• Bar

Come and satiate your thirst. First drink is for free. Talk with others, find someone to your liking, order drink for them, make out, you can even on the bar if you don't mind people watching. But you should remember not to get drunk if you want to play safely.
24,658 notes
♡ ↻
‡ Baekhyun 4 months ago
Baekhun heads straight for the crowd in the middle of the bar. Elbowing his way into the center of the crowd and ignoring the glares from offended patrons, he sees the finishing throw of the winner's team. The ping pong ball plops into the last cup of the opponent's team, eliciting a groan from the same side. He joined in the mass frenzy, neither cheering nor comforting, but yelling all the same. The next game was quickly set up, with baekhyun hovering at one end of the table. His partner was clearly inebriated; he couldn't even keep still. Baekhyun sighed. He just had to win for the both of them. "How do you want to play this?" He eyed the opposing side that comprised of someone who looked like a minor and had more feminine features than baekhyun had. Baekhyun smirked. He was prepared to trash the other team. "Loser grants the winner's wishes?"
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
*covering my face with my hands, I let out a painful laugh, unable to cry as I feel that heavy weight behind my eyes, stopping me from shedding a single tear.*
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
Oh how it makes my blood boil
I am filled with what if thoughts.
More things I am unaware of could have happened.
My gut is telling me that, and maybe this time I should listen .
Filled with so rage and pain....wishing to let it out. I wanna scream and I want to stop being here. just knock me out, make me forget my feelings and memories or put me in a coma. Anything is better than what this is .....

*Mumbles out as the bartender is cleaning up a glass and always seems to hear over or about people's troubles *
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
*heads to the bar and orders my usual drinks, taking them down as if I was running out of time to sit and enjoy the drinks. *
What to do today....part of me wants to break stuff....part of me also wants to .... Mm...
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
*rests my head on my arms on top of the counter*
Genie or angel or whatever, make me forget and make me unable to feel anything
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
The gut feeling and worries....I should have listened
The jealously I should have seen it was something else
But just a big idiot that jumped in and pushed that to the side
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
*sits at the bar and orders a few drinks, slouched over as I just stare down at the counter till my drinks come over. Taking them with no hesitation and swallowing down the bitter liquor, slamming the cups gently back on the counter. The cycle keeps repeating till I would become unable to stand properly and would slur my words.*
† Dongyeon [H] 1 year ago
Time to drink away till I pass out and hopefully forget
† Meto 1 year ago
@† Daesung Somehow I find myself at the bar, slouched forward onto the counter, one leg crossed over the other. My eyes are glued to the giant pillar of bottles and glasses as I gently sway my own in one hand. A dark orange liquid swirls in my glass, pieces of half-molten ice swimming in it. I'm freshly refilled on nicotine which puts my mind into a pleasant buzzing state. It never lasts long enough. The bartender notices how enthralled I am with their display piece and visibly flushes with pride. I can hear someone in the far corner of the bar. I set the glass down and ruffle my loose blonde hair with a sigh. I uncross my legs, hook my ankles behind the feet of the stool and lean forward onto the counter, resting my head on my arms. I don't remember coming to the bar. In the past days, weeks, and months I've arrived at the club and immediately moved here. My body knows the route and occasionally, like today, I will get lost in thought and be incapable of remembering my actual journey here. My thoughts are drifting off once more as I imagine what kind of crazy things might have happened on the way here when my eyes coincidentally meet the gaze of someone else. I don't recognize them and I don't look away. 'Hm. Must be a new face. Or maybe I'm starting to forget people too.', I think to myself.
‡ Wonhyuk 1 year ago
[open to anyone]
Haku was exploring the club trying to get a feel of the place since this is where he will be staying. Then he notice a bar. He likes bars and drinking. He walk in and sat at the bar and order a random drink off the menu. He down his drink and then move from the bar and sat at one of lounges area wondering how to fix some of the scratches on his guitar.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi /thinks that you clearly have a type if this is a pattern but i keep that particular thought to myself/
/nods along to everything you say like a mindless monkey, blushing cause I'm embarrassed/
that sounds like a good idea /sips on my drink and looks at the table/
.......... /reflects on how dependent I used to be and nods again/ it's better to know how to do things yourself..
/timidly raises my gaze back to you
can't your grandpa help with your boss? /clearly hasnt fully grasped your desire to be independent/
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] ( cUTE )

ghost me.. well, my first ex did, yes. he definitely ghosted me but.. i think seung's just.. busy. i keep telling myself that so i don't sit 'round telling myself he'll just disappear eventually and not bother coming back.
/slowly lowers the glass as i look over at you with clear shock written all over my face. i'm perturbed, mainly, as to why you'd be willing to open up your own home to me, who you don't really know that much. i open my mouth with the intention to speak though i don't know what else to say.
i.. well.. wow- i-.. i honestly don't know what to say. but off, thank you. for being kind enough to extend your couch to me, that is.
but i was thinking about conversing a bit with hyungsoo. maybe he'll let me crash in one of the rooms in the club for a week or so. i don't.. i dunno - i was taught not to rely too heavily on people because then i'll never be able to know how to get through difficult things on my own. my grandma taught me that. it's not bad to lean on people, but i need to be independent or else i'll never get by in life eating out of the palms of people's hands.
if i can just.. figure out a way to get all that money or better yet, if i can get freakin' paid, that'd be even better.
/huffs out a sigh and shakes my head, bringing the glass back up to my mouth as i mumble softly;
makes me wonder if my boss owes people money that he steals other people's paychecks..
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi ( raWr )

