↳ ℭonfessions

1. am I the first // you indeed are ; u ;
2. cjamm is cool //oh thank you anon

3. i love ya'll. // love is in the air

4. sometimes I'm like LOVE ME WONWOOIE but then it's like NOTICE ME L.JOE SENPAI. okay- /slapped >< // Bambam is that you? /shot

5. I'm such drama queen ,sorry guys ;; but I will keep away from all of you I will be a silent stalker ...fear me/smacked to the ground hard.

6. I always wanted to be ed in the cinema tbh ;; /shot

7. if you can't see me it doesn't mean I'm not here ;; I actually love you all too much /huggles you all

8. /smacks everyone to be active here

9. I wanna fill C with my Jamm // this sounds so romatic /smacked

10. I'm your daddy, Jamm. // I wish ;; so why do I sleep alone? /smacked hard

11. You talk to me all the time, Jamm, and you have no idea how badly I want to you into the sheets. // such a tease u.u

12. jk it's just junhyung. I'm ing with you /rolling // I thought so /cries

13. but I would totally you if you asked. you're cute. // ;; no thank you I was rejected once already I'm not good in bed I just have big fantasies /smacked

14. yearning for someone to grind one me // grinds against you

15. I think jaewon is cute

16. I think I like jongdae // Jongdae is a really great guy e u e

17. Kinda wanna hit on Jaewon lol // Jaewon has a famous life

18. i swear no one's gonna wanna rp with me anymore because they'll feel like a pedo. i'll just end up leaving the rp // NOOOO /cries

19. I wasn't lying when I said I had feelings growing for you, you...you jerk >< You're a tease and always mean to me, but that's what I like about you, Wonwooie. // BamBam is that you?

20. I want you for myself only

21. I want you to notice me

22. But you're too busy with someone else // huggles you

23. I really need to disown you, because I can't ing off my own grandbaby. orz

24. Cjamm no one hates you you just gotta stop being so dramatic jfc //can't help it I'm just gonna be a dramaking and make everyone hate me it's okay

25. I don't want you to leave woo

26. its real i like jongdae

27. i know baekhyun from another roleplay and well... let's say he's not getting the love he deserves. i want to be the one to treat him well now. // I wish I knew who are you /smacked/


29. I don't hate you, okay. // It's okay I understand

30. You're not annoying, okay. // you don't need to say all that I'm not angry at you

31. And I can't rest my face, okay.

32. You're not annoying. And you should know it. And Zico isn't annoying too. Bromance forever. And why aren't you between me and him anymore? // because- I shouldn't be there it would be rude of me

33. Wonwoo pls dont be sad i like it when you smile // yes, smile please or I'm gonna be sad too

34. I feel like I have a certain image here & I don't know how to get rid of it Like I don't even want that much I just want to be told "I can't live without you, you are my sunshine and you're special." I want to be cuddled & feed each other & lean on each other when we're tired. I want to be loved // Bambam if this is you I know how you feel and I know what you wish , I wish you the best

35. Does anyone here actually even like me? Or will I just be the one who flirts but never gets the guy? // well love takes time ,be patient and I'm sure that one guy will tell you how he feels about you someday

36. when you like someone but he's been flirting way too much, how to answer this

37. lets just eat carrot and be friends. I don't know how to love a person.

38. [[is it wrong to ask people who roleplay with me to have proper english? doesn't have to be genius level, but it's hard to find a muse to reply when I can't understand what they're saying...]]

39. I kinda wanna try chilling with Wonwoo, but I don't think he'd like me

40. Everyone is so active here it's amazing // heh /loves you down

41. I'm tall, dark and handsome guess who I am /shot/ // every person who has dark hair in this roleplay because everyone are handsome

42. GRANOLA KING FOR LIFE PEOPLE tsk call me for more info, and if you are interested on buying a video, also don't hesitate to contact me okay. With Love <3

43. it's cute --how the ✔ Show Section lights up like elevator buttons
44. we won't work out // pm cupid if it's about your pair /flails

45. Tell Zico I'll miss him so much ^^ And thank you for the memories made and I'm going to miss you guys so much well do tell me if someone fill cjamm, woo's having bf and plus - Now, I'm like a fairygodmother tsk Keep it up guys! Make this rp alive more and more than years!

46. i'm being ignored by like so many people, and i didn't even do anything wrong?? do they ignore me just cause? like they hate my face or something???? it's really saddening. sighpie. halp. ;n;

47. Kris needs help.

48. so much drama it actually feels suffocating

49. i'm lonely. the rp moves at such a fast pace. if you don't keep up, you get forgotten. // no you won't ;;

50. i could leave rn, and no one would even notice. //cries tbh

51. i feel like i'm wallowing in self-pity now, but i don't think i should trouble anyone with my own problems. at the same time, i just wanna cry and cuddle with someone. what should i do?

52. sorry to spam the confessions page. i just needed an outlet to let out my feelings tbh. an anonymous confession page seemed like the perfect place.

53. Please.. please dont leave..

54. I'd ship Hanbin and Cjamm but Hanbin isn't into . //yeah...

55. If my kokoro gets brokoro again, I don't know what I will do.

56. [1/4] this place has been a true home. somewhere where i wanted to go as soon as i woke up. there was warmth, craziness and that ineffable feeling i have yet to understand, i believe. but when someone ever so important leaves, it's not the same and it's not only you who can sense it. it feels empty.

57. [2/4] truthfully,i had a blast. gave affection and love, received it back. but in the back of my head,i knew it wouldn't last long, that i should go. thank you. every person i have met has left a mark. i tried to be there for all of you and i hope you all knew that i was always ready to comfort you.

58. [3/4] i'm sorry. especially to cjamm, hanbin and junhyung. jam because i know he doesn't deal with people leaving, hanbin because despite him being so ing important to me, i couldn't express it and junhyung because he gave me all but i could give him nothing in return. i should really go.

59. [4/4] i know that there will be a better zico soon, i am sure. i am especially sure that jun will find someone beautiful, the best he deserves. this is getting long so...i'll end it with a shoutout. jammie,hanbin, sehun,woo,jaebaby,jun,hoseok , vernon,seunghoon,sangbae, minhyuk ,yukwon, baek. Thanks. // ;; we love you and we will miss you

60. hey guys, this is woo. I didn't know where to post a farewell msg so here it is. Just wanted to say thanks for all the great memories but then it was time to take my leave. You guys are a great bunch and ily all.

61. It's so awkward to be around some people's conversations since they seem ual And I'm a still... I don't even know if I'll even end up loosing from how things have been... /pouts/

62. Sort of ed up how Mark stole someone's guy imo.

63. I want to confess that I don't have anything to confess.

64. But honestly, I have a crush but sh, don't tell anyone.

65. I think I like you

66. I feel like confessing some fake just to make Cjamm feel better.

67. But okay, let's be honest this time. I want to feel loved but I'm too afraid of asking someone for some feelings.

68. Putting on such a brave front is sure tiring

69. I miss Zico ;;

70. So many fine asses we have here. Only one of them is mine. // lucky you

71. You want me to give you all my best while you only do everything halfhearted, very nice

72. Do I have some kind of sensor? Everytime Cjamm talks about me I visit spam room and see everything. // heheh...sorry,Hanbin

73. I don't think I was born to be paired with someone.

74. I miss wonwoo // we all do ;;

75. Hmm.. BinHwan or MinoxHanbin?

76. I feel bad for Jinhwan ;; He likes Hanbin but then Hanbin doesn't give a or even notice cause He is too busy being all over Mino, and even when Jinan left, It's still the same tsk tsk #myotphasbroken

77. Can someone tell Kiseop that I like him alot? ;;

78. I wanna fingerbang you into my life.

79. How do I win this thirst over?

80. I don't... I don't understand what to do anymore... The Two people I've come to like seem to think differently.One says hes a bad guy but is extremely sweet and caring to me,The other has lingering feelings for another an even though he acts like he wants to be with me he doesn't,I should just leave // no don't leave , don't give up ;;

81. Hansol is literally the cutest piece of squishy squish I have ever seen

82. Why is Simon such a y beast? How rough he's being with Hobi.. I'm jealous. ;;

83. this is funny. i shouldn't be liking you but- smh,,

84. Hansol is beautiful, so delicate and pure, his story is one of the most well thought ones I have ever came across. Yet his personality is positive and exceedingly adorable, how could I resist ? If only he knew I like him.

85. Ichaaaaaaaaaaan I hope you know who am I....if you do then I'm happy^~^

86. Joon-ah... I'm falling harder and harder for you the more time we spend together..please tell me I'm not waisting my time...

87. Looks like I've met you too late...he clearly likes you alot i can seen that so i guess I'll just be your friend always by your side // poor baby /cries

88. I'm a top and a lels // you need power bottom/smacked

89. I'd rather spend all my money buying you ice cream than spending on material possessions for myself and I'd rather stay by your side just to make you happy as a friend or brother than loose you for the rest of my life, you're happiness is my happiness...I love you my sollie... -c

90. Roses are red Violets are blue I've got a tattoo That reminds me of you Ice keem -A

91. Im sorry to the guy who first confessed, let's just say I've just even then playing field but let me tell you this I'll happily step down if he chooses you as long as you promise me that he'll always be happy To Sollie: i love you no matter what even if you pick him i just want you happy -P

92. I always see you everywhere but you never notice me Jaejoong, I can give you long replies too if only you give me chance, it just all my partner I rp with always give me short, it's funny that you can easily get lover everywhere but not me, anyway congratulations for you and Woozi

93. I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude but please take your hands off him Call me selfish but I don't like how you are being so clingy towards him, you are a nice person in my eyes Please don't ruin that

94. Practically hurt over what happened and pissed off. Thank you to who ever you are. You taught me things. So right now I'm not looking for anything serious, i just want someone to , no strings attached.

95. Entre deuxcoeurs qui s’aiment, nulbesoin de paroles." - hey pabo! That's what I feel about you. I know I am far from being your ideal guy. I dont hug or kiss,or let you have things your way.. so instead of saying it to your face I made this confession. I think that I am slowly falling for you.

96. I'm not ignoring you, I'm just too lazy to reply

97. Now I'm stuck between two guys. My pair and someone else. My pair is so cute, and he's a power bottom. The other guy is filled with so much sass and beauty. I just don't know who to pick. Most reasonable answer? Don't reply to either of them. Right? // oh no don't ignore them and try to understand who do you like most ;; all I can say that goodluck

98. I am a shallow person..not because I care about the way people look,no,it's not that. I am just empty,and god,I thought that by sleeping around with guys I would be able to fill this whole but it's just getting worst. How do I fix this? How can I fix myself? Waking up every morning with a different

99. When your baby is more active with someone else, then it's time to break up // ; n ;

100. I'm just trying to protect you ...but it gets frustrating when you keep going back and then expect me to make you whole again..I can't make you whole, I can't even make myself whole..

102. Too many people have sticks in their asses.

103. I've made up my mind. I want him as mine.

104. i want someone to be mine but again, it seem impossible lol // why not ? just make him love you /smacked

105. i'm a weirdo. it's not like i'm even want him but when he's with someone else, I really want to take him away from that person. Like... really badly.

