Male Dormitories



❝Male Dormitories

Where the male meisters, teachers and unpaired male weapons live.



Saki 10 years ago
Sighing Saki pulled his weight up to the dorm room and went into his room before collapsing on his bed, he was really tired. He wanted to curl up into his bed and fall asleep however he could not. He sat up and reached for his book and started to read it. He chuckled sometimes just reading a fun fantasy book was good, but then again compared to what he was use to be like alone in his room at him he was living a fantasy life, then again back then to him being the overprotected child he was he never knew of weapon or meisters but look where he was know a mesiter and he sighed wondering what was going to come the days to follow he may now be in what some call the fantasy world and had lots of adventures along with it came many dangers he may face but it was worth it though he though . Because he had freedom that he had long for, the thing he wanted for so long even though he would be found by himself.
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora Styx looked skeptically at the woman. He wasn't so sure that the meister missed him but it there was any chance at all that he could rectify the situation he would attempt it. He stood from the bed and began making his way to the door before he doubled back and picked up one of the cats that had been lounging on his bed. Giving it a second thought he grabbed another one and slung it over his shoulder. He turned to her before leaving. "Whelp I'll see you around Miss Aurora. Stay out of trouble and wish me luck." With that he headed for his meister's room.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx It was almost painfully obvious to Aurora what was going on with the young weapon and yet she had to hold in her excitement. Keeping a straight and calm face as she listened to him pouring out his feelings was one of the hardest things she had ever done. Part of her just wanted to shake him and yell what was going on or sing about his love from the tallest parapet but she decided that subtlety would probably do her more good here than any of that.

"It's not weird so don't think like that." she said softly, acknowledging the first part. "That anger you felt towards the other male was jealousy and that is also kinda normal but a tad unhealthy. I think that will go away once you actually tell her how you feel and grow more confident in your relationship with the girl."

Her whole body seemed to want to spell the rest out for him but she didn't really know how to say it without outright saying it. Then when she saw little Nyx's soul back on the campus she smiled and knew just what to do. "Why don't you go talk to her? She is back by the female dorms alone and I think she misses you."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora "Well," trying to find the right words was difficult. He had never been one to really express himself in anything other then violence. It was his way of acting out against his parents. They were always so up tight and strict with him. "I'm worried about my meister. I know that I care about but that's kinda weird right? I mean I've only known her for a small amount of time and all."

He looked away from the woman for a moment trying to get his thoughts together. "I got...mad when I saw her hanging around that other guy. I just wanted to punch him in the face!" He balled his hand into a fist at just the memory of it. Man he had been pissed! One of the things that he didn't understand was why? "I've never been that angry over something like that before. I mean the guy didn't even do anything to me and it's not wrong for a weapon to wanna be protective of his meister but..." He didn't really know how to convey what needed to be said.

"Then there's this odd fear that I have. Like if I were to go to her room right now and she was with some other guy that I'd just either kill him or hurt her, which I would never do, or I'd do something else I don't even know. Worse still would be if I were to approach her and she told me that she never wanted to see me again. I just...don't think that I could handle that."
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Her eyes never left his face and she wanted to hug him because she was so proud of him. He was thinking, like really taking the time to consider his emotions and that was a huge step. If he hadn't been her patient she probably would have kissed him just out of joy. There was nothing better to Aurora than helping someone out.

"Alright. So let's discuss what has you feeling lost. What confuses you and what don't you know?" she asked calmly and looked at him, letting him again search inside himself for the answer. It would be better for him to learn the steps in the long run to solving these issues than flying off of the deep end every time. A long slow process, sure, but he was doing pretty well.
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora He placed his hands on his cheeks as he thought about that. He definitely felt a little better but he wasn't sure if it was because he was still talking with her or because he had actually made some progress.

