kim taehyung & mino


pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 3 hours ago
@Mino I know you didnt say it, and its not a bad thing~ / your cheek/ I definitely need to give my puppy attention! What do you meannn? Hm? /nods/ Of course~ But you can only do what I ask you to do~
Mmhmm~ /pouts and nods at you/ Definitely a long day, can't even take off my own clothes~ Come and help me, strong Mino~
/giggles and kisses you/ Little Mino isnt so little, hm?~ /teases/ Do you need help when that happens on set?~
He is very strong~ I looooove it~
Mino (Angel) 3 hours ago
@Kim Taehyung what? I didn't say that! *shakes my head* Taetae is working! You should pay attention to work, not me! *melts at your grin, how are you so beautiful?* Ok! But Mino wants to be strong and help out! Not sit around when everyone is working!
You do? *wiggles excitedly* Mino wants to help~~ so Taetae can relax~~ *starts massaging your arms* Taetae must be so tired~~~ long day~~
*blushes at being caught* oh well- tae is so beautiful in anything... but some outfits make little Mino perk up *looks down, embarrassed*
ok.. *grins wide when you kiss my cheek* Mino's strong eheh
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 3 hours ago
@Mino I didn't give you enough attention today, hm? I'm sorry pup~ /grins/ Sweet thing, I'm telling you its okay for you to sit, mmh? And you tell me if someone tells you that you cant sit there..
Oh? I definitely need help with my clothes being taken off.. Its hard for me to..
/chuckles/ There were many, hm? Then we definitely need a private Mino show~
No no, we can rest together after we eat and you shower~ /kisses your cheek/ but you are strong and can make our food~
Mino (Angel) 3 hours ago
@Kim Taehyung *purrs instinctively when you comb my hair with your fingers* everyone in the crew was standing! *blushes* the chair is there for you to rest! I can't just take it!
ooh yes! I start cooking then~~ *looks at you for a moment* I can help you take your clothes off first if you want?~
oh wow~~ I didn't know~~ omg, there are so many~~ *wiggles excitedly* yes! Will tell you next time~~
Definitely won't! But you don't have to help if you want to rest a bit! Mino is strong and can make food on his own~~
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 3 hours ago
@Mino *gently combs my fingers through your hair* they made you stand? *furrows brows* next time, you sit down in my chair, okay? *kisses your whine* I'm okay, nothing a nice shower cant fix~
Yeah i can~ I can take home things if i like them enough.. *taps your nose* you shouldve told me you liked that one.. *grins at you. Youre so easy to read* I know you do.. Next time you tell me, hm?
*nods* ill take a quick shower and then come out to help you okay?
*hums happily at the squeeze* alright alright, if you say i wont be in your way~
Mino (Angel) 3 hours ago
@Kim Taehyung *leans into the pat, wanting more of it* a little tired, had to stand up for a long time *whines a little* are you not tired?
*gasps* you could do that? *eyes go a little dark and wide* I think I like private viewings
Let me start on it~~
*hums happily when you kiss my shoulder* never ever disturb you~~ *squeezes your waist* just need to be careful of knives and hot water *chuckles*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 days ago
@Mino *smiles as i gently pat your hair* sweet pup.. youre not tired are you?
Oh yeah? Maybe I should have brought it back here so you could have a more private viewing of the suit on me?
Mmhmm~ low calorie and more nutrition~
*sighs as i relax against you, kissing your shoulder* not even when we’re cooking? Everyone say no one should be the kitchen if we cook together~
Mino (Angel) 5 days ago
@Kim Taehyung *smiles wide at the peck, as excited now as when it was our first kiss*
Yes~ you looked so beautiful with that purple suit~~~ I’m so lucky I get to see it~~~
Oh yes~ good idea~ and it’ll be more nutritious~
*snuggles into your neck, squeezing you* you’re never in my way~ I like it when you’re near~
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 6 days ago
@Mino /settled in your arms as i give you a light peck on the lips/ Did you have a good day today?
Oh yes! We do have some pork belly in the fridge we can use.. and some pipis (vongoles) and mussels? To add some sweetness?
