• Public Room B

public room
This is one of our public rooms, made for public scenes and some of the trainings that everyone can come and watch. When using it you should be fine with being seen by people from the outside the bars. If you're watching you shouldn't be too loud and disturb the scene.
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♡ ↻
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto (GOD I FEEL BAD, its been a month <_<)

He scoffed at your comment, shaking his head before replying back in a low voice, his hand still .
"Can't I get a better look at you from the corner~" Once he had a hold of their in his hand, he pumped his hand up and down, his hazy, heavy-lidded eyes watching you and the decorative rope digging into your skin. He slows down his movements, focusing on the latex glove running over his bottom lip. Carefully he caresses his thumb between your slit, teasing your head gently as he mumbles back, "It is much better..."

Kiseok lifted his head, glaring playfully down at you, still giving that stubborn and challenging energy off as he felt the hand restrain his neck. He leans in as much as he could in your hold, stealing a faint kiss from you as you nip at his tier. Your sentence causes him to click his tongue, swatting at your hand to free himself, his voice now firm and grounded, "I ain't gonna take your , all you got is my hand or mouth, or maybe I can use a fleshlight on you."
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok ( xDD well , shouldnt have had meto tie himself up---- )

My red lips split into an even wider grin at your reaction. I can feel you moving towards me by how the weight on the mattress shifts. My eyes half-lidded, I keep my gaze on the ceiling and let the intense vibrations of the ring wash over me. It feels so good it's almost meditative. You settle between my legs and I look down... up..? at you with an arched brow and a smirk. "What, get bored over in your corner?", I retort teasingly. Your hand wraps around our , the warmth and slow stroking movements make me sigh in contentment. I close my eyes for just a moment. The faint sting of the rope digging into my skin, the restriction of the long gloves and the cockring, the vibrations, the friction, it's all fueling my steadily growing lust. I open my eyes, reach out and grab onto your waist, with a grunt pulling myself up to a seated position. The knots press further into my pale skin, unforgiving now that I've changed position but I don't mind in the slightest. I rub a latex-covered glove slowly over your bottom lip while dark eyes examine your expression. "You're the one who came crawling over...", I purr with a chuckle, a smirk tugging at my lips. "This is much better, isn't it?" I slide my hand down to your throat, momentarily regretting the gloves as I cannot dig my nails into you now but I compensate by tightening my grip around your throat. Not enough to significantly restrict bloodflow, just enough for you to feel it. "Than you sitting by yourself..." I pause, and my lips. My own are just a few centimetres from yours and I give in to the temptation and nip at the soft flesh before me. "I may be tied up, but if you can't help yourself, you're welcome to sit on my ~"
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto ( i don't know why I am picturing two tops wanting to one another, a fight for who s who's )

Naturally, Kiseok's slowed down, he was intrigued by the way Meto had spread his legs only for him to get up and roam around the room; he came to a halt to watch with all his attention. He was admiring how the latex gloves fit on Meto's arms and how just a simple piece of clothing adds such a powerful, y look. His hooded eyes widen when he is slapped with awe at how his companion managed to self-tie the rope around his figure.

He clicked his tongue at the question with the obvious answer, "You know what I'll say, you look real good...a big tease." His twitches when he hears the moan slipping out from Meto as he welcomes himself between Meto's legs, with a sly grin, he places his on top of Meto's, wrapping his hand on both of their s. "Still sure you want to keep playing solo?" He began to give them slow, long , pressing their shafts together as he could feel the slight vibrations coming from the ring.
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok /clicks my tongue when you push me back, but then my lips pull into a smirk
/I'm itching to say that I'd rather with my buried deep inside of you.... but you've made it very clear you are not open to that so I literally bite down the words/
/I pause, thinking/
/how do I make you give up our little battle? It's been a long time since I tried to seduce anyone as a bottom- how does that even work again? I'm so out of practice I feel a bit pathetic/
/laughs under my breath and then just lies back on the sheets, gazing at you and spreads my legs/
You keep by yourself

