❿ N & N


zhengxi & ten

pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten It's not bad for your choice of dessert, I'm more conscious of my body since I get to show it off often. I like rambutan, mango, lychee, durian, mangosteen, dates... ah... I think I like them all
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Fruit is good too for dessert. I guess I just sugar. What kind of fruit do you like?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /make a mental notes as he listen/
You have a sweet tooth, I guess I should have notice with the tiramisu fact from earlier. It's not your guilty pleasure but you do like sweet.
/continues to eat some more chicken/
Not so much into dessert, I favor fruit more.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Sometimes I do. Well, I like sweet foods. Mainly a brownie or maybe ice-cream. Crepes are good too.
/continues to eat some of the rice and finish a piece of his chicken/
Do you like dessert?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Dessert...? What kind of dessert do you like?
/take a few more bites of the food/
Do you like to have dessert after a meal?
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /nods along, agreeing with zhengxi/
Okay. Maybe we can find a desert while walking unless you don't want desert than that is fine with me too.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Ah...
/he scratch at the back of his nape before nodding./
Yes, walk off the dinner we just ate...
/'or more like keeping myself in shape' he added in his mind./
I suppose it won't be as... awkward as it is while we are here, we can walk around and have a chat.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /takes good few bites of his food, sitting back and relaxing/
A walk huh? Surely we can walk off the dinner we just ate. Just want to explore the city? Night life city is pretty cool.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Thanks
/receive the chopsticks and napkins given, begin to eat but slowly/
Hm, would you like to go out for a walk?
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /moves to get the food to bring it inside and settle back onto the couch, opening the food and giving the male napkins and chopsticks/
Well... What would you like to do?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Yes. This is the first time I join a show like this.
/he nods and stood up wanting to help but soon find himself being awkward in the low ceiling of the trailer./
Oh, sure. I guess we can come up with something for sure.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Oh really? I was correct? I took a straight guess with that one!
/chuckles soft then there was a knock at the door. he checks his phone to see the delivered notification/
I guess our meal is here now. We can play a different game if you want or we can do something else?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /nods and smiles/
Yes, that is correct. However this game is hard to play-
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /thinks about the three facts with purse lips slightly while remaining eye contact with him/
It's.... the 2nd one? The never been on a dating show before. Right?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /nods and think of what to talk about himself/
This is my first time on a reality show, I've never been on a dating show before and I....
/there was a moment of hesitation as he wasn't sure of what to say/
Uhm... I've been an actor since 22 year olds
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /smiles at the man's chuckle and nods on/
It's okay if you aren't a good teacher. Of course.
/gestures to zhengxi/
alright, you go again.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /he listening to the answer and didnt expect he was wrong though all three choices seem like it possible to be something the younger might like. He nodding his head./
I see, those was hard to guess.
/let out a soft chuckles/
I guess I can help you with it but I can't say I could be a good teacher.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /chuckles softly and shakes his head/
I'm not allergic to cat. In fact, I love them alot. Purple is my favorite color. Well, Thai is my native tongue and I learned English when my parents moved to London and then I'm still learning Mandarin. Maybe you can be my teacher.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten I'm not smart, you are. I need those for work and you have more language knowledge than I do.
/think about what you have said and he can't figure out which one would be a lie./
Uh.... uh.... your favorite color isn't purple?
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Ah... you're smart then! I speak Thai, English and Korean. My Mandarin is intermediate level.
/thinks about his own facts then smiles/
I am allergic to cats. My favorite color is purple. And... My guilty pleasure desert is Tiramisu.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /scratch his nape when he miss the chance to order the food when he notice ten was doing them/
Thank you
/he smiles when you notice the lie so quickly/
Cantonese, Mandarin and English, that's all.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /grabs his phone from his pocket to order some food for the both of them along with some drinks like water and tea for the fridge/
Okay, I ordered the food.
/puts the phone away and focuses attention on the male/
Well... The one language is the lie. What other langague do you speak?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Don't worry, it's not a total dehydration, just enough to make the abs more prominent for the shoot. I can hydrate right after.
That sound good to me.
/he stay where he has settled while the younger moving about./
I don't mine.... hm... I'm Chinese, 1.84 meters and can only speak one language.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Dehydrate is not very good though. Your body needs water to survive or else you'll get sick.
/shakes his head a little. he thinks about what to eat/
How about some fried chicken and rice?
/places his bag in the in corner and leans against it. he is scooted closer to the wall/
Okay. Would you like to go first?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten I'm not on a strict diet. I just need to dehydrated whenever I have shoot that need to show my body. So anything is fine with me, you can choose.
/whiles that is true anything is fine for him, he still wanted to know what the younger man like to eat./
I know about that game and probably can play it.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi Okay that sounds good. What do you like to eat? Or are you on a strict diet?
/taps a finger on his bag while thinking/
Hmm... Do you know how to play two truths and a lie? You have to tell three facts about yourself. Two true ones and one lie. I have to guess which one is the lie and vice versa. Sound fun?
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten Good. Good.
/he said before nodding though he wouldn't know how good it is going to be. After all, this is different than sleeping wherever and whenever while at work./
Ah... sure if you want to play something and we can figure out dinner.
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /he nods in response/
Yeah I'm fine with it. I don't mind.
/hugs his bag to his chest, lips lightly pursed in the awkward silence/
Would you want to play an ice breaker game? To get to know each other? Unless you can think of something else to do. I would say you can explore the place but really.. .everything you see here is what it is.
Zhengxi (Fallen Angel) 2 months ago
@Ten /scratch the back his neck before he figure it better to sit down then to stand in this awkwardly stance./
Well... I was prepared since I was told that some place are quite small and I would have to share bed as well. Uhm... are you fine with it?
/he asks in return as if the younger man wasn't fine with it he could offer to get them something to situate their week./
Ten (Angel) 2 months ago
@Zhengxi /notices how actually tall you are compared to the small inside of the trailer. he chuckles to himself softly as he lounges back on the sofa/
Maybe I should call you giant being how tall you are compared to the small space. Yeah, we'll make do. As for sleeping arrangements, there is a bed but when you pull down the bed it makes the space more small and there isn't room for someone to sleep else where. Are you fine with sleeping in the same bed?


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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