106. i will just keep quiet and say nothing to you

107. I don't know how to tell him that I want to eat his without sounding too desperate. I am desperate, though.

108. He's already in a relationship but I want to steal him. I know that I'll make him happier.

109. I am a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

110. Admin-san is really kawaii. // all admin are kawaii here/smacked

111. I want to cover you in chocolate and you clean.

112. Oh my God, he's so gay, very gay gay. Rainbow puking gay.

113. You might be the teacher here but I'd love to teach you a lesson. // please do and in the room too so we all could stalk /kicked

114. Don't love him. Love me. // huggles you

115. I wonder what you'll do if I suddenly ask you to marry me? I haven't even spoken to you, yet.

116. I wanna have your babies

117. I wish I could find more people to talk to especially since some of the people I talked to kinda forgot about me // poke them or look more because there really are nice people... maybe it got burried and they somehow skiped it happens to me u.u

118. I'll give you a rose every day until I can give you my heart - J

119. I want a dom to be kind and gentle with me and show me what love is truly like. Either that or I want a sub who can keep me happy just by knowing I'm good enough for them. One day I will find someone that's truly right for me. // you will believe me sometimes it takes extra time

120. I love you, Cjamm // *loves you back*

121. I gave you my heart but I'll still give you flowers every day because you're worth it <3 -J

123. I want someone to me good.

124. when will this get updated // I'm sorry I'm not used to being active here it's new usualy there are no new confessions

125. some of you need jesus

126. i want to have your babies jay - cjamm // w-wait I never said that /blushes/ who are you LIAR

127. Jay is so cute. so bad he's taken // HE IS MINE ;; DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HIM /jealous side of cupid jamm

128. It's feel nice. To be treat like that. // treated like what?/smacked

129. How can I capture that lovely heart of yours?

130. me good, Jay // ;; no Jay is mine...stop /cries

131. Everything about you just literally pisses me off

132. You make me feel all giddy inside...

133. You can piss me off so badly sometimes!!!! // but you still like it, right if you're posting it few times it means you love that hate - like relationship /smacked

134. Cjamm is so cute // I'm y

135. . I ship Zelo and Daehyun. What the happened?

136. Dude, you betta trust your boyfriend, he's no cheating // I do feel sad you know

137. Jay isn't even my type, so relax man. I was only joking around

138. C’est cela l’amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour. I only hope you see this...

139. I don't want him, I only want you.

140. Fight for love

141. This is crazy....you appear in my dream and it's a nightmare since you decide to leave me and this place. I seriously need to stop...you make me obsessed over you.

142. it's a scary feeling when you realized you can't do anything properly without him by your side

143. What should I do? I love my boyfriend but I feel like I'm falling out of love because of this one certain guy who caught my attention lately.

144. I want you to be happy, I want to be the one to make you happy but I can't, I'm restrained. Loving you means hurting someone else.

145. jaejae https://s-media-

146. I'm searching people who's up for some /s

147. I love you Junghwan :3

148. Kihyun is bae<3

149. Not only is my love one sided, but also forbidden. You work for me after all. But getting the chance to have you spend the night with me, I was so happy. I wasnt really thinking when I kissed you... Please let everything work out well. -sig

150. You make my heart go doki doki. I love you cmk. -sig

151. I have too many kinks tbh like some of them are so dark idk if people would want to do them. E.g Edge or knife play. Don't judge meh, kay?

152. I think that I have fallen in love with a beautiful tiger named Park Jinyoung

153. I really can't believe this happened after all the promises that were made just to be broken. I miss being held at night,kissed randomly and being able to say your mine I even find it hard to be happy anymore.. this is really going to be the worst Christmas and New Years ever... /hides and cries/

154. omf- I kinda did some stalking around the couples and YIXING IS SO ING CUTE WITH KIHYUN OH MY GOSH I thought Yixing was scary af tbvh. AND ROCKY&JIYOUNG IS JUST UUGGGHHHHH my gud those two couples are the only ones that are really active tbvh

155. I really don't know what's wrong with me...I get jealous...for no reason,it's stupid. I wish I'd knew how to stop being jealous.

156. ..... // hugs you

157. it feels like every time you see me all you see is a piece of meat,it kinda hurts.

158. He likes someone else, I can tell and it hurts but I'm only just his pair so I have no right to say that it breaks my heart, he can like whoever he wants and I'll just be there to protect him from the side // please do say, maybe he will stay besides you, you shouldn't be hiding in sadows...

159. I want to sleep wit Jay and ... if he bought a puppy then why he doesn't agree with me.../sighs/ he got annoyed by me so much...

160. I don't think I should tell him, not when he's been taken away already. I'll just keep being his pair for the time being until him and the person he likes get together. He's happy then so am I.

161. Yah Park Minhyuk, I love you so much, and I wouldn't know what I'd be woth out you by my side. I won't ever stop loving you until you tell me to leave, okay? Muah~

162. I'm not even paired with Baekhyun but just seeing the stuff he says when I browse around makes me smile. He's cute as hell and I can't figure out if I want to hug him or him... I want to do both but alas... What a sad reality.

163. My kokoro goes doki doki because of you , Ravi >~<

164. All I have left now is our baby boy... He looks so much like you now...I miss you..so much Please please please come back... Please..

165. im paired with someone and they're really nice but i'm also talking to someone else and i think im starting to develop something for them...hm

166. there's two people i would really wanna have a with. they're both bottoms and im a dom and i just want to make them both cream and writhe beneath me but it won't happen because they'd probably fight

167. I wanna break up but I also don't. I love you and I don't wanna hurt you but I don't wanna resent you either. The way we got together. I… I don't… I mean, I don't hate it but I'm not a fan either. I was really caught up in my emotions, too. I kinda wanna just leave but I can't do that either. Sigh.

168. I will still love you, even if you stop... the risk I plan to take to kill my own heart

169. Stop playing games and me already... I know you want to // the confession is on 169 coincidence? I believe not e u e/smacked

170. I confess - i probably will always be left, like i always was in the past. When i need someone to care for me, they leave instead. "I wont do what they did to you," such sick lies I believed so foolishly.

171. My love is older than me. And, I love it. I call you daddy when we on the bed, baby. // oh yes e u e

172. This thing you do... You confuse me and make me question everything I believed until now

173. hot coffee maker

174. I change my pair because I feel it is worse to fake . Is that such a sin? //well if you really can't see anything between you then sorry for being er cupid yet I do wish people would at least give it a chance and make friends and not jumo straight to romance.

175. You are the suga in my life. I regret that I hurt you so much. I will make it up to til I drop down dead. Keeping the perfect combo of cute and y haha

176. Being an is in my blood. Doesn't mean I don't have a heart. Believe it or not I am human.

177. One day you will regret it.

178. I wish that you can see that I'm in love with you. Why should I give up my precious things for you then?

179. If I didn't have all these opportunities to all these people I'd give you a chance

180. Thank you to cupid admin, I found my love one. Dadddyyy >,< // is always glad to help ; u ;

181.Jongjin just... / my lips

182. I feel like I messed up, I feel guilty Why do I always get myself into this kind of mess

183. This kind of hurts. I wish I didn't get involved tbh. Should've stayed friends. Retrospective views .

184. i have a mini crush on Chittaphon even though we haven't spoken in a while due to me disappearing but it's more of a distant memory that i don't think it'd matter at this point to try and communicate with him besides being just friends.

185. Sometimes, I would think about doing all sorts of "naughty" things with you, until you turn into a whimpering and quivering mess.

186. I'm gonna trap your . At least I'll try.

187. So jealous of Jongdae. Seungcheol is a nice guy and you are lucky to have him. I hope one day I can get a love like that too

188. I don't think I would be able to say 'I love you' anytime soon. But I hope you feel it in my actions. // this somehow makes me sad ;;

189. Want him to me good...but he's married already

190. You think that you are already secured with him? No. Even married couple got divorced. I'm going to seduce your so called boyfie into my arms. Choi Siwon, u're mine

191. You know it's over when he tells you no to ... I know my heart is going to break and all I can do is sit and wait for it to happen

192. My heart hurts. But I know if I stop, it'll hurt you too. And I'm not willing to let that happen.

193. Torn apart... Between two I love Between two who loves me What should I do?

194. Why are you so gone?

195. You knew exactly what to say to break me.

196. I wish you would need me as much as I need you... but your love must have faded with days, I'm tired of being cheerful for you and repeating that forgetting me is okay...

197. it hurts...

198. Am I only your toys? No feeling at all?

199. -evil laughs- Told you, even married couple fall apart. Now, let me groom myself well and I will make him happier staying with me // the last one in this line and so evil e n e can you understand how sad both of them are how heartbroken, it's okay to like someone but... this sounds quite rude ;;

200. I love you

201. I want you... I want your hands all over my body, touching exploring marking me as yours. I want to fill you deep inside me filling me until I want be able to take it // come to ed jamm friends club

202. The truth is.....i have a where there's two people f*c*ing me in the same time. -nakamoto // e u e

203. when you go do some stalking and realize that it could be one of the three people who do "-action-" can be #199

204. All these kaisoo pics are so nice.

205. I very much 143 my soon-to-be-wifu. And I very much want to shove him up against a wall and have my way with him. 24/7

206. Hey, hey. Come closer. I'll tell you a secret. I saw the most beautiful thing today, not even the moon and the sun can compare to its beauty. Do you want to see it, too? Easy. All you have to do is follow these steps: 1. take a mirror. 2. smile //this is adorable

207. I'm pissed. So pissed at this moment.

208. I'm starting to fall out of love, mostly because I am often not there for him. He doesn't know of it but I'll try my best.

209. My greatest fear became the best thing I ever had Choi Siwon Shin Hoseok I love you Anon;)

210. I wanna be a special snowflake again

211. Jam deserves better...

212. Game room became the most annoying place in the rp //ugly sobs

213. All the cool kidz like the gameroom :P

214. Kibummie's legs *-* are heaven

215. I hope Cjamm will be happy again and so will Jay even if they separated ways. //I do hope Jay becomes happy as well, to find someone who will make him feel special and loved...since I failed

216. I have a mini crush for this married man with a son ;; what to do

217. I learned my lesson. Never try to comfort sb and be nice because they wont appreciate it and you'll just end ignored over and over again.

218. Cjamm is a piece of -notcjamm

219. I really love how he could blush and at the same time.

220. I hate the way you look, I hate the way you smile, I hate the way you laugh I love the way you cry

221. No matter how much time I spend with you, I still can't get enough. I'm insatiable when it comes to you.

222. Sugar coated rejection hurts more than a regular rejection //hugs

223. I tried catching your attention many times now but I'm getting tired. I give up.

224. I want him, and I want you Damn This is called endless greed of me

225. I ing need space!

226. At the end, now I realized that my heart is not as big as I think it was. It's hurting, everytime when I looks at you and him and I, being the left out. I hope one day, I will be strong enough to pack up and walk on different path. He brings more smiles on your face compared to me

227. Only now... When I look in the mirror I realize I made a mistake. The fact I want you, need you, love you is selfish and no matter what I do I can't see pass that You deserve better And I'm not worthy for love

228. I think I'm falling in love And I really think he is amazing

229. You are poison, pure toxic that I can't let go

230. You gave up on me so easily...you didn't even blinked when I said goodbye.

231. i dont get how people can change so drastically.

232. guess you can say im resentful and i dont want to see you happy

233. I just remember that I'm actually a clingy person. It's been awhile since I fall for someone that i forget how I act around those person that I care so much. Too much till they end up leaving me. I always fall hard that. Too hard till they can't take it.