I can help you cut veggies! So im not too much in your way~
Mino (Angel) 6 days ago
@Kim Taehyung Hello taetae~ *wraps arms around your waist, squeezing it instinctively, sometimes I have to remind myself you’re here for real*
Of course! Tofu is a must-add! A bit of pork too? What would you like? *smiles wide, excited about the idea of making food for you, even though it’s not the first or last time*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 6 days ago
@Mino /tapping away on my phone to not notice the way you were standing/
/grins as you call me and I put my phone away, wanting to give you my room attention/
Heyy pup~ /smiles as I stand in front of you to give you a hug, my arms remain around your middle/
Ooo I do like the sound of that.. Can you make it with tofu too?~
Mino (Angel) 6 days ago
@Kim Taehyung *My shoulders are slumped as I come in the house, my feet dragging for a moment while I drop my heavy bag on the armchair, but when I hear you come in after me, I perk up and put on a smile*
Taetae! Would you like some kimchi stew for dinner??
Mino (Angel) 4 months ago
@Kim Taehyung *frowns as I try to understand what you’re saying, I’m happy you say you believe that I think so, but it’s still rather unsettling to know you don’t see yourself that way* but why not? Why do you not think about yourself that way? You’re so special…
*my stomach drops in my chest at your shocked expression, I guess one part of me is still scared you would go back to hyung* but it is my fault… if I wasn’t around, he would have said yes… you wouldn’t be hurt and you wouldn’t hate him… you’d… be together now… *my heart clenches, my hands grabbing your shirt, as if you could disappear any moment and it’s killing me*
*I can feel your legs giving out and I wrap my arm tightly around your waist to keep you up, my hips still moving, pistoning into your without a moment of hesitation, searching for that peak that feels so good* taetae- *I moan your name over and over, lost in bliss*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 4 months ago
@Mino I'm not saying that you’re lying pup.. /kisses you to calm you down/
I'm just saying I don't think of myself like that… I believe that you think that about me, but I don't associate myself in that way..
/I open my mouth as i blink back at you/ I- Oh… I see.. /I manage to say, but im still a little shocked. He loved you so much, he threw away a chance with someone he liked.. cause you liked that person too/
You cant say its your fault, pup.. He made his own decision and it just happened like that.. /I say as i give you a hug/ Don't blame yourself for that..
/I try to keep standing, my knees buckling ever-so often as you keep pounding into me and I nod. I try to speak but every time I open my mouth, a moan slips out/
Nggh- yes, pup.. just.. nghh~ just like that~
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung *eyes widen with hurt* why don’t you believe me? *I whine a little, like a kicked puppy* you should believe me about everything… mino doesn’t lie to taetae…
*I steel myself, trying not to show I’m scared about your reaction* hyung… he… he liked you back… *eyes go round and sad* he rejected you because of me… he knew I loved you… and he didn’t want to hurt me… it’s my fault you got hurt.
*I get even more eager when you grab me, when you encourage me, and I try to angle my s so I get the loudest moans from you, and I go as hard and as quick as I can, pounding regularly into you with soft excited grunts* l-like this? G-good? *I ask for confirmation as my muscles start to burn for the effort*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Not in that case.. I believe you for other things though~
A secret? /blinks/ what is it? /tilts my head curiously/
Im always happy when im with you, pup~ /pecks your smile/
Oh - /moans, my hand reaching back to find purchase on you, anywhere as i grab on/
So good pup- oh god.. just like that /I my lips as my mouth hangs open, letting out gasps/
Yes yes~ nghh~ just like that pup~
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung You don’t believe me? *pouts*
*my face falls at your words, and I look down* I… I have to tell you a secret… I didn’t know it at the time… but I found out recently…
*lips stretch into a wide smile* you’re happy with me?
Oh yeah ok~~ I’ll show you~
*I moan loudly when you arch your back, I can feel everything inside the snug fit of your * god- ngh
*cheeks burn red when you tell me I’m big and I start moving a little faster, going a little deeper, building a rhythm and rolling my hips*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino /smiles and shakes my head/ I'm not all that, pup, but thank you for thinking so..
I-… /chews on my bottom lip/ I cant say I hate him… its just.. maybe resentment? Or like.. just hurt? I mean, I understand why he did it? But.. I don't know.. I get reminded of that moment and it just brings back those emotions.. But for you.. I can be civil.. He is your brother..
/grins/ You are you are.. I appreciate that, pup..
I -am- happy with you, baby.. Thank you…
/chuckles/ Alright, maybe you can show me your favourite ones later, mm?