/purses my lips, the tone of your voice making me feel a bit better but my self-doubt doesn't vanish until you continue to speak; only then do I visibly relax, sinking into my seat and take another, happier, sip of my drink as I look at the blurry blob that is you/
/nods encouragingly when you say you aren't used to talking to people
/feels increasingly bad for you as I listen
/my brows furrow at the mention of what I'm guessing is your boyfriend/
-tiny font- What! He can't just ghost you! /says with a surprising amount of outrage, considering how soft my voice is/
/tilts my head to the side and just nods at the last bit, because my family is japanese mafia and the idea doesn't shock me as much as it would someone else/
/sips on my drink which is mostly juice/
.... /nervous, wondering if it's okay to say this/
/fidgets anxiously/ -tiny font- d don't take this the wrong way... I promise I'm not a creep... but uhm you c could sleep on my couch for a few days if you want.. i i don't mind you seem nice... oh, but I have a dog.. /blushes, feeling a bit sick because of how nervous I am; I must sound really strange to you, I think, you'll definitely think I'm weird, even I think I'm weird/
y you don't have to though, of course! /adds quickly/ just... if you want to... you can.. /my voice fades into nothing the more I speak/
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† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] ( simply cOOs at you uwu )

i just don't want to make this about me, i guess. please do not fret, yuga. you have nothing wrong.
/there was nothing but pure genuine warmth in my voice as i spoke despite the somewhat somber look in my eye. i wait until the waiter leaves after delivering our drinks to speak any further.
it's been heavy, that's all.. i'm used to keeping quiet about things that bother me - i'm not used to talking about them to people. well, i'm not used to talking /to/ people in general but that's beside the point.
i'm a choreographer. and i have a lot of sets and shows that i do, a lot of which are paid. however, they haven't been paying us that much lately and it's caused me to miss rent a few times. i got evicted just a few days ago. all of my stuff is still in there, but i can't get back in unless i give the money i owe - which is more than triple what i'm earning right now. so i've been living in my car, barely able to get sleep because of how cold it is outside already. i'm surprised i haven't gotten sick yet, but i'm sure that'll change when the snow hits.
/trails off for a brief moment, running the tip of my finger around the rim of my glass.
and i miss him.. seungyoun. i never see him anymore it seems.. he doesn't even know i got evicted. and i haven't even been able to tell him i love him for the first time. the first guy i met at the club disappeared without a word and i feel like it's happening a second time.
/wraps my palm around the glass and lifts it to my mouth so i could take a nice chug of the liquid, scrunching my nose up when it burns my throat.
oh. and my grandpa has ties to the japanese mafia but hilariously, that's the least of my worries. that about sums is all up, though.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi (swATS your hand away cause im a big boy :<)

/my eyes widen in alarm when you backpedal, fidgets as I panic
-tiny font- n no it's okay! you can talk about anything you want! /mistakes your shift in attitude to be because of something I said, maybe I'm reacting the wrong way, did I say something wrong? I did, right? I bet I did?; highkey despairing/
/shuts up when the waiter brings the drinks and stabs at mine with the straw provided, takes a gulp through the straw with a crestfallen expression on my face/
-tiny font- ...sorry
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] ( aojsoj issok you're doing just fine /pats ur head )

/one look over at you and i must have realized that i said too much already because the next thing i'm doing is composing myself. sitting up a little straighter and quietly clearing my throat, i divert my gaze elsewhere.
let's not focus on that. i think i see our drinks coming.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi [im not used to alts :< ]

/tries to smile reassuringly, honestly just excited that im at the bar with someone I just met/
/my expression falls, the anxiety is back and my heartbeat quickens
ᵒ ᵒʰ ⁿᵒ! ᵈⁱᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉ?
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] ( sodsjdoj it happened again didn't it XD )

is it? i'm glad you're having fun then. i was worried i would've been bad company.
/murmurs honestly, knowing that i'm still quite down in the dumps at the moment and my social energy has dwindled considerably. though i am glad that i took a bit of a leap by going out of my comfort zone this time.
/with our orders in place, the waiter walks away after saying it'll be a few moments.
the club-- ah, not often. not as much as i would like to be, at least.
however, that might happen less often as well unfortunately. i'm currently living in my car and can't afford to drive around much.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi [you saw nOthing]