234. Drifting towards a certain direction.

235. I'm so ing but I promised myself I won't around;.;

236. After running away, after waving off how my heartbeat literally /pulses/ harder when I'm with you for some lame excuse like "it's been a while since I've been close with a man," I'll finally admit it. I'm in love. , it took so long. But am I really ready to take this further? No. I'm scared-wait

237. no, I'm terrified. Aghhh! What did you dooo to meeee! *still wants to run away. Still wants to hide. Still wants to lie that I'm not feeling anything for you.* I think...I should stay put...where I feel safe... *nods relieved at my words.*

238. But can I really? What's this aching inside of me...it's consuming me! , it hurts!

239. Falling for you

240. The truth is...I'm in pain and my heart is broken

241. Yes I'm resentful towards you I wish that you will be forever miserable You break me, torn me apart You changed me If only, you didn't cheat on the first place We might have been living happily Yes I am resentful

242. even though when i first met you i didn't like you, you're so adorable i can't help but to want to kiss you

243. I miss you

244. My heart is like a mirror. No matter how much you break it, if you look closely, you can see that you are still in it

245. I feel like I have no reason to stay I feel so alone // come to me!

246. I'm not him But I have been quietly observing Stop playing victim You are turning a good guy into a bad guy

247. I confess that I really wanted to hit on Jongjin but it seems like he already set his eyes on someone :( // you can always be friends?

248. Choi Siwon, will you take me as ur wifeu??? >////<

249. Inguk what is it that you even see in Eunwoo? Haejin seems a much better choice since your all over him

250. Eunwoo is precious. He deserves better.

251. I wish people will stop minding and judging others business. From Siwon, Seungho, Inguk

252. You want us to stop minding? Its hard when you just throw Eunwoo away so fast! Was he just trash to you then? So easy to pick up and toss? I care for him and want to look out for him!

253. I try not to let the fear control me and bring me down cause I know I'm stronger than this.

254. I'll be taking my leave soon. Tying up some loose ends and then it's time. I'll certainly miss those special people who made staying nicer than it would've been. Maybe I'll come back. In a few months... ❤️

255. I been here a while and really haven't done much but it's okay I seen a few I wish I could talk to but to scared so I just sit back enjoying watching them...and hope they stay happy

256. Falling in love seems to be the biggest mistake i ever did...

257. There's someone here whom I've been interested to RP with for awhile now. I find their personality rather... interesting. But the person seems so distant, and I don't think they'd be interested so...*shrugs*

258. I find you interesting but you always bring yourself down which makes it difficult for me to approach you. It's like you have this invisible barrier around you. But I honestly think that you're a wonderful person. So please think more highly of yourself. :)

259. Cheololol cute though. I know you guys agree

260. I really ship Sangwoon and Hanbin >< They actually look so cute together.... /smacked

261. Cjamm is beautiful and amazing <3

262. There are a lot of people who seem nice here but I'm scared to talk to anyone... o///o // you will like it here

263. I just really wish to find someone who'll be a great boyfriend cuz there sure are a lot of people around here who seem like they'd be great... *-*

264. I thought thing were going well.... Apparently not :c

265. I want to get paired and actually make it work with my pair TT-TT

266. I ship Sangwon and Hanbin a lot!! >< I'm such a stalker but I seriously love this pair!

267. Chittaphon, you're my biggest crush. I saw your face for the first time and I immediately fell in love with you. I love the way you speak, the way you smile, the way my name rolls off of your tongue so smoothly. I'm crazy for you and I'll do anything to make you smile.

268. I don't know anymore. Why does this keep happening to me? I can feel it, I am going to get my heart broken again just like the first time, but it's alright. If he's happy then I have nothing to complain about. GL

269. When will you realize I'm falling for you?

270.imo, guanlin should not be in any relationship, so he can be available for anyone in need (in need for care, in need for diq, etc.) /roll away/

271. I want to hit on him but seems like someone is already all over him ;; I wish he doesn't like him back so I can make my move ;; but then again,,,,,,,,/screams/ nvm. I wish you happy

272. Lmao #270 also he is a switch so he can enter while being entered *winkwonk* *slapped* sorry

273. Just stop being nice to me and stop reply. Just stop everything and that way I can stop loving you.


275. Guan Lin is such a sweetheart ❤

276. i fell quick and hard for ya

277. omg we ing get it you're all bottoms who wanna get ed stupid stop whining already jfc

278. Jinhwan is underrated

279. I hope kikwang chooses someone he really likes depending on his feelings, not face. I know he has been waiting for a doojoon but junhoe is not a bad choice either. //if this is about the poll I did say attracted to doojoon face not love ;3;

280. I want to get ed so many times by so many people But im a smol bean

281. Lol I don't know how Doojoon felt because literally he came and became Minki's 'father', then Kikwang showed like he cherished him such and they were even paired up but then they didn't even go for one week and he already had plans for himself. Good job.

282. me woojin - bunny e u e

283.Sighs- Doojoon is gone. Reason clear.

284.But I also want Woojin to hold me when it gets cold and warm my toes up on his legs and give him little kissess because he's my Woobear who steals my breath and made me his before it's official. I totally didn't expect this when we met but I'm so very happy I talked to you.

285. I wish he would ask me out of my match

286. Can someone put Jaewon under arrest? I think it's pretty clear that he's illegal in too many ways.

287. I had a huge crush on Ilhoon and I thought he did too but His ex-boyfriend came back one day. I knew I didn't have a chance against him and I was right- they got together again but that boyfriend has been gone for a month already- I didn't mean to stalk but I cared for Ilhoon, I still do.

288. Remember when we met two months ago, Woobear? Can you believe it's been that long? It feels like we still have only just met the other day. I'm so thankful for your presence and your warmth and happiness and understanding.

289. Why are you so worried when you two will end up together for sure? and why did I let myself fall for you?

290. Namjoon, you should really notice someone else not just your eye candy.

291. I wish everyone happy love/shot

292.I have my eyes on you but there is someone around you who looks like he's gonna murder a person if they try to roleplay with you

293.I hope I can talk and be friends with everyone here but sometimes I have already talked to them but then they are the one who ignored me. I just wanna be friends with you guys. Is it hard to be my friend? I don't ask for more than that..

294. pretends I don't miss Ilhoon

295.drop another confession about my wonderful Woobear bc he's mine, though unofficially, but I still care for him and will treat like a prince because that's what he is to me. <3

296.I... like you. More than I'm willing to admit. So, won't you come talk to me for once?

297.Not gonna lie...I miss a certain Vampire...

298. Jammy loves hwan because he is real little cupid helper!

299. STARTED 2015.08.07
ENDED 2017.11.07


301. LEE MINHYUK. HAVE MY BABIES // gasp is this yeol?

302. I love you lee minhyuk ❤️

303. it kills me every time he calls me daddy

304. Jammie? You are the best of besties ;) // I hope I am ; u ;

305. I wonder if I'll ever be ready to start all over again? I mean, I guess I am but at the same time, I'm afraid to step ahead. What if everything turns our being the damn thing again?...I guess, I just want to actually be loved...Pointless....

306. ^ not pointless at all, everyone is fearing something, I would be glad if I would hear it as your buddy jammy e n e but I am glad you letting it out somewhere, I know there is the man out there for you as a cupid I can say I am completely sure he will treat you right and you're probably already start falling for him that's why the fear gets bigger, that's why you remember your ex or so I think... because that was how it happened to me, but don't be like me not keep it in and don't get buried in the fears.

307. before I could even try... I already lost you to another man

308. Oh Jamm, you know that talking isn't easy when it comes to me but I?m glad I have you by my side and supporting me, even if I don't say a word. Really. It means a lot. Thank you :) P.S: What you said to me it should be applied on yourself as well!!

309. I love how everyone's friendly to each other, it really feels like you'll always be welcome to talk to anyone

310. I can be anything... just not "enough"

311. You're so focused on this one person that you don't see someone else trying to get your attention. Not that people don't like you, it's just you pushing them away and not letting them in. Think about it carefully.

312. I don't know... but when i'm pushed away once I don't and won't bother that person again.

313. i wanna hit you in the face with my lips // why not hit your lips to his?

314. I admit that I really was hopping and liking to start knowing you. Somehow, you managed to awake a small interest towards yourself. However, right now, I don't know if that's good or not. I'm afraid...

315. Don't you think you are being too clingy towards him? // don't worry no one is as clingy towards everyone as jamm is; snorts

316. Vampire (Hyunsik) 1 hour ago Reply "I'll admit that I am interested" *rts cause a certain someone might not see it*

317. On my way of loving you, on giving you hope... I lost myself.

318. I want to possess you so bad. Every damn single time you touch someone else it just sours my mood. I'm afraid I'll snap one day and I don't know what I'd do.

319. it's only been 13 days so before i respond to the wall posts, i'm gonna gush about you again because you make all warm and fuzzy and happy and hhhh i can barely put my feelings into words

320. I don't know why I like him so much, I barely even know him. But I want to see all of him, I want to watch him, I want him to torture me and I hope he will let me in someday.

321. What if I'm just fighting a losing battle?

322. Desperate much? All over him

323. If you don't wanna talk to me, that's fine. Don't reply to me only when someone else shows up and you'd feel bad if you replied to him but not me.

324. Just let the pain remind your hearts can heal ♥ -dd

325. I still hate to see you cry, please don't baby :(

326. I want to see your busy

327. Why people these days

328. I will always be the cute little brother, you don't see that I like you but even if you did you'd never like me back, I'm simply someone who you see as his little brother...

329. 11.22.17 Hello~ to my future lovey, this is my confession for you. It might be stupid but I don't want to play around anymore. I am too broken right now but it's not just in my heart to give up because i know someday you will come to accept me just the way I am. I will wait for you. ♥ bp

330. Even though I have feelings for you, I will still love you even if you find someone else. Your happiness and safety is really all I need.

331. I don't know when or how I started to feel this way but I like you- and I don't think I will ever get to say it to you, so I will just do it here so that I won't regret later when you finally found someone. I hope that someone knows your worth, like how you are so precious to me.

332. I shouldn't like you and I'm so confused on why I actually do

333. I was happy for a while. Now. I don't know what I feel. Don't leave me out, please. I'm scared.

334. 12.23.17 Hey future lovey~ it's your future baby again~ hmm i think a lot of stuffs happened and I'm not going to lie it bothered me a bit. However when i think of it, I'm such in pain right now but then you'll come to completely heal me. I will wait for you ♥ -bp

335. Pure hearts always get broken.

336. Daehyun.. I know you're feeling down and maybe even a but scared but please remember that I don't hate you or even dislike you. I just need time to get over it, you never did anything wrong, I always knew that you wouldn't like me, it was quite obvious. I'm sorry for pushing you away like this. Mark

337. If not for my friends, I won't be here anymore.

338. You hurt me so much with your pretty face. You hurt me when you're here and also when you're not. Especially when you're not. Right now I just miss you so bad.

