Hyungsoo's Apartment

Hyungsoo's Apartment

‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (Finally getting around to this so sorry T~T)

A soft smile formed on Hyungsoo's face as he watched Taehyung hold their baby. "I think you're losing your mind too," he said before yawning. He was trying to keep awake. It wasn't working, but he was trying. He wanted to capture more of the, frankly adorable, image of Taehyung holding their little boy. Reaching out a bit, he weakly grabbed onto Taehyung's shirt, holding onto the fabric with a hum. "I'm going to take a nap, I think..." He let go of Taehyung's shirt and settled as much as he could, watching his little family for as long as possible before sleep claimed him. It didn't take long at all, but he got another minute or so of seeing how lucky he was. Taehyung was right, his parents were going to lose it when they saw the tiny baby.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo Labor was not something that he enjoyed witnessing. He'd had to physically bite his tongue so hard he tasted blood to avoid snapping at the nurses and telling them to fix it. He knew that it just had to run it's course but he was tense the entire time, and when the baby was finally born and he felt Hyungsoo's hand in his finally relax he managed to breathe easier for the first time since the whole thing started. "Never again." He mumbled to himself, he was absolutely never going to put Hyungsoo through that again. Releasing his hand when the nurses brought the baby over, he could really only watch in quiet awe. It was such a bizarre moment for him, he felt so detached from the reality like he was standing outside his own body and just watching a replay of his life. It didn't feel real, not until the baby was handed to him and he automatically reached out to take him. It was like the weight in his arms grounded him suddenly and he looked down at the newborn, his son. He had a son. "Your parents are going to lose their minds." He finally said, because anything else just felt too heavy and his mind was struggling to catch up with his reality. He was feeling far too much at once to say anything truly deep or meaningful, his mind just blank as thoughts and emotions just tumbled over each other.
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (Lol works for me! I have been getting slammed at work, but I have one day a week off, so I could've replied either of those if I'd had the notif lol rpr doing me dirty)

Labor was intense and painful, more than he thought it would be with the epidural numbing the area, but it was done. He was exhausted, almost too exhausted to notice the crying sounds filling the room. Once they registered, though, he did his best to force his eyes open while they were cleaning his son up. He somewhat impatiently waited for the nurses to bring his baby to him, and he melted at the little bundle they placed in his arms. He couldn't find the energy to say anything, only to look down at his child. He wanted to say how perfect Hyungcheol was already, the baby looking around after the cries had settled, but he couldn't find proper words even if he had the energy to speak. Instead, he looked up at Taehyung with a smile and a few stray tears. It used more strength than he would've liked, but he held their son out to Taehyung for him to hold.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo (We can absolutely just skip to the holding the baby part lol
that's totally fine with me!
I wondered, but I figured you were just busy so I didn't want to poke you too soon >.< )
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (We can! It'll be a lot of glossing over the technical parts, but the whole holding the baby for the first time would be cute. I somehow never got a reply notification my bad)
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo (did you still wanna continue this?)
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "I'll take responsibility for that, but I won't let you develop a complex over them." Taehyung promised as he gave his fiance's hand an encouraging squeeze. He knew this was terrifying, because he was every bit as anxious too and he wasn't even the one about to give birth. "You're beautiful, and scars don't change that. If they did, I'd be the least attractive man in the world. You seem convinced that's not true though, so clearly scars don't mean anything. They're just stories to tell, and this story is going to be an amazing one. Our son is going to be here before you know it and you won't even remember you had a c-section." He was reaching a little with that last statement, but he really did hope that Hyungchul would help calm the anxieties for both of them once they could see him and hold him properly.
