed how sweet Adam was being to him by helping him out and taking care of him during his cycle. “Please, that would be nice.”

As he felt the hybrid’s hands patting his and lifting his body up, he moved his legs to wrap them around Adam’s waist to make the task easier. Then, once on the counter, the sloth began undressing, agreeing to Adam’s help. His cheeks were a deep shade of red yet again.
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. A kiss so simple, so pure, it hit the hardest for Adam; through the dark clouds hovering in the cobra's mind, an abrupt lightning strike unsettled the man's nerves. Still feeling the heat and impact of where the lightening had landed on his neck, a struggle for the man to play it off cool, a man who had experiences under his belt when it came to bottling emotions.

Clearing his throat and mind, venturing off from the kiss, he focused on Sicheng and the task at hand. Adam shared a languished smile and patted the sloth hybrid's bottom. "No problem, mm. let's get up and going then. A shower...or bath is in order, no?"

His fingers spread out, gripping the bottom of the omega before lifting him with ease to take him to the washroom, settling him down onto the counter. "I'll help you change out of your clothing if you wish."
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. If only Sicheng knew how needy Adam was and if the other had let him, he would’ve helped, or even offered to like previously, but for now, he’d have to suffice himself with his own . Feeling the alpha’s thigh moving up and closer to his lower body, the sloth hybrid’s eyes grew wider with the action - feeling teased and lustful. He knew he was close. He also heard Adam’s quick breathing and the naughty words that escaped the cobra’s lips, helping him and rutting him out to bring him closer to the edge.

As he finally came, Sicheng leaned down to also leave a light peck near Adam’s neck. That was probably a mistake as he caught the hybrid’s scent from up close, making him whimper a bit, but then, he leaned back to look at Adam’s face with a sheepish smile. “Please~ and thank you for helping me yet again~”
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. Every time the sloth hybrid paused briefly, Adam felt he had been edged again, knowing he would go home frustrated, aching to unleash his desires on someone or something. It was already frustrating when his show, watching such a needy, messy act unravel on his thigh, stopped for a mere second. It was 'cruel' for the alpha. His selfishness bubbled up when he raised his leg suddenly while holding the petite man down, commanding with actions alone; don't stop.

His thick digits roamed as far as they went, exploring the cavity and the sharp and softness of the space, saliva dripping and seeping into the creases of his palm. "Good boy..." He huffed out under agitated, hungry breathing. " for me~" He rejoices to his muse, wanting to see his canvas reach to completion. The alpha curled his face into his collarbone, inhaling his scent as his tiers left a kiss on the milky, soft skin decorated with sweaty dew. Shutting his eyes and holding the air in his lungs, he allowed himself to become drunk off of such a show, the ending forever burnt into his memories.

Pulling back, he removes his fingers, wiping the saliva on his shirt before caressing Sicheng's cheek.
"mm shall we get you cleaned up?"
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. With the hands on his back, shivers appeared on his milky and soft skin, the sloth squirming against the given thigh as he felt waves of pleasure wash over him. The mixed scents felt overwhelming - yet it was hypnotizing him, drawing him in some more as his movements continued against Adam’s thigh and his back arched up. As more brush were left on his body, the sloth hybrid chased his with lips parted and eyes now closed. His breathing accelerated, forming a rhythm with his soft cries and whimpers.

As his eyes reopened, Sicheng wet his lips with the tip of his tongue, although wishing that the alpha’s tongue was buried deep inside of his mouth. He continued to roughly grind against the cobra hybrid’s thigh, hips occasionally stopping for a quick rest, and then continuing his movement as if on cue. It felt like a waltz with the devil. It was dangerous and he knew it. He didn’t even know how Adam felt, but he couldn’t help himself. If he had the occasion to have more, he wouldn’t have hesitated.

As he busied himself with the finger curled inside his mouth, the omega’s eyes widened as he felt his nearing. Eyes became filled with tears - making them glassy as he fixated them on Adam’s face, enough to make him see stars. The curses that left the alpha’s lips, followed by the ing was what brought him over to the edge, making him reach his high. He gasped against Adam’s finger, crying out his name as he came, wetting his own pants and boxers with his own warm seeds. “!”
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. His hand traveled to unknown territory, roaming the omega's back and admiring the dips and curves of his figure. The tension grew heavy just as their intensifying scent brewed a concoction, enough to suffocate and drown out the air in the room. His nails dig again into the soft flesh, achingly marking his untouched, milky canvas, leaving of washed-out redness behind, titled "lustful hunger". More creation was to be sparked to life as the heavy breathing made the guilty artist roll his eyes back, his muse beckoning and calling out to him with desires, bringing light to the ideas he attempted to keep hidden.

If only he weren't afraid, the muse would have had their wish granted; he would have chased his , wet and buried deeply inside of the omega, till their bodies would rejoice in a few frantic collaborated s, till they let the universe know of their conclusions with cries and groans of pleasure. It was too vivid for the alpha; this imagination was just as deadly with this omega clinging and riding his leg.