"I feel a little better but I also feel a little lost." his eyes pleaded with her to understand what he was saying. With his anger removed he felt better but there was also a sense of dread there. Part of him was afraid that Nyx wouldn't want him to come back and he was terrified of what would happen if she said that to him.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx The way he worded his question made her smile and she lightly pinched his cheeks. "I don't know. Only you can tell me that." she answered and pulled her hands back playfully. "How are you feeling now? Is it better than before?" Aurora could always just peer into his soul and find out but she decided to let him self-diagnose. Being aware of his own emotional state would be a big step forward for his health, one that she was interested in helping him towards.
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora He sat up trying to make sense of everything that they had talked about. Although they hadn't really talked about himself and his meister he felt a little better about the situation. There were other people here who had it just as hard as he did and they were still managing to make it through their days just fine. He looked at Aurora who seemed completely at peace with everything. How had she gotten to be a death scythe? Remembering Mina's personality though he smirked. They were definitely a team about balance but then what were he and Nyx?

"So Miss Aurora, did I get what I needed?"
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx "Or those that you care about." she repeated with a quick nod and them smiled at him. "Yeah she is a bit nuts but she's fun. We sort of balance each other out. Finding a good partner isn't always about what you want but rather what you need.I needed someone as aggressive as her to draw that out of me where at the same time she needed my presence to soothe her. Balance."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora "Or those that you care about..." The conversation had taken a weird turn for Styx and he didn't like the way that it was making him feel. It was best to stick to safe subjects for his sanity's sake. "So you were the weapon of the crazy teacher huh? Yeah I totally can't picture that." It didn't seem to fit at all. Aurora was bubbly and seemed to genuinely care about what happened to people. Mina seemed as though she couldn't care less unless it was affecting her personally.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx "Mina was my meister actually." she answered and nodded once proudly. "We probably seem like we would be a really weird pair, I know. That and most guys would rather think about the both of us together in the shower than on the battlefield." Aurora shook her head at the memories of past pigs that Mina had laid waste to while she watched because she was never the one to anger quickly. "Also lots don't ever think I would make a good weapon because I am so warm and sweet. I think compassion makes for a good warrior though. What greater strength could there be than to fight to defend those who cannot defend themselves?"
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora He didn't want to talk about him but he was more than willing to ask her questions and try and get to know her better. There was something about the nurse that had him opening up to her but he wasn't ready to let go of all his anger and frustration just yet.

"So who was your meister? I mean someone had to work with you in order to turn you into the weapon that you are today."
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Judging from the look on his face, even in the dark, she could tell that her words were finally beginning to sink in and hit home. All of the talking and slowly getting him to open up to her was working and she was so happy that she wanted to hug him. But she didn't because he probably would have thought that she was absolutely insane. Not that he was necessarily wrong about that but she didn't want him to really think it to begin with.

"Mina called me. From what I gathered on her end it was basically like a funeral and they didn't know how to make it better. That is when they call me. More often than not I understand what a person needs inside. I can see and feel souls which is what makes me such a good healer." she explained and gave him a sweet smile. "I have always had a way of just making people feel better. Well, as long as you don't need me for a stealth mission because then I epic fail."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora It made a bit more sense when she described it like that. Food was something he got, girls were not. He had been hoping that their relationship would have been more of the romantic variety that way he would have had less to worry about. However it seemed that there wasn't much to worry about from the male anyway. He chuckled slightly at the visual that he last sentence brought. He could see the weapon with the toothpaste, no way that his crazy teacher would do that.

There had been something that was bugging him since she first appeared in his room. How had she known where he was and that he "needed" her? "So why did you come here? I mean you said you were here to give me what I needed and to make me feel better but how did you know?"
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx "It is stupid so don't worry about offending me." she replied with a light laugh and thought about how better to explain it. "Have you ever heard someone describe a meal to you and thought to yourself 'that sounds really good. I bet I am going to love it' only to try it and realize that it wasn't how you imagined at all? It's more like that. The idea of the person is better than the actual person because the idea is just that. It's a fantasy with no flaws because who wants to spend their daydreams thinking about that?"

His question about Mars and Mina wasn't unexpected and she giggled a little as she tried to find the words. "They are close like brother and sister. I mean it when I say he is basically dead inside. They care about each other but not ever in that way." She began and then her lower lip, shaking her head. "If they ever kissed one would probably end up in the bathroom trying to ram the whole thing of toothpaste down their throat and the other would be applying for a transfer."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora Wrinkling his brow in confusion Styx frowned at her. He didn't really get it, after all he wasn't a female. "No offense but that sounds really stupid. I mean why go after something if you don't want all of it. That just sounds like wasted effort to me." No Nyx wasn't that kind of girl. It was definitely the weapon himself that she liked. Another thought crossed his mind and he couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"So that weapon is paired with another meister now. They seem to be rather close. Is there anything going on there? I mean you say you can see what people feel for one another."
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Oh he was stubborn but that just made her smile more. The more he resisted and fought meant the more he liked her, the more he was afraid of being hurt by her. It seemed less and less like a crush and had truly become a blossoming love, complete with jealousy and insecurity. This year things were certainly going to be off to an interesting start.