/leans back into your chest, arching my back as much as possible to have you as deep as i can. Hums as i close my eyes to enjoy the feeling/
Okay pup.. /nods. I only take in a sharp breath when you drag out, my toes curling/
Youre just big, pup.. /my head leans against your shoulder/ Nnghh~
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung *shakes my head* No way, taetae is the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful soul ever~
*looks at you sheepishly* you still hate hyung?
I’m easy for taetae, in all senses *nods, determined*
Oh *blushes when you say I’m considerate, I didn’t think about that* just wanna make taetae happy~
*grins wide* everything! I kept imagining you~
*My heart swells when you say I’m yours and I squeeze you a little more, I just love you so much, it means so much to be here* perfect tae… *leaves little kisses on your shoulder* I-I’m gonna move… slowly… *I warn you before I start moving back and forth in tiny s, trying out, the friction enough to make me moan against your skin* so tight…
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Am I? I think youre more kind than me, Mino.. Ahh.. that makes sense too, I suppose.. Oh.. well.. he’s still youre brother.. you can talk about him if you want..
I said easy to please, pup.. because easy is something different..
So considerate of you, mmh? Doing research to make me feel better? /grins/
Did you see anything that you wanted to try too? You can tel me..
/nods, biting my bottom lip as i feel your rub against my insides. I can feel myself stretching around your girth and i swallow thickly/
Mmhh.. yours.. /hums in agreement/
/I let out a breath I didnt know i was holding when youre fully inside/
So good, pup.. Fits so good inside me..
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung You’re so kind, Taetae *smiles at the kiss* oh, well, I thought maybe it was just work? *looks at you sheepishly* and I didn’t think you wanted to talk about him…
I’m not easy! *protests with a little wiggle* I’m just happy when you are around!
I-I watched before too! I’m not that innocent *pouts* I just… now that I know how it feels and how it’s in real life, I can, uhm… understand it better? And try to see if there’s anything you might like me to do?
*heart rumbles in my chest, you trust me, it feels so good* I- I take care of you… *pushes my a little more inside you, feet shuffling a bit* my baby… *I had in a little grunt, the small act of possessiveness while my mind clouds over* so tight… *I moan, and I keep pushing, slowly, but determinedly, until I’m completely sheathed inside you* oh taetae… *Whimpers, wrapping my arms around your waist as my front is flushed against your back*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino /kisses your cheek/ He’ll appreciate it~
/laughs/ Youve noticed he’s been going out and you dont gossip about it with me?~
/ your cheek, laughing at the kisses/ Cutie.. its so easy to make you happy, huh, Mino?~
Videos? /raises a row before smiling/ Have you been watching ?
/swallows as i feeling you push your fingers in along your tongue, and it has me gasping/ - -
/smiles to myself when you say you’ve got me, and nodding in response/
Mino with take care of me- wont hurt me.. /I cant help the moan when you push in your tip. It burns the way its dryer than usual but , does it feel good/
Nnghh- Mino~ /presses my cheek against the wall/
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung I do love hyung! So it’d be great to show I care, too! Thank you, taetae!
*eyes widen* he what? Really? That would explain why he goes out more often now!
*grins so wide, happiness written all over my face when you say you like me* thank you, tae! *kisses your cheek repeatedly* I love you so much, you make me so happy~ *leans into your hands* so happy~
Mmm, maybe a little biased~
Internet. *blushes* lots of instructions and videos there *nods*
*I keep lapping at your hole a bit more, fingers pushing in, trying to open you up a little, but I just can’t stall any more when you ask for my * oh boy- ok, Tae Tae, I got you! *I pull away, and line my with your hole* t-tell me if it’s too much… *I take in a shaky breath and then I push my tip in, tentative, careful not to hurt you even though it feels so good and I missed this feeling so much*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Well i think itll just show you care and love him.. Not that youre not already doing that…
/nods/ Plus, I snooped around and I think he has a thing going on with someone..
/chuckles/ Thank you baby..
/cups your cheeks/ Thats exactly why I'm biased, pup.. because i like you a lot
i know you are pup.. Youre doing so good.. /kisses your nose/
/chuckles/ I think youre pretty biased too, Mino~ but thank you..
Oh? You did some research, pup? How did you do this research, mm?
/I let out a breathy laugh, / can tell you’re trying your best, and thats all it matters.. Youll learn over time
Nnghh- P-pup.. /I moan softly as i press my hips back/
Want your , baby.. please~
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung I should ask him about it? That makes sense, yes. *hums about your words* I’ll try that next time he doesn’t eat! Yes! Thank you tae tae *grins wide* you’re so wise~
Are you? Biased? *ehehs happily at your words* because you like me a lot? *I try, still blushing*
*nodsnods* no hiding from tae! I am trying really hard on that, I promise!
