This is the water challenge. Assume you have sufficient amounts of every other resource for your group. You'll need extra for picking up survivors.
1 Water is enough to sustain 1 person for the day, so try and make it to 6 Water before you're done for the day so everyone can drink well, but this is the apocalypse, so you might not be so lucky. Ration out what you have if you don't have enough and hope you find more the next day!
Roll the die twice to find out how your adventure plays out
It's best to choose one person and have them be the designated "dice roller"
Example: Hyungsoo rolls a 3 and then a 6. The group then clicks on the number 36 to see what event or choice is triggered
The number you click on is a hyperlink that leads to a card that tells you what happens. Just rp that event or challenge out and then continue on.
When you get the "You're done for the day" tile, you have to stop foraging for the "day". You can choose why you can't go on anymore, blockade, heavy rain, serious injury, etc. You make camp where you are and you all "sleep" and start again when you "wake up". However, if you find yourself at zero on your resource, it's game over! Feel free to start from the beginning if you want~
In the event that you immediately get this tile, you may choose to ignore it OR spend the day at your starting point/wherever you made camp.
Certain events will have you debate amongst your group. Roleplay this out until your group comes to a decision and then continue reading the card if there's more to it.
Certain events also give you the opportunity to recruit other survivors. They need water just as you do, so you need to make sure you have enough water for the additions to your group should you recruit them.
If you come across a merchant, you can trade with him! If you find yourself low on water but have extra supplies of other things, then you can trade those things for the amount of water listed. The same goes for having an abundance of water but needing extra supplies for extra survivors, you can trade water for those supplies.