❾ N & N


kim taehyung & mino


pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Suho (Maid) 2 months ago
@Song Kang Ah, I see.
/nods my head and thinks that you might be a really wealthy man for having your own butler/
Of course. If we have time, I'll show you around after that.
/smiling at you and start leading the way towards the building/
They'll like it, Kang. Sometimes, we ordered sushi for our lunch.
/opens the main door, inviting you inside and helping you put on the indoor slippers/
There are 3 classes here. I'm the homeroom teacher for the first class. My kids are all excited to meet you after I told them about you, Kang.
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 2 months ago
@Suho / an eyebrow at your question then quickly realizes who you're talking about/
ah, right. he's my butler— don't mind him much. he's just here to help me with the boxes and will leave with a different car after.
/tips my head to the side of another vehicle before shrugging nonchalantly and smiling again/
how about you lead the way for us? i'm excited to meet the kids and your colleagues. i hope they'll like sushi as well.
Suho (Maid) 2 months ago
@Song Kang /my face turns slightly red over your compliments and smiles shyly/
Heh thank you~
/blinks my eyes when I see a man who's carrying two boxes inside the school/
Who is he, Kang?
/immediately rush to you to help you, takes the keys/
Alright. I'll help you with it.
/goes to your car and unlocks it before open the door, taking out the sushi box and closing the door, walking back towards you/
Let's go
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 2 months ago
@Suho hey teach! wow, you look dapper.
/directly compliments once he sees you, throwing you a huge smile as I hold a huge box in my hand whilst the other two are being carried inside by my butler/
can you help me with the sushi box? and locking the car as well? my hands are all occupied as you can see.
/chuckles lightly before jingling the keys in his hands that were tightly wrapping the box in front him/
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang to: artist kang (✯◡✯)

/comes out of the classroom 5 minutes before you arrive and after I ask my fellow teacher to look after the kids/
/waiting for you at the entrance, sees you who's unloading the boxes and walks towards you/
/calls you out and smiles softly/
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho to: chef suho
‘ don't sweat it
‘ [shares his location]

/as promised, he arrives in 30 minutes and soon, he's unloading the three boxes from his car before looking around to hopefully spot you/
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang to: artist kang (✯◡✯)
'Yes, platter is fine for me. Let me know the total of sushi later and I'll pay back to you'
'Sure~ I'll wait for you at the entrance. See you later, Kang'
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho to: chef suho
‘ i hope they do!
‘ and sure, any specific sushi you want to have?
‘ …
‘ on the other hand, i'll just buy a platter so you can share it with other teachers there
‘ give or take, i'll be there in 30. if you can, mind waiting for me at the entrance by then?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang to: artist kang (✯◡✯)

'No problem~ (ᵔ◡ᵔ)'
'That's a lot! Thank you for the toys. I'm very sure they'll love them.'
'If you don't mind to help me buy it, I would like to have sushi.'
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho to: chef suho
‘ awesome, thanks!
‘ i just loaded up a couple toys in the trunk
‘ [boxes of toys.jpg]
‘ would you like anything for lunch? i can make a detour before going there
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang to: artist kang (✯◡✯)

'hey, Kang~ of course I saved yours already'
'Oh, sure~ It's playing time for them before they go for their lunch. Please come here.'
'That's the location of the school'
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho [ time skip ]

to: chef suho
‘ hey, this is kang if you haven't saved my number yet
‘ i was planning to drop by the school and meet the kids (if that's still up?) before lunch
‘ is that okay?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /washing up quickly and wearing a pair of my pajamas, heading out as calling you/
Kang, what-
/stops once I see you already falling asleep on the sofa bed, smiling softly and taking the blanket before I cover your body with it/
Good night and have a sweet dreams
/whispers softly before I sit down on the floor, taking the book and continue reading it until it almost one o'clock, climbing the sofa bed and laying down beside you, I close my eyes and soon drift into dreamland/

