Training Grounds 2


❝Training grounds 2

The most important thing to a weapon and their meister is to train to make their bond stronger.


Saki 10 years ago
@Koi "Gah" he yelped when he heard the other speak up, yup he did not use the move correctly or else he would have been able to sense the other's soul near him shaking the dizzy spell that had hit him and looked at the other with curious eyes "Who are you first off and second..I am trying to learn a powerful meister ability called soul perspection" he said looking at the other wondering who he was and if he was a weapon or a meister.
Koi 10 years ago
@Saki Koi dragged himself to the training rooms, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. He didn't know why he had to be here. He was a powerful weapon even without training. He paused when he saw another boy watching him quietly for a few moments before stepping forward when he failed. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously, tilting his head at the young looking male.
Saki 10 years ago
Taking a deep breath he looked around pulling his book out and closed his eyes to clear his mind "A sound soul dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body." he said to himself and tried to practice what he was working on soul perspection and looked around to make sure no one was around and opened his eyes after making sure no was watching him he didn't want anyone to know he was there and doing this by himself but he wanted to learn this badly. He tried to use the move before falling down failing "Nrg..." he groaned shaking his head
Saki 10 years ago
@Blaze Saki sighed softly as he made his way to the training grounds and sat down on the ground waiting for the other to show up he wanted to practice a special move only meiesters could learn however it would leave them more prone to be affected by the madness and he was somewhat scared however at the same time it was important to learn for him. He smiled as he took out his book to read while he waited for the other.


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SHInfinite_93 9 years ago
mianhee bit Dimsum will leave, I'm with a few OOC issues ans honestly most of the time my character is inactive and for that i will be leaving
Mianhee ~
cinnacheol 9 years ago
Xander must take his leave I'm sorry but I wasn't really active
wolfiexo 9 years ago
so sorry but Ciel and Cero need to leave >< i'm getting so busy these days u.u
I will join next time when i'm more relax..
exosehunnie120494 9 years ago
sorry but keirz is leaving ;^;
Oxytocin 10 years ago
I hate to do this because I really have a soft spot for my two characters but I would like to let them go... I don't feel like it's fair for me too take up two such popular face claims. Thank you for having me and maybe I can come back in the future when I'm less busy.
strife 10 years ago
haku must go on hiatus for the next
two weeks, terribly sorry for my
inactivity lately. ;;
exosehunnie120494 10 years ago
Can you add and reserve Baekhyun for me? Name is... Keirz.
difficultcheese 10 years ago
If I knew enough about Soul Eater to be confident, I'd for sure join this rp. Hope things go well! It's a really good concept (:
XaveRia 10 years ago
Add and reserve kou from ao haru ride please
XaveRia 10 years ago
Add and reserve koi from ao haru ride please
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