Adam joined in the idea, eagerly his finger buried deeply down his wet cavern, his imagination shifting the thought of them tangled on the bed to his being submerged in his mouth, those pretty lips becoming swollen and flushed as they became abused with each and pull. "..." he cursed and bit his inner cheeks, he was losing it. " for me...pretty little omega..." Firmly gripping and grounding his hips down, as he pushed his thigh up into Sicheng's groin, hoping to push him over the edge instead of himself.
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. Sicheng’s movements continued, not feeling as shy as earlier now as he pleasantly rode the alpha’s muscular thigh, his heat taking over as the omega inside of him begged for release and to be filled. The omega’s eyes rolled back as he felt waves of pleasure, sweat dripping down his back and his slick growing. “Adam, oh, please, breed me~” he suddenly let out and leaned down, breathing deeply against the alpha’s neck. He took in his scent, his nails growing a bit as he gripped onto the other’s shoulders. The hybrid’s teeth brushed gently against Adam’s neck and he quickly moved his head away so that he didn’t do anything that he wasn’t supposed to - as hard as that was for him since Adam’s scent kept drawing him back in.

“You’ll make me , alpha~” he admitted and he whined, wanting to have something in his mouth. As he kept bouncing on the cobra hybrid’s thigh and felt the cool touch against his back, Sicheng lowered his head and met Adam’s eyes, taking the other’s finger in his mouth and wrapping his lips around it to on it. He moaned against the skin and bobbed his head, his hips moving on its on.
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. He nodded once, a glimmer of a smirk on his visage as he took the time to enjoy Sicheng unraveling on his thigh shamelessly.
"the same goes for you; let me know what you don't like and if you need a break."
The alpha swallowed thickly, the muscles throughout his physique, especially his jaw, all tensed up. The older man was restraining himself from the instincts to jump an omega in heat, the things he would do at this moment if he weren't "reserving" and waiting for his mate. (<_< )

His scent matches, competing with the omega's sweetness; if he couldn't have his way physically, he could in the pheromone department. His growl buries against the chest he was unconsciously leaving faint marks on, his arm tightly entraps Sicheng's more petite frame and pushes his thigh up, applying more firmness to the omega's heated loins.

His fingers roam under Sicheng's shirt, spreading out on his lower back before his fingertips push into the soft flesh; the urgency, the desire to flip the omega onto the bed, to tear their clothes off just to be buried deep inside of him. To unleash and let his lust freely be, to show the omega new stars that have yet to be noticed by anyone till now. Adam's fangs faintly ghost over the hardened sensitive buds; he quickly retracts his head to pause himself, his tongue under his fangs to make sure he wasn't unknowingly releasing his venom. That would be terrible to put on the heated omega; even a touch would leave the poor sloth hybrid in an agony paralysis state while experiencing his heat.
ᵇ han jisung. 1 month ago
@ᵒ park seonghwa. *brow raises when I hear you shuffling about, smiling when you offer me something*
Oh thank you, that's kind of you
*Looks up at you and nods*
Sleep well!
*Waves and walks away, holding the bag of bread to my chest gently*
ᵒ park seonghwa. 1 month ago
@ᵇ han jisung. he still holds onto you for a moment as he stands back on the floor. he looks at you with a smile and ruffles your hair.
you're so sweet, dear. thank you. ah, I won't need anything else. hold-
he quickly hurries into his apartment, there are sounds of cupboards being opened and closed repeatedly and he comes back with a small bag. containing a chocolate bread from the bakery. and he hands it to you.
for your troubles. again, thank you! I should be getting ready for bed, now.
ᵇ han jisung. 1 month ago
@ᵒ park seonghwa. * gently sets you on your feet once we reach your door*
Do you need help with anything else?
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. That’s indeed true... I was quite loud last time. Well, that is good to know that you do not mind it~
*seeing that the alpha doesn’t seem to mind his actions, the sloth hybrid sends him a shy smile and tugs a few pillows behind Adam to make sure that he is comfortable when he sees his seating position. as the cobra hybrid moves his legs for him, he his lips, enjoying the space that now allows him to move with easier access. the hand brushing against his inner thigh has him shivering and pushing his hips closer to adam’s to meet his body a bit, his touch*
please stop me if you want me to stop~
*he whispers as his heat grows stronger, his scent now filling the room like they are in a cozy bakery during a fall day. sicheng’s eyes widen and he gasps as he feels the tongue against his pink , making it quickly harden because of the wetness, cool air and touch*
oh my-
*he whimpers and starts to move his hips faster, bucking and rutting them against the alpha’s muscular thigh. his head lols backwards and his hands search for something to hold onto, back now arched and body trembling with pleasure*
feels so good!
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. Mm, lets say we are both lucky, no?
From our last time, I think I got the hunch you are a noisy one, not that it's a bad thing.
*He blinked a few times and offered a laidback smile, ready to follow Sicheng wherever he wished for them to be, prepared to do almost anything for him.*
*Light chuckles emits from the alpha as the omega manages to push him onto the bed, surprised by his strength and leans back with his hands resting on the bed, waiting to see this idea of his.*