339. 11.24.17 Hey, i feel sad and tired today. I feel like a total . I hope you are not feeling like this right now or in the future lovey. I hope you are taking care of yourself well. I will wait for you. ♥-bp

340. 11.25.17 Hey, it's me. Today isn't different. . . Tired. I will wait for you. ♥-bp

341. 11.25.17 I'm sorry. It seems i won't be able to wait for you... I want a new beginning. This will be my last bp confession. I am sorry. -Jongdae

342. I want to bully jamm, he's just so ing cute.

343. if I would've kissed you back you wouldn't be this happy now

344. I can't but to think that you don't want to reply to me....seeing you rp with someone else and fooling around...why did i bother to make a comeback

345. I don't know who the is 343 referring to but I believe that person would be as equally happy if you had kissed him back. The only difference? They would have been happy with YOU. But well, you let 'em get away. Shame.

346. now i realy wonder if it's on purpose that you didn't reply me but when it's someone else you reply so quickly in less than a day... how long have i waited? 4 fking days thanks and what did i get? no reply.... Just tell me if you hate me or you don't want to rp or something at least.... /sighs/

347. You complain when noone likes you or have noone beside you but someone actually does, you push them away. is that because it's not who you want? then you're being biased/selfish and not giving those people a chance

348. When i don't give a anymore *laughs*

349. Ilhoon 1169 posts // not jamm; whistles

350. Hi. Just wanted to confess that I love everybody here. I'm so thankful to this place!!! Like legit no trolling. nods. And also since precious admin jamm want some confessions hue. Try to guess who am I. unu

351. If you want to be with someone else after all, go ahead.. I might still be there for you when time gets tough. I'm an egocentric savage but I may always be a puppy for your attention.

352.I'm 350 and very sad that jamm wasn't able to guess right. sOBS. But that's okay. I'm okay. /sulks/ //sobs

353. reduce some drama in your life please, it doesn't suit you. ps. cjamm this is not for you so dont think its for you. //I never do ;;

354. Cjamm [A] 19 hours ago Reply ngh who are you 350/sobs/ My name has two syllables and I live for spamming. ene

355. I don't belong here anymore.

356. I miss you, do you even miss me?

357. Why do I always miss you?

358. *sighs* I cannot anymore.

359. Never the same anymore, you're not the same anymore

360. Guilt tripping is that what you do best? Since it works on a trash like me congrats you succeeded in life :) Live your life happily and forget everything that happened okay? Im sorry. For what I am, just a trash. With regards, .........................

361. HEY ATTENTION ATTENTION STOP STOP WATHEVER YOU DOING AND GO TO CHANGMIN x JIHOON pairing house number 6 AND LIKE JUST LOOK AT THEM LOOK I am gathering the fanclub for their ship let's coo together!

362. Interesting...

363. 'I can assure you, it's not you. 100% not you' Wrong.

364. all is good now, past is the past. Moving forward and not thinking about it is the only way to go

365. Just the thought of maybe having to give up my happiness for someone else when they're not the only person to be in their situation completely shatters my heart.
366. It's that time of the year, again...Just to think that one year ago I was all dreamy, thinking about how lucky I was for having meeting someone so special, unique like you. Someone that seemed to easily bring me up to cloud 9. Someone that easily a few months later, took the ground under my feet and watched me be into the dark. Alone. You know what the saddest part? That I'm still trapped. Not because I still have any kind of feelings for you but yes because I want to know why. Why...what I did. That's all. I'm even afraid to open my heart because I don't want to do the same mistake and watch him go away. Not just like how it happened with you. I don't want to step wrongly and make someone leave again. But mostly...I'm terrified about the possibility for hurting him.

367. Almost 6 months

368. Once again made everyone sad because I'm nice


370. Jongsuk is cute when jealous

371. It's not a sin to have feelings for someone. Don't apologize

372. First love never last, but memories do.

373. I wish I could be someone important to you as much as you are important to me, but I don't think we'll get to that point

374. What to do? I don't think I have any chances left

375. I feel like you're starting to lose interest in me. Is it because I cant be around more often? I am trying my best to be there as much as possible but guess that's not enough /sighs. I will just try more yes

376. I wanted to ask you so many times if you loved me but I am too scared to try. I dont know if I'm scared to know or scared of you giving a different answer

377. I miss seeing you

378. We haven't known each other very long but there's something about you I hadn't expected. I can't explain how or why but... I think I'm starting to fall for you. And that scares me. I don't want to end up broken hearted...

379. I knew this would happen... I knew I would only be left heartbroken and full of regrets but I dared to hope that just maybe... But it was too good to be true. This is why falling in love terrifies me. It hurts too much, sitting as you go on without a care. I don't want to feel it anymore. - 378

380. When you don't want to seriously fall for anyone (cause you live to create havoc) and Jaewon sweeps you off your feet to the point you dream of cheesy pick up lines and yearn for him more than anything else

381. Do you ever look at someone and think "He is the one" ? because I do~

382. it's so hard to ask for someone to love me, to only look at me and when he is here to look for me, to hold me and to not let me go, to make me feel loved and needed, to feel possessive over me. it's too hard to ask for someone to go crazy because of me... it's too hard... because there is no someone who could feel like that towards me...

383. I feel like I am the only one who understands caring like this: whenever coming online even for short moment, run to him and hug him, let him know I miss him and think of him even if it's for one second at least do that. Why so far I was always the one to do so but no one else did? Is it really just me thinking like that?

384. I see you chasing after me however I'm to closed off to accept anything from you right now and yet I want to open up somehow. Why are you do this to me? What are you doing to me? I want you to stop but I don't at the same time. Toxic.

385. I thought you would care for me more, prove that I was wrong about relationships, but obviously that was too far-fetched of me. You really don't care and you don't even know me, yet you say that you love me? Get your head out of your . I'm done with this. // I feel you in so many levels

386. Is it really such a crime to believe that our love was so strong that asking to be mine was necessary? For all I know as soon as you say you love me your already mine. What the is wrong with people to think otherwise? Then to be blamed for not asking about your past because I don't want it to trigger you or upset you when I can't go back and change things for you. Is it really that bad?

387. Then to ing say I'm just like everyone else when you know damn well I'm not. I loved you fron the little I knew. Nothing else mattered. You were my world but you were so quick to start . It was my mistake thinking you were the perfect one for me. I don't do petty . Stop making it seem like I'm the ing bad guy when I'm not.

388. Petty confessions left in the open rather than approaching the person you're talking about is never the right way to go about things. You might lose someone you cared about, or someone who cared about you just a little too much.

389. I don't like you the way you like me and I feel so guilty for that.

390. Sometimes I wonder how long it will last...sometimes it lasts for years..months..weeks..days. I just don't want to hurt anyone like I did before and end up regretting letting those people go. Nothing is ever the same as your first and you wonder if the last is worth it...should I stay?

391. I really shouldn't be doing this...

392. What would happen if I just left? Would I be fulfilling your expectations or would someone care?

393. I wonder if he's forgetting abous us when he's not with me. What happens when he's over us, when he moves on and I'm stuck. Instincts tell me I should let go before it hurts me but here I am. Waiting with a smile.

394. i thought i was over you its been such a long time... apparentely not... it still hurts

395. watching you flirting around and falling for other people just got me so...... i dont even know... i just wanna shout at you and them but i cant cuz its not in my place to do so

396. There’s one thing that I told you bothers me the most. Please don’t say that I’m too much of anything. You know how much it hurts me yet you said it anyway...but should I forgive you because you weren’t sober?

397. You're my biggest 'what if'. And I still can't help treating you a bit more important than others. Is that wrong?

398. i really want to in slap your face... wth

399.i know you know i love you dammit... why you do this?

400. STARTED 2017.11.07
ENDED 2018.01.18







400. We are walking on this thin line and I somehow only see pain as the result

401. The worse thing that could happen to us is time and you're taking so much time baby. I play us out in my head but I will get tired of the dreams, the reality will disappoint me and l may be drifting away before we even get together

402. Your biggest mistake is having me in your life

403. I'm so lucky to have this certain person in my life that makes me feel so fuzzy and warm inside just by the mention of his name. Thank you for the million of butterflies in my stomach and for always brightening my day with just your existence. I'm irrevocably crazy for you. I love you, Ming.

404. I promised myself it won't happen cause I know your kind... But if you'll make a move,I'm not sure I'll be able to resist

405. You're finally losing interest in me... aren't you?

406. I can't trust people anymore

407. The feeling of wanting to give someone your everything..wanting to love, to cherish them unconditionally. I feel it for the first time. You absolutely don't want me to feel this way. I don't want to hurt you too. So what should I do? Why is everything so complicated?

408. I am getting addicted to you.

409. How is it that you keep impressing me with so simple ways?

410. just being with you feels like there's nothing to stand on. i just keep falling.

411. Are you playing hard to get?

412. I know the other you isn’t you, but I can’t help but still feel jealous. And when you’re him and not responding to me as the one that’s mine then it makes it worse. What do I do?

413. I was so happy but now it doesn’t quite feel the same, what’s going on?

414. I mess up everything. I got greedy for a day and ended up hurting someone who I was starting to become close with. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore, I’m an .

415. One day you will come to know that I'm not the one you thought you can have a forever with. You'll see all of my flaws and be disappointed in me, get bored of me, and then get rid of me...

416. ... That was everything I've ever wanted from you. But now you're more than willing to give it to somebody else. I can't really help but wonder what went wrong... What did I lack to fail from receiving your attention and love? But I guess, you just didn't want me, huh? Yeah. I get it.

417. I want love that'll consume me, take me whole, I want to love until it hurts

418. When those you love just don’t consider you a priority anymore all of them, to the point you could just leave and they'd certainly not notice at all.

419. I used to feel like 417 Not anymore

420. You'll never know how much effect you have on me. How you're slowly destroying everything that is me... I love you so much. I'll do anything for you.

421. He left me broken when he left. The connection we shared so so strong. But I pushed myself to be out there and now I met someone new. He makes my heart flutter when we hold hands and he makes my heart stop when we kiss. I don’t even mind when his lip stud pokes me :P // so sweet~

422. That feeling of just looking at him and I will think. "Such a beautiful person saved me from all of my misery" and all you want to do is love them unconditionally. Heck, I'll do everything to make sure that I'll keep him happy because, he makes me more than happy. More than anybody could :3

423. I hate the feel of wanting to avoid some people just for some other people’s happiness as I don’t wish to interrupt them.

424. I am sorry for hurting you, it was never my intention, I am deeply sorry.

425. Being a social person gains me a lot of acquaintances but only few friends. And guess what? Sometimes I wish I could go back to the time when I don't know anyone else and just with myself and my pair.

426. I still love you I want you back I want to be with you again you made me so happy before you left can’t we just get back together ;~;

427. I’m starting to think our love has an expiration date // love is not supposed to have it D:

428. Do you like them better and only me somethings?

429. Sometimes I question the reason of me being here. Questioning myself why I'm still staying when there's no reason to stay at all.

430. I want to get closer to you, learn more about you and not just have this lovely dovey relationship on the surface, but I don’t know if you want the same...

431. Yixing, I just want your attention...

432. Watching you and him together, doing all the things you promised me we would do... that's why I'm like this

433. I'm in such a desperate need for a daddy.. I can't live like this, not being taken care of or being who I am.. I seriously need a daddy but no one wants to talk with me..

434. I'm not the only little around here right..? I tell myself that every day, but I'm starting to think that I might be the only one..

435. Congratulation my love... i hope you be happy with him, but no one can love you like i do, even though your personality is boring.