/has an idea to make things a bit more fun for myself, changes my mind and gets off the bed, searches through the available toys and accessories; for a moment I pause to look over at you in a brief moment of self-consciousness but then I go back to decking myself out in a way I know I'll enjoy/
/first, I pull on some long-sleeved latex gloves... I enjoy how tightly it hugs my skin, it's comforting/
/then I gather a few more items and return to the bed, completely ignoring you/
/slides on a vibrating cockring with a low moan and then starts tying the rope I brought around myself; I tie it around my left leg, binding my thigh to my calf to reduce mobility, then my torso, chest and neck, and finally one arm; it's an intricate web of knots that restrict and press into my skin/
How do I look? /grins
/ is not something I often engage in with others but... I felt like it, and I often do self-shibari when I'm playing by myself/
/sinks back into the mattress with a pleased sigh, enjoying the feeling that I can move less; it takes away options and makes me nervous... but the adrenaline actually relaxes me/
/with my free hand sets the vibrating cockring on a level higher, immediately happily, my back arching into the rope/
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto /Kiseok could easily read that the master before him was a competitive person, and so was Kiseok and things would definitely be interesting between the two./
/he remains where he was and watched you approach him, picking up the pace of his , groaning quietly when you nip at his neck. Parting his lips as he tilts his head back and listened to the way your voice vibrated against his skin, a shiver naturally and quickly travels down his spine.*
mm...exactly...*placing his hand on your chest, gently putting some space between the two of them as he secretly rubs the padding of his finger against your as he replied furthermore.*
wouldn't you rather want to with a thick buried deep inside of you...hm?
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok /it's too late, the die has been cast and it's game on; my eyes flash, my competitive nature flaring up inside me; my twitches in my hand and I press my thumb into my tip; it hurts, but I enjoy the pain, my breath quickens/
/I sneer at your teasing words and toss my head to the side, making my hair fall down on just one side/
Oh? /crawls towards you, and straddles your left knee, one hand still on my as I lean in and nip at your neck/ Like your ? /purrs against your ear/ ing my tight.. /nips the shell of your ear/ ...warm... / just behind your earlobe, / ...?
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto *kiseok slowly gives his hardened length a few , looking down at his companion with a cocky grin, amuse to see how things would play.*
ah so you are a stubborn one and a prideful man too.
*raises a brow and his bottom lip as he rests more of his weight on his knees.*
you think your touches would be enough...or would you have something else fill you up~?
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok /groans, rolling my head to the side in frustration when you make that 'challenge'/
Don't say that-- /whines but watches you your / you'll make me not want to give in just to make a point- /grumbles, biting my lip as I watch you, and then lets out a quiet moan as I touch myself/
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto Hey I enjoyed watching you, no need to say sorry, but it was also hard to control myself from jumping on ya like some animal~
*Of course he wouldn't have jumped on Meto like that unless he knew he had permission to do so, he only mentioned it as some joke and a way to say to Meto he was really turning him on just then.*
Now I am curious if one of us will break and just wants to already...
*He chuckles as he slips his out of his briefs, pushing his briefs down and slowly he begins to his length just like Meto was doing with himself.*
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok /it's a control thing, 100% a control thing
Haha sorry for doing it myself then /smirks
/tilts my head to the side when you stop me and retracts my hand
Oh~ How nice /chuckles and lays back, making myself comfortable and watches you undress
/smirks and angles one knee, making myself comfortable as I reach for my own , rubbing the tip with my thumb as I gaze at you/
Go on then... /stares at you with blatantly hungry eyes
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto (lmao damn XD)

He leans back, not wanting to intrude or take away control of the situation, especially around your body and for he was still a stranger to you. Though part of him was wondering, if it was a control thing at hand, or if you were trying to at this moment by prepping yourself. Where you testing his self-control of wanting to step in as you push your fingertips past your ring of muscles, of course his dark orbs locked on the way they swallowed your fingers.

