
Last post 9 years ago

Death  weapon meister academy


+ Rules & How to join

- Favorite and upvote the rp
- 1st and 3rd pov allowed but 3rd is encouraged
- Please use the rooms, it helps keep the roleplay active
- No ooc drama. IC drama is accepted and encouraged
- Up to two characters per person. A third will be allowed if active on the other two
- This is an alternatre universe roleplay, the caracter you are playing is not an idol
- We are making the academy a bit more mature than in the series for extra fun. It will be more like a highschool or university
- and yuri are accepted but please remember the heterouals.
- Marriage and pregnancy are allowed with admin permission.
- is allowed and encouraged everywhere. is also permitted with consent of the rper
- No godmoding or character deaths
- If leaving or going on hiatus please inform an admin
- This is a matchmaking rp as well but there is a separate explanation for how that works. Link Here

How To Join:

Check the faceclaim list to see what idols are still available. We accept any idol. Kpop,Jpop, Cpop, westerners and just about whoever.
Comment which idol you want to be and what their name is. It can be anything except their real name.
Once approved, please apply with this form:
1. Name of Idol and Group(Ulzzang, Model, Youtuber, Actor, etc):
- Character Name:
- Character Age:
- Meister/Weapon:
- Student/Teacher/Faculty: 

+ announcements/events

17/03/13 - name of the event/announ. - read more

17/03/13 - name of the event/announ. - read more

17/03/13 - name of the event/announ. - read more

17/03/13 - name of the event/announ. - read more

+ admins




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SHInfinite_93 9 years ago
mianhee bit Dimsum will leave, I'm with a few OOC issues ans honestly most of the time my character is inactive and for that i will be leaving
Mianhee ~
cinnacheol 9 years ago
Xander must take his leave I'm sorry but I wasn't really active
wolfiexo 9 years ago
so sorry but Ciel and Cero need to leave >< i'm getting so busy these days u.u
I will join next time when i'm more relax..
exosehunnie120494 9 years ago
sorry but keirz is leaving ;^;
Oxytocin 9 years ago
I hate to do this because I really have a soft spot for my two characters but I would like to let them go... I don't feel like it's fair for me too take up two such popular face claims. Thank you for having me and maybe I can come back in the future when I'm less busy.
strife 9 years ago
haku must go on hiatus for the next
two weeks, terribly sorry for my
inactivity lately. ;;
exosehunnie120494 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve Baekhyun for me? Name is... Keirz.
difficultcheese 10 years ago
If I knew enough about Soul Eater to be confident, I'd for sure join this rp. Hope things go well! It's a really good concept (:
XaveRia 10 years ago
Add and reserve kou from ao haru ride please
XaveRia 10 years ago
Add and reserve koi from ao haru ride please
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