436. You’re back and god it’s so hard not to jump into your arms and peck your lips like I used to. I miss being domestic with you but it seems you’ve moved on faster than I did because you won’t even really talk to me anymore. I miss you, I miss your arms around me, I miss us taki

437. I think I'm falling for you but I'll leave that to fate to decide if we were meant to be

438. I'm not a fan of these things but I do admit I miss a certain playboy with a soft heart around. Geez!

439. Is it too early to fall for you? I wonder when I started to have those fluttery feelings towards you. Although it is just the beginning but I think I like you

440. Really want to hug you and kiss you and hold you

441. When you lose hope of ever being with him and you just want to leave for he does

442. It was somewhat cold of you to appear friendly to me at first and completely ignore me afterwards. Did I do anything wrong?

443. Sometimes I can't help but feel alone and disliked, I try to reach out but either I get ignored after a while or I come out disagreeable. I'm like invisible sometimes but I try to best to be noticed . Am I just being too sensitive or people really hate me and I'm too stupid to realize it?

444. You promised you'd make me better, you'd help me lower my meds prescriptions, that you'd stay and would be the only one for me. Now you left me and I'm worse than I've ever been. I wish I could hate you but the truth is that I will always love you. You ruined me.

445. I thought you were a friend. I thought you cared. All I wanted was for you to say sorry. To at least /try/ to talk to me, instead of acting like nothing was wrong. I guess you prefer to grovel for your ty friends instead.

446. I don't need a friends who make me want to kill myself from guilt.

447. /spreads cupid dust to cheer people up/ please smile so you know the secret of cupid dust is... it's just glitter (goodluck washing it off hehe)

448. How does one properly be a /find love on here? I feel like you have to be in a certain clique to find it..

449. you know what's nice when you start to like someone? it's the feeling that makes your tummy tickle with butterflies, your cheeks heating up and it feels so warm and comforting. even though you're quite scared of falling for that someone, sometimes you just can't help it. it's nice falling for you.

450. Sorry for being a bother to couples and especially newly ones. I really do not mean it

451. Ever feel like when you walk into a room, everyone just stops being active and you like kill the vibe?? /raises hand/ because thats how i feel everytime i post something.. /sigh

452. It's funny how they can do it then I can't, really tho makes me want to just shut up so I did.

453. Urgh you make me want to just put down everything and make you mine immediately but I can't for now that is...

454. I'm a major hoe. Why do people like me sometimes?

455. Honestly I'm so torn apart... Why are you so precious...making me wanna keep you all to myself... +1 for being cute, +1 for being cool and handsome and +5 for being so precious

456. I fell for two person at the same time...help...i suddenly feel like a hoe :')

457. I think I'm in love with you, my heart always skips a beat when I see your message...I get nervous when you're online- Who am I even kidding... I've already fell for you completely, I love you. But I don't know if you will ever accept if I confess one day, wait for me while I collect myself first...

458. 453, 455, 456 & 457 are by the same person //oh really? e u e

459. although I fell for two person my heart already settled on one...

460. We are well hidden behind everything but everytime I see your message in the notifications I immediately read it and the reply always makes me feel soft...

461. It was not until recently that I want you all to myself, but I can't help it. I'm slowly getting all possessive over you...

462. It's kind of soon, but I'm really starting to like you. You seem so perfect. I can't help but smile when I see you. You make me feel so giddy and special. I'm not sure of your feelings though, and honestly, I'm scared to ask. You give me pretty mixed signals, so I'll just keep my mouth shut...

463. but what if it's an idea of me you like. What if you see me smile and you think that's all there is to know. Cause it's not. You don't wanna know what that smile hides.

464. I'm too chickened out to confess honestly, but I want to make a move soon before you fall for anyone else ; ^ ;

465. I think I just got friendzoned... I feel like an idiot. It feels like my heart is breaking, and I haven't even had the chance to give to you...

466. yeah, i am openly admitting that i have fallen for you completely. how could i not? you're so so sweet, and the way you'd caress my cheek is enough for my heart to go overdrive. it's too soon, isn't it? but i'm certain that i do like you so much. i'm giving my heart to you, take care of it. (1/2)

467. and as cheesy as this sounds, i would rather spend my whole entire day laying on the bed, being lazy and would end up getting even more fat, and would just stare at you and admire you the whole entire day. i'm so lame.. cai xukun, i like you, doesn't matter if you don't feel the same way. (2/2)

468. When you found yourself falling for someone that you know that won't ever be yours. I should just step away and let you be loved for someone suitable...

469. i'm so afraid i'll make the wrong decision...

470. Eottokhae? You are the king of mixed signals Dx

471. I knew it was you all along, those confessions were for you too... I fell too hard for you, I want you all to myself you know...My heart is already settled, I just want to love you and be with you I DON'T JUST LIKE YOU, I LOVE YOU I HOPE YOU KNOW THIS Q A Q (1/2)

472. I'M SORRY IF IT CAME OUT TO BE A VERY MIXED SIGNAL TO YOU, I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT ;; ^ ;; /cries/ come to me and love me please ;; ^ ;; /sobs/ (2/2)

473. My thoughts may be a mess the past few days, but my heart beats rapidly whenever i see you. When it finally settles down I know that I fell too hard for you. The way you just make me feel loved from the hugs and how you would just make me blush so easily from your sweet words.

474. I didn't know I made you feel like I was giving mixed signals honestly /cries/ I was wrong to not realise it earlier...

475. My heart already belongs to you, from the time I stole your first kiss.

476. I really thought we could be a thing. While I let my little, old school plan play out, it seems someone else caught your attention and maybe your heart. What if this time I don't want to lose?

477. Mh precious little puppy is now all mine I'm so happy

478. /Criessssss What am I doingm ㅠ.ㅠ 3 i'm such an idiot... I'll never be what you want...

479. I really like him.. And even though he claims to like me he's messing around with other people and I can already tell that his intrest in me is going to disappear and I'll be alone again. Why do I even try anymore?

480. /when you find yourself turn in between two spetacular but completely different men that make your heart flutter in different but so alike ways?/

481. I wanna kiss you, but I'm so scared it'll be a mistake, and you'll reject me.. ><

482. I low-key stalk you... okay more like high-key... I can't help myself. I just like you a lot, and idk if you like me back... you give me such feels... I hope you don't hurt me :(

483. Looks like lots of couples are forming and soon to be official, while here I am a bit bothered yet not caring too much of being single.

484. jinhwan, your dp is cute // oh my thank you <3

485. I want you. It's all new, I can't explain but I want to feel you lose sanity, I want to make you see stars. I want to be the one you'll run to for everything eventhough I have no idea how to make my case and make you mine.

486. I think you just broke me... I'm so stupid for letting you... It's going to be hard faking a smile around you from now on...

487. I don't know if I am doing things right. It's scaring me.

488. FML I wasted so much time on you... It ing hurts. I almost want to leave...

489. Tbh, I'm hurt ic and rather offended ooc.

490. Am I cursed? or do I fall for them easily? Both of them look busy.

491. You're an . Thanks for nothing.

492. I make way too many confessions. Like half of these are mine...

493. Hi Jinhwan. // why hello there

494. I'm cursed with this face. No one would ever think I could top. My personality doesn't help... No one wants someone twinky looking guy like me...

495. All proof of your existence has been erased. Only my memories remain. It almost seems like I was talking to a ghost... The joy your presence once brought me has disappeared, and I now feel more alone than ever.

496. As soon as I first talked to you, I knew we would be a perfect match. You're the only one that could possibly understand me and give me exactly what I need. However; some idiot is attempting to trap you into a relationship with them. You're a free spirit, and you deserve to make your own choices.

497. I like Jackson, but he doesn't see me... That's okay though. I ship him with Hyungwon ;;

498. Man, I really have no luck with pairs. Hahaha.

499. Ah, it hurts... Why do I feel so lonely.

500. He sees so much in you. He's more than I will ever be and it is a shame to even try to compete. I hope I can back down for your happiness. I hope I will be okay too.

501. He is so cute, kind, discreet and it hurts me to not be able to give him all the attention he deserves. I wish I had known I was falling for him, I wish I had fought for him. He doesn't deserve to feel lonely. I hope his pair will remind him of how precious he is, I hope the pain wears off.

502. CHRISMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

503. Kill them before they can hurt you. <3.

504. Everyday I always check if you are here and when I see you talk with others my heart skip a bit.. I know you won't notice me and I don't think you will recognized me too.

505. I said I have move on but why my heart still skipped when I saw you? Am I just fooling myself and you still affect me that much?

506. My life is already like a haunted house and you came, I thought you will be with me until we find the exit not thinking you are one of the ghost who will scares me to hell.

507. Everyday when I see you or even I don't I always pray that you are with me and not with him. I want to scratched you away from this man and have you forever in my heart. I'm so foolish that I didn't took the opportunity to have you in my life, now all I can do is to watch you loving him.

508. I check on confessions almost daily, imagining how you may have written some of these. All of these. It's a consolation and it's a torture to always look out for you. But I don't think I will ever stop, for obvious reasons.

509. Let me die in peace and bring my unrequited love to my grave.

510. “If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.” — Johnny Depp

511. Let’s not fall in love, we don’t know each other very well yet Actually, I’m a little scared, I’m sorry Let’s not make promises, you never know when tomorrow comes But I really mean it when I say I like you

512. johnny depp obviously doesn't know that the heart can love more than one person but you know why listen to an abusive rich man?

513. they try to clip your wings and chain you down. they don't know you. they want to build you up to be someone else but first they wanna tear down who you are. is it worth it? i don't think so. you're fine the way you are and if they don't like then they can just leave.

514. You looked so confident, charming and so damn y.

515. Thank you Jamm for pairing me with my person. I forgot what happiness was before them and now I can’t wait to make them smile for the rest of our days.

516. Can I call you mine? //yes, yes you can;shot

517. My pair is so nice to me already and we haven’t even really started our week. I hope I can make him smile more often and maybe quit smoking too

518. Can you really be mine?

519. For the first time you made me cry and you don't even know i got hurt.

520. When people don't understand that they can stand on their own two feets without having a partner, God..Life isn't about just finding a partner, you don't become a better you when you have a partner so I suggest to you all to stop being so needy and sad all the time. Start living your life instead.

521. Blah

522. Can we make things as it is? We are better this way. No string attached, no complications just fun and it is more enjoyable in this way that's why let's remain with what we have now

523. I'm tired of checking on you everyday but I can't stop myself from doing so. I just missed you a lot but doesn't have the courage to approach you.

524. Don't fall for me, I am a great pretender

525. Don't feel like you are unwanted, someone wanted you. Watching you from a far.

526. Trying to fill up my empty glass... yeah When I think of you, without knowing I get drunk, I’m getting drunk again....

527. Can't stop, tho I wish I could...

528. But I know I’m better with you

529. You better step it up or I'll get tired of waiting.

530. Seungkwan is too precious. And I feel like I am the worse person here.

531. Be happy

532. I ever so slowly start to feel like I no long have the purpose to stay here any longer

533. It's so tiring to be alive nowadays... Exhausting. I'd like to rest forever.

534. Stop thinking about me, stop watching me, you moved on, be happy.

535. Keeping yourself busy during the day just to stop thinking until the night comes and the unnecessary thoughts will run through your head like a wildfire.

536. Having a lot of things to say but it stays in your head because you are not good in words and doesn't know how and when to start. θ·θ

537. Why is it that some people get ignored?...like talk to them. Its sad and frustrating seeing that.

538. Everything I do, regardless of my intentions comes out wrong...explaining has no point, people believe what they want to believe. I just wish sometimes people would bother look pass my mask.