() It's okay~ Shall we skip time? If yes, to when?
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho /briefly takes notice of what you were doing when i came out before nodding at your words/
hm-m, go ahead.
/proceeds to glance at the book you just read before fixing up our sofa bed and placing some of the yellow pillows on it. once that's all done, he takes up a small space and leaves some for you beside the wall, his feet dangling at the edge of the bed/
/while waiting for you, he accidentally falls asleep in a very rigid position, blaming the fatigue for taking him to slumber too soon/

[] sdsf this is a bit different from our first posts (i.e. there's a bedroom) but i just noticed the pics above and decided to stick to that layout hehe
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /turns my head to look at you, nodding a little as smiling at you/
Okay, Kang.
/continue washing the dishes and putting them on the dishes rack to dry them, use the napkin to dry my hand before I walk to the living room, seeing a a stack of books and trying to see what are they actually/
/takes one book that peek my interest, reading one page of it when you call out, puts back the book and goes towards the bathroom when I see what you're wearing, blushing a little/
/gets in the bathroom to wash up before we have our rest/
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho that's a deal then.
/my lips mimic the wide smile you have and though i wanted to wash the dishes for us instead, when you went ahead to do that, i can't help resigning with a short sigh/
fine, i'll do that. but next time, i'll do the dishes, okay? you've already cooked for us this time around.
/casually pats your head as i pass by to reach the bathroom, washing up quickly to give you ample time as well/
done, hyung. it's your turn.
/calls out as he exits, wearing a white shirt and gray boxers as preparation for the night ahead/
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /chuckles softly before I continue eating until finish, looking at you and smiling softly/
Yes, it will. I would love to do it together with you.
/my lips curled up in wide smile, nodding my head few times excitedly/
That's great! I want to try your tiramisu.
/gets up and takes your plate, the rice plate and utensils, bringing them to the sink/
I'll wash the dishes. Maybe you can wash up if you want or think of what can we do after this.
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho if you can do better than this, you're really going to be my idol, mr. suho.
/throws you a childish grin, nodding in satisfaction when you complimented my choice of egg dish/
i was hoping we can make it together. it'll be fun learning it together, wouldn't it?
and then while we're at that, i can make us tiramisu for dessert. how does that sound?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /laughs softly and shakes my head/
No, it's fine. I'm okay with you calling me that. Thank you once again for your compliment about my food. I'll improve more so that I can cook something more delicious for you.
/promises to myself and to you about that, wanting you to have my food because I feel the joy of watching you eating what I make deliciously/
/says thank you when you give me half of your egg dish, trying it and humming in delight/
I like this! It tastes wonderful.
/continue eating the fried with the egg dish before I have another serving of fried rice, looks at you and shakes my head/
I haven't. Lasagna...mhm. We can try that~
So, are you going to make lasagna next time?
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho your food says otherwise, chef. but if you're really not up to be called that, i'd call you just hyung. whatever you want.
/starts off in a joking manner, yet i make sure to not overstep my boundaries by reassuring you that i'd do whatever you're most comfortable with/
that's a deal.
/places almost half of my egg dish on your plate then proceeds to get another serving of rice before ultimately finishing my meal/
italian? hm, the best that i can do is carbonara and aglio e olio. oh! have you tried making lasagna before? i think we can definitely try that... unless?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /laughing softly as my cheeks turn slightly red/
Yes, I'm lucky to have you as my pair.
/starts to eat the fried rice when you take your phone, blinks my eyes few times/
Chef Suho? You know that I'm not that good like a chef.
/smiles softly and nods my head/
Oh, really? That's a great idea. I would like to try your cooking next time.
/have another scoop of fried rice as thinking about your question/
What should I choose, mhm? Oh! Do you know any Italian cuisine?
/looks at you/
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho ha, i appreciate the honesty but you don’t have to. i’m already your pair, lucky for you.
/sends you a wink of my own, taking my phone back to save your number/
let’s see. so what should i save you as? teach suho or chef suho?
/asks in a sing along manner before choosing myself to save you as the latter, placing a chef emoji as well on the end of your name, shifting my focus again on our meal afterward/