He chuckled at the comment, and shook his head, "Such a chore eh, you know I would jump at the idea of helping you with it~" An idea was brewing in his mind when you reach for his crotch, he gently places a hand on yours to stop you midway, giving a lopsided grin.
"I think its my turn to prepare myself, you can watch hm~"
He motions you to lay back as he gets up to unbuckle his pants, pushing them down and leaving his briefs on before settling back on the bed, presenting himself clearly in front of you while rubbing his palm over his clothed length. "I think that's fair, after your little show."
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok () i dont know why i wrote in full sentences, prob wont do it in my next post idk
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok You don't mask your appreciation for my display and my grin grows wider, a joyful laugh sparkling in my eyes. I make a mental note to lace a ribbon or two through the array of piercings next time, and am already imagining the look on your face I'm hoping for then. Vanity is what inspired me to get this particular piercing, and I plan to milk it for all its worth. I've always enjoyed people staring at me. It is why I dressed in very unorthodox ways as a teen, I'm sure my friends did the same for the same reason, and why I wear what I do in public today. At the club kink wear is common, but unlike most others, I don't change when I leave. I wear this to buy groceries. I enjoy the attention, regardless of the emotion behind it.

You aren't cracking in regards to bottoming, and I'm both impressed and amused. Maybe it's an ego thing, I understand, I have that as well. Maybe you genuinely wouldn't enjoy it but... well, maybe mentally you wouldn't, but physically I can't imagine you are built any different. I stop poking you, though and just smile to myself as I watch you get the lube. My eyes fall on the bottle and in response to your question I sit up and pull the rest of my clothes off. Once I'm , I take the bottle off your hands and lie back on the bed with a sigh. I'm in no rush. Staring up at the ceiling, I wriggle until I'm comfortable and then sit up to stuff two pillows under my back for support. My eyes wander to you and I flash you a passing smile before returning my focus to... myself. I lean back and squirt a good amount of lube onto my left hand. I reach down between my legs, parting them, and rub the tips of my fingers against my entrance. My eyes close momentarily as I push two fingertips inside me with a sigh. I set the bottle aside, swipe up some excess lube with my other hand, and reach for my .

I fold my legs to improve the angle of my pelvis. The lube makes a squelching sound as I into myself with my fingers, pushing them in as far as I can reach, but something doesn't feel right. With a groan I shift, sitting on my folded thighs and reach behind me to insert my fingers once more. Satisfied, I ride first two digits, then three, holding myself up by pressing my free hand into the bed while I move my hips. "I forget what a chore this is", I say to you with a chuckle. Then, "okay, I think I'm good." I pull out my fingers and reach for a towel conveniently placed beside the bed, wipe my hands and move towards you. I have a dirty grin on my lips as I reach for your crotch.
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto *Kiseok leans over with a clear expression of awe as his eyes admire the work on your back.*
my my, that must have taken a long process, I imagine the healing wasn't that fun either.
*He chuckles at the comment about taking it up his , shaking his head once more.*
Well, it just ain't for me, I feel good other ways, but that isn't something I want to explore. And I have no problem pleasing someone with whatever they ask of me.
*The older man glances around the room and finds a full bottle of lube on the side, getting up with a lazy groan he fetches it and plops himself down beside you with it in his hand.*
nope, imma stick a gag in your mouth soon with your doorman business. *he chuckles lightly and opens the bottle of lube*
want me to do the pleasure of it or?
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok Yeah, I do, look /gets on my knees and turns my back to you, pulling my top off with a grin to reveal a corset piercing, currently without anything laced into it; where one piercing should be there's an obvious scar/
Nice, right? /looks over my shoulder at you with a proud smile; spent a lot of time and effort maintaining it as these are hard to keep, sure, I lost one piercing but.... the had been worth it/
You should consider trying taking it up the though. It's kind of weird but, hey, we've got to have a prostate for a reason. Ignoring it completely is like ing a girl and not touching their ! ...probably /shrugs and sits back down, facing you, propping myself up on my elbows/
/smirks as I scan that trademark smile of yours/
Use lube. /still wearing thigh-high socks that were not visible under the boots, and were meant to reduce chafing; and high-waist leather shorts/
I can stick a finger up your , see how you like it? /offers with a teasing grin, just messing with you at this point/
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto *Kiseok listened to the other closely though it may not appear so with that face eating grin plastered on it, but his eyes were the only giveaway of how genuine he was.*
ah I got it, no cute or submissive, I mean I don't say those things loosely, or anything loosely unless the person proves to show it to me and such. And glad we are on the same page, I ain't like the and gaping stuff either.
*watching Meto begin to take care of clothes, though starting off with his shoes which seem like a hassle task to deal with but Kiseok thought how lucky he was that it wasn't his duty or job to take those off. He proceeded to take his shirt off, as he observed the room closer and once he had finished with the buttons he discarded the material somewhere random without a thought. It was easy to draw his attention with the sensation along his back, making him glance back over his shoulder to Meto who had made himself comfortable on the bed.*