"If I had to guess I would say it was more like a crush than any actual feelings and considering they don't know each other she probably just liked the idea of him." she explained and looked into his eyes so that he would know that she wasn't joking. "Girls and even women like to romanticize about that sort of thing. We like to believe that we could be the ones to step in and heal that wound or whatever it is. She probably likes the story more than she likes the actual man."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora He was stunned to hear about the older weapon and stored that information to dwell on later. Lots of things happen outside and inside the school. With everything bad in the world that they fought there were bound to be casualties. He didn't believe her about his meister's feelings for a second though. She may be the school nurse and all but that didn't mean that she knew about their relationship.

"Alright so if you know so much about how she feels then what does she feel for him? I mean I was in the room with them, I saw the way that she was looking at him, I've seen the way she's looked at him before which is why I tried to take her to lunch that way I could get her away from him and then everything went horribly wrong." The cafe is where things had gone horribly wrong and he wished that he could have rewound time in order to make things right again.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx The way that he reacted told Aurora everything she needed to know about his feelings and she grinned. Young love was beautiful but often awkward and messy, especially with such an erratic soul as his. Oh he had it bad but he seemed to be denying it to himself as much as anything. That made things more complicated but she knew she could work with it.

"They both matter intensely." she replied and laid down next to him but not touching him, shooing the cats away so that he had less of a distraction. He was opening up to her and if he got caught up in the felines it was possible he could retreat entirely. "As far as Mars go I wouldn't worry about him. He's been basically dead to everyone inside since his meister died 6 years ago." It was hardly a secret but she doubted this young weapon had any idea about it so she decided to try and put the situation in perspective for him. "Besides that even is that her feelings for him are not what I picked up when I looked that way. If they were romantic and so close it would have shown like a bonfire. There was nothing of the sort from them. Their souls weren't even connected at all."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora Styx snorted at the woman. She must be crazy if she thought that Nyx was worried about him. No he done ed things up bad with her and this is where he would remain until either a) he had to go to class tomorrow or b) the school kicked him out for one of the many things that he screwed up today. No all his meister cared about was that weapon with his teacher. Even the cats that seemed to keep coming into his room probably knew better, that's why they were all there.

"Want, need, what does it matter? She's not worried about me. All she cares about is that creep that made her something to drink. The one that stays with that crazy teacher of ours." Styx smiled slightly when he remembered their little adventure earlier in the day. They had fought together to defend themselves against a common enemy and no matter what the future held it would be a memory that Styx would cherish.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Seemingly out of nowhere cats started coming into the room which amused the death scythe greatly. Her lips curled up into a smile as she watched the tiny creatures in their attempts to comfort him. Even better than that to her was the way he kept denying that he needed any help at all. He was going to be a little tough but she had no doubts in her mind that she could help fix what ailed him.

"Again. Want and need are not the same thing." she reminded him as she lifted up one of the cats and snuggled it close to her chest, kissing the little furry head. The cat started to purr as she scratched under its chin gently with her nails and she smiled. "So would you care to tell me what is bothering you and has you here and not with your meister? She's worried about you you know. I can see it all the way in the other dorm."
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora As he laid there with his vision dark from the pillow he thought about what she said. It made him angry that she thought he was pouting. He didn't pout! But the fact that she thought he needed her there was even more confusing. What he needed was to be alone and then in the morning he would pack up his things and head back home.

