➀ N & N


zhengxi & ten

pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Liu Yu (Ghost) 3 months ago
@Jung Sungchan uh huhh well special me
,,his eyebrows raised towards you for just a split moment before he shook his head, standing and letting princess lead the way already while he took your hand and nodded a few times quickly to you and responding in a playfully pompous tone
i do believe we are, good sir
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 3 months ago
@Liu Yu yeah, only for you.
an amused smile stayed on his lips at your comment as he prepared his own pup for their walk, grabbed his things and slipped his shoes on. once ready to go he patiently waited for you at the entrance with tofu, holding his hand out to you the moment you approach him.
ready, princesses?
Liu Yu (Ghost) 3 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,the playful expression was still settled on his face as he easily allowed you to help him up, but he helped as well with fixing both of their clothes and leaned up to press a small kiss to your cheek after
Oh shush.. you're such a flirt, so ridiculous, sungchan~
,,a slight laugh left his lips and his head shook a little as he shuffled over to get princess's harness, sitting with her as he got her ready to go and cooing softly
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu he could tell how much you enjoyed his affection by looking at your sparkling eyes and happy smile. it made him feel full and all warm inside. if he could, he would pamper you with affection 24/7 just to see you like this all the time.
so am I~
he nodded as he stood up and helped you up as well, fixing his clothes and yours.
mhm, a pretty mess too. almost made me forget we had a date to go to.
he shot you a wink before going to grab tofu's leash, finding the pup to put it on him.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,a small, content hum leaves his lips with the kisses as he returns them, smile growing with each one; he couldn't help but to just watch you with bright eyes, feeling completely warm as he stayed quiet for just a few moments
Mhm~ i'm so excited~
,,he sang out in a soft voice, holding onto you as you helped him up and giving a playful look
You made a mess of me so quickly..~
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu leans into your touch with a slightly wider smile, enjoying the gentle display of affection. your shy demeanor had him melting inside and he couldn't resist the urge to smooch you, pressing the softest of kisses to your lips— followed by a few more because one wasn't enough.
okay, let's go have our date, angel. and when you're ready to tell me what you want, I'll give it to you~
he said as he carefully helped you sit up, fixing your hair for you.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,the kisses caused his heart to flutter even more when combined with the sweet sound of your chuckle
i.. i remember, yes..
,,he mumbled with a soft voice, hands lifting to gently brush his thumbs against your cheeks as a response to the little squish, but his eyes lowered just after- partially due to his shyness
i really do wanna have our date.. but i also..
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu chuckles softly noting how you squeeze your eyes shut, kissing your wrinkled nose and your smile.
baby doll— I'd like to know what you want. remember what we talked about, mm?
he asked, showing you a gentle smile when you open your eyes to look at him, lightly squishing your cute cheeks in his hand.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,he didn't fight anything as his arms were pulled away, but his eyes squeezed shut still as if that would keep you from seeing him; a small smile formed on his face with the kisses, nose scrunching just a little
sungchan..~ i.. wanna do whatever you do.. if that means date first or-
,,his eyes slowly opened to look at you, a shyness to his expression as he carefully took in your features
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu he softened upon seeing your reaction and with a quiet coo, he leaned down again, gently moving your arms away to pepper kisses all over your cute, reddened face.
unless you want something else first~
he smiles at you, brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek and nudging their noses together.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan i'm.. you really are so sweet..
,,he couldn't help the soft sounds that continued to spill from his lips as he moved his lips with yours, arms slipping around you once his wrists were free only for his eyes to slowly flutter open when you pull back, his eyes getting a little wide and face even more reddish from a mix of emotions, embarrassment being one of the leading ones
i.. o..oh, right--
,,he slowly managed to say just these words as a response, blinking a few times and slowly bringing his arms over his face as if it would hide him especially as his words became a jumbled mess
oh-! right- right-! i'm-- we were-
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu don't say that. you're brilliant inside and out, darling.
keeping you as he can to his body, he savoured your lips with equal eagerness, tongue darting out occasionally to taste yours. he grip on your wrists slowly loosened and he used that hand to brush your hair back, trapping your bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a light tug before suddenly stopping his ministrations and pulling back.
we should get going~ we're having a date today, remember?
he said as he sat up, casually fixing his shirt and looking at you with a mischievous smile, wanting to see what you'll do and say.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan It's just im not so smart
,,he felt himself growing even a bit more flustered, unsure of how he could get so worked up
Sungchan.. you're gonna make me so weak i really.. you can do whatever you want..
,,his voice was soft, breath practically having been taken away from you even before the kiss; once the kiss was granted, he leaned into it with the softest of sounds conveying just how eager he was for the kiss, body shifting upwards to feel a little closer
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu though, I know?
he rose a curious brow at you, his smile remaining.
am i? I wish you could see yourself, angel. you're hot too and so appetizing when you're all flustered and vulnerable. I could just eat you up— and out.
he murmured against your lips and smirked again as you chased for a kiss, relishing the power he has over you. he decides to grant you the kiss, making it a deep and passions one, his warm hand sliding up your back and tracing your spine.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan Is it..? I-- you're so silly.. i'll think of the best nickname soon, though, you know-?
,,he couldnt help but to smile just a bit more bashfully from how reassuring you were being
You.. you really.. you're.. so hot--
,,as he finally said these words he felt himself grow even a bit more flustered, a slight shiver going over his body with every touch and the brush of your lips against his, head lifting slightly as if to chase for a kiss
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu sunshine is cute. don't worry, love. I'm sure they'll come naturally. but, i like hearing you say my name so— no, not boring at all.