Wait you have piercings on your back? but I'll be mindful-mm no I won't rip them off, don't you worry. Well sounds all good to me. *humming softly to think if there was anything that he didn't like that wasn't said.*
I think you got it all, and as you said, if something comes up, I'll bring it up.
heh, yep no ing me in the , not even for money.
Now...would you like some help with undressing and prepping~ *he flashes a charming yet somehow mischievous smile of his.*
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok /snorts at your clownish joke

/pretends I didn't hear what I think was a chuckle, biting down on the inside of my cheek to keep a neutral expression
/pushes myself off the door with my foot and walks towards you
Don't call me cute, don't call me a 'good submissive' or anything like that, no or gaping... /takes off my boots, a time-consuming procedure due to all the many many many buckles for which I pause to concentrate on/
/sets my precious boots off to the side and jumps past you onto the bed, rolls onto my back and looks at your back, trailing a foot down your spine just cause... why not, wearing socks btw/ ...try not to rip out any of the piercings on my back, and.... oh, yeah, no 'play'. /purses my lips, poking you with my toes while I think/ and if anything else come that I don't like- I'll let you know. /nods to myself
/tilts my head and smiles at you/ what about you? no turning the tables to you, I got that one already
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kiseok () nevermind found iiit hh
† Kiseok [H] 1 year ago
@† Meto † Meto 3 days ago Reply
@† Kiseok /laughs at your explanation/ You're kind of a dork huh /smirks/
/my eyes glisten at your interpretation of the pirate ship/ Ooh I like the sound of that~ /keeps on trying to undress you but you stop me and I, albeit disappointed, restrain myself from ripping your shirt open and pushing you down, which is what my mind is playing out right now very colourfully/
/got lost with the metaphors at some point and just thinks the flying dutchman is cool/
An old boat.... that's so hot /mock teases and chuckles airily/
/my eyes wrinkle into crescents and I nod with a hum/ Mhm, come with me /takes your hand first as I lead you out of the room, but I find holding hands weird so I switch to holding your arm instead and make my way to one of the private rooms/
/pushes open the door and after we enter, leans back against the door as I close it, grins at you and a faint 'click' of the lock resonates through the room/

(feel free to reply in a private room of your choice, or in tags, or wherever)

Huh, nah nah I ain't no dork. I can only be a y, fine cocky man. *adjusts my invisible tie and strikes a grin.*
*raises a brow at your boat comment and rolls my eyes as I gently shake my head.*

*taking your hand I follow you out of the room in a laidback matter, dragging my feet once in a while as I glance around our surroundings, though I have already seen the building so many times when I would roam in a bored state. I notice you letting go of my hand only to take my wrist, chuckling quietly about that small little change of yours. I take a generous step into the room with you behind me, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I can hear the click sound, letting me know we were locked in together, which didn't bother me. I settle down on the edge of the bed, spreading out my legs as I ask.*
anything thing i should know, any things off the table? any limits?
[post deleted by owner]
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kyunsang [sooo i actually have a diff plot idea i'd want to try if you're up for it hhh i'll pm you]
† Kyunsang 1 year ago
@‡ Meto [SH] Kyunsang's first interactions at the club had been quite good, and he'd met a couple people who had left an impression. The friendly club owner, the cute and shy Christopher Robin, a few others, and the... well, Meto, or whatever his real name was. The long hair had caught his attention first, second was his personality. According to Hyungsoo you could never really know what you'd get with him, and Kyunsang still wasn't sure if he'd offended him or not. He probably had. He seemed like a sensitive kid. In his own way, Kyunsang thought he was cute too. Not in the way Chris was, more in a - stray cat kind of way. He was just thinking about Meto when he walked past a room with a wide open door. He heard someone humming, as well as faint grunts and looked inside.