nah, you’re really good. you know what? i’m trying to learn how to cook a few dishes too. how about next time we try out something completely new for us both? do you have any cuisine preferences?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /grinning sheepishly and winking at you playfully/
Well, maybe. Oh! Thank you.
/takes your phone, smiling softly as typing my phone number before I dial the number, ending the call once I hear my phone ringing and giving back the phone to you/
I'll save your number later. It's easier for us to chat now, right?
/sees that you already scoped some rice for me, saying thank you before I lift up my spoon, looks at you when start eating it, anticipating for your comment/
/blushes over your compliment on my food/
Thank you once again, Kang. I don't think I'm good enough to be one. I'm still learning and trying few recipes.
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho wow, are you hitting on me?
/feigns a surprised visage before chuckling again to show that i was merely joking/
kidding. of course, you can. here, why don’t you type in your number and call your phone to make it easier?
/pulls out my phone and places it on the surface, shifting his attention to the rice and scooping you a few spoonfuls first before filling my own/
i already like how it looks, and i’m sure it’ll be just as tasty. thanks for the food.
/proceeds to try it out and immediately reassures you/ see, this is really great. maybe you should try being a chef instructor ehe.
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /chuckles again/
Sure, thank you for wanting to teach me, Sir Kang.
/hums softly and nods my head a little/
Alright. I'll share the location with you but before that I should get your number first. Can I have your number, Kang?
/carrying the plate of kimchi fried rice and placing it on the table, smiles over your kindness/
Thank you~ Ayy, I'm not~ Hopefully it's tasty and to your liking.
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho really? that's perfect. i think we'll be doing extra classes then, sir suho.
/excitedly announces in a joking manner, freely letting out a laugh afterward/
but i don't want to disturb your job too much, so we'll push our own art class for another time.
hm, i'll take note of that. just share the loc later and i'll text you when i'm near tomorrow.
/proceeds to pull out the seat for you and positions the other chair adjacent to yours since we'll be sharing our food/
seems like you did a pretty good job on this. are you sure you're not a chef?
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang I know how to hold it a bit.
/chuckles softly as I'm mixing up the ingredients that I put in the pan together/
Oh, sure! I have art class tomorrow with them. They're going to do some drawings and colorings.
Maybe you can come at that time if you want.
/looks at you and smiles widely, you could see how excited am I about visiting your gallery/
That'll be great! I want to visit your gallery~
/shakes my head, laughing softly at the thought of the kids, remembering every moments in the class/
Well, you can get some car or truck toys for the boys and for the girls, something that suit them.
/adds a bit of seasoning and sesame oil before I turned off the heat, taking out two plates and plating the kimchi fried rice, garnish them with sprinkled chopped green onion, roasted seaweed, and sesame seeds/
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho sure, why not? i'm sure you'll do fine as long as you know how to hold a brush.
/chuckles lightly, visibly looking forward to when we'll do that as shown by my smile, hands a bit busy with making sure i don't overcook my egg/
ah, i'm glad they do! how about i visit tomorrow? then afterwards, if you're not tired, we can drop by my gallery and i can show you my work too.
do they have any specific preference? it's impressive how you talk about the kids, they must be a lovable bunch— even if they're fighting over a toy.
/chuckles once more, finally turning off the heat and taking out another plate to place mine, setting up our table-slash-counter afterward/
Suho (Maid) 3 months ago
@Song Kang /looks at you a bit surprised but excited about it too/
Really? Are you really going to teach me? Painting. I want to try painting.
/I add the kimchi and stir fry for 1 minute over medium-high heat before I add the rice, kimchi juice, water, and gochujang/
That would be great! They really like toys and snacks.
/chuckles softly/
I remember that there's one time when two boys were arguing over a toy. Both of them ended up crying. I have to talk to them and make them agreed to share and play with it together.
Song Kang (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Suho /hums in faint delight, glad you're open to trying new things, which gives me a hint that you're adventurous or open minded/
how about i teach you a thing or two while we're at it then? do you have any particular interest like painting or sculpting?
/gladly offers, tilting my head as i look at you to further convince you before shifting my attention on the egg and taking it out to a plate, quite happy with how it turned out before doing my own version and pouring the mix on the pan/
awesome. can i bring some snacks or toys too? or would that be too much?


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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