*In an instance he grows silent, and his eyes drop to Sicheng straddling his thigh, naturally he parts his own legs to give room for the heated omega. Bringing a hand over, he s Sicheng's thigh with his thumb brushing on the inner, sensitive area, remeeting his gaze in the process.*
why are you asking, it seems you are already doing it....
*He prodded with playfulness and leaned forward. With his other hand, it rode up Sicheng's shirt, revealing his petite physique and delicate curves. Without thinking and more following the heated desires, his lips latch onto the bundle of nerves peeked under the shirt, his tongue shifting to his snake form, becoming split into two wet, heated muscles that take the as their target, swirling and flicking against the hardness.*
Ride me, pretty omega...
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. (hehe :3)

aren’t i lucky then?
*he watches as adam helps him out with his shoes and shivers at the light touch against his skin. sicheng peeks down at him with a shy expression and then leans over to help the alpha up, gulping as he hears him and sees his smirk*
seems like it and... i am normally quite loud.
i erm... i have an idea if you would allow me~
*with a light tug of adam’s hand, he leads the other hybrid to his room and closes the door behind with his foot, biting his lower lip as the omega gently pushes the other on the bed, only to straddle his right thigh*
we can stay dressed... please can i-
*he starts and tentatively grinds his hips against adam’s thigh*
ride your thigh?
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. (Slams hand on table lets do that please XD much better than what I have in mind)

You can call me almost anything, and I'll come rushing~
*He chimed in with a big grin, kneeling before Sicheng to help him with his shoes, his fingertips brushing his ankles above his socks. small...he mutters under his breath, his hindered mind digging and wishing to splurge into the gutter of desires and lust. Adam straightens himself up, smirking as he nudges his shoulder against Sicheng's frame.*
That means you can be as loud as you wish, huh~?
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. (sicheng riding his thigh hehe... the tension because it would be almost like actually riding hin, but they would both be wearing clothes, do you prefer your idea? :3)

I suppose I am compared to you. You are muscular and tall. Maybe I should call you that instead... Mr. tall and muscular~
*he teases and lets the alpha put him down. He slips off his jacket, his scent already stronger once they are inside*
I think my roommates are all out! And sure, that is a very kind offer.
*he leans over and carefully lifts his little foot*
ᵃ adam chng. 1 month ago
@ᵒ dong sicheng. () lmao yeah I was conked out XD oooh can I hear it or is it a surprise? I also had an idea but wanna see what you have in store ouo

Mm....I believe you, its just, heh you are so small compared to me~
*he takes the key and unlocks the front door, with the princess carrying style at the front of Sicheng's apartment, it was giving Adam ideas about how newly married couples would walk into their homes like this for the first time. He cleared his throat and shook his head; taking the first step inside, he gently lowered Sicheng so they could take care of their outdoor attire. "want me to take your shoes off?"

He asked; it wouldn't be a problem for him to do as he did with the ice skates; you could say that this alpha's way of love was an act of service.
ᵒ dong sicheng. 1 month ago
@ᵃ adam chng. (here! take your time if you are feeling too drunk hehe :3 i have a fun idea of what sicheng can do~)

*sicheng holds tightly onto the alpha as the other lifts him to carry him and chuckles at his words*
i eat well and enough! do not worry~
*his eyes soften as he feels the soft peck and lets adam carry him to his room, handing him his keys as he remains nuzzled in his neck*


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sugaisbias 1 day ago
Jeong Yunho, Ateez, 25, Omega, Golden Retriever.
2990720582b63780f9a3 1 day ago
Just a question, earning 50 points might be from chatroom too right?
creamsoda 1 day ago
may i rejoin?
onestarmun [A] 3 weeks ago
✧ 〔 ᴏɴᴇ sᴛᴀʀ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛs 〕
⠀❝ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ : ғᴀᴄᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ, ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ, ᴀɢᴇ, ᴀʙᴏ, ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ᴛʏᴘᴇ
RoseThornArchive 3 weeks ago
Hello, why was I suddenly removed from the RP???
popmycherry 3 weeks ago
Can I reserve Kang Minhee, CRAVITY, 22, omega, fennec fox
kaeya- 3 weeks ago
hello, may i please have park jinyoung, got7, 31, beta, bobcat.
neodreams 4 weeks ago
hello may i have lee chan/dino, seventeen, 25, omega & otter pls.
SirButtmold 1 month ago
Kim jaejoong, JX, 38, alpha, arctic wolf


Luke Ishikawa, actor, 29, omega, pallas cat
chocomilkbunny 1 month ago
Haii, may I have Lee Sohee, riize, 22, omega, stoat
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