he said with a reassuring smile. he hummed with satisfaction as he scanned over your flustered features.
I really?
he leaned down and ever so lightly brushed his lips against yours to tease you, his free hand squeezing your waist then sliding under your shirt and upwards— grazing his nails over your skin and inching your shirt up in the process.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan sure but.. just sungchans is a bit boring, is it not~? hmm.. sunshine comes to mind, but.. is it a little basic ?
,,he pouts for a split moment before slightly smiling once again; he gasped when he was laid down, looking up to you with wide eyes and a face growing even warmer but he didn't at all pull back, becoming more flustered than he was even just moments before
y.. you really..
,,he mumbled softly, but any further words didn't even manage to go through his mind as he looked up at you
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu mmm whatever you decide to call me will make me happy. any ideas for nicknames in mind?
he could feel your heart practically beating out of your chest from how close they were. enjoying your reactions, he decided to tease you further. he suddenly layed you down on the couch and captured your wrists, pinning them above your head as he hovered over you, a little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips and a mischievous glint shining in his eyes.
you look absolutely delicious like this, baby boy.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,his head slowly lifted to look at you again, a small smile on his face when he did so, nodding a few times
I'm okay~
,,he sang out in a soft tone, letting out a small sigh of content before a slightly thrilled laugh slipped from his lips, heart practically skipping all the way out of his chest
I do..~ i.. I've gotta get better at nicknames, hm..?
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu pursing his lips to restrain another endeared laugh, he placed the bowl aside and quickly tightened his hold around you, hugging you close.
you okay, cutie?
he asks softly, now his turn to brush a hand through your locks, releasing a small chuckle.
mm you really liked that one, yeah baby doll?
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,a small pout formed on his face with your laugh but it was quickly replaced with a smile from the gentle touch, face warming up quickly from your words and being hidden in your shoulder just as quickly
,,a slight, shy laugh left his lips, and he felt himself grow even a little more giddy from the next nickname which in turn caused him to nuzzle a bit further into your shoulder
i'm looking forward to it..~ i.. you're so good at nicknames eheh..
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu he couldn't help the soft laugh that escaped him as you replace the bowl's spot in his lap, one hand resting on your thigh, lightly brushing his fingers over it.
your silly sungchan
he smiled knowing that you'll probably react very cutely to that. he then leans back comfortably against the couch, eyes closing as he hums contentedly from your gentle touch to his hair.
perfect. it's a date then, baby doll.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,his smile grows even a little wider and picks up the bowl from your lap, scooting himself into it's spot and placing it on his own before shaking his head
mm- silly, sungchans~
,,coos softly, reaching up to gently brush through your hair before nodding a few times, grabbing a couple blueberries for himself
mm~ that sounds so perfect~ i- i'm free today, yea~
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu he squeezes you closer, nearly pulling you into his lap, finding your sweet little nudge adorable. your words cause warmth to spread across his face and chest as he smiles sheepishly.
ah—I don't know what to say except that you make me feel the same way, yuyu love.
he watches you eat the strawberry and then pops one into his own mouth, humming at the taste as he chews.
yeah? how about we take our puppies to the park and get some ice cream? are you free later today?
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,shakes his head, letting out a small, happy hum and leaning up to gently nudge his nose against your cheek this time
you really.. even still~ you.. make me feel really special and happy- and- i don't feel that way with anyone else, it's so.. so nice and- makes me think you're even sweeter than you may think
,,hums out softly, returning the peck this time and closing his eyes as he eats the strawberry, being a bit dramatic as if it's the best thing he's ever had; he pauses from your question, looking to you with big eyes and a bright smile, nodding a few times quickly
i-- yes, that.. i would love to~ i really- any of those would feel perfect, you know~?
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu flashes a toothy grin after the pinch to his cheek, shaking his head a bit.
nah, I'm doing what any person with a heart would. but I do wanna be extra sweet and caring for you.
lets out a chuckle at your reaction to the stolen kiss and pecks your pretty smile before actually feeding you the strawberry.
hey yuyu. I was wondering— would you maybe like to go on a date with me soon? we could do one of the many things we've talked about heh. like the picnic and stargazing, walking pups or taking ours to the park. or just go get some ice cream if you want to do something simpler.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan mm it is~ you- you really.. eheh..
,,his nose scrunches slightly with the little bite, eyes rolling in a playful way before gently pinching your cheek after
mm~ you're such a sweetie, sungchans.. caring so much~
,,lets out a small, happy hum at the strawberry, blinking a few times from shock when the kiss intercepts the bite only to smile more brightly and let out a laugh
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu everything I say is ridiculous it seems— it's only the truth though. I mean every word I say.
he chuckles softly before taking the blueberry in his mouth, lightly biting your fingertips in the process to tease you.
I'll make sure you take them everyday then and even keep some in the salon just in case.
he smiled and held up a strawberry near your lips only to sneakily steal a kiss when you lean in to take a bite.
Liu Yu (Ghost) 4 months ago
@Jung Sungchan ,,he leaned even closer to you, smiling to himself with how comfortable it was being with you
how ridiculous..~ you're too sweet, really..
,,he mumbled, closing his eyes for a second before taking a blueberry and holding it up to you, smiling growing even a bit more as he shifted to look at you properly
is it~? eheh thank you.. i-- well, if i'm taking allergy meds everyday.. i should be mostly fine ? i might be really sneezy and itchy if i forget but if i remember i should be mostly okay..
Jung Sungchan (Sleeping Beauty) 4 months ago
@Liu Yu his grin grew wider after the quick peck and soon as they're seated, he wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to his side.
of course. because everything you do and everything about you is pretty.
he said lightly nudging your temple with his nose, placing the bowl down on hips lap.
that's nonsense. I'm sure you'll do great whatever task you're given. will you be okay though? because of your allergies I mean--


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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