The sight made him smile. He didn't want walk right in, instead leaning against the doorframe with his shoulder, his arms crossed in front of him. "Hi there. Remember me? I'm the one who put his foot in his mouth earlier." Kyunsang smiled at the blonde.
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Kyunsang Dressed in his usual [can be seen on his profile], long blonde hair braided into a french braid, Meto was sitting on a man struggling to hold a plank position. He had a ballgag on, face red from exhaustion and drool dripping from his lips. Finally in a better mood, Meto hummed a small tune as he checked the state of his red lipstick in a little handmirror he kept in Ruana.
‡ Kyungsoo 2 years ago
@† John () im finally alive to start on my replies oof

/feels you cupping my cheeks, they turn into a soft shade of pink as you deepen the kiss while setting me on your lap/
/mewls softly in the kiss, i let my ankles hook behind your back as i press myself against your big frame, kissing you back hungrily, my body shudders at the touch on my skin at my hips/
/mewls against your lips, my hips rolling down subtly as i bit on your lower lip with a cheeky grin
† Stefan 2 years ago
@‡ Kyungsoo good boy. /hums, watching patiently as your fingers press against my face, in search of my lips; leaning forward to meet the kiss, cupping your cheek as i pull you in to make it last longer, deepening the lip lock as my hands pull you onto my lap, resting on your hips as the tips of my fingers brush under the fabric of your shirt/
‡ Kyungsoo 2 years ago
@† John /hums and nuzzles your hand, looks at you as you press a kiss on my forehead then blindfolding me/
/jolts a little at your voice and whimpers softly, nodding and reaching up to feel for your face/
yes i will master
/smiles, my lithe fingers feeling for your lips and i lean forward to press a soft kiss on them
† Stefan 2 years ago
@‡ Kyungsoo /simply smiles, fingers stroking through your hair for a minute/ I am more than okay with it, little one. /places a soft kiss on your forehead before taking ahold of the blindfold and placing it around your eyes, gently fastening it in the back/ Since this is our first time together, I want you to tell me how you feel and what you want- can you do that for me?
‡ Kyungsoo 2 years ago
@† John yeah... gentle like snuggle ? vanilla?
/looks at you going to find the cuffs and blindfold, gasp when you pick me up so easily, i hold onto you as you set me down on the bed/
ah my safeword is waffles.. but master you sure you are.. erm okay with rough things?
/meek out as i didnt want you to feel forced to do these things that i kinda crave to do
† Stefan 2 years ago
@‡ Kyungsoo gentle scenes- /immensely struggling with how to explain it, smiling at the blush and nodding when you tell what your heart desires/ I can do that. /looks around the room, finding a pair of fluffy, dark purple cuffs and a black silk blindfold, taking them in hand and placing them onto the bed/ What is your safe word? /draws you back into my arms, gently picking you up and lowering you to sit in the middle of the bed/
‡ Kyungsoo 2 years ago
@† John /nuzzles your hand a little/
soft encounters? what is that master?
/looks at you with my head tilted slightly/
i... i wanna be
/blushes alittle/
i wanna be tied and blindfolded.... and played with
/meek out


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teenaable 1 month ago
can i have song kang please
Imichanga 4 months ago
Are you still accepting?
creamsoda 5 months ago
hey a**hole
gub me back my jackie.
-valentino [A] 5 months ago
Hi- so..
Pretty please may I have Luhan back?
Angeliclover 1 year ago
Hey um quick question can i change my character just not working out for me
UndeadVampire 1 year ago
Hello :3 Can I get Lee Jooheon from Monsta X please?
KPOPAuntie 1 year ago
Hi. May I rejoin with Jaejoong if he's available? ; u ;
74e0cc3f5bab1ad10ce9 1 year ago
knock knock
may i re-enter with Jackson?
AngelTalion 1 year ago
Hello, first I am so glad this rp.is still here! Secondly I was wondering how long some one has to be inactive by on hiatus before I can ask for that character? Thanks
fd4a9e74424d19a62bd2 1 year ago
heyya, could you please add and reserve actor ahn hyo seop as a master? thanks!
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