539. People says always be yourself and they will love you but this just hypocrisy. People won't love you unless you are good or you reach their certain standard.

540. Is it me or... Everyone that gets near me suddenly becomes popular?

541. Ooc: I am thinking of leaving rpr again. Getting really tired of drama.

542. Is it possible for you to hate a person even you haven't met him?

543. I love him. I love our small bubble of love but I fear it will pop

544. You make me remember a certain person from the past, I want to think that maybe because you have the same face and name but ... Damn! The way you answered me is almost the same as him

545. suggestions on who to stalk because i need to witness some lovey dovey to increase my life expectancy

546. I lose my chance and lose you completely. I love you but you love someone else. I came back for you but all my efforts are wasted because I am not man enough to fight for you and you have lost the love you have for me. It hurts but I am setting you free

547. i try to liven things up and maintain a fun atmosphere between us so you don't get bored of me but why does it feel like it's working against my favor? i miss you every single day. just one hi from you will make mine, but how long will i have to see your name come on and wait?

548. it hurts... that's why I doubted st first

549. Seeing you, still ing hurts. Im not sure what to do.

550. I need to learn how to give myself, how to cheerish someone and actually show it because keeping emotions hidden it's hard. Painfull. But I'm also afraid if I show it, they will push you away. What to do?

551. I'm getting tired. Honestly, I'm getting to the point that im thinking of just leaving. Seems like theres no point of me.

552. I confess that I'm overly head over heels over someone. Or better, someone's dashboard photos. Like, he looks so adorable with the pups, and kids and even in that children playground.

553. We are not how we used to be....our friendship is crumbling. But i cant do much, if youre not willing to help me survive this.

554. i miss u... i miss u so much it hurts

555. my crush.... he left ... ;-; right when i was starting to make my move ; ^ ;

556. I don't think I'm falling for you, but I'm - interested. I don't know what to make of it, but it's a strange feeling.

557. I think it is in my nature to have a broken heart. Why I always believe that someone could be that special one yet in the end I am not good enough, everyone are the same, they don't need baggage like me. Sorry to ruin you all, for people who have come in my life I am sorry...

558. So, are you happy now?

559. Some people here deserve better. It’s sad to see people fall for the wrong person.

560. I like to be reminded that I am useless piece of crap and nobody needs me afterall... yeah... a lot... // so not me

561. I will... I will wait for you even if it will take years I will be here, waiting... for only you, Choi Seunghyun and nobody else. // I love you

562. Have you ever wondered how it must have felt for them, when they came back from rl, just to find out that their world has been crushed, not one person but two

563. I can be really annoying sometimes, like nobody wants to talk to me or go away when I came up... will shut myself up I guess

564. They suppose you're always in the mood to bend to their moods, to find new interesting topics, new hangouts for them to enjoy like you owe it to them. Like they are so exceptional you should do all the work while they sit back and wait. Damn I'm so done. I'd rather be alone.

565. We used to mean a lot to each other. I'm just not sure anymore.

566. I don't want to disappoint you and I want to live up with your expectations but putting me in pedestal is draining me.

567. I like you so much..from the start i've always liked you, but you always liked someone else. I wish to tell you my feelings, but i cant. I dont want to ruin us, our friendship. We'll see how this story ends.

568. To have lasted for more than a year (something which I didn't even notice I'm sorry!), even though we barely talked with each other for the past months. It even took weeks, sometimes months before you get a response. Yet you still kept on waiting. Thank you for staying. Love you lots my Ongskie.

569. I like you so much. I want to hold you in my arms and fall asleep with you...I want to give you kisses all day and all night. Be mine. Let me give you all of my love. I love you just the way you are

570. Heesu. I love and miss you. I can never get enough of you...

571. Guilt tripping is not the right way. Give the guy a rest.

572. I want to call you out for all the things you do, you are lucky I stay away from drama. // idk who you talking about but damn,same - JH

573. And...I'm ready to let you go. Be happy. I believe your happy ending is near, I just hope you see it too. However, you'll forever have part of my heart. Thank you.-MB

574. You are not around much but when you are you take my breath away...

575. I think of all the time we spent together...I feel like I'm losing a piece of you each day. Im trying to be understanding. But I miss you so damn much I hope I get to see you soon...at least once. I hope to see your cocky beautiful smile once more...that beautiful smile I fell in love with.

576. Time is not so kind for us but I am happy that we crossed each others road and now you are just part of a beautiful past, farewell my friend until we see each other again.

577. You're not the only one who's been hurt. I can't make all the efforts alone, fail me once and I'm gone.

578. I miss my baby j. I miss him so much. I missed out on christmas and at this point idek what to offer him I just love him so much I wish I could give him the world

579. I feel like you just like the idea of having someone that may stay, you don't really like me do you?

580. I wish you'd make an effort for me. I wish you'd do more for me. Cause I want to give it all to you. I will surely settle for your minimum and end up heartbroken anyway

581. Do you really think we were anything to each other if we were never with each other?

582. I guess I lost my chance, huh? Heh...it's fine. Just be happy, whatever you do, whoever you're with.

583. Jinhwan, you're adorable pup // o-oh thank you - JH

585. We're not the same anymore...You changed... You're not here as much, and you're busy with something..or someone..I don't even know anymore. I miss how it used to be one year ago. I want to deny myself but why do I feel like slowly giving up?

586. You saying that hurt more than anything...

587. I miss you baby. I love you and I miss you. But if you're drifting, it must mean I'm not enough for you somehow. This idea will expand in my head, eat all my patience up and it's a matter of time before I give up on us.

588. Can you please stop writing switch on your application if you are just going to be bottoms? I don't see the point in that

589. Every time it feels like we might be getting somewhere you'll just mia and we have to start all over again. Frankly, I can't keep on doing that.

590. Are Seunghyun having affair with Seonghwa?

591. Every time...I get shut down. Is something wrong with me? Why are you so afraid? I am so sure about my feelings, are you?

592. I'm sorry, but I think I'm kinda crushing on you

593. I want him back. I'll be better for him. I'll love him and spoil him every single day. I just want to be with him so much nothing else matters.

594. He barely knows me yet he's so curious about the people I fancy. I love that he wants to fight for me, shyly but with all his might. It's the kind of Love I want.

595. I thought we could be friends but it pains me seeing you with someone else. Maybe it's better if we simply break parts, right?...The sad part? You don't know how much you /still/meant to me.

596. It's ok if you don't want to be my friend, I'll understand, you mean a lot to me as well

597. OMG I think I like you

598. You're the ultimate best. I wonder if I would be able to let go of you, gems like you are a rare thing to find.

599. I feel like I don't belong...

600. Sometimes I worry you would think that I'm taking you for granted. But I'm not. So please trust me on that. <3

601. I'm tired, I am not sure if I can still hold on...

602. I think I had enough of our fights... you and I don't know how to be together we just don't

603. we are just not meant to be

604. how twisted my love is... I still long for you I still love you

605. DON'T let go of my hand anymore I beg you

606. Why do I keep liking you so much? Why you?

607. I thought we could be something... but maybe I was wrong, like always.

608. hyunjin makes me wanna get another character and woo him, he's that adorable

609. What if I want to be that person that'll heal your heart? I had no intention to be but now I think that... Maybe... If you'll give me the chance?

610. i want to get laid so bad...

611. I want to claim you in front of everyone babe and you know it.

612. Isn't it too soon?

613. sorry for staring at you all the time and laughing too loud and having a shaky voice when you tell me beautiful words that weren't made for people like me.

614. Woojin dear, you're getting in the way of my 2hyung ship // cupid's soul is hurt ;; did you just call me bad cupid

615. Hmm, I wonder if someone has caught Hyungwon's attention...

616. 안괜찮아.

617. ....You are the worst.

618. ...You are really the worst.

619. You are really the worst

620. nobody can even notice if I am gone, how funny...

621. I wish I can stop thinking about you. I can't help but keep wanting your arms around me.

622. There is always three side of a story: yours, his and the truth.

623. Can i sue you for making me feel this way?

624. how to not get jealous, esp when the other person doesn't belong to you.

625. should i wait? move on? don't i deserve better? // you deserve the best

626. Love is like cooking sugar, it taste sweet at first but after placed in the fire for the long time it will burned and taste bitter. Don't put your love in difficult situation or else it will fade and cause both of you a heartbreak. Learn from your past and be hopeful it won't happen again.

627. thank you for hurting me until the end

628. I can't help but feel played

629. you are right to be insecure, cause he is worth so much more than what you give, but instead of whining like a about it be the man he deserves

630. Now that, Hyungwon is back. Can we get the 2Hyun now, please? They are too cute to resist

631. People should always be careful in opening their mouth, it maybe their opinion but some opinion is better unsaid than hurting others feeling because of your nonsense thought.

632. This is dangerous

633. Please stay with me, I will be lost without you.

634. Roses are red, violets are blue.... Just that, thank you

635. One day, when you get tired of me, or when you meet someone better, someone you like more than me, and if you wish to be with that person. I will gladly let you go, not because I don't want you to stay, but because your happiness matters the most to me and I will always be around.. for you.

636. Is this your way of telling me that you're not interested?

637. i don't know what i'm doing anymore.

638. I will kill you softly with love

639. Hyungwon and Luhan going strong.

640. Is it possibel to crush one more than one guy?

641. Why do I always fall for people I can't have? I'm just hurting myself.

642. saw it coming, just not this early

643. Hey #638. I know you suffered a lot. You can tell me when today was tough, you can cry to me, you can vent all you want. I am here. To me you are very precious, never a burden. I will hug you. I will love you. I love you.

644. If only I can be honest with myself. I like you, but he's a better match for you. He'll be there for you when you need and I won't know what to do with you even if you're right there in front of me. He knows you more than I am ever able to and I see that you're comfortable in his arms, but i can't help but want you too.

645. you meant everything and made me feel like nothing...

646. I love you...

647. Don't lead him on. You know damn well that he's crazy for you, and only you. So if you're not interested, might as well make it clear that you have your eyes on someone else, instead of giving him all the false hopes. Cause we all know, that he's a good catch.

648. The beginning is sweetness and ending with bitterness.

649. can all those who confess can say to whom it for, it's hard to think who is who and to whom is whom.

650. doc and prof is too obvious, just go and each other

651. I think it's disgusting how you mess with a taken man...

652. I've been here for so long and the longer I seem to stay the more it starts to feel like I'm brand new. I'm not stupid if you don't like me then say it. If you want me to leave I'll go.

653. You dont need me anymore, you can smile and be happy without me now. I guess I can go knowing you'll be okay.

654. It hurts seeing you with him, but this just shows me that you and I are not meant to be at all, thank you for everything 'till now.

655. He is such an attention er annoying anyone... I just really want to hurt him mess with his brain and make him hate himself because he is annoying the hell out of everyone but I can't give you up just to fuxk with some guys head like that and you are way more important to me

656. what guys even find in hyungseok? how come he always end up with the hottest guys?

657. it's funny to see how people can change partners that easy like they are just exchanging their clothes.

658. Spread love, legs, not hate.

659. i want to be spoiled too. daddies where you at.