He was vaguely aware of his window being opened and a weight that planted itself firmly on his back. One of the cats that hung around the school must have felt his frustration and come in to comfort him like they did from time to time. Another noise and another cat made itself comfortable next to the weapon's pillow. Removing the pillow from his face he stared at the cat closest to him as a third kept itself perched on his window sill. "Really guys? If I don't want her in here what makes you think that I want you in here either?" The cat that had his attention just looked bored as it his hand before curling up and laying down.
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Movement out of the corner of her eye let her know that he had become curious enough to look at her and she gave him a rather warm smile. His words seemed to be a little harsh but she could tell that they mostly came from a place of pain and didn't actually have an ill intent behind them. He was a young man who was hurting and didn't know how to make it better so there was no reason at all for her to be offended, not that she probably would have been anyway.

"I am Aurora and I am in your room because you are not feeling so good. It is my job as school nurse to make sure that you are healthy." she explained and lifted his pillow just a bit more to get a look at his face. "Sometimes what you want and what you need are not the same thing. I am going to give you what you need and right now you need me here. I am in no hurry though. If you want to sulk and pout a bit more I've got time." With a slight shrug of her shoulders she put the pillow back and hummed a soft lullaby.
Styx [A] 10 years ago
@Aurora His first reaction to the new presence in the room was to yell and tell the person to leave him the hell alone. He wanted to sit there and stew in solitude. When the person didn't really do anything but sit on the side of his bed he knew that yelling would have made him feel like an .

Peeking out from under the pillow he was mildly surprised to find a rather attractive woman sitting there. He would have figured that his teacher or, less likely, Nyx would have followed him to talk but he was happy they hadn't. His emotions were a wreck and there was no telling what he would have said to them in his anger. He wouldn't have cared about his teacher, she probably would have just given him another weeks worth of detention, but he didn't want to make the gap between himself and his meister bigger than it already was. "Who are you and why are you in my room? Can't you see I want to be left alone?"
Aurora [A] 10 years ago
@Styx Before too long Aurora had found her way over to the source of the sadness and opened the door to his room. The weapon peeked in before fully entering, not giving him the option or chance to shut her out. Everything was dark inside but she could see his body on the bed illuminated faintly in the moonlight. Even like that she could see that his head was under his pillow and she smiled sadly as she immediately related to that.

The death scythe walked over and sat on the edge of his bed, not wanting to disturb him immediately from whatever thoughts were going through his mind. Sometimes just taking a moment to think was the best thing for a person and she believed fully in it. That didn't mean she would do nothing though. Instead she just reached for him with the wavelengths of her soul to let him know that she was there and ready to talk when he wanted.
Styx [A] 10 years ago
Styx stared up at the ceiling from a bed in a room that was designated to him. After the postings of partners he figured he would never be using this room but of course karma came to bite him in the once again and he found himself alone. He briefly wondered what Nyx would do when she returned to her room and found that he wasn't there. She'd probably be overjoyed because that would mean that she got to spend more time with that teacher weapon that she seemed to be so crazy about.

The thought that his meister had feelings for another brought a sharp pain to his chest and stirred up nameless feelings that he didn't like. Rolling over he buried his face in his pillow and cursed his parents for sending him here. If they hadn't he never would have gotten his hopes up of bettering himself and finding a meister. He could have just stayed at his normal school then went to college, graduated and gotten a job as a veterinarian.


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SHInfinite_93 9 years ago
mianhee bit Dimsum will leave, I'm with a few OOC issues ans honestly most of the time my character is inactive and for that i will be leaving
Mianhee ~
cinnacheol 9 years ago
Xander must take his leave I'm sorry but I wasn't really active
wolfiexo 9 years ago
so sorry but Ciel and Cero need to leave >< i'm getting so busy these days u.u
I will join next time when i'm more relax..
exosehunnie120494 9 years ago
sorry but keirz is leaving ;^;
Oxytocin 9 years ago
I hate to do this because I really have a soft spot for my two characters but I would like to let them go... I don't feel like it's fair for me too take up two such popular face claims. Thank you for having me and maybe I can come back in the future when I'm less busy.
strife 9 years ago
haku must go on hiatus for the next
two weeks, terribly sorry for my
inactivity lately. ;;
exosehunnie120494 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve Baekhyun for me? Name is... Keirz.
difficultcheese 9 years ago
If I knew enough about Soul Eater to be confident, I'd for sure join this rp. Hope things go well! It's a really good concept (:
XaveRia 9 years ago
Add and reserve kou from ao haru ride please
XaveRia 9 years ago
Add and reserve koi from ao haru ride please
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