/1-0 meto vs menu/
ᵗʰᵃᵗˢ ᵒᵏᵃʸ! ⁱ ᵈʳⁱⁿᵏ ˢ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗⁱᵐᵉˢ /once in a blue moon but it still counts/
/opens my mouth to tell the waiter my order but you beat me to it, so I pipe up shyly after and ask for a bowl of salted nuts as well/
/looks at the blurry outline that is my vision of you and smiles/
ᵗʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ᶠᵘⁿ! /genuinely enjoying the moment
ᵃ ᵃʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜˡᵘᵇ ᵒᶠᵗᵉⁿ?
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] ( saw that osjdosjd )

/leans forward, pressing my elbows on to the table so i could see what you're pointing at.
oh-- you want a on the beach cocktail? that's a good drink to choose. one of my favorites.
/glances up at you and pauses briefly, tilting my head to the side.
that is an alcoholic drink, though. it's not that strong at least not in my opinion. i'm more used to gin and irish whiskey.
/turns my head when one of the workers approach to take our orders. and, as a precaution, i got both of us a glass of ice water to go with.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi /still hiding behind my menu, smiling proudly and picking at my lips with one hand nervously at the same time
/stops abusing my lips and lowers the menu to nod again so you can see it
ⁱᵐ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵒʳᵈᵉʳ ᵘʰᵐ ᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ /points at a blurry blob of orange and pink, which is a picture of a on the beach cocktail/
[post deleted by owner]
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] /i jump slightly in surprise and finds myself gazing back over at you again with wide eyes. though i soon relax and let out a soft huff of laughter, leaning back into the cushions of the booth as i set the menu down.
yeah. i think i deserve a drink or two at least.
do you want anything? doesn't have to be alcoholic either, they got water and soda and--
/picks up the menu briefly to re-read it.
--and tea, apparently.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi /the seconds tick by like a bomb about to detonate, as I try to think of the best thing to say
/my own heartbeat starts sounding like a looming death sentence, fueled by my desire to not mess this encounter up and hopefully make a friend/
/but I'm not who I used to be, I don't sink into the paralyzing emotion to a point of no return/
/blinks rapidly and blurts out whatever comes to mind before I leave you waiting for a reply for too long/
a drink! ˢᵒᵘⁿᵈˢ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵉᶠⁱⁿⁱᵗᵉˡʸ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵈʳⁱⁿᵏ /good going, yuga, that was a close save, phew/
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] /eases down into the seat across from you with a soft sigh, picking up the menu to look through it. there were some food options but i never considered trying them until now. if only i wasn't a bit strapped on money at the moment, i'd splurge.
/looks up, blinking cluelessly as you duck behind the menu. i knew what you said but i still hesitated on opening up. i press my lips together into a thin line and returns my attention back to the menu, deciding to go with something strong right off the bat.
i just.. have a lot going on for me, i guess. a lot i haven't been able to say.
‡ Yuga 1 year ago
@† Hoshi /nods with an embarrassed smile
/once we're there I take a seat and open the cocktail menu, I cant read any of it but i enjoy looking at the seirl of colours from the pictures/
/looks over the menu at you
ᵃʰ! ⁱᵐ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ˡⁱˢᵗᵉⁿᵉʳ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ............... ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵃʸⁱⁿᵍ /ducks down behind the menu again
† Hoshi 1 year ago
@‡ Yuga [SH] i don't, no. i'm not entirely fond of the taste of alcohol, but.. as of lately, it's been the only company i've had.
/lifts my shoulders in a small shrug, as if it wasn't a big deal. i'm quite thankful the place isn't crowded at all, never been one for crowds anyways. my eyes scan the place before spotting a nice booth that sat a little away from all the crowded tables.
/i lean down a little to whisper softly, pointing towards the booth.
is that area okay for now?


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teenaable 1 month ago
can i have song kang please
Imichanga 4 months ago
Are you still accepting?
creamsoda 5 months ago
hey a**hole
gub me back my jackie.
-valentino [A] 5 months ago
Hi- so..
Pretty please may I have Luhan back?
Angeliclover 1 year ago
Hey um quick question can i change my character just not working out for me
UndeadVampire 1 year ago
Hello :3 Can I get Lee Jooheon from Monsta X please?
KPOPAuntie 1 year ago
Hi. May I rejoin with Jaejoong if he's available? ; u ;
74e0cc3f5bab1ad10ce9 1 year ago
knock knock
may i re-enter with Jackson?
AngelTalion 1 year ago
Hello, first I am so glad this rp.is still here! Secondly I was wondering how long some one has to be inactive by on hiatus before I can ask for that character? Thanks
fd4a9e74424d19a62bd2 1 year ago
heyya, could you please add and reserve actor ahn hyo seop as a master? thanks!
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