660. it seems like no matter what I always put your happiness before mine, so here I am killing myself from the inside just so you can get your happiness again

661. I am the worst, all I do is to hurt people around me.

662. It's a useless fight. Just don't let yourself get hurt. Things will get better for you. It's okay, you can get through it. From me to me.

663. Jisung and Eli are so nice. Both individually and as a couple, they're just nice and sweet to everyone. I hope one day I can be their friend. // they really are, people need to stop ting - JH

664. I'm disgusted with how fast people move on one day they get dumped and left alone with what they have left and the next second they are already throwing themselves at the next person as if the person they say the loved never even existed

665. You make me feel so confused. Should I be feeling this way? Do I have the right to? I don't know what to do..

666. coffee x bean ftw

667. Stop falling for me. I am not someone that you want to love. I am not the kind that will be there to break your fall if you keep falling.

668. i feel like my heart wants to burst out of my chest with you. I either want to snuggle against you, have you my hair and leave kisses to my hair. But I also want to squeeze you against my chest, kiss you and spoil you with my love.

669. rated r slightly: i never really got to /top/ in my past relationships, but i suddenly want to please you too. what are you doing to me...?

670. I feel so guilty thinking this. You have been so kind to me. You take care of me and show me lots of affection. But I want more. I get so jealous when you talk to other people but not to me. But I can't ask you for more. I don't want to smother you. I don't want you to lose interest in me.

671. You're slowly slipping through my fingers and there's nothing I can do but watch you go.

672. I feel like the real matchmaker because everyone I'm paired with falls in love with someone else by the end of the week orz // you know you can just make friends meanwhile that happens do not let it be a reason you stop talking with your pairs.

673. All I wanted was you to be honest with me. I don't need the pity love.

674. I want to cry...

675. Tell me how You feel cause the way you act is confusing me...

676. Sorry for being jerk boyfriend... but I do love you... so much... I hope you can see...

677. I hope this confession thing on the dating show works... /faints/ well.... there is someone.. im not sure if I really like him or not.. I just feel very weird with him.. like very bubbily and very happy.. what should I do?

678. I should have not believed you when you said it was OK to tell you

679. someone said we are better off if we break up... but I don't want that...

680. You wouldn't understand how it feels like until he does the same as you do. Then you will learn to stop taking him for granted.

681. both hendery and junguwu are a great catch. if you don't see it then all of you are ing blind.

682. Anyone down for a good ? //if you want to only this isn't a place for you, sorry

683. Not sure how I feel about my pair getting cozy with someone else before I've had a chance to get to know him

684. I really don't know how to treat Shohei when he starts acting jealous..... Is that a dirty enough secret?

685. I like you. I haven't felt this way around someone in a really long time. But I can never tell you, and that kills me.

686. I haven't been here that long and it feels like I got in the way of people...even made someone mad...I didn't mean to do either...I don't even know how to apologize. Should I just hide with my pair?

687. If you don't want him, let me know. I won't hesitate to snatch him from you. He deserves someone who genuinely cares for him

688. Have some consistency in your behaviour please? If you don't want someone to ask you about your personal matters then don't tell them anything in the first place. Don't suddenly get all defensive and act like people want something from you. Nobody cares. -_-

689. i feel disgusting...

690. I really like him, but I'm scared he'll get bored of me and move on to someone else... ><

691. I like him so much, yet everyone keeps doubting me.

692. He's amazing, and I'm nothing, no one. How long will I be able to keep him looking at me?

693. I've never had this connection with anyone else before. It was pure magic. I don't know how to show it to you. But I'll keep trying. Always.

694. You have some guts accusing me of inconstancy, when all you were ever interested in was .

695. You never even tried, all you do is blame everyone else

696. He tastes so good.

697. It's difficult not to think about the time you were mine

698. You're hotter than you've ever been. Stop putting yourself down. //self love, love

699. Sometimes I think we're on two different planets and we'll never be able to communicate.

700. I'm always in pain.

701. I should have protected you

702. I wouldn't have made it through those hospital days if it wasn't for you.

703. When you look at me like that, I feel like I need to say please and thank you and be nice.

704. I want to imagine the house we'll have together too.

705. You rush into things and you get burned, learn from it!

706. You make me feel like I'm wrong all the time

707. I wanna dance with you everyday

708. I don't care how broken you are

709. It's stupid to dream about those nights

710. If you pull too much I'm going to break

711. If I was free, would you let me claim you?

712. Big feet, big . it was true... RIP to my ...

713. Geun Suk is a grumpy man with a prime . ;)

714. I just want him to grab me and me. No warning, nothing. Just rip my clothes off and ravish me...

715. Joonkyung kinda scares me tbh... //but he is soft teddy ;v;

716. I think he's already bored of me... :(

717. I worked so hard for the little that I have And then I see people who have what I do and then some Do you have enough points for that?

718. Why does this hurt? I love him but seeing you with someone... We're just friends We've always just been friends Why do I want to cry?

719. hendery hendery henderyy henderey hendery hendery hendery hendery hendery

720. I feel like Jungwoo is secretly // yes he is

721. Yo that Jungkook dude is seriously hot!!! I've only seen him around like once but hnnngh. That's a y man...

722. Jiyong is super cuteeee he seems really happy with Hwa! I'm happy for them :)

723. My boyfriend is the only sanity I have left in this place...

724. Would things be different if we hadn't met?

725. You make me waver and then move on to someone else so quickly when I couldn't answer you. Sounds to me like you're desperate for a relationship. Was there an ounce of your feelings for me that was ever true?

726. I'm sick of your lies.

727. this ing hurts. you said you wanted me and i was ready to give you all of me but i turn around and suddenly we became nobody...

728. was we worth those lies? are you happy now?

729. If I kissed you like I did the other day and said that I think Im in love with you, would you leave him and come to me again?

730. Yeonjun is hot and cute and seems like a fun guy, and I'm honestly interested, but he got paired with someone else...

731. jealousy hurts.

732. i'm stressed. someone come play with my thighs. :(

733. I know it makes me a bad person but I can't be happy for them. I hope their pairing fails.

734. I hope you are happy knowing that you drove someone out of their place by being a to them.

735. If you knew how significant you are in their lives and yet still did that then you are a insensible creature.

736.This place might as well be advertised as a rp. Don't even come up with excuses saying no when all the main admin does is with his pair. Pity the rest of the people in here that are looking for a real relationship and not just . // yes we have but surprisingly we didn't even do it in public and in our vacation such wow it was only bj and it is called that I have 24/7 just cuz you ignore everytime we cuddle and focus on negative, someone who is only for a week and left should not judge this place and focus on roleplaying we are surrounded with different kind of people not judging them, who want ok get paired with who want , who is chill gets paired who is chill according to their app that's it.

737. " is the only way to prove that they love me as much as i want them". Oh boy, it's time to learn new ways to prove your love then.

738. Y'all who degrade others for doing things then you also did the exact same things, y'all really disgusted me // ?????

739. ♥♥♥ Jammy says be postive and take part of Christmas Ball, make new friends and roleplay ♥♥♥

740. Why are the people that keep whining about being lonely also the people that ignore or are super rude to me when I try to give them attention? ;; If you're so lonely, maybe you should make an actual effort to talk to people and approach them instead of just complaining all the time.

741. Hello my little star, you should know how excited I am to be able to call you mine, although we have not made things official yet. Judt wait, because I have a little plan just for you. People who think you're weird can off because they're jealous that they're just boring. You're my universe. ♡♡

742. Those three words are on the tip of my tongue, but it's too soon to say them, so I'll hold them back a little longer. uwu

743. You're making it so hard not to jump your bones, and I'm really trying to respect you... , I wanna kiss you so bad...

744. I think Myungsoo is really cool c:

745. Is it really love if all you do is fight? //but I do love him...

746. My sweet little star, isn't it crazy how we havent fought yet? I don't think I could ever fight with you, you would probably cry and I would probably kick myself for making you cry... well, I wanted you to know that you have the brightest smile out of everyone here. ♡♡♡♡♡♡

747. I imagined it so many times played it out in my head a stranger meeting a stranger the sounds you would make the why my fingers would touch you. And then we would part as if we never meet as the strangers we are.... But it will never happen we both belong to someone else....

748. Sometimes I feel like people have it out for me, and I'm not even sure what I've done... :/

749. Sometimes I just want to cuddle, watch movies and have a nice conversation with you. And other times I want to or be ed, roughly and passionately, until I can't move.

750. Feels bad when u like someone but watch him and some other person get close to e/o

751. I think I'm starting to like you, I think.

752. I'm the star, and I sit on top of the tree uwu ♥

753. Every time he flirts with me my heart goes boom boom boom!

754. I know I was in a dark place amd wasnt happy with what had happened. But I managed to settle myself from it. And just take what good that was coming from it.... Or at least I hoped it would be good.... I've already lost what little support I had. My closest friends having left, one because I (con)

755. (Co) wasn't a good enough friend to see his own mental pain. And now you've pushed me back to a dark place. Making me doubt that I could ever handle what will be coming. (Cont)

756. (Con) or that I care more for myself and my body/looks. I already doubt myself.... And now I don't know how I could love anyone... When I cant even love myself. I dont have the confidence anymore. I dont know if I can keep this little life... This doubt hurts more and more.

757. I know I deserve better than the way you treat me, but I don't want to let you go.

758. I just hate how pretentious some people here are.... saying they look for love but all they want is their ex back... saying they want someone that respects them but going for the first stalker that shows interest... saying they want someone special but are all over the first person they meet...

759. I can't say it to your face yet, but I love you, hyung.

760. I feel bad because my pair is sweet but there's just no spark between us...

761. I wanna sit on his face, but I don't know how to ask for that...

762. I hope Xukun gets a nice boyfriend uwu

763. All I want for Christmas is someone that will see me for who I am, that will be with me because of me and not just because I'm there....

764. Strangers to friends to strangers

765. I wished I have the courage to ask if they want to drop a plot that they never replied to instead of leaving me hanging

766. dont write about other couples when you literally have a ty relationship yourself.

767. For someone who claims to hate drama, you seem to live for it...

768. I don't want to spend Christmas alone...

769. I don't know u are avoiding me or not at this point

770. When you kissed me, I thought it meant something

771. How can I even catch your attention? When he’s so much prettier, so much sweeter, so much more innocent

772. Why do people complain they can’t make friends but they just never try?

773. I’m a , no one will ever like me, least of all myself

774. I love him. And I love our life together.

775. I wish I had the courage to kiss you in front of everybody else. Would you notice me then? Would you push me away? Would you swipe over me like the mistake I am?

776. In your arms, I feel special. But I know you got someone else in your mind.

777. Just use me and toss me away. I’ll be ok. That moment is better than nothing.

778. I feel like there is something dishonest about you....

779. The time we spend together is counted. You are barely here now, and I miss you. I miss you so much. And I start to get inside my head, and wonder. Wonder if I should stop. Am I not good? Do I like you too much? Is the spark gone? I dont know how long I'll last. Because i too get tired of waiting

780. I think it's actually great...i feel how you'll be a perfect fit

781. You act like you are a saint, a good person, the victim to every situation you are in, but i know you are actually quite the opposite. I'm just glad i backed away in time cause being close to you is poison

782. Thats right... I'll always be background noise. It hurts hearing it from other people. I'll always be the player on the sidelines...the last thought in someone's head. I've always known that but its different hearing it...brings back memories I wish to forget.