Mino always feel good when Taetae is close… Taetae is amazing.
N-no… I mean… practicing with you? *I am hoping I got better after out first time* I read up a lot about it…
*I wiggle happily at your reaction and I stick my face further into you, tongue trying to get inside, moving around and then lapping again. As usual. Zero experience, a hundred and fifty percent enthusiasm.* Tae~ so good~ *sticks my tongue inside you, ing you with it as well as I can manage*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Mmhh with your hyung, you can ask him about it.. see why he’s acting strange? And when he doesnt eat, you tell him to eat.. stand your ground about that one.. And if he gets angry at you.. just tell him you love him.. we both know he’s a big softie..
But its true~ /kisses the blush on your nose/ but maybe i am a little biased~
Very nice, pup.. I promise~ you can just be you around me okay? Dont need to hide..
/smiles and nods/ Good, Tae wants Mino to feel good too..
/chuckles/ Have you been practicing?
Hm? /hums questioningly when you tell me to wait and then I feel your tongue on my hole and it makes me gasp/
S-.. /i moan, my fingers gripping the wall to hold myself up/
M-mino~ /moans/
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung mm… like when hyung is acting strange, I should tell him to stop? Like when he doesn’t eat? You sure he wouldn’t get angry at me?
*blushes at your words* y-you’re biased, Taetae~ *or at least I hope you are, it would mean you like me, eheh*
It’s nice? *I never thought of that, I always had to keep a lid on myself, hoping not to upset the people around me, but you always encourage me to be genuine and you’re happy about it, it seems* Mino wants to always make you feel good! I hope I got better now!
*my brain short circuit when you basically tell me to put it in, you’re so kind and beautiful and amazing, and I love so so so much, but… I look at your gorgeous * ok, but- h-hold on… *I go to my knees, spread your cheeks apart with my hands and I start lapping enthusiastically at your hole, trying to leave as much saliva as possible. I’ve seen this in before so I think maybe I can make you feel good and prep you a bit*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Well not all the time but if you think they would benefit in knowing, then yes.. but that being said, don't do that to Heechul.. that would be like talking to a brick wall.. He will always act the way he likes
/smiles and kisses your cheek/ You’re perfect the way you are, pup. Dont worry, mm?
Losing control is nice, I liked seeing it.. you were a good boy, made me feel so good, Mino~
/hums and nods/ Yes baby, no lube.. I promise I’ll be okay.. just start off gentle, okay?
/leans up to you to give you a kiss, holding myself up with the wall/ Sweet pup.. let me help you put it in, okay?
Mino (Angel) 5 months ago
@Kim Taehyung *blinks* is that how it works? You’re supposed to look at your friends' flaws? *chews on my lower lip* I think I would cry if someone told me my flaws…
*the memory makes my twitch all over again* it was hot… *frowns a little* I remember losing control… I wasn’t a bad puppy, was I?
*preens at the compliment* if taetae likes it then it must be good~
*pants hotly when you grab my , your hand is enough to make me dizzy* n-no lube? *I hesitate, I know I tend to be a little rough when I get lost in my eagerness* are you sure, Taetae? I don’t want to hurt you… *I protest, although my is currently between your thighs, dying for more*
Kim Taehyung (Tinker Bell) 5 months ago
@Mino Well you can but you can also point out your friends flaws and tell them if you think its beneficial in making them grow into a better person.. Yes, it is a good thing, Mino~
Mmhh.. we had whilst you were showering.. and I initiated it.. Im pretty sure I did..
/stands up more so I can pull you into a kiss/
Yes, baby.. big enough for me… /pecks your lips to seal my words, chuckling at your rushed movements as my hand wraps around your length when you finally pull it out. I chuckle when you end up basically ing into my thighs, so I close them tighter to give you some friction/
Uhmm.. I dont.. But if you do it slowly and with some saliva, it’ll be okay.. I like the burn, pup…


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strwbrrymlk 11 hours ago
hi hello ;; ive asked this before and never got a answer but is it possible to (re)join as a professional gamer??
DiabloEaterMfkr 1 week ago
Umm hello?? 0 n 0
density 1 week ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 1 week ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 2 weeks ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 1 month ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
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