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung "That's also fair. Maybe he's the one that secretly likes her, you never know." Hyungsoo briefly closed his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing to calm himself. "C-Section. Best option right now." He forced himself to loosen his grip on Taehyung's hand and focused on his breathing; panicking wouldn't help him. He was glad the staff heard him and started getting the epidural block prepared. "If I develop a complex over these scars, I'm going to be very upset with you," he said, looking at Taehyung for a moment before looking back down. He hadn't meant that, but he was anxious and afraid and just talking to try and get his mind off of it. Losing feeling from the hips down was odd, but it at least made sure he wouldn't feel much of anything when they started cutting him open. The thought made him wince, and his grip tightened again before he forced himself to relax again, as much as he could anyway.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "No I'm pretty sure she hates Hyunjin, but I'm equally sure that he deserves it. She knows when you insult her, and Hyunjin is always insulting her." Taehyung said with a quiet chuckle, trying not to look openly concerned as the grip on his hand tightens. As much as he was prepared for the idea of watching Hyungsoo go into labor, the reality of it was every bit as stressful as he had known it would be. He trusted the staff though, and he trusted that everything would be just fine and the baby would be born healthy. He just knew it wasn't going to be exactly fun getting there. "Remember, the epidural is an option, and you can always tell them you want the c-section. If he's not out yet I think they can still do that."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (This about to be all the BS lol time to do minimum research)

The small kiss brought a smile to Hyungsoo's face. He listened to his fiancé and his story, softening and relaxing as they induced him. "They're still kittens to me, mischievous little things. Sasha will probably turn her nose up at Hyungchul, but watch she stand vigilant over him to protect him while he sleeps. She's a good cat; I love her a lot." He was trying to focus on responding to further distract himself so he wouldn't break Taehyung's hand from squeezing so tight. "She probably secretly likes Hyunjin too. I'm glad she seems to openly like me, but the tsun act she has is cute too."
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "I can talk to you for as long as you like," Taehyung promised as he brought Hyungsoo's hand to his lips to press a kiss there. "The kittens really aren't kittens much anymore, but they still get far too hyper at 3am. They broke the glass I had left out on the kitchen counter the other night, luckily it only had water in it. I don't understand how they still have so much energy. Sasha just sleeps most of the day. Though I caught her playing with the kittens the other day, it was very cute. She acts like she doesn't like them but she adores those kittens. I'm sure she's going to act the same way with Hyungchul."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung Hyungsoo waved to his parents as they left and took a deep breath. His nerves were starting to overtake his excitement now that they were actually doing it. He started to reconsider his stance on being put completely under but just gripped Taehyung's hand a little tighter instead, trying not to fidget about while waiting for the setup to finish. He looked up at his fiancé, nibbling on his lower lip until he found his words. "Can you talk to me for a little bit, please? I need distractions..."
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo Calling for the doctor he let her know that they wanted to go ahead and induce and he returned the hug from Hyungsoo's parents. "I will get you as soon as Hyungchul is here so you can see him." He promised, not wanting to stress them out just in case something did go wrong. He knew it was best to have as few people in the delivery room as possible for the sake of the staff who needed to be prepared. He stayed by Hyungsoo's side though, holding his hand as they got an IV hooked up first, and he watched them attach all the wires to monitor Hyungsoo's vitals.
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung "I know you worry, silly, but still." He chuckled and snuggled close for a moment. "Baby, they're not going to eat you. They really like you, so just treat them like I do. Now come on, let's get ready to meet our baby boy." He squeezed Taehyung's hand and told his parents they were going ahead with inducing the baby. They came over to give both him and Taehyung a hug and a smile of encouragement. Hyungsoo laughed and hugged them back. "Mother, I think I'll have even more respect for you once this is over."