783. You are worth loving for.. it will not be me but I will always love you, care for you. I hope you find someone that loves you the way you are

784. Rejection is never fun

785. Love is a beautiful thing. Sadly not for me

786. why do i feel that everytime he goes close to somebody... i feel jealous and want him to do it to me instead.. is this jealousy? but i known him only for a few days /sighs/

787. Well... whenever i see him being close to someone.. or doing things with someone.. i have this feeling in me and really want him to do it on me instead... is this really jealousy? I only met him for a few days /sighs/

788. No matter what.. i will always wait for you, watching over you

789. I like you

790. Jiyong, are you really happy? You deserve better, and I hate to see him not treasuring you more.

791. It seems like I'm a professional at getting friend zoned. I don't wanna do this all over again...what should I do?

792. So this is how it feels like to be heart broken. Wow

793. hold my hand... please... don't let it go or i will drown.. i'm begging you, someone, anyone..help me..

794. I barely know him but I miss him...

795. a disappointing valentine's day to be honest. I don't know what I was expecting but I kinda was let down

796. you're impossible, i swear. how can i not want you when you're messing with my head like this? . i really like you.

797. I hope you're happy with someone that would attack your friends just to get close to you. They seem like a real winner. Relationship goals, right? At least I'm not the only person with problems toward them. Just the most recent. Makes you wonder if they're a good person or just good at lying

798. For sake lol don't be so stupid

799. I love being ignored...always happens to me // darling, please make sure you scream out to people sometimes they are in heated convos but if you don't just write *pops in room* or just *stares* etc and actually approach people it might go better.

800. STARTED 2018.01.18
ENDED 2020.03.26







800. I feel sorry for hyungseok, he deserves so much better than the s messing with him up until now

801. I'm free from the sadness and pain. It lingers in the depths of my heart but i feel so much better. I'll be back when I'm mentally ready

802. I refuse to change anything if I can have a forever with you like this.

803. I'm getting mixed signals from you and i don't know what to do...

804. I want to have you to myself but if you won't be happy then what is the point?

805. Since i can't say this to your face i'll say it here: iloveyou i loveyou i love you.

806. Maybe I'm just not worth it. // everyone is just patience baby, maybe it's not the time yet even though you wish to be loved right now deeply u.u

807. I feel like...I know I'm not your priority. And I hate it. But I hate myself for feeling that way.

808. I'm (not) fine.

809. Lets hope so // for what?

810. I feel like I've been left behind. Like even if I chase you, you'll slip right through my fingers...

811. Chased him when he's single, abandoning him when he's finally yours. I pity him.

812. For once, I just want you to miss me as much as I miss you.

813. Why am I doing this to myself? It hurts...

814. people move so fast these days, you're gone for a few days and everything changes. It's getting harder to catch up

815. You and he are being together for a long time. I keep on checking the couple's room but can't find your names there, I saw you in your pair room and it makes my hope higher but what if it's part of your plot... I guess... I should... let this feeling go or... wait a little longer... maybe wait more

816. I keep having bad thoughts... /sighs/ I keep thinking he could have been mine if not for some people... why? am I not satisfied with what I have currently? Or is it cuz im not getting what I want

817. I feel pissed... you said you feel bad for not replying but you don't even bother replying to what I tagged you or even continuing with what happened in the rooms... when you talked with your other characters

818. i must be pretty unlucky when it comes to relationships /chuckles and shakes my head/

819. Don't you see how vulnerable you make me? Then again, how could you, when you're never even around to see.

820. Its funny how pain makes you question why you still bother to be here

821. Am i that forgetful?

822. I like being alone the most, but it seems like your presence is better than my solitude. That's how much I appreciate your presence. I love you. +1

823. You're my favorite. My favorite eyes to look into. My favorite way to spend my night. My favorite name to appear on my phone. You're my favorite everything +2

824. "remember there's sunshine after the rain. Everything will be better in due time, so cheer up and smile." "I may be busy but I will try to be your listening ears and crying shoulder. I love you and I will always will." I will cherish this words forever +3

825. Stop blaming people for things they can't control

826. I liked you from the moment you walked in, but I am never going to admit it to you, you giant idiot

827. I'm so tired of trying now... it doesn't make any difference, I'm always left behind and forgotten about anyway, so what's the point in trying any longer? // if you really don;t feel good here it will be sad to see you go but look at dongho he tried and tried without getting paired 'cuz he didn't fit anyone's ideal type and yet look at him now. He has reached his happiness.

828. I swear you're playing with me... why am I even looking at you

829. i miss you so much.. and i dont know if i will ever manage to find someone as crazy as you, who fits into my life as well as you did... i dont think i will ever be able to love someone as intensely as i loved you.. but i really have no choice but to move on now

830. why do i always feel so lonely even when i know i have people there for me? i know its not true but i cant help feeling that there is no one who is there in the way i want them or need to be... its a weird feeling

831. i love the fortune cookie owo it is adorable and it brights the mood for everyone. pls stay forever cookie <3

832. Holy , like holy you're so my type- but I'll never admit it

833. You push my buttons in all the right ways...

834. I enjoy a good power struggle...turns me on like crazy

835. I'm always too late.

836. Stop treating everyone the same, I don't know if you're flirting with everyone.

837. Don't think I have a single affectionate bone in my body. Everything having to do with it more or less annoys me.

838. I'm very strongly monogamous, but hate would be so hot.

839. I'll just get back up on my feet and try again.

840. I feel myself drawn to you, I think I'm gonna end up liking you so much, but I don't think I'm your type. What should I do? I don't want to get hurt again.

841. Is it okay to have hope? Am I allowed?

842. I like some people here but I really want to leave because of the toxicity that surrounds me. Stop. I'm trying so hard not to dislike this place.

843. After being here for around a month, I realized that this place is just very toxic. If I didn't have people I'm attached to then I'll just leave.

844. i don't know where my love life is headed and that kind of scares me

845. i have a huge crush on Miyavi

846. Everyday seems like torture but I know I put this upon myself. Cheers

847. If I fall, I'll fall hard and everyone will get hurt.

848. This thing between us seems to be a never ending cycle. And it seems that at the end I'm the stupid one that get hurts every single time. Just for hoping for you to notice me. But that doesn't happen. And I should break this cycle. Just know that you were and are a very special person to me.

849. cant you see.... im trying hard.... you said you are too, but you arent

850. finally someone said something about his stalking. you can stalk us...but just keep it to yourself. i would bring up about how he always tackles the person I’m going after every time they show up, when he has a man himself...but I won’t say anything...let’s just say I feel annoyed whenever I see it.

851. I'm in so much trouble already, but dammit... I don't think I can stop.

852. i told myself i wouldn't fall, cause falling means getting hurt, but here I am, plummeting to the ground and you looking the other way

853. is this anonymous confession room still active? If so, i wish you two all the best. I'm sorry I ever fell for you.

854. It hurts, cause you paid more attention to him than me.. i was ignored and it hurt but you wouldn’t know that would you?

855. why bother constantly putting in the same boundary only for it to be ignored and straight up disrespected. if you know it's gonna upset me, stand up for me.. because I'm so ing tired of standing up for myself to your friend. literally, the third time this has happened in one way or another and I'm sick of it.

856. i mean, it doesn't matter that i like you, does it? i'll just watch from the side lines cause i'm probably not the one you would choose between him and i.

857. I act tough, but deep down I just want to be hugged sometimes...

858. If you don’t like me, just tell me. Don’t act like everyone here will and should deal with your mood swings. One moment playful, next takes everything to heart. // this sounds like Jammy and Jammy is just ball of emotions it is not because we do it on purpose sometimes it just happens

859. I apology but I felt like I am too toxic for you. I decided to end it because I seem to hurt you, and end up hurting myself. So I decided that, we shouldn't be paired anymore. And I'll take some time away. It's not your fault, it's mine.

860. I miss you.

861. do you know how rude you actually are? one of these days, it's gonna get you punched.

862. i don't know what to do anymore. Do I wait around for you and feel needy and demanding? Or do I possibly hurt you and also myself in the process?

863. I hate that I noticed I felt some sort of way for you. If I try really hard maybe I can ignore it so I dont make anyone uncomfortable

864. Why is Kangmin is gosh darn cute? Like really. You are making me want to be yours way too much... Stop it.

865. i get the spam room is a spam room, but if you're gonna say the same tagged things over and over again, maybe do it on your walls instead.

866. i mean... he's not the only person there right? other people are there too?.. no need to be rude

867. I can understand the importance of wanting people to participate in the event. Admins work hard in creating an environment for us to enjoy. But constantly demanding people to join is really annoying. For me, it makes the event off putting to have someone constantly hounder how you enjoy your time here. //Jammy puts a lot of work there and seeing only 6 people participate out of 70 hurts...

868. You’re very self-centred, did you know that?

869. "me me me" thats all you talk about? you're boring

870. Rejection. Am I right?

871. Why can't you see that you are worth it?

872. becoming more and more depressed with no outlet or anyone to talk too. I need help.

873. I'm done. It's time that I stop playing nice.

874. Should I just quit and leave everything behind? Should I start anew and never look back? I'm tired. Just so so tired right now. I hate feeling this way and I feel like the most likely solution is to run away. It seems like there's nothing for me here but bad things.

875. He can't seem to see that I'm right here for him. I don't know what else to do.

876. so you cut me off... just like that.. i thought i was your best friend...

877. I let you in once again for you to dissappear on me. I truly must like the pain of your love. I have to try and say goodbye right? I just want love...warm fuzzy love.

878. I don't want to think about it but everything hurts. Why?

879. Maybe actually do some rping for points rather than send . in the room. That’s what you’re there for, right? // i guess this was ooc

1000. STARTED 2020.03.26

Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 8 months ago
until I find some new layout for this
this is an update
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 8 months ago
oh rpr doesn't accept this layout no more it throws error when i update it even tried to add it in other page
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 8 months ago
haven't updates this in ages omg i wonder did anyone confess
Choi Seunghyun (Sleeping Beauty) 8 months ago
for my 7777 pts

I want to say that this person is my Roman empire

Choi Seunghyun (Sleeping Beauty) 10 months ago

For the most amazing person, happy birthday
Cjamm (Cupid) [A] 1 year ago
Choi Seunghyun (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
I'm pissed.
Choi Seunghyun (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
we belong together
Hwang Minhyun (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
I'm back and i'm sticking
Haechan (Vampire) 1 year ago
In hindsight, I'm happy for you and at the same time... it hurts me still. It's been months...
Nunew (Elf) 1 year ago
This is no secret, but I love you~
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
*** ****** *** *** ***** **** **** *** **** **** *** *******
[post deleted by owner]
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
** ** ** *****, ** ****** ****, ******* ** ** * ******* ***** ** ***** ****** **, ** ** ******* ** *****
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
** **** *** ****** ******* ** *** * *** ***** ** ************
** * **** ******** ************* * ****** ***** ** *********
******* ** ** ** ******* ** * *** ***** ** ***********
[post deleted by owner]
Hwang Minhyun (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
i havent feel anything for so long.
San (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
i just want to **** * but :’)
[post deleted by owner]
Hwang Minhyun (Sleeping Beauty) 1 year ago
I really want someone to rp with
Heechul (Bunny) 1 year ago
"if people aren't listening to you then stop talking to them, because you are devaluing yourself by offering speech to an audience that do nothing but rejected"
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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