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "I only spoke to the doctor so they could properly reassure me that they had everything prepared. You know I worry," he explained as he slid an arm around Hyungsoo, pressing a kiss to his cheek in return. "I'm sorry. My anxiety was getting the better of me and I'm never sure how to handle parents." He said that last part in a slightly quieter tone, not wanting to offend his fiance's parents. They were very good people, but Taehyung was still very much unsure how to conduct himself around them most of the time. He felt awkward even now, but he was far more worried about his baby and his fiance than anything else. "Of course I'm staying with you. I never considered leaving. If you're ready now then we'll tell the doctor, as long as you're sure."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung Hyungsoo didn't even notice Taehyung left for a while since he was making sure his parents made it safely and were alright to his standard. He felt a little guilty and gave Taehyung a sheepish smile when he returned. "I was supposed to talk to the doctor with you, love. My parents are here, so we might as well start now. I'm ready to not be aching all the time, and I'm excited for Hyungchul to come into the world." He waddled from his parents to hold onto Taehyung's arm, giving his cheek a small kiss. "Would you stay with me too? You don't have to, but I'm still a bit nervous."
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo Helping Hyungsoo out of the bed so he could go over to his parents, he mostly kept to the side. Parents still weren't a strong suite of his and he didn't want to get in the way of the family and their moment. This was big for all of them so he made an excuse and went to go talk to the doctor instead. He wanted to just triple check that everything was ready, and that the limited staff could handle anything that might happen. It took a little while but he was finally reassured an he made his way back into the room. "I think the doctor is ready whenever we are, love. Just let me know, there doesn't need to be any rush."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung The kiss was a happy distraction, and he latched onto it. He let it calm him down some. The cute image left in his head calmed him the rest of the way. "Now I'm just imagining your office full of baby things. It's an adorable image, and I wish I had seen it." He tucked himself as close to Taehyung as he could until his parents arrived in a rush a while later. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "No baby yet, don't rush guys. Save the energy, get settled while we talk to the doctor, okay? Did you pack enough?" He got up to go and fuss over his parents, who in turn fussed over him moving.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "I promise we have more than we could ever need. I've been stocking up at work, and I've got someone moving some of it to the house for me. So by the time we got home we will have far more diapers, blankets, bottles, formula, toys, clothes and everything else than we will ever need." Taehyung closed the slight distance between them to kiss his fiance, hoping to to reassure him not to worry over such little things. The only thing he really wanted Hyungsoo to worry about was himself and the baby, but he knew the reality of getting that to happen was rather slim. "I've been ready for our son to show up for the last two months."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung Hyungsoo smiled and took his phone back after Taehyung ended the call, kissing the back of his fiance's now free hand. "They're definitely excited, and I'm expect a considerable amount of 'I told you so's from them when they get here." He wouldn't trade it for anything though. It may not have been anything like the way he'd planned his life to go, but it was special to him. "While we wait for my parents to get here, is there anything else we need to prepare for? I'm sure we have everything and then some, but I want to make sure." He went through a little checklist in his head. "Do we even have everything ready for the baby to come home? I know I spent three days baby-proofing the house, but do we have all we need? Diapers, toys, the like? I wanted to wait to get clothes until after he was born so we can get the size right, but maybe I should have bought a few things beforehand..."
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "Yes, please don't rush, take your time. We will let you know if Hyungchul changes our time line," Taehyung promised, rubbing his thumb against Hyungsoo's stomach where he could feel the baby kicking. He was sure the little one somehow knew they were talking about him, and he was probably just as eager to be out in the world as Hyungsoo was to have him out. It was a bit nerve wracking, but he much preferred choosing when the baby was coming because he always preferred to be in control of any situation. As long as Hyungsoo's water didn't suddenly break, they would be fine, and even if it did they were in the best possible place for that to happen. "We will see you soon." He promised, telling his in-laws goodbye before he hung up the call and handed Hyungsoo back his phone. "I think they're excited."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (Shhhh, no apologies, you hear me~? Just go get your sleep uwu)
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo (Thank you <33333 I'm sorry ;; )
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung (Lol I figured since it's late, go get some sleep bby! We can continue tomorrow~ <333)
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo (I may have lied to you about having enough time ;;
are we okay to continue tomorrow?)
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung "Fair enough, but still. If you knew that, then you wouldn't have worried in the first place~" He was not going to give Taehyung the victory on that one. He was grinning through the whole phone call, eventually laying his head down on Taehyung's shoulder as they all talked. He absently rubbed his stomach and gave a little hum at the responding kicks he felt under his hand. Just as absently, he grabbed Taehyung's hand after the latter had sent the message to his driver and placed it right where Hyungchul was kicking so Taehyung could feel the baby too, still talking to his parents and smiling at their excitement. "Nothing much I can do if the water breaks before you guys get here, but I won't be moving anything forward myself until you two arrive. Don't get too excited, you'll wear yourselves out," he joked, laughing at the protests he received in return.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "Your parents would have approved of anyone who got you to settle down and have a baby," Taehyung argued, sighing though it was good natured and he returned the kiss with a small smile. He then made the call, putting the phone on speaker so that Hyungsoo could talk to his parents as well. Explaining to them what they were planning, and that Taehyung would send a ride to pick them up, letting them know they were welcome to stay at the house for a week or so if they wanted to help out with the new grandbaby. While he was on the phone he had his own cellphone out, arranging to have his driver go and pick up his soon to be in-laws, giving him the address to the clinic. "He should be there in about a half an hour, but don't feel rushed to pack. He can wait, and help you load the bags into the car. We won't do anything until you get here, unless Hyungchul makes up his own mind on that."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung Hyungsoo smiled and leaned in to kiss Taehyung's lips. "Thank you, love. That's a great idea, and they'll be thrilled to be around their grandson so much in the beginning stages. They'll be really happy to know you thought of that too. And here you were afraid they wouldn't like you~" His parents loved Taehyung, even if the age difference made them wary at first. It only took a few minutes of seeing Taehyung worrying so much over Hyungsoo, and how amused and in love Hyungsoo looked in response to said worrying, for them to cave and approve of the relationship.
† Taehyung 2 years ago
@‡ Hyungsoo "I can always send someone to pick them up," Taehyung promised with a nod as he took the phone and search through the contacts for the ones he was looking for. He was rather glad that Hyungsoo had remembered his parents, because Taehyung hadn't even thought of them at all. He was sure they would want to be here to meet their grandson though, and it was only right that they be informed and invited. "I can let my driver know, and I'll bring them here and they're welcome to stay at the house with us for a while if they want? It might not be the worst idea actually. If they would be willing and able to, it might be nice for us to have the extra help around the house while we're adjusting to a newborn."
‡ Hyungsoo [A] 2 years ago
@† Taehyung Hyungsoo thought a moment. He knew a c-section was an option. He'd just read about all the women that would feel self-conscious about the scar it would leave at the end. He had enough insecurities, even if he was working through them. Still, if that was the safest route for their Hyungchul, then he could deal with some scarring. "I don't... Know if I want to be put to sleep. I'll miss seeing our son as he comes out if I'm asleep. I know that's a strange thing to say, but I don't want to miss it. So... If they could just numb the area but keep me awake?" He had the urge to call his mother and get her help on it, but she probably wouldn't be able to tell him much other than how she dealt with giving birth to him. He wasn't sure he wanted those details. He could at least let her know though. After a second of thought, he handed his phone to Taehyung. "Love, can you call my parents and tell them I'm being induced if that's happening today? They'll want to be here, and it'll take time for them to find transportation. Unless you can send someone to pick them up?"


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bigboybbg 3 weeks ago
Can I get Bang Chan please?
crybebi 4 months ago
It’s alive o___o
teenaable 10 months ago
can i have song kang please
[comment deleted by owner]
creamsoda 1 year ago
hey a**hole
gub me back my jackie.
63d328e4d30a2b03325e 1 year ago
Hi- so..
Pretty please may I have Luhan back?
Angeliclover 1 year ago
Hey um quick question can i change my character just not working out for me
UndeadVampire 1 year ago
Hello :3 Can I get Lee Jooheon from Monsta X please?
KPOPAuntie 2 years ago
Hi. May I rejoin with Jaejoong if he's available? ; u ;
74e0cc3f5bab1ad10ce9 2 years ago
knock knock
may i re